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March 2009
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Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted
UDP Packet Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-udp
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Several features within Cisco IOS Software are affected by a crafted
UDP packet vulnerability. If any of the affected features are
enabled, a successful attack will result in a blocked input queue on
the inbound interface. Only crafted UDP packets destined for the
device could result in the interface being blocked, transit traffic
will not block the interface.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
Workarounds that mitigate this vulnerability are available.
This advisory is posted at the following link:
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities cisco-sa-20090325-mobileip.shtml
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Devices running affected versions of Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS
XE Software are affected when running any of the following features:
* IP Service Level Agreements (SLA) Responder
* Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
* H.323 Annex E Call Signaling Transport
* Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
Details on how to see if the affected feature is enabled on a device,
is provided within the details section of this advisory.
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
"show version" command to display the system banner. The system
banner confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by
displaying text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System
Software" or "Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in
parentheses, followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release
name. Other Cisco devices do not have the "show version" command or
may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
<output truncated>
The following example shows a product that is running Cisco IOS
Software release 12.4(20)T with an image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
<output truncated>
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The following products and features are not affected by this
* Cisco IOS XR Software
* Service Assurance Agent (SAA)
* Response Time Reporter (RTR)
* No other feature or protocol on Cisco IOS is known to be affected
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this
A device is vulnerable if any of the features outlined below is
configured and their associated UDP port number accessible. For each
feature, in addition to inspecting the Cisco IOS device for
vulnerable configurations, administrators can also use some show
commands to determine if the Cisco IOS device is running processes
that handle the UDP service, or if the device is listening on the
affected UDP ports.
Different versions of Cisco IOS Software have different methods of
showing the UDP ports on which the Cisco IOS Software device is
listening. The "show ip sockets" or "show udp" commands can be used
to determine these ports. For each feature, one example is given
using the above commands to show the affected UDP port number.
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability can block an interface
on the device. The interface type is not relevant for this
vulnerability so all Ethernet based interfaces, ATM, Serial, POS and
other types of interfaces can be affected. All defined sub interfaces
under a main physical interface are affected if the main interface is
blocked. If the attack originates over a sub interface, the main
interface will block. A blocked interface will stop receiving any
subsequent packets until it is unblocked. All other interfaces are
not affected and they will continue receiving and transmitting
Only packets destined for a reachable configured IP address on any
interface of the device can exploit this vulnerability. Transit
traffic will not exploit this vulnerability.
A symptom of this type of blocked queue is the failure of
control-plane protocols such as routing protocols (OSPF, EIGRP, BGP,
ISIS, etc.) and MPLS TDP/LDP to properly establish connections over
an affected interface. Transit traffic may be affected once protocol
timers expire on the affected device.
In order to identify a blocked input interface, issue the "show
interfaces" command, and search for the Input Queue line. The size of
the input queue can continue to increase. If the current size, which
is 76 in the example below, is equal or larger than the maximum size
(default being 75), the input queue may be blocked.
It is possible that a device receives a high rate of traffic destined
to the control plane, and the full queue is only a transient event.
In order to verify if the interface is actually blocked, shut down
the interface with the shutdown interface configuration command and
examine the input queue. If the input queue does not display 0
packets, the interface is blocked.
Router#show interface ethernet 0/0
Ethernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is AmdP2, address is 0050.500e.f1e0 (bia 0050.500e.f1e0)
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec)
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input 00:00:41, output 00:00:07, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:07:18
Input queue: 76/75/1091/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0
IP Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Responder
Devices configured with the Cisco IOS IP Service Level Agreements
(SLAs) Responder for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) echo or jitter
operations feature are vulnerable. Any device configured to act as a
responder is vulnerable. The following shows two different vulnerable
configurations. The first being a generic IP SLA responder:
ip sla responder
ip sla monitor responder
The following shows this second configuration with a more specific
UDP responder configured:
ip sla responder
ip sla responder udp-echo ipaddress port 1025
Service Assurance Agent (SAA) and Response Time Reporter (RTR)
feature are "not" affected and use the "rtr" CLI command syntax. The
following example shows a configuration, which is not vulnerable:
rtr responder
The following example shows a device listening on the default IP SLA
control channel with the affected UDP port 1967.
Router#show udp
Proto Remote Port Local Port In Out Stat TTY OutputIF
17 0 1967 0 0 211 0
Further information about Cisco IOS IP SLAs is available in "Cisco
IOS IP SLAs Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - Cisco IOS IP SLAs
Overview" at the following link:…
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
Note: For customers with devices enabled with SIP, please also
consult the document "Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Session
Initiation Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability" at the following
Cisco devices that process SIP messages are affected. Recent versions
of Cisco IOS Software do not process SIP messages by default.
