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September 1993
- 12 participants
- 26 discussions
Many thanks to those who responsed to our NSFNET Reports Survey last
July. As part of this review process, we have developed two new
flavors of machine-readable reports which contain all the information
about nets that we keep. Because of the implementation of CIDR this
fall, all current reports that include net information will change; if
you will need to modify any of your programs because of these changes,
you might consider modifying them to use the new reports that were
designed for machine parsing. We have also expanded the syntax
recognized by the "whois" server on, so you can run any
of our prdb "clients" without compiling those clients on your own
machine. Both these services are described below.
Also, the mail group "db-disc(a)" which was requested in the
Sprint/Reston Regional Techs meeting does exist, and has the following
initial membership (besides Merit folks):
> 250-<tom(a)>
> 250-<curtis(a)>
> 250-<klong(a)>
> 250-<bostwick(a)>
> 250-<prue(a)ISI.EDU>
> 250-<MARTIN(a)>
> 250-<hwb(a)>
> 250-<asp(a)>
> 250-<MAP(a)BBN.Com>
> 250-<cjw(a)magnolia.Stanford.EDU>
> 250-<sharad(a)>
> 250 <"| /usr/local/etc/archiver db-disc/db-disclog">
These are folks who either answered the survey, or who have indicated
interest in detailed discussion of NSFNET PRDB information
dissemination. This announcement message has been sent to db-disc with
a bcc to regional-techs and nwg, so that any replies will go only to
the discussion list. If you would like to be added to this list,
please reply to "list-admin@" or to me. All discussion will
be archived for anonymous ftp on
The Survey Results.
Generally, there seem to be a few net reports and one AS report that
are widely and frequently used. We will continue to support these (though
their formats will need to be modified when we start supporting CIDR this
fall). There were also several calls for more complete information, and for
versions of the reports more easily suitable for machine parsing, so we
have come up with "unload" and "tagged" reports to meet these needs.
The New Net Reports
There are now two new reports available on
announced.networks . "" describes all the nets in the PRDB
database in a "tagged" format:
> netnum: 6
> prefixlen: 8
> netname: YPG-NET
> homeas:
> aup: N
> netcc: US
> orgstate: AZ
> orgtype:
> orgaddr: Army Information Systems Center, USAISC, Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma,
> AZ
> 85365-9102, USA
> update: 93/02/08
> active: 90/01/21
> aslist: 1:568 2:19
"" presents the same information in an "unload" format: one
network per line, with fields separated by a pipe character. This
format is designed for easy building of tools; it can also be loaded
directly into databases or spreadsheet programs. "nets.doc" documents
this format, and gives examples of trivial awk scripts that can be used
to extract information from this packed representation:
> 1 - IP Number
> 2 - Prefix Length
> 3 - Net Name
> 4 - Home AS
> 5 - AUP (Acceptable Usage Policy)
> 6 - Net Country Code
> 7 - State of US (or empty field)
> 8 - Organization Type (Carnegie Code if Educational)
> 9 - Organizational Address
> 10 - Date of last modification of Org Address
> 11 - Original date of addition to NSFNET
> 12 - NSFNET (AS 690) Announcement List [Metric:AS(peer) Metric:AS ...]
