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March 2009
- 275 participants
- 138 discussions
We have a need for a DS-3 extension (734 duplex co-ax, 300 foot run, BNC
termination) in Scottsdale, AZ. A recommendation for a clueful wiring
contractor familiar with this type of work would be greatly appreciated!
Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - jay(a)
Impulse Internet Service -
Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV
In this email message I'd like to discuss two subjects:
a. Phishing against ISPs.
b. Phishing in different languages against ISPs as soon as Google adds a
new translation module.
[My apologies to those who receive this email more than once. I am
approaching several different industries on this matter]
In the past few weeks there has been an increasing number of phishing
attacks against clients of Israeli ISPs. I've only seen a few of these,
but the local ISPs confirm it's happening across the board.
In all these cases, the phishing email is in Hebrew.
While we have seen ISP phishing and Hebrew phishing before, these
attacks started when Google added translation into Hebrew.
Is this a trend? Have other countries (or populations) been targeted
when Google added a translation module for more languages?
a. Some Israeli ISPs emailed their clients warning against such attacks.
Saying they'd never ask for their password, etc.
b. While I was certainly heavily involved with phishing originally and
even started the first coordination group to deal with the issue, I am
somewhat removed from it now, dealing more with phishing/banking Trojan
Can anyone educate me as to how often ISPs get phished, if at all?
c. If you get phished, what strategies if any have you taken to prevent
the attacks/respond to them/educate your clients? What worked?
d. I wonder if these translation misuses could eventually translate into
some intelligence we will see in Google security reports, such as on
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 1:21 AM, JC Dill <jcdill.lists(a)> wrote:
| jamie rishaw wrote:
| |
| | Akamai customer support is ccare@.
| No one said that noc@ was "not the place" - someone (who works at Akamai)
| said that the RFC specified noc@ works, and it does.
it was a redirect, and he was pretty rude
| To summarize: The RFC-specified noc@ address exists and works.
it is an rfc, not a standard. check out bcp 46. according to that, the
correct answer we are looking for would be hostmaster-billing(a)
both documents are out of date, and to suggest otherwise is irresponsible
| Customers also have/know
| about ccare@ which also works. Non-customers (surprise - not everyone is
| Akamai customer, and non-customers do have valid reasons to contact a NOC
| now and then) who don't know about the super sekret[1] ccare@ can use noc@
the first click off the akamai root page is hardly "super sekret". although
they are really sneaky about it. its called 'support' and it is big and
bright and blue and right where you would expect it. quite the outrage
| Is there some point you wanted to make that contradicts all of this?
jcdill, are you eight? this is a mailing list for network professionals.
if you cannot be at, at least act it
Jeff Cohen
On a Sesame Seed Bun.
Opinions stated are my own, and not those of Turner.

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-ctcp
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
A series of TCP packets may cause a denial of service (DoS) condition
on Cisco IOS devices that are configured as Easy VPN servers with the
Cisco Tunneling Control Protocol (cTCP) encapsulation feature. Cisco
has released free software updates that address this vulnerability.
No workarounds are available; however, the IPSec NAT traversal
(NAT-T) feature can be used as an alternative.
This advisory is posted at
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Cisco IOS devices running versions 12.4(9)T or later and configured
for Cisco Tunneling Control Protocol (cTCP) encapsulation for EZVPN
server are vulnerable.
Note: The cTCP encapsulation feature was introduced in Cisco IOS
version 12.4(9)T. The cTCP encapsulation feature is disabled by
default. Cisco IOS devices configured for EZVPN client are not
affected by this vulnerability. Only devices configured as EZVPN
servers are vulnerable.
To configure the cTCP encapsulation feature for Easy VPN, use the
crypto ctcp command in global configuration mode. You can optionally
specify the port number that the device will listen to with the
crypto ctcp port <port> command. Up to ten numbers can be configured
and the port value can be from 1 through 65535. If the port keyword
is not configured, the default port number is 10000. In the following
example, the Cisco IOS device is configured to listen for cTCP
messages on port 10000.
crypto ctcp port 10000
Note: The port keyword is configured only on the Cisco IOS device
acting as an EZVPN server.
To determine the version of the Cisco IOS software running on a Cisco
product, log in to the device and issue the show version command to
display the system banner. Cisco IOS software will identify itself as
"Internetwork Operating System Software" or simply "IOS". On the next
line of output, the image name will be displayed between parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the IOS release name. Other Cisco devices
will not have the show version command or will give different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product running Cisco IOS
Software release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of C2500-IS-L:
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
<output truncated>
The next example shows a product running Cisco IOS Software release
12.4(20)T with an image name of C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M:
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
<output truncated>
Additional information on the Cisco IOS release naming conventions
can be found on the document entitled "White Paper: Cisco IOS
Reference Guide", which is available at
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
Cisco IOS devices that are not configured for cTCP are not affected
by this vulnerability. The Cisco ASA and Cisco VPN 3000 series
concentrators are not vulnerable. Cisco IOS devices configured as
EZVPN clients are not affected by this vulnerability. The Cisco VPN
Client is not vulnerable. Cisco IOS-XR and Cisco IOS-XE software are
not affected by this vulnerability. No other Cisco products are
currently known to be affected by this vulnerability.
The Cisco Tunneling Control Protocol (cTCP) feature is used by Easy
VPN remote device operating in an environment in which standard IPSec
does not function transparently without modification to existing
firewall rules. The cTCP traffic is actually TCP traffic. Cisco IOS
cTCP packets are Internet Key Exchange (IKE) or Encapsulating
Security Payload (ESP) packets that are being transmitted over TCP.
A vulnerability exists where a series of TCP packets may cause a
Cisco IOS device that is configured as an Easy VPN server with the
cTCP encapsulation feature to run out of memory. This vulnerability
is documented in Cisco Bug IDs CSCsr16693 and CSCsu21828; and has
been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
identifier CVE-2009-0635.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerability in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsr16693 - cTCP server may crash when processing a series of TCP
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
CSCsu21828 - Cisco IOS Device may crash with cTCP enabled
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the affected
device to run out of memory. Repeated exploitation will result in a
denial of service (DoS) condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major Release | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.1 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.2 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.3 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.4 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JDA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4MD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4MR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4SW | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| 12.4T | | |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available | 12.4(15)T9; Available |
| | on 29-APR-2009 | on 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XM | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XN | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XP | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XT | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ2 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | 12.4(20)YA2 | 12.4(20)YA3 |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
No workarounds are available.
As an alternative, the IPSec NAT traversal (NAT-T) feature can be
used. The IPSec NAT-T feature introduces support for IP Security
(IPSec) traffic to travel through Network Address Translation (NAT)
or Port Address Translation (PAT) points in the network by addressing
many known incompatabilites between NAT and IPSec.
Note: The NAT-T feature was introduced in Cisco IOS version 12.2(13)
NAT Traversal is a feature that is auto detected by VPN devices.
There are no configuration steps for a router running Cisco IOS
Release 12.2(13)T and later. If both VPN devices are NAT-T capable,
NAT Traversal is auto-detected and auto-negotiated.
Note: When you enable NAT-T, the Cisco IOS device automatically opens
UDP port 4500 on all IPSec enabled interfaces.
Caution: Be aware that you may need to enable IPSec over UDP on Cisco
VPN software clients to support NAT-T. Additionally, you may need to
change firewall rules to allow UDP port 500 for Internet Key Exchange
(IKE) and UDP port 4500 for NAT-T.
For more information about NAT-T, refer to the white paper at:…
Additional mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within
the network are available in the Cisco Applied Mitigation Bulletin
companion document for this advisory, which is available at the
following link:
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. Prior to deploying software, customers should consult
their maintenance provider or check the software for feature set
compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized
telephone numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in
various languages.
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was found during the resolution of a technical
support service request.
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at:
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release. |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-mobileip
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Devices that are running Cisco IOS Software and configured for Mobile
IP Network Address Translation (NAT) Traversal feature or Mobile IPv6
are vulnerable to a denial of service (DoS) attack that may result in
a blocked interface.
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
This advisory is posted at the following link
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Devices that are running an affected version of Cisco IOS Software
and configured for Mobile IP NAT Traversal feature or Mobile IPv6 are
Vulnerable Products
Devices running Cisco IOS Software and configured for Mobile IP NAT
Traversal feature will have a line similar to the following in the
output of the show running-config command:
ip mobile home-agent nat traversal [...]
ip mobile foreign-agent nat traversal [...]
ip mobile router-service collocated registration nat traversal [...]
Devices running Cisco IOS Software and configured for Mobile IPv6
will have a line similar to the following in the output of the show
running-config command:
ipv6 mobile home-agent
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
show version command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or
"Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other
Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide
different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
!--- output truncated
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(20)T with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
Cisco IOS XR is not affected by these vulnerabilities.
Cisco IOS XE is not affected by these vulnerabilities.
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these
Mobile IP is part of both IPv4 and IPv6 standards. Mobile IP allows a
host device to be identified by a single IP address even though the
device may move its physical point of attachment from one network to
another. Regardless of movement between different networks,
connectivity at the different points is achieved seamlessly without
user intervention. Roaming from a wired network to a wireless or
wide-area network is also possible.
More information on Mobile IPv6 can be found at the following link:
The Mobile IP Support NAT Traversal feature is documented in RFC
3519. It introduces an alternative method for tunneling Mobile IP
data traffic. New extensions in the Mobile IP registration request
and reply messages have been added for establishing User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) tunneling. This feature allows mobile devices in
collocated mode that use a private IP address (RFC 1918) or foreign
agents (FAs) that use a private IP address for the care-of address
(CoA) to establish a tunnel and traverse a NAT-enabled router with
mobile node (MN) data traffic from the home agent (HA).
More information on Mobile IP NAT Traversal feature can be found at
the following link:
Devices that are running an affected version of Cisco IOS Software
and configured for Mobile IPv6 or Mobile IP NAT Traversal feature are
affected by a DoS vulnerability. A successful exploitation of this
vulnerability could cause an interface to stop processing traffic
until the system is restarted. Offending packets need to be destined
to the router for a successful exploit.
