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- 54012 discussions
Re: Title : A Visualization Study of Network Growth and Traffic from
by coxï¼ ncsa.uiuc.edu 10 Jan '94
by coxï¼ ncsa.uiuc.edu 10 Jan '94
10 Jan '94
Unfortunately, we are going to have to ask for an extension to project. We
developed most of the project and the funding came very late. By the time
we were ready to update it, we were bogged down with other committments.
What is worse is that my co-PI has just taken another position at
Industrial Light and Magic (same people that made Jurasic Park) to work on
"Casper the Friendly Ghost". He and I are dedicated to completing this
work, so he is staying on 10% with NCSA to work on Networking.
Unfortunately, he has taken all data on a SGI with him and is currently
moving to San Francisco. The movers will not have his stuff in place for
weeks as he is finding a place to live there.
Ah, the ironies of life!
Please be patient, we will finish the project...we are so close, but new
data keeps coming and the network is growing exponentially.
>I observed the following and thought you would be interested in it.
>>Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 13:02:24 -0500 (EST)
>>From: Allen Robel <allen(a)stone.ucs.indiana.edu>
>>Subject: Title : A Visualization Study of Network Growth and Traffic from
>>To: regional-techs(a)merit.edu
>>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
>>Does anyone have any information about results from the NSF award included
>>below? Contact info is included but I thought it might be easier to ask
>>here. The results, if published, might interest some of you. Hence,
>>posting to this forum. Sorry if this is inappropriate.
>>Thanks in advance.
>>Allen Robel Internet: robelr(a)indiana.edu
>>Network Engineer voice: (812)855-0962
>>Indiana University FAX: (812)855-8299
>>------Begin included message------
>>Title : A Visualization Study of Network Growth and Traffic from
>> 1986 to 1992
>>Type : Award
>>NSF Org : NCR
>>Date : June 18, 1993
>>File : a9222690
>>Award Number: 9222690
>>Award Instr.: Standard Grant
>>Prgm Manager: Priscilla Jane Huston
>>Start Date : June 15, 1993
>>Expires : May 31, 1993
>>Total Amt. : $39,838
>>Investigator: Donna Cox
>>Sponsor : U of Ill Urbana-Champaign
>> 801 South Wright Street
>> Urbana, IL 61801 217/333-1000
>>NSF Program : 4090 NSFNET
>>Fld Science : 31 Computer Science & Engineering
>>Fld Applictn: 0206000 Telecommunications
>>Abstract :
>> The NSFNET infrastructure has expanded at an exponential rate
>> and has precipitated the need to evaluate trends that impact future
>> network development. High performance computing and advanced 3-
>> dimensional graphics environment coupled with new media
>> technologies provides an expanded visual domain to represent and
>> study complex network topology and data.
>> This project will organize, aggregate, reduce, and investigate
>> large network databases while considering a design criteria that
>> can be applied to a more diverse set of information flow problems.
>> This study is a major step in the development, visualization, and
>> investigation of network data archives and can reveal communication
>> trends in the nsfnet and its components. The archiving and
>> distribution of this investigation will provide a valuable national
>> resource and has the potential of becoming a general purpose
>> visualization tool for network analysis.
>Priscilla Jane Huston, phuston(a)nsf.gov or pjh(a)rice.edu
>NSF/CISE/NCRI (IPA from Rice University)
>Program Director for NSFNET Program
>National Science Foundation Voice: (703) 306-1949
>4201 Wilson Blvd Fax: (703) 306-0621
>Arlington, VA 22230 Internet: phuston(a)nsf.gov or pjh(a)rice.edu
07 Jan '94
Does anyone have any information about results from the NSF award included
below? Contact info is included but I thought it might be easier to ask
here. The results, if published, might interest some of you. Hence,
posting to this forum. Sorry if this is inappropriate.
Thanks in advance.
Allen Robel Internet: robelr(a)indiana.edu
Network Engineer voice: (812)855-0962
Indiana University FAX: (812)855-8299
------Begin included message------
Title : A Visualization Study of Network Growth and Traffic from
1986 to 1992
Type : Award
Date : June 18, 1993
File : a9222690
Award Number: 9222690
Award Instr.: Standard Grant
Prgm Manager: Priscilla Jane Huston
Start Date : June 15, 1993
Expires : May 31, 1993
Total Amt. : $39,838
Investigator: Donna Cox
Sponsor : U of Ill Urbana-Champaign
801 South Wright Street
Urbana, IL 61801 217/333-1000
NSF Program : 4090 NSFNET
Fld Science : 31 Computer Science & Engineering
Fld Applictn: 0206000 Telecommunications
Abstract :
The NSFNET infrastructure has expanded at an exponential rate
and has precipitated the need to evaluate trends that impact future
network development. High performance computing and advanced 3-
dimensional graphics environment coupled with new media
technologies provides an expanded visual domain to represent and
study complex network topology and data.
This project will organize, aggregate, reduce, and investigate
large network databases while considering a design criteria that
can be applied to a more diverse set of information flow problems.
This study is a major step in the development, visualization, and
investigation of network data archives and can reveal communication
trends in the nsfnet and its components. The archiving and
distribution of this investigation will provide a valuable national
resource and has the potential of becoming a general purpose
visualization tool for network analysis.
CA-93:16a CERT Advisory
January 7, 1994
Sendmail Vulnerability
**Supplementary advisory containing vendor patch information**
The CERT Coordination Center is continuing to work with vendors on
eliminating a group of vulnerabilities in sendmail(8). These vulnerabilities
include those related to mailing to a program, mailing to a file, and a
few others.
This advisory provides information about new patches available from
some vendors. At the time that CA-93:16.sendmail.vulnerability was published
a set of workarounds were provided. These workarounds should still be used
until vendor patches are available. Once the vendor patches have been
installed, sites can either choose to continue to use smrsh or uninstall it.
CERT will maintain an accompanying file, CA-93:16a.README. This file will
contain information about sendmail patches and will be updated whenever new
patches or information becomes available.
CERT has provided detailed information about all known vulnerabilities
in sendmail to all of our vendor contacts. If your vendor is unaware of
the problems, or if they have any questions, please have them contact us.
A brief listing of currently available patches as well as information on
upcoming patches is provided below. Vendor-supplied information concerning
these patches is included in the CA-93:16a.README file. For some vendors,
the CA-93:16a.README file includes a pointer to the full text of the
vendor's own advisory concerning sendmail. The current version of
CA-93:16a.README is included in appendix A for your convenience.
Vendor Patch Status
------ ------------
sendmail 8.6.4 available
IDA sendmail available
BSDI available
Data General Corporation available
Digital Equipment Corporation available
Hewlett-Packard Company available
IBM available
NeXT, Inc. available soon
The Santa Cruz Operation available soon
Sequent Computer Systems available
Solbourne available
Sony Corporation available
Sun Microsystems, Inc. available
The CERT Coordination Center wishes to thank all the vendors for
recognizing the importance of these vulnerabilities and responding
to them.
If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact the CERT
Coordination Center or your representative in Forum of Incident
Response and Security Teams (FIRST).
Internet E-mail: cert(a)cert.org
Telephone: 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
CERT personnel answer 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST(GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4),
and are on call for emergencies during other hours.
CERT Coordination Center
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Past advisories, information about FIRST representatives, and other
information related to computer security are available for anonymous
FTP from info.cert.org.
**Notice** The following Appendix contains the version of the
CA-93:16a.README file that was current at the time of the release of
this advisory. If you are retrieving this advisory after January 7, 1994,
please ensure that you also retrieve the most recent version of the
CA-93:16a.README file (found in the same directory on info.cert.org)
Appendix A: CA-93:16a.README
Rev. January 7, 1994
This file is a supplement to the CERT Advisory CA-93:16a of January 7, 1994,
and will be updated as additional information becomes available.
The following is vendor-supplied information. Please notice that
some entries provide pointers to vendor advisories. For more up-to-date
information, contact your vendor.
Eric Allman, 8.6.4
Version 8.6.4 is available for anonymous FTP from ftp.cs.berkeley.edu
in the "ucb/sendmail" directory.
Standard Unix Sum
sendmail.8.6.4.base.tar.Z: 07718 428
System V Sum
64609 856 sendmail.8.6.4.base.tar.Z
MD5 Checksum
MD5 (sendmail.8.6.4.base.tar.Z) = 59727f2f99b0e47a74d804f7ff654621
Paul Pomes, IDA:
A new release is available for anonymous FTP from vixen.cso.uiuc.edu
as "pub/sendmail-5.67b+IDA-1.5.tar.gz".
Standard Unix Sum
sendmail-5.67b+IDA-1.5.tar.gz: 17272 1341
System V Sum
30425 2682 sendmail-5.67b+IDA-1.5.tar.gz
MD5 Checksum
MD5 (sendmail-5.67b+IDA-1.5.tar.gz) = a9b8e17fd6d3e52739d2195cead94300
BSDI can supply either an easy-to-install port of the smrsh patch from
CERT or a port of sendmail-8.6.4 (contact BSDI Customer Support for
information in obtaining either of these solutions). In future
releases, BSDI will ship the newer sendmail that is not affected
by these problems. Releases affected by this advisory: BSD/386 V1.0.
BSDI Contact Information:
BSDI Customer Support
Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
7759 Delmonico Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Toll Free: +1 800 ITS BSD8 (+1 800 486 2738)
Phone: +1 719 260 8114
Fax: +1 719 598 4238
Email: support(a)bsdi.com
Data General Corporation
Patches are available from dg-rtp.rtp.dg.com ( in
the directory "deliver/sendmail":
Rev Patch Number Sys V Checksum
------------ ------------------ --------
5.4.2 tcpip_5.4.2.p14 39298 512
MD5 (tcpip_5.4.2.p14) = c80428e3b791d4e40ebe703ba5bd249c
5.4R2.01 tcpip_5.4R2.01.p12 65430 512
MD5 (tcpip_5.4R2.01.p12) = 9c84cfdb4d79ee22224eeb713a414996
5.4R2.10 tcpip_5.4R2.10.p05 42625 512
MD5 (tcpip_5.4R2.10.p05) = 2d74586ff22e649354cc6a02f390a4be
These patches are loadable via the "syadm" utility and installation
instructions are included in the patch notes.
Trusted versions of DG/UX will use the same patches as
their base version of DG/UX.
Customers with any questions about these patches should contact
their local SEs or Sales Representatives.
Digital Equipment Corporation
Systems affected: ULTRIX Versions 4.3 (VAX), ULTRIX V4.3 & V4.3A (RISC),
DEC OSF/1 V1.2 & V1.3, using sendmail. The following patches are
available from your normal Digital support channel:
ULTRIX V4.3 (VAX), V4.3 (RISC) or V4.3a (RISC): CSCPAT #: CSCPAT_4044
OSF/1 V1.2 and V1.3: CSCPAT #: CSCPAT_4045
*These fixes will be included in future releases of ULTRIX and DEC OSF/1
Digital Equipment Corporation strongly urges Customers to upgrade
to a minimum of ULTRIX V4.3 or DEC OSF/1 V1.2, then apply the
Security kit to prevent this potential vulnerability.
The full text of Digital's advisory can be found in
/pub/vendors/dec/advisories/sendmail on info.cert.org.
Hewlett-Packard Company
For HP/UX, the following patches are available:
PHNE_3369 (series 300/400, HP-UX 8.x), or
PHNE_3370 (series 300/400, HP-UX 9.x), or
PHNE_3371 (series 700/800, HP-UX 8.x), or
PHNE_3372 (series 700/800, HP-UX 9.x), or
modify the sendmail configuration file (releases of HP-UX
prior to 8.0)
These patches may be obtained from HP via FTP (this is NOT
anonymous FTP) or the HP SupportLine. To obtain HP security
patches, you must first register with the HP SupportLine.
The registration instructions are available via
anonymous FTP at info.cert.org in the file
The full text of Hewlett-Packard's advisory can be found in
/pub/vendors/hp/advisories/sendmail on info.cert.org.
Patches for these problems can be ordered as APAR# ix40304 and
APAR# ix41354. Ix40304 is available now and ix41354 will be
sent as soon as it is available.
NeXT, Inc.
NeXT expects to have patches available soon.
The Santa Cruz Operation
Support level Supplement (SLS) net379A, will soon be available
for the following platforms:
SCO TCP/IP Release 1.2.0 for SCO UNIX or SCO XENIX
SCO TCP/IP Release 1.2.1 for SCO UNIX
SCO Open Desktop Release 2.0, 3.0
SCO Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0
SCO Open Server Network System, Release 3.0
SCO Open Server Enterprise System, Release 3.0
This SLS is currently orderable from SCO Support for all customers
who have one of the above products registered. It will be available
in the near future. Systems using MMDF as their mail system do
not need this SLS.
Sequent Computer Systems
Versions 3.0.17 and greater of Dynix are vulnerable
as are versions 2.2 and 2.3 of the TCP package for PTX.
Sequent customers should call the Sequent Hotline at
(800) 854-9969 and ask for the Sendmail Maintenance Release Tape.
Alternatively, ptx customers can upgrade to PTX/TCP/IP
version 2.2.3 or 2.3.1 as appropriate.
Patch p93122301 is available from Solboune to fix the sendmail
problems. This patch is equivalent to Sun patch 100377-08.
Customers may retrieve it via anonymous FTP from
solbourne.solbourne.com in the pub/support/OS4.1B directory:
Filename BSD SVR4
Checksum Checksum
--------------- --------- ---------
p93122301.tar.Z 63749 211 53951 421
MD5 (p93122301.tar.Z) = f7300f3ecfbbbfaa11a6695f42f14615
It is also available by sending email to solis(a)solbourne.com
and specifying "get patches/4.1b p93122301" in the body of the
mail message.
Earlier versions (4.1A.*) are no longer supported. The 4.1B
patch may well work on 4.1A.* systems but this has not been tested.
If you have any questions please call the SOURCE at 1-800-447-2861 or
send email to support(a)solbourne.com.
The full text of Solbourne's advisory can be found in
/pub/vendors/solbourne/advisories/sendmail on info.cert.org.
Sony Corporation
These vulnerabilities have been fixed in NEWS-OS 6.0.1.
A patch is available for NEWS-OS 4.x. Customers should
contact their dealers for any additional information.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Sun has made patches for sendmail available as described in
These patches can be found in the
/systems/sun/sun-dist directory on ftp.uu.net:
System Patch ID Filename BSD SVR4
Checksum Checksum
------ -------- --------------- --------- ---------
SunOS 4.1.x 100377-08 100377-08.tar.Z 05320 755 58761 1510
Solaris 2.1 100840-06 100840-06.tar.Z 59489 195 61100 390
Solaris 2.2 101077-06 101077-06.tar.Z 63001 179 28185 358
Solaris 2.3 101371-03 101371-03.tar.Z 27539 189 51272 377
MD5 checksums are:
MD5 (100377-08.tar.Z) = 8e8a14c0a46b6c707d283cacd85da4f1
MD5 (100840-06.tar.Z) = 7d8d2c7ec983a58b4c6a608bf1ff53ec
MD5 (101077-06.tar.Z) = 78e165dec0b8260ca6a5d5d9bdc366b8
MD5 (101371-03.tar.Z) = 687d0f3287197dee35941b9163812b56
A patch for x86 based systems will be forthcoming as patch 101352-02.
4.1 sites installing these patches may require sites to modify
their configuration files slightly. Full details are given in
the Sun advisory.
The full text of Sun Microsystems's advisory can be found in
/pub/vendors/sun/advisories/sendmail on info.cert.org.
NOTICE: Changes have been made to the format of this and the other
network-based reports. See below for details.