> Useful UNIX utilities:
> To sort by field 3: sort -t\| +2 <
> To "grep" for only "non-US" nets: awk -F\| '\$6!="US"' <
> To print only fields 1,3: awk -F\| '{printf "%s %s\n",$1,$3}' <
> To do all of the above:
> sort -t\| +2 < | awk -F\| '$6!="US"{printf "%s %s\n",$1,$3}'
> 6|8|YPG-NET||N|US|AZ||Army Information Systems Center, USAISC, Yuma Proving
> Ground, Yuma, AZ 85365-9102, USA|93/02/08|90/01/21|1:568 2:19 |
> 7|8|EDN-TEMP||N|US|VA||Defense Communications, Engineering Center, 1860
> Wiehle Avenue, Reston, VA 22090, USA|93/06/01|90/06/20|1:701 2:702 |
> 8|8|BBNCCNET||A|US|MA||Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc., 70 Fawcett Street,
> Cambridge, MA 02138, USA|93/06/15|89/06/21|2:281 3:701 |
The "Prefix Length" field is in anticipation of CIDR changes this fall. The
Organizational Address is currently listed in a single string, which is
the way it is internally stored in the PRDB today. Issues about parsings
of organizational addresses are being discussed as part of the Shared
Whois project--let me know if you have concerns about these kinds of
Whois Access to the Same Information
Last March, Merit announced a set of "prdbshow" clients that can be used
to obtain realtime information ( A few
people had trouble compiling the clients, or preferred not to do so. To
make this functionality more widely available, you can now run the prdbshow
clients through "whois":
> whois -h 'shownet 35'
> 35 1:237 2:233 3:266 4:267 5:1225
Of course, this slightly verbose syntax can be covered with aliases or
scripts. We are revising our prdbshow* distribution to include as set
of two-line scripts to support this.
Current documentation for this whole service may be obtained with the
whois -h help
The Futures of the Current Reports:
Of the current reports, there were three network reports and one AS report
that had widespread usage:
We will continue supporting these reports. (Note though that we will be
forced to change the format of these reports sometime this fall when we
move to CIDR-type net addresses. If you modify your programs to use the
new reports now, you will be immune from these changes to the old reports).
Some reports were not mentioned as being used by anyone. We would like
to phase these reports out, since all this information is now available
in several more concise and convenient ways. These reports include:
If there are no objections from this group to phasing these reports out, then
we will begin inserting messages into these reports about their coming
demise, including an email address to protest to. After a couple of months
we would then discontinue producing these reports.
There were a few other reports that were used by only a single
person, specifically:
I would like to work with these individuals to see if we can meet their
needs with the new access to the whois and prdbshow clients, and to the
new reports; perhaps with the help of some short custom unix scripts.
If there are others who would like help creating custom scripts to meet
specific needs, please send me a message. It should be very easy to write
simple scripts to extract information from the new reports. I'd be happy
to write some of these or to help folks write them.
Dale Johnson
Network Management Systems
Merit Network, Inc.
Hi. We've not received very many confirmations from folks
that are coming to the Regional-Techs meeting on October
4-5 in Ann Arbor. Please send a note to nsf-seminar(a)
to register or for information about the meeting. I'll send
out a draft agenda next week, and if you have any suggestions
please send them to merit-ie(a) or to me.
ps. Not sure about white-water rafting in Ann Arbor, but
whirleyball is almost a sure thing.
The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EDT:
Total = Class A+Class B+Class C
Configured Networks 15741 = 26 3917 11798
Added Networks 321 = 0 11 310
Deleted Networks 3 = 0 0 3
IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- ---- -----------
129.160 SOLARIUM C:US D:09/10/93 1:2386
132.153 AWE-SWAN C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
134.191 SPIDER-NETB C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
134.31 DEHAVILLAND C:CA D:09/10/93 1:1957
142.1 UTORONTO C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602 4:701 5:702
144.15 MEDTRONIC C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555
155.109 FPL1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:2149 2:174
158.133 SIG1 C:CH D:09/10/93 1:701 2:1800
159.233 PIMACO C:US D:09/10/93 1:210 2:209 3:372 4:297
161.154 FPL2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:2149 2:174
165.40 CHIRON C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
192.101.190 CPF-LAN C:US D:09/10/93 1:22 2:568 3:19
192.101.77 LLP C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
192.108.70 MPI-MUELHEIM C:DE D:09/10/93 1:293 2:291
192.112.54 BCCCNET C:US D:09/10/93 1:97
192.139.194 EMRNET1 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
192.139.195 EMRNET2 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
192.152.44 FISONS-FPD C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
192.157.38 SPRINTLINK10 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.160.28 MAGNANET C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
192.17.3 PRARIE-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:698 2:1225 3:266
192.17.7 UI-ISDN-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:698 2:1225 3:266
192.203.232 UNUIIST C:HK D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
192.206.124 PSALES C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
192.207.23 ASCEND C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
192.215.46 CERFNET-C-215-46 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1740
192.215.48 CERFNET-C-215-48 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1740
192.216.76 BARRNET-216-76 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
192.216.77 BARRNET-216-77 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
192.220.124 LANENET73 C:US D:09/10/93 1:685 2:73 3:101
192.231.224 TFM1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1982
192.231.225 TFM2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1982
192.231.228 TFM5 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1982
192.234.90 ORANGE C:US D:09/10/93 1:2149 2:174
192.239.86 AFIP2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:86 2:279
192.26.45 WCMC C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
192.67.50 MCDDOUGLAS1 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
192.77.144 TELEMEDIA C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