These vulnerabilities are documented in the Cisco Bug IDs CSCsm97220
and CSCso05337 and have been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) IDs CVE-2009-0633 and CVE-2009-0634.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsm97220 - Input queue wedged by MIPv6 packets
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
CSCso05337 - HA: Input queue wedged by ICMP packet
CVSS Base Score - 7.1
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Medium
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 5.9
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability may result in an
interface to stop processing traffic, causing a DoS condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.1 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.2 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.3 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3B | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3BC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3BW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3EU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JEA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JEB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JEC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JX | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3TPC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3VA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| | Releases prior to 12.3(11)YK3 are | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | vulnerable, release 12.3(11)YK3 and | |
| 12.3YK | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | fixed in 12.4T | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YM | 12.3(14)YM13 | 12.3(14)YM13 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YU | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.3(14)YX10 are | |
| 12.3YX | vulnerable, release 12.3(14)YX10 and | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | later are not vulnerable; | |
| 12.3YZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3ZA | Not Vulnerable | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | 12.4(18e) | |
| 12.4 | | 12.4(23a); |
| | 12.4(23a); Available on 30-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.4JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JDA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4MD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4MR | 12.4(19)MR | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| 12.4SW | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.4(20)T | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4T | 12.4(15)T8 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on 29-APR-2009 | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XB | 12.4(20)T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on 29-APR-2009 | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(4)XD12; Available on | 12.4(4)XD12; |
| 12.4XD | 27-MAR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 27-MAR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XL | 12.4(15)XL4 | 12.4(15)XL4 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XQ | 12.4(15)XQ2 | 12.4(15)XQ2 |
| 12.4XR | 12.4(15)XR4 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW10 | 12.4(11)XW10 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XY | 12.4(15)XY4 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ1 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
The following mitigation and identification methods have been
identified for these vulnerabilities:
Infrastructure Access Control Lists
Although it is often difficult to block traffic that transits a
network, it is possible to identify traffic that should never be
allowed to target infrastructure devices and block that traffic at
the border of networks. Infrastructure Access Control Lists (iACLs)
are a network security best practice and should be considered as a
long-term addition to good network security as well as a workaround
for these specific vulnerabilities. The iACL example below should be
included as part of the deployed infrastructure access-list which
will protect all devices with IP addresses in the infrastructure IP
address range:
IPv4 example:
!--- Anti-spoofing entries are shown here.
!--- Deny special-use address sources.
!--- Refer to RFC 3330 for additional special use addresses.
access-list 110 deny ip host any
access-list 110 deny ip any
access-list 110 deny ip any
access-list 110 deny ip any
!--- Filter RFC 1918 space.
access-list 110 deny ip any
access-list 110 deny ip any
access-list 110 deny ip any
!--- Deny your space as source from entering your AS.
!--- Deploy only at the AS edge.
access-list 110 deny ip YOUR_CIDR_BLOCK any
!--- Permit BGP.
access-list 110 permit tcp host bgp_peer host router_ip eq bgp
access-list 110 permit tcp host bgp_peer eq bgp host router_ip
!--- Deny access to internal infrastructure addresses.
!--- Permit transit traffic.
access-list 110 permit ip any any
IPv6 example:
!--- Configure the access-list.
ipv6 access-list iacl
!--- Deny your space as source from entering your AS.
!--- Deploy only at the AS edge.
deny ipv6 YOUR_CIDR_BLOCK_IPV6 any
!--- Permit multiprotocol BGP.
permit tcp host bgp_peer_ipv6 host router_ipv6 eq bgp
permit tcp host bgp_peer_ipv6 eq bgp host router_ipv6
!--- Deny access to internal infrastructure addresses.
!--- Permit transit traffic.
permit ipv6 any any
The white paper entitled "Protecting Your Core: Infrastructure
Protection Access Control Lists" presents guidelines and recommended
deployment techniques for infrastructure protection access lists.
This white paper can be obtained at the following link…
Cisco IOS Embedded Event Manager
It is possible to detect blocked interface queues with a Cisco IOS
Embedded Event Manager (EEM) policy. EEM provides event detection and
reaction capabilities on a Cisco IOS device. EEM can alert
administrators of blocked interfaces with email, a syslog message, or
a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap.
A sample EEM policy that uses syslog to alert administrators of
blocked interfaces is available at Cisco Beyond, an online community
dedicated to EEM. A sample script is available at the following link:
More information about EEM is available from at the
following link:…
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should
consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature
set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at,
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was reported to Cisco by a customer.
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-Mar-25 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege
Escalation Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-scp
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
The server side of the Secure Copy (SCP) implementation in Cisco IOS
software contains a vulnerability that could allow authenticated
users with an attached command-line interface (CLI) view to transfer
files to and from a Cisco IOS device that is configured to be an SCP
server, regardless of what users are authorized to do, per the CLI
view configuration. This vulnerability could allow valid users to
retrieve or write to any file on the device's file system, including
the device's saved configuration and Cisco IOS image files, even if
the CLI view attached to the user does not allow it. This
configuration file may include passwords or other sensitive
The Cisco IOS SCP server is an optional service that is disabled by
default. CLI views are a fundamental component of the Cisco IOS
Role-Based CLI Access feature, which is also disabled by default.
Devices that are not specifically configured to enable the Cisco IOS
SCP server, or that are configured to use it but do not use
role-based CLI access, are not affected by this vulnerability.
This vulnerability does not apply to the Cisco IOS SCP client
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
There are no workarounds available for this vulnerability apart from
disabling either the SCP server or the CLI view feature if these
services are not required by administrators.
This advisory is posted at the following link:
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Cisco devices running an affected Cisco IOS software release,
configured to offer SCP server functionality, and configured to use
role-based ACL access are affected by this issue.
A device running a vulnerable Cisco IOS software release is affected
if its configuration is similar to the following:
parser view <view name>
<Definition of the CLI view>
username <user ID> view <view name> secret <some secret>
ip scp server enable
In the above configuration snippet, the parser view command defines a
view that specifies what commands users in that view can execute. The
username command defines a local user and attaches, via the view
keyword, the previously defined view to the user. And finally, the ip
scp server enable command enables the Cisco IOS SCP server.
The absence of the username command does not guarantee that the
device's configuration is not affected by this vulnerability because
the name of a CLI view can be supplied by means of an Authentication,
Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) server by using the cli-view-name
Note: The CLI view attached to a user can be supplied by a AAA
server. When inspecting a device's configuration to determine if it
is affected by this vulnerability it is better to check if the SCP
service is enabled (ip scp server enabled command) and whether there
are any CLI views defined (parser view command).
The Cisco IOS SCP server and role-based CLI access features are
disabled by default.
The SCP server functionality is only available on encryption-capable
images. Encryption-capable images are those that contain either a
"k8" or "k9" in the image name, for example, "C7200-ADVSECURITYK9-M".
Devices that do not run encryption-capable images are not vulnerable.
If a device is running an encryption-capable image, the presence in
the configuration of the ip scp server enable command, the existence
of CLI views (parser view command), and whether there are users
(local or remote) attached to these views will determine if the
device is affected.
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
show version command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or
"Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other
Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide
different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
!--- output truncated
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(20)T with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link:
Cisco IOS XE Software is also affected by this vulnerability.
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
Cisco devices that do not run Cisco IOS software are not affected.
Cisco IOS devices that do not have the SCP server feature enabled, or
that make use of the feature but do not have the role-based CLI
feature enabled, are not affected.
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected.
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this
SCP is a protocol similar to the Remote Copy (RCP) protocol, which
allows the transfer of files between systems. The main difference
between SCP and RCP is that in SCP, all aspects of the file transfer
session, including authentication, occur in encrypted form, which
makes SCP a more secure alternative than RCP. SCP relies on the
Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, which uses TCP port 22 by default.
The Role-Based CLI Access feature allows the network administrator to
define "views". Views are sets of operational commands and
configuration capabilities that provide selective or partial access
to Cisco IOS software EXEC and configuration (Config) mode commands.
Views restrict user access to Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI)
and configuration information; that is, a view can define what
commands are accepted and what configuration information is visible.
For more information about the Role-Based CLI Access feature,
The server side of the SCP implementation in Cisco IOS software
contains a vulnerability that allows authenticated users with an
attached command-line interface (CLI) view to transfer files to and
from a Cisco IOS device that is configured to be a SCP server,
regardless of what users are authorized to do, per the CLI view
configuration. This vulnerability could allow authenticated users to
retrieve or write to any file on the device's file system, including
the device's saved configuration and Cisco IOS image files. This
configuration file may include passwords or other sensitive
In the affected configuration presented in the Affected Products
section, users confined to a CLI view can elevate their privileges by
using SCP to write to the device's configuration. Note that a view
can be attached to a user when defining the user in the local
database (via the username <user name> view ... command), or by
passing the attribute cli-view-name from an AAA server.
This vulnerability does not allow for authentication bypass; login
credentials are verified and access is only granted if a valid
username and password is provided. This vulnerability may cause
authorization to be bypassed.
This vulnerability is documented in the Cisco Bug ID CSCsv38166
and has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsv38166 - SCP + views (role-based CLI) allows privilege escalation
CVSS Base Score - 9.0
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - Single
Confidentiality Impact - Complete
Integrity Impact - Complete
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 7.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability described in this
advisory may allow valid but unauthorized users to retrieve or write
to any file on the device's file system, including the device's saved
configuration and Cisco IOS image files. This configuration file may
include passwords or other sensitive information.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.1 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.2 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2B | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2CX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2CY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2CZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2DA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2DD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2DX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2EW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2EWA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2EX | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | in 12.2SEG | |
| 12.2EY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2FX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2FY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2FZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2IXA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2IXB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2IXC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2IXD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2IXE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2IXF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2IXG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2MB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2MC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2S | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SBC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SCA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| | 12.2(50)SE | |
| 12.2SE | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2(44)SE6 | |
| 12.2SEA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SEB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SEC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SED | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SEE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SEF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SEG | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.2(52)SG; Available on | 12.2(52)SG; |
| 12.2SG | 15-MAY-2009 | Available on |
| | | 15-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SGA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SM | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SO | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SQ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SRA | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRB5a; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 3-April-2009 |
| | 12.2(33)SRC4; Available on | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRC | 18-MAY-2009 | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SRD | 12.2(33)SRD1 | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2STE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SVA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SVC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SVD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SVE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXI | 12.2(33)SXI1 | 12.2(33)SXI1 |
| 12.2SY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2T | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2TPC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XM | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | | |
| 12.2XNA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRD | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2XNB | 12.2(33)XNB3 | 12.2(33)XNB3 |
| 12.2XNC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XO | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XT | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YM | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YN | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YO | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YP | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YT | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZP | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZYA | Not Vulnerable | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.3 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3B | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3BC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3BW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3EU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3TPC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3VA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.3XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YM | 12.3(14)YM13 | 12.3(14)YM13 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| 12.3YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | 12.4(18e) | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.4 | 12.4(23a); Available on | 12.4(23a); |
| | 30-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.4JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JDA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JK | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4MD | 12.4(11)MD7 | 12.4(11)MD7 |
| 12.4MR | 12.4(19)MR2 | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| 12.4SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | 12.4(24)T | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | |
| 12.4T | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(22)T1 | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on | |
| | 29-APR-2009 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(4)XD12; Available on | 12.4(4)XD12; |
| 12.4XD | 27-MAR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 27-MAR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | |
| 12.4XG | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(22)T1 | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.4(15)XL4 are | |
| 12.4XL | vulnerable, release 12.4(15)XL4 | 12.4(15)XL4 |
| | and later are not vulnerable; | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XQ | 12.4(15)XQ2 | 12.4(15)XQ2 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW10 | 12.4(11)XW10 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ2 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | 12.4(20)YA2 | 12.4(20)YA3 |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
If the Cisco IOS SCP server functionality is not needed then the
vulnerability described in this document can be mitigated by
disabling the SCP server or the CLI view feature. The SCP server can
be disabled by executing the following command in global
configuration mode:
no ip scp server enable
If the SCP server cannot be disabled due to operational concerns,
then no workarounds exist. The risk posed by this vulnerability can
be mitigated by following the best practices detailed in "Cisco Guide
to Harden Cisco IOS Devices" at…
Please refer to the Obtaining Fixed Software section of this advisory
for appropriate solutions to resolve this vulnerability.
