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April 1994
- 55 participants
- 74 discussions
it would have been a reasonable approach
had cisco and/or other vendors had a standard release support BGP4 without
bugs 12 months ago
and had you given 12 months notice
C'mon Marty, wake up and smell the kimchi.
The writing has been on the wall since RFC 1338 (Supernetting) was published
almost two years ago, since shortly after that is when the CIDR addressing
plan first started being implemented.
cisco and the other router vendors have gone out of their way to support the
CIDR effort, having integrated CIDR support into the earliest possible release
of their code.
CIDR, default, or die - it may not be the law, but it is reality.
>In the best of circumstances CIDR reduces the growth of routing
>information to roughly log(#sites). So, yes, in theory over time
>it could go "to 10 again", but that would require the number of
>sites that may be well beyond IPv4 (or even any IPng) addressing
Your first 5 words say alot. This assumes alot, including customers
that don't switch providers and inject more specific routes (this is
happening already). You're also assuming that we have a mechanism
for aggregating routes for folks who choose not to (or can't, for
some reason).
CIDR only buys us a *little* time. Pigs still can't fly :-).
> Yes, we have again started trying to get folks to move to BGP4 - heck we
> are still trying to get some folks to move to BGP. The results are slow
> in coming.
> --Elise
I knew this sounds hard, but;
Offer those who don't talk BGP4, to be disconnected by 15-MAY or so if
they don't change.
Ref: Your note of Thu, 14 Apr 94 19:39:42 EDT
>Yes, we have again started trying to get folks to move to BGP4 -- heck
>we are still trying to get some folks to move to BGP.
Trying to get folks to move to BGP4 is a good thing to do and it
should be encouraged, but given the time constraints this is unlikely
to be a feasible solution to the problem in the near future.
>The results are slow in coming...
It seems that some folks PERSISENTLY missed the point. The clock is
ticking. The only way to slow down the clock is by reducing the volume
of routing information (via CIDR). Nothing else is going to stop or
slow down the clock. The clock cares less whether "the results are slow
in coming" or why they are "slow in coming". And, by the way, when the
clock handle hits the mark there is going to be a massive crash.
Forgive me my bluntness, but given where we are today I just don't see
any feasible alternatives to a medium-large scale proxy aggregation
within a next month or so.
So, given the finite amount of human resources we have, let me suggest
that the CIDR efforts should be strongly focused on the following two
FEASIBLE choices:
(a) make sites who have BGP-4 TODAY to withdraw individual components asap
(b) make sites who don't have BGP-4 TODAY to arrange proxy aggregation
by their providers (who assumed to have BGP-4) asap (or
the providers will arrange it for them).
Ref: Your note of Fri, 15 Apr 1994 10:21:39 -0400
>But even in the best of circumstances, all CIDR does is slow the
>RPM of the clock from 10 to 2, an over time it goes to 10 again.
In the best of circumstances CIDR reduces the growth of routing
information to roughly log(#sites). So, yes, in theory over time
it could go "to 10 again", but that would require the number of
sites that may be well beyond IPv4 (or even any IPng) addressing
capabilities. It may also be well beyond any practical requirements
for a max size of an internet.
>It seems that some folks PERSISENTLY missed the point. The clock is
>ticking. The only way to slow down the clock is by reducing the volume
>of routing information (via CIDR). Nothing else is going to stop or
>slow down the clock. The clock cares less whether "the results are slow
>in coming" or why they are "slow in coming". And, by the way, when the
>clock handle hits the mark there is going to be a massive crash.
But even in the best of circumstances, all CIDR does is slow the
RPM of the clock from 10 to 2, and over time it goes to 10 again.
Hey Tony, what about that 1024MB cpu :-)?
CIDR Progress Report: 722 Nets, 23 ASs, 98 Aggregates. Details below.
New format for Metric:AS lists coming later in this and all reports. See below.
The following changes have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EDT:
Total = As + Bs + Cs + Aggs
Configured Networks 29796 = 29 4630 25022 115
Added Networks 332 = 0 21 294 17
Deleted Networks 74 = 0 2 72 0
IP address Net name Country Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- -----------
132.172/16 HANDS C:US 1:291 2:293
136.174/16 PINELLAS C:US 1:279 2:86
136.209/16 VICENZA-NET2 C:US 1:19 2:568
149.252/16 DOE-NV3 C:US 1:291 2:293
151.106/16 EMS C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
152.229/16 DMC-DE-NET C:US 1:568 2:19
158.27/16 MOBILNET7 C:US 1:114
159.212/16 IHCNET C:US 1:210 2:209
159.226/16 NCFC C:CN 1:1240 2:1800
161.202/16 CSUISSE-USA C:US 1:2149 2:174
162.105/16 PUNET C:CN 1:1240 2:1800
162.113/16 DUKEPOWER2 C:US 1:1329
164.167/16 TIDEMEDNET C:US 1:19 2:568
165.242/16 HUNET C:JP 1:372 2:297
165.248/16 HAWAIIDOE C:US 1:372 2:297
166.31/16 MMC-NET16 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
166.92/16 SCHULLER-NET C:US 1:209 2:210
166.111/16 TUNET C:CN 1:1240 2:1800
166.122/16 HAWAIICC C:US 1:372 2:297
167.131/16 NET-OREDOT C:US 1:1240 2:1800
168.1/16 CSH-B-BLK3 C:US 1:2149 2:174
192.6.67/24 NETBLK-HP208 C:US 1:200 2:201 5:560
192.44.46/24 FNET-FRA-LD C:FR 1:701 2:1800
192.44.47/24 FNET-FRA-LY C:FR 1:701 2:1800
192.50.36/24 WIDE-EXP-NET C:JP 1:372 2:297
192.50.43/24 WIDE-EXP-NET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
192.50.44/24 WIDE-MOBILE1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
192.50.45/24 WIDE-MOBILE2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
192.50.62/24 WIDE-ISDN C:JP 1:372 2:297
192.83.234/24 MICROTECH C:US 1:1240 2:1800
192.88.50/24 NET-HILLSIDE C:GB 1:701 2:1800
192.100.7/24 SLCCORP-ENG C:US 1:210 2:209
192.100.8/24 SLCCORP-UTIL C:US 1:210 2:209
192.100.150/23 INFOCOMM-NET-150 C:US 1:2551
192.102.197/24 LOCALNET16 C:US 3:210 4:209
192.109.251/24 ECRC-RBS C:DE 1:1800 2:1240
192.122.216/21 EUNET-IE-192.122.216- C:IE 1:701 2:1800
192.122.224/21 EUNET-IE-192.122.224- C:IE 1:701 2:1800
192.131.10/23 HMSI1 C:US 1:2551
192.136.62/24 NET-ORMALL C:US 1:1240 2:1800
192.157.37/24 SPRINTLINK9 C:US 1:1800 2:1240
192.164/16 EUNET-AT-192.164-AGG C:AT 1:701 2:1800
192.198.36/24 UNMC8 C:US 1:93
192.198.44/24 UNMC8 C:US 1:93
192.198.45/24 UNMC8 C:US 1:93
192.198.46/24 UNMC8 C:US 1:93
192.203.1/24 TDSCA-NET C:US 1:2149 2:174
192.204.4/24 NETAXS C:US 1:204 2:1206
192.204.122/24 TEXSCI-3 C:US 1:204 2:1206
192.204.123/24 TEXSCI-4 C:US 1:204 2:1206
192.218.228/24 WIDE-SAT-NET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
192.225.82/24 GSFC23 C:US 1:297 2:372
192.225.83/24 GSFC24 C:US 1:297 2:372
192.239.247/24 STHRNCOL-NET C:US 1:279 2:86
193.23.5/24 ECRC-EBONE C:DE 1:1800 2:1240
193.48.186/24 FR-LIFL C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.54.39/24 FR-NCY-PN2 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.54.187/24 FR-GRENET34 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.54.188/24 FR-GRENET35 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.54.189/24 FR-GRENET36 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.55.107/24 FR-CNRS1234 C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.55.238/24 F-NCY-IUTA-G C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.55.239/24 F-NCY-IUTA-R C:FR 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.69/16 EUNET-NO-193.69-AGG C:NO 1:701 2:1800
193.71/16 EUNET-NO-193.71-AGG C:NO 1:701 2:1800
193.80/16 EUNET-AT-193.80-AGG C:AT 1:701 2:1800
