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March 2012
- 371 participants
- 169 discussions
Hi all,
I'm Bingyang Liu, a ph.d student in Tsinghua University. My thesis topic is
on "source address validation".
Although BCP38 was proposed more than ten years ago, IP spoofing still
remains an attack vector [MIT-Spoofer] [ARBOR-Annual-Report] [Presentation
on NANOG Meeting] [Discussion in NANOG ML].
I did a lot investigation, but still have no idea why so many ISPs haven't
deploy BCP38. I enumerate three reasons I found, and I'd like your comments
very much.
1. Stub ASes: They rely on their providers to filter, so they won't deploy
BCP38 on their own.
2. Low tier transit ASes: They are most likely to deploy BCP38 on the
interfaces towards their customers.
3. Large or tier1 ASes: Their peers and customers are also large. So uRPF
may have false positive and ACLs are too large to manage.
I also asked some ISP guys in IETF today, they all agreed that IP spoofing
is an issue, but they may haven't deployed it. One key issue, I think, is
about incentive. i.e. you can filter, but you'll still receive spoofing
from providers and peers who haven't enforced BCP38.
Bingyang Liu
Network Architecture Lab, Network Center,Tsinghua Univ.
Beijing, China
Home Page:

29 Mar '12
Hey All,
I have a site in Alabama that could really use some additional
diversity, but apparently ATT fiber is the only game in town.
If anybody has any options, such as fixed wireless in the 10-50mbs,
please reply to me, off-list.

29 Mar '12
This sharing can be done at a layer-3 or as you say at the time slot level or lambda level. It's no different than what is happening with the copper already. It's not like they have to give it away for free. They just have to offer it to other carriers at cost. This will hopefully provide more of a competitive market. But I don't see Verizon giving into it, nor Comcast or any other provider that has fiber. Verizon campaigned hard to have fiber removed from the equal access legalize so like most of these other large companies, they don't want to share their new toy with the other children.
Keegan Holley <keegan.holley(a)> wrote:
>2012/3/22 Jared Mauch <jared(a)>
>> On Mar 22, 2012, at 11:05 AM, chris wrote:
>> > I'm all for VZ being able to reclaim it as long as they open their fiber
>> > which I don't see happening unless its by force via government. At the
>> end
>> > of the day there needs to be the ability to allow competitors in so of
>> > course they shouldnt be allowed to rip out the regulated part and replace
>> > it with a unregulated one.
>Maybe I'm missing something, but how exactly does one share fiber? Isn't
>it usually a closed loop between DWDM or Sonet nodes? It doesn't seem fair
>to force the incumbents to start handing out lambdas and timeslots to their
>competitors on the business side. I guess passive optical can be shared
>depending on the details of the network, but that would still be much
>different than sharing copper pairs.
can anyone confirm why IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed should return 0 for aggregates
of 10 Gbit/s ports?
My google-foo led me to several topics on "use ifHighSpeed to 10 Gbit/s",
but none is clear on 10 Gbit/s aggregated.
So far I could only find references pointing to IEEE Std 802.1AX-2008
clause (aAggDataRate),
mapping to IF-MIB::ifSpeed, which is locked in 4,294,967,295 (Gauge32). In
this same standard it is very specific
about ifHighSpeed: "Set to zero.".
Or, more directly: how can one find current speed of a 10Gb/s+ link
aggregate port?
Please, answer me off-list and I promise to summarize an answer... :)
Thanks in advance.

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Command Authorization Bypass
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
28 Mar '12
Hash: SHA256
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Command Authorization Bypass
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120328-pai
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 March 28 16:00 UTC (GMT)
A vulnerability exists in the Cisco IOS Software that may allow a
remote application or device to exceed its authorization level when
authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) authorization is
used. This vulnerability requires that the HTTP or HTTPS server is
enabled on the Cisco IOS device.
Products that are not running Cisco IOS Software are not vulnerable.
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
The HTTP server may be disabled as a workaround for the vulnerability
described in this advisory.
This advisory is available at the following link:…
Note: The March 28, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
bundled publication includes nine Cisco Security Advisories. Each
advisory lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the
vulnerability or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as
the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct all vulnerabilities in
the March 2012 bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response:
Semi-Annual Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication"
at the following link:
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Any device running Cisco IOS Software release after 12.2 that has an
HTTP or HTTPS server configured is affected by this vulnerability if
AAA authorization is used.
To determine if an HTTP or HTTP server is configured with an HTTP or
HTTPS server, issue the show ip http server status | include status
command. The following example illustrates a Cisco IOS device with an
HTTPS server enabled and the HTTP server disabled.
Router> show ip http server status | include status
HTTP server status: Disabled
HTTP secure server status: Enabled
To determine if AAA authorization is used, an administrator can log
in to the device and issue the show run | include aaa authorization
command in privileged EXEC mode. If there is an entry that shows aaa
authorization commands, as shown in the following example, then AAA
authorization is configured.
Router# show run | include aaa authorization commands
aaa authorization commands 0 default local group tacacs+
aaa authorization commands 1 default group tacacs+
aaa authorization commands 15 default local
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
show version command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or
"Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other
Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide
different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 15.0(1)M1 with an installed image name of
Router> show version
Cisco IOS Software, C3900 Software (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 17:17 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS and NX-OS
Software Reference Guide" at:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
If you are not running Cisco IOS or IOS XE software, you are not
affected by this vulnerability. Devices that are not using AAA
authorization or that do not have an HTTP or HTTPS server configured
are not affected by this vulnerability.
Cisco IOS XR is not affected by this vulnerability.
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this
Cisco IOS allows remote applications to administer and monitor
devices running Cisco IOS Software over an HTTP or HTTPS connection.
A vulnerability exists that may allow the Cisco IOS command
authorization to be bypassed, allowing a remote, authenticated HTTP
or HTTPS session to execute any Cisco IOS command that is configured
for their authorization level. This vulnerability does not allow
unauthenticated access; a valid username and password are required to
successfully exploit this vulnerability. Additionally, the
vulnerability does not allow a user to execute commands that are not
configured for their privilege level.
The HTTP server is enabled by default for cluster configurations and
on the following Cisco switches: Catalyst 3700 series, Catalyst 3750
series, Catalyst 3550 series, Catalyst 3560 series, and Catalyst 2950
More information on AAA authorization can be found at:…
Releases of Cisco IOS Software after release 12.2 are potentially
vulnerable. Please refer to the release table below for more
This vulnerability is documented as Cisco Bug ID CSCtr91106
and has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has scored the vulnerability in this advisory based on the
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this
security advisory is in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps organizations determine the urgency and priority
of a response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can also
compute environmental scores that help determine the impact of the
vulnerability in their own networks.
Cisco has provided additional information regarding CVSS at the
following link:
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at the following link:
* Command Authorization Fails for commands delivered over HTTP
CVSS Base Score - 8.5
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Medium
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - Complete
Integrity Impact - Complete
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 7.0
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of the vulnerability may allow the Cisco IOS
command authorization to be bypassed, allowing a remote,
authenticated HTTP or HTTPS session to execute any Cisco IOS command
that is configured for its authorization level.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, customers are advised to consult
the Cisco Security Advisories and Responses archive at: and review subsequent advisories to determine
exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should ensure that the devices to be upgraded
contain sufficient memory and confirm that current hardware and
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the
new release. If the information is not clear, customers are advised
to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or their
contracted maintenance providers.
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a
Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the
earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed
Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the
March 2012 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible
releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco
IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends
upgrading to the latest available release, where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco
Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software
releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security Intelligence
Operations (SIO) portal at:
| Major | Availability of |
| Release | Repaired Releases |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.0-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| There are no affected 12.0 based |
| releases |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.2-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2 | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2B | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2BC | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2BW | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2BX | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.2SB |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2BY | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2BZ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2CX | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2CY | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2CZ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.0S |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2DA | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2DD | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2DX | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2EU | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| | contact your | |
| | support | |
| | organization | Vulnerable; |
| | per the | contact your |
| | instructions | support |
| | in Obtaining | organization |
| | Fixed | per the |
| 12.2EW | Software | instructions |
| | section of | in Obtaining |
| | this | Fixed |
| | advisory. | Software |
| | Releases up | section of |
| | to and | this |
| | including | advisory. |
| | 12.2(20)EWA4 | |
| | are not | |
| | vulnerable. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| | contact your | |
| | support | |
| | organization | Vulnerable; |
| | per the | contact your |
| | instructions | support |
| | in Obtaining | organization |
| | Fixed | per the |
| 12.2EWA | Software | instructions |
| | section of | in Obtaining |
| | this | Fixed |
| | advisory. | Software |
| | Releases up | section of |
| | to and | this |
| | including | advisory. |
| | 12.2(20)EWA4 | |
| | are not | |
| | vulnerable. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| | First fixed | |
| | in Release | |
| | 15.0SE | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2EX | Releases up | First fixed |
| | to and | in Release |
| | including | 15.0SE |
| | 12.2(25)EX1 | |
| | are not | |
| | vulnerable. | |
| 12.2EY | 12.2(52)EY4 | 12.2(52)EY4 |
| | 12.2(58)EY2 | |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2EZ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2FX | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2FY | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2FZ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2IRA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2IRB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2IRC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2IRD | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2IRE | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2IRF | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.2IRG | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IRH | 12.2(33)IRH1 | instructions |
| | | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXB | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXD | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXE | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXF | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXG | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2IXH | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| 12.2JA | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| 12.2JK | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2MB | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2MC | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2MRA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.2MRB | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | | Releases |
| | | prior to |
| | | 12.2(30)S |
| | | are |
| | | vulnerable; |
| | Not | Releases |
| 12.2S | vulnerable | 12.2(30)S |
| | | and later |
| | | are not |
| | | vulnerable. |
| | | First fixed |
| | | in Release |
| | | 12.0S |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB12 | 12.2(33)SB12 |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SBC | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SCA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SCB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SCC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SCD | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| 12.2SCE | 12.2(33)SCE5 | 12.2(33)SCE6 |
| 12.2SCF | 12.2(33)SCF2 | 12.2(33)SCF2 |
| | | |
| 12.2SE | 12.2(55)SE5 | 12.2(55)SE5 |
| | | * |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SEA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SEB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SEC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SED | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SEE | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SEF | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SEG | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0SE | 15.0SE |
| | 12.2(53)SG7; | 12.2(53)SG7; |
| 12.2SG | Available on | Available on |
| | 07-MAY-12 | 07-MAY-12 |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | Vulnerable; | per the |
| 12.2SGA | First fixed | instructions |
| | in Release | in Obtaining |
| | 12.2SG | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| 12.2SL | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SM | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SO | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.2SQ | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SRA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SRB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SRC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SRD | 12.2SRE |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SRD | 12.2(33)SRD8 | First fixed |
| | | in Release |
| | | 12.2SRE |
| 12.2SRE | 12.2(33)SRE6 | 12.2(33)SRE6 |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.2STE | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SU | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Releases up |
| | | to and |
| 12.2SV | Not | including |
| | vulnerable | 12.2(18)SV2 |
| | | are not |
| | | vulnerable. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SVA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SVC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SVD | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SVE | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SW | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.4T |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SX | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SXA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SXB | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SXD | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SXE | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2SXF | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.2SXH | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 12.2SXI | 12.2(33)SXI9 | 12.2(33)SXI9 |
| 12.2SXJ | 12.2(33)SXJ2 | 12.2(33)SXJ2 |
| | 12.2(50)SY2; | |
| | Available on | |
| | 11-JUN-12 | |
| | Releases up | 12.2(50)SY2; |
| 12.2SY | to and | Available on |
| | including | 11-JUN-12 |
| | 12.2(14)SY5 | |
| | are not | |
| | vulnerable. | |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2SZ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.0S |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2T | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2TPC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XA | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XB | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XC | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XD | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XE | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XF | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XG | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XH | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XI | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XJ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XK | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XL | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XM | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Please see | Please see |