Due to the nature of this vulnerability, networking best practices
like access control lists (ACLs) and Control Plane Policing (CoPP)
that restrict access to a device to certain IP addresses or
subnetworks may not be effective. If access is already granted to a
specific IP address or subnetwork, a user with low privileges will be
able to establish an SCP session with the device, which would allow
the user to exploit this vulnerability.
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should
consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature
set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at, or as
otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was reported to Cisco by Kevin Graham. Cisco would
like to thank Mr. Graham for reporting this vulnerability and working
with us towards coordinated disclosure of the vulnerability.
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted
TCP Sequence Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-tcp
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cisco IOS Software contains a vulnerability in multiple features
that could allow an attacker to cause a denial of service (DoS)
condition on the affected device. A sequence of specially crafted TCP
packets can cause the vulnerable device to reload.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
Several mitigation strategies are outlined in the workarounds section
of this advisory.
This advisory is posted at
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Devices running affected versions of Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS
XE Software are affected when configured to use any of the following
features within Cisco IOS:
* Airline Product Set (ALPS)
* Serial Tunnel Code (STUN) and Block Serial Tunnel Code (BSTUN)
* Native Client Interface Architecture support (NCIA)
* Data-link switching (DLSw)
* Remote Source-Route Bridging (RSRB)
* Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
* X.25 for Record Boundary Preservation (RBP)
* X.25 over TCP (XOT)
* X.25 Routing
Information on how to determine whether an affected feature is
enabled on a device are provided in the Details section of this
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
"show version" command to display the system banner. The system
banner confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by
displaying text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System
Software" or "Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in
parentheses, followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release
name. Other Cisco devices do not have the "show version" command or
may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
<output truncated>
The following example shows a product that is running Cisco IOS
Software Release 12.4(20)T with an image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
<output truncated>
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link: .
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The following product and feature have been confirmed not vulnerable:
* Cisco IOS XR Software
* BGP is not affected
No other Cisco products or features configured within Cisco IOS
Software are currently known to be affected by this vulnerability.
Completion of the 3-way handshake to the associated TCP port number
(s) of any of the features outlined below is required in order for
the vulnerability to be successfully exploited.
Airline Product Set (ALPS)
Devices configured for ALPS are vulnerable. The default TCP listening
ports for ALPS are 350 and 10000. The following example shows a
vulnerable ALPS configuration:
alps local-peer <ip address>
Further information about ALPS is available in "Cisco IOS Bridging
and IBM Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.2 - Configuring
the Airline Product Set" at the following link…
Serial Tunnel Code (STUN) and Block Serial Tunneling (BSTUN)
Devices configured for either STUN or BSTUN are vulnerable. The
default listening TCP ports for STUN are 1990,1991 1992 and 1994. The
default listening TCP ports for BSTUN are 1963, 1976, 1977, 1978 and
1979 The following example shows a vulnerable STUN configuration:
interface serial 0/0/0
encapsulation stun
The following example shows a vulnerable BSTUN configuration:
interface serial 0/0/0
encapsulation bstun
Further information about STUN and BSTUN is available in "Cisco IOS
Bridging and IBM Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.2 -
Configuring Serial Tunnel and Block Serial Tunnel" at the following
Native Client Interface Architecture support (NCIA)
Devices configured for NCIA are vulnerable, because of the underlying
transport they will use. The default listening TCP ports will be
dependent on the protocol used with NCIA, such as RSRB or DSLw. The
following examples shows a vulnerable configuration:
ncia server 1 0000.1111.2222 2222.2222.2222 1
Further information about NCIA is available in "Cisco IOS Bridging
and IBM Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - Configuring
NCIA Client/Server" at the following link…
Data-link switching (DLSw)
Devices configured for DLSw are vulnerable. The default listening TCP
ports for DSLw are 2065, 2067, 1981, 1982 and 1983. The following
example shows a vulnerable configuration:
dlsw local-peer peer-id <ip address>
Devices configured with either FST Encapsulation or Direct
Encapsulation are still vulnerable as the affected TCP ports are
opened by the "dslw local-peer peer-id ip address" command.
Further information about DLSw is available in "Cisco IOS Bridging
and IBM Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - Configuring
Data-Link Switching Plus" at the following link…
Remote Source-Route Bridging (RSRB)
Devices configured for RSRB Using IP Encapsulation over a TCP
connection are vulnerable. The default listening TCP ports for RSRB
are 1996,1987, 1988 and 1989. The following example shows a
vulnerable configuration:
source-bridge ring-group 10
source-bridge remote-peer 10 tcp <ip address>
Devices configured with either RSRB Using Direct Encapsulation or
RSRB Using IP Encapsulation over an FST Connection are not affected.
Further information about RSRB is available in "Cisco IOS Bridging
and IBM Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.2 - Configuring
Remote Source-Route Bridging" at the following link…
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
Devices configured for PPTP are vulnerable. The default listening TCP
port for PPTP is 1723. The following examples shows a vulnerable
vpdn enable
vpdn-group pptp
! Default PPTP VPDN group
protocol pptp
virtual-template 1
vpdn enable
vpdn-group L2_Tunneling
! Default L2TP VPDN group
! Default PPTP VPDN group
protocol any
virtual-template 1
Further information about PPTP is available in "Cisco IOS VPDN
Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - Configuring Client-Initiated
Dial-In VPDN Tunneling" at the following link…
X.25 Record Boundary Preservation (RBP)
Devices configured for RBP are vulnerable. The listening TCP port is
configured with the "local port port_number" CLI command, as shown in
the next examples. The following examples shows vulnerable
configurations. The first leverages switched virtual circuits (SVC):
interface Serial1/0
x25 map rbp 1111 local port <port_number>
The second example, leverages a permanent virtual circuit (PVC):
interface Serial1/0
x25 map pvc <pvc_number> rbp local port <port_number>
Further information about RBP is available in "Cisco IOS Wide-Area
Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - X.25 Record Boundary
Preservation for Data Communications Networks" at the following link…
X.25 over TCP (XOT)
Devices configured for XOT are vulnerable. The default listening TCP
port for XOT is 1998. The following example shows a vulnerable
xot access-group 1
and a corresponding access-list 1.
Further information about XOT is available in "Cisco IOS Wide-Area
Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - X.25 over TCP
Profiles" at the following link…
X25 Routing
Devices configured with X25 are vulnerable. The default listening TCP
port for X25 Routing is 1998. The following example shows a
vulnerable configuration.
x25 routing
Further information about X25 is available in "Cisco IOS Wide-Area
Networking Configuration Guide, Release 12.4 - Configuring X.25 and
LAPB" at the following link…
This vulnerability is documented in the following Cisco Bug ID:
CSCsr29468 and has been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) identifier CVE-2009-0629.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerability in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsr29468: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will cause the device
to reload. Repeated attempts to exploit this vulnerability could
result in a sustained DoS condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.1 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.2 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2B | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2BZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2CX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2CY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2CZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2DA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2DD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2DX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2EW | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| | 12.2SG | |
| 12.2EWA | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| | 12.2SG | |
| | Releases prior to 12.2(44) | |
| | EX are vulnerable, release | |
| 12.2EX | 12.2(44)EX and later are | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | not vulnerable; first fixed | |
| | in 12.2SE | |
| 12.2EY | 12.2(44)EY | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| 12.2FX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2FY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2FZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRA | 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRB | 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2IXA | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2IXB | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2IXC | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2IXD | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2IXE | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2IXF | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2IXG | Vulnerable; migrate to any | 12.2(18)IXH; Available |
| | release in 12.2IXH | on 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2MB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2MC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2S | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2SB | |
| | 12.2(33)SB3 | |
| | | |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(28)SB13 | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(31)SB14 | |
| 12.2SBC | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2SB | |
| 12.2SCA | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| | 12.2SCB | |
| 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| | 12.2(46)SE2 | |
| | | |
| 12.2SE | 12.2(50)SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(44)SE5 | |
| 12.2SEA | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| 12.2SEB | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| 12.2SEC | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| 12.2SED | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| 12.2SEE | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | 12.2SE | |
| 12.2SEF | Not Vulnerable | |
| | Releases prior to 12.2(25) | |
| | SEG4 are vulnerable, | |
| 12.2SEG | release 12.2(25)SEG4 and | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | later are not vulnerable; | |
| | first fixed in 12.2SE | |
| 12.2SG | 12.2(50)SG | 12.2(52)SG; Available |
| | | on 15-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SGA | 12.2(31)SGA9 | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2SL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SM | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRA | 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRB5a; |
| | | Available on |
| 12.2SRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 3-April-2009 12.2(33) |
| | 12.2SRC | SRC4; Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 12.2(33) |
| | | SRD1 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRC | 12.2(33)SRC3 | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 12.2(33) |
| | | SRD1 |
| 12.2SRD | 12.2(33)SRD1 | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2STE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SW | Vulnerable; migrate to any | |
| | release in 12.4SW | |
| 12.2SX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SXD | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | 12.2SXF | |
| 12.2SXE | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | 12.2SXF | |
| 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | 12.2(33)SXH5; Available on | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2SXH | 20-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SXI | 12.2(33)SXI1 | 12.2(33)SXI1 |
| 12.2SY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2SB | |
| 12.2T | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2TPC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XM | Not Vulnerable | |
| | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2XN | 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2XNA | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | 12.2SRD | |
| 12.2XNB | 12.2(33)XNB1 | 12.2(33)XNB3 |
| 12.2XNC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XO | 12.2(46)XO | 12.2(46)XO |
| 12.2XQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XT | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YM | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YN | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YO | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YP | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YT | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2ZP | Not Vulnerable | |
| | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2ZU | 12.2SXH | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2ZX | Vulnerable; first fixed in | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2SB | |
| 12.2ZY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZYA | 12.2(18)ZYA1 | 12.2(18)ZYA1 |
| Affected | | |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.3 based releases |
| Affected | | |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Recommended Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.4 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JDA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JX | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.4(15)MD2 | |
| | | |
| 12.4MD | Releases prior to 12.4(11) | 12.4(11)MD7 |
| | MD6 are not vulnerable, | |
| | releases 12.4(15)MD and | |
| | later are vulnerable. | |
| | 12.4(19)MR1 | |
| | | |
| 12.4MR | Releases prior to 12.4(16) | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| | MR2 are not vulnerable, | |
| | releases 12.4(19)MR and | |
| | later are vulnerable | |
| 12.4SW | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.4(22)T | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| 12.4T | 12.4(20)T2 | |
| | | 12.4(15)T9; Available |
| | Releases prior to 12.4(20)T | on 29-APR-2009 |
| | are NOT vulnerable | |
| 12.4XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XM | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XN | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XP | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XQ | 12.4(15)XQ2 | 12.4(15)XQ2 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| 12.4XR | 12.4(15)XR4 | |
| | | 12.4(15)T9; Available |
| | | on 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XT | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XV | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XW | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| 12.4XY | 12.4(15)XY4 | |
| | | 12.4(15)T9; Available |
| | | on 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ2 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | 12.4(20)YA2 | 12.4(20)YA3 |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
The following mitigations have been identified for this
vulnerability, which may help protect an infrastructure until an
upgrade to a fixed version of Cisco IOS software can be scheduled:
Infrastructure Access Control Lists
Although it is often difficult to block traffic that transits a
network, it is possible to identify traffic that should never be
allowed to target infrastructure devices and block that traffic at
the border of networks. Infrastructure Access Control Lists (iACLs)
are a network security best practice and should be considered as a
long-term addition to good network security as well as a workaround
for these specific vulnerabilities. The iACL example below should be
included as part of the deployed infrastructure access-list which
will protect all devices with IP addresses in the infrastructure IP
address range:
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: ALPS
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny ALPS TCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: STUN
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny STUN TCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: BSTUN
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny BSTUN TCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: NCIA
!--- Leverage the underlying protocols, DLSw, RSRB, etc.