193.84.188/24 STKNET-C-84-188 C:CZ 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.84.189/24 STKNET-C-84-189 C:CZ 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.87.100/24 CANET C:SK 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.90/16 EUNET-NO-193.90-AGG C:NO 1:701 2:1800
193.97.189/24 HARRASSO-DE1 C:DE 1:701 2:1800
193.120/16 EUNET-IE-193.120-AGG C:IE 1:701 2:1800
193.136.104/24 LNEC-1 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.136.105/24 LNEC-2 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.136.106/24 LNEC-3 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.136.107/24 LNEC-4 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.136.108/24 LNEC-5 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.136.109/24 LNEC-6 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.136.112/24 UNL-FE-1 C:PT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.172.26/24 EMPB C:AT 1:1800 2:1133 3:1674 4:1240
193.198.42/24 GLOBTOUR-NET C:HR 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
198.6.228/24 ISOCOR-NET1 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.6.229/24 ISOCOR-NET1 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.6.230/24 ISOCOR-NET1 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.6.231/24 ISOCOR-NET1 C:US 1:701 2:702
198.25.155/24 DLA-C156 C:US 1:19 2:568
198.59.12/23 TIME-WARNER C:US 1:2551
198.78.253/24 STHRNCOL-NET-C-78-253 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.78.254/24 STHRNCOL-NET-C-78-254 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.78.255/24 STHRNCOL-NET-C-78-255 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.79.80/24 NAS-S17 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.79.81/24 NAS-S18 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.79.82/24 NAS-S19 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.79.83/24 NAS-S20 C:US 1:279 2:86
198.81.209/24 LIGHT-DMZ C:US 1:1322
198.83.28/24 ANS-C-BLOCK C:US 1:1662
198.87.242/24 CICNET-2 C:US 1:266 2:1225 3:267
198.99.143/24 SLCCORP2 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.99.144/24 SLCCORP3 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.99.145/24 SLCCORP4 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.108.56/24 CAEN-BB C:US 1:233 2:237 3:266 4:267 5:1225
198.108.58/24 CICNET-HQ2 C:US 1:233 2:237 3:266 4:267 5:1225
198.112.68/24 YANKEE-198 C:US 1:560 2:701
198.133.187/24 MCMC1 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.133.188/24 MCMC2 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.133.189/24 MCMC3 C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
198.151.150/24 TXASHLTH-C3 C:US 1:114
198.176.229/24 NET-MHDDSD C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.16/24 NET-ORECAP1 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.17/24 NET-ORECAP2 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.18/24 NET-ORECAP3 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.19/24 NET-ORECAP4 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.20/24 NET-ORECAP5 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.21/24 NET-ORECAP6 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.22/24 NET-ORECAP7 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.23/24 NET-ORECAP8 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.24/24 NET-ORECAP9 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.25/24 NET-ORECAP10 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.26/24 NET-ORECAP11 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.177.27/24 NET-ORECAP12 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.178.225/24 IFCMO C:US 1:1740
198.179.16/21 DIGEX1 C:US 1:2548
198.180.32/19 NETBLK-DIGEX-NET4 C:US 1:2548
198.185.173/24 SLCCORP5 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.185.174/24 SLCCORP5 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.185.175/24 SLCCORP5 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.185.176/24 SLCCORP5 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.185.177/24 SLCCORP5 C:US 1:210 2:209
198.187.32/19 DIGEX-NET5 C:US 1:2548
198.232.137/24 CSH-C-BLK3 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.232.138/24 CSH-C-BLK3 C:US 1:2149 2:174
198.232.198/24 DCBS-C-232-198 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.232.199/24 DCBS-C-232-199 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.232.200/24 DCBS-C-232-200 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.232.201/24 DCBS-C-232-201 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.232.202/24 DCBS-C-232-202 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.232.203/24 DCBS-C-232-203 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.247.176/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.177/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.178/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.179/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.180/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.181/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.182/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.183/24 OKSTATE C:US 1:93
198.247.240/24 HESSTON-1 C:US 1:93
198.252.211/24 NET-ODOE2 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
198.252.231/24 NET-OPRD C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.0.230/24 WNYHSC-VA-C-0-230 C:US 1:1800 2:1240
199.0.231/24 WNYHSC-VA-C-0-231 C:US 1:1800 2:1240
199.2.133/24 STATENET-DOM C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.160/24 OR-GOV-C-2-160 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.161/24 OR-GOV-C-2-161 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.162/24 OR-GOV-C-2-162 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.163/24 OR-GOV-C-2-163 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.164/24 OR-GOV-C-2-164 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.165/24 OR-GOV-C-2-165 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.166/24 OR-GOV-C-2-166 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.167/24 OR-GOV-C-2-167 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.168/24 OR-GOV-C-2-168 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.169/24 OR-GOV-C-2-169 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.170/24 OR-GOV-C-2-170 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.171/24 OR-GOV-C-2-171 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.172/24 OR-GOV-C-2-172 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.173/24 OR-GOV-C-2-173 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.174/24 OR-GOV-C-2-174 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.175/24 OR-GOV-C-2-175 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.176/24 OR-GOV-C-2-176 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.177/24 OR-GOV-C-2-177 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.178/24 OR-GOV-C-2-178 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.179/24 OR-GOV-C-2-179 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.180/24 OR-GOV-C-2-180 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.181/24 OR-GOV-C-2-181 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.182/24 OR-GOV-C-2-182 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.183/24 OR-GOV-C-2-183 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.184/24 OR-GOV-C-2-184 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.185/24 OR-GOV-C-2-185 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.186/24 OR-GOV-C-2-186 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.187/24 OR-GOV-C-2-187 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.188/24 OR-GOV-C-2-188 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.189/24 OR-GOV-C-2-189 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.190/24 OR-GOV-C-2-190 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.2.191/24 OR-GOV-C-2-191 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.5.249/24 BADER C:US 1:1225 2:267 3:266