Creating a "dial peer" via the command "dial-peer voice" with any
option will start the SIP processes and cause Cisco IOS Software to
begin processing SIP messages. Several features within Cisco Call
Manager Express, such as ePhones, once configured will also
automatically start the SIP process and the device will begin
processing SIP messages. It is recommended if the device is running
any voice configurations to confirm the existence of the SIP process
with the "show ip socket" or "show udp" command. The following is one
example of an affected configuration:
dial-peer voice <Voice dial-peer tag> voip
Note: Older versions of Cisco IOS Software were affected by a bug
that caused Cisco IOS Software to process SIP messages even without
being configured for SIP operation. Please refer to "Cisco Security
Advisory: SIP Packets Reload IOS Devices with support for SIP" at the
following link:
The following example shows a device that will process SIP messages,
on the default affected UDP port 5060:
Router#show ip socket
Proto Remote Port Local Port In Out Stat TTY OutputIF
17 0 5060 0 0 211 0
Further information about SIP, is available in the "Cisco IOS SIP
Configuration Guide" at the following link:…
H.323 Annex E Call Signaling Transport
Cisco devices that are configured to support H.323 are affected. The
affected protocol is H.323 Annex E Call Signaling Transport over UDP.
ITU-T recommendation H.323 Annex E describes the signaling framework
and wire-protocol for transporting H.225.0 call signaling messages
over UDP. Recent versions of Cisco IOS Software do not open H.225.0
UDP port by default. Creating a "dial peer" via the command
"dial-peer voice" with any option will open the H.225.0 UDP port.
Several features within Cisco Call Manager Express, such as ePhones,
once configured will also automatically start the H.323 process and
the device will begin processing H.323 packets. It is recommended if
the device is running any voice configurations to confirm the
existence of the H.323 process with the "show ip socket" or "show
udp" command. The following is one example of an affected
dial-peer voice <Voice dial-peer tag> voip
Note: Older versions of Cisco IOS Software were affected by a bug
that caused Cisco IOS Software to listen on H.323 ports without being
configured for H.323 operation. Please refer to Cisco bug ID:
The following example shows a device that will process H.225.0
packets, on the default affected UDP port 2517:
Router#show ip socket
Proto Remote Port Local Port In Out Stat TTY OutputIF
17 0 2517 0 0 211 0
Further information about H.323, is available in the "Cisco IOS H.323
Configuration Guide" at the following link:…
Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
Devices configured with the MGCP feature are vulnerable. MGCP is
enabled globally with the command "mgcp". The default listening port
for MGCP is UDP 2427. The following example shows a vulnerable
The following example shows a device that will process MGCP packets
on the affected UDP ports:
Router#show ip socket
Proto Remote Port Local Port In Out Stat TTY OutputIF
17 2427 2427 0 0 211 0
Further information about MGCP is available in the "Configuring the
Cisco IOS MGCP Gateway reference" at the following link:…
This vulnerability is documented in the following Cisco Bug ID:
CSCsk64158 and has been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) identifiers CVE-2009-0631.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerability in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsk64158: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the inbound
interface to be blocked and will silently drop any received traffic.
A reload of the device is required to restore normal functionality.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2DA | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0SP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0ST | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SY | 12.0(32)SY8 | 12.0(32)SY8 |
| 12.0SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0W | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.0WC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.0WT | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.0(4)XI2 are | 12.4(18e) |
| | vulnerable, release 12.0(4)XI2 and | |
| 12.0XI | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(23a); |
| | fixed in 12.4 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1AA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1AX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1AY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1AZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.1CX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1E | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.1EA | 12.1(22)EA13 | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1EB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.1EC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| 12.1EO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.1EV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EW | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SGA | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1EX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1EY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1GA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1GB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.1(5)YE6 are | 12.4(18e) |
| | vulnerable, release 12.1(5)YE6 and | |
| 12.1YE | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(23a); |
| | fixed in 12.4 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1YI | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2B | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2BC | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2BX | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2CX | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2CY | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| 12.2CZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | 12.2(12)DA14; Available on | |
| 12.2DA | 30-JUL-2009 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2DD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2DX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2EW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2EWA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2EX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EY | 12.2(44)EY | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXA | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXB | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXC | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXD | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXE | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXF | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXG | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2MB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2MC | 12.2(15)MC2m | 12.2(15)MC2m |
| 12.2S | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2(31)SB14 | |
| | | |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB3 | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(28)SB13 | |
| 12.2SBC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SCA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| | 12.2(46)SE2 | |
| | | |
| 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE5 | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(50)SE | |
| 12.2SEA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SED | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.2(52)SG; |
| 12.2SG | 12.2(50)SG | Available on |