The following changes have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EST :
Total = */8 + */16 + */24 + Other
Configured Networks 21878 = 27 4270 17581 0
Added Networks 217 = 0 13 204 0
Deleted Networks 5 = 0 0 5 0
IP address Net name Country Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- -----------
136.175/16 ALSYS C:US 1:2551
143.211/16 MCTSSA1 C:US 1:19 2:568
144.211/16 DPW C:US 1:2149 2:174
149.172/16 IKOS C:US 1:2551
155.106/16 PRINCIPIA C:US 1:1330 2:93
156.29/16 SDDPC C:US 1:1740
158.15/16 GOC12 C:US 1:19 2:568
161.138/16 SYMBIOSIS C:US 1:2149 2:174
163.138/16 NTT-NETWORK2 C:JP 1:560 2:701
165.28/16 KIMCLARK C:US 1:1800 2:1240
165.213/16 SECNET-B C:KR 1:372 2:297
166.121/16 MOE-NET C:SG 1:97
170.254/16 CMPNET2 C:US 1:2551
192.5.152/24 ARRAY-NET-C-5-152 C:US 1:1332
192.5.153/24 ARRAY-NET-C-5-153 C:US 1:1332
192.26.88/24 YALE-ENG-NET C:US 1:560 2:701 3:97
192.31.2/24 YALE-CIS-TR C:US 1:560 2:701 3:97
192.35.89/24 YCC-SYS-TR C:US 1:560 2:701 3:97
192.102.32/24 TPO-DPT-NET C:FI 1:701 2:1800
192.102.49/24 TPO-LKT-NET C:FI 1:701 2:1800
192.104.237/24 SINETA C:US 1:1740
192.126.32/24 TPO-OSS-NET C:FI 1:701 2:1800
192.126.42/24 TPO-ATK-NET C:FI 1:701 2:1800
192.137.132/24 BROWNING3 C:US 1:210 2:209
192.153.17/24 IDSINET C:US 1:2551
192.153.137/24 SF-NET2 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.2/24 USMC-C2 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.7/24 USMC-C7 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.12/24 USMC-C12 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.17/24 USMC-C17 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.22/24 USMC-C22 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.27/24 USMC-C27 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.32/24 USMC-C32 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.37/24 USMC-C37 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.42/24 USMC-C42 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.47/24 USMC-C47 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.52/24 USMC-C52 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.57/24 USMC-C57 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.62/24 USMC-C62 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.67/24 USMC-C67 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.69/24 USMC-C69 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.72/24 USMC-C72 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.78/24 USMC-C78 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.79/24 USMC-C79 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.156.80/24 USMC-C80 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.204.126/24 WCCC-1-C-204-126 C:US 1:204 2:1206
192.204.127/24 WCCC-1-C-204-127 C:US 1:204 2:1206
192.204.148/24 NETGAIN C:US 1:204 2:1206
192.206.82/24 DESKTOPDATA C:US 1:2551
192.206.83/24 DESKTOPDATA2 C:US 1:2551
192.206.84/24 DESKTOPDATA3 C:US 1:2551
192.206.85/24 DESKTOPDATA4 C:US 1:2551
192.217.161/24 CICNET-C-217-161 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
193.8.144/24 SIMULTAN-C1 C:CH 1:701 2:1800
193.8.145/24 SIMULTAN-C2 C:CH 1:701 2:1800
193.40.112/24 VS-NET C:EE 1:1800 2:1879 4:1240
193.52.42/24 FR-OR-UNDLAN C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.52.43/24 FR-OR-UNIPAN C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.54.137/24 FR-DRN-NTI C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.241/24 RENATER-D2 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.242/24 RENATER-D3 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.246/24 FR-CHAMPAGN1 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.247/24 FR-PAYSLOIR1 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
193.60.80/24 C00CAMACUK-C-60-80 C:GB 1:1800 2:1240
193.60.85/24 C05CAMACUK-C-60-85 C:GB 1:1800 2:1240
193.60.86/24 C06CAMACUK-C-60-86 C:GB 1:1800 2:1240
193.61.124/24 HENLEY-C-61-124 C:GB 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.125/24 HENLEY-C-61-125 C:GB 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.126/24 HENLEY-C-61-126 C:GB 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.127/24 HENLEY-C-61-127 C:GB 1:1800 3:1240
193.73.200/24 INFODESIGN C:CH 1:701 2:1800
193.140.25/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-25 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.26/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-26 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.27/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-27 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.28/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-28 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
198.4.255/24 DCAAEC-001 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.180/24 SESI-001 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.182/24 DEMACO1 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.192/24 SKYPOINT-NET1 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.193/24 SKYPOINT-NET2 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.194/24 SKYPOINT-NET3 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.195/24 SKYPOINT-NET4 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.196/24 SKYPOINT-NET5 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.197/24 SKYPOINT-NET6 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.198/24 SKYPOINT-NET7 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.199/24 SKYPOINT-NET8 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.200/24 SKYPOINT-NET9 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.201/24 SKYPOINT-NET10 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.202/24 SKYPOINT-NET11 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.203/24 SKYPOINT-NET12 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.204/24 SKYPOINT-NET13 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.205/24 SKYPOINT-NET14 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.206/24 SKYPOINT-NET15 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.5.207/24 SKYPOINT-NET16 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.7.9/24 LITC2 C:US 1:1332 2:1321
198.17.12/24 ANTEL C:US 1:2551
198.30.199/24 OAR199 C:US 1:600
198.31.81/24 BARRNET-C-31-81 C:US 1:200 2:201
198.56.5/24 MYXA-C-56-5 C:US 1:204 2:1206
198.56.6/24 MYXA-C-56-6 C:US 1:204 2:1206
198.60.5/24 WESTNET-C-60-5 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.60.7/24 WESTNET-C-60-7 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.64.224/24 SESQUI-C-64-224 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.225/24 SESQUI-C-64-225 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.226/24 SESQUI-C-64-226 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.227/24 SESQUI-C-64-227 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.228/24 SESQUI-C-64-228 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.229/24 SESQUI-C-64-229 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.230/24 SESQUI-C-64-230 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.231/24 SESQUI-C-64-231 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.232/24 SESQUI-C-64-232 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.233/24 SESQUI-C-64-233 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.234/24 SESQUI-C-64-234 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.235/24 SESQUI-C-64-235 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.236/24 SESQUI-C-64-236 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.237/24 SESQUI-C-64-237 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.238/24 SESQUI-C-64-238 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.239/24 SESQUI-C-64-239 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.240/24 SESQUI-C-64-240 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.64.241/24 SESQUI-C-64-241 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.65.96/24 SESQUI-C-65-96 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.65.97/24 SESQUI-C-65-97 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.65.98/24 SESQUI-C-65-98 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.65.99/24 SESQUI-C-65-99 C:US 1:114 2:1700
198.71.17/24 MFI2 C:US 1:2551
198.71.18/24 MFI3 C:US 1:2551
198.71.19/24 MFI4 C:US 1:2551
198.71.20/24 MFI5 C:US 1:2551
198.71.21/24 MFI6 C:US 1:2551
198.71.22/24 MFI7 C:US 1:2551
198.71.23/24 MFI8 C:US 1:2551
198.71.24/24 MFI9 C:US 1:2551
198.71.25/24 MFI10 C:US 1:2551
198.71.26/24 MFI11 C:US 1:2551
198.71.27/24 MFI12 C:US 1:2551
198.76.73/24 SURANET-C-76-73 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.74/24 SURANET-C-76-74 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.86/24 NDU-C-76-86 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.87/24 NDU-C-76-87 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.88/24 NDU-C-76-88 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.89/24 NDU-C-76-89 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.90/24 NDU-C-76-90 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.91/24 NDU-C-76-91 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.92/24 NDU-C-76-92 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.93/24 NDU-C-76-93 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.94/24 NDU-C-76-94 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.95/24 NDU-C-76-95 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.78.178/24 LLWHRO-NET1 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.80.22/24 LITC-DMZ C:US 1:1332 2:1321
198.83.2/24 TREAS-NET1 C:US 1:1327
198.86.22/24 GPL1 C:US 1:81
198.86.26/24 ALICE C:US 1:81
198.86.32/24 CHAR-LIB-1 C:US 1:81
198.86.33/24 CHAR-LIB-2 C:US 1:81
198.86.34/24 CHAR-LIB-3 C:US 1:81
198.86.35/24 CHAR-LIB-4 C:US 1:81
198.86.36/24 CHAR-LIB-5 C:US 1:81
198.86.37/24 CHAR-LIB-6 C:US 1:81
198.119.128/24 NSI-C-119-128 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.119.129/24 NSI-C-119-129 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.119.130/24 NSI-C-119-130 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.119.131/24 NSI-C-119-131 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.136.32/24 MCNET1 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.136.33/24 MCNET2 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.136.34/24 MCNET3 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.136.40/24 MCNET9 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.136.41/24 MCNET10 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.137.181/24 CENTIGRAM1 C:US 1:2551
198.151.147/24 ITDC C:US 1:600
198.183.144/24 SINGLESRC C:US 1:600
198.186.142/24 STCPDX C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.187.199/24 ALDINEISD048 C:US 1:280 2:114
198.189.14/24 CSUNET-NORTH-C-189-14 C:US 1:2150
198.207.137/24 SEQUANA C:US 1:1740
198.211.186/24 NOVELLUS C:US 1:2551
198.211.223/24 NETAPP2 C:US 1:2551
198.211.224/24 NETAPP3 C:US 1:2551
198.211.225/24 NETAPP4 C:US 1:2551
198.211.226/24 NETTINFO C:US 1:2551
198.211.227/24 ANYWARE C:US 1:2551
198.211.228/24 ENTER C:US 1:2551
198.211.229/24 ICF C:US 1:2551
198.211.230/24 HLTHCARE C:US 1:2551
198.211.231/24 IDEOSF C:US 1:2551
198.211.232/24 XAP C:US 1:2551
198.211.233/24 JMBM C:US 1:2551
198.211.234/24 GOODWILL C:US 1:2551
198.211.235/24 DREBES C:US 1:2551
198.211.236/24 APSIG C:US 1:2551
198.211.238/24 RADFORD C:US 1:2551
198.211.239/24 CREST C:US 1:2551
198.211.240/24 CHO C:US 1:2551
198.211.241/24 BIOSPHR C:US 1:2551
198.211.242/24 THEMIS C:US 1:2551
198.211.243/24 SWAGMAN C:US 1:2551
198.235.69/24 BELLCAN38 C:CA 1:701 2:702
198.243.16/24 SCCINC-NET C:US 1:2551
198.253.68/24 NCINET-C-253-68 C:US 1:22 2:568 3:19
198.253.69/24 NCINET-C-253-69 C:US 1:22 2:568 3:19
198.253.70/24 NCINET-C-253-70 C:US 1:22 2:568 3:19
198.253.104/24 NCINET-C-253-104 C:US 1:22
199.0.72/24 HSCRIBE-C-0-72 C:US 1:1800 2:1240
199.0.73/24 HSCRIBE-C-0-73 C:US 1:1800 2:1240
199.4.211/24 ADVANTIS-IDT-C-4-211 C:US 1:279 2:86
199.5.229/24 DIO-DOM C:US 1:1332
199.10.124/24 CESOPH C:US 1:22 2:568 3:19
199.29.180/24 PSINET-C-29-180 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.182/24 PSINET-C-29-182 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.184/24 PSINET-C-29-184 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.188/24 PSINET-C-29-188 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.189/24 PSINET-C-29-189 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.190/24 PSINET-C-29-190 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.191/24 PSINET-C-29-191 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.255/24 PSINET-C-29-255 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.61.161/24 ALLIED-C-61-161 C:US 1:1322
200.9.147/24 CUYONET C:AR 1:86 2:279
202.30.45/24 KOREA-INET-C-30-45 C:KR 1:372 2:297
--192.5.214/24 DECUANET C:US 1:86 2:279
--193.55.153/24 FR-PAYSLOIRE C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
--193.55.156/24 FR-NORD-LI1 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
--193.55.157/24 FR-ALSA-ST1 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240
--198.4.59/24 SEMATECH-NET C:US 1:701 2:702
Expanded listing, sorted by country, then by organization:
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Parque General San Martin 5500, Cuidad
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
200.9.147/24 CUYONET (AR)
Bell SYGMA Systems Management Inc., 100 Wynford Drive, Floor 1, North York,
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.235.69/24 BELLCAN38 (CA)
Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, 10 Ravala Blvd., EE0100
Tallinn, ESTONIA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.40.112/24 VS-NET (EE)
Tampereen Puhelinosuuskunta, Nasinlinnankatu 41, P.O.BOX 138, FI-33101
Tampere, FINLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.102.32/24 TPO-DPT-NET (FI)
192.102.49/24 TPO-LKT-NET (FI)
192.126.32/24 TPO-OSS-NET (FI)
192.126.42/24 TPO-ATK-NET (FI)
Centre de Ressources Informatiques Universite d Angers, 2, boulevard
Lavoisier, 49045 Angers Cedex 01,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.52.42/24 FR-OR-UNDLAN (FR)
193.52.43/24 FR-OR-UNIPAN (FR)
France Telecom, 9 Rue de Nanteuil, 75015 Paris, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.54.137/24 FR-DRN-NTI (FR)
193.55.246/24 FR-CHAMPAGN1 (FR)
193.55.247/24 FR-PAYSLOIR1 (FR)
RENATER GIP, Tour 26-16 5 eme Etage, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris CEDEX 05,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.55.241/24 RENATER-D2 (FR)
193.55.242/24 RENATER-D3 (FR)
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., 9-11, Midori-Cho 3-chome,
Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180, JAPAN
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
163.138/16 NTT-NETWORK2 (JP)
Ministry of Education, Kay Siang Rd., SINGAPORE
1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
166.121/16 MOE-NET (SG)
South Korea
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Yusong-gu, Kusong-dong,
Taejon, 305-701, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.30.45/24 KOREA-INET-C-30-45 (KR)
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 111, Suwon, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
165.213/16 SECNET-B (KR)
INFO DESIGN, 18 Rue des Hautins, F-01630 St-Genis, SWITZERLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.73.200/24 INFODESIGN (CH)
Simultan AG, Kantonsstrasse, CH-6246 Altishofen, SWITZERLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.8.144/24 SIMULTAN-C1 (CH)
193.8.145/24 SIMULTAN-C2 (CH)
Erciyes University, Computer Center, Kayseri, 38000, TURKEY
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.140.25/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-25 (TR)
193.140.26/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-26 (TR)
193.140.27/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-27 (TR)
193.140.28/24 ERCIYES-NET-C-140-28 (TR)
United Kingdom
Henley Management College, Greenlands, Henley, Oxfordshire, RG9 3AU, UNITED
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.61.124/24 HENLEY-C-61-124 (GB)
193.61.125/24 HENLEY-C-61-125 (GB)
193.61.126/24 HENLEY-C-61-126 (GB)
193.61.127/24 HENLEY-C-61-127 (GB)
University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, New Museums Site, Cambridge,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.60.80/24 C00CAMACUK-C-60-80 (GB)
193.60.85/24 C05CAMACUK-C-60-85 (GB)
193.60.86/24 C06CAMACUK-C-60-86 (GB)
United States
Advantis, 1311 Mamaroneck Ave, White Plains, NY 10605, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
199.4.211/24 ADVANTIS-IDT-C-4-211 (US)
Allied Signal Inc., 101 Columbia Road, Morristown, NJ 07962, USA
1:1322 ANS Los Angeles - DNSS 19
199.61.161/24 ALLIED-C-61-161 (US)
Alsys Inc., 5959 Cornerstone Court West, San Diego, CA 92121-9891, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
136.175/16 ALSYS (US)
American Council on Education, 1 DuPont Circle NW, Suite 110, Washington,
DC 20036, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.76.73/24 SURANET-C-76-73 (US)
198.76.74/24 SURANET-C-76-74 (US)
Antel, Inc., 625 Digital Dr. #107, Plano, TX 75075, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.17.12/24 ANTEL (US)