!--- Feature: DLSW
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny DLSW TCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: RSRB
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny RSRB TCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: PPTP
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny PPTP TCP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: RBP
!--- RBP will listen for TCP connections on the configured port
!--- as per "local port <port_number>". The following example
!--- uses port 1055
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny RBP traffic from all other sources destined
!--- to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: XOT and X.25 Routing
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
!--- Deny XOT and X25 TCP traffic from all other sources
!--- destined to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Permit/deny all other Layer 3 and Layer 4 traffic in
!--- accordance with existing security policies and
!--- configurations Permit all other traffic to transit the
!--- device.
access-list 150 permit ip any any
!--- Apply access-list to all interfaces (only one example
!--- shown)
interface serial 2/0
ip access-group 150 in
The white paper entitled "Protecting Your Core: Infrastructure
Protection Access Control Lists" presents guidelines and recommended
deployment techniques for infrastructure protection access lists.
This white paper can be obtained at the following link:…
Receive ACLs (rACL)
For distributed platforms, Receive ACLs may be an option starting in
Cisco IOS Software Versions 12.0(21)S2 for the 12000 (GSR), 12.0(24)S
for the 7500, and 12.0(31)S for the 10720. The Receive ACL protects
the device from harmful traffic before the traffic can impact the
route processor. Receive ACLs are designed to only protect the device
on which it is configured. On the 12000, 7500, and 10720, transit
traffic is never affected by a receive ACL. Because of this, the
destination IP address "any" used in the example ACL entries below
only refer to the router's own physical or virtual IP addresses.
Receive ACLs are considered a network security best practice, and
should be considered as a long-term addition to good network
security, as well as a workaround for this specific vulnerability.
The white paper entitled "Protecting Your Core: Infrastructure
Protection Access Control Lists" presents guidelines and recommended
deployment techniques for infrastructure protection access lists.
This white paper can be obtained at the following link…
The following is the receive path ACL written to permit this type of
traffic from trusted hosts:
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Permit ALPS traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 350
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 10000
!--- Deny ALPS traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 350
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 10000
!--- Permit STUN traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 1994
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any range 1990 1992
!--- Deny STUN traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 1994
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq range 1990 1992
!--- Permit BSTUN traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 1963
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any range 1976 1979
!--- Deny BSTUN traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 1963
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq range 1976 1979
!--- Permit DLSw from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 2065
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 2067
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any range 1981 1983
!--- Deny DLSw all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 2065
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 2067
access-list 150 deny tcp any any range 1981 1983
!--- Permit RSRB traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 1996
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any range 1987 1989
!--- Deny RSRB traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 1996
access-list 150 deny tcp any any range 1987 1989
!--- Permit PPTP traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 1723
!--- Deny PPTP traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 1723
!--- Permit RBP traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
!--- RBP will listen for TCP connections on the configured port
!--- as per "local port <port_number>". The following example
!--- uses port 1055
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 1055
!--- Deny RBP traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 1055
!--- Permit XOT and X.25 Routing traffic from trusted hosts allowed
!--- to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 1998
!--- Deny XOT and X.25 Routing traffic from all other sources to
!--- the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 1998
!--- Permit all other traffic to the RP.
!--- according to security policy and configurations.
access-list 150 permit ip any any
!--- Apply this access list to the 'receive' path.
ip receive access-list 150
Control Plane Policing
Control Plane Policing (CoPP) can be used to block the affected
features TCP traffic access to the device. Cisco IOS software
releases 12.0S, 12.2SX, 12.2S, 12.3T, 12.4, and 12.4T support the
CoPP feature. CoPP can be configured on a device to protect the
management and control planes and minimize the risk and effectiveness
of direct infrastructure attacks by explicitly permitting only
authorized traffic that is sent to infrastructure devices in
accordance with existing security policies and configurations. The
CoPP example below should be included as part of the deployed CoPP
that will protect all devices with IP addresses in the infrastructure
IP address range.
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: ALPS
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD any eq 350
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD any eq 10000
!--- Permit ALPS traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 350
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 10000
!--- Feature: STUN
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 1994
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any range 1990 1992
!--- Permit STUN traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 1994
access-list 150 permit tcp any any range 1990 1992
!--- Feature: BSTUN
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 1963
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any range 1976 1979
!--- Permit BSTUN traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 1963
access-list 150 permit tcp any any range 1976 1979
!--- Feature: NCIA
!--- Leverage the underlying protocols, DLSw, RSRB, etc.
!--- Feature: DLSW
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 2065
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 2067
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any range 1981 1983
!--- Permit DLSW traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 2065
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 2067
access-list 150 permit tcp any any range 1981 1983
!--- Feature: RSRB
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any range 1987 1989
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 1996
!--- Permit RSRB traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any range 1987 1989
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 1996
!--- Feature: PPTP
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 1723
!--- Permit PPTP traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 1723
!--- Feature: RBP
!--- RBP will listen for TCP connections on the configured port
!--- as per "local port <port_number>". The following example
!--- uses port 1055
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 1055
!--- Permit RBP traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 1055
!--- Feature: XOT and X.25 Routing
access-list 150 deny tcp TRUSTED_HOSTS WILDCARD
any eq 1998
!--- Permit XOT and X25 traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so
!--- that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 1998
!--- Permit (Police or Drop)/Deny (Allow) all other Layer3 and
!--- Layer4 traffic in accordance with existing security policies
!--- configurations for traffic that is authorized to be sent
!--- and to infrastructure devices
!--- Create a Class-Map for traffic to be policed by
!--- the CoPP feature
class-map match-all drop-tcp-class
match access-group 150
!--- Create a Policy-Map that will be applied to the
!--- Control-Plane of the device.
policy-map drop-tcp-traffic
class drop-tcp-class
!--- Apply the Policy-Map to the
!--- Control-Plane of the device
service-policy input drop-tcp-traffic
In the above CoPP example, the access control list entries (ACEs)
that match the potential exploit packets with the "permit" action
result in these packets being discarded by the policy-map "drop"
function, while packets that match the "deny" action (not shown) are
not affected by the policy-map drop function. Please note that the
policy-map syntax is different in the 12.2S and 12.0S Cisco IOS
policy-map drop-tcp-traffic
class drop-tcp-class
police 32000 1500 1500 conform-action drop exceed-action drop
Additional information on the configuration and use of the CoPP
feature can be found in the documents, "Control Plane Policing
Implementation Best Practices" and "Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.2S
- - Control Plane Policing" at the following links
Additional mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within
the network are available in the "Cisco Applied Mitigation Bulletin"
companion document for this advisory, at the following link
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should
consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature
set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at,
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was found by Cisco internal testing.
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-webvpn
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Cisco IOS software contains two vulnerabilities within the Cisco IOS
WebVPN or Cisco IOS SSLVPN feature (SSLVPN) that can be remotely
exploited without authentication to cause a denial of service
condition. Both vulnerabilities affect both Cisco IOS WebVPN and
Cisco IOS SSLVPN features:
1. Crafted HTTPS packet will crash device.
2. SSLVPN sessions cause a memory leak in the device.
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
There are no workarounds that mitigate these vulnerabilities.
This advisory is posted at the following link:
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Devices running affected versions of Cisco IOS software are affected
if configured with SSLVPN.
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
"show version" command to display the system banner. The system
banner confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by
displaying text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System
Software" or "Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in
parentheses, followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release
name. Other Cisco devices do not have the "show version" command or
may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
<output truncated>
The following example shows a product that is running Cisco IOS
Software release 12.4(20)T with an image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
<output truncated>
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link:
To determine that SSLVPN is enabled on your device, log in to the
device and issue the command-line interface (CLI) command "show
running-config | include webvpn". If the device returns any output
this means that SSLVPN is configured on the device and the device may
be vulnerable. Vulnerable configurations vary depending on whether
the device is supporting Cisco IOS WebVPN (introduced in Release 12.3
(14)T) or Cisco IOS SSLVPNs (introduced in Release 12.4(6)T). The
following methods describe how to confirm if the device is
If the output from "show running-config | include webvpn" contains
"webvpn enable" then the device is configured with the original Cisco
IOS WebVPN. The only way to confirm the device is vulnerable is to
examine the output of "show running-config" to confirm that webvpn is
enabled via the command "webvpn enable" and that a "ssl trustpoint"
has been configured. The following example shows a vulnerable device
configured with Cisco IOS WebVPN:
webvpn enable
ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-29742012
If the output from "show running-config | include webvpn" contains
"webvpn gateway <word>" then the device is supporting the Cisco IOS
SSLVPN feature. A device is vulnerable if it has the "inservice"
command in at least one of the "webvpn gateway" sections. The
following example shows a vulnerable device configured with Cisco IOS
Router# show running | section webvpn
webvpn gateway Gateway
ip address port 443
ssl trustpoint Gateway-TP
A device that supports the Cisco IOS SSLVPN is not vulnerable if it
has no "webvpn gateways" configured or all the configured "webvpn
gateways" contain the "no inservice" "webvpn gateway" command.