199.10.239/24 GUAMNET3 C:US 1:19 2:568
199.10.240/24 PENTAGON C:US 1:19 2:568
199.10.241/24 AURORA-NET C:US 1:19 2:568
199.34.32/19 DIGEX-NET4 C:US 1:2548
199.36.0/24 PLABMIL C:US 1:701 2:702
199.43.113/24 IO-NET2 C:CA 1:701 2:702
199.74.0/24 FOR-OR-C-74-0 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.1/24 FOR-OR-C-74-1 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.2/24 FOR-OR-C-74-2 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.3/24 FOR-OR-C-74-3 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.4/24 FOR-OR-C-74-4 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.5/24 FOR-OR-C-74-5 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.6/24 FOR-OR-C-74-6 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.7/24 FOR-OR-C-74-7 C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.74.168/24 HAWAII-INC C:US 1:372 2:297
199.74.170/24 TEA5 C:US 1:114
199.88.199/24 WES C:US 1:2551
199.98.150/24 PSINET-C5 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.98.151/24 PSINET-C5 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.98.152/24 PSINET-C5 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.98.153/24 PSINET-C5 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.98.154/24 PSINET-C5 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.98.155/24 PSINET-C5 C:US 1:2149 2:174
199.122.38/24 SATFA2 C:US 1:19 2:568
199.122.39/24 DMC-S C:US 1:19 2:568
199.122.40/24 EUSA-MANPWR2 C:US 1:19 2:568
199.164.165/24 RAYONTKOCO C:US 1:1332
199.165.133/24 CRUZCOM C:US 1:1240 2:1800
199.232/16 CENT-CIDR-01 C:US 1:1800 2:1240
200.9.32/24 CRNET C:CR 1:1800 2:1240
202.13.4/24 TUFSNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.13.5/24 TUFSNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.13.183/24 WIDE-JOIN C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.17.184/24 MICNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.17.185/24 MICNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.17.186/24 MICNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.17.187/24 MICNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.18.152/24 KCT-NET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.18.153/24 KCT-NET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.18.154/24 KCT-NET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.18.155/24 KCT-NET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.19.177/24 ANANTEC C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.23.116/24 FUJITAHUNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.23.117/24 FUJITAHUNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.24.140/24 KUNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.24.141/24 KUNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.24.142/24 KUNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.24.143/24 KUNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.99/24 MUSE C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.104/24 NCVCNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.105/24 NCVCNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.106/24 NCVCNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.107/24 NCVCNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.108/24 NCVCNET5 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.109/24 NCVCNET6 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.110/24 NCVCNET7 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.111/24 NCVCNET8 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.25.144/24 JAPAN-INET-C7 C:JP 1:97
202.25.145/24 JAPAN-INET-C8 C:JP 1:97
202.25.146/24 JAPAN-INET-C9 C:JP 1:97
202.25.147/24 JAPAN-INET-C10 C:JP 1:97
202.25.148/24 JAPAN-INET-C11 C:JP 1:97
202.25.149/24 JAPAN-INET-C12 C:JP 1:97
202.25.150/24 JAPAN-INET-C13 C:JP 1:97
202.25.151/24 JAPAN-INET-C14 C:JP 1:97
202.25.152/24 JAPAN-INET-C15 C:JP 1:97
202.25.153/24 JAPAN-INET-C16 C:JP 1:97
202.25.154/24 JAPAN-INET-C17 C:JP 1:97
202.25.155/24 JAPAN-INET-C18 C:JP 1:97
202.25.156/24 JAPAN-INET-C19 C:JP 1:97
202.25.157/24 JAPAN-INET-C20 C:JP 1:97
202.25.158/24 JAPAN-INET-C21 C:JP 1:97
202.25.159/24 JAPAN-INET-C22 C:JP 1:97
202.26.64/24 NALNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.65/24 NALNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.66/24 NALNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.67/24 NALNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.68/24 NALNET5 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.69/24 NALNET6 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.70/24 NALNET7 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.71/24 NALNET8 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.72/24 NALNET9 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.73/24 NALNET10 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.74/24 NALNET11 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.75/24 NALNET12 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.76/24 NALNET13 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.77/24 NALNET14 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.78/24 NALNET15 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.79/24 NALNET16 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.80/24 NALNET17 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.81/24 NALNET18 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.82/24 NALNET19 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.83/24 NALNET20 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.84/24 NALNET21 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.85/24 NALNET22 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.86/24 NALNET23 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.87/24 NALNET24 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.88/24 NALNET25 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.89/24 NALNET26 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.90/24 NALNET27 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.91/24 NALNET28 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.92/24 NALNET29 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.93/24 NALNET30 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.94/24 NALNET31 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.95/24 NALNET32 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.140/24 OSAKA-GU-NET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.141/24 OSAKA-GU-NET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.142/24 OSAKA-GU-NET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.143/24 OSAKA-GU-NET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.208/24 KIDNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.209/24 KIDNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.210/24 KIDNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.211/24 KIDNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.212/24 KIDNET5 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.213/24 KIDNET6 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.214/24 KIDNET7 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.215/24 KIDNET8 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.216/24 KIDNET9 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.217/24 KIDNET10 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.218/24 KIDNET11 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.219/24 KIDNET12 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.220/24 KIDNET13 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.221/24 KIDNET14 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.222/24 KIDNET15 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.223/24 KIDNET16 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.26.254/24 HLANET C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.34.16/24 ASTEC-NET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.34.248/24 ATNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.34.249/24 ATNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.34.250/24 ATNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.34.251/24 ATNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.192/19 NCUNET C:JP 1:1240 2:1800