| 12.2XNA | Cisco IOS-XE | Cisco IOS-XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see | Please see |
| 12.2XNB | Cisco IOS-XE | Cisco IOS-XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see | Please see |
| 12.2XNC | Cisco IOS-XE | Cisco IOS-XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see | Please see |
| 12.2XND | Cisco IOS-XE | Cisco IOS-XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see | Please see |
| 12.2XNE | Cisco IOS-XE | Cisco IOS-XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see | Please see |
| 12.2XNF | Cisco IOS-XE | Cisco IOS-XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | Vulnerable; | per the |
| 12.2XO | First fixed | instructions |
| | in Release | in Obtaining |
| | 12.2SG | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XQ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Releases |
| | | prior to |
| | | 12.2(15)XR |
| | | are |
| | | vulnerable; |
| | Not | Releases |
| 12.2XR | vulnerable | 12.2(15)XR |
| | | and later |
| | | are not |
| | | vulnerable. |
| | | First fixed |
| | | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XS | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XT | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XU | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XV | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2XW | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2YA | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YD | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YE | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YK | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YO | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | First fixed |
| | | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| 12.2YP | Not | Releases up |
| | vulnerable | to and |
| | | including |
| | | 12.2(8)YP |
| | | are not |
| | | vulnerable. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YT | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YW | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YX | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YY | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2YZ | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZB | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZD | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2ZE | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2ZH | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZJ | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZP | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZU | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.2ZX | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.2SRE |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZY | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.2ZYA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.3-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3 | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3B | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3BC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3BW | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3JA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4JA | 12.4JA |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3JEA | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3JEB | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3JEC | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3JED | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3JK | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3JL | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 12.3JX | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3T | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3TPC | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 12.3VA | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3XB | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XD | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XE | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3XF | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XG | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XI | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.2SB | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XJ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XK | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XL | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XQ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XR | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XU | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XW | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XX | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XY | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3XZ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4 | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YD | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YF | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YG | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YI | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YJ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YK | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YM | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YQ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YS | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YT | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YU | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3YX | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.3YZ | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.3ZA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.4-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | 12.4(25g); | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4 | Available on | First fixed |
| | 19-SEP-12 | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4GC | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | 12.4(23c)JA4 | |
| | 12.4(25d) | 12.4(23c) |
| 12.4JA | JA2; | JA412.4(25e) |
| | Available on | JA |
| | 01-AUG-12 | |
| | 12.4(25e)JA | |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JAX | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4JA | 12.4JA |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JDA | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JDC | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JDD | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JDE | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JHA | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JHB | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JHC | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JK | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4JL | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JX | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4JA | 12.4JA |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JY | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4JA | 12.4JA |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JZ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4JA | 12.4JA |
| | 12.4(22)MD3; | 12.4(22)MD3; |
| 12.4MD | Available on | Available on |
| | 30-MAR-12 | 30-MAR-12 |
| 12.4MDA | 12.4(24) | 12.4(24) |
| | MDA11 | MDA11 |
| 12.4MDB | 12.4(24) | 12.4(24) |
| | MDB5a | MDB5a |
| 12.4MDC | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4MR | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4MRA | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4MRB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4SW | 12.4(15)SW8a | First fixed |
| | | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | 12.4(15)T17 | 12.4(15)T17 |
| 12.4T | 12.4(24)T7 | 12.4(24)T7 |
| | | |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XC | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XD | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XE | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XF | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XG | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XJ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XK | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4XL | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XM | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4XN | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4XP | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XQ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XR | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XT | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4XV | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XW | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XY | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XZ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4YA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4YB | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4YD | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 12.4YE | 12.4(24)YE3d | 12.4(24)YE3d |
| 12.4YG | 12.4(24)YG4 | 12.4(24)YG4 |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 15.0-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.0M | 15.0(1)M8 | 15.0(1)M8 |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 15.0MR | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 15.0MRA | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | 15.0(1)S5 | 15.0(1)S5 |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | devices: | devices: |
| 15.0S | Please see | Please see |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| 15.0SA | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | 15.0(1)SE1 | |
| 15.0SE | 15.0(2)SE; | 15.0(1)SE1 |
| | Available on | |
| | 06-AUG-12 | |
| | 15.0(2)SG2 | 15.0(2)SG2 |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | devices: | devices: |
| 15.0SG | Please see | Please see |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| 15.0SY | 15.0(1)SY1 | 15.0(1)SY1 |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 15.0XA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.1T | 15.1T |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0SG Cisco | 15.0SG Cisco |
| 15.0XO | IOS XE | IOS XE |
| | devices: | devices: |
| | Please see | Please see |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 15.1-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.1EY | 15.1(2)EY1a | 15.1(2)EY2 |
| 15.1GC | 15.1(2)GC2 | 15.1(2)GC2 |
| | 15.1(4)M2 | 15.1(4)M4; |
| 15.1M | | Available on |
| | | 30-MAR-12 |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 15.1MR | 15.1(1)MR3 | instructions |
| | | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | 15.1(3)S2 | 15.1(3)S2 |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | devices: | devices: |
| 15.1S | Please see | Please see |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| 15.1SG | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 15.1SNG | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 15.1SNH | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | 15.1(1)T4 | |
| | 15.1(2)T5; | |
| 15.1T | Available on | 15.1(3)T3 |
| | 27-APR-12 | |
| | 15.1(3)T3 | |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 15.1XB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.1T | 15.1T |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 15.2-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.2GC | 15.2(1)GC1 | 15.2(1)GC2 |
| | 15.2(1)S1 | 15.2(1)S1 |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | devices: | devices: |
| 15.2S | Please see | Please see |
| | Cisco IOS XE | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Software | Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | | 15.2(1) |
| | 15.2(1)T1 | T215.2(2) |
| 15.2T | 15.2(2)T | T115.2(3)T; |
| | 15.2(2)T1 | Available on |
| | | 30-MAR-12 |
* Cisco Catalyst 3550 Series Switches support the Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) feature and are vulnerable to Cisco bug ID CSCts38429
when the devices are running Layer 3 images; however, this product
reached the End of Software Maintenance milestone. Cisco 3550 Series
SMI Switches that are running Layer 2 images do not support IKE and
are not vulnerable. No other Cisco devices that run 12.2SE-based
software are vulnerable.
Cisco IOS XE Software
Cisco IOS XE Software is affected by the vulnerability that is
disclosed in this document.
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| Cisco | | Advisories |
| IOS XE | First Fixed | in the March |
| Software | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Release | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 2.1.x | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.1.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 2.2.x | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.1.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 2.3.x | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.1.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 2.4.x | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.1.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 2.5.x | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.1.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 2.6.x | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.1.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 3.1.xS | 3.1.2S | migrate to |
| | | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 3.1.xSG | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.2.2SG or | 3.2.2SG or |
| | later. | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 3.2.xS | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.4.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| 3.2.xSG | 3.2.2SG | 3.2.2SG |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 3.3.xS | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.4.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| 3.2.xSG | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| 3.4.xS | 3.4.2S | 3.4.2S |
| 3.5.xS | 3.5.1S | 3.5.1S |
| 3.6.xS | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
For a mapping of Cisco IOS XE Software releases to Cisco IOS Software
releases, refer to Cisco IOS XE 2 Release Notes, Cisco IOS XE 3S
Release Notes, and Cisco IOS XE 3SG Release Notes.
Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by any of the vulnerabilities
disclosed in the March 2012 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
Bundled Publication.
If the HTTP and HTTPS servers are not required, they may be disabled
with the commands no ip http server and no ip http secure-server.
However, if web services are required, a feature was introduced in
12.3(14)T and later in which selective HTTP and HTTPS services could
be enabled or disabled. The WEB_EXEC service provides a facility to
configure the device and retrieve the current state of the device
from remote clients.
It is possible to disable the WEB_EXEC service while still leaving
other HTTP services active. If an installation does not require the
use of the WEB_EXEC service, then it may be disabled using the
following procedure:
1. Verify the list of all session modules.
Router# show ip http server session-module
HTTP server application session modules:
Session module Name Handle Status Secure-status Description
HTTP_IFS 1 Active Active HTTP based IOS File Server
HOME_PAGE 2 Active Active IOS Homepage Server
QDM 3 Active Active QOS Device Manager Server
QDM_SA 4 Active Active QOS Device Manager Signed Applet Server
WEB_EXEC 5 Active Active HTTP based IOS EXEC Server
IXI 6 Active Active IOS XML Infra Application Server
IDCONF 7 Active Active IDCONF HTTP(S) Server
XSM 8 Active Active XML Session Manager
VDM 9 Active Active VPN Device Manager Server
XML_Api 10 Active Active XML Api
ITS 11 Active Active IOS Telephony Service
ITS_LOCDIR 12 Active Active ITS Local Directory Search
CME_SERVICE_URL 13 Active Active CME Service URL
CME_AUTH_SRV_LOGIN 14 Active Active CME Authentication Server
IPS_SDEE 15 Active Active IOS IPS SDEE Server
tti-petitioner 16 Active Active TTI Petitioner
2. Create a list of session modules that are required, in this
example it would be everything other than WEB_EXEC.
Router# configuration terminal
Router(config)# ip http session-module-list exclude_webexec
3. Selectively enable HTTP/HTTPS applications that will service
incoming HTTP requests from remote clients.
Router(config)# ip http active-session-modules exclude_webexec
Router(config)# ip http secure-active-session-modules exclude_webexec
Router(config)# exit
4. Verify the list of all session modules, and ensure WEB_EXEC is
not active.
Router# show ip http server session-module
HTTP server application session modules:
Session module Name Handle Status Secure-status Description
HTTP_IFS 1 Active Active HTTP based IOS File Server
HOME_PAGE 2 Active Active IOS Homepage Server
QDM 3 Active Active QOS Device Manager Server
QDM_SA 4 Active Active QOS Device Manager Signed Applet Server
WEB_EXEC 5 Inactive Inactive HTTP based IOS EXEC Server
IXI 6 Active Active IOS XML Infra Application Server
IDCONF 7 Active Active IDCONF HTTP(S) Server
XSM 8 Active Active XML Session Manager
VDM 9 Active Active VPN Device Manager Server
XML_Api 10 Active Active XML Api
ITS 11 Active Active IOS Telephony Service
ITS_LOCDIR 12 Active Active ITS Local Directory Search
CME_SERVICE_URL 13 Active Active CME Service URL
CME_AUTH_SRV_LOGIN 14 Active Active CME Authentication Server
IPS_SDEE 15 Active Active IOS IPS SDEE Server
tti-petitioner 16 Active Active TTI Petitioner
For further information on the selective enabling of applications
using an HTTP or secure HTTP server, consult the Cisco IOS network
management configuration guide, release 12.4T, at:…
If the HTTP server and WEB_EXEC service are required, it is a
recommended best practice to limit which hosts may access the HTTP
server to allow only trusted sources. An access list can be applied
to the HTTP server to limit which hosts are permitted access. To
apply an access list to the HTTP server, use the following command in
global configuration mode: ip http access-class {access-list-number |
The following example shows an access list that allows only trusted
hosts to access the Cisco IOS HTTP server:
ip access-list standard 20
remark "Above is a trusted subnet"
remark "Add further trusted subnets or hosts below"
! (Note: all other access implicitly denied)
! (Apply the access-list to the http server)
ip http access-class 20
For additional information on configuring the Cisco IOS HTTP server,
consult Using the Cisco Web Browser User Interface.