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The following products are not affected by this vulnerability:
* Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances
* Cisco IOS XR Software
* Cisco IOS XE Software
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these
The Cisco SSLVPN feature provides remote access to enterprise sites
by users from anywhere on the Internet. The SSLVPN provides users
with secure access to specific enterprise applications, such as
e-mail and web browsing, without requiring them to have VPN client
software installed on their end-user devices.
The WebVPN Enhancements feature (Cisco IOS SSLVPN), released in Cisco
IOS Release 12.4(6)T, obsoletes the commands and configurations
originally put forward in Cisco IOS WebVPN.
Further information about Cisco IOS WebVPN is available in the "Cisco
IOS Software Release 12.3T WebVPN feature guide" at the following
Further information about Cisco IOS SSLVPN is available in the "Cisco
IOS Software Release 12.4T SSLVPN feature guide" at the following
Details regarding these two vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS devices that
are running affected versions of system software are:
Crafted HTTPS packet will crash device
A device configured for SSLVPN may reload or hang when it receives a
specially crafted HTTPS packet. Completion of the 3-way handshake to
the associated TCP port number of the SSLVPN feature is required in
order for the vulnerability to be successfully exploited, however
authentication is "not" required. The default TCP port number for
SSLVPN is 443.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCsk62253
and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier
CVE-2009-0626 has been assigned to this vulnerability.
SSLVPN sessions cause a memory leak in the device
A device configured for SSLVPN may leak transmission control blocks
(TCBs) when processing an abnormally disconnected SSL session.
Continued exploitation may result in the device depleting its memory
resources and result in a crash of the device. Authentication is
"not" required to exploit this vulnerability.
The memory leak can be detected by running the command "show tcp
brief", like in the following example:
Router#show tcp brief
TCB Local Address Foreign Address (state)
46868224 CLOSEWAIT
In the output above, those Transmission Control Blocks (TCBs) in the
state CLOSEWAIT will not go away and represent memory leaks. Please
note that only TCP connections with a local TCP port of 443 (the
well-known port for HTTPS) are relevant.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCsw24700
and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) identifier
CVE-2009-0628 has been assigned to this vulnerability.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsk62253 - Crafted HTTPS packet will crash device.
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
CSCsw24700 - SSLVPN sessions cause a memory leak in the device.
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of any of the two vulnerabilities may result
in the device crashing, not accepting any new SSLVPN sessions or a
memory leak. Repeated exploitation may result in an extended denial
of service (DoS) condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.1 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| There are no affected 12.2 based releases |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| 12.3 | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3B | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3BC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3BW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3EU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JEA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JEB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JEC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JX | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3TPC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3VA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3XA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XE | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XR | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XW | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XY | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3XZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YG | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YH | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YJ | Not Vulnerable | |
| | Releases prior to 12.3(11)YK3 are | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | vulnerable, release 12.3(11)YK3 and | |
| 12.3YK | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | fixed in 12.4T | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YM | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3YZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3ZA | Not Vulnerable | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | 12.4(18e) | |
| 12.4 | | 12.4(23a); |
| | 12.4(23a); Available on 30-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.4JA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JDA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JMB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4JX | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4MD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4MR | 12.4(16)MR | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| 12.4SW | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.4(15)T7 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4T | 12.4(20)T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on 29-APR-2009 | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(4)XD12; Available on | 12.4(4)XD12; |
| 12.4XD | 27-MAR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 27-MAR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XG | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XK | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XM | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XN | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4XR | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW10 | 12.4(11)XW10 |
| 12.4XY | 12.4(15)XY4 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ1 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
There are no workarounds for the vulnerabilities described in this
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should
consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature
set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at,
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerabilities described in this advisory.
These vulnerabilities were discovered when handling customer support
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-teams(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release. |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP
Sockets Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-ip
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
A vulnerability in the handling of IP sockets can cause devices to be
vulnerable to a denial of service attack when any of several features
of Cisco IOS Software are enabled. A sequence of specially crafted
TCP/IP packets could cause any of the following results:
* The configured feature may stop accepting new connections or
* The memory of the device may be consumed.
* The device may experience prolonged high CPU utilization.
* The device may reload.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
Several mitigation strategies are outlined in the "Workarounds"
section of this advisory.
This advisory is posted at
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Devices that are running affected versions of Cisco IOS Software and
Cisco IOS XE Software are affected if they are running any of the
following features. Details about confirming whether the affected
feature is enabled on a device are in the "Details" section of this
* Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
* SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over Transport Layer Security (TLS)
* Secure Signaling and Media Encryption
* Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP)
* Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
* Per-user URL Redirect for EAPoUDP, Dot1x, and MAC Authentication
* Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects
* DNS (TCP mode only)
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
"show version" command to display the system banner. The system
banner confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by
displaying text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System
Software" or "Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in
parentheses, followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release
name. Other Cisco devices do not have the "show version" command or
may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
<output truncated>
The following example shows a product that is running Cisco IOS
Software Release 12.4(20)T with an image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
<output truncated>
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The following product is not affected by this vulnerability:
* Cisco IOS XR Software
No other Cisco products or features configured in Cisco IOS or Cisco
IOS XE Software are currently known to be affected by this
For successful exploitation of this vulnerability, the TCP three-way
handshake must be completed to the associated TCP port number(s) for
any of the features described in this section.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
The following configurations are vulnerable for different Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Express services:
A certificate authority proxy function (CAPF) server has been
The following example shows a vulnerable CAPF server configuration:
auth-mode null-string
cert-enroll-trustpoint root password 1 104D000A061843595F
trustpoint-label cme_cert
The default TCP port used for CAPF server is 3804.
Further information about CAPF-server is in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express System Administrator Guide at…
Telephony-service security parameters have been configured.
If the telephony-service security parameters have been configured
with "device-security-mode", the device is vulnerable. The following
example shows three vulnerable configurations for telephony-service
security parameters:
ephone 1
device-security-mode encrypted
ephone 2
device-security-mode authenticated
ephone 3
device-security-mode none
The TCP port used is defined with the "ip source-address <address>
port <port-number>" telephony-service configuration command.
Further information about Telephony-service security parameters is in
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System Administrator
Guide at…
The global telephony-service or call-manager-fallback command has
been configured.
Any Cisco IOS configuration with the global "telephony-service" or
"call-manager-fallback" command is vulnerable if any subcommands are
in the telephony-service or call-manager-fallback configuration mode.
The following examples show vulnerable configurations:
ip source-address port 2011
ip source-address port 2011
The TCP port used is defined with the "ip source-address <address>
port <port-number>" configuration command.
Further information about telephony service and call-manager-fallback
is in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express System
Administrator Guide at…
SIP Gateway Signaling Support over TLS Transport
Note: For customers with devices enabled with SIP, also consult the
document "Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Session Initiation
Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability" at the following link
Devices that are configured for SIP gateway signaling support over
TLS transport are vulnerable. The following examples show vulnerable
voice service voip
session transport tcp tls
url sips
- -- or --
dial-peer voice 3456 voip
voice-class sip url sips
session protocol sipv2
session transport tcp tls
For the SIP gateway signaling support over TLS transport to function
correctly, administrators must first configure a trustpoint using the
following configuration:
crypto signaling default trustpoint example_trustpoint_name
The default TCP port used for the SIP gateway signaling support over
TLS transport feature is 5061.
Further information about Cisco IOS SIP gateway signaling support
over TLS transport is in the Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4T feature
guide at
Secure Signaling and Media Encryption
A device is vulnerable if it is configured with the Media and
Signaling Encryption (SRTP/TLS) on DSP Farm Conferencing feature or
with Secure Signaling and Media Encryption for analog phones with
Skinny Call Control Protocol (SCCP).
The following examples show three different vulnerable secure DSP
farm configurations. Several other parts are required for a full
configuration, such as certificates and SCCP configuration, but these
parts have been excluded for brevity.
dspfarm profile 2 transcode security
trustpoint 2851ClientMina
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec gsmfr
codec g729r8
codec g729br8
maximum sessions 3
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 3 conference security
trustpoint sec2800-cfb
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
codec g729r8
codec g729br8
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 5 mtp security
trustpoint 2851ClientMina
codec g711alaw
maximum sessions hardware 1
associate application SCCP
The default TCP port used for the Media and Signaling Encryption on
DSP Farm Conferencing feature is 2443.
Further information about the Media and Signaling Encryption on DSP
Farm Conferencing feature is in the "Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4
Special and Early Deployments feature guide" at the following link
The following output shows the relevant section of Secure Signaling
and Media Encryption for analog phones and is a vulnerable
configuration (Several other parts are required for a full
configuration, such as certificates, SCCP configuration, and dial
!--- The following lines show SCCP Telephony Control Application
!--- (STCAPP) security enabled at the system level:
stcapp ccm-group 1
stcapp security trustpoint analog
stcapp security mode encrypted
<-- output removed for brevity -->
dial-peer voice 5002 pots
service stcapp
!--- The following line shows the security mode configured on the
!--- dial peer.
security mode authenticated
port 2/1
The default TCP port used for Media and Signaling Encryption for
analog phones is 2443.
Further information about Media and Signaling Encryption for analog
phones is in the "Supplementary Services Features for FXS Ports on
Cisco IOS Voice Gateways Configuration Guide, Release 12.4T" at the
following link…
Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol
Any configuration or executable command that leverages Blocks
Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP) as a transport protocol is
vulnerable. The following example shows the vulnerable configuration
of the feature NETCONF over BEEP. NETCONF over BEEP using SASL is
also vulnerable.
crypto key generate rsa general-keys
crypto pki trustpoint my_trustpoint
enrollment url
revocation-check none
crypto pki authenticate my_trustpoint
crypto pki enroll my_trustpoint
line vty 0 15
netconf lock-time 60
netconf max-sessions 16
netconf beep initiator host1 23 user my_user password
my_password encrypt my_trustpoint
reconnect-time 60
netconf beep listener 23 sasl user1 encrypt my_trustpoint
The TCP port used is defined with the "netconf beep initiator" and
"netconf beep listener" configuration commands.