202.35.240/24 YMU-NET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.241/24 YMU-NET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.242/24 YMU-NET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.243/24 YMU-NET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.244/24 YMU-NET5 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.245/24 YMU-NET6 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.246/24 YMU-NET7 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.35.247/24 YMU-NET8 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.48.228/24 TIKNET1 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.48.229/24 TIKNET2 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.48.230/24 TIKNET3 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.48.231/24 TIKNET4 C:JP 1:372 2:297
202.252.104/24 JAPAN-INET-C10 C:JP 1:97
202.252.105/24 JAPAN-INET-C11 C:JP 1:97
202.252.106/24 JAPAN-INET-C12 C:JP 1:97
202.252.107/24 JAPAN-INET-C13 C:JP 1:97
--133.130/16 TRAD-NET C:JP 1:372 2:297
--133.233/16 STRATEGIC C:JP 1:372 2:297
--192.5.160/24 PENN-STATE-10 C:US 1:1663
--192.12.97/24 MCRC C:US 1:560 2:701
--192.58.109/24 TAMU1 C:US 1:114
--192.58.115/24 NET-TAMU7 C:US 1:114
--192.58.116/24 TAMU8 C:US 1:114
--192.58.117/24 NET-TAMU9 C:US 1:114
--192.58.118/24 NET-TAMU10 C:US 1:114
--192.122.227/24 IEUNET2 C:IE 1:1957
--192.138.239/24 TAMU-2 C:US 1:114
--192.164.40/24 KPMG-NET C:AT 1:1957
--192.164.132/24 DELACHER5 C:AT 1:1957
--193.69.56/24 INFOKOMP C:NO 1:1957
--193.69.96/24 IK-NET C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.2/24 EUNET-NO-2 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.3/24 EUNET-NO-3 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.4/24 EUNET-NO-X25 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.136/24 FALCON-NO C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.168/24 DND-NET C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.176/24 NFT-NET C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.216/24 LANDBRUKSDATA-C-71-21 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.217/24 LANDBRUKSDATA-C-71-21 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.218/24 LANDBRUKSDATA-C-71-21 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.219/24 LANDBRUKSDATA-C-71-21 C:NO 1:1957
--193.71.248/24 UPNET C:NO 1:1957
--193.80.11/24 KPMG-NET4 C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.28/24 EDVG-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.29/24 EDVG-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.30/24 EDVG-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.31/24 EDVG-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.64/24 EUNET-AT2-C-80-64 C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.65/24 EUNET-AT2-C-80-65 C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.66/24 EUNET-AT2-C-80-66 C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.67/24 EUNET-AT2-C-80-67 C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.116/24 LEYKAM-NET C:FR 1:1957
--193.80.117/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.118/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.119/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.120/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.121/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.122/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.123/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.124/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.125/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.126/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.127/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.128/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.129/24 LEYKAM-NET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.224/24 EUNET-AT-BGP4-TESTNET C:AT 1:1957
--193.80.225/24 EUNET-AT-BGP4-TESTNET C:AT 1:1957
--193.90.20/24 STERLING-SW-OSL C:NO 1:1957
--193.120.205/24 ALD C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.206/24 IEUNET-LOGIN-SERVICES C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.208/24 BAKERRYAN-2 C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.232/24 FEXCO2 C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.241/24 IEUNET-ROUTE3 C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.242/24 IEUNET-ROUTE C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.243/24 IEUNET-ROUTE2 C:IE 1:1957
--193.120.246/24 GALLIMAUFRY-NET C:IE 1:1957
--198.80.13/24 AMPHI-NET C:US 1:1324
--198.80.80/24 ANS-C-80-80 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.81/24 ANS-C-80-81 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.82/24 ANS-C-80-82 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.83/24 ANS-C-80-83 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.84/24 ANS-C-80-84 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.85/24 ANS-C-80-85 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.86/24 ANS-C-80-86 C:US 1:1324
--198.80.87/24 ANS-C-80-87 C:US 1:1324
--198.83.32/24 ANS-C-BLOCK C:US 1:1662
--198.114.180/24 CSCC C:US 1:560 2:701
--198.234.0/24 NETBLK-OHIO-NET C:US 1:1957
--198.234.2/24 NETBLK-OHIO-NET C:US 1:1957
--198.234.15/24 NETBLK-OHIO-NET C:US 1:1957
Expanded listing, sorted by country, then by organization:
EUnet EDV Dienstleistungs GmbH, Thurngasse 8/16, A-1090 Wien, AUSTRIA
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.164/16 EUNET-AT-192.164-AGG (AT)
193.80/16 EUNET-AT-193.80-AGG (AT)
Unisource Business Networks, P.O. Box 90934, NL-2509 LX The Hague,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
4:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.172.26/24 EMPB (AT)
Internex Online Inc., 1 Yonge St., Suite 1801, Toronto, ON, M4E 1W7, CANADA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
199.43.113/24 IO-NET2 (CA)
Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box
2704-10, Beijing, 100080, CHINA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
159.226/16 NCFC (CN)
Institute of Integrated Information Network Technology, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, 100084, CHINA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
166.111/16 TUNET (CN)
Peking University, Computer Center, Beijing, 100871, CHINA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
162.105/16 PUNET (CN)
Costa Rica
Red Nacional de Investigacion, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, COSTA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
200.9.32/24 CRNET (CR)
Globtour, Trg N.S.Zrinskog 1/1, 41000 Zagreb, CROATIA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.198.42/24 GLOBTOUR-NET (HR)
Czech Republic
State Technical Library, Marianske nam. 5, Prague 1, 113 07, CZECH REPUBLIC
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.84.188/24 STKNET-C-84-188 (CZ)
193.84.189/24 STKNET-C-84-189 (CZ)
CNRS Universite Paris1, 13 rue du Four, 75006 Paris, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.55.107/24 FR-CNRS1234 (FR)
Centre Inter-universitaire de Calcul de Grenoble, BP 53X, F-38041 Grenoble
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.54.187/24 FR-GRENET34 (FR)
193.54.188/24 FR-GRENET35 (FR)
193.54.189/24 FR-GRENET36 (FR)
FRAMATOME, 10, rue Juliette Recamier, B.P. 3083, F-69398 Lyon CEDEX 03,
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.44.46/24 FNET-FRA-LD (FR)
192.44.47/24 FNET-FRA-LY (FR)
IUT universite de Nancy II, Departement Informatique, 2 Ter,Boulevard
Charlemagne, 54000 Nancy, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.55.238/24 F-NCY-IUTA-G (FR)
193.55.239/24 F-NCY-IUTA-R (FR)
Presidence de l'Universite de Nancy II, 25 Rue Baron Louis, BP 454, 54001