AnyWare Associates, 32 Woodland Road, Boston, MA 02130-3018, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.227/24 ANYWARE (US)
Applied Signal Technology, 160 Sobrante Way, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.236/24 APSIG (US)
Array Micro Systems Inc, 1420 Quail Lake Loop, Colorado Springs, CO 08906,
1:1332 ANS Denver - DNSS 99
192.5.152/24 ARRAY-NET-C-5-152 (US)
192.5.153/24 ARRAY-NET-C-5-153 (US)
Atlantic Aerospace Electronics Corp., 6404 Ivy Lane, Suite 300, Greenbelt,
MD 20770-1406, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.4.255/24 DCAAEC-001 (US)
Bay Area Regional Research Network, Pine Hall #115, Stanford, CA, USA
1:200 BARRNet
2:201 BARRNet
198.31.81/24 BARRNET-C-31-81 (US)
Bernie Mans, 468D Baldwin Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15205, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
192.204.148/24 NETGAIN (US)
Biospherical Instruments, 5340 Riley St., San Diego, CA 92110-2621, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.241/24 BIOSPHR (US)
Browning Arms, 6175 Cottonwood Canyon Road, Morgan, UT 84050, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
192.137.132/24 BROWNING3 (US)
CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
192.217.161/24 CICNET-C-217-161 (US)
CREST, 777 N. Capital St Suite 805, Washington, DC 20002, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.239/24 CREST (US)
Centigram, 91 East Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.137.181/24 CENTIGRAM1 (US)
Children's Hospital Oakland, 747 52nd Street, Oakland, CA 94609-1809, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.240/24 CHO (US)
Computer Sciences Corporation, 3001 Centreville Rd., Herndon, VA 22071, USA
1:1327 ANS Washington D.C. - DNSS 59
198.83.2/24 TREAS-NET1 (US)
DEMACO, Inc., 100 Trade Centre Drive, Suite 303, Champaign, IL 61820, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.5.182/24 DEMACO1 (US)
Davis Polk & Wardwell, 450 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
144.211/16 DPW (US)
Desktop Data, Inc., 1601 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA 02154, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.206.82/24 DESKTOPDATA (US)
192.206.83/24 DESKTOPDATA2 (US)
192.206.84/24 DESKTOPDATA3 (US)
192.206.85/24 DESKTOPDATA4 (US)
Dio Inc, 212 Navajo St, Colorado Springs, CO 80906, USA
1:1332 ANS Denver - DNSS 99
199.5.229/24 DIO-DOM (US)
Electronic Data Systems Corporation, 13736 Riverport Drive, Maryland
Heights, MO 63043, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
192.104.237/24 SINETA (US)
Enter Software, Inc., 895 Oak Grove Ave. #200, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.228/24 ENTER (US)
Goldman Sachs & Company, 1 Pierrepont Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.255/24 PSINET-C-29-255 (US)
Goodwill Industries of Orange County, 410 N. Fariview, Santa Ana, CA 92703,
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.234/24 GOODWILL (US)
Greensboro Public Library, Post Office Box 3178, 201 N. Greene Street,
Greensboro, NC 27402, USA
198.86.22/24 GPL1 (US)
HQ 7th Signal Command, ASQN-OP-OC-S, Fort Ritchie, MD 21719-5010, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
158.15/16 GOC12 (US)
HealthScribe, Inc., 6 Export Drive, Sterling, VA 20164, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
199.0.72/24 HSCRIBE-C-0-72 (US)
199.0.73/24 HSCRIBE-C-0-73 (US)
Healthcare Communications, 15301 Dallas Parkway #510, Dallas, TX 75248, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.230/24 HLTHCARE (US)
ICF Communications, Inc., 1850 Mt. Diablo St. #D, Concord, CA 94520, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.229/24 ICF (US)
IDEO Product Development, 1527 Stockton St., San Francisco, CA 94133, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.231/24 IDEOSF (US)
Ikos Systems, Inc., 19050 Pruneridge Avenue, Cuppertino, CA 95014, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
149.172/16 IKOS (US)
Information Technology Development Corp., 4000 Executive Park Drive, Suite
310, Cincinnati, OH 45241, USA
1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH
198.151.147/24 ITDC (US)
International Digital Scientific, Inc., 28460 Avenue Stanford #100,
Valencia, CA 91355, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.153.17/24 IDSINET (US)
Jeffer Mangels Butler and Marmaro, 2121 Ave. of the Stars, 10th floor., Los
Angeles, CA 90067, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.233/24 JMBM (US)
Kimberly-Clark, 401 North Lake Street, Neenah, WI 54957-0349, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
165.28/16 KIMCLARK (US)
Larry Drebes, 1405 Marshall, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.235/24 DREBES (US)
Lexi-Comp, Inc, 1100 Terex Rd, Hudson, OH 44236, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.182/24 PSINET-C-29-182 (US)
Lockheed Information Technology Co., 1401 Del Norte Street, Denver, CO
80221, USA
1:1332 ANS Denver - DNSS 99
2:1321 ANS San Francisco - DNSS 11
198.7.9/24 LITC2 (US)
198.80.22/24 LITC-DMZ (US)
Marine Corps Central Design and Programming Activity, Marine Corps Combat
Development Command, Quantico, VA
22134-5010, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
192.156.2/24 USMC-C2 (US)
192.156.7/24 USMC-C7 (US)
192.156.12/24 USMC-C12 (US)
192.156.17/24 USMC-C17 (US)
192.156.22/24 USMC-C22 (US)
192.156.27/24 USMC-C27 (US)
192.156.32/24 USMC-C32 (US)
192.156.37/24 USMC-C37 (US)
192.156.42/24 USMC-C42 (US)
192.156.47/24 USMC-C47 (US)
192.156.52/24 USMC-C52 (US)
192.156.57/24 USMC-C57 (US)
192.156.62/24 USMC-C62 (US)
192.156.67/24 USMC-C67 (US)
192.156.69/24 USMC-C69 (US)
192.156.72/24 USMC-C72 (US)
192.156.78/24 USMC-C78 (US)
192.156.79/24 USMC-C79 (US)
192.156.80/24 USMC-C80 (US)
Martin County, Board of County Commissioners, 2401 SE Monterey Road,
Stuart, FL 34996, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
198.136.32/24 MCNET1 (US)
198.136.33/24 MCNET2 (US)
198.136.34/24 MCNET3 (US)
198.136.40/24 MCNET9 (US)
198.136.41/24 MCNET10 (US)
Miller Freeman, Inc., 600 Harrison Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA
94107-1370, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.71.17/24 MFI2 (US)
198.71.18/24 MFI3 (US)
198.71.19/24 MFI4 (US)
198.71.20/24 MFI5 (US)
198.71.21/24 MFI6 (US)
198.71.22/24 MFI7 (US)
198.71.23/24 MFI8 (US)
198.71.24/24 MFI9 (US)
198.71.25/24 MFI10 (US)
198.71.26/24 MFI11 (US)
198.71.27/24 MFI12 (US)
Myxa Corporation, 3837 Byron Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006-2320, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
198.56.5/24 MYXA-C-56-5 (US)
198.56.6/24 MYXA-C-56-6 (US)
NASA Ames Research Center, MS 233-8, Moffett Field, CA 95014, USA
1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
198.119.128/24 NSI-C-119-128 (US)
198.119.129/24 NSI-C-119-129 (US)
198.119.130/24 NSI-C-119-130 (US)
198.119.131/24 NSI-C-119-131 (US)
NETTinformation Products, 8522 National Blvd. Suite 106, Culver City, CA
90232, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.226/24 NETTINFO (US)
National Defense University, Ft. McNair, Bldg. 32, Washington, DC
20319-6000, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.76.86/24 NDU-C-76-86 (US)
198.76.87/24 NDU-C-76-87 (US)
198.76.88/24 NDU-C-76-88 (US)
198.76.89/24 NDU-C-76-89 (US)
198.76.90/24 NDU-C-76-90 (US)
198.76.91/24 NDU-C-76-91 (US)
198.76.92/24 NDU-C-76-92 (US)
198.76.93/24 NDU-C-76-93 (US)
198.76.94/24 NDU-C-76-94 (US)
198.76.95/24 NDU-C-76-95 (US)
National League for Nursing, 350 Hudson Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY
10014, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.184/24 PSINET-C-29-184 (US)
Naval Command Control and Ocean, Code 0294, San Diego, CA 92152-6199, USA
1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
3:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
198.253.68/24 NCINET-C-253-68 (US)
198.253.69/24 NCINET-C-253-69 (US)
198.253.70/24 NCINET-C-253-70 (US)
Naval Command Control and Ocean, Code 0294, San Diego, CA 92152-6199, USA
1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center)
198.253.104/24 NCINET-C-253-104 (US)
Network Appliance Corporation, 2901 Tasman, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.223/24 NETAPP2 (US)
198.211.224/24 NETAPP3 (US)
198.211.225/24 NETAPP4 (US)
Novellus Systems, 81 Vista Montana, San Jose, CA 95134, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.186/24 NOVELLUS (US)
OARnet, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA
1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH
198.30.199/24 OAR199 (US)
Pangea Consulting Inc., 7194 Indian Valley Court, San Jose, CA 95139, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
170.254/16 CMPNET2 (US)
Patrick J. McEvoy, 1323 Hopkins, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.243/24 SWAGMAN (US)
Public Library of Charlotte, 310 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28202,
198.86.32/24 CHAR-LIB-1 (US)
198.86.33/24 CHAR-LIB-2 (US)
198.86.34/24 CHAR-LIB-3 (US)
198.86.35/24 CHAR-LIB-4 (US)
198.86.36/24 CHAR-LIB-5 (US)
198.86.37/24 CHAR-LIB-6 (US)
Quality Education for Minorities, 1818 N Street, NW, Suite 350, Washington,
DC 20036, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.180/24 PSINET-C-29-180 (US)
Radford Associates - ACG, 2540 N. 1st. Street #400, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.238/24 RADFORD (US)
Rice University-Sesquinet, 6100 South Main, Houston, TX 77251, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network
198.64.224/24 SESQUI-C-64-224 (US)
198.64.225/24 SESQUI-C-64-225 (US)
198.64.226/24 SESQUI-C-64-226 (US)
198.64.227/24 SESQUI-C-64-227 (US)
198.64.228/24 SESQUI-C-64-228 (US)
198.64.229/24 SESQUI-C-64-229 (US)
198.64.230/24 SESQUI-C-64-230 (US)
198.64.231/24 SESQUI-C-64-231 (US)
198.64.232/24 SESQUI-C-64-232 (US)
198.64.233/24 SESQUI-C-64-233 (US)
198.64.234/24 SESQUI-C-64-234 (US)
198.64.235/24 SESQUI-C-64-235 (US)
198.64.236/24 SESQUI-C-64-236 (US)
198.64.237/24 SESQUI-C-64-237 (US)
198.64.238/24 SESQUI-C-64-238 (US)
198.64.239/24 SESQUI-C-64-239 (US)
198.64.240/24 SESQUI-C-64-240 (US)
198.64.241/24 SESQUI-C-64-241 (US)
198.65.96/24 SESQUI-C-65-96 (US)
198.65.97/24 SESQUI-C-65-97 (US)
198.65.98/24 SESQUI-C-65-98 (US)
198.65.99/24 SESQUI-C-65-99 (US)
SCC Communications Company, 6285 Lookout Road, Boulder, CO 80301-3343, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.243.16/24 SCCINC-NET (US)
STC Submarine Systems, Inc., 15540 N. Lombard St., Portland, OR 97203, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
198.186.142/24 STCPDX (US)
San Diego Data Processing, 5975 Santa Fe Street, San Diego, CA 92109, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
156.29/16 SDDPC (US)
Scriptura et Scriptorium, 31 Monteith Branch Road, Sylva, NC 28779, USA
198.86.26/24 ALICE (US)
Sequana Therapeutics, 11099 North Torrey Pines Road Ste. 160, La Jolla, CA
92037, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
198.207.137/24 SEQUANA (US)
Single Source System, Inc., 4911 E. 56th St, Indianapolis, IN 46220, USA
1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH
198.183.144/24 SINGLESRC (US)
Sky Point Communications, Inc., 801 Ford Road, Newport, MN 55055, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.5.192/24 SKYPOINT-NET1 (US)
198.5.193/24 SKYPOINT-NET2 (US)
198.5.194/24 SKYPOINT-NET3 (US)
198.5.195/24 SKYPOINT-NET4 (US)
198.5.196/24 SKYPOINT-NET5 (US)
198.5.197/24 SKYPOINT-NET6 (US)
198.5.198/24 SKYPOINT-NET7 (US)
198.5.199/24 SKYPOINT-NET8 (US)
198.5.200/24 SKYPOINT-NET9 (US)
198.5.201/24 SKYPOINT-NET10 (US)
198.5.202/24 SKYPOINT-NET11 (US)
198.5.203/24 SKYPOINT-NET12 (US)
198.5.204/24 SKYPOINT-NET13 (US)
198.5.205/24 SKYPOINT-NET14 (US)
198.5.206/24 SKYPOINT-NET15 (US)
198.5.207/24 SKYPOINT-NET16 (US)
Symbiosis Corporation, 8600 NW 41 St, Miami, FL 33166-6202, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
161.138/16 SYMBIOSIS (US)
Systems Engineering Solutions, Inc., 2301 Gallows Road, Suite 200, Dunn
Loring, VA 22027, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.5.180/24 SESI-001 (US)
T. S. Grantham Middle School, Aldine ISD, 13300 Chrisman Road, Houston, TX
77039, USA
1:280 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
198.187.199/24 ALDINEISD048 (US)
Tactical Systems Support Division, SD-9A, MCTSSA, Camp Pendleton, CA
92055-5080, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
143.211/16 MCTSSA1 (US)
The Principia, 13201 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 63121, USA
1:1330 ANS St. Louis - DNSS 83
2:93 MIDnet
155.106/16 PRINCIPIA (US)
Themis Computer, 6682 Owens Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.242/24 THEMIS (US)
U.S. Army Material Command, USAMC-LCA/AMXLC-IC, BLDG 650/RM 109, Presidio
of San Francisco, CA 94129-6900, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
192.153.137/24 SF-NET2 (US)
U.S. Naval Construction Battalion Center, Commanding Officer, 1000 23rd
Ave., Naval Construction Battalion
Center, Civil Engineer Support Office
(CESOPH) (Code 15M), Port Hueneme, CA
93043-5007, USA
1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
3:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
199.10.124/24 CESOPH (US)
Video Guide, Inc., 209 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.188/24 PSINET-C-29-188 (US)
199.29.189/24 PSINET-C-29-189 (US)
199.29.190/24 PSINET-C-29-190 (US)
199.29.191/24 PSINET-C-29-191 (US)
WHRO-TV, 5200 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23508, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.78.178/24 LLWHRO-NET1 (US)
Westmoreland County Community College, 400 Armbrust Road, Youngwood, PA
15697, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
192.204.126/24 WCCC-1-C-204-126 (US)
192.204.127/24 WCCC-1-C-204-127 (US)
Westnet, 3645 Marine Street, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0455, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
198.60.5/24 WESTNET-C-60-5 (US)
198.60.7/24 WESTNET-C-60-7 (US)
XAP Company, 2300 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.232/24 XAP (US)
Yale University, 175 Whitney Ave., New Haven, CT 06520, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
3:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
192.26.88/24 YALE-ENG-NET (US)
192.31.2/24 YALE-CIS-TR (US)
192.35.89/24 YCC-SYS-TR (US)
Yosemite Community College District, 2210 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, CA 95352,
1:2150 CSUNET-SW
198.189.14/24 CSUNET-NORTH-C-189-14 (US)
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on nic.merit.edu by 08:00 EST :
configuration reports --
as-as.now as-gw.now ans_core.now country.now net-comp.now
nets.doc nets.tag.now nets.unl.now
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Information is also avaiable through the PRDB whois server. Type
"whois -h prdb.merit.edu help" for details.
REPORT CHANGES: (Updated 1/4/94)
CIDRIZATION: On January 4, we converted all Policy Routing DataBase
(PRDB) output, including this report, to CIDR notation. All occurrences
of network numbers ("x.x.x") on output have been replaced by aggregate
notation ("x.x.x/len"). The previous formats for ans_core.now, country.now,
or net-comp.now, now in the files ans_core.old, country.old, and net-comp.old
in the nic.merit.edu: nsfnet/announced.networks directory. These ".old"
files will be discontinued on March 1.
TRANSITION TO GATED: During January, the "routed" routing software on
the backbone will be replaced by "gated". Gated configuration files are
considerably different than routed configuration files. When that
transition is made, gated configuration files will replace routed files
on the nic.merit.edu:nsfnet/backbone.configuration directory.
The archived discussion list "db-disc(a)merit.edu" exists for discussion of
PRDB issues. Send a message to "db-disc-request(a)merit.edu" to subscribe.
--Dale Johnson (dsj(a)merit.edu)
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)merit.edu
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the nic.merit.edu machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files template.net,
template.net.README, template.gate, and template.as.
In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have moved to a
system which requires the use of template.net (NACR) version 7.0
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)merit.edu
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)merit.edu
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)merit.edu
Ref: Your note of Wed, 5 Jan 1994 15:48:08 -0500
Let me suggest that you should get a CIDR block of Cs and return
B's back to NIC. The reason for this is that it is simpler to use
CIDR with blocks of Cs, rather than carving B into subnets among
multiple sites (to turn it into CIDR).
I need an opinion on what to do with some class B addresses. We've got
a couple laying around that I could be able to free up by the start of
summer and we could return them to the InterNIC for giving to someone
more worthy. Alternatively, I could treat the B's as another CIDR block
and allocate addresses from them. Any opinion on which is the better
thing to do?
NOTICE: Changes have been made to the format of this and the other
network-based reports. See below for details.