Further information about NETCONF over BEEP is in the "Cisco IOS
Software Release 12.4T feature guide" at the following link
The BEEP executable commands "bingd" and "bingng" could cause this
vulnerability to be triggered when they are invoked. The following
shows an example of these commands being executed:
bingng device 23
bingd device 23
Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
Devices configured with Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication
Proxy are vulnerable. For the device to be vulnerable the
authentication proxy rule must exist and be applied to an interface.
The following configuration creates an authentication proxy rule.
ip admission name example-ap-rule-name proxy http
The following configuration attaches the authentication proxy rule
(created in the previous example) to an interface.
interface GigabitEthernet 0/0
ip admission example-ap-rule-name
The default TCP port used for Network Admission Control HTTP
Authentication Proxy is 80.
Further information about Network Admission Control HTTP
Authentication Proxy is in the "Cisco IOS Security Configuration
Guide, Release 12.4" at the following link…
Per-user URL Redirect for EAPoUDP, Dot1x, and MAC Authentication Bypass
Devices that have URL redirect feature configured are vulnerable. URL
redirect is supported for EAP over UDP (EAPoUDP), Dot1x and MAC
Authentication Bypass (MAB) authentication mechanisms. The URL
redirect configuration can either be on the server or set up as part
of a locally defined profile or policy. Both configurations are
vulnerable. A device is vulnerable with either of the following
URL Redirect Feature Enabled for EAPoUDP
The URL redirect feature is enabled for EAPoUDP with the following
global configuration command:
ip admission name <EAPoUDP-rule-name> eapoudp
The following configuration attaches the EAPoUDP rule (created in the
previous example) to an interface.
ip admission name <EAPoUDP-rule-name>
URL Redirect Feature Enabled for Dot1x and MAB
The URL redirect feature for both Dot1x and MAB are vulnerable and
will have a URL redirect AV pair on the RADIUS server defined in a
method that is similar to the following:
For the Dot1x and MAB URL redirect feature to work successfully on
the switch, the minimum following configuration would also be
required. There is no interface-specific configuration for URL
redirect. Basically the interface has to be configured for Dot1x/MAB.
ip http {server | secure-server}
ip device tracking
The default TCP port used for per-user URL redirect for EAPoUDP,
Dot1x, and MAB is 80 and 443.
Further information about per-user URL redirect for EAPoUDP, Dot1x,
and MAB is in the "Catalyst 4500 Series Switch Software Configuration
Guide, 12.2(50)SG" at the following link…
Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects
A device is vulnerable if Distributed Director is configured with
HTTP redirects. The following example shows a vulnerable
ip director ip-address
The default TCP port used for distributed director with HTTP redirect
is 53.
Further information about Distributed Director with HTTP redirects is
in "Distributed Director Configuration Example Overview" at the
following link…
Devices that are configured with the Cisco IOS DNS feature are
vulnerable. A pure DNS over UDP implementation is not vulnerable. See
the "Workarounds" section of this advisory for information about
filtering DNS over TCP traffic to the device. If any of the commands
in the following example appear in the device configuration, the
device is vulnerable:
ip dns server
ip dns primary soa admin(a)
ip dns spoofing
The default TCP port used for DNS is 53.
Further information about Cisco IOS DNS is in the "Cisco IOS IP
Addressing Services Configuration Guide, Release 12.4" at the
following link…
This vulnerability is documented in the following Cisco Bug ID:
CSCsm27071 and has been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) identifiers CVE-2009-0630.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsm27071: Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability may result in the any of
the following occurring:
* The configured feature may stop accepting new connections or
* The memory of the device may be consumed.
* The device may experience prolonged high CPU utilization.
* The device may reload.
Repeated attempts to exploit this vulnerability could result in a
sustained DoS condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2DA | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0SP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0ST | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SY | 12.0(32)SY8 | 12.0(32)SY8 |
| 12.0SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0W | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.0WC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.0WT | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.0(4)XI2 are | 12.4(18e) |
| | vulnerable, release 12.0(4)XI2 and | |
| 12.0XI | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(23a); |
| | fixed in 12.4 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1AA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1AX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1AY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1AZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.1CX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1DA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2DA | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1DB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1E | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.1EA | 12.1(22)EA13 | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1EB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.1EC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| 12.1EO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.1EV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EW | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SGA | |
| 12.1EX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1GA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1GB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.1(5)YE6 are | 12.4(18e) |
| | vulnerable, release 12.1(5)YE6 and | |
| 12.1YE | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(23a); |
| | fixed in 12.4 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1YI | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2B | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB1 or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2BC | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2BX | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SB4 | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2CX | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2CY | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| 12.2CZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | 12.2(12)DA14; Available on | |
| 12.2DA | 30-JUL-2009 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2DD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2DX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2EW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2EWA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2EX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EY | 12.2(44)EY | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXA | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXB | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXC | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXD | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXE | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXF | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXG | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2MB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2MC | 12.2(15)MC2m | 12.2(15)MC2m |
| 12.2S | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2(31)SB14 | |
| | | |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB1 | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(28)SB13 | |
| 12.2SBC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SCA | 12.2(33)SCA2 | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2SCB | Not Vulnerable | |
| | 12.2(50)SE | |
| | | |
| 12.2SE | 12.2(46)SE2 | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(44)SE5 | |
| 12.2SEA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SED | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.2(52)SG; |
| 12.2SG | 12.2(50)SG | Available on |
| | | 15-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SGA | 12.2(31)SGA9 | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2SL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SM | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SQ | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRB5a; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 3-April-2009 |
| 12.2SRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRC | 12.2(33)SRC1 | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SRD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2STE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2SU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | 12.2(33)SXH5; Available on | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2SXH | 20-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SXI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2TPC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2XF | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2XNA | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | in 12.2SRD | |
| 12.2XNB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XNC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XO | 12.2(46)XO | 12.2(46)XO |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YG | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YH | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YJ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YK | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2YM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2YP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YQ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YR | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YT | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YU | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2ZB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2ZE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2ZF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2ZG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2ZH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2ZJ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2ZU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXH | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2ZX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2ZY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZYA | 12.2(18)ZYA1 | 12.2(18)ZYA1 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3B | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3BC | 12.3(23)BC6 | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3BW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3EU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3JL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4JK | |
| 12.3JX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3TPC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3VA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.3XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YM | 12.3(14)YM13 | 12.3(14)YM13 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4XB | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| 12.3YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | 12.4(19) | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.4 | 12.4(18a) | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(23a); Available on 30-APR-2009 | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.4JA | 12.4(16b)JA1 | |
| 12.4JDA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JK | 12.4(3)JK4 | |
| 12.4JL | 12.4(3)JL1 | |
| 12.4JMA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4JA | |
| 12.4MD | 12.4(11)MD7 | 12.4(11)MD7 |
| 12.4MR | 12.4(19)MR | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| 12.4SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | 12.4(20)T | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4T | 12.4(15)T8 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 29-APR-2009 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | |
| 12.4XB | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(20)T | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(4)XD12; Available on | 12.4(4)XD12; |
| 12.4XD | 27-MAR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 27-MAR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XL | 12.4(15)XL4 | 12.4(15)XL4 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XQ | 12.4(15)XQ2 | 12.4(15)XQ2 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XR | 12.4(15)XR4 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW10 | 12.4(11)XW10 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XY | 12.4(15)XY4 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XZ | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YA | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
The following mitigations have been identified for this
Infrastructure Access Control Lists
Although it is often difficult to block traffic that transits a
network, it is possible to identify traffic that should never be
allowed to target infrastructure devices and block that traffic at
the border of networks. Infrastructure Access Control Lists (iACLs)
are a network security best practice and should be considered as a
long-term addition to good network security as well as a workaround
for these specific vulnerabilities. The iACL example below should be
included as part of the deployed infrastructure access-list which
will protect all devices with IP addresses in the infrastructure IP
address range:
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
!--- CAPF server configuration
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Telephony-Service configuration
!--- The TCP port is as per the ip source-address
!--- <ip-address> port <port-number> telephony
!--- service configuration command. Example below 2999
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express traffic
!--- from all other sources destined to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over TLS Transport
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over TLS Transport
!--- traffic from all other sources destined to infrastructure
!--- addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: Secure Signaling and Media Encryption
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny Secure Signaling and Media Encryption traffic from all
!--- other sources destined to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP)
!--- The TCP port used is defined with the netconf beep initiator
!--- and netconf beep listener configuration
!--- commands. This example uses 3001
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny BEEP traffic from all other sources destined to
!--- infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Feature: Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
!--- and
!--- Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
!--- and
!--- Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass traffic to infrastructue
access-list 150 deny tcp any
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Features: Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects and DNS
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
!--- Deny Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects traffic and DNS
!--- from all other sources destined to infrastructure addresses.
access-list 150 deny tcp any
!--- Permit/deny all other Layer 3 and Layer 4 traffic in
!--- accordance with existing security policies and configurations
!--- Permit all other traffic to transit the device.
access-list 150 permit ip any any
!--- Apply access-list to all interfaces (only one example shown)
interface serial 2/0
ip access-group 150 in
The white paper entitled "Protecting Your Core: Infrastructure
Protection Access Control Lists" presents guidelines and recommended
deployment techniques for infrastructure protection access lists.
This white paper can be obtained at the following link…
Receive ACLs (rACL)
For distributed platforms, Receive ACLs may be an option starting in
Cisco IOS Software Versions 12.0(21)S2 for the 12000 (GSR), 12.0(24)S
for the 7500, and 12.0(31)S for the 10720. The Receive ACL protects
the device from harmful traffic before the traffic can impact the
route processor. Receive ACLs are designed to only protect the device
on which it is configured. On the 12000, 7500, and 10720, transit
traffic is never affected by a receive ACL. Because of this, the
destination IP address "any" used in the example ACL entries below
only refer to the router's own physical or virtual IP addresses.
Receive ACLs are considered a network security best practice, and
should be considered as a long-term addition to good network
security, as well as a workaround for this specific vulnerability.
The white paper entitled "GSR: Receive Access Control Lists" will
help you identify and allow legitimate traffic to your device and
deny all unwanted packets. This white paper is available at the
following link…
The following is the receive path ACL written to permit this type of
traffic from trusted hosts:
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
!--- Permit CAPF server traffic from trusted hosts allowed to
!--- the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 3804
!--- Telephony-Service configuration
!--- The TCP port is as per the ip source-address
!--- <address> port <port-number> telephony-service
!--- configuration command. Example below 2999
!--- Permit Telephony-Service traffic from trusted hosts allowed
!--- to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 2999
!--- Deny Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
!--- traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 3804
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 2999
!--- Permit SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over TLS Transport
!--- traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 5061
!--- Deny SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over TLS Transport
!--- traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 5061
!--- Permit Secure Signaling and Media Encryption traffic
!--- from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 2443
!--- Deny Secure Signaling and Media Encryption traffic from
!--- all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 2443
!--- Feature: Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP)
!--- The TCP port used is defined with the netconf beep initiator
!--- and netconf beep listener configuration commands.