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.54.39/24 FR-NCY-PN2 (FR)
USTL cite scientifique bat M3, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq CEDEX, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.48.186/24 FR-LIFL (FR)
ECRC, Arabellastr. 17, Munich, Bavaria, 81925, GERMANY
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.109.251/24 ECRC-RBS (DE)
193.23.5/24 ECRC-EBONE (DE)
Otto Harrassowitz, Taunusstr. 5, Postfach 2929, D-65019 Wiesbaden, GERMANY
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.97.189/24 HARRASSO-DE1 (DE)
IEUnet Ltd, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, Dublin 2, IRELAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.122.216/21 EUNET-IE-192.122.216- (IE)
192.122.224/21 EUNET-IE-192.122.224- (IE)
193.120/16 EUNET-IE-193.120-AGG (IE)
ASTEC, Inc., BR Ichigaya, 6 Minami, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 162, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.34.16/24 ASTEC-NET1 (JP)
Anan College of Technology, Aoki 265 Minobayashi, Anan, Tokushima, 774,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.19.177/24 ANANTEC (JP)
Fujita Health University, Kutsukake, Tokyoake, Aichi, 477-11, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.23.116/24 FUJITAHUNET1 (JP)
202.23.117/24 FUJITAHUNET2 (JP)
Hiroshima City University, 151-5 Otsuka Numata, Asaminami, Hiroshima,
731-31, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
165.242/16 HUNET (JP)
Japan Network Information Center, Yayoi 2-11-16, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113,
1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
202.25.144/24 JAPAN-INET-C7 (JP)
202.25.145/24 JAPAN-INET-C8 (JP)
202.25.146/24 JAPAN-INET-C9 (JP)
202.25.147/24 JAPAN-INET-C10 (JP)
202.25.148/24 JAPAN-INET-C11 (JP)
202.25.149/24 JAPAN-INET-C12 (JP)
202.25.150/24 JAPAN-INET-C13 (JP)
202.25.151/24 JAPAN-INET-C14 (JP)
202.25.152/24 JAPAN-INET-C15 (JP)
202.25.153/24 JAPAN-INET-C16 (JP)
202.25.154/24 JAPAN-INET-C17 (JP)
202.25.155/24 JAPAN-INET-C18 (JP)
202.25.156/24 JAPAN-INET-C19 (JP)
202.25.157/24 JAPAN-INET-C20 (JP)
202.25.158/24 JAPAN-INET-C21 (JP)
202.25.159/24 JAPAN-INET-C22 (JP)
202.252.104/24 JAPAN-INET-C10 (JP)
202.252.105/24 JAPAN-INET-C11 (JP)
202.252.106/24 JAPAN-INET-C12 (JP)
202.252.107/24 JAPAN-INET-C13 (JP)
Joint Research Center for Atom Technology, 1-1-4 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
305, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.34.248/24 ATNET1 (JP)
202.34.249/24 ATNET2 (JP)
202.34.250/24 ATNET3 (JP)
202.34.251/24 ATNET4 (JP)
Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 228, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.24.140/24 KUNET1 (JP)
202.24.141/24 KUNET2 (JP)
202.24.142/24 KUNET3 (JP)
202.24.143/24 KUNET4 (JP)
Kochi National College of Technology, Monobe Otu 200-1, Nankoku, Kochi,
783, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.18.152/24 KCT-NET1 (JP)
202.18.153/24 KCT-NET2 (JP)
202.18.154/24 KCT-NET3 (JP)
202.18.155/24 KCT-NET4 (JP)
Koto College of Economics, Higashinaga-cho 3-1, OOe, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto,
610-11, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.48.228/24 TIKNET1 (JP)
202.48.229/24 TIKNET2 (JP)
202.48.230/24 TIKNET3 (JP)
202.48.231/24 TIKNET4 (JP)
Kyushu Institute of Design, 4-9-1 Shiobaru, Minami, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 815,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.26.208/24 KIDNET1 (JP)
202.26.209/24 KIDNET2 (JP)
202.26.210/24 KIDNET3 (JP)
202.26.211/24 KIDNET4 (JP)
202.26.212/24 KIDNET5 (JP)
202.26.213/24 KIDNET6 (JP)
202.26.214/24 KIDNET7 (JP)
202.26.215/24 KIDNET8 (JP)
202.26.216/24 KIDNET9 (JP)
202.26.217/24 KIDNET10 (JP)
202.26.218/24 KIDNET11 (JP)
202.26.219/24 KIDNET12 (JP)
202.26.220/24 KIDNET13 (JP)
202.26.221/24 KIDNET14 (JP)
202.26.222/24 KIDNET15 (JP)
202.26.223/24 KIDNET16 (JP)
Miyazaki International College, 1415 Kanoh, Kiyotake-cho, Miyazaki-gun,
Miyazaki, 889-16, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.17.184/24 MICNET1 (JP)
202.17.185/24 MICNET2 (JP)
202.17.186/24 MICNET3 (JP)
202.17.187/24 MICNET4 (JP)
Miyazaki Municipal University, 1-1-2 Funatsuka, Miyazaki, Miyazaki, 880,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.25.99/24 MUSE (JP)
Nagoya City University, 1 Kawasumi, Mizuho-cho, Mizuho-ku, Nagoya 467,
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
202.35.192/19 NCUNET (JP)
National Aerospace Laboratory, 7-44-1 Jindaiji-Higashi, Chofu, Tokyo, 182,
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.26.64/24 NALNET1 (JP)
202.26.65/24 NALNET2 (JP)
202.26.66/24 NALNET3 (JP)
202.26.67/24 NALNET4 (JP)
202.26.68/24 NALNET5 (JP)
202.26.69/24 NALNET6 (JP)
202.26.70/24 NALNET7 (JP)
202.26.71/24 NALNET8 (JP)
202.26.72/24 NALNET9 (JP)
202.26.73/24 NALNET10 (JP)
202.26.74/24 NALNET11 (JP)
202.26.75/24 NALNET12 (JP)
202.26.76/24 NALNET13 (JP)
202.26.77/24 NALNET14 (JP)
202.26.78/24 NALNET15 (JP)
202.26.79/24 NALNET16 (JP)
202.26.80/24 NALNET17 (JP)
202.26.81/24 NALNET18 (JP)
202.26.82/24 NALNET19 (JP)
202.26.83/24 NALNET20 (JP)
202.26.84/24 NALNET21 (JP)
202.26.85/24 NALNET22 (JP)
202.26.86/24 NALNET23 (JP)
202.26.87/24 NALNET24 (JP)
202.26.88/24 NALNET25 (JP)
202.26.89/24 NALNET26 (JP)
202.26.90/24 NALNET27 (JP)
202.26.91/24 NALNET28 (JP)
202.26.92/24 NALNET29 (JP)
202.26.93/24 NALNET30 (JP)
202.26.94/24 NALNET31 (JP)
202.26.95/24 NALNET32 (JP)
National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, 5-7-1 Fujishirodai,
Suita, Osaka, 565, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.25.104/24 NCVCNET1 (JP)
202.25.105/24 NCVCNET2 (JP)
202.25.106/24 NCVCNET3 (JP)
202.25.107/24 NCVCNET4 (JP)
202.25.108/24 NCVCNET5 (JP)
202.25.109/24 NCVCNET6 (JP)
202.25.110/24 NCVCNET7 (JP)
202.25.111/24 NCVCNET8 (JP)
Osaka Gakuin University, 2-26-1 Kishibe-Minami, Suita, Osaka, 564, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.26.140/24 OSAKA-GU-NET1 (JP)
202.26.141/24 OSAKA-GU-NET2 (JP)
202.26.142/24 OSAKA-GU-NET3 (JP)
202.26.143/24 OSAKA-GU-NET4 (JP)
The Japanese Red Cross Central Blood Center, 4-1-31 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo, 160, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.26.254/24 HLANET (JP)
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Nishigahara 4-51-21, Kita-ku, Tokyo,
114, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.13.4/24 TUFSNET1 (JP)
202.13.5/24 TUFSNET2 (JP)
WIDE Project, Keio Univ. 5322 Endo, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, 252, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
192.50.36/24 WIDE-EXP-NET (JP)
192.50.43/24 WIDE-EXP-NET2 (JP)
192.50.44/24 WIDE-MOBILE1 (JP)
192.50.45/24 WIDE-MOBILE2 (JP)
192.50.62/24 WIDE-ISDN (JP)
192.218.228/24 WIDE-SAT-NET2 (JP)
202.13.183/24 WIDE-JOIN (JP)
Yamanashi Medical University, Shimokato 1110, Tamaho-cho, Nakakoma-gun,
Yamanashi, 409-38, JAPAN
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.35.240/24 YMU-NET1 (JP)
202.35.241/24 YMU-NET2 (JP)
202.35.242/24 YMU-NET3 (JP)
202.35.243/24 YMU-NET4 (JP)
202.35.244/24 YMU-NET5 (JP)
202.35.245/24 YMU-NET6 (JP)
202.35.246/24 YMU-NET7 (JP)
202.35.247/24 YMU-NET8 (JP)
EUnet Norway, Forskningsparken, Gaustadallen 21, N-0371 Oslo, NORWAY
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.69/16 EUNET-NO-193.69-AGG (NO)
193.71/16 EUNET-NO-193.71-AGG (NO)
193.90/16 EUNET-NO-193.90-AGG (NO)
Instituto Superior de Estatistica e Gestao de Informacao, Universidade Nova
de Lisboa, Travessa Estevao Pinto, 1000
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.136.112/24 UNL-FE-1 (PT)
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.136.104/24 LNEC-1 (PT)
193.136.105/24 LNEC-2 (PT)
193.136.106/24 LNEC-3 (PT)
193.136.107/24 LNEC-4 (PT)
193.136.108/24 LNEC-5 (PT)
193.136.109/24 LNEC-6 (PT)
Institute of Computer Technology, Technical University in Kosice, B.