The following changes have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EST :
Total = */8 + */16 + */24 + Other
Configured Networks 21666 = 27 4257 17382 0
Added Networks 236 = 0 13 223 0
Deleted Networks 0 = 0 0 0 0
IP address Net name Country Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- -----------
139.14/16 UNILD-LAN C:DE 1:293 2:291
141.60/16 FH-RO-NET C:DE 1:293 2:291
143.66/16 CORNING-CC C:US 1:2149 2:174
143.250/16 HQSAC C:US 1:19 2:568
148.106/16 CANTOR C:US 1:1324
150.154/16 REV-MVCC C:US 1:2149 2:174
160.32/16 CVTC C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
164.89/16 ECC-DOMESTIC C:US 1:2149 2:174
165.128/16 WWTC C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
166.90/16 GLOBALNET-B C:US 1:1240 2:1800
166.97/16 ETANET-B C:US 1:200 2:201
167.116/16 PERKIN-ELMER C:US 1:97
169.15/16 3M-B-15 C:US 1:555 2:267 3:1225 4:266
192.5.37/24 CASTLE-NET C:US 1:1740
192.52.226/24 SKMNET C:US 1:1740
192.55.197/24 LIS-NET C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.68.112/24 BEREA C:US 1:279 2:86
192.103.51/24 FORTDRUM-NET3 C:US 1:19 2:568
192.108.23/24 DKFZ-LAN-TN1 C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.108.66/24 TUEVMANNHEIM C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.109.234/24 FHF-LAN C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.114.17/24 ORBOTECH C:IL 1:2149 2:174
192.124.172/24 STACKNET C:RU 1:701 2:1800
192.124.240/24 FH-KR C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.124.241/24 FH-MG C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.129.2/24 IFN-MAGDEBRG C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.129.23/24 FH-SW C:DE 1:293 2:291
192.153.48/24 NETCOM7 C:US 1:2551
192.187.9/24 ARL-VA-US2 C:US 1:1972
192.190.109/24 QUALNET3 C:US 1:1740
192.190.110/24 QUALNET4 C:US 1:1740
192.231.111/24 INSCI C:US 1:2149 2:174
192.254.32/24 APLABS32 C:US 1:1740
193.16.4/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-4 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.16.5/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-5 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.16.6/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-6 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.16.7/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-7 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.16.112/24 FH-LIPPE-C00 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.16.113/24 FH-LIPPE-C01 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.16.114/24 FH-LIPPE-C02 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.17.19/24 OSAT-HY-LAN C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.65.1/24 TAC-NET-C-65-1 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.2/24 TAC-NET-C-65-2 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.3/24 TAC-NET-C-65-3 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.4/24 TAC-NET-C-65-4 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.5/24 TAC-NET-C-65-5 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.6/24 TAC-NET-C-65-6 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.7/24 TAC-NET-C-65-7 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.8/24 TAC-NET-C-65-8 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.9/24 TAC-NET-C-65-9 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.10/24 TAC-NET-C-65-10 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.11/24 TAC-NET-C-65-11 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.12/24 TAC-NET-C-65-12 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.13/24 TAC-NET-C-65-13 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.14/24 TAC-NET-C-65-14 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.15/24 TAC-NET-C-65-15 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.16/24 TAC-NET-C-65-16 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.17/24 TAC-NET-C-65-17 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.18/24 TAC-NET-C-65-18 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.19/24 TAC-NET-C-65-19 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.20/24 TAC-NET-C-65-20 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.21/24 TAC-NET-C-65-21 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.22/24 TAC-NET-C-65-22 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.23/24 TAC-NET-C-65-23 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.24/24 TAC-NET-C-65-24 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.25/24 TAC-NET-C-65-25 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.26/24 TAC-NET-C-65-26 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.27/24 TAC-NET-C-65-27 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.28/24 TAC-NET-C-65-28 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.29/24 TAC-NET-C-65-29 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.30/24 TAC-NET-C-65-30 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.31/24 TAC-NET-C-65-31 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.32/24 TAC-NET-C-65-32 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.33/24 TAC-NET-C-65-33 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.34/24 TAC-NET-C-65-34 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.35/24 TAC-NET-C-65-35 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.36/24 TAC-NET-C-65-36 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.37/24 TAC-NET-C-65-37 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.38/24 TAC-NET-C-65-38 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.39/24 TAC-NET-C-65-39 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.40/24 TAC-NET-C-65-40 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.41/24 TAC-NET-C-65-41 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.42/24 TAC-NET-C-65-42 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.43/24 TAC-NET-C-65-43 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.44/24 TAC-NET-C-65-44 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.45/24 TAC-NET-C-65-45 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.46/24 TAC-NET-C-65-46 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.47/24 TAC-NET-C-65-47 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.48/24 TAC-NET-C-65-48 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.49/24 TAC-NET-C-65-49 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.50/24 TAC-NET-C-65-50 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.51/24 TAC-NET-C-65-51 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.52/24 TAC-NET-C-65-52 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.53/24 TAC-NET-C-65-53 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.54/24 TAC-NET-C-65-54 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.55/24 TAC-NET-C-65-55 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.56/24 TAC-NET-C-65-56 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.57/24 TAC-NET-C-65-57 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.58/24 TAC-NET-C-65-58 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.59/24 TAC-NET-C-65-59 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.60/24 TAC-NET-C-65-60 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.61/24 TAC-NET-C-65-61 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.62/24 TAC-NET-C-65-62 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.65.63/24 TAC-NET-C-65-63 C:FI 1:701 2:1800
193.101.2/24 POPNW-ISDN C:DE 1:701 2:1800
193.104.148/24 FR-KUBOTA C:FR 1:701 2:1800
193.124.94/24 NEVALINK C:RU 1:701 2:1800
193.125.18/24 ICS C:RU 1:701 2:1800
193.125.24/24 VEGA C:RU 1:701 2:1800
193.126.4/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-4 C:PT 1:1800 2:1240
193.126.5/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-5 C:PT 1:1800 2:1240
193.126.6/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-6 C:PT 1:1800 2:1240
193.126.7/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-7 C:PT 1:1800 2:1240
193.136.14/24 UM-CIENG-1 C:PT 1:1800 2:1240
193.136.20/24 DI-UM-1 C:PT 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.40/24 DAU-NET-C-140-40 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.41/24 DAU-NET-C-140-41 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.42/24 DAU-NET-C-140-42 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.43/24 DAU-NET-C-140-43 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.44/24 DAU-NET-C-140-44 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.45/24 DAU-NET-C-140-45 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.46/24 DAU-NET-C-140-46 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.47/24 DAU-NET-C-140-47 C:TR 1:1800 2:1240
193.174.102/24 GR-NET C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.174.224/24 IFN-NET-C-174-224 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.174.225/24 IFN-NET-C-174-225 C:DE 1:293 2:291
193.174.235/24 IMB-NET C:DE 1:293 2:291
198.5.166/24 GCR-NET C:US 1:701 2:702
198.51.156/24 ERCB-GOA C:CA 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.59.76/24 WESTNET-C-59-76 C:US 1:209 2:210
198.59.77/24 WESTNET-C-59-77 C:US 1:209 2:210
198.59.78/24 WESTNET-C-59-78 C:US 1:209 2:210
198.59.79/24 WESTNET-C-59-79 C:US 1:209 2:210
198.59.80/24 WESTNET-C-59-80 C:US 1:209 2:210
198.60.18/24 WESTNET-C-60-18 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.60.228/24 MVRMC2 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.60.229/24 MVRMC3 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.76.16/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-16 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.17/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-17 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.18/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-18 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.19/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-19 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.22/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-22 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.23/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-23 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.25/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-25 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.36/24 CALL C:US 1:86 2:279
198.76.38/24 FASEB C:US 1:86 2:279
198.77.74/24 EAGLENET-C-77-74 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.77.75/24 EAGLENET-C-77-75 C:US 1:86 2:279
198.78.180/24 BEREA1 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.79.68/24 TARA-LOGIC C:US 1:279 2:86
198.97.41/24 STRATUS-ISIS C:US 1:560 2:701
198.116.26/24 NSI-C-116-26 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.116.32/24 NSI-C-116-32 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.116.33/24 NSI-C-116-33 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.116.34/24 NSI-C-116-34 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.116.35/24 NSI-C-116-35 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.116.36/24 NSI-C-116-36 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.116.37/24 NSI-C-116-37 C:US 1:297 2:372
198.138.104/24 ARTX-C-138-104 C:US 1:97
198.138.105/24 ARTX-C-138-105 C:US 1:97
198.150.10/24 MADISONTC-C-150-10 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.11/24 MADISONTC-C-150-11 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.12/24 MADISONTC-C-150-12 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.13/24 MADISONTC-C-150-13 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.14/24 MADISONTC-C-150-14 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.15/24 MADISONTC-C-150-15 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.16/24 MADISONTC-C-150-16 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.17/24 MADISONTC-C-150-17 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.21/24 WTCS-BOARD C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.52/24 VITERBO-C-150-52 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.53/24 VITERBO-C-150-53 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.64/24 MSCFS C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.72/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-72 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.73/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-73 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.74/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-74 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.75/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-75 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.80/24 MORAINEPARK1 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.96/24 WTCT-C-150-96 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.97/24 WTCT-C-150-97 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.98/24 WTCT-C-150-98 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.99/24 WTCT-C-150-99 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.100/24 WTCT-C-150-100 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.101/24 WTCT-C-150-101 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.102/24 WTCT-C-150-102 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.103/24 WTCT-C-150-103 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.104/24 WTCT-C-150-104 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.105/24 WTCT-C-150-105 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.124/24 STRITCH C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.194/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-194 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.195/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-195 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.196/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-196 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.150.197/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-197 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.161.81/24 ALBERTA-SCHOOLNET C:CA 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.162.86/24 ARRCLABMOT C:CA 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.174.56/24 IC-MKT-001 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.174.57/24 IC-MKT-002 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.174.58/24 IC-MKT-003 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.174.133/24 MNNET C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.174.184/24 CCNET1-C-174-184 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.174.192/24 CCNET1-C-174-192 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.174.193/24 CCNET1-C-174-193 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.187.211/24 ECK-NET-C-187-211 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.187.212/24 ECK-NET-C-187-212 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.187.213/24 ECK-NET-C-187-213 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.187.214/24 ECK-NET-C-187-214 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.211.219/24 LANSPEED C:US 1:2551
198.211.220/24 SPECTRA1 C:US 1:2551
198.211.221/24 SPECTRA2 C:US 1:2551
198.211.222/24 NETAPP C:US 1:2551
198.242.208/24 PSINET-C-242-208 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.242.209/24 PSINET-C-242-209 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.242.210/24 PSINET-C-242-210 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.242.211/24 PSINET-C-242-211 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.242.212/24 PSINET-C-242-212 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.252.201/24 PINN-NET C:US 1:1800 2:1240
199.1.11/24 ONRAMP C:US 1:1800 2:1240
199.4.224/24 ECLECTIC-ENG C:US 1:1740
199.5.241/24 CLAIRCOM-DMZ C:US 1:1982
199.5.247/24 LAC-C C:EC 1:1800 2:1240
199.29.171/24 PSINET-C-29-171 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.172/24 PSINET-C-29-172 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.174/24 PSINET-C-29-174 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.175/24 PSINET-C-29-175 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.29.176/24 PSINET-C-29-176 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.89.8/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-8 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.9/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-9 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.10/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-10 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.11/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-11 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.12/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-12 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.13/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-13 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.14/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-14 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.89.15/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-15 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
200.0.8/24 REDE-UFES-C-0-8 C:BR 1:1740
200.0.9/24 REDE-UFES-C-0-9 C:BR 1:1740
202.20.66/24 NUTS C:HK 1:2149 2:174
202.40.134/24 HKIS-1 C:HK 1:2149 2:174
Expanded listing, sorted by country, then by organization:
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo - UFES, Av. Fernando Ferrari S/N -
Campus Goiabeiras, Vitoria, ES,
29060-970, BRAZIL
1:1740 CERFnet
200.0.8/24 REDE-UFES-C-0-8 (BR)
200.0.9/24 REDE-UFES-C-0-9 (BR)
Advanced RadioData Research Centre, Motorola Canada Ltd, 11411 No. 5 Road,
Richmond, BC, V7A 1Z3, CANADA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
198.162.86/24 ARRCLABMOT (CA)
Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services, 2nd Floor, 6950 - 113 Street,
Edmonton, AB, T6H 5V7, CANADA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
198.161.81/24 ALBERTA-SCHOOLNET (CA)
Energy Resources Conservation Board, 640 5th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2P
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
198.51.156/24 ERCB-GOA (CA)
Ecuanet, P. Icaza 200 Piso 11, Guayaquil, Guayas, ECUADOR
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
199.5.247/24 LAC-C (EC)
City of Tampere, PO Box 87, FI-33211 Tampere, FINLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.65.1/24 TAC-NET-C-65-1 (FI)
193.65.2/24 TAC-NET-C-65-2 (FI)
193.65.3/24 TAC-NET-C-65-3 (FI)
193.65.4/24 TAC-NET-C-65-4 (FI)
193.65.5/24 TAC-NET-C-65-5 (FI)
193.65.6/24 TAC-NET-C-65-6 (FI)
193.65.7/24 TAC-NET-C-65-7 (FI)
193.65.8/24 TAC-NET-C-65-8 (FI)
193.65.9/24 TAC-NET-C-65-9 (FI)
193.65.10/24 TAC-NET-C-65-10 (FI)
193.65.11/24 TAC-NET-C-65-11 (FI)
193.65.12/24 TAC-NET-C-65-12 (FI)
193.65.13/24 TAC-NET-C-65-13 (FI)
193.65.14/24 TAC-NET-C-65-14 (FI)
193.65.15/24 TAC-NET-C-65-15 (FI)
193.65.16/24 TAC-NET-C-65-16 (FI)
193.65.17/24 TAC-NET-C-65-17 (FI)
193.65.18/24 TAC-NET-C-65-18 (FI)
193.65.19/24 TAC-NET-C-65-19 (FI)
193.65.20/24 TAC-NET-C-65-20 (FI)
193.65.21/24 TAC-NET-C-65-21 (FI)
193.65.22/24 TAC-NET-C-65-22 (FI)
193.65.23/24 TAC-NET-C-65-23 (FI)
193.65.24/24 TAC-NET-C-65-24 (FI)
193.65.25/24 TAC-NET-C-65-25 (FI)
193.65.26/24 TAC-NET-C-65-26 (FI)
193.65.27/24 TAC-NET-C-65-27 (FI)
193.65.28/24 TAC-NET-C-65-28 (FI)
193.65.29/24 TAC-NET-C-65-29 (FI)
193.65.30/24 TAC-NET-C-65-30 (FI)
193.65.31/24 TAC-NET-C-65-31 (FI)
193.65.32/24 TAC-NET-C-65-32 (FI)
193.65.33/24 TAC-NET-C-65-33 (FI)
193.65.34/24 TAC-NET-C-65-34 (FI)
193.65.35/24 TAC-NET-C-65-35 (FI)
193.65.36/24 TAC-NET-C-65-36 (FI)
193.65.37/24 TAC-NET-C-65-37 (FI)
193.65.38/24 TAC-NET-C-65-38 (FI)
193.65.39/24 TAC-NET-C-65-39 (FI)
193.65.40/24 TAC-NET-C-65-40 (FI)
193.65.41/24 TAC-NET-C-65-41 (FI)
193.65.42/24 TAC-NET-C-65-42 (FI)
193.65.43/24 TAC-NET-C-65-43 (FI)
193.65.44/24 TAC-NET-C-65-44 (FI)
193.65.45/24 TAC-NET-C-65-45 (FI)
193.65.46/24 TAC-NET-C-65-46 (FI)
193.65.47/24 TAC-NET-C-65-47 (FI)
193.65.48/24 TAC-NET-C-65-48 (FI)
193.65.49/24 TAC-NET-C-65-49 (FI)
193.65.50/24 TAC-NET-C-65-50 (FI)
193.65.51/24 TAC-NET-C-65-51 (FI)
193.65.52/24 TAC-NET-C-65-52 (FI)
193.65.53/24 TAC-NET-C-65-53 (FI)
193.65.54/24 TAC-NET-C-65-54 (FI)
193.65.55/24 TAC-NET-C-65-55 (FI)
193.65.56/24 TAC-NET-C-65-56 (FI)
193.65.57/24 TAC-NET-C-65-57 (FI)
193.65.58/24 TAC-NET-C-65-58 (FI)
193.65.59/24 TAC-NET-C-65-59 (FI)
193.65.60/24 TAC-NET-C-65-60 (FI)
193.65.61/24 TAC-NET-C-65-61 (FI)
193.65.62/24 TAC-NET-C-65-62 (FI)
193.65.63/24 TAC-NET-C-65-63 (FI)
Kubota Pacific Computer, 32, avenue de l'Europe, Batiment Energy 1, BP 123,
78148 Velizy CEDEX, FRANCE
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.104.148/24 FR-KUBOTA (FR)
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Zentrale Datenverarbeitung, Im
Neuenheimer Feld 280, Heidelberg,
D-69120, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.108.23/24 DKFZ-LAN-TN1 (DE)
Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main, Abteilung Datenverarbeitung,
Nibelungenplatz 1, Frankfurt/Main,
D-60318, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.109.234/24 FHF-LAN (DE)
Fachhochschule Lippe, Datenverarbeitungszentrale, Liebigstr 87, Lemgo,
D-32655, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.16.112/24 FH-LIPPE-C00 (DE)
193.16.113/24 FH-LIPPE-C01 (DE)
193.16.114/24 FH-LIPPE-C02 (DE)
Fachhochschule Niederrhein, Abtlg. Moenchengladbach, Webschulstr. 41-43,
Moenchengladbach, D-41065, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.124.241/24 FH-MG (DE)
Fachhochschule Niederrhein, Reinarzstr. 49, Krefeld, D-47805, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.124.240/24 FH-KR (DE)
Fachhochschule Rosenheim, Marienberger Str. 26, Rosenheim, D-83024, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
141.60/16 FH-RO-NET (DE)
Fachhochschule Schweinfurt, Ignaz-Schoen-Str. 11, Schweinfurt, D-97421,
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.129.23/24 FH-SW (DE)
Hochschule fuer Technik, Wirtschaft u. Sozialwesen, HTWS Zittau/Goerlitz,
Rechenzentrum, Theodor-Koerner-Allee
16, Zittau, D-02763, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.174.102/24 GR-NET (DE)
Hydromod GbR, OSAT GmbH / HydroMod-Group, Bahnhofstr. 52/III, Wedel
(Holstein), D-22880, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.17.19/24 OSAT-HY-LAN (DE)
Individual Network, Ammerlaender Heerstr. 389, D-26129 Oldenburg, GERMANY
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.101.2/24 POPNW-ISDN (DE)
Institut fuer Molekulare Biotechnologie, Jena, Beutenbergstrasse 11,
Postfach 100 813, Jena, D-07708,
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.174.235/24 IMB-NET (DE)
Institut fuer Neurobiologie Magdeburg, Abt. Systemphysiologie, Postfach
1860, Magdeburg, D-39008, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.129.2/24 IFN-MAGDEBRG (DE)
