Hello Miguel,
> Yes, the demand far outstrips the supply of bandwidth, we
> are having that problem right now. Never mind that the we
> can afford the > $60,000/month for a measly T1 to the US -
> we are currently back-ordered as there is not enough available
> channels across the Pacific.
Actually, there is plenty of bandwidth coming out of the Philippines. The
problem is that the telco you are working with did not do their bandwidth
forecast correctly. Hence, they did not buy the enough allocations from the
cable consortiums. This is why you are waiting. Your telco is waiting until
the next cable consortium bidding cycle (June) to get more bandwidth
allocated so they can sell it to you.
The telco could get you your T1 now, but they would have to buy the
capacity "out of cycle." This is expensive since they either have to buy
the bandwidth off one of the other telcos in the region or at "out of
cycle" rates from the cable consortium - both are very expensive.
[lots deleted]
> > or start coming to the same understanding: access to trans-oceanic
> > capacity while it continues to be hiddeously expensive should be
> > paid for at both ends, since both sides benefit.
> How do we come up with a settlement model?
First you need the tools to measure flows. They did not exist several years
ago. Today, with the work in RTFM (Real Time Flow Metering WG in IETF),
Caida, Netflow, and other tools, the technical foundation required to
create settlement agreements similar to the ones in the voice world are now
Barry Raveendran Greene | || || |
Senior Consultant | || || |
Consulting Engineering | |||| |||| |
tel: +65 738-5535 ext 235 | ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. |
e-mail: bgreene(a)cisco.com | c i s c o S y s t e m s |