| | | 15-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SGA | 12.2(31)SGA9 | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2SL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SM | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SQ | 12.2(44)SQ1 | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRB5a; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 3-April-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRC | 12.2(33)SRC3 | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SRD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2STE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2SU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | 12.2(33)SXH5; Available on | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2SXH | 20-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SXI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2TPC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2XF | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2XNA | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | in 12.2SRD | |
| 12.2XNB | 12.2(33)XNB1 | 12.2(33)XNB3 |
| 12.2XNC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XO | 12.2(46)XO | 12.2(46)XO |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YG | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YH | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YJ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YK | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2YM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2YP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YQ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YR | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YT | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YU | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2ZB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2ZE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2ZF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2ZG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2ZH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2ZJ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2ZU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXH | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2ZX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2ZY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZYA | 12.2(18)ZYA1 | 12.2(18)ZYA1 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3B | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3BC | 12.3(23)BC6 | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3BW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3EU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3JL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3TPC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3VA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.3XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YM | 12.3(14)YM13 | 12.3(14)YM13 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4XB | 12.4(22)T1 |
| 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| 12.3YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | 12.4(23) | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.4 | 12.4(18e) | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(23a); Available on 30-APR-2009 | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.4JA | 12.4(16b)JA1 | |
| 12.4JDA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JK | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4JA | |
| 12.4MD | 12.4(11)MD7 | 12.4(11)MD7 |
| 12.4MR | 12.4(19)MR1 | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| 12.4SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | |
| 12.4T | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(22)T | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on | |
| | 29-APR-2009 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | |
| 12.4XB | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(4)XD12; Available on | 12.4(4)XD12; |
| 12.4XD | 27-MAR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 27-MAR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XG | 12.4(20)T2 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(22)T1 | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XL | 12.4(15)XL4 | 12.4(15)XL4 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XQ | 12.4(15)XQ2 | 12.4(15)XQ2 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XR | 12.4(15)XR4 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW10 | 12.4(11)XW10 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ2 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | 12.4(20)YA2 | 12.4(20)YA3 |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
The following mitigations have been identified for this
vulnerability; only packets destined for any configured IP address on
the device can exploit this vulnerability. Transit traffic will not
exploit this vulnerability.
Disable Affected Listening Ports
If an affected feature is not required it can be explicitly disabled.
Once disabled confirm the listening UDP port has been closed by
entering the CLI command "show udp" or "show ip socket". Some
features may require a reload of the device after disabling the
feature in order to close the listening UDP port.
For SIP it is possible to disable UDP listening if only TCP services
are required. The following example shows how to disable SIP from
listening on its associated UDP port.
Warning: When applying this workaround to devices that are processing
MGCP or H.323 calls, the device will not allow the stopping SIP
processing while active calls are being processed. When possible,
this workaround should be implemented during a maintenance window
when active calls can be briefly stopped.
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config-sip-ua)#no transport udp
For SIP it is possible to bind the process to a privately-addressed
interface, with the command below. This will cause SIP to only listen
on the internal interface, which may assist in limiting the exposure
of this vulnerability:
voice service voip
bind control source-interface <int>
bind media source-interface <int>
Infrastructure Access Control Lists
Warning: Because the features in this vulnerability utilize UDP as a
transport, it is possible to spoof the sender's IP address, which may
defeat ACLs that permit communication to these ports from trusted IP
addresses. Unicast RPF should be considered to be used in conjunction
to offer a better mitigation solution.
Although it is often difficult to block traffic that transits a
network, it is possible to identify traffic that should never be
allowed to target infrastructure devices and block that traffic at
the border of networks. Infrastructure Access Control Lists (iACLs)
are a network security best practice and should be considered as a
long-term addition to good network security as well as a workaround
for this specific vulnerability. The iACL example below should be
included as part of the deployed infrastructure access-list which
will protect all devices with IP addresses in the infrastructure IP
address range:
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: IP SLAs UDP Responder
access-list 150 permit udp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny IP SLAs UDP Responder traffic from all other sources
!--- destined to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny udp any
!--- Feature: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
access-list 150 permit udp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny SIP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny udp any
!--- Feature: H.323 Call Signaling
access-list 150 permit udp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny H.323 Call Signaling traffic from all other sources
!--- destined to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny udp any
!--- Feature: Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
access-list 150 permit udp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny MGCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny udp any
!--- Permit/deny all other Layer 3 and Layer 4 traffic in
!--- accordance with existing security policies and
!--- configurations. Permit all other traffic to transit the
!--- device.