!--- This example uses 3001
!--- Permit BEEP traffic from trusted hosts allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 3001
!--- Deny BEEP traffic from all other sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 3001
!--- Feature: Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
!--- and
!--- Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass
!--- Permit Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass traffic from trusted hosts allowed to
!--- the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 80
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 443
!--- Deny Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
!--- and
!--- Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass traffic from all other sources to
!--- the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 80
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 443
!--- Features: Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects and DNS
!--- Permit Distribute Director and DNS traffic from trusted hosts
!--- allowed to the RP.
access-list 150 permit tcp TRUSTED_SOURCE_ADDRESSES WILDCARD
any eq 53
!--- Deny distributed director and DNS traffic from all other
!--- sources to the RP.
access-list 150 deny tcp any any eq 53
!--- Permit all other traffic to the RP.
!--- according to security policy and configurations.
access-list 150 permit ip any any
!--- Apply this access list to the 'receive' path.
ip receive access-list 150
Control Plane Policing
Control Plane Policing (CoPP) can be used to block the affected
features TCP traffic access to the device. Cisco IOS software
releases 12.0S, 12.2SX, 12.2S, 12.3T, 12.4, and 12.4T support the
CoPP feature. CoPP can be configured on a device to protect the
management and control planes and minimize the risk and effectiveness
of direct infrastructure attacks by explicitly permitting only
authorized traffic that is sent to infrastructure devices in
accordance with existing security policies and configurations. The
CoPP example below should be included as part of the deployed CoPP
which will protect all devices with IP addresses in the
infrastructure IP address range.
!--- Only sections pertaining to features enabled on the device
!--- need be configured.
!--- Feature: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express
!--- CAPF Server configuration
any eq 3804
!--- Telephony-Service configuration
!--- The TCP port is as per the ip source-address
!--- <address> port <port-number> telephony-service
!--- configuration command. Example below 2999
any eq 2999
!--- Permit Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express traffic
!--- sent to all IP addresses configured on all interfaces of
!--- the affected device so that it will be policed and dropped
!--- by the CoPP feature
!--- CAPF server configuration
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 3804
!--- Telephony-Service configuration
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 2999
!--- Feature: SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over TLS Transport
any eq 5061
!--- Permit SIP Gateway Signaling Support Over TLS Transport
!--- traffic sent to all IP addresses configured on all interfaces
!--- of the affected device so that it will be policed and
!--- dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 5061
!--- Feature: Secure Signaling and Media Encryption
any eq 2443
!--- Permit Secure Signaling and Media Encryption traffic sent to
!--- all IP addresses configured on all interfaces of the affected
!--- device so that it will be policed and dropped by the CoPP
!--- feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 2443
!--- Feature: Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP)
!--- The TCP port used is defined with the netconf beep initiator
!--- and netconf beep listener configuration commands.
!--- This example uses 3001
any eq 3001
!--- Permit BEEP traffic sent to all IP addresses configured
!--- on all interfaces of the affected device so that it
!--- will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 3001
!--- Feature: Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
!--- and
!--- Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass
any eq 80
any eq 443
!--- Permit Network Admission Control HTTP Authentication Proxy
!--- and Per-user URL Redirect for EAP over UDP, Dot1x and MAC
!--- Authentication Bybass traffic sent to all IP addresses
!--- configured on all interfaces of the affected device so that it
!--- will be policed and dropped by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 80
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 443
!--- Features: Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects and DNS
any eq 53
!--- Permit Distributed Director with HTTP Redirects and DNS
!--- traffic sent to all IP addresses configured on all interfaces
!--- of the affected device so that it will be policed and dropped
!--- by the CoPP feature
access-list 150 permit tcp any any eq 53
!--- Permit (Police or Drop)/Deny (Allow) all other Layer3 and
!--- Layer4 traffic in accordance with existing security policies
!--- and configurations for traffic that is authorized to be sent
!--- to infrastructure devices
!--- Create a Class-Map for traffic to be policed by
!--- the CoPP feature
class-map match-all drop-tcpip-class
match access-group 150
!--- Create a Policy-Map that will be applied to the
!--- Control-Plane of the device.
policy-map drop-tcpip-traffic
class drop-tcpip-class
!--- Apply the Policy-Map to the
!--- Control-Plane of the device
service-policy input drop-tcpip-traffic
In the above CoPP example, the access control list entries (ACEs)
that match the potential exploit packets with the "permit" action
result in these packets being discarded by the policy-map "drop"
function, while packets that match the "deny" action (not shown) are
not affected by the policy-map drop function. Please note that the
policy-map syntax is different in the 12.2S and 12.0S Cisco IOS
policy-map drop-tcpip-traffic
class drop-tcpip-class
police 32000 1500 1500 conform-action drop exceed-action drop
Additional information on the configuration and use of the CoPP
feature can be found in the documents, "Control Plane Policing
Implementation Best Practices" and "Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.2
S - Control Plane Policing" at the following links and
Additional mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within
the network are available in the "Cisco Applied Mitigation Bulletin"
companion document for this advisory at the following link
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should
consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature
set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at,
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was discovered by Cisco when performing internal
vulnerability testing. We would also like to thank Jens Link,
freelance consultant, for also reporting this vulnerability to us.
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release. |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 25 Mar '09
25 Mar '09
Hash: SHA1
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation
Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090325-sip
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2009 March 25 1600 UTC (GMT)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
A vulnerability exists in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
implementation in Cisco IOS Software that can be exploited remotely
to cause a reload of the Cisco IOS device.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. There are no workarounds available to mitigate the
vulnerability apart from disabling SIP, if the Cisco IOS device does
not need to run SIP for VoIP services. However, mitigation techniques
are available to help limit exposure to the vulnerability.
This advisory is posted at the following link:
Note: The March 25, 2009, Cisco IOS Security Advisory bundled
publication includes eight Security Advisories. All of the advisories
address vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software. Each advisory lists
the releases that correct the vulnerability or vulnerabilities in the
advisory. The following table lists releases that correct all Cisco
IOS Software vulnerabilities that have been published in Cisco
Security Advisories on March 25, 2009, or earlier.
Individual publication links are listed below:
* Cisco IOS cTCP Denial of Service Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Mobile IP and Mobile IPv6 Vulnerabilities
* Cisco IOS Software Secure Copy Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
* Cisco IOS Software Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted TCP Sequence
* Cisco IOS Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet
* Cisco IOS Software WebVPN and SSLVPN Vulnerabilities
Affected Products
This vulnerability only affects devices running Cisco IOS Software
with SIP voice services enabled.
Vulnerable Products
Cisco devices running affected Cisco IOS Software versions that
process SIP messages are affected. The only requirement for this
vulnerability is that the Cisco IOS device process SIP messages as
part of configured VoIP functionality. Note that this does not apply
to the processing of SIP messages as part of the NAT and firewall
feature sets.
Recent versions of Cisco IOS Software do not process SIP messages by
default. Creating a dial peer by way of the command dial-peer voice
will start the SIP processes and cause the Cisco IOS device to start
processing SIP messages. In addition, several features within Cisco
Unified Communications Manager Express, such as ePhones, once
configured will also automatically start the SIP process, which will
cause the device to start processing SIP messages. An example of an
affected configuration is as follows:
dial-peer voice <Voice dial-peer tag> voip
Note: Older versions of Cisco IOS Software were affected by a bug
that caused Cisco IOS Software to process SIP messages without being
configured for SIP operation. Refer to
public/707/cisco-sa-20070131-sip.shtml for additional information on
Cisco bug ID CSCsb25337.
In addition to inspecting the Cisco IOS device configuration for a
dial-peer command that causes the device to process SIP messages,
administrators can also use the command show processes | include SIP
to determine whether Cisco IOS Software is running the processes that
handle SIP messages. In the following example, the presence of the
processes CCSIP_UDP_SOCKET and CCSIP_TCP_SOCKET indicates that the
Cisco IOS device is processing SIP messages:
Router#show processes | include SIP
147 Mwe 40F46DF4 12 2 600023468/24000 0 CCSIP_SPI_CONTRO
148 Mwe 40F21244 0 1 0 5524/6000 0 CCSIP_DNS
149 Mwe 40F48254 4 1 400023108/24000 0 CCSIP_UDP_SOCKET
150 Mwe 40F48034 4 1 400023388/24000 0 CCSIP_TCP_SOCKET
Warning: Since there are several ways a device running Cisco IOS
Software can start processing SIP messages, it is recommended that
the show processes | include SIP command be used to determine whether
the device is processing SIP messages instead of relying on the
presence of specific configuration commands.
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
show version command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or
"Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other
Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide
different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(26) with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 12.3(26), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 17-Mar-08 14:39 by dchih
!--- output truncated
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(20)T with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS Reference Guide"
at the following link:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The SIP Application Layer Gateway (ALG), which is used by the Cisco
IOS NAT and firewall features of Cisco IOS Software, is not affected
by this vulnerability.
Cisco devices that are running Cisco IOS XE Software and Cisco IOS XR
Software are not affected.
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this
SIP is a popular signaling protocol that is used to manage voice and
video calls across IP networks such as the Internet. SIP is
responsible for handling all aspects of call setup and termination.
Voice and video are the most popular types of sessions that SIP
handles, but the protocol has the flexibility to accommodate other
applications that require call setup and termination. SIP call
signaling can use UDP (port 5060), TCP (port 5060), or TLS (TCP port
5061) as the underlying transport protocol.
A denial of service (DoS) vulnerability exists in the SIP
implementation in Cisco IOS Software. This vulnerability is triggered
by processing a specific and valid SIP message.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco Bug ID CSCsu11522 and has
been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID
Note: The vulnerabilities described in the advisories Cisco IOS
Software Multiple Features IP Sockets Vulnerability and Cisco IOS
Software Multiple Features Crafted UDP Packet Vulnerability, both
part of this bundle of Cisco IOS advisories, may also impact SIP
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.
Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at
CSCsu11522 - A voice gateway may crash when processing valid SIP
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability described in this
document may result in a reload of the device. The issue could be
repeatedly exploited to cause an extended DoS condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.
Each row of the Cisco IOS software table (below) names a Cisco IOS
release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the
earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the
anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed
in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended
Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the
published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device
running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release
in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to
be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or
later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the
Note: In addition to CSCsu11522 and because of its impact on SIP
operation, this table of fixed software takes into consideration the
vulnerability tracked by Cisco Bug CSCsk64158 , from "Cisco Security
Advisory: Crafted UDP Packet Affects Multiple Cisco IOS Features"
The table does not take into consideration the vulnerability
disclosed by "Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS IP Sockets
Vulnerability Affecting Multiple Cisco IOS Features", which may
impact SIP over TLS.