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that addresses the
vulnerability described in this advisory. Prior to deploying
software, customers are advised to consult their maintenance
providers or check the software for feature set compatibility and
known issues that are specific to their environments.
Customers may only install and expect support for feature sets they
have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing, or otherwise
using such software upgrades, customers agree to follow the terms of
the Cisco software license at:
or as set forth at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, upgrades should be
obtained through the Software Center on at:
Customers Using Third-Party Support Organizations
Customers with Cisco products that are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers,
should contact that organization for assistance with the appropriate
course of action.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix depends on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Because of the variety of
affected products and releases, customers should consult their
service providers or support organizations to ensure that any applied
workaround or fix is the most appropriate in the intended network
before it is deployed
Customers Without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase directly from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who make purchases through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should obtain upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have the product serial number available and be
prepared to provide the URL of this advisory as evidence of
entitlement to a free upgrade. Customers without service contracts
should request free upgrades through the TAC.
Refer to Cisco Worldwide Contacts at:
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, instructions, and e-mail addresses for support in various languages.
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not
aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the
vulnerability that is described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was reported to Cisco TAC by customers observing
the vulnerability during the normal operation of their devices.
Status of This Notice: Final
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations at
the following link:…
Additionally, a text version of this advisory is clear signed with
the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and circulated among the following e-mail
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will reside on but
may not be announced on mailing lists. Users can monitor this
advisory's URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2012-March-28 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information about reporting security vulnerabilities in
Cisco products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco is available
on at:…
This web page includes instructions for press inquiries regarding
Cisco Security Advisories.
All Cisco Security Advisories are available at:
Copyright 2010-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (SunOS)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multicast Source Discovery Protocol Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
28 Mar '12
Hash: SHA256
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Multicast Source Discovery
Protocol Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120328-msdp
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 March 28 16:00 UTC (GMT)
A vulnerability in the Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP)
implementation of Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS XE Software could
allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to cause a reload of an
affected device. Repeated attempts to exploit this vulnerability could
result in a sustained denial of service (DoS) condition.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. Workarounds that mitigate this vulnerability are
available. This advisory is available at the following link:…
Note: The March 28, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory bundled
publication includes nine Cisco Security Advisories. Each advisory
lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the vulnerability
or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as the Cisco IOS
Software releases that correct all vulnerabilities in the March 2012
bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response: Semi-Annual
Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication" at the
following link:
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
The following products are affected by this vulnerability:
+ Cisco IOS Software
+ Cisco IOS XE Software
To determine whether a Cisco IOS or Cisco IOS XE Software release is
running on a Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device
and issue the "show version" command to display the system banner.
The system banner confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS
Software by displaying text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating
System Software" or "Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in
parentheses, followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release
name. Other Cisco devices do not have the "show version" command or may
provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(20)T with an installed image name of
Router#show version
Cisco IOS Software, 1841 Software (C1841-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 12.4(20)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2008 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 10-Jul-08 20:25 by prod_rel_team
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in the White Paper: Cisco IOS and NX-OS
Software Reference Guide
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by this vulnerability. No other
Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this vulnerability.
MSDP is the protocol used to connect multiple Protocol Independent
Multicast sparse mode (PIM-SM) domains. MSDP allows multicast sources
for a group to be known to all rendezvous points (RPs) in different
domains. An RP runs MSDP over TCP to discover multicast sources.
An RP in a PIM-SM domain has an MSDP peering relationship with
MSDP-enabled routers in another domain. The peering relationship occurs
over a TCP connection, where primarily a list of sources sending to
multicast groups is exchanged. The TCP connections between RPs are
achieved by the underlying routing system. The receiving RP uses the
source lists to establish a source path.
The purpose of this topology is to have domains discover multicast
sources in other domains. If the multicast sources are of interest to a
domain that has receivers, multicast data is delivered over the normal,
source-tree building mechanism in PIM-SM.
An MSDP packet containing encapsulated Internet Group Management
Protocol (IGMP) data, received from an external MSDP-configured peer
router, can cause an affected device to reload. This vulnerability can
only be exploited if the router is explicitly joined to the multicast
group. The MSDP packet destination address is a unicast address and
can be addressed to any IP address on the affected device, including
loopback addresses.
Transit traffic will not trigger this vulnerability.
A vulnerable interface configuration contains an explicitly joined
multicast group. Some example configurations that permit exploitation of
this vulnerability are:
!--- Interface configured for SAP Listener Support (a common
multicast group)
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
ip sap listen
!--- Interface configured to join a multicast group
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
ip igmp join-group
You can also use the "show igmp interface" command to determine if an
interface is joined to a multicast group.
RouterA#show ip igmp interface
GigabitEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Internet address is
IGMP is enabled on interface
Current IGMP host version is 2
Current IGMP router version is 2
IGMP query interval is 60 seconds
IGMP querier timeout is 120 seconds
IGMP max query response time is 10 seconds
Last member query count is 2
Last member query response interval is 1000 ms
Inbound IGMP access group is not set
IGMP activity: 2 joins, 0 leaves
Multicast routing is disabled on interface
Multicast TTL threshold is 0
Multicast groups joined by this system (number of users):
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCtr28857. This
vulnerability has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) ID CVE-2012-0382.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has scored the vulnerabilities in this advisory based on the
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this
security advisory is in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps organizations determine the urgency and priority
of a response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can also compute
environmental scores that help determine the impact of the vulnerability
in their own networks.
Cisco has provided additional information regarding CVSS at the
following link:
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to compute the environmental
impact for individual networks at the following link:
* CSCtr28857 ("MSDP-peered Router joined to a multicast group may crash")
CVSS Base Score - 7.1
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Medium
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Workaround
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause the affected
device to reload. Repeated exploitation may result in a sustained DoS
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, customers are advised to
consult the Cisco Security Advisories and Responses archive at and review subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should ensure that the devices to be upgraded
contain sufficient memory and confirm that current hardware and
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the
new release. If the information is not clear, customers are advised
to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or their
contracted maintenance providers.
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a
Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the
earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed
Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the
March 2012 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible
releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco
IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends
upgrading to the latest available release, where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco
Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software
releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security Intelligence
Operations (SIO) portal at:
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 12.0-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 12.0S | 12.0(33)S10 | 12.0(33)S10 |
| 12.0SY | 12.0(32)SY15 | 12.0(32)SY15 |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.0SZ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.0S | 12.0S |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 12.2-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2 | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2B | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2BC | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2BW | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2BX | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SB | 12.2SB |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2BY | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2BZ | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2CX | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2CY | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2CZ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.0S | 12.0S |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2DA | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2DD | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2DX | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2EU | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2EW | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2EWA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2EX | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 15.0SE | 15.0SE |
| 12.2EY | 12.2(52)EY4 | 12.2(52)EY4 |
| | 12.2(58)EY2 | |
| | Releases prior to | |
| | 12.2(53)EZ are | |
| | vulnerable; Releases | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2EZ | 12.2(53)EZ and later | fixed in Release |
| | are not vulnerable. | 15.0SE |
| | First fixed in | |
| | Release 15.0SE | |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2FX | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0SE |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2FY | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2FZ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2IRA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2IRB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2IRC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2IRD | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2IRE | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2IRF | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IRG | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.2IRH | 12.2(33)IRH1 | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXB | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXD | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXE | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXF | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXG | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2IXH | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 12.2JA | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| 12.2JK | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2MB | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2MC | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2MRA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2MRB | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Releases prior to | Releases prior to |
| | 12.2(30)S are | 12.2(30)S are |
| | vulnerable; Releases | vulnerable; Releases |
| 12.2S | 12.2(30)S and later | 12.2(30)S and later |
| | are not vulnerable. | are not vulnerable. |
| | First fixed in | First fixed in |
| | Release 12.0S | Release 12.0S |
| 12.2SB | 12.2(33)SB12 | 12.2(33)SB12 |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SBC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SB | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SCA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SCB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SCC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SCD | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| 12.2SCE | 12.2(33)SCE5 | 12.2(33)SCE6 |
| 12.2SCF | 12.2(33)SCF2 | 12.2(33)SCF2 |
| 12.2SE | 12.2(55)SE5 | |
| | | 12.2(55)SE5 * |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SEA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SEB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SEC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SED | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SEE | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SE | 15.0SE |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SEF | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0SE |
| | Releases prior to | |
| | 12.2(25)SEG4 are | |
| | vulnerable; Releases | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SEG | 12.2(25)SEG4 and | fixed in Release |
| | later are not | 15.0SE |
| | vulnerable. First | |
| | fixed in Release | |
| | 15.0SE | |
| | 12.2(53)SG7; | 12.2(53)SG7; |
| 12.2SG | Available on | Available on |
| | 07-MAY-12 | 07-MAY-12 |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SGA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 12.2SL | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SM | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SO | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SQ | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SRA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SRB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SRC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SRD | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SRE | 12.2SRE |
| 12.2SRE | 12.2(33)SRE5 | 12.2(33)SRE6 |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.2STE | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SU | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Releases up to and | Releases up to and |
| 12.2SV | including 12.2(18)SV2 | including 12.2(18)SV2 |
| | are not vulnerable. | are not vulnerable. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SVA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SVC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SVD | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SVE | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SW | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4SW | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SX | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SXA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SXB | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SXD | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SXE | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SXF | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2SXH | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 12.2SXI | 12.2(33)SXI9 | 12.2(33)SXI9 |
| 12.2SXJ | 12.2(33)SXJ2 | 12.2(33)SXJ2 |
| | 12.2(50)SY2; | 12.2(50)SY2; |
| 12.2SY | Available on | Available on |
| | 11-JUN-12 | 11-JUN-12 |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2SZ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.0S | 12.0S |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2T | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2TPC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XA | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XB | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XC | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XD | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XE | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XF | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XG | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XH | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XI | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XJ | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XK | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XL | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XM | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| 12.2XNA | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| 12.2XNB | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| 12.2XNC | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| 12.2XND | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| 12.2XNE | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| 12.2XNF | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2XO | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XQ | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Releases prior to | Releases prior to |
| | 12.2(15)XR are | 12.2(15)XR are |
| | vulnerable; Releases | vulnerable; Releases |
| 12.2XR | 12.2(15)XR and later | 12.2(15)XR and later |
| | are not vulnerable. | are not vulnerable. |
| | First fixed in | First fixed in |
| | Release 12.4 | Release 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XS | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XT | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XU | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XV | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2XW | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2YA | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YD | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YE | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YK | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YO | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| 12.2YP | Releases up to and | 15.0M |
| | including 12.2(8)YP | Releases up to and |
| | are not vulnerable. | including 12.2(8)YP |