Institut fuer Neurobiologie, Abt. Systemphysiologie,Postfach 1860,
Magdeburg, D-O-3010, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.174.224/24 IFN-NET-C-174-224 (DE)
193.174.225/24 IFN-NET-C-174-225 (DE)
Leibnitz Rechenzentrum, Barer Str. 21, Muenchen, D-80333, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.55.197/24 LIS-NET (DE)
TUeV Suedwest, Mannheim, KS, KS-D (MA), Dudenstrasse 28, Mannheim, D-68167,
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.108.66/24 TUEVMANNHEIM (DE)
Tieraerztliche Hochschule Hannover, Rechenzentrum, Bischofsholer Damm 15,
Hannover, D-30173, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.16.4/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-4 (DE)
193.16.5/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-5 (DE)
193.16.6/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-6 (DE)
193.16.7/24 TIHO-LAN-C-16-7 (DE)
Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, Abteilung Landau/Pfalz, Im Fort 7-9, Landau,
D-76829, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
139.14/16 UNILD-LAN (DE)
Hong Kong
Hong Kong International School, 6 & 23 South Bay Close, Repulse Bay, HONG
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
202.40.134/24 HKIS-1 (HK)
Nuts Tecnnologies, Ltd., Eight Plaza, 8 Sunning Road, 12th Floor, Causeway
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
202.20.66/24 NUTS (HK)
Orbot Systems LTD, P.O. Box 215, Yavne, ISRAEL
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
192.114.17/24 ORBOTECH (IL)
Departamento de Informatica, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia da,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Quinta da
Torre, 2825 Monte da Caparica, PORTUGAL
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.126.4/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-4 (PT)
193.126.5/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-5 (PT)
193.126.6/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-6 (PT)
193.126.7/24 NET-PT-EUNET-C-126-7 (PT)
Universidade do Minho, Centro de Informatica da Escola de Engenharia,
Azurem, P-4800 Guimaraes, PORTUGAL
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.136.14/24 UM-CIENG-1 (PT)
Universidade do Minho, Departamento de Informatica, Largo do Paco, P-4719
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.136.20/24 DI-UM-1 (PT)
Russian Federation
International Laboratory VEGA, 34 Narodnogo Opolcheniya str., 123423
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.125.24/24 VEGA (RU)
NEVAlink Co. Ltd., P/O BOX 32, SU-195299 St.Petersburg, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.124.94/24 NEVALINK (RU)
Stack Ltd., Science Prospect 5, 142292 Pushchino, Moscow Region, RUSSIAN
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.124.172/24 STACKNET (RU)
Information Communication Systems Ltd., pl. Oktyabrskaya 3, SU-620075
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.125.18/24 ICS (RU)
Dogu Akdeniz University, Computer Center, Gazi Magusa / Kibris, TURKEY
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.140.40/24 DAU-NET-C-140-40 (TR)
193.140.41/24 DAU-NET-C-140-41 (TR)
193.140.42/24 DAU-NET-C-140-42 (TR)
193.140.43/24 DAU-NET-C-140-43 (TR)
193.140.44/24 DAU-NET-C-140-44 (TR)
193.140.45/24 DAU-NET-C-140-45 (TR)
193.140.46/24 DAU-NET-C-140-46 (TR)
193.140.47/24 DAU-NET-C-140-47 (TR)
United States
3M Company, 3M Center, bldg 224-2n-27, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000, USA
1:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
3:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
169.15/16 3M-B-15 (US)
ARPA-HPC, 3701 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203, USA
1:1972 DARPA
192.187.9/24 ARL-VA-US2 (US)
Advanced Processing Laboratories, Inc., 6215 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA
92121, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
192.254.32/24 APLABS32 (US)
Army Information Systems Command, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, NY
13601-5003, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
192.103.51/24 FORTDRUM-NET3 (US)
Article Express, 469 Union Ave, Westbury, NJ 11590, USA
1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
198.138.104/24 ARTX-C-138-104 (US)
198.138.105/24 ARTX-C-138-105 (US)
BDM Technologies, 330 Town Center Dr, Suite 945, Dearborn, MI 48126, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.171/24 PSINET-C-29-171 (US)
Berea College, CPO Box 2293, Berea, KY 40404, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
192.68.112/24 BEREA (US)
198.78.180/24 BEREA1 (US)
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co., Inc., 1840 Century Park East, 9th Floor, Los
Angeles, CA 90067, USA
1:1324 ANS New York City - DNSS 35
148.106/16 CANTOR (US)
Cardinal Stritch College, 6801 N. Yates Road, Milwaukee, WI 53217, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.124/24 STRITCH (US)
Castle Public Access Unix, 1756 Essex St, #110, San Diego, CA 92103, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
192.5.37/24 CASTLE-NET (US)
Center for the Advancement of Language Learning, 4040 N. Fairfax Drive,
Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22203, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.76.36/24 CALL (US)
Chippewa Valley Technical College, 3550 Anderson Street, Madison, WI 53704,
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
160.32/16 CVTC (US)
Claircom Communications Group (NET-CLAIRCOM-DMZ), 700 Fifth Avenue,
Seattle, WA 98104, USA
1:1982 Northwest Nexus
199.5.241/24 CLAIRCOM-DMZ (US)
Concordia University Wisconsin, 12800 N. Lake Shore Drive, Mequon, WI
53097-7699, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.72/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-72 (US)
198.150.73/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-73 (US)
198.150.74/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-74 (US)
198.150.75/24 CONCORDIA-UW-C-150-75 (US)
Corning Community College, Spencer Hill Road, Corning, NY 14830, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
143.66/16 CORNING-CC (US)
Eagle Systems, Inc., 100 Epic Drive, Suite 100, California, MD U20619, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.77.74/24 EAGLENET-C-77-74 (US)
198.77.75/24 EAGLENET-C-77-75 (US)
Eastman Chemical Company, P.O. Box 1973, Kingsport, TN 37662, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
164.89/16 ECC-DOMESTIC (US)
Eckerd College, 4200 54th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
198.187.211/24 ECK-NET-C-187-211 (US)
198.187.212/24 ECK-NET-C-187-212 (US)
198.187.213/24 ECK-NET-C-187-213 (US)
198.187.214/24 ECK-NET-C-187-214 (US)
Eclectic Engineering & Design, 1555 Gregory Street, San Diego, CA
92102-1631, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
199.4.224/24 ECLECTIC-ENG (US)
Employment Training Administration (ETA) U.S. Department of Labor, 200
Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20210, USA
1:200 BARRNet
2:201 BARRNet
166.97/16 ETANET-B (US)
Fed'n of American Societies for Exp'l Biology, 9650 Rockville Pike,
Bethesda, MD 20814-3998, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.76.38/24 FASEB (US)
Genuine Computing Resources, 5690 Rowser Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22193, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.5.166/24 GCR-NET (US)
Globalsoft, 1755 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
166.90/16 GLOBALNET-B (US)
Hitachi Automotive, 955 Warwick Rd, PO Box 510, Harrodsburg, KY 40330, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.172/24 PSINET-C-29-172 (US)
INSCI Inc., 130 Cedar Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10006, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
192.231.111/24 INSCI (US)
Internet Connections, Inc., 323 Floral Ave, Mankato, MN 56001, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.174.56/24 IC-MKT-001 (US)
198.174.57/24 IC-MKT-002 (US)
198.174.58/24 IC-MKT-003 (US)
LANSpeed Inc., 359 Ravendale Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.219/24 LANSPEED (US)
MNet, 658 Cedar Street # Room 90, St. Paul, MN 55155, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.174.133/24 MNNET (US)
Madison Area Technical College, 3550 Anderson Street, Madison, WI 53704,
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.10/24 MADISONTC-C-150-10 (US)
198.150.11/24 MADISONTC-C-150-11 (US)
198.150.12/24 MADISONTC-C-150-12 (US)
198.150.13/24 MADISONTC-C-150-13 (US)
198.150.14/24 MADISONTC-C-150-14 (US)
198.150.15/24 MADISONTC-C-150-15 (US)
198.150.16/24 MADISONTC-C-150-16 (US)
198.150.17/24 MADISONTC-C-150-17 (US)
Magic Valley Regional Medical Center, 650 Addison Avenue West, Twin Falls,
ID 83301, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
198.60.228/24 MVRMC2 (US)
198.60.229/24 MVRMC3 (US)
Minnesota Community Colleges, 550 Cedar Street, Suite 150, St. Paul, MN
55101, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.174.184/24 CCNET1-C-174-184 (US)
198.174.192/24 CCNET1-C-174-192 (US)
198.174.193/24 CCNET1-C-174-193 (US)
Mohawk Community College, 1101 Sherman Drive, Utica, NY 13501, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
150.154/16 REV-MVCC (US)
Moraine Park Technical College, 235 North National Ave., Fond du Lac, WI
54935, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.80/24 MORAINEPARK1 (US)
Mount Senario College, 1500 College Avenue W, Ladysmith, WI 54848, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.64/24 MSCFS (US)
NASA Ames Research Center, MS 233-8, Moffett Field, CA 95014, USA
1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
198.116.26/24 NSI-C-116-26 (US)
198.116.32/24 NSI-C-116-32 (US)
198.116.33/24 NSI-C-116-33 (US)
198.116.34/24 NSI-C-116-34 (US)
198.116.35/24 NSI-C-116-35 (US)
198.116.36/24 NSI-C-116-36 (US)
198.116.37/24 NSI-C-116-37 (US)
NETCOM, 4000 Moorpark Ave #200, San Jose, CA 95117, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.153.48/24 NETCOM7 (US)
NYC Dept Water Supply, 465 Columbus Ave, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.174/24 PSINET-C-29-174 (US)
NYC Dept Water Supply, Rte 28A, Shokan, NY 12481, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.175/24 PSINET-C-29-175 (US)
Network Appliance Corporation, 2901 Tasman, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.222/24 NETAPP (US)
Northland College, Computer Center, 1411 Ellis Avenue, Ashland, WI 54806,
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.194/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-194 (US)
198.150.195/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-195 (US)
198.150.196/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-196 (US)
198.150.197/24 NORTHLAND-C-150-197 (US)
Office Automation Network Division, Building 500 Room BB30H, Offutt Air
Force Base, NE 68113-6600, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
143.250/16 HQSAC (US)
On-Ramp Technologies, Inc., 1950 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 5001, Dallas, TX
75207, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
199.1.11/24 ONRAMP (US)
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
198.252.201/24 PINN-NET (US)
Perkin Elmer, 761 Main Ave., m/s 30, Norwalk, CT 06859, USA
1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
167.116/16 PERKIN-ELMER (US)
Qualcomm Incorporated, PO BOX 12523, San Diego, CA 92039, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
192.52.226/24 SKMNET (US)
192.190.109/24 QUALNET3 (US)
192.190.110/24 QUALNET4 (US)
SUNY Dutchess Community College, 53 Pendell Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601,
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
198.242.208/24 PSINET-C-242-208 (US)
198.242.209/24 PSINET-C-242-209 (US)
198.242.210/24 PSINET-C-242-210 (US)
198.242.211/24 PSINET-C-242-211 (US)
198.242.212/24 PSINET-C-242-212 (US)
Spectragraphics Corporation, 9707 Waples Street, San Diego, CA 92121, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.220/24 SPECTRA1 (US)
198.211.221/24 SPECTRA2 (US)
Stratus Computer, 55 Fairbanks Boulevard, Marlboro, MA 01752, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.97.41/24 STRATUS-ISIS (US)
Taralogic, Inc., 3 Ravinia Drive, Atlanta, GA 30346, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
198.79.68/24 TARA-LOGIC (US)
Union-Tribune Publishing Co., 350 Camino Del Reina, San Diego, CA 92108,
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
199.89.8/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-8 (US)
199.89.9/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-9 (US)
199.89.10/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-10 (US)
199.89.11/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-11 (US)
199.89.12/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-12 (US)
199.89.13/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-13 (US)
199.89.14/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-14 (US)
199.89.15/24 SDUNION-NET-C-89-15 (US)
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW,
Washington, DC 20024, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.76.16/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-16 (US)
198.76.17/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-17 (US)
198.76.18/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-18 (US)
198.76.19/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-19 (US)
198.76.22/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-22 (US)
198.76.23/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-23 (US)
198.76.25/24 USHMM-NET-C-76-25 (US)
Viterbo College, 815 South 9th Street, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.52/24 VITERBO-C-150-52 (US)
198.150.53/24 VITERBO-C-150-53 (US)
Warren Consolidated Schools, 31300 Anita Drive, Warren, MI 48093, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.176/24 PSINET-C-29-176 (US)
Waukesha County Technical College, 800 Main St., Pewaukee, WI 53072, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.96/24 WTCT-C-150-96 (US)
198.150.97/24 WTCT-C-150-97 (US)
198.150.98/24 WTCT-C-150-98 (US)
198.150.99/24 WTCT-C-150-99 (US)
198.150.100/24 WTCT-C-150-100 (US)
198.150.101/24 WTCT-C-150-101 (US)
198.150.102/24 WTCT-C-150-102 (US)
198.150.103/24 WTCT-C-150-103 (US)
198.150.104/24 WTCT-C-150-104 (US)
198.150.105/24 WTCT-C-150-105 (US)
Western Wisconsin Technical College, Computer Services, 304 North 6th
Street, La Crosse, WI 54601, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
165.128/16 WWTC (US)
Westnet, 3645 Marine Street, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0455, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.59.76/24 WESTNET-C-59-76 (US)
198.59.77/24 WESTNET-C-59-77 (US)
198.59.78/24 WESTNET-C-59-78 (US)
198.59.79/24 WESTNET-C-59-79 (US)
198.59.80/24 WESTNET-C-59-80 (US)
Westnet, 3645 Marine Street, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0455, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
198.60.18/24 WESTNET-C-60-18 (US)
Wisconsin Technical College System, 310 Price Pl., P.O. Box 7874, Madison,
WI 53707, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.21/24 WTCS-BOARD (US)
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on nic.merit.edu by 08:00 EST :
configuration reports --
as-as.now as-gw.now ans_core.now country.now net-comp.now
nets.doc nets.tag.now nets.unl.now
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Information is also avaiable through the PRDB whois server. Type
"whois -h prdb.merit.edu help" for details.
REPORT CHANGES: (Updated 1/4/94)
CIDRIZATION: On January 4, we converted all Policy Routing DataBase
(PRDB) output, including this report, to CIDR notation. All occurrences
of network numbers ("x.x.x") on output have been replaced by aggregate
notation ("x.x.x/len"). The previous formats for ans_core.now, country.now,
or net-comp.now, now in the files ans_core.old, country.old, and net-comp.old
in the nic.merit.edu: nsfnet/announced.networks directory. These ".old"
files will be discontinued on March 1.
TRANSITION TO GATED: During January, the "routed" routing software on
the backbone will be replaced by "gated". Gated configuration files are
considerably different than routed configuration files. When that
transition is made, gated configuration files will replace routed files
on the nic.merit.edu:nsfnet/backbone.configuration directory.
The archived discussion list "db-disc(a)merit.edu" exists for discussion of
PRDB issues. Send a message to "db-disc-request(a)merit.edu" to subscribe.
--Dale Johnson (dsj(a)merit.edu)
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)merit.edu
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the nic.merit.edu machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files template.net,
template.net.README, template.gate, and template.as.
In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have moved to a
system which requires the use of template.net (NACR) version 7.0
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)merit.edu
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)merit.edu
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)merit.edu
NOTICE: This "nwg" report, plus the reports "ans_core.now", "country.now"
and "net-comp.now" will be modified to use aggregate notation on January 4.
See below for details.
The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00EST :
Total = Class A+Class B+Class C
Configured Networks 21430 = 27 4244 17159
Added Networks 94 = 0 7 87
Deleted Networks 0 = 0 0 0
IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- ---- -----------
132.171 IVOWAN C:FI D:12/29/93 1:701 2:1800
157.109 SEGAJP C:JP D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
158.205 IDCLANNET C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
161.68 HLN C:US D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
163.135 DATA-NET C:JP D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
163.137 NTT-NETWORK C:JP D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
165.254 NEW-YORK-NET C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.152.183 SPENET C:US D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
192.204.192 PGH-NET-C-204-192 C:US D:12/29/93 1:204 2:1206
192.204.193 PGH-NET-C-204-193 C:US D:12/29/93 1:204 2:1206
192.204.194 PGH-NET-C-204-194 C:US D:12/29/93 1:204 2:1206
193.64.170 MROY-NET C:FI D:12/29/93 1:701 2:1800
193.84.112 MECR-NET-C-84-112 C:CZ D:12/29/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.84.113 MECR-NET-C-84-113 C:CZ D:12/29/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.99.157 ITP-NETWORK C:DE D:12/29/93 1:701 2:1800
193.174.226 WINIP-BER C:DE D:12/29/93 1:293 2:291
193.212.3 TELEPOSTIP-3 C:NO D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
198.60.208 NNC-C-60-208 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.209 NNC-C-60-209 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.210 NNC-C-60-210 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.211 NNC-C-60-211 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.212 NNC-C-60-212 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.213 NNC-C-60-213 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.214 NNC-C-60-214 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.60.215 NNC-C-60-215 C:US D:12/29/93 1:210 2:209
198.112.63 XAIT-SLIP C:US D:12/29/93 1:560
198.114.184 ALLAB-C-114-184 C:US D:12/29/93 1:560 2:701
198.114.185 ALLAB-C-114-185 C:US D:12/29/93 1:560 2:701
198.114.186 ALLAB-C-114-186 C:US D:12/29/93 1:560 2:701
198.114.187 ALLAB-C-114-187 C:US D:12/29/93 1:560 2:701
198.138.107 MIERL C:US D:12/29/93 1:97
198.150.29 WPS-MADISON C:US D:12/29/93 1:1225 2:266 3:267
198.168.54 REZONET-C-168-54 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.55 REZONET-C-168-55 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.56 REZONET-C-168-56 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.57 REZONET-C-168-57 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.58 REZONET-C-168-58 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.59 REZONET-C-168-59 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.60 REZONET-C-168-60 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.61 REZONET-C-168-61 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.62 REZONET-C-168-62 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.63 REZONET-C-168-63 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.64 REZONET-C-168-64 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.65 REZONET-C-168-65 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.66 REZONET-C-168-66 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.67 REZONET-C-168-67 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.68 REZONET-C-168-68 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.69 REZONET-C-168-69 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.70 REZONET-C-168-70 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.71 REZONET-C-168-71 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.72 REZONET-C-168-72 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.168.73 REZONET-C-168-73 C:CA D:12/29/93 1:2493
198.174.196 LSCI1 C:US D:12/29/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266
198.209.65 MORENET-C-209-65 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.66 MORENET-C-209-66 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.67 MORENET-C-209-67 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.68 MORENET-C-209-68 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.72 MORENET-C-209-72 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.96 MORENET-C-209-96 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.97 MORENET-C-209-97 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.98 MORENET-C-209-98 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.99 MORENET-C-209-99 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.100 MORENET-C-209-100 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.101 MORENET-C-209-101 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.102 MORENET-C-209-102 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.209.103 MORENET-C-209-103 C:US D:12/29/93 1:1800 2:1240
199.29.168 PSINET-C-29-168 C:US D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
199.29.169 PSINET-C-29-169 C:US D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
199.29.170 PSINET-C-29-170 C:US D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
202.17.213 LINC-IP-NET-C-17-213 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
202.17.214 LINC-IP-NET-C-17-214 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
202.17.215 LINC-IP-NET-C-17-215 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:2149 2:174