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2DA | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0DC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0SP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0ST | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| 12.0SY | 12.0(32)SY8 | 12.0(32)SY8 |
| 12.0SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.0S | 12.0(32)S12 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0W | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.0WC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.0WT | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.0XF | Not Vulnerable | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.0(4)XI2 are | 12.4(18e) |
| | vulnerable, release 12.0(4)XI2 and | |
| 12.0XI | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(23a); |
| | fixed in 12.4 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.0XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.1-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1AA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1AX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1AY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1AZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.1CX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1DC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1E | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.1EA | 12.1(22)EA13 | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1EB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.1EC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| 12.1EO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.1EV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EW | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SGA | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1EX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1EY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.1EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1GA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1GB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1XZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Releases prior to 12.1(5)YE6 are | 12.4(18e) |
| | vulnerable, release 12.1(5)YE6 and | |
| 12.1YE | later are not vulnerable; first | 12.4(23a); |
| | fixed in 12.4 | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.1YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.1YI | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.1(22)EA13 |
| 12.1YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.1EA | |
| | | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2B | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2BC | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2BX | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2BZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2CX | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2CY | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| 12.2CZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | 12.2(12)DA14; Available on | |
| 12.2DA | 30-JUL-2009 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2DD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2DX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2EW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2EWA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SG | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2EX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EY | 12.2(44)EY | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2EZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2FZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2IRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXA | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXB | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXC | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXD | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXE | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXF | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(18)IXH; |
| 12.2IXG | in 12.2IXH | Available on |
| | | 31-MAR-2009 |
| 12.2JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2MB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2MC | 12.2(15)MC2m | 12.2(15)MC2m |
| 12.2S | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | 12.2(28)SB13 | |
| | | |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(31)SB14 | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(33)SB3 | |
| 12.2SBC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SCA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2SCB | 12.2(33)SCB1 | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| | 12.2(50)SE | |
| | | |
| 12.2SE | 12.2(46)SE2 | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | |
| | 12.2(44)SE5 | |
| 12.2SEA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SED | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| 12.2SEG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SE | 12.2(44)SE6 |
| | | 12.2(52)SG; |
| 12.2SG | 12.2(50)SG | Available on |
| | | 15-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SGA | 12.2(31)SGA9 | 12.2(31)SGA9 |
| 12.2SL | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SM | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SQ | 12.2(44)SQ1 | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | | |
| 12.2SRA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| | | |
| 12.2SRB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRB5a; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 3-April-2009 |
| | 12.2(33)SRC4; Available on | 12.2(33)SRC4; |
| 12.2SRC | 18-MAY-2009 | Available on |
| | | 18-MAY-2009 |
| 12.2SRD | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2STE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2SU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SVE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2SX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| | 12.2(33)SXH5; Available on | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2SXH | 20-APR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2SXI | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2SY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2SZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2TPC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XB | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | Vulnerable; migrate to 12.2SCB or | 12.2(33)SCB1 |
| 12.2XF | 12.3BC | |
| | | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2XN | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SRC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| 12.2XNA | Vulnerable; migrate to any release | 12.2(33)SRD1 |
| | in 12.2SRD | |
| 12.2XNB | 12.2(33)XNB1 | 12.2(33)XNB3 |
| 12.2XNC | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2XO | 12.2(46)XO | 12.2(46)XO |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XV | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YE | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YG | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YH | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YJ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YK | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2YM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YO | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2YP | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2YQ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YR | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YS | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.2YT | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YU | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXF | 12.2(18)SXF16 |
| 12.2ZB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZD | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2ZE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2ZF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.2ZG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.2ZH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.2ZJ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.2(33)SXH5; |
| 12.2ZU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SXH | Available on |
| | | 20-APR-2009 |
| 12.2ZX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.2ZY | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.2ZYA | 12.2(18)ZYA1 | 12.2(18)ZYA1 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3 | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3B | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3BC | 12.3(23)BC6 | 12.3(23)BC6 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3BW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3EU | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.3JA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JEC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3JK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3JL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3JX | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3T | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3TPC | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.3VA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XF | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB4 |
| 12.3XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XL | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.3XR | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4 | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | | 30-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3XW | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3XZ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YD | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YG | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YH | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YI | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YM | 12.3(14)YM13 | 12.3(14)YM13 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YQ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YS | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3YU | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4XB | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.3YX | 12.3(14)YX14 | 12.3(14)YX14 |
| 12.3YZ | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.3ZA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| Affected | | Recommended |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | Release |
| Releases | | |
| | 12.4(18e) | 12.4(18e) |
| | | |
| 12.4 | 12.4(23) | 12.4(23a); |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(23a); Available on 30-APR-2009 | 30-APR-2009 |
| 12.4JA | 12.4(16b)JA1 | |
| 12.4JDA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JK | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JL | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMA | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JMB | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4JX | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4JA | |
| 12.4MD | 12.4(11)MD7 | 12.4(11)MD7 |
| 12.4MR | 12.4(19)MR1 | 12.4(19)MR2 |
| 12.4SW | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | |
| 12.4T | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(22)T | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on | |
| | 29-APR-2009 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XA | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XB | 12.4(20)T2 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | 12.4(15)T9; Available on | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 29-APR-2009 | |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XC | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | 12.4(4)XD12; Available on | 12.4(4)XD12; |
| 12.4XD | 27-MAR-2009 | Available on |
| | | 27-MAR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XE | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XF | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | 12.4(15)T8 | |
| 12.4XG | | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | 12.4(20)T2 | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XJ | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XK | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XL | 12.4(15)XL4 | 12.4(15)XL4 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XM | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XN | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XP | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XQ | 12.4(15)XQ2 | 12.4(15)XQ2 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XR | 12.4(15)XR4 | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XT | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XV | Vulnerable; contact TAC | |
| 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW10 | 12.4(11)XW10 |
| | | 12.4(22)T1 |
| | | |
| 12.4XY | Vulnerable; first fixed in 12.4T | 12.4(15)T9; |
| | | Available on |
| | | 29-APR-2009 |
| 12.4XZ | 12.4(15)XZ2 | 12.4(15)XZ2 |
| 12.4YA | 12.4(20)YA2 | 12.4(20)YA3 |
| 12.4YB | Not Vulnerable | |
| 12.4YD | Not Vulnerable | |
If the affected Cisco IOS device requires SIP for VoIP services, SIP
cannot be disabled, and therefore, no workarounds are available.
Users are advised to apply mitigation techniques to help limit
exposure to the vulnerability. Mitigation consists of allowing only
legitimate devices to connect to the routers. To increase
effectiveness, the mitigation must be coupled with anti-spoofing
measures on the network edge. This action is required because SIP can
use UDP as the transport protocol.
Additional mitigations that can be deployed on Cisco devices within
the network are available in the companion document "Cisco Applied
Mitigation Bulletin: Identifying and Mitigating Exploitation of the
Cisco IOS SIP and Crafted UDP Vulnerabilities", which is available at
the following location:
Disable SIP Listening Ports
For devices that do not require SIP to be enabled, the simplest and
most effective workaround is to disable SIP processing on the device.
Some versions of Cisco IOS Software allow administrators to
accomplish this with the following commands:
no transport udp
no transport tcp
Warning: When applying this workaround to devices that are processing
Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) or H.323 calls, the device will
not stop SIP processing while active calls are being processed. Under
these circumstances, this workaround should be implemented during a
maintenance window when active calls can be briefly stopped.
After applying this workaround, administrators are advised to use the
show commands, as discussed in the Affected Products section of this
advisory, to confirm that the Cisco IOS device is no longer
processing SIP messages.
Control Plane Policing
For devices that need to offer SIP services it is possible to use
Control Plane Policing (CoPP) to block SIP traffic to the device from
untrusted sources. Cisco IOS Releases 12.0S, 12.2SX, 12.2S, 12.3T,
12.4, and 12.4T support the CoPP feature. CoPP may be configured on a
device to protect the management and control planes to minimize the
risk and effectiveness of direct infrastructure attacks by explicitly
permitting only authorized traffic sent to infrastructure devices in
accordance with existing security policies and configurations. The
following example can be adapted to the network:
!-- The network and the host are trusted.
!-- Everything else is not trusted. The following access list is used
!-- to determine what traffic needs to be dropped by a control plane
!-- policy (the CoPP feature.) If the access list matches (permit)
!-- then traffic will be dropped and if the access list does not
!-- match (deny) then traffic will be processed by the router.
access-list 100 deny udp any eq 5060
access-list 100 deny tcp any eq 5060
access-list 100 deny tcp any eq 5061
access-list 100 deny udp host any eq 5060
access-list 100 deny tcp host any eq 5060
access-list 100 deny tcp host any eq 5061
access-list 100 permit udp any any eq 5060
access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq 5060
access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq 5061
!-- Permit (Police or Drop)/Deny (Allow) all other Layer3 and Layer4
!-- traffic in accordance with existing security policies and
!-- configurations for traffic that is authorized to be sent
!-- to infrastructure devices.
!-- Create a Class-Map for traffic to be policed by
!-- the CoPP feature.
class-map match-all drop-sip-class
match access-group 100
!-- Create a Policy-Map that will be applied to the
!-- Control-Plane of the device.
policy-map drop-sip-traffic
class drop-sip-class
!-- Apply the Policy-Map to the Control-Plane of the
!-- device.
service-policy input drop-sip-traffic
Warning: Because SIP can use UDP as a transport protocol, it is
possible to easily spoof the IP address of the sender, which may
defeat access control lists that permit communication to these ports
from trusted IP addresses.
In the above CoPP example, the access control entries (ACEs) that
match the potential exploit packets with the "permit" action result
in these packets being discarded by the policy-map "drop" function,
while packets that match the "deny" action (not shown) are not
affected by the policy-map drop function. Additional information on
the configuration and use of the CoPP feature can be found at
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should
consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature
set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.
Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound
by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at,
or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that
upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
worldwide website at
Customers using Third Party Support Organizations
Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers
should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance
with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected
products and releases, customers should consult with their service
provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or
fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it
is deployed.
Customers without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have their product serial number available and be
prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to
a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be
requested through the TAC.
Refer to
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious
use of the vulnerability described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was discovered during handling of customer service
Status of this Notice: FINAL
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at :
In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice
is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the
following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on
mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are
encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2009-March-25 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available
on Cisco's worldwide website at…
This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)