| | | are not vulnerable. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YT | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YW | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YX | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YY | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2YZ | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZB | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZD | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2ZE | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2ZH | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZJ | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZP | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZU | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.2ZX | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SB | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZY | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.2ZYA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 12.3-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3 | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3B | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3BC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SCE | 12.2SCE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3BW | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Releases prior to | |
| | 12.3(4)JA2 are | |
| | vulnerable; Releases | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3JA | 12.3(4)JA2 and later | fixed in Release |
| | are not vulnerable. | 12.4JA |
| | Migrate to any | |
| | release in 12.4JA | |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.3JEA | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.3JEB | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.3JEC | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.3JED | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | Releases up to and | |
| | including 12.3(2)JK3 | |
| | are not vulnerable. | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3JK | Releases 12.3(8)JK1 | fixed in Release |
| | and later are not | 15.0M |
| | vulnerable. First | |
| | fixed in Release 12.4 | |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.3JL | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| 12.3JX | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3T | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.3TPC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 12.3VA | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XA | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.3XB | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XC | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XD | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XE | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.3XF | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XG | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XI | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.2SB | 12.2SRE |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XJ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XK | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XL | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XQ | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XR | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XU | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XW | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XX | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XY | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3XZ | fixed in Release 12.4 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YD | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YF | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YG | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YI | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YJ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YK | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YM | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YQ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YS | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YT | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YU | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3YX | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.3YZ | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.3ZA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 12.4-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | 12.4(25g); Available | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4 | on 19-SEP-12 | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4GC | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 12.4JA | Not vulnerable | 12.4(23c)JA4 |
| | | 12.4(25e)JA |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4JAX | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JDA | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JDC | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JDD | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JDE | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JHA | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JHB | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JHC | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JK | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 12.4JL | Not vulnerable | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4JX | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4JY | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4JZ | Not vulnerable | fixed in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | 12.4(24)MD7; | 12.4(22)MD3; |
| 12.4MD | Available on | Available on |
| | 29-Jun-12 | 30-MAR-12 |
| 12.4MDA | 12.4(24)MDA11 | 12.4(24)MDA11 |
| 12.4MDB | 12.4(24)MDB5a | 12.4(24)MDB5a |
| 12.4MDC | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4MR | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4MRA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4MRB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4SW | 12.4(15)SW8a | fixed in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | 12.4(15)T17 | 12.4(15)T17 |
| 12.4T | 12.4(24)T7 | 12.4(24)T7 |
| | | |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XC | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XD | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XE | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XF | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XG | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XJ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XK | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4XL | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XM | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4XN | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4XP | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XQ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XR | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 12.4T |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XT | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4XV | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XW | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XY | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4XZ | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 12.4YA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 12.4T | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4YB | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 12.4YD | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 12.4YE | 12.4(24)YE3d | 12.4(24)YE3d |
| 12.4YG | 12.4(24)YG4 | 12.4(24)YG4 |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 15.0-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.0M | 15.0(1)M8 | 15.0(1)M8 |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 15.0MR | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 15.0MRA | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| | 15.0(1)S5 | 15.0(1)S5 |
| | Cisco IOS XE devices: | Cisco IOS XE devices: |
| 15.0S | Please see Cisco IOS | Please see Cisco IOS |
| | XE Software | XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| 15.0SA | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | 15.0(1)SE1 | |
| 15.0SE | 15.0(2)SE; Available | 15.0(1)SE1 |
| | on 06-AUG-12 | |
| | 15.0(2)SG2 | 15.0(2)SG2 |
| | Cisco IOS XE devices: | Cisco IOS XE devices: |
| 15.0SG | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| 15.0SY | Not vulnerable | 15.0(1)SY1 |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 15.0XA | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 15.1T | 15.1T |
| | Cisco IOS XE devices: | Cisco IOS XE devices: |
| 15.0XO | Please see Cisco | Please see Cisco |
| | IOS-XE Software | IOS-XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 15.1-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.1EY | 15.1(2)EY1a | 15.1(2)EY2 |
| 15.1GC | 15.1(2)GC2 | 15.1(2)GC2 |
| 15.1M | 15.1(4)M2 | 15.1(4)M4; Available |
| | 15.1(4)M3a | on 30-MAR-12 |
| | | Vulnerable; contact |
| | | your support |
| | | organization per the |
| 15.1MR | 15.1(1)MR3 | instructions in |
| | | Obtaining Fixed |
| | | Software section of |
| | | this advisory. |
| | 15.1(3)S1 | 15.1(3)S2 |
| | Cisco IOS XE devices: | Cisco IOS XE devices: |
| 15.1S | Please see Cisco IOS | Please see Cisco IOS |
| | XE Software | XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | Cisco IOS XE devices: | Cisco IOS XE devices: |
| 15.1SG | Please see Cisco IOS | Please see Cisco IOS |
| | XE Software | XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | Vulnerable; contact | Vulnerable; contact |
| | your support | your support |
| | organization per the | organization per the |
| 15.1SNG | instructions in | instructions in |
| | Obtaining Fixed | Obtaining Fixed |
| | Software section of | Software section of |
| | this advisory. | this advisory. |
| 15.1SNH | Not vulnerable | Not vulnerable |
| | 15.1(1)T5; Available | |
| | on 18-MAY-12 | |
| 15.1T | 15.1(2)T5; Available | 15.1(3)T3 |
| | on 27-APR-12 | |
| | 15.1(3)T3 | |
| | Vulnerable; First | Vulnerable; First |
| 15.1XB | fixed in Release | fixed in Release |
| | 15.1T | 15.1T |
| | | First Fixed Release |
| Affected | | for All Advisories in |
| 15.2-Based | First Fixed Release | the March 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.2GC | 15.2(1)GC1 | 15.2(1)GC2 |
| | Not vulnerable | 15.2(1)S1 |
| | Cisco IOS XE devices: | Cisco IOS XE devices: |
| 15.2S | Please see Cisco IOS | Please see Cisco IOS |
| | XE Software | XE Software |
| | Availability | Availability |
| | 15.2(1)T1 | 15.2(1)T2 |
| 15.2T | 15.2(2)T | 15.2(2)T1 |
| | 15.2(2)T1 | 15.2(3)T; Available |
| | | on 30-MAR-12 |
* Cisco Catalyst 3550 Series Switches support the Internet Key Exchange
(IKE) feature and are vulnerable to Cisco bug ID CSCts38429 when the
devices are running Layer 3 images; however, this product reached
the End of Software Maintenance milestone. Cisco 3550 Series SMI
Switches that are running Layer 2 images do not support IKE and are not
vulnerable. No other Cisco devices that run 12.2SE-based software are
Cisco IOS XE Software
Cisco IOS XE Software is affected by the vulnerability that is
disclosed in this document.
| Cisco IOS | | First Fixed Release for All |
| XE | First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Software | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| Release | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 2.1.x | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 2.2.x | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 2.3.x | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 2.4.x | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 2.5.x | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 2.6.x | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 3.1.xS | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 3.1.xSG | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.2.2SG |
| | 3.2.2SG or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 3.2.xS | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| 3.2.xSG | 3.2.2SG | 3.2.2SG |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| 3.3.xS | migrate to | Vulnerable; migrate to 3.4.2S |
| | 3.4.1S or | or later. |
| | later. | |
| 3.3.xSG | Not | Not Vulnerable |
| | Vulnerable | |
| 3.4.xS | 3.4.1S | 3.4.2S |
| 3.5.xS | Not | 3.5.1S |
| | vulnerable | |
| 3.6.xS | Not | Not vulnerable |
| | vulnerable | |
For a mapping of Cisco IOS XE Software releases to Cisco IOS Software
releases, refer to Cisco IOS XE 2 Release Notes, Cisco IOS XE 3S
Release Notes, and Cisco IOS XE 3SG Release Notes.
Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by any of the vulnerabilities
disclosed in the March 2012 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
Bundled Publication.
Customers with an MSDP-configured router who do not require membership
to multicast groups can remove the "ip sap listen" or "ip igmp
join-group <multicast-group address>" commands on the router interface
as a workaround.
For example:
RouterA#conf t
RouterA(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
RouterA(config-if)# no ip sap listen
RouterA(config-if)# no ip igmp join-group
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
To determine if a router is configured for MSDP peers, run the
command "show ip msdp peer" at the router command prompt:
RouterA# show ip msdp peer
MSDP Peer (?), AS 100
Connection status:
State: Up, Resets: 0, Connection source: none configured
Uptime(Downtime): 01:23:42, Messages sent/received: 25/24
Output messages discarded: 0
Connection and counters cleared 01:15:14 ago
SA Filtering:
Input (S,G) filter: none, route-map: none
Input RP filter: none, route-map: none
Output (S,G) filter: none, route-map: none
Output RP filter: none, route-map: none
Input filter: none
Peer ttl threshold: 0
SAs learned from this peer: 0
Input queue size: 0, Output queue size: 0
Message counters:
RPF Failure count: 0
SA Messages in/out: 13/8
SA Requests in: 0
SA Responses out: 0
Data Packets in/out: 7/8
To remove an untrusted MSDP peer from your configuration, use the "no
ip msdp peer <address>" or "ip msdp default-peer <ip-address | name>"
command on the router configuration interface.
RouterA(config)# no ip msdp peer
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
ip address
ip pim sparse-mode
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address the
vulnerability|vulnerabilities described in this advisory. Prior to
deploying software, customers are advised to consult their
maintenance providers or check the software for feature set
compatibility and known issues that are specific to their
Customers may only install and expect support for feature
sets they have purchased. By installing, downloading,
accessing, or otherwise using such software upgrades, customers
agree to follow the terms of the Cisco software license at,
or as set forth at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their
regular update channels. For most customers, upgrades should be obtained
through the Software Center on at
Customers Using Third-Party Support Organizations
Customers with Cisco products that are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers,
should contact that organization for assistance with the appropriate
course of action.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix depends on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Because of the variety of
affected products and releases, customers should consult their
service providers or support organizations to ensure that any applied
workaround or fix is the most appropriate in the intended network
before it is deployed.
Customers Without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase directly from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who make purchases through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should obtain upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have the product serial number available and be
prepared to provide the URL of this advisory as evidence of
entitlement to a free upgrade. Customers without service contracts
should request free upgrades through the TAC.
Refer to Cisco Worldwide Contacts at
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, instructions, and e-mail addresses for support in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not
aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the
vulnerability that is described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was found during the troubleshooting of customer
service requests.
Status of This Notice: Final
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations at
the following link:…
Additionally, a text version of this advisory is clear signed with
the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and circulated among the following e-mail
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will reside on but
may not be announced on mailing lists. Users can monitor this
advisory's URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision 1.0 | 2012-March-28 | Initial public release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information about reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering
to receive security information from Cisco is available on at….
This web page includes instructions for press inquiries
regarding Cisco Security Advisories. All Cisco Security Advisories are
available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software RSVP Denial of Service Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
28 Mar '12
Hash: SHA256
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software RSVP Denial of Service Vulnerability
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120328-rsvp
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 March 28 16:00 UTC (GMT)
Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS XE Software contain a vulnerability
in the RSVP feature when used on a device configured with VPN routing
and forwarding (VRF) instances. This vulnerability could allow an
unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause an interface wedge, which
can lead to loss of connectivity, loss of routing protocol adjacency,
and other denial of service (DoS) conditions. This vulnerability
could be exploited repeatedly to cause an extended DoS condition.
A workaround is available to mitigate this vulnerability.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. This advisory is available at the following link:…
Note: The March 28, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
bundled publication includes nine Cisco Security Advisories. Each
advisory lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the
vulnerability or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as
the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct all vulnerabilities in
the March 2012 bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response:
Semi-Annual Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication"
at the following link:
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Only devices with specific configurations are affected. Cisco devices
that are running affected Cisco IOS Software or Cisco IOS XE Software
versions are vulnerable when they are configured with RSVP and also
have one or more VRF interfaces. A device is vulnerable if both the
following criteria are met:
* At least one VRF is configured without RSVP
* At least one other interface (physical or virtual), not in the
same VRF, is configured with RSVP
Some example scenarios are as follows:
* RSVP-Traffic Engineering (RSVP-TE) in Multiprotocol Label
Switching (MPLS) infrastructures
* Multi-VRF infrastructures
* VRF-Lite infrastructures
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
show version command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or
"Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other
Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide
different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 15.0(1)M1 with an installed image name of
Router> show version
Cisco IOS Software, C3900 Software (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 17:17 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS and NX-OS
Software Reference Guide" at:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
Cisco IOS-XR software is not affected by this vulnerability.
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this
Cisco IOS Software and Cisco IOS XE Software contain a vulnerability
in the RSVP feature when used on a device configured with VPN routing
and forwarding (VRF) instances. This vulnerability could allow an
unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause an interface wedge, which
can lead to loss of connectivity, loss of routing protocol adjacency,
and other denial of service (DoS) conditions. This vulnerability
could be exploited repeatedly to cause an extended DoS condition.