Nemcovej 3, Kosice, 042 00, SLOVAKIA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.87.100/24 CANET (SK)
United Kingdom
Hillside Systems, 61 Hillside Avenue, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8HA, Great
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.88.50/24 NET-HILLSIDE (GB)
United States
Air Force Information Warfare Center, 230 Hall Blvd, Ste 371, San Antonio,
TX 78243-7063, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
199.10.241/24 AURORA-NET (US)
Assistant Chief of Staff, Resource, HQ USFK/EUSA, UNIT #15236, APO, AP
96205-0009, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
199.122.40/24 EUSA-MANPWR2 (US)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Naval Medical Center, N. Effingham. St.,
Portsmouth, VA 23708-5100, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
164.167/16 TIDEMEDNET (US)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, PSC 490, Box 7606, MID Code 202, FPO, AP
96538-1600, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
199.10.239/24 GUAMNET3 (US)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Room 4C469, The Pentagon, Washington, DC
20350-2000, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
199.10.240/24 PENTAGON (US)
CICNet Inc., 2901 Hubbard Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
1:233 UMnet (University of Michigan)
2:237 MichNet (MERIT)
4:267 CICNET at UIUC
5:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
198.108.58/24 CICNET-HQ2 (US)
CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
3:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.87.242/24 CICNET-2 (US)
CentNet, Inc., 90 Sherman St., Cambridge, MA 02140-3233, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
199.232/16 CENT-CIDR-01 (US)
Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN), University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109-2092, USA
1:233 UMnet (University of Michigan)
2:237 MichNet (MERIT)
4:267 CICNET at UIUC
5:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
198.108.56/24 CAEN-BB (US)
Credit Suisse, 1 Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, NY
10006, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
161.202/16 CSUISSE-USA (US)
168.1/16 CSH-B-BLK3 (US)
198.232.137/24 CSH-C-BLK3 (US)
198.232.138/24 CSH-C-BLK3 (US)
Cruz Communications, 258 Waugh Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95065, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
199.165.133/24 CRUZCOM (US)
DLA Systems Automation Center, 3990 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43216, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
198.25.155/24 DLA-C156 (US)
DOIM, 54th TACOM, Caserma Ederle, USASETAF, 54th TACOM, APO, AE 09630, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
136.209/16 VICENZA-NET2 (US)
Defense Finance Accounting Service - Denver Center, DFAS-DE/SCC, Lowry Air
Force Base, CO 80279-5000, USA
1:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
2:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
152.229/16 DMC-DE-NET (US)
Defense MegaCenter-St Louis, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd, St Louis, MO 63120-1798,
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
199.122.39/24 DMC-S (US)
Department of Energy, Nevada Field Office, PO Box 95487, Las Vegas, NV
89193-5487, USA
1:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
2:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
132.172/16 HANDS (US)
149.252/16 DOE-NV3 (US)
Digital Express Group Inc., 6006 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20770, USA
1:2548 DIGEX-AS
198.179.16/21 DIGEX1 (US)
198.180.32/19 NETBLK-DIGEX-NET4 (US)
198.187.32/19 DIGEX-NET5 (US)
199.34.32/19 DIGEX-NET4 (US)
Duke Power Company, P. O. Box 1008, Charlotte, NC 28201-1008, USA
1:1329 ANS Greensboro - DNSS 75
162.113/16 DUKEPOWER2 (US)
Effective Management Systems, Inc., 12000 West Park Place, Milwaukee, WI
53224, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
151.106/16 EMS (US)
GageTalker, 13680 NE 16th St, Belleue, WA 98005, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.98.153/24 PSINET-C5 (US)
General DataComm, Inc., Park Road Extension, PO Box 1299, Middlebury, CT
06762-1299, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.98.150/24 PSINET-C5 (US)
HESSTON COLLEGE, Box 3000, Hesston, KS 67062, USA
1:93 MIDnet
198.247.240/24 HESSTON-1 (US)
Hawaii Dept. of Education, 2565 The Mall, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
165.248/16 HAWAIIDOE (US)
Hawaii Information Network Corp., City Financial Tower, 201 Merchant, Suite
1500, Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
199.74.168/24 HAWAII-INC (US)
Helen Bader Foundation, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 3275, Milwaukee,
WI 53202, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
199.5.249/24 BADER (US)
Hewlett-Packard Company, 19420 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA
1:200 BARRNet
2:201 BARRNet
5:560 NEARnet Regional Network
192.6.67/24 NETBLK-HP208 (US)
Hitachi Micro Systems, Inc., 180 Rose Orchard Way, San Jose, CA 95134, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.131.10/23 HMSI1 (US)
IFC Communications, 23715 W. Malibu Rd., Suite 318, Malibu, CA 90265, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
198.178.225/24 IFCMO (US)
ISOCOR, 12011 San Vicente Blvd Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.6.228/24 ISOCOR-NET1 (US)
198.6.229/24 ISOCOR-NET1 (US)
198.6.230/24 ISOCOR-NET1 (US)
198.6.231/24 ISOCOR-NET1 (US)
Info Comm, 1558 Fernside Street, Redwood City, CA 94061, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.100.150/23 INFOCOMM-NET-150 (US)
Information Resources, Inc., 1925 N. Lynn Street, Suite 1000, Arlington, VA
22209, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.98.155/24 PSINET-C5 (US)
Intel Corporation, Corporate Information Services, 1900 Prairie City Road,
FM1-56, Folsom, CA 95670, USA
3:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
4:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
192.102.197/24 LOCALNET16 (US)
Intermountain Health Care, 36 South State, 8th Floor, Salt Lake City, UT
84111, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
159.212/16 IHCNET (US)
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY, 445 West 59th Street, Brooklyn,
NY 10019, USA
1:1662 CUNY, New York, New York
198.83.28/24 ANS-C-BLOCK (US)
KPMG Peat Marwick, 2001 M St. NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.98.154/24 PSINET-C5 (US)
Lightside, Inc., 101 N. Citrus, #4A, Covina, CA 91723, USA
1:1322 ANS Los Angeles - DNSS 19
198.81.209/24 LIGHT-DMZ (US)
Martin Marietta Astronautics Group, 12257 State Highway 121, Littleton, CO
80127, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
166.31/16 MMC-NET16 (US)
Mental Health Div. of Dept. of Human Resources, 2575 Bittern St. NE, Salem,
OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
198.176.229/24 NET-MHDDSD (US)
MicroTech Conversion Systems, 940 Industrial Av., Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.83.234/24 MICROTECH (US)
Milwaukee County Medical Complex, 8700 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI
53226, USA
1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
2:267 CICNET at UIUC
198.133.187/24 MCMC1 (US)
198.133.188/24 MCMC2 (US)
198.133.189/24 MCMC3 (US)
Mobil Administrative Services Company Inc., P.O. Box 650232, Dallas, TX
75265-023, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
158.27/16 MOBILNET7 (US)
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
1:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
2:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
192.225.82/24 GSFC23 (US)
192.225.83/24 GSFC24 (US)
Net Access, P.O. Box 502, Glenside, PA 19038, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
192.204.4/24 NETAXS (US)
Oklahoma State University, MSB Room, Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
1:93 MIDnet