202.23.97 HUENES1-C-23-97 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.98 HUENES1-C-23-98 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.99 HUENES1-C-23-99 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.100 HUENES1-C-23-100 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.101 HUENES1-C-23-101 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.102 HUENES1-C-23-102 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.103 HUENES1-C-23-103 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.104 HUENES1-C-23-104 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.105 HUENES1-C-23-105 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.106 HUENES1-C-23-106 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.107 HUENES1-C-23-107 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.108 HUENES1-C-23-108 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.109 HUENES1-C-23-109 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.110 HUENES1-C-23-110 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.111 HUENES1-C-23-111 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.232 RINSHOKEN-C-23-232 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.23.233 RINSHOKEN-C-23-233 C:JP D:12/29/93 1:1240 2:1800
203.0.84 WAPET-AU-C-0-84 C:AU D:12/29/93 1:372 2:297
203.0.85 WAPET-AU-C-0-85 C:AU D:12/29/93 1:372 2:297
203.0.86 WAPET-AU-C-0-86 C:AU D:12/29/93 1:372 2:297
203.0.87 WAPET-AU-C-0-87 C:AU D:12/29/93 1:372 2:297
203.0.88 CSIRO-SUPER-AU C:AU D:12/29/93 1:372 2:297
Accelerated Learning Laboratory, 150 CambridgePark Drive, Cambridge, MA 02138,
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.114.184 ALLAB-C-114-184 (US)
198.114.185 ALLAB-C-114-185 (US)
198.114.186 ALLAB-C-114-186 (US)
198.114.187 ALLAB-C-114-187 (US)
CSIRO Division of Information Technology, 723 Swanston Street, Carlton, VIC,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.0.88 CSIRO-SUPER-AU (AU)
CentNet, Inc., 90 Sherman St., Cambridge, MA 02140-3233, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
165.254 NEW-YORK-NET (US)
College Placement Council, 62 Highland Ave, Bethlehem, PA 18017, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.169 PSINET-C-29-169 (US)
Ed Dehart, 4516 Henry Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
192.204.192 PGH-NET-C-204-192 (US)
192.204.193 PGH-NET-C-204-193 (US)
192.204.194 PGH-NET-C-204-194 (US)
Hokkaido University of Education, 3-1-3, Ainosato, 5-Jou,, Kita-ku, Sapporo,
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
202.23.100 HUENES1-C-23-100 (JP)
202.23.101 HUENES1-C-23-101 (JP)
202.23.102 HUENES1-C-23-102 (JP)
202.23.103 HUENES1-C-23-103 (JP)
202.23.104 HUENES1-C-23-104 (JP)
202.23.105 HUENES1-C-23-105 (JP)
202.23.106 HUENES1-C-23-106 (JP)
202.23.107 HUENES1-C-23-107 (JP)
202.23.108 HUENES1-C-23-108 (JP)
202.23.109 HUENES1-C-23-109 (JP)
202.23.110 HUENES1-C-23-110 (JP)
202.23.111 HUENES1-C-23-111 (JP)
202.23.97 HUENES1-C-23-97 (JP)
202.23.98 HUENES1-C-23-98 (JP)
202.23.99 HUENES1-C-23-99 (JP)
Holnam Inc, 6211 N. Ann Arbor Road, Dundee, MI 48131, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
161.68 HLN (US)
IP networking on DFN's X.25-Wissenschaftsnetz, region Berlin, DFN-Verein,
Pariser Str. 44, Berlin, D-10707, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
193.174.226 WINIP-BER (DE)
IPN Network LP, PO Box 292609, Nashville, TN 37229, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.170 PSINET-C-29-170 (US)
Imatran Voima Corporation, FI-01019 IVO, FINLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
132.171 IVOWAN (FI)
International Digital Communications, Inc., 5-20-8, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku,
Tokyo, 111, JAPAN
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
158.205 IDCLANNET (JP)
International Thomson Publishing GmbH, Koenigswinterer Str. 418, D-53227 Bonn,
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.99.157 ITP-NETWORK (DE)
LINC, C/O Ohashi Clinic, 4-4-2 Ebara, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 142, JAPAN
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
202.17.213 LINC-IP-NET-C-17-213 (JP)
202.17.214 LINC-IP-NET-C-17-214 (JP)
202.17.215 LINC-IP-NET-C-17-215 (JP)
LSC, Inc., 2817 Anthony Lane South, Minneapolis, MN 55418, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
198.174.196 LSCI1 (US)
MIERL, 9401 West Grand Ave., 5th flr., Franklin Park, IL 60131, USA
1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
198.138.107 MIERL (US)
Mika Rissa Oy, Maistraatinportti 2, FI-00240 HELSINKI, FINLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.64.170 MROY-NET (FI)
Ministry Educational of Czech Republic, Karmelitska 6, Prague 1, CZECH REPUBLIC
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.84.112 MECR-NET-C-84-112 (CZ)
193.84.113 MECR-NET-C-84-113 (CZ)
Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet), University of
Missouri-Columbia, Campus Computing,
200 Heinkel Bldg, Columbia, MO 65211,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
198.209.100 MORENET-C-209-100 (US)
198.209.101 MORENET-C-209-101 (US)
198.209.102 MORENET-C-209-102 (US)
198.209.103 MORENET-C-209-103 (US)
198.209.65 MORENET-C-209-65 (US)
198.209.66 MORENET-C-209-66 (US)
198.209.67 MORENET-C-209-67 (US)
198.209.68 MORENET-C-209-68 (US)
198.209.72 MORENET-C-209-72 (US)
198.209.96 MORENET-C-209-96 (US)
198.209.97 MORENET-C-209-97 (US)
198.209.98 MORENET-C-209-98 (US)
198.209.99 MORENET-C-209-99 (US)
NTT DATA COMMUNICATIONS, 1-26-5 Toranomon, Minato, Tokyo, 105, JAPAN
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
163.135 DATA-NET (JP)
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, 3-9-11, Midori-Cho, Musashino-Shi, Tokyo, 180,
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
163.137 NTT-NETWORK (JP)
Northwest Nazarene College, 623 Holly St, Nampa, ID 83686, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
198.60.208 NNC-C-60-208 (US)
198.60.209 NNC-C-60-209 (US)
198.60.210 NNC-C-60-210 (US)
198.60.211 NNC-C-60-211 (US)
198.60.212 NNC-C-60-212 (US)
198.60.213 NNC-C-60-213 (US)
198.60.214 NNC-C-60-214 (US)
198.60.215 NNC-C-60-215 (US)
Oslonett A/S, Gaustadaleen 21, N-0317 Oslo, NORWAY
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.212.3 TELEPOSTIP-3 (NO)
Rezonet, 3271 St. Jacques West, Montreal, Quebec, H4C 1G8, CANADA
198.168.54 REZONET-C-168-54 (CA)
198.168.55 REZONET-C-168-55 (CA)
198.168.56 REZONET-C-168-56 (CA)
198.168.57 REZONET-C-168-57 (CA)
198.168.58 REZONET-C-168-58 (CA)
198.168.59 REZONET-C-168-59 (CA)
198.168.60 REZONET-C-168-60 (CA)
198.168.61 REZONET-C-168-61 (CA)
198.168.62 REZONET-C-168-62 (CA)
198.168.63 REZONET-C-168-63 (CA)
198.168.64 REZONET-C-168-64 (CA)
198.168.65 REZONET-C-168-65 (CA)
198.168.66 REZONET-C-168-66 (CA)
198.168.67 REZONET-C-168-67 (CA)
198.168.68 REZONET-C-168-68 (CA)
198.168.69 REZONET-C-168-69 (CA)
198.168.70 REZONET-C-168-70 (CA)
198.168.71 REZONET-C-168-71 (CA)
198.168.72 REZONET-C-168-72 (CA)
198.168.73 REZONET-C-168-73 (CA)
Sega Enterparises LTD., JAPAN
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
157.109 SEGAJP (JP)
Society of Petroleum Engineers, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
192.152.183 SPENET (US)
The LAN Support Group, Inc., 2425 Fountainview, Suite 390, Houston, TX 77057,
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.168 PSINET-C-29-168 (US)
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, 3-18-22, Honkomagome,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113, JAPAN
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
202.23.232 RINSHOKEN-C-23-232 (JP)
202.23.233 RINSHOKEN-C-23-233 (JP)
Western Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd, PO Box S1580, Perth, WA, 6000, AUSTRALIA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.0.84 WAPET-AU-C-0-84 (AU)
203.0.85 WAPET-AU-C-0-85 (AU)
203.0.86 WAPET-AU-C-0-86 (AU)
203.0.87 WAPET-AU-C-0-87 (AU)
Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corp., 1800 Engel Street, Madison, WI
53713, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
3:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.150.29 WPS-MADISON (US)
Xerox Advanced Information Technology, Four Cambridge Center, 4th Floor,
Cambridge, MA 02142-1494, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
198.112.63 XAIT-SLIP (US)
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on nic.merit.edu by 08:00EST :
configuration reports --
as-as.now as-gw.now ans_core.now country.now net-comp.now
nets.doc nets.tag.now nets.unl.now
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Information is also avaiable through the PRDB whois server. Type
"whois -h prdb.merit.edu help" for details.
CIDRIZATION: On January 4, we will convert all Policy Routing DataBase
(PRDB) output to CIDR notation. All occurrences of network numbers ("x.x.x")
on output will be replaced by aggregate notation ("x.x.x/len"). If you
are currently using ans_core.now, country.now, or net-comp.now, you can
find the new versions of these reports now in the files ans_core.cidr,
country.cidr, and net-comp.cidr in the nic.merit.edu:nsfnet/announced.networks
directory. On January 4 these new formats will replace the existing "*.now"
files, and the current format files will be moved to "*.old" files for one
month. The report you are reading now ("nwg" report) and all "whois -h
prdb.merit.edu" output will be converted to use aggregate notation on
January 4 as well. "nets.unl.now" and "nets.tag.now" will not change,
because they all ready include prefix length information.
NWG: MORE DETAIL ON DELETED NETWORKS. The report you are reading now
("nwg" report) will also be modified some time in the future to explicitly
list which networks have been *deleted* from the PRDB, as well as those
that have been added. The syntax has not yet been determined, but we'd
like to make sure that it is easy to visually distinguish added networks
from deleted ones.
NWG: SORTING LONG FORMAT BY COUNTRY: There has been a suggestion to sort
the long form of the network listing in this report by country, instead of
simply alphabetically by organization to make it easier to scan for
networks in your own area. We will do this if there are no objections.
The archived discussion list "db-disc(a)merit.edu" exists for discussion of
PRDB issues. Send a message to "db-disc-request(a)merit.edu" to subscribe.
--Dale Johnson (dsj(a)merit.edu)
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)merit.edu
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the nic.merit.edu machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files template.net,
template.net.README, template.gate, and template.as.
In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have moved to a
system which requires the use of template.net (NACR) version 7.0
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)merit.edu
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)merit.edu
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)merit.edu
NOTICE: This "nwg" report, plus the reports "ans_core.now", "country.now"
and "net-comp.now" will be modified to use aggregate notation on January 4.
See below for details.
The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00EST :
Total = Class A+Class B+Class C
Configured Networks 21336 = 27 4237 17072
Added Networks 335 = 0 18 317
Deleted Networks 1 = 0 0 1
IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- ---- -----------
148.142 MAPP C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555
150.142 HEALTHCOM C:US D:12/24/93 1:2149 2:174
152.117 PLU C:US D:12/24/93 1:685 2:73 3:101
153.16 SHOW-NETB C:US D:12/24/93 1:701 2:702
155.7 AFISHQ-NET1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:19 2:568
162.139 PCP C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
163.126 TXMHMR C:US D:12/24/93 1:114 2:1700
165.193 ICHANGE C:US D:12/24/93 1:560 2:701
167.7 SCAROLINA-GOV C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
167.192 GEORGIA-B-192 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.193 GEORGIA-B-193 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.194 GEORGIA-B-194 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.195 GEORGIA-B-195 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.196 GEORGIA-B-196 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.197 GEORGIA-B-197 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.198 GEORGIA-B-198 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.199 GEORGIA-B-199 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
167.200 GEORGIA-B-200 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
192.33.117 NRAO-VLA C:US D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.55.93 BBT C:US D:12/24/93 1:81
192.75.209 WATCOM C:CA D:12/24/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
192.114.142 SELA-NET C:IL D:12/24/93 1:2149 2:174
192.131.10 HMSI1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:2551
192.131.11 HMSI2 C:US D:12/24/93 1:2551
192.135.176 HEALTHCOM-B C:US D:12/24/93 1:2149 2:174
192.136.27 BCBC C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
192.139.137 GLENATL C:US D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
192.149.202 UOG C:GU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
192.160.78 JCS-JIN5 C:US D:12/24/93 1:771 2:372 3:297
192.164.63 IDI-NET C:AT D:12/24/93 1:701 2:1800
192.175.207 VANGUARD-C-175-207 C:US D:12/24/93 1:204 2:1206
192.195.213 EMPIRE-NET C:US D:12/24/93 1:1332
192.197.248 ARRAY-CA-NET C:CA D:12/24/93 1:701 2:702
192.203.80 LPINET C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.217.175 CICNET-C-217-175 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1225 2:266 3:267
192.217.177 CICNET-C-217-177 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1225 2:266 3:267
193.6.23 IUN-BUDAPEST C:HU D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.6.208 SOTNET-C-6-208 C:HU D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.6.209 SOTNET-C-6-209 C:HU D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.6.210 SOTNET-C-6-210 C:HU D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.6.211 SOTNET-C-6-211 C:HU D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.6.224 HU-GOV-NET C:HU D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.40.8 VAN-UT C:EE D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.54.185 FR-GRENET32 C:FR D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.54.186 FR-GRENET33 C:FR D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.55.90 FR-CNRS-A19 C:FR D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.59.38 WBIMR-NET C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.88 WSPOPOLE C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.96 PLDPOLIP-C-59-96 C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.97 PLDPOLIP-C-59-97 C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.98 PLDPOLIP-C-59-98 C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.99 PLDPOLIP-C-59-99 C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.100 PLDPOLIP-C-59-100 C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.101 PLDPOLIP-C-59-101 C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.130 UPATNET C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.59.195 IEPCHLAN C:PL D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1879 3:1133 4:1240
193.61.13 BIRKBECK-13 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.14 BIRKBECK-14 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.15 BIRKBECK-15 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.16 BIRKBECK-16 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.17 BIRKBECK-17 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.19 BIRKBECK-19 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.21 BIRKBECK-21 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.30 BIRKBECK-30 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.61.31 BIRKBECK-31 C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.71.66 NAGGUM-NET C:NO D:12/24/93 1:701 2:1800
193.90.16 STERLING-STV-C-90-16 C:NO D:12/24/93 1:701 2:1800
193.90.17 STERLING-STV-C-90-17 C:NO D:12/24/93 1:701 2:1800
193.104.76 FR-SSWF C:FR D:12/24/93 1:701
193.106.192 FR-ATOP C:FR D:12/24/93 1:701
193.124.42 COMIX1-NET C:RU D:12/24/93 1:701 2:1800
193.124.117 NBSP C:RU D:12/24/93 1:701 2:1800
193.170.58 UNIVIE15 C:AT D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.170.59 UNIVIE16 C:AT D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.170.136 UNI-LEOBEN C:AT D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.170.144 ADBK-C-170-144 C:AT D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.170.145 ADBK-C-170-145 C:AT D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.170.146 ADBK-C-170-146 C:AT D:12/24/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.252 FUL-NET C:BE D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.195.16 RECOGNITION C:GB D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.232.68 FIAN C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.233.12 FREE-LPI-LAN-0 C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.233.13 FREE-LPI-LAN-1 C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.233.14 FREE-LPI-LAN-2 C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.233.15 FREE-LPI-LAN-3 C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.233.35 FREE-ICPH-NET1 C:RU D:12/24/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.3.133 DATATEL C:US D:12/24/93 1:701 2:702
198.5.6 BA-NET1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:701 2:702
198.5.7 BA-NET2 C:US D:12/24/93 1:701 2:702
198.30.197 OAR197 C:US D:12/24/93 1:600
198.30.198 OAR198 C:US D:12/24/93 1:600
198.53.33 FONOROLA-C-53-33 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:2493
198.53.65 FONOROLA-C-53-65 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:2493
198.53.200 FONOROLA-C-53-200 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:2493
198.53.201 FONOROLA-C-53-201 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:2493
198.53.202 FONOROLA-C-53-202 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:2493
198.53.203 FONOROLA-C-53-203 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:2493
198.73.222 GLENNET10 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.73.223 GLENNET11 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.73.224 GLENNET12 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.76.84 AIDNET-C C:US D:12/24/93 1:86 2:279
198.81.128 ANS-C-81-128 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1327
198.88.33 CICNET-C-88-33 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.63 CICNET-C-88-63 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.64 CICNET-C-88-64 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.65 CICNET-C-88-65 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.66 CICNET-C-88-66 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.67 CICNET-C-88-67 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.68 CICNET-C-88-68 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.69 CICNET-C-88-69 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.70 CICNET-C-88-70 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.71 CICNET-C-88-71 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.72 CICNET-C-88-72 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.73 CICNET-C-88-73 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.74 CICNET-C-88-74 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.75 CICNET-C-88-75 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.76 CICNET-C-88-76 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.88.77 CICNET-C-88-77 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:266 3:1225
198.93.20 TGV-C-93-20 C:US D:12/24/93 1:200 2:201
198.106.235 DOW-NET-C-106-235 C:US D:12/24/93 1:685 2:73 3:101
198.110.192 NMU-C-110-192 C:US D:12/24/93 1:237 2:233 3:266 4:267 5:1225
198.110.193 NMU-C-110-193 C:US D:12/24/93 1:237 2:233 3:266 4:267 5:1225
198.110.194 NMU-C-110-194 C:US D:12/24/93 1:237 2:233 3:266 4:267 5:1225
198.110.195 NMU-C-110-195 C:US D:12/24/93 1:237 2:233 3:266 4:267 5:1225
198.112.60 NEWHAVEN C:US D:12/24/93 1:560 2:701
198.112.101 NHC-1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:560 2:701
198.112.102 NHC-2 C:US D:12/24/93 1:560 2:701
198.113.142 MWA C:US D:12/24/93 1:560 2:701
198.136.251 SEEQ C:US D:12/24/93 1:2551
198.169.4 RPL-C-169-4 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.169.5 RPL-C-169-5 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.174.167 WARE1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555
198.174.168 UELER1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555
198.174.169 MRNET-DIALIP1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 4:555
198.175.190 NET-WIT C:US D:12/24/93 1:1323
198.176.174 GEORGIA-C-176-174 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
198.182.164 AI-CS-NET C:US D:12/24/93 1:1332
198.202.227 SC-ADJ-GEN C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
198.202.228 SC-DRSS C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
198.202.229 SC-WATER-RES C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
198.202.230 SC-COMMERCE C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
198.206.194 SC-COURT-ADM C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
198.206.243 NET-SIMPSON C:US D:12/24/93 1:1323
198.211.217 TTECH C:US D:12/24/93 1:2551
198.243.43 CSN-C-243-43 C:US D:12/24/93 1:209 2:210
198.247.253 TRANET-C C:US D:12/24/93 1:93