A device is vulnerable if it is configured with VRF and none of the
interfaces in that VRF have RSVP enabled, but any other interface
(physical or virtual) does have RSVP enabled.
An attacker with some knowledge of the affected infrastructure
could exploit this vulnerability by sending RSVP packets to
vulnerable devices. Successful exploitation of the vulnerability
could allow an attacker to wedge the receive queue of any RSVP
ingress interface.
A workaround is available to mitigate this vulnerability.
In devices that meet the vulnerable configuration criteria, valid
RSVP packets could trigger this vulnerability. An attacker with
knowledge of the infrastructure could craft valid RSVP packets with
set conditions to exploit this vulnerability. Recovery from this
interface queue wedge requires a reload of the device.
An interface queue wedge is a class of vulnerability in which certain
packets are received and queued by a Cisco IOS router or switch but,
due to a processing error, are never removed from the queue.
For more information about queue wedges and a few detection
mechanisms that may be used to identify a blocked interface on Cisco
IOS Software (including a white paper describing how this condition
can be detected using SNMP) see:
This vulnerability has been documented in Cisco bug ID CSCts80643
and has been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)
ID CVE-2012-1311.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has scored the vulnerability in this advisory based on the
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this
security advisory is in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps organizations determine the urgency and priority
of a response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can also
compute environmental scores that help determine the impact of the
vulnerability in their own networks.
Cisco has provided additional information regarding CVSS at the
following link:
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at the following link:
* CSCts80643 - Cisco IOS Software RSVP Denial of Service Vulnerability
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability will result in an
interface queue wedge, which can lead to loss of connectivity, loss
of routing protocol adjacency, and other DoS conditions. This
vulnerability could be exploited repeatedly to cause an extended DoS
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, customers are advised to consult
the Cisco Security Advisories and Responses archive at: and review subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should ensure that the devices to be upgraded
contain sufficient memory and confirm that current hardware and
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the
new release. If the information is not clear, customers are advised
to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or their
contracted maintenance providers.
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a
Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the
earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed
Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the
March 2012 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible
releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco
IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends
upgrading to the latest available release, where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco
Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software
releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security Intelligence
Operations (SIO) portal at:
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.0-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.2-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.2 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.3-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.3 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.4-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.4 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|15.0-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
|15.0M |15.0(1)M8 |15.0(1)M8 |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|15.0MR |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|15.0MRA |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| |Not vulnerable |15.0(1)S5 |
|15.0S |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |see Cisco IOS XE Software |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Availability |Availability |
|15.0SA |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
|15.0SE |Not vulnerable |15.0(1)SE1 |
| |Not vulnerable |15.0(2)SG2 |
|15.0SG |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |see Cisco IOS XE Software |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Availability |Availability |
|15.0SY |15.0(1)SY1 |15.0(1)SY1 |
|15.0XA |Vulnerable; First fixed in |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| |Release 15.1T |Release 15.1T |
| |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
|15.0XO |see Cisco IOS XE Software |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Availability |Availability |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|15.1-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
|15.1EY |15.1(2)EY2 |15.1(2)EY2 |
|15.1GC |15.1(2)GC2 |15.1(2)GC2 |
|15.1M |15.1(4)M3 |15.1(4)M4; Available on |
| |15.1(4)M3a |30-MAR-12 |
| |Vulnerable; contact your |Vulnerable; contact your |
| |support organization per the|support organization per the|
|15.1MR |instructions in Obtaining |instructions in Obtaining |
| |Fixed Software section of |Fixed Software section of |
| |this advisory. |this advisory. |
| |15.1(3)S2 |15.1(3)S2 |
|15.1S |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |see Cisco IOS XE Software |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Availability |Availability |
| |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
|15.1SG |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |see Cisco IOS XE Software |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Availability |Availability |
| |Vulnerable; contact your |Vulnerable; contact your |
| |support organization per the|support organization per the|
|15.1SNG |instructions in Obtaining |instructions in Obtaining |
| |Fixed Software section of |Fixed Software section of |
| |this advisory. |this advisory. |
|15.1SNH |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
| |15.1(1)T5; Available on | |
| |18-MAY-12 | |
|15.1T |15.1(2)T5; Available on |15.1(3)T3 |
| |27-APR-12 | |
| |15.1(3)T3 | |
|15.1XB |Vulnerable; First fixed in |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| |Release 15.1T |Release 15.1T |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|15.2-Based| First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 15.2 based releases |
Cisco IOS XE Software
Cisco IOS XE Software is affected by the vulnerability that is
disclosed in this document.
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| Cisco | | Advisories |
| IOS XE | First Fixed | in the March |
| Software | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Release | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 2.1.x | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 2.2.x | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 2.3.x | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 2.4.x | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 2.5.x | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 2.6.x | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 3.1.xS | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.4.2S or |
| | | later. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 3.1xSG | Not | migrate to |
| | vulnerable | 3.2.2SG or |
| | | later. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 3.2.xS | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.4.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| 3.2xSG | Not | 3.2.2SG |
| | vulnerable | |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 3.3.xS | migrate to | migrate to |
| | 3.4.2S or | 3.4.2S or |
| | later. | later. |
| 3.3.xSG | Not | Not |
| | Vulnerable | Vulnerable |
| 3.4.xS | 3.4.2S | 3.4.2S |
| 3.5.xS | Not | 3.5.1S |
| | vulnerable | |
| 3.6.xS | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
For a mapping of Cisco IOS XE Software releases to Cisco IOS Software
releases, refer to Cisco IOS XE 2 Release Notes, Cisco IOS XE 3S
Release Notes, and Cisco IOS XE 3SG Release Notes.
Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by any of the vulnerabilities
disclosed in the March 2012 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
Bundled Publication.
It is possible to mitigate the vulnerability in this advisory by
applying the global configuration command ip rsvp listener vrf
vrf-name ip-address 0 0 announce, where the IP address is one that
does not exist on the device or in the routing tables.
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address the
vulnerability described in this advisory. Prior to deploying
software, customers are advised to consult their maintenance
providers or check the software for feature set compatibility and
known issues that are specific to their environments.
Customers may only install and expect support for feature sets they
have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing, or otherwise
using such software upgrades, customers agree to follow the terms of
the Cisco software license at:
or as set forth at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, upgrades should be
obtained through the Software Center on at
Customers Using Third-Party Support Organizations
Customers with Cisco products that are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers,
should contact that organization for assistance with the appropriate
course of action.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix depends on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Because of the variety of
affected products and releases, customers should consult their
service providers or support organizations to ensure that any applied
workaround or fix is the most appropriate in the intended network
before it is deployed.
Customers Without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase directly from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who make purchases through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should obtain upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have the product serial number available and be
prepared to provide the URL of this advisory as evidence of
entitlement to a free upgrade. Customers without service contracts
should request free upgrades through the TAC.
Refer to Cisco Worldwide Contacts at:
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, instructions, and e-mail addresses for support in various languages.
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not
aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the
vulnerability that is described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was discovered by Cisco during internal testing.
Status of This Notice: Final
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on the Cisco Security Intelligence Operations
portal at the following link:…
Additionally, a text version of this advisory is clear signed with
the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and circulated among the following e-mail
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will reside on but
may not be announced on mailing lists. Users can monitor this
advisory's URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2012-March-28 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information about reporting security vulnerabilities in
Cisco products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco is available
on at:…
This web page includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
Security Advisories.
All Cisco Security Advisories are available at:
Copyright 2010-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Network Address Translation Vulnerability
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
28 Mar '12
Hash: SHA256
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Network Address Translation
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120328-nat
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 March 28 16:00 UTC (GMT)
The Cisco IOS Software Network Address Translation (NAT) feature
contains a denial of service (DoS) vulnerability in the translation of
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) packets.
The vulnerability is caused when packets in transit on the vulnerable
device require translation on the SIP payload.
Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. A workaround that mitigates the vulnerability is
This advisory is available at the following link:…
Note: The March 28, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory bundled
publication includes nine Cisco Security Advisories. Each advisory
lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the vulnerability
or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as the Cisco IOS
Software releases that correct all vulnerabilities in the March 2012
bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response: Semi-Annual
Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication" at the
following link:
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Cisco devices that are running Cisco IOS Software are vulnerable when
they are configured for NAT and contain support for NAT for Session
Initiation Protocol.
There are two methods to determine if a device is configured for
* Determine if NAT is active on a running device.
* Determine if NAT commands are included in the device
Determine if NAT is Active on a Running Device
The preferred method to verify whether NAT is enabled on a Cisco IOS
device is to log in to the device and issue the "show ip nat statistics"
command. If NAT is active, the sections "Outside interfaces" and "Inside
interfaces" will each include at least one interface. The following
example shows a device on which the NAT feature is active:
Router#show ip nat statistics
Total translations: 2 (0 static, 2 dynamic; 0 extended)
Outside interfaces: Serial0
Inside interfaces: Ethernet1
Hits: 135 Misses: 5
Expired translations: 2
Dynamic mappings:
-- Inside Source
access-list 1 pool mypool refcount 2
pool mypool: netmask
start end
type generic, total addresses 14, allocated 2 (14%), misses 0
Depending on the Cisco IOS Software release, the interface lists can be
in the lines following the "Outside interfaces" and "Inside interfaces".
In releases that support the "section" filter on "show" commands, the
administrator can determine whether NAT is active by using the "show
ip nat statistics | section interfaces" command, as illustrated in the
following example:
Router> show ip nat statistics | section interfaces
Outside interfaces:
Inside interfaces:
Determine if NAT Commands are Included in the Device Configuration
Alternatively, to determine whether NAT has been enabled in the Cisco
IOS Software configuration, either the "ip nat inside" or "ip nat
outside" commands must be present in different interfaces, or in the
case of the NAT Virtual Interface, the "ip nat enable" interface command
will be present.
Determine the Cisco IOS Software Release
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a Cisco
product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the "show
version" command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or "Cisco
IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses, followed by
"Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other Cisco devices
do not have the "show version" command or may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 15.0(1)M1 with an installed image name of
Router> show version
Cisco IOS Software, C3900 Software (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 17:17 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS and NX-OS
Software Reference Guide" at:
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this
Cisco IOS Software NAT SIP Memory Starvation Vulnerability
NAT SIP application level gateway (ALG) translation of SIP packets could
cause a memory resource exhaustion condition that can lead to a DoS
condition, which could cause the reload of the vulnerable device.
NAT for SIP is performed on UDP port 5060 packets by default. The
port is configurable using the "ip nat service sip udp port" global
configuration command.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCti35326 and has been
assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2012-0383.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has scored the vulnerability in this advisory based on the
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this
security advisory is in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps organizations determine the urgency and priority
of a response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can also
compute environmental scores that help determine the impact of the
vulnerability in their own networks.
Cisco has provided additional information regarding CVSS at the
following link:
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to compute the environmental
impact for individual networks at the following link:
* CSCti35326 ("Cisco IOS Software NAT SIP Memory Starvation Vulnerability")
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may cause incrementing
use of memory that will not be released until the device is reloaded.
This memory consumption could lead to a DoS condition and cause the
vulnerable device to become unresponsive or reload.