access-list 150 permit ip any any
!--- Apply access-list to all interfaces (only one example
!--- shown)
interface serial 2/0
ip access-group 150 in
The white paper entitled "Protecting Your Core: Infrastructure
Protection Access Control Lists" presents guidelines and recommended
deployment techniques for infrastructure protection access lists and
is available at the following link…
Control Plane Policing
Warning: Because the features in this vulnerability utilizes UDP as a
transport, it is possible to spoof the sender's IP address, which may
defeat ACLs that permit communication to these ports from trusted IP
addresses. Unicast RPF should be considered to be used in conjunction
to offer better mitigation solution.
Control Plane Policing (CoPP) can be used to block untrusted UDP
traffic to the device. Cisco IOS software releases 12.0S, 12.2SX,
12.2S, 12.3T, 12.4, and 12.4T support the CoPP feature. CoPP can be
configured on a device to protect the management and control planes
and minimize the risk and effectiveness of direct infrastructure
attacks by explicitly permitting only authorized traffic that is sent
to infrastructure devices in accordance with existing security
policies and configurations. The CoPP example below should be
included as part of the deployed CoPP which will protect all devices
with IP addresses in the infrastructure IP address range.
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: IP SLAs UDP Responder
any eq 1967
!--- Deny IP SLAs UDP Responder traffic from all other sources
!--- destined to the device control plane.
access-list 150 permit udp any any eq 1967
!--- Feature: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
any eq 5060
!--- Deny SIP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to the device control plane.
access-list 150 permit udp any any eq 5060
!--- Feature: H.323 Call Signaling
any eq 2517
!--- Deny H.323 call signaling traffic from all other sources
!--- destined to the device control plane.
access-list 150 permit udp any any eq 2517
!--- Feature: Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)
any eq 2427
!--- Deny MGCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to the device control plane.
access-list 150 permit udp any any eq 2427
!--- Permit (Police or Drop)/Deny (Allow) all other Layer3 and
!--- Layer4 traffic in accordance with existing security policies
!--- and configurations for traffic that is authorized to be sent
!--- to infrastructure devices
!--- Create a Class-Map for traffic to be policed by
!--- the CoPP feature
class-map match-all drop-udp-class
match access-group 150
!--- Create a Policy-Map that will be applied to the
!--- Control-Plane of the device.
policy-map drop-udp-traffic
class drop-udp-class
!--- Apply the Policy-Map to the
!--- Control-Plane of the device
service-policy input drop-udp-traffic
In the above CoPP example, the access control list entries (ACEs)
that match the potential exploit packets with the "permit" action
result in these packets being discarded by the policy-map "drop"
function, while packets that match the "deny" action (not shown) are
not affected by the policy-map drop function. Please note that the
policy-map syntax is different in the 12.2S and 12.0S Cisco IOS
policy-map drop-udp-traffic
class drop-udp-class
police 32000 1500 1500 conform-action drop exceed-action drop
Additional information on the configuration and use of the CoPP
feature can be found in the documents, "Control Plane Policing
Implementation Best Practices" and "Cisco IOS Software Releases
12.2S - Control Plane Policing" at the following links:
Additional mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within
the network are available in the "Cisco Applied Mitigation Bulletin"
companion document for this advisory at the following link:
Exploit Detection
It is possible to detect blocked interface queues with an Cisco IOS
Embedded Event Manager (EEM) policy. EEM provides event detection and
reaction capabilities on a Cisco IOS device. EEM can alert
administrators of blocked interfaces with email, a syslog message, or
a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap.
A sample EEM policy that uses syslog to alert administrators of
blocked interfaces is available at Cisco Beyond, an online community
dedicated to EEM. A sample script is available at the following link:
Further information about EEM is available from at the
following link:…
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. Prior to deploying software, customers should consult
their maintenance provider or check the software for feature set
compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at,
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was discovered by Cisco during routine internal
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release. |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 5:02 PM, Niall Donegan <niall(a)> wrote:
> Another interesting side effect of that is email forwarder accounts.
> Take a user who gets a domain on our shared hosting setup and forwards
> the email for certain users to a Yahoo account. If those mails are
> marked as spam, it seems to be our server that gets blacklisted rather
> than the originating server.
No surprise. Guess whose IP is the one handing off to yahoo?
If you have forwarding users -
* Spam filter them to reject spam rather than simply tag and forward it.
* Isolate your forwarding traffic through a single IP, Let ISPs know.
> Feedback loops often aren't that useful either. We're on the AOL Scomp
> feedback loop, and we've often got fairly personal email sent to our
> abuse desk because the users simply press spam rather than delete.