199.4.66 NBN-NET-C-4-66 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.67 NBN-NET-C-4-67 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.68 NBN-NET-C-4-68 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.69 NBN-NET-C-4-69 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.70 NBN-NET-C-4-70 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.71 NBN-NET-C-4-71 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.72 NBN-NET-C-4-72 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.73 NBN-NET-C-4-73 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.74 NBN-NET-C-4-74 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.75 NBN-NET-C-4-75 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.76 NBN-NET-C-4-76 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.77 NBN-NET-C-4-77 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.78 NBN-NET-C-4-78 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.79 NBN-NET-C-4-79 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.80 NBN-NET-C-4-80 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.81 NBN-NET-C-4-81 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.82 NBN-NET-C-4-82 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.83 NBN-NET-C-4-83 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.84 NBN-NET-C-4-84 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.85 NBN-NET-C-4-85 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.86 NBN-NET-C-4-86 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.87 NBN-NET-C-4-87 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.88 NBN-NET-C-4-88 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.89 NBN-NET-C-4-89 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.90 NBN-NET-C-4-90 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.91 NBN-NET-C-4-91 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.92 NBN-NET-C-4-92 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.93 NBN-NET-C-4-93 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.94 NBN-NET-C-4-94 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.95 NBN-NET-C-4-95 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.96 NBN-NET-C-4-96 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.97 NBN-NET-C-4-97 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.98 NBN-NET-C-4-98 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.99 NBN-NET-C-4-99 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.100 NBN-NET-C-4-100 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.101 NBN-NET-C-4-101 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.102 NBN-NET-C-4-102 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.103 NBN-NET-C-4-103 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.104 NBN-NET-C-4-104 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.105 NBN-NET-C-4-105 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.106 NBN-NET-C-4-106 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.107 NBN-NET-C-4-107 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.108 NBN-NET-C-4-108 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.109 NBN-NET-C-4-109 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.110 NBN-NET-C-4-110 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.111 NBN-NET-C-4-111 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.112 NBN-NET-C-4-112 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.113 NBN-NET-C-4-113 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.114 NBN-NET-C-4-114 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.115 NBN-NET-C-4-115 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.116 NBN-NET-C-4-116 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.117 NBN-NET-C-4-117 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.118 NBN-NET-C-4-118 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.119 NBN-NET-C-4-119 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.120 NBN-NET-C-4-120 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.121 NBN-NET-C-4-121 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.122 NBN-NET-C-4-122 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.123 NBN-NET-C-4-123 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.124 NBN-NET-C-4-124 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.125 NBN-NET-C-4-125 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.126 NBN-NET-C-4-126 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.127 NBN-NET-C-4-127 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1240 2:1800
199.4.140 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-140 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.141 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-141 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.142 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-142 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.143 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-143 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.146 SC-AIKNTECH-C-4-146 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.147 SC-AIKNTECH-C-4-147 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.164 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-164 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.165 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-165 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.166 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-166 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.167 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-167 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.225 SC-LOWCTECH C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.246 SC-TECHEDUC C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.247 SC-CHMBTECH C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.4.249 SC-WBRGTECH C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.161 LEGITECH1 C:US D:12/24/93 1:2386
199.5.204 SC-SPTTECH-C-5-204 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.205 SC-SPTTECH-C-5-205 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.206 SC-HORTECH-C-5-206 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.207 SC-HORTECH-C-5-207 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.208 SC-FLOTECH-C-5-208 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.209 SC-FLOTECH-C-5-209 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.210 SC-DENTECH-C-5-210 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.5.211 SC-DENTECH-C-5-211 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.29.80 PSINET-C-29-80 C:US D:12/24/93 1:2149 2:174
199.29.84 PSINET-C-29-84 C:US D:12/24/93 1:2149 2:174
199.29.166 PSINET-C-129-166 C:US D:12/24/93 1:2149 2:174
199.46.8 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-8 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.9 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-9 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.10 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-10 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.11 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-11 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.12 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-12 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.13 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-13 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.14 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-14 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.46.15 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-15 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.60.20 GLENNET19-C-60-20 C:CA D:12/24/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
199.67.16 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-16 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.17 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-17 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.18 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-18 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.19 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-19 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.20 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-20 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.21 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-21 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.22 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-22 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.23 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-23 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.24 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-24 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.25 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-25 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.26 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-26 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.27 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-27 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.28 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-28 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.29 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-29 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.30 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-30 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.67.31 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-31 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.8 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-8 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.9 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-9 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.10 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-10 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.11 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-11 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.12 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-12 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.13 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-13 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.14 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-14 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.74.15 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-15 C:US D:12/24/93 1:1329
199.88.18 ASC2-C-88-18 C:US D:12/24/93 1:279 2:86
203.0.123 CCCCOOPBOOKS-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.31 DIGICON-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.79 KSR-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.110 AAOINST-AU-C-1-110 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.111 AAOINST-AU-C-1-111 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.240 CORINET-AU-C-1-240 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.241 CORINET-AU-C-1-241 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.242 CORINET-AU-C-1-242 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.243 CORINET-AU-C-1-243 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.244 CORINET-AU-C-1-244 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.245 CORINET-AU-C-1-245 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.246 CORINET-AU-C-1-246 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.247 CORINET-AU-C-1-247 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.252 NEXUS-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.1.254 ASIO-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.32 SCU-AU-C-2-32 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.33 SCU-AU-C-2-33 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.34 SCU-AU-C-2-34 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.35 SCU-AU-C-2-35 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.36 SCU-AU-C-2-36 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.37 SCU-AU-C-2-37 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.38 SCU-AU-C-2-38 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.39 SCU-AU-C-2-39 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.40 SCU-AU-C-2-40 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.41 SCU-AU-C-2-41 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.42 SCU-AU-C-2-42 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.43 SCU-AU-C-2-43 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.44 SCU-AU-C-2-44 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.45 SCU-AU-C-2-45 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.46 SCU-AU-C-2-46 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.47 SCU-AU-C-2-47 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.48 SCU-AU-C-2-48 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.49 SCU-AU-C-2-49 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.50 SCU-AU-C-2-50 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.51 SCU-AU-C-2-51 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.52 SCU-AU-C-2-52 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.53 SCU-AU-C-2-53 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.54 SCU-AU-C-2-54 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.55 SCU-AU-C-2-55 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.56 SCU-AU-C-2-56 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.57 SCU-AU-C-2-57 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.58 SCU-AU-C-2-58 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.59 SCU-AU-C-2-59 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.60 SCU-AU-C-2-60 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.61 SCU-AU-C-2-61 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.62 SCU-AU-C-2-62 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.63 SCU-AU-C-2-63 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.73 MENCON-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.75 MICROPLEX-AU C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.80 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-80 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.81 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-81 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.82 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-82 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.83 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-83 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.84 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-84 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.85 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-85 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.86 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-86 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.87 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-87 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.88 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-88 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.89 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-89 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.90 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-90 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.91 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-91 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.92 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-92 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.93 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-93 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.94 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-94 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.95 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-95 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.120 AIHW-AU-C-2-120 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
203.2.121 AIHW-AU-C-2-121 C:AU D:12/24/93 1:372 2:297
Advanced Network & Services, Inc., 100 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, NY 10523, USA
1:1327 ANS Washington D.C. - DNSS 59
198.81.128 ANS-C-81-128 (US)
Aiken Technical College, P.O. Drawer 696, Aiken, SC 29802, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.146 SC-AIKNTECH-C-4-146 (US)
199.4.147 SC-AIKNTECH-C-4-147 (US)
Akademie der bildenden Kuenste, Schillerplatz 3, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.170.144 ADBK-C-170-144 (AT)
193.170.145 ADBK-C-170-145 (AT)
193.170.146 ADBK-C-170-146 (AT)
Alabama Supercomputer Network, 686 Discovery Dr., Huntsville, AL 35806, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
199.88.18 ASC2-C-88-18 (US)
American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.113.142 MWA (US)
American Forces Information, 601 North Fairfax Steet, Alexandria, VA
22314-2007, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
155.7 AFISHQ-NET1 (US)
Anglo Australian Observatory, PO Box 296, Epping, NSW, 2121, AUSTRALIA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.1.110 AAOINST-AU-C-1-110 (AU)
203.1.111 AAOINST-AU-C-1-111 (AU)
Array Systems Computing, 401 Magnetic Drive, Unit 24, Downsview, ON, M3J 3H9,
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
192.197.248 ARRAY-CA-NET (CA)
Atop France, Sudalparc, Batiment Emeraude, Avenue des Alpes, F-06800
Cagnes-sur-Mer, FRANCE
1:701 Alternet
193.106.192 FR-ATOP (FR)
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, GPO Box 570, Canberra, ACT, 2601,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.2.120 AIHW-AU-C-2-120 (AU)
203.2.121 AIHW-AU-C-2-121 (AU)
Australian Security Intelligence Organization, GPO Box 2176, Canberra, ACT,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.1.254 ASIO-AU (AU)
Autometric, Inc, 1330 Inverness Drive, Ste 350, Colorado Springs, CO 80910, USA
1:1332 ANS Denver - DNSS 99
198.182.164 AI-CS-NET (US)
Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, London, London, WC1E 7HX,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.61.13 BIRKBECK-13 (GB)
193.61.14 BIRKBECK-14 (GB)
193.61.15 BIRKBECK-15 (GB)
193.61.16 BIRKBECK-16 (GB)
193.61.17 BIRKBECK-17 (GB)
193.61.19 BIRKBECK-19 (GB)
193.61.21 BIRKBECK-21 (GB)
193.61.30 BIRKBECK-30 (GB)
193.61.31 BIRKBECK-31 (GB)
British Columbia Bldg. Corp., 3350 Douglas St., Victoria, BC, V8W 2T4, CANADA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
192.136.27 BCBC (CA)
BroadBand Technologies, Inc., 3908 Patriot Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC
27709, USA
192.55.93 BBT (US)
CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
3:267 CICNET at UIUC
192.217.175 CICNET-C-217-175 (US)
192.217.177 CICNET-C-217-177 (US)
CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
3:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
198.88.33 CICNET-C-88-33 (US)
198.88.63 CICNET-C-88-63 (US)
198.88.64 CICNET-C-88-64 (US)
198.88.65 CICNET-C-88-65 (US)
198.88.66 CICNET-C-88-66 (US)
198.88.67 CICNET-C-88-67 (US)
198.88.68 CICNET-C-88-68 (US)
198.88.69 CICNET-C-88-69 (US)
198.88.70 CICNET-C-88-70 (US)
198.88.71 CICNET-C-88-71 (US)
198.88.72 CICNET-C-88-72 (US)
198.88.73 CICNET-C-88-73 (US)
198.88.74 CICNET-C-88-74 (US)
198.88.75 CICNET-C-88-75 (US)
198.88.76 CICNET-C-88-76 (US)
198.88.77 CICNET-C-88-77 (US)
Campus Computers, Transient Building F12, The University of Sydney, Sydney,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
Capital Area Internet Service, Pimmit Run Research, 6701 Lumsden Street, Suite
450, McLean, VA 22101, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.5.6 BA-NET1 (US)
198.5.7 BA-NET2 (US)
Central Carolina Technical College, 506 N. Guignard Drive, Sumter, SC 29150,
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.74.10 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-10 (US)
199.74.11 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-11 (US)
199.74.12 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-12 (US)
199.74.13 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-13 (US)
199.74.14 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-14 (US)
199.74.15 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-15 (US)
199.74.8 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-8 (US)
199.74.9 SC-CCARTECH-C-74-9 (US)
Centre Inter-universitaire de Calcul de Grenoble, BP 53X, F-38041 Grenoble
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
4:1674 CERN-EBONE Backup AS
193.54.185 FR-GRENET32 (FR)
193.54.186 FR-GRENET33 (FR)
Centre National de la Recherche Sientifique - Siege, 15 quai A. France 75700
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
4:1674 CERN-EBONE Backup AS
193.55.90 FR-CNRS-A19 (FR)
Chesterfield-Marlboro Technical College, P.O. Box 1007, Cheraw, SC 29520, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.247 SC-CHMBTECH (US)
Colorado SuperNet, Inc., Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois, Golden, CO
80401, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.243.43 CSN-C-243-43 (US)
Corinthian Engineering P/L, PO Box 71, Artarmon, NSW, 2064, AUSTRALIA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.1.240 CORINET-AU-C-1-240 (AU)
203.1.241 CORINET-AU-C-1-241 (AU)
203.1.242 CORINET-AU-C-1-242 (AU)
203.1.243 CORINET-AU-C-1-243 (AU)
203.1.244 CORINET-AU-C-1-244 (AU)
203.1.245 CORINET-AU-C-1-245 (AU)
203.1.246 CORINET-AU-C-1-246 (AU)
203.1.247 CORINET-AU-C-1-247 (AU)
Datatel, Inc., 4375 Fair Lakes Court, Fairfax, VA 22033, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.3.133 DATATEL (US)
Denmark Technical College, Soloman Blatt Blvd., Denmark, SC 29042-0327, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.5.210 SC-DENTECH-C-5-210 (US)
199.5.211 SC-DENTECH-C-5-211 (US)
Department of Administrative Services, Computer Services Division, 330 Capitol
Avenue, 1B Archives Building, Atlanta, GA 30334, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
167.192 GEORGIA-B-192 (US)
167.193 GEORGIA-B-193 (US)
167.194 GEORGIA-B-194 (US)
167.195 GEORGIA-B-195 (US)
167.196 GEORGIA-B-196 (US)
167.197 GEORGIA-B-197 (US)
167.198 GEORGIA-B-198 (US)
167.199 GEORGIA-B-199 (US)
167.200 GEORGIA-B-200 (US)
198.176.174 GEORGIA-C-176-174 (US)
Department of Physics, University of Tartu, Tahe 4 - 409, EE2400 Tartu, ESTONIA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.40.8 VAN-UT (EE)
Digital Exploration Ltd, 62 Ord Street, Suite 4, West Perth, WA, 6005,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.1.31 DIGICON-AU (AU)
Empire Digital Instruments, 3631 Brentwood Terrace, Colorado Springs, CO 80910,
1:1332 ANS Denver - DNSS 99
192.195.213 EMPIRE-NET (US)
Florence Technical College, Hwy 52 North, Florence, SC 29501-0548, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.5.208 SC-FLOTECH-C-5-208 (US)
199.5.209 SC-FLOTECH-C-5-209 (US)
Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, 185, Avenue de Longwy, ARLON, BELGIUM
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.252 FUL-NET (BE)
Glenayre Electronics Ltd., 1 Quinton Way, Quincy, IL 62301, USA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
192.139.137 GLENATL (US)
Glenayre Electronics Ltd., 1570 Kootenay Street, Vancouver, BC, V5K 5B8, CANADA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
198.73.222 GLENNET10 (CA)
198.73.223 GLENNET11 (CA)
198.73.224 GLENNET12 (CA)
199.60.20 GLENNET19-C-60-20 (CA)
High Pedagogic School, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, POLAND
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.88 WSPOPOLE (PL)
Hitachi Micro Systems, Inc., 180 Rose Orchard Way, San Jose, CA 95134, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.131.10 HMSI1 (US)
192.131.11 HMSI2 (US)
Horry-Georgetown Technical College, 2050 Hwy 501 E., Conway, SC 29526-1966, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.5.206 SC-HORTECH-C-5-206 (US)
199.5.207 SC-HORTECH-C-5-207 (US)
Information Design Institute, Hoetzendorfstrasse 120, A-2231 Strasshof 2231
Strasshof, AUSTRIA
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.164.63 IDI-NET (AT)
Institute for Economics of Chemical Industry, 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Plebiscytowa