Software Versions and Fixes
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a
Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the
earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed
Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the
March 2012 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible
releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco
IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends
upgrading to the latest available release, where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco
Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software
releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security Intelligence
Operations (SIO) portal at:
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.0-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.2-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.2 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.3-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 12.3 based releases |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|12.4-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
|12.4 |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
| |Releases up to and |Vulnerable; contact your |
| |including 12.4(24) |support organization per the|
|12.4GC |GC3a are not |instructions in Obtaining |
| |vulnerable. |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4JA |Not vulnerable |12.4(23c)JA4 |
| | |12.4(25e)JA |
|12.4JAX |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 12.4JA |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JDA |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JDC |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JDD |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JDE |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JHA |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JHB |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JHC |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JK |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4JL |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4JX |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 12.4JA |
|12.4JY |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 12.4JA |
|12.4JZ |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 12.4JA |
| |Only releases 12.4 |12.4(22)MD3; Available on |
|12.4MD |(24)MD5 and 12.4(24)|30-MAR-12 |
| |MD6 are vulnerable. | |
| |Releases 12.4(24) | |
| |MDA5 and prior are | |
|12.4MDA |not vulnerable; |12.4(24)MDA11 |
| |first fixed in 12.2 | |
| |(24)MDA11 | |
|12.4MDB |12.4(24)MDB4 |12.4(24)MDB5a |
|12.4MDC |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4MR |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4MRA |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4MRB |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4SW |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
| |Only releases 12.4 |12.4(15)T17 |
|12.4T |(24)T5 and 12.4(24) |12.4(24)T7 |
| |T6 are vulnerable. | |
|12.4XA |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XB |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 12.4T |
|12.4XC |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XD |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XE |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XF |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XG |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XJ |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XK |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4XL |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4XM |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4XN |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4XP |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4XQ |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XR |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 12.4T |
|12.4XT |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4XV |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4XW |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XY |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4XZ |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
|12.4YA |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.0M |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4YB |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|12.4YD |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|12.4YE |Not vulnerable |12.4(24)YE3d |
|12.4YG |Not vulnerable |12.4(24)YG4 |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|15.0-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| |Only releases 15.0 | |
|15.0M |(1)M4 and 15.0(1)M5 |15.0(1)M8 |
| |are vulnerable. | |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|15.0MR |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|15.0MRA |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| |Not vulnerable | |
| |Cisco IOS XE |15.0(1)S5 |
|15.0S |devices: Please see |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |Cisco IOS XE |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
|15.0SA |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
|15.0SE |Not vulnerable |15.0(1)SE1 |
| |Not vulnerable | |
| |Cisco IOS XE |15.0(2)SG2 |
|15.0SG |devices: Please see |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |Cisco IOS XE |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
|15.0SY |Not vulnerable |15.0(1)SY1 |
|15.0XA |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.1T |
| |Cisco IOS XE | |
| |devices: Please see |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
|15.0XO |Cisco IOS-XE |see Cisco IOS-XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|15.1-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
|15.1EY |Not vulnerable |15.1(2)EY2 |
|15.1GC |Not vulnerable |15.1(2)GC2 |
|15.1M |Not vulnerable |15.1(4)M4; Available on |
| | |30-MAR-12 |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|15.1MR |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
| |Not vulnerable | |
| |Cisco IOS XE |15.1(3)S2 |
|15.1S |devices: Please see |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |Cisco IOS XE |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
| |Not vulnerable | |
| |Cisco IOS XE |Not vulnerable |
|15.1SG |devices: Please see |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please|
| |Cisco IOS XE |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the|
|15.1SNG |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of |
| | |this advisory. |
|15.1SNH |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
| |15.1(1)T4 | |
|15.1T |15.1(2)T5; Available|15.1(3)T3 |
| |on 27-APR-12 | |
| |15.1(3)T | |
|15.1XB |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.1T |
| Affected | |First Fixed Release for All |
|15.2-Based|First Fixed Release |Advisories in the March 2012|
| Releases | |Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | |Advisory Bundled Publication|
| There are no affected 15.2 based releases |
Cisco IOS XE Software
Cisco IOS XE Software is not affected by the vulnerability that is
disclosed in this document.
Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by any of the vulnerabilities
disclosed in the March 2012 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory bundled
NAT for SIP Resource Exhaustion Vulnerability
This vulnerability can be mitigated by disabling NAT SIP ALG over the
UDP transport by using the "no ip nat service sip udp port 5060" global
configuration command. This command can only be configured in Cisco IOS
images that include the NAT ALG SIP feature. Layer 3 NAT translation
will continue to be performed on SIP packets but the SIP payload will
not be translated.
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address the
vulnerability|vulnerabilities described in this advisory. Prior to
deploying software, customers are advised to consult their
maintenance providers or check the software for feature set
compatibility and known issues that are specific to their
Customers may only install and expect support for feature
sets they have purchased. By installing, downloading,
accessing, or otherwise using such software upgrades, customers
agree to follow the terms of the Cisco software license at,
or as set forth at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their
regular update channels. For most customers, upgrades should be obtained
through the Software Center on at
Customers Using Third-Party Support Organizations
Customers with Cisco products that are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers,
should contact that organization for assistance with the appropriate
course of action.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix depends on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Because of the variety of
affected products and releases, customers should consult their
service providers or support organizations to ensure that any applied
workaround or fix is the most appropriate in the intended network
before it is deployed.
Customers Without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase directly from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who make purchases through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should obtain upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have the product serial number available and be
prepared to provide the URL of this advisory as evidence of
entitlement to a free upgrade. Customers without service contracts
should request free upgrades through the TAC.
Refer to Cisco Worldwide Contacts at
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, instructions, and e-mail addresses for support in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not
aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the
vulnerability that is described in this advisory.
This vulnerability was found during troubleshooting of TAC service
Status of This Notice: Final
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations at
the following link:…
Additionally, a text version of this advisory is clear signed with
the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and circulated among the following e-mail
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will reside on but
may not be announced on mailing lists. Users can monitor this
advisory's URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision 1.0 | 2012-March-28 | Initial public release. |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information about reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering
to receive security information from Cisco is available on at….
This web page includes instructions for press inquiries
regarding Cisco Security Advisories. All Cisco Security Advisories are
available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Cisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software Traffic Optimization Features
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
28 Mar '12
Hash: SHA256
Cisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software
Traffic Optimization Features
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120328-mace
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 March 28 16:00 UTC (GMT)
Cisco IOS Software contains a denial of service (DoS) vulnerability
in the Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Express feature that
could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the router
to leak memory or to reload.
Cisco IOS Software also contains a DoS vulnerability in the
Measurement, Aggregation, and Correlation Engine (MACE) feature that
could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the router
to reload.
An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by sending transit
traffic through a router configured with WAAS Express or MACE.
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an
unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the router to leak memory
or to reload. Repeated exploits could allow a sustained DoS
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
vulnerabilities. This advisory is available at the following link:…
Note: The March 28, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
bundled publication includes nine Cisco Security Advisories. Each
advisory lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the
vulnerability or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as
the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct all vulnerabilities in
the March 2012 bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response:
Semi-Annual Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication"
at the following link:
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Cisco devices that are running Cisco IOS Software are vulnerable
when they are configured with the "mace enable" or "waas enable"
interface configuration commands on one or more interfaces. Additional
configuration is required for WAAS Express or MACE to be configured;
more details follow.
Note: Cisco IOS Software is vulnerable only when configured for WAAS
Express or MACE. Cisco IOS Software configured for WAAS, not WAAS
Express, is not vulnerable.
For more information on WAAS Express, see
For more information about MACE, see….
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a Cisco
product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the "show
version" command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or "Cisco
IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses, followed by
"Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other Cisco devices
do not have the "show version" command or may provide different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 15.0(1)M1 with an installed image name of
Router> show version
Cisco IOS Software, C3900 Software (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 17:17 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release
naming conventions is available in "White Paper:
Cisco IOS and NX-OS Software Reference Guide" at
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these
The Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) Express feature allows
optimization of the WAN bandwidth required to access centrally located
applications. WAAS Express allows the traffic to be optimized by a Cisco
Integrated Services Router (ISR G2), with no other devices required.
The Cisco Measurement, Aggregation, and Correlation Engine (MACE) is a
Cisco IOS feature that is used for measurement and analysis of network
traffic. The feature may be used with WAAS Express to give details
of optimized traffic or used by itself to help measure application
Cisco IOS Software contains a DoS vulnerability in the WAAS Express
feature that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause
the router to leak memory or to reload. This vulnerability is documented
in Cisco bug ID CSCtt45381 and has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2012-1314.
Cisco IOS Software contains a DoS vulnerability in the MACE feature that
could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the router to
reload. This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug IDs CSCtq64987 and
CSCtu57226 and has been assigned CVE ID CVE-2012-1312.
An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by sending transit
traffic through a router configured with WAAS Express or MACE.
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an
unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the router to leak memory
or to reload. Repeated exploits could allow a sustained DoS
A configuration similar to one or more of the following configuration
excerpts will exist if WAAS Express or MACE is configured on the
The following example shows a partial WAAS Express configuration:
parameter-map type waas waas_global
tfo optimize full
class-map type waas match-any HTTP
match tcp destination port 80
class-map type waas match-any NNTP
match tcp destination port 119
policy-map type waas waas_global
class HTTP
optimize tfo dre lz application Web
class NNTP
optimize tfo dre lz application Email-and-Messaging
interface <egress interface>
waas enable
The following example shows a partial MACE configuration with WAAS
Express already configured as shown in the preceding excerpt:
flow record type mace my-flow-record
collect art all
flow exporter my-flow-exporter
export-protocol netflow-v9
flow monitor type mace my-flow-monitor
record my-flow-record
exporter my-flow-exporter
mace monitor waas all my-flow-monitor
interface <egress interface>
mace enable
The following example shows a partial MACE configuration without WAAS
flow record type mace mace-flow-record
collect datalink mac source address input
collect ipv4 dscp
collect interface input
collect interface output
collect application name
collect waas all
flow exporter flow-exporter1
source <interface>
transport udp 32001
flow monitor type mace mace-flow-monitor1
record mace-flow-record
exporter flow-exporter1
class-map type waas match-any HTTP
match tcp destination port 80
match tcp destination port 8080
policy-map type mace mace_global
class HTTP
flow monitor mace-flow-monitor1
interface <egress interface>
mace enable
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has scored the vulnerabilities in this advisory based on the
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this
security advisory is in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps organizations determine the urgency and priority
of a response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can also
compute environmental scores that help determine the impact of the
vulnerability in their own networks.
Cisco has provided additional information regarding CVSS at the
following link:
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at the following link:
* CSCtt45381
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
* CSCtq64987 and CSCtu57226
CVSS Base Score - 7.1
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Medium
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 5.9
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow an
unauthenticated, remote attacker to cause the router to leak memory or
to reload. Repeated exploits could allow a sustained DoS condition.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, customers are advised to
consult the Cisco Security Advisories and Responses archive at and review subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should ensure that the devices to be upgraded
contain sufficient memory and confirm that current hardware and
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the
new release. If the information is not clear, customers are advised
to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or their
contracted maintenance providers.