You have a far smaller userbase, and a userbase you know. For us, with
random nigerians and other spammers signing up / trying to sign up all
the time, FBLs are invaluable as a realtime notification of spam
And as I said random misdirected spam reports wont trigger a block as
much as your leaking forwarded spam. Or your getting a hacked cgi/php
or a spammer installed direct to mx spamware. [so if you are cpanel -
smtp tweak/csf firewall and mod_security for apache should be default
on your install if you havent already done so]
Most of the sites served by Akamai seem to be wacky this afternoon from Chicago.
Probably the March Madness stuff, but its really bad today - wont load at all
from here and is missing all of its images.
Are others seeing this problem from other locations? Getting alot of support calls from folks....
> The recipient obviously didn't think they wanted the email. For
> mailing lists/broadcasters, this means it's an opt out request.
That would be fine, we could auto process them and remove those
addresses from any lists they've joined (might be a few false
unsubscribes but after they've resubscribed a few times they might
figure it's not a good idea to report it as spam) but redacted(a)
isn't on any of our lists.
If this was to be more than a token system we'd be happy to support
a specific unsubscribe message for those than wished to leave our lists
and didn't mind supplying details. We'd also happily supply details
of our lists so their system would know there is no point treating it
as spam "you are reporting a mailing list you've subscribed to as spam,
do you want ot unsubscribe?" etc. I'm sure most on the list could cook
up a system to do this properly.
Looking at possibilities for an implementation of usage-based billing, it seems that the same techniques and tools always come up. I'm looking for some feedback from the list on experiences with these tools and techniques as well as alternatives that may not be listed here.
--Flow data (Netflow, SFlow, etc) analysis to determine 95th percentile traffic levels
--SNMP polling of interface counters to determine 95th percentile traffic levels
Granted, there are many interpretations of how to calculate "95th percentile traffic levels" that may differ from provider to provider. Assume that we have established the method that we will use.
--solarwinds Orion
--Various, expensive PM tools such as Netcool Proviso, JDSU NetComplete, InfoVista tools, etc
--flow-tools and FlowScan combo
--Arbor Networks Peakflow
Any follow up to this thread, either on or off list, or pointers to previous threads with good information would be appreciated! My search didn't turn up any, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist!
Mauricio Rodriguez
Manager of IP/Data Engineering, FPL FiberNet
Email: Mauricio.Rodriguez(a)<>
Out of interest, is there a report that details the number of unused older
AS's in the Internet and what is being done to recover them to recycle, as
we approach the 53k mark and the 32 bit numbering scheme, it strikes me that
we probably have a lot of stagnant AS's out there due to takeovers etc..
Any thoughts?
I'm seeing the following in the MRT data from RRC04 at ripe. for reference.
I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at. The reserved AS, 65490
appears in parentheses and I've never seen that in MRT formatted data
and not sure why it's happening.
I'm also not clear on why I see 23456 *and* a 32 bit AS in the path. Is
anyone else seeing this or is it something wacky at RRC04?|29222 6830 (65490) 3356 21219 3.30|29222 6830 (65490) 3356 35320 3.21 23456|29222 6830 (65490) 3356 13249 28761 3.57|29222 6830 (65490) 2914 35320 3.21 23456 35748|29222 6830 (65490) 2914 35320 3.21 23456 35748
nanog-request(a) wrote:
> hi,
> I want to ask some folks out there that maintain reverse DNS queries
> of their respective IP blocks. I want to know if there is a need for
> me to contact my upstream provider. I am in charge of 2 /24's under
> LACNIC. I've already registered my DNS servers on LACNIC. but for some
> weird reason it's not owning reverse resolves. any tips would be
> gladly appreciated.
> thanks,
> b
You can use the dig utility that usually comes with bind to trace the NS
records for the ip block down, just run:
# dig NS +trace
That will tell you what nameserver is directing you where. You can also
use this web-based utility to query the root nameservers to figure out
where your queries are being directed to:
. Just make sure you are entering your ip in the reverse-dns,
* format, and not the actual ip address.
> > Slighty related...
> >
> > Can people please post their recommended reverse dns naming
> conventions for a small ISP with growth and scalability in mind.
> > I already have one drawn up, but I would like to contrast and compare :D
> >
> > Thanks
i am getting one volume of the list thats vol 14.i sure bet i am missing
some vol's. can you give me a hand on this anyone
Anyone else seeing an outage with Savvis in the Chicago area? Specifically
in their colo we are seeing asynchronous connectivity, traffic is coming in,
but not getting back out.
Jeff Rooney