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.195 IEPCHLAN (PL)
Institute of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, Chernogolovka,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.233.35 FREE-ICPH-NET1 (RU)
Kendall Square Research Pty Ltd, Level 6, 55 Lavender Street, Milsons Point,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.1.79 KSR-AU (AU)
Krasnoyarsk EUnet/RELCOM POP, Post Box 24359, SU-660115 Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIAN
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.124.42 COMIX1-NET (RU)
Laboratory of Computer Networks, Technical UNiwersity of Lodz, 18/22
Stefanowskiego St., PL 90-924 Lodz,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.100 PLDPOLIP-C-59-100 (PL)
193.59.101 PLDPOLIP-C-59-101 (PL)
193.59.96 PLDPOLIP-C-59-96 (PL)
193.59.97 PLDPOLIP-C-59-97 (PL)
193.59.98 PLDPOLIP-C-59-98 (PL)
193.59.99 PLDPOLIP-C-59-99 (PL)
Lebedev Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospect 53, Moscow,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.203.80 LPINET (RU)
193.232.68 FIAN (RU)
Legi-Tech, 1029 J Street, Suite 450, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA
1:2386 INS-AS
199.5.161 LEGITECH1 (US)
Lowcountry Technical College, 100 S. Ribaut Rd., Beaufort, SC 29901-1288, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.225 SC-LOWCTECH (US)
MRNet, 511 11th Ave S, Box 212, Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
198.174.169 MRNET-DIALIP1 (US)
Menhennitt Consultants Pty Ltd, 10 Lorne Road, East Hawthorn, VIC, 3123,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.2.73 MENCON-AU (AU)
Microplex Pty Ltd, 141 North Road, Eastwood, NSW, 2022, AUSTRALIA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.2.75 MICROPLEX-AU (AU)
Midlands Technical College, P. O. Box 2408, Columbia, SC 29202, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.46.10 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-10 (US)
199.46.11 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-11 (US)
199.46.12 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-12 (US)
199.46.13 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-13 (US)
199.46.14 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-14 (US)
199.46.15 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-15 (US)
199.46.8 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-8 (US)
199.46.9 SC-MIDLANTEC-C-46-9 (US)
Miniszterelnoki Hivatal, Informatikai Koordinacios iroda, Kossuth ter 4.,
H-1055 Budapest, HUNGARY
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.6.224 HU-GOV-NET (HU)
Minnesota Regional Network, 511 11th Ave S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
198.174.167 WARE1 (US)
Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Franz Josef Str. 18, A-8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.170.136 UNI-LEOBEN (AT)
Moscow Center of SPARC-technologies, Novosibirsk Branch, 6 Academician
Lavrentyev avenu, Novosibirsk, 630090, RUSSIAN
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.124.117 NBSP (RU)
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, USA
1:771 Nasa Science Network (Houston)
2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
3:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
192.160.78 JCS-JIN5 (US)
NEXUS Electronic Education Service, Locked Mailbox 12, Woodville, SA, 5011,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.1.252 NEXUS-AU (AU)
NRAO VLBS Station, 535 Windy Row-Peterborough, Hancock, NH 03458, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.33.117 NRAO-VLA (US)
NY State Health Department, Rm. 146 Concourse, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY
12237, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
150.142 HEALTHCOM (US)
192.135.176 HEALTHCOM-B (US)
Naggum Software, Postboks 1570 Vika, Irisvn 12 (Berg), N-0118 Oslo, NORWAY
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.71.66 NAGGUM-NET (NO)
New Hampshire College, 2500 North River Road, Manchester, NH 03104, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.112.101 NHC-1 (US)
198.112.102 NHC-2 (US)
North Bay Network, Inc., 20 Minor Ct., San Rafael, CA 94903, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
199.4.100 NBN-NET-C-4-100 (US)
199.4.101 NBN-NET-C-4-101 (US)
199.4.102 NBN-NET-C-4-102 (US)
199.4.103 NBN-NET-C-4-103 (US)
199.4.104 NBN-NET-C-4-104 (US)
199.4.105 NBN-NET-C-4-105 (US)
199.4.106 NBN-NET-C-4-106 (US)
199.4.107 NBN-NET-C-4-107 (US)
199.4.108 NBN-NET-C-4-108 (US)
199.4.109 NBN-NET-C-4-109 (US)
199.4.110 NBN-NET-C-4-110 (US)
199.4.111 NBN-NET-C-4-111 (US)
199.4.112 NBN-NET-C-4-112 (US)
199.4.113 NBN-NET-C-4-113 (US)
199.4.114 NBN-NET-C-4-114 (US)
199.4.115 NBN-NET-C-4-115 (US)
199.4.116 NBN-NET-C-4-116 (US)
199.4.117 NBN-NET-C-4-117 (US)
199.4.118 NBN-NET-C-4-118 (US)
199.4.119 NBN-NET-C-4-119 (US)
199.4.120 NBN-NET-C-4-120 (US)
199.4.121 NBN-NET-C-4-121 (US)
199.4.122 NBN-NET-C-4-122 (US)
199.4.123 NBN-NET-C-4-123 (US)
199.4.124 NBN-NET-C-4-124 (US)
199.4.125 NBN-NET-C-4-125 (US)
199.4.126 NBN-NET-C-4-126 (US)
199.4.127 NBN-NET-C-4-127 (US)
199.4.66 NBN-NET-C-4-66 (US)
199.4.67 NBN-NET-C-4-67 (US)
199.4.68 NBN-NET-C-4-68 (US)
199.4.69 NBN-NET-C-4-69 (US)
199.4.70 NBN-NET-C-4-70 (US)
199.4.71 NBN-NET-C-4-71 (US)
199.4.72 NBN-NET-C-4-72 (US)
199.4.73 NBN-NET-C-4-73 (US)
199.4.74 NBN-NET-C-4-74 (US)
199.4.75 NBN-NET-C-4-75 (US)
199.4.76 NBN-NET-C-4-76 (US)
199.4.77 NBN-NET-C-4-77 (US)
199.4.78 NBN-NET-C-4-78 (US)
199.4.79 NBN-NET-C-4-79 (US)
199.4.80 NBN-NET-C-4-80 (US)
199.4.81 NBN-NET-C-4-81 (US)
199.4.82 NBN-NET-C-4-82 (US)
199.4.83 NBN-NET-C-4-83 (US)
199.4.84 NBN-NET-C-4-84 (US)
199.4.85 NBN-NET-C-4-85 (US)
199.4.86 NBN-NET-C-4-86 (US)
199.4.87 NBN-NET-C-4-87 (US)
199.4.88 NBN-NET-C-4-88 (US)
199.4.89 NBN-NET-C-4-89 (US)
199.4.90 NBN-NET-C-4-90 (US)
199.4.91 NBN-NET-C-4-91 (US)
199.4.92 NBN-NET-C-4-92 (US)
199.4.93 NBN-NET-C-4-93 (US)
199.4.94 NBN-NET-C-4-94 (US)
199.4.95 NBN-NET-C-4-95 (US)
199.4.96 NBN-NET-C-4-96 (US)
199.4.97 NBN-NET-C-4-97 (US)
199.4.98 NBN-NET-C-4-98 (US)
199.4.99 NBN-NET-C-4-99 (US)
Northern Michigan University, 9C Cohodas Admin Center, Marquette, MI 49855, USA
1:237 MichNet (MERIT)
2:233 UMnet (University of Michigan)
4:267 CICNET at UIUC
5:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
198.110.192 NMU-C-110-192 (US)
198.110.193 NMU-C-110-193 (US)
198.110.194 NMU-C-110-194 (US)
198.110.195 NMU-C-110-195 (US)
OARnet, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA
1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH
198.30.197 OAR197 (US)
198.30.198 OAR198 (US)
Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, 3250 St. Matthews Road, Orangeburg, SC
29115, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.164 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-164 (US)
199.4.165 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-165 (US)
199.4.166 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-166 (US)
199.4.167 SC-OBGCTECH-C-4-167 (US)
P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Leninsky prospect 53, Moscow, 117924,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.233.12 FREE-LPI-LAN-0 (RU)
193.233.13 FREE-LPI-LAN-1 (RU)
193.233.14 FREE-LPI-LAN-2 (RU)
193.233.15 FREE-LPI-LAN-3 (RU)
Pacific Lutheran University, 121st and Park Streets, Tacoma, WA 98447, USA
1:685 NorthWestNet Regional Network
2:73 NorthWestNet Regional Network
3:101 NorthWestNet Regional Network
152.117 PLU (US)
PanCanadian Petroleum Limited, 150 9th Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB, T2P 2S5,
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
162.139 PCP (CA)
Patent Office Of The Republic Of Poland, Al. Niepodleglosci 188/192, 00-950
Warsaw, POLAND
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.130 UPATNET (PL)
Piedmont Technical College, P. O. Box 1467, Greenwood, SC 29646, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.140 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-140 (US)
199.4.141 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-141 (US)
199.4.142 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-142 (US)
199.4.143 SC-PIEDTECH-C-4-143 (US)
R.S. DOW Neurological Sciences Institute, 1120 NW 20th Avenue, Portland, OR
97209, USA
1:685 NorthWestNet Regional Network
2:73 NorthWestNet Regional Network
3:101 NorthWestNet Regional Network
198.106.235 DOW-NET-C-106-235 (US)
Recognition International, 1310 Chesapeake Terrace, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1100,
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.80 PSINET-C-29-80 (US)
199.29.84 PSINET-C-29-84 (US)
Recognition UK Limited, 16 Cherry Orchard West, Kembrey Park, Swindon, SN2 6UY,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.195.16 RECOGNITION (GB)
Regina Public Library, 2311 12th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 0N3, CANADA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
198.169.4 RPL-C-169-4 (CA)
198.169.5 RPL-C-169-5 (CA)
SC Adjutant General, Emergency Preparedness Division, 1429 Senate St.,
Columbia, SC 29201, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
198.202.227 SC-ADJ-GEN (US)
SC Board for Technical Education, 111 Executive Center Drive, Columbia, SC
29210, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.246 SC-TECHEDUC (US)
SC Budget and Control Board, Research and Statistics Division, 1000 Assembly
St., Columbia, SC 29201, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
198.202.228 SC-DRSS (US)
SC Court Administration, 1015 Sumter St., Columbia, SC 29201, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
198.206.194 SC-COURT-ADM (US)
SC Department of Commerce, 1201 Main St., Columbia, SC 29201, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
198.202.230 SC-COMMERCE (US)
SC Water Resources Commission, 1201 Main St., Columbia, SC 29201, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
198.202.229 SC-WATER-RES (US)
SEEQ Technology, Inc., 47131 Bayside Pkwy, Fremont, CA 94538, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.136.251 SEEQ (US)
SELA-Software & Education Labs, 10, Hakishun str., Bnei Brak, 51203, ISRAEL
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
192.114.142 SELA-NET (IL)
Semmelweis Medical University Computer Centre, Kalvaria ter 5., H-1085
Budapest, HUNGARY
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.6.208 SOTNET-C-6-208 (HU)
193.6.209 SOTNET-C-6-209 (HU)
193.6.210 SOTNET-C-6-210 (HU)
193.6.211 SOTNET-C-6-211 (HU)
Simpson College, 701 North C, Indianola, Iowa 50125, USA
1:1323 ANS Chicago - DNSS 27
198.206.243 NET-SIMPSON (US)
Southern Cross University, PO Box 157, Lismore, NSW, 2480, AUSTRALIA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.2.32 SCU-AU-C-2-32 (AU)
203.2.33 SCU-AU-C-2-33 (AU)
203.2.34 SCU-AU-C-2-34 (AU)
203.2.35 SCU-AU-C-2-35 (AU)
203.2.36 SCU-AU-C-2-36 (AU)
203.2.37 SCU-AU-C-2-37 (AU)
203.2.38 SCU-AU-C-2-38 (AU)
203.2.39 SCU-AU-C-2-39 (AU)
203.2.40 SCU-AU-C-2-40 (AU)
203.2.41 SCU-AU-C-2-41 (AU)
203.2.42 SCU-AU-C-2-42 (AU)
203.2.43 SCU-AU-C-2-43 (AU)
203.2.44 SCU-AU-C-2-44 (AU)
203.2.45 SCU-AU-C-2-45 (AU)
203.2.46 SCU-AU-C-2-46 (AU)
203.2.47 SCU-AU-C-2-47 (AU)
203.2.48 SCU-AU-C-2-48 (AU)
203.2.49 SCU-AU-C-2-49 (AU)
203.2.50 SCU-AU-C-2-50 (AU)
203.2.51 SCU-AU-C-2-51 (AU)
203.2.52 SCU-AU-C-2-52 (AU)
203.2.53 SCU-AU-C-2-53 (AU)
203.2.54 SCU-AU-C-2-54 (AU)
203.2.55 SCU-AU-C-2-55 (AU)
203.2.56 SCU-AU-C-2-56 (AU)
203.2.57 SCU-AU-C-2-57 (AU)
203.2.58 SCU-AU-C-2-58 (AU)
203.2.59 SCU-AU-C-2-59 (AU)
203.2.60 SCU-AU-C-2-60 (AU)
203.2.61 SCU-AU-C-2-61 (AU)
203.2.62 SCU-AU-C-2-62 (AU)
203.2.63 SCU-AU-C-2-63 (AU)
Spartanburg Technical College, Frontage Road, Spartanburg, SC 29305-4386, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.5.204 SC-SPTTECH-C-5-204 (US)
199.5.205 SC-SPTTECH-C-5-205 (US)
State of South Carolina, 300 Gervais St., Columbia, SC 29201, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
Sterling Software France, 70, Avenue du President Wilson, F-92800 Puteaux,
1:701 Alternet
193.104.76 FR-SSWF (FR)
Sterling Software, Postboks 459, Gertnerveien 4, N-4001 Stavanger, NORWAY
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.90.16 STERLING-STV-C-90-16 (NO)
193.90.17 STERLING-STV-C-90-17 (NO)
Structured Software Solutions Inc, 4031 W Plano Parkway, Suite 205, Plano, TX
75093, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.29.166 PSINET-C-129-166 (US)
TGV, Inc., 101 Cooper Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA
1:200 BARRNet
2:201 BARRNet
198.93.20 TGV-C-93-20 (US)
Technical University of Budapest, Centre of Information Systems, H-1111
Budapest, HUNGARY
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.6.23 IUN-BUDAPEST (HU)
Telecommunications Reasearch Associates, PO Box A, St. Marys, KS 66536, USA
1:93 MIDnet
198.247.253 TRANET-C (US)
Texas Department of Mental Health & Mental Retardation, 909 West 45th, Austin,
TX 78751, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network
163.126 TXMHMR (US)
The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Grattan Street, Parkville, VIC, 3050, AUSTRALIA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
203.2.80 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-80 (AU)
203.2.81 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-81 (AU)
203.2.82 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-82 (AU)
203.2.83 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-83 (AU)
203.2.84 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-84 (AU)
203.2.85 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-85 (AU)
203.2.86 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-86 (AU)
203.2.87 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-87 (AU)
203.2.88 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-88 (AU)
203.2.89 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-89 (AU)
203.2.90 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-90 (AU)
203.2.91 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-91 (AU)
203.2.92 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-92 (AU)
203.2.93 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-93 (AU)
203.2.94 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-94 (AU)
203.2.95 ROYMELBHOSP-AU-C-2-95 (AU)
The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies, 100 Vanguard Blvd., Malvern, PA
19355, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
192.175.207 VANGUARD-C-175-207 (US)
Transitional Technology, Inc., 5401 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, CA 92807, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.217 TTECH (US)
Trident Technical College, 700 Rivers Ave., Charleston, SC 29423-8067, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.67.16 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-16 (US)
199.67.17 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-17 (US)
199.67.18 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-18 (US)
199.67.19 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-19 (US)
199.67.20 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-20 (US)
199.67.21 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-21 (US)
199.67.22 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-22 (US)
199.67.23 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-23 (US)
199.67.24 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-24 (US)
199.67.25 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-25 (US)
199.67.26 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-26 (US)
199.67.27 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-27 (US)
199.67.28 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-28 (US)
199.67.29 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-29 (US)
199.67.30 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-30 (US)
199.67.31 SC-TRIDENTEC-C-67-31 (US)
United States Agency for International, FA/IRM/TCO, A14 Room 1000c, Washington,
DC 20523-1403, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
198.76.84 AIDNET-C (US)
University of Guam, Computer Services & Research Center, Mangilao, 96923, GUAM
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
192.149.202 UOG (GU)
University of New Haven, 300 Orange Avenue, West Haven, CT 06516-1999, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.112.60 NEWHAVEN (US)
Usenix '94 Winter Technical Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
153.16 SHOW-NETB (US)
Vienna University, Computer Center, Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Vienna,
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.170.58 UNIVIE15 (AT)
193.170.59 UNIVIE16 (AT)
Ware, Inc., Park Place West, Suite 305, 6465 Wayzata Blvd, Minneapolis, MN
55426, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
198.174.168 UELER1 (US)
Warsaw Technical University in Plock, Faculty of Cyvil Engineering and
Agricultural Machines, ul. Lukasiewicza
17, 09-400 Plock, POLAND
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1879 EUROPE-RS
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.38 WBIMR-NET (PL)
Watcom, 415 Phillip Street, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3X2, CANADA
1:601 CA*net in Toronto
2:603 CA*net in Quebec
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
192.75.209 WATCOM (CA)
Western Iowa Tech Community College, 4647 Stone Ave., Sioux City, IA 51102, USA
1:1323 ANS Chicago - DNSS 27
198.175.190 NET-WIT (US)
Williamsburg Technical College, 601 Lane Road, Kingstree, SC 29556-4197, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
199.4.249 SC-WBRGTECH (US)
Ziff Information Systems, 10 Presidents Landing, Medford, MA 02155, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
165.193 ICHANGE (US)
fONOROLA, 250 Albert Street, Suite 205, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P - 6M1, CANADA
198.53.200 FONOROLA-C-53-200 (CA)
198.53.201 FONOROLA-C-53-201 (CA)
198.53.202 FONOROLA-C-53-202 (CA)
198.53.203 FONOROLA-C-53-203 (CA)
198.53.33 FONOROLA-C-53-33 (CA)
198.53.65 FONOROLA-C-53-65 (CA)
mapp Center, 111 third Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
148.142 MAPP (US)
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on nic.merit.edu by 08:00EST :
configuration reports --
as-as.now as-gw.now ans_core.now country.now net-comp.now
nets.doc nets.tag.now nets.unl.now
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Information is also avaiable through the PRDB whois server. Type
"whois -h prdb.merit.edu help" for details.
CIDRIZATION: On January 4, we will convert all Policy Routing DataBase
(PRDB) output to CIDR notation. All occurrences of network numbers ("x.x.x")
on output will be replaced by aggregate notation ("x.x.x/len"). If you
are currently using ans_core.now, country.now, or net-comp.now, you can
find the new versions of these reports now in the files ans_core.cidr,
country.cidr, and net-comp.cidr in the nic.merit.edu:nsfnet/announced.networks
directory. On January 4 these new formats will replace the existing "*.now"
files, and the current format files will be moved to "*.old" files for one
month. The report you are reading now ("nwg" report) and all "whois -h
prdb.merit.edu" output will be converted to use aggregate notation on
January 4 as well. "nets.unl.now" and "nets.tag.now" will not change,
because they all ready include prefix length information.
NWG: MORE DETAIL ON DELETED NETWORKS. The report you are reading now
("nwg" report) will also be modified some time in the future to explicitly
list which networks have been *deleted* from the PRDB, as well as those
that have been added. The syntax has not yet been determined, but we'd
like to make sure that it is easy to visually distinguish added networks
from deleted ones.
NWG: SORTING LONG FORMAT BY COUNTRY: There has been a suggestion to sort
the long form of the network listing in this report by country, instead of
simply alphabetically by organization to make it easier to scan for
networks in your own area. We will do this if there are no objections.
The archived discussion list "db-disc(a)merit.edu" exists for discussion of
PRDB issues. Send a message to "db-disc-request(a)merit.edu" to subscribe.
--Dale Johnson (dsj(a)merit.edu)
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)merit.edu
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the nic.merit.edu machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files template.net,
template.net.README, template.gate, and template.as.
In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have moved to a
system which requires the use of template.net (NACR) version 7.0
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)merit.edu
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)merit.edu
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)merit.edu
If you all are like me, you often don't read until the end of
the report that is sent to nwg after each configuration window.
If you have never scanned the whole report you may have missed
the following notice:
CIDRIZATION: On January 4, we will convert all Policy Routing DataBase
(PRDB) output to CIDR notation. All occurrences of network numbers ("x.x.x")
on output will be replaced by aggregate notation ("x.x.x/len"). If you
are currently using ans_core.now, country.now, or net-comp.now, you can
find the new versions of these reports now in the files ans_core.cidr,
country.cidr, and net-comp.cidr in the nic.merit.edu:nsfnet/announced.networks
directory. On January 4 these new formats will replace the existing "*.now"
files, and the current format files will be moved to "*.old" files for one
month. The report you are reading now ("nwg" report) and all "whois -h
prdb.merit.edu" output will be converted to use aggregate notation on
January 4 as well. "nets.unl.now" and "nets.tag.now" will not change,
because they all ready include prefix length information.
NWG: MORE DETAIL ON DELETED NETWORKS. The report you are reading now
("nwg" report) will also be modified some time in the future to explicitly
list which networks have been *deleted* from the PRDB, as well as those
that have been added. The syntax has not yet been determined, but we'd
like to make sure that it is easy to visually distinguish added networks
from deleted ones.
NWG: SORTING LONG FORMAT BY COUNTRY: There has been a suggestion to sort
the long form of the network listing in this report by country, instead of
simply alphabetically by organization to make it easier to scan for
networks in your own area. We will do this if there are no objections.
The archived discussion list "db-disc(a)merit.edu" exists for discussion of
PRDB issues. Send a message to "db-disc-request(a)merit.edu" to subscribe.
--Dale Johnson (dsj(a)merit.edu)
Hope you all have a peaceful and fun holiday season!