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a
Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the
earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed
Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the
March 2012 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible
releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco
IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends
upgrading to the latest available release, where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco
Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software
releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security Intelligence
Operations (SIO) portal at:
| Major | Availability of Repaired Releases |
| Release | |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|12.0-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
| There are no affected 12.0 based releases |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|12.2-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
| There are no affected 12.2 based releases |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|12.3-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
| There are no affected 12.3 based releases |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|12.4-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
| There are no affected 12.4 based releases |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|15.0-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
| There are no affected 15.0 based releases |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|15.1-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
|15.1EY |Not vulnerable |15.1(2)EY2 |
|15.1GC |Not vulnerable |15.1(2)GC2 |
| |15.1(4)M4; |15.1(4)M4; Available on |
|15.1M |Available on |30-MAR-12 |
| |30-MAR-12 | |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the |
|15.1MR |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of this|
| | |advisory. |
| |Cisco IOS XE | |
| |devices: Please |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please |
|15.1S |see Cisco IOS XE |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
| |Cisco IOS XE | |
| |devices: Please |Cisco IOS XE devices: Please |
|15.1SG |see Cisco IOS XE |see Cisco IOS XE Software |
| |Software |Availability |
| |Availability | |
| | |Vulnerable; contact your |
| | |support organization per the |
|15.1SNG |Not vulnerable |instructions in Obtaining |
| | |Fixed Software section of this|
| | |advisory. |
|15.1SNH |Not vulnerable |Not vulnerable |
|15.1T |Not vulnerable |15.1(3)T3 |
|15.1XB |Not vulnerable |Vulnerable; First fixed in |
| | |Release 15.1T |
| Affected | | First Fixed Release for All |
|15.2-Based| First Fixed | Advisories in the March 2012 |
| Releases | Release | Cisco IOS Software Security |
| | | Advisory Bundled Publication |
|15.2GC |15.2(1)GC2 |15.2(1)GC2 |
|15.2S |Not vulnerable |15.2(1)S1 |
| | | |
| |15.2(1)T2 |15.2(1)T2 |
| |15.2(2)T1 |15.2(2)T1 |
|15.2T |15.2(3)T; |15.2(3)T; Available on |
| |Available on |30-MAR-12 |
| |30-MAR-12 | |
For a mapping of Cisco IOS XE Software releases to Cisco IOS Software
releases, refer to Cisco IOS XE 2 Release Notes, Cisco IOS XE 3S Release
Notes, and Cisco IOS XE 3SG Release Notes.
Cisco IOS XE Software
Cisco IOS XE Software is not affected by the vulnerabilities that are
disclosed in this document.
Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by any of the vulnerabilities
disclosed in the March 2012 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
Bundled Publication.
There are no workarounds for these vulnerabilities.
There is no Applied Mitigation Bulletin (AMB) for this advisory.
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address the
vulnerabilities described in this advisory. Prior to deploying
software, customers are advised to consult their maintenance
providers or check the software for feature set compatibility and
known issues that are specific to their environments.
Customers may only install and expect support for feature
sets they have purchased. By installing, downloading,
accessing, or otherwise using such software upgrades, customers
agree to follow the terms of the Cisco software license at,
or as set forth at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their
regular update channels. For most customers, upgrades should be obtained
through the Software Center on at
Customers Using Third-Party Support Organizations
Customers with Cisco products that are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers,
should contact that organization for assistance with the appropriate
course of action.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix depends on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Because of the variety of
affected products and releases, customers should consult their
service providers or support organizations to ensure that any applied
workaround or fix is the most appropriate in the intended network
before it is deployed.
Customers Without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase directly from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who make purchases through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should obtain upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have the product serial number available and be
prepared to provide the URL of this advisory as evidence of
entitlement to a free upgrade. Customers without service contracts
should request free upgrades through the TAC.
Refer to Cisco Worldwide Contacts at
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, instructions, and e-mail addresses for support in various
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not
aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the
vulnerabilities that are described in this advisory.
These vulnerabilities were initially found by Cisco during internal
Status of This Notice: Final
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations at
the following link:…
Additionally, a text version of this advisory is clear signed with
the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and circulated among the following e-mail
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will reside on but
may not be announced on mailing lists. Users can monitor this
advisory's URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision 1.0 | 2012-March-28 | Initial public release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information about reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering
to receive security information from Cisco is available on at….
This web page includes instructions for press inquiries
regarding Cisco Security Advisories. All Cisco Security Advisories are
available at
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Zone-Based Firewall Vulnerabilities
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
by Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team 28 Mar '12
28 Mar '12
Hash: SHA256
Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Software Zone-Based Firewall Vulnerabilities
Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20120328-zbfw
Revision 1.0
For Public Release 2012 March 28 16:00 UTC (GMT)
Cisco IOS Software contains four vulnerabilities related to Cisco IOS
Zone-Based Firewall features. These vulnerabilities are as follows:
* Memory Leak Associated with Crafted IP Packets
* Memory Leak in HTTP Inspection
* Memory Leak in H.323 Inspection
* Memory Leak in SIP Inspection
Workarounds that mitigate these vulnerabilities are not available.
Cisco has released free software updates that address these
This advisory is available at the following link:…
Note: The March 28, 2012, Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
bundled publication includes nine Cisco Security Advisories. Each
advisory lists the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct the
vulnerability or vulnerabilities detailed in the advisory as well as
the Cisco IOS Software releases that correct all vulnerabilities in
the March 2012 bundled publication.
Individual publication links are in "Cisco Event Response:
Semi-Annual Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory Bundled Publication"
at the following link:
Affected Products
Vulnerable Products
Cisco IOS devices running vulnerable versions of Cisco IOS Software
are affected by four vulnerabilities in the Cisco IOS Zone-Based
Firewall. The vulnerabilities are independent of each other. Details
to confirm affected configurations are provided below.
To determine whether a device is configured with Zone-Based Firewall,
log in to the device and issue the show zone security command-line
interface (CLI) command. If the output shows a member interface under
a zone name, the device is vulnerable. The following example shows a
device with Zone-Based Firewall rules configured on both
GigabitEthernet0/0 and GigabitEthernet0/1:
Router#show zone security
zone self
Description: System defined zone
zone inside
Description: *** Inside Network ***
Member Interfaces:
zone outside
Description: *** Outside Network ***
Member Interfaces:
The following sections provide more details on the specific features
containing the vulnerabilities.
Memory Leak Associated with Crafted IP Packets
There is no specific configuration necessary for a device to be
vulnerable to the memory leak associated with crafted IP packets. If
the Zone-Based Firewall is configured, the device is vulnerable.
Memory Leak in HTTP Inspection
For the device to be vulnerable to the memory leak associated with
HTTP inspection, the Zone-Based Firewall must be configured to
perform HTTP inspection with the Zone-Based Firewall.
To determine whether a device is configured for HTTP inspection,
enter the command show policy-map type inspect zone-pair | include
Match: protocol http. The following example shows a vulnerable device
configured with Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall HTTP inspection:
Router#show policy-map type inspect zone-pair | include Match: protocol http
Match: protocol http
Memory Leak in H.323 Inspection
For a device to be vulnerable to the memory leak associated with
H.323 inspection, the Zone-Based Firewall must be configured to
perform H.323 inspection. To determine if a device is configured for
H.323 inspection enter the command show policy-map type inspect
zone-pair | include Match: protocol h323. If the output contains
"Match: protocol h323" the device is vulnerable. The following
example shows a vulnerable device configured with Cisco IOS
Zone-Based Policy Firewall H.323 inspection:
Router# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair | include Match: protocol h323
Match: protocol h323
Memory Leak in SIP Inspection
The device is vulnerable if the configuration has either a Layer 4 or
Layer 7 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) application-specific policy
configured, and the policy is applied to any firewall zone. To
determine whether a device is configured for SIP inspection enter the
command show policy-map type inspect zone-pair | include Match:
protocol sip. If the output contains "Match: protocol sip" the device
is vulnerable. The following example shows a vulnerable device
configured with Cisco IOS Zone-Based Policy Firewall SIP inspection:
Router# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair | include Match: protocol sip
Match: protocol sip
To determine the Cisco IOS Software release that is running on a
Cisco product, administrators can log in to the device and issue the
show version command to display the system banner. The system banner
confirms that the device is running Cisco IOS Software by displaying
text similar to "Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software" or
"Cisco IOS Software." The image name displays in parentheses,
followed by "Version" and the Cisco IOS Software release name. Other
Cisco devices do not have the show version command or may provide
different output.
The following example identifies a Cisco product that is running
Cisco IOS Software Release 15.0(1)M1 with an installed image name of
Router> show version
Cisco IOS Software, C3900 Software (C3900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.0(1)M1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Dec-09 17:17 by prod_rel_team
!--- output truncated
Additional information about Cisco IOS Software release naming
conventions is available in "White Paper: Cisco IOS and NX-OS
Software Reference Guide" at
Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable
The following products are confirmed not vulnerable:
* Cisco PIX 500 Series Firewall
* Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliance
* Firewall Services Module (FWSM) for Catalyst 6500 Series Switches
and 7600 Series Routers
* Virtual Firewall (VFW) application on the multiservice blade
(MSB) on the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router
* Cisco ACE Application Control Engine Module
* Cisco IOS devices configured with legacy Cisco IOS Firewall
* Cisco IOS XR Software
* Cisco IOS XE Software
* Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series ASA Services Module
* Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)
No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these
Firewalls are networking devices that control access to the network
assets of an organization. Firewalls are often positioned at the
entrance points of networks. Cisco IOS Software provides a set of
security features that allow the configuration of a firewall policy
to match an organization's requirements.
The vulnerabilities described in this advisory affect the Zone-Based
Firewall feature. The Zone-Based Policy Firewall (also known as
Zone-Policy Firewall or ZFW) updates the firewall configuration from
the older interface-based model to a more flexible, more easily
understood zone-based model. Interfaces are assigned to zones, and
inspection policy is applied to traffic moving between the zones.
Inter-zone policies offer considerable flexibility and granularity,
so different inspection policies can be applied to multiple host
groups connected to the same router interface.
More information on the Zone-Based Firewall is available at:…
Memory Leak Associated with Crafted IP Packets
A vulnerability exists in the Zone-Based Firewall implementation in
Cisco IOS Software that could allow a remote attacker to cause an
affected device to reload or to trigger memory leaks that may result
in system instabilities. These vulnerabilities are triggered when the
device that is running Cisco IOS Software processes crafted IP
packets. Only traffic destined to an IP address configured on the
device can trigger the vulnerability; transit traffic is not an
exploit vector.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCto89536
and has been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) identifier CVE-2012-1310.
Memory Leak in HTTP Inspection
The HTTP Inspection Engine feature allows users to configure their
Cisco IOS Firewall to detect and filter HTTP connections-such as
tunneling over port 80, unauthorized request methods, and non-HTTP
compliant file transfers-that are not authorized within the scope of
the security policy configuration.
A vulnerability exists in the implementation of the Cisco IOS
Software HTTP inspection feature that could allow a remote attacker
to cause an affected device to reload or to trigger memory leaks that
may result in system instabilities. This vulnerability is triggered
when the device that is running Cisco IOS Software processes certain
HTTP messages. Transit HTTP traffic is an exploit vector.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCtq36153
and has been assigned CVE ID CVE-2012-0387.
More information on HTTP inspection is available at:…
Memory Leak in H.323 Inspection
H.323 is the ITU standard for real-time multimedia communications and
conferencing over packet-based (IP) networks. A vulnerability exists
in the implementation of the Cisco IOS Software H.323 inspection
feature that could allow a remote attacker to cause an affected
device to reload or to trigger memory leaks that may result in system
instabilities. This vulnerability is triggered when the device that
is running Cisco IOS Software processes malformed H.323 messages.
Transit H.323 traffic is an exploit vector.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCtq45553
and has been assigned the CVE ID CVE-2012-0388.
More information on H.323 inspection is available at:…
Memory Leak in SIP Inspection
SIP is a popular signaling protocol that is used to manage voice and
video calls across IP networks, such as the Internet. SIP is
responsible for handling all aspects of call setup and termination.
Voice and video are the most popular types of sessions that SIP
handles, but the protocol has the flexibility to accommodate other
applications that require call setup and termination. SIP call
signaling can use UDP (port 5060), TCP (port 5060), or Transport
Layer Security (TLS; TCP port 5061) as the underlying transport
A vulnerability exists in the implementation of the Cisco IOS SIP
inspection feature that could allow a remote attacker to cause an
affected device to reload or to trigger memory leaks that may result
in system instabilities. This vulnerability is triggered when the
device that is running Cisco IOS Software processes crafted SIP
messages. Transit SIP traffic is an exploit vector.