198.247.176/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.177/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.178/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.179/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.180/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.181/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.182/24 OKSTATE (US)
198.247.183/24 OKSTATE (US)
Oregon Dept. of Consumer and Business Services, Labor & Industries Bldg.,
Salem, OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
198.232.198/24 DCBS-C-232-198 (US)
198.232.199/24 DCBS-C-232-199 (US)
198.232.200/24 DCBS-C-232-200 (US)
198.232.201/24 DCBS-C-232-201 (US)
198.232.202/24 DCBS-C-232-202 (US)
198.232.203/24 DCBS-C-232-203 (US)
Oregon Dept. of Energy, 625 Marion St NE, Salem, OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
198.252.211/24 NET-ODOE2 (US)
Oregon Dept. of Forestry, 2600 State St, Salem, OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
199.74.0/24 FOR-OR-C-74-0 (US)
199.74.1/24 FOR-OR-C-74-1 (US)
199.74.2/24 FOR-OR-C-74-2 (US)
199.74.3/24 FOR-OR-C-74-3 (US)
199.74.4/24 FOR-OR-C-74-4 (US)
199.74.5/24 FOR-OR-C-74-5 (US)
199.74.6/24 FOR-OR-C-74-6 (US)
199.74.7/24 FOR-OR-C-74-7 (US)
Oregon Dept. of Transportation, 135 Transportation Bldg, Salem, OR 97310,
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
167.131/16 NET-OREDOT (US)
Oregon Parks & Recreation Department, Vicks Bldg 525 Trade St SE, Salem, OR
97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
198.252.231/24 NET-OPRD (US)
Oregon State Library, State Library Building, Salem, OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.136.62/24 NET-ORMALL (US)
Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, School House Lane and Henry
Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA
1:204 PSCNET Regional Network
2:1206 PSCNET Regional Network
192.204.122/24 TEXSCI-3 (US)
192.204.123/24 TEXSCI-4 (US)
Photronics Inc., 1913 Tarob Court, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
199.36.0/24 PLABMIL (US)
Pinellas County Government, 400 South Fort Harrison Avenue, Clearwater, FL
34616, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
136.174/16 PINELLAS (US)
Public Utility Commission, 550 Capital St. NE, Salem, OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
198.177.16/24 NET-ORECAP1 (US)
198.177.17/24 NET-ORECAP2 (US)
198.177.18/24 NET-ORECAP3 (US)
198.177.19/24 NET-ORECAP4 (US)
198.177.20/24 NET-ORECAP5 (US)
198.177.21/24 NET-ORECAP6 (US)
198.177.22/24 NET-ORECAP7 (US)
198.177.23/24 NET-ORECAP8 (US)
198.177.24/24 NET-ORECAP9 (US)
198.177.25/24 NET-ORECAP10 (US)
198.177.26/24 NET-ORECAP11 (US)
198.177.27/24 NET-ORECAP12 (US)
Ray Ontko & Co., P.O. Box 9, Richmond, IN 47375, USA
1:1332 ANS Denver - DNSS 99
199.164.165/24 RAYONTKOCO (US)
VA 23666, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
199.122.38/24 SATFA2 (US)
Salt Lake City Corp., 72 East 400 South, Suite 400 Salt Lake City, UT
84111, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
192.100.7/24 SLCCORP-ENG (US)
192.100.8/24 SLCCORP-UTIL (US)
198.185.173/24 SLCCORP5 (US)
198.185.174/24 SLCCORP5 (US)
198.185.175/24 SLCCORP5 (US)
198.185.176/24 SLCCORP5 (US)
198.185.177/24 SLCCORP5 (US)
198.99.143/24 SLCCORP2 (US)
198.99.144/24 SLCCORP3 (US)
198.99.145/24 SLCCORP4 (US)
Schuller International, Inc, P.O. Box 5108, Denver, CO 80217, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
166.92/16 SCHULLER-NET (US)
Southern College, P.O. Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315-0370, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
192.239.247/24 STHRNCOL-NET (US)
198.78.253/24 STHRNCOL-NET-C-78-253 (US)
198.78.254/24 STHRNCOL-NET-C-78-254 (US)
198.78.255/24 STHRNCOL-NET-C-78-255 (US)
Sprint, 13221 Woodland Park Road, Herndon, VA 22071, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.157.37/24 SPRINTLINK9 (US)
State of Oregon, 1225 Ferry St SE, Salem, OR 97310, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
199.2.160/24 OR-GOV-C-2-160 (US)
199.2.161/24 OR-GOV-C-2-161 (US)
199.2.162/24 OR-GOV-C-2-162 (US)
199.2.163/24 OR-GOV-C-2-163 (US)
199.2.164/24 OR-GOV-C-2-164 (US)
199.2.165/24 OR-GOV-C-2-165 (US)
199.2.166/24 OR-GOV-C-2-166 (US)
199.2.167/24 OR-GOV-C-2-167 (US)
199.2.168/24 OR-GOV-C-2-168 (US)
199.2.169/24 OR-GOV-C-2-169 (US)
199.2.170/24 OR-GOV-C-2-170 (US)
199.2.171/24 OR-GOV-C-2-171 (US)
199.2.172/24 OR-GOV-C-2-172 (US)
199.2.173/24 OR-GOV-C-2-173 (US)
199.2.174/24 OR-GOV-C-2-174 (US)
199.2.175/24 OR-GOV-C-2-175 (US)
199.2.176/24 OR-GOV-C-2-176 (US)
199.2.177/24 OR-GOV-C-2-177 (US)
199.2.178/24 OR-GOV-C-2-178 (US)
199.2.179/24 OR-GOV-C-2-179 (US)
199.2.180/24 OR-GOV-C-2-180 (US)
199.2.181/24 OR-GOV-C-2-181 (US)
199.2.182/24 OR-GOV-C-2-182 (US)
199.2.183/24 OR-GOV-C-2-183 (US)
199.2.184/24 OR-GOV-C-2-184 (US)
199.2.185/24 OR-GOV-C-2-185 (US)
199.2.186/24 OR-GOV-C-2-186 (US)
199.2.187/24 OR-GOV-C-2-187 (US)
199.2.188/24 OR-GOV-C-2-188 (US)
199.2.189/24 OR-GOV-C-2-189 (US)
199.2.190/24 OR-GOV-C-2-190 (US)
199.2.191/24 OR-GOV-C-2-191 (US)
State of Tennessee Office for Information Resources, 598 James Robertson
Parkway, Third Floor, Nashville, TN
37243-0560, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
198.79.80/24 NAS-S17 (US)
198.79.81/24 NAS-S18 (US)
198.79.82/24 NAS-S19 (US)
198.79.83/24 NAS-S20 (US)
Statenet (STATENET-DOM), 2101 K. Street, Sacremento, CA 95814, USA
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
199.2.133/24 STATENET-DOM (US)
Texas Department of Health, 211 NW 1st St, Andrews, TX 79714, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
198.151.150/24 TXASHLTH-C3 (US)
Texas Education Agency, 1701 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
199.74.170/24 TEA5 (US)
The Future Now, 76 9th Avenue, 5th Fl., New York, NY 10011, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.98.152/24 PSINET-C5 (US)
Time Warner Cable, 160 Inverness Dr. W., Englewood, CO 80112, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.59.12/23 TIME-WARNER (US)
Trident Data Systems, 5933 w. Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
192.203.1/24 TDSCA-NET (US)
University of Hawaii Community College System, 2565 The Mall, Honolulu, HI
96822, USA
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
166.122/16 HAWAIICC (US)
University of Nebraska Med Center, 600 S 42nd Street, Omaha, NE 68198, USA
1:93 MIDnet
192.198.36/24 UNMC8 (US)
192.198.44/24 UNMC8 (US)
192.198.45/24 UNMC8 (US)
192.198.46/24 UNMC8 (US)
WNYHSC-Veteran's Administration Medical Center, 3495 Bailey Avenue,
Buffalo, NY 14125, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
199.0.230/24 WNYHSC-VA-C-0-230 (US)
199.0.231/24 WNYHSC-VA-C-0-231 (US)
Whittaker Electronic Systems, 1785 Voyager Avenue, Simi Valley, CA 93063,
1:2551 NETCOM
199.88.199/24 WES (US)
Wiley, Rein & Fielding, 1776 K Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20006, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
199.98.151/24 PSINET-C5 (US)
Yankee Atomic Electric Company, 580 Main Street, Bolton, MA 01740, USA
1:560 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.112.68/24 YANKEE-198 (US)
The following Midlevel/Regional peering sessions have also been added:
AS 689 - AS-NSFNET-T3-BB-AS - ENSS 160
Peer: - NSFNET/ANSnet Research Network -
AS690 CIDR Squeezings Report: 722 Nets, 23 ASs, 98 Aggregates
722 (35%) of the ever-announced more-specific routes within aggregates have
been withdrawn. 442 of those were withdrawn within the last week.
155 the week before that.
122 the week before that.
23 ASs have registered aggregates in the PRDB.
20 of those are announcing aggregates.
11 have withdrawn at least one more specific route.
98 Aggregates are configured.
88 of these were Top-Level Aggregates (not nested in another aggregate).
69 of these were announced to AS690 as of yesterday.
58 of those have at least one subnet configured (the other 11 may be saving.
the Internet future subnet announcements).
29 have stopped announcing at least one configured more specific route.