This vulnerability is documented in Cisco bug ID CSCti46171
and has been assigned CVE ID CVE-2012-1315.
More information on SIP inspection is available at:…
Memory Leak Detection
Detected memory leaks can be viewed using the command show memory
debug leaks chunks in privileged EXEC mode, as shown in the following
Router# show memory debug leaks chunks
Adding blocks for GD... I/O memory Address Size Alloc_pc PID
Alloc-Proc Name Chunk Elements:
AllocPC Address Size Parent Name Processor memory Address Size
Alloc_pc PID Alloc-Proc Name
4733113C 188 419CB164 129 IP Input FW h225 tpkt
The previous example shows a memory leak in the process FW h225 tpkt.
The show memory debug leaks command was introduced in Cisco IOS
Software versions 12.3(8)T1 and 12.2(25)S.
Caution: All show memory debug commands must be used on customer
networks only to diagnose the router for memory leaks when memory
depletion is observed. These commands may cause high CPU utilization
and may cause time-sensitive protocols to flap. These commands are
recommended to be used in maintenance windows.
Vulnerability Scoring Details
Cisco has scored the vulnerabilities in this advisory based on the
Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this
security advisory is in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.
CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps organizations determine the urgency and priority
of a response.
Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can also
compute environmental scores that help determine the impact of the
vulnerability in their own networks.
Cisco has provided additional information regarding CVSS at the
following link:
Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at the following link:
* Memory Leak associated with crafted IP packets
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
* Memory Leak in HTTP inspection
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
* Memory Leak in H.323 inspection
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
* Memory Leak in SIP Inspection
CVSS Base Score - 7.8
Access Vector - Network
Access Complexity - Low
Authentication - None
Confidentiality Impact - None
Integrity Impact - None
Availability Impact - Complete
CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4
Exploitability - Functional
Remediation Level - Official-Fix
Report Confidence - Confirmed
Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities may result in a
reload of the affected device. Repeated exploit attempts may result
in a sustained denial of service (DoS) attack.
Software Versions and Fixes
When considering software upgrades, customers are advised to consult
the Cisco Security Advisories and Responses archive at: and review subsequent advisories to determine
exposure and a complete upgrade solution.
In all cases, customers should ensure that the devices to be upgraded
contain sufficient memory and confirm that current hardware and
software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the
new release. If the information is not clear, customers are advised
to contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or their
contracted maintenance providers.
Cisco IOS Software
Each row of the following Cisco IOS Software table corresponds to a
Cisco IOS Software train. If a particular train is vulnerable, the
earliest releases that contain the fix are listed in the First Fixed
Release column. The First Fixed Release for All Advisories in the
March 2012 Bundled Publication column lists the earliest possible
releases that correct all the published vulnerabilities in the Cisco
IOS Software Security Advisory bundled publication. Cisco recommends
upgrading to the latest available release, where possible.
The Cisco IOS Software Checker allows customers to search for Cisco
Security Advisories that address specific Cisco IOS Software
releases. This tool is available on the Cisco Security Intelligence
Operations (SIO) portal at:
| Major | Availability of |
| Release | Repaired Releases |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.0-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| There are no affected 12.0 based |
| releases |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.2-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| There are no affected 12.2 based |
| releases |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.3-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| There are no affected 12.3 based |
| releases |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 12.4-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4 | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4GC | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 12.4JA | Not | 12.4(23c)JA4 |
| | vulnerable | 12.4(25e)JA |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JAX | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JDA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JDC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JDD | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JDE | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JHA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JHB | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JHC | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JK | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4JL | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JX | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JY | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4JZ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.4JA |
| | 12.4(22)MD3; | 12.4(22)MD3; |
| 12.4MD | Available on | Available on |
| | 30-MAR-12 | 30-MAR-12 |
| 12.4MDA | 12.4(24) | 12.4(24) |
| | MDA11 | MDA11 |
| 12.4MDB | 12.4(24) | 12.4(24) |
| | MDB5a | MDB5a |
| 12.4MDC | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | Releases up | organization |
| | to and | per the |
| 12.4MR | including | instructions |
| | 12.4(19)MR3 | in Obtaining |
| | are not | Fixed |
| | vulnerable. | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4MRA | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4MRB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0M | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4SW | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | 12.4(24)T7 | |
| | | |
| | Releases up | 12.4(15)T17 |
| 12.4T | to and | 12.4(24)T7 |
| | including | |
| | 12.4(15)T17 | |
| | are not | |
| | vulnerable. | |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XA | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XB | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 12.4T |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XC | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XD | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XE | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XF | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XG | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XJ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XK | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4XL | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XM | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4XN | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4XP | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XQ | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | |
| | First fixed | |
| | in Release | |
| | 12.4T | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XR | Releases up | First fixed |
| | to and | in Release |
| | including | 12.4T |
| | 12.4(15)XR10 | |
| | are not | |
| | vulnerable. | |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XT | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 12.4XV | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XW | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XY | Not | First fixed |
| | vulnerable | in Release |
| | | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4XZ | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0M | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 12.4YA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.0M | 15.0M |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4YB | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| | contact your | contact your |
| | support | support |
| | organization | organization |
| | per the | per the |
| 12.4YD | instructions | instructions |
| | in Obtaining | in Obtaining |
| | Fixed | Fixed |
| | Software | Software |
| | section of | section of |
| | this | this |
| | advisory. | advisory. |
| 12.4YE | 12.4(24)YE3d | 12.4(24)YE3d |
| 12.4YG | 12.4(24)YG4 | 12.4(24)YG4 |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 15.0-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.0M | 15.0(1)M8 | 15.0(1)M8 |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 15.0MR | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 15.0MRA | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | 15.0(1)S5 |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Not | devices: |
| 15.0S | vulnerable | Please see |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | | Software |
| | | Availability |
| 15.0SA | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| 15.0SE | Not | 15.0(1)SE1 |
| | vulnerable | |
| | | 15.0(2)SG2 |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Not | devices: |
| 15.0SG | vulnerable | Please see |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | | Software |
| | | Availability |
| 15.0SY | Not | 15.0(1)SY1 |
| | vulnerable | |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 15.0XA | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.1T | 15.1T |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | First fixed |
| | | in Release |
| | | 15.0SG Cisco |
| 15.0XO | Not | IOS XE |
| | vulnerable | devices: |
| | | Please see |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | | Software |
| | | Availability |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 15.1-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.1EY | Not | 15.1(2)EY2 |
| | vulnerable | |
| 15.1GC | 15.1(2)GC2 | 15.1(2)GC2 |
| | 15.1(4)M3 | 15.1(4)M4; |
| 15.1M | | Available on |
| | | 30-MAR-12 |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 15.1MR | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| | | 15.1(3)S2 |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | Not | devices: |
| 15.1S | vulnerable | Please see |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | | Software |
| | | Availability |
| 15.1SG | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| | | Vulnerable; |
| | | contact your |
| | | support |
| | | organization |
| | | per the |
| 15.1SNG | Not | instructions |
| | vulnerable | in Obtaining |
| | | Fixed |
| | | Software |
| | | section of |
| | | this |
| | | advisory. |
| 15.1SNH | Not | Not |
| | vulnerable | vulnerable |
| 15.1T | 15.1(3)T3 | 15.1(3)T3 |
| | Vulnerable; | Vulnerable; |
| 15.1XB | First fixed | First fixed |
| | in Release | in Release |
| | 15.1T | 15.1T |
| | | First Fixed |
| | | Release for |
| | | All |
| | | Advisories |
| Affected | First Fixed | in the March |
| 15.2-Based | Release | 2012 Cisco |
| Releases | | IOS Software |
| | | Security |
| | | Advisory |
| | | Bundled |
| | | Publication |
| 15.2GC | 15.2(1)GC2 | 15.2(1)GC2 |
| | | 15.2(1)S1 |
| | | Cisco IOS XE |
| | | devices: |
| 15.2S | Not | Please see |
| | vulnerable | Cisco IOS XE |
| | | Software |
| | | Availability |
| | | |
| | | 15.2(1)T2 |
| | 15.2(1)T2 | 15.2(2)T1 |
| 15.2T | 15.2(2)T | 15.2(3)T; |
| | 15.2(2)T1 | Available on |
| | | 30-MAR-12 |
* Cisco Catalyst 3550 Series Switches support the Internet Key
Exchange (IKE) feature and are vulnerable to Cisco bug ID CSCts38429
when the devices are running Layer 3 images; however, this product
reached the End of Software Maintenance milestone. Cisco 3550 Series
SMI Switches that are running Layer 2 images do not support IKE and
are not vulnerable. No other Cisco devices that run 12.2SE-based
software are vulnerable.
Cisco IOS XE Software
Cisco IOS XE Software is not affected by the vulnerabilities that are
disclosed in this document.
For a mapping of Cisco IOS XE Software releases to Cisco IOS Software
releases, refer to Cisco IOS XE 2 Release Notes, Cisco IOS XE 3S
Release Notes, and Cisco IOS XE 3SG Release Notes.
Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco IOS XR Software is not affected by any of the vulnerabilities
disclosed in the March 2012 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory
Bundled Publication.
There are no workarounds that mitigate the vulnerabilities described
in this advisory.
Obtaining Fixed Software
Cisco has released free software updates that address the
vulnerabilities described in this advisory. Prior to deploying
software, customers are advised to consult their maintenance
providers or check the software for feature set compatibility and
known issues that are specific to their environments.
Customers may only install and expect support for feature sets they
have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing, or otherwise
using such software upgrades, customers agree to follow the terms of
the Cisco software license at:
or as set forth at
Do not contact psirt(a) or security-alert(a) for
software upgrades.
Customers with Service Contracts
Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through
their regular update channels. For most customers, upgrades should be
obtained through the Software Center on at:
Customers Using Third-Party Support Organizations
Customers with Cisco products that are provided or maintained through
prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations,
such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers,
should contact that organization for assistance with the appropriate
course of action.
The effectiveness of any workaround or fix depends on specific
customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic
behavior, and organizational mission. Because of the variety of
affected products and releases, customers should consult their
service providers or support organizations to ensure that any applied
workaround or fix is the most appropriate in the intended network
before it is deployed.
Customers Without Service Contracts
Customers who purchase directly from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco
service contract and customers who make purchases through third-party
vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through
their point of sale should obtain upgrades by contacting the Cisco
Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
* +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
* +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
* e-mail: tac(a)
Customers should have the product serial number available and be
prepared to provide the URL of this advisory as evidence of
entitlement to a free upgrade. Customers without service contracts
should request free upgrades through the TAC.
Refer to Cisco Worldwide Contacts at:
for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone
numbers, instructions, and e-mail addresses for support in various languages.
Exploitation and Public Announcements
The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not
aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the
vulnerabilities that are described in this advisory.
These vulnerabilities were discovered by Cisco during normal internal
security testing.
Status of This Notice: Final
A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that
omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain
factual errors.
This advisory is posted on Cisco Security Intelligence Operations at
the following link:…
Additionally, a text version of this advisory is clear signed with
the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and circulated among the following e-mail
* cust-security-announce(a)
* first-bulletins(a)
* bugtraq(a)
* vulnwatch(a)
* cisco(a)
* cisco-nsp(a)
* full-disclosure(a)
Future updates of this advisory, if any, will reside on but
may not be announced on mailing lists. Users can monitor this
advisory's URL for any updates.
Revision History
| Revision | | Initial |
| 1.0 | 2012-March-28 | public |
| | | release |
Cisco Security Procedures
Complete information about reporting security vulnerabilities in
Cisco products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and
registering to receive security information from Cisco is available
on at:…
This web page includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco
Security Advisories.
All Cisco Security Advisories are available at:
Copyright 2010-2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (SunOS)