19 have stopped announcing half of their configured more specific routes.
16 have stopped announcing most (80%) of their more specific routes.
See for more detail.
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EDT:
configuration reports --
nets.doc nets.non-classful
NSS routing software configuration files --
gated.nss<NSS number>.t3p
Information is also avaiable through the PRDB whois server. Type
"whois -h help" for details.
REPORT CHANGES: (Updated March 24, 1994)
Metric:AS(NSS) - Historically, peer networks with multiple connections
to AS 690 could only select which of those connections their networks
would take by creating "Fake" AS numbers, and using those in the PRDB
Metric:AS announcement lists. Some time in the next few weeks we will
begin supporting an expanded syntax, where the AS may be followed by
an optional NSS peer number in parentheses. Eventually, this syntax will
be used to replace most or all of the current Fake ASs.
This change will affect *all* places that the announcement lists are
reported: all whois queries, all network reports, this "NWG" report,
and the Auto-NACR. If you have code which parses these announcement lists,
please be aware that that code may need modifications soon.
CIDR Reports: There is a new "whois" option to list aggregates in the PRDB:
whois -h listaggs
will produce a listing of the currently registered aggregates. There is
also a new report on "nestings" of PRDB-registered aggregates with their
more specific routes: nets.non-classful.
Anyone considering configuring an aggregate into the PRDB (and you all
should be!) is encouraged to pre-check that aggregate by typing the command:
whois -h 'aggchk <agg>'
(where "<agg>" is the aggregate description). This command will list
all of the other entries in the PRDB that are more specific routes of <agg>,
as well as any aggregates all ready configured that contain <agg>. The
output includes the AUP and announcement lists of each of the nets printed,
with discrepancies flagged. This is the same program that we use for
sanity-checking the NACRs that you submit.
The archived discussion list "db-disc(a)" exists for discussion of
PRDB issues. Send a message to "db-disc-request(a)" to subscribe.
--Dale Johnson (dsj(a)
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files,, template.gate, and
*** Note: As of March 1, 1994, NSFNET AUP NACRs must use the
*** (NACR) version 7.1, or the NACR will be returned unprocessed.
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)
Ref: Your note of Thu, 14 Apr 1994 16:49:22 +0200
It would be really nice if all the new destinations that can be CIDRized
be announced ONLY via CIDR blocks without individual
components. Is that the current practice ? And if not,
then what can be done to put this in place ?
Vince asks:
> Question to the MERIT folks: have you had any luck (and have you tried) using
> the ASxxx(a)MERIT.EDU mailing lists to try and get in touch with those non-BGP4
> sites which might not be on the BGPD or Regional Techs mailing list? I'm likely
> asking the obvious, but...
> --Vince
Yes, we have again started trying to get folks to move to BGP4 - heck we
are still trying to get some folks to move to BGP. The results are slow
in coming.

CERT Advisory /tmp/
by 14 Apr '94
by 14 Apr '94
14 Apr '94
CA-94:08 CERT Advisory
April 14, 1994
ftpd Vulnerabilities
The CERT Coordination Center has received information concerning two
vulnerabilities in some ftpd implementations. The first is a
vulnerability with the SITE EXEC command feature of the FTP daemon
(ftpd) found in versions of ftpd that support the SITE EXEC feature.
This vulnerability allows local or remote users to gain root access.
The second vulnerability involves a race condition found in the ftpd
implementations listed in Section I. below. This vulnerability allows
local users to gain root access.
Sites using these implementations are vulnerable even if they do not
support anonymous FTP.
As these vulnerabilities are widely known, we strongly recommend that any
site running a version of ftpd listed below take steps to immediately
upgrade or disable their FTP daemon. Also potentially at risk are
sites whose ftpd is derived from the DECWRL or wuarchive ftpd code
containing the SITE EXEC feature.
For additional information or assistance, contact the developer or
vendor of your ftpd implementation.
If we receive additional information relating to this advisory, we
will place it, along with any clarifications, in a README file
available by anonymous FTP from (e.g.,
/pub/cert_advisories/CA-94:xx.README). We encourage you to check our
README files regularly for updates on advisories that relate to your
I. Description
There is a vulnerability in the SITE EXEC command feature of
ftpd that allows any remote or local user to obtain root access.
There is also a vulnerability due to a race condition in these
Versions known to be vulnerable to these problems are:
wuarchive ftpd versions 2.0-2.3 (version 2.2 patched the
SITE EXEC problem, but not the race condition)
DECWRL ftpd versions prior 5.93
BSDI ftpd version 1.1 prior to patch 5
The SITE EXEC vulnerability affects your ftpd only if the SITE
EXEC command feature has been explicitly activated at your site.
This functionality is not activated by default. Sites that have
not enabled the SITE EXEC feature are not at risk from this
vulnerability. However, since the race condition does not have
an easily applied workaround, CERT recommends that you upgrade to
one of the versions listed below.
II. Impact
Anyone (remote or local) can gain root access on a host running a
vulnerable FTP daemon. Support for anonymous FTP is not required
to exploit this vulnerability.
III. Solution
Affected sites can solve both of these problems by upgrading to
the latest version of ftpd. These versions are listed below. Be
certain to verify the checksum information to confirm that you
have retrieved a valid copy.
If you cannot install the new version in a timely manner, you
should disable FTP service until you have corrected this problem.
It is not sufficient to disable anonymous FTP. You must disable
the FTP daemon.
For wuarchive ftpd, you can obtain version 2.4 via anonymous
FTP from, in the "/packages/wuarchive-ftpd"
directory. If you are currently running version 2.3, a patch
file is available.
File Checksum Checksum MD5 Digital Signature
----------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------
wu-ftpd-2.4.tar.Z 38213 181 20337 362 cdcb237b71082fa23706429134d8c32e
patch_2.3-2.4.Z 09291 8 51092 16 5558a04d9da7cdb1113b158aff89be8f
For DECWRL ftpd, sites can obtain version 5.93 via anonymous FTP
from in the "/pub/misc/vixie" directory.
File Checksum Checksum MD5 Digital Signature
----------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------
ftpd.tar.gz 38443 60 1710 119 ae624eb607b4ee90e318b857e6573500
For BSDI systems, patch 005 should be applied to version 1.1 of
the BSD/386 software. You can obtain the patch file via
anonymous FTP from in the "/bsdi/patches-1.1"
File Checksum Checksum MD5 Digital Signature
----------------- -------- --------- --------------------------------
BU110-005 35337 272 54935 543 1f454d4d9d3e1397d1eff0432bd383cf
The CERT Coordination Center wishes to thank Neil Woods and Karl Strickland
for finding and reporting the wustl FTP daemon bug. We also wish to thank
Bryan O'Connor and Chris Myers of Washington University in St. Louis,
Paul Vixie of Vixie Enterprises, and Tony Sanders of BSDI for their
invaluable assistance in resolving this problem.
If you believe that your system has been compromised, contact the CERT
Coordination Center or your representative in the Forum of Incident
Response and Security Teams (FIRST).
If you wish to send sensitive incident or vulnerability information to
CERT via electronic mail, CERT strongly advises that the e-mail be encrypted.
CERT can support a shared DES key, PGP (public key available via
anonymous FTP on or PEM (contact CERT for details).
Internet E-mail: cert(a)
Telephone: 412-268-7090 (24-hour hotline)
CERT personnel answer 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST(GMT-5)/EDT(GMT-4),
and are on call for emergencies during other hours.
CERT Coordination Center
Software Engineering Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Past advisories, information about FIRST representatives, and other
information related to computer security are available via anonymous
FTP from