193.128.143 INTEGRALIS C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.1 MAIRES-C-129-1 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.104 TMSL0 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.105 TMSL1 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.109 JSB-UK C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.111 QDECK-UK C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.112 DEPUY-LTD C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.113 SAIC-UK C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.114 AFBP-0 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.116 WCMC-2 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.19 FRETWELL-DOWNING C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.2 MAIRES-C-129-2 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.22 SYSGUID-LTD C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.23 YAM-RES C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.24 RAM-UK-C-129-24 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.25 RAM-UK-C-129-25 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.26 RAM-UK-C-129-26 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.27 RAM-UK-C-129-27 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.64 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-64 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.65 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-65 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.66 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-66 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.67 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-67 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.68 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-68 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.69 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-69 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.70 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-70 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.71 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-71 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.72 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-72 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.73 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-73 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.74 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-74 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.75 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-75 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.76 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-76 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.77 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-77 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.78 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-78 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.79 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-79 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.129.95 MANTIX C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.141.88 CRGNET C:DE D:09/10/93 1:1324
193.156.94 NFR-C-156-94 C:NO D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.156.95 NFR-C-156-95 C:NO D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.176.235 ING-IP C:NL D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.176 KULAK-NET-C-190-176 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.177 KULAK-NET-C-190-177 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.178 KULAK-NET-C-190-178 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.179 KULAK-NET-C-190-179 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.192 UMH-C-190-192 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.193 UMH-C-190-193 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.194 UMH-C-190-194 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.195 UMH-C-190-195 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.208 FPMS-C-190-208 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.209 FPMS-C-190-209 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.210 FPMS-C-190-210 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.211 FPMS-C-190-211 C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.190.244 FUCAM C:BE D:09/10/93 1:1133 2:1800 3:1240
193.32.176 AMEC-C-32-176 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.177 AMEC-C-32-177 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.178 AMEC-C-32-178 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.179 AMEC-C-32-179 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.180 AMEC-C-32-180 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.181 AMEC-C-32-181 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.182 AMEC-C-32-182 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.183 AMEC-C-32-183 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.184 AMEC-C-32-184 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.185 AMEC-C-32-185 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.186 AMEC-C-32-186 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.187 AMEC-C-32-187 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.188 AMEC-C-32-188 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.189 AMEC-C-32-189 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.190 AMEC-C-32-190 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.191 AMEC-C-32-191 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.192 AMEC-C-32-192 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.193 AMEC-C-32-193 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.194 AMEC-C-32-194 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.195 AMEC-C-32-195 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.196 AMEC-C-32-196 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.197 AMEC-C-32-197 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.198 AMEC-C-32-198 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.199 AMEC-C-32-199 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.200 AMEC-C-32-200 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.201 AMEC-C-32-201 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.202 AMEC-C-32-202 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.203 AMEC-C-32-203 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.204 AMEC-C-32-204 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.205 AMEC-C-32-205 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.206 AMEC-C-32-206 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.32.207 AMEC-C-32-207 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.144 FISONSPLC2-C-36-144 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.145 FISONSPLC2-C-36-145 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.146 FISONSPLC2-C-36-146 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.147 FISONSPLC2-C-36-147 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.148 FISONSPLC2-C-36-148 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.149 FISONSPLC2-C-36-149 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.150 FISONSPLC2-C-36-150 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.36.151 FISONSPLC2-C-36-151 C:GB D:09/10/93 1:1957
193.40.102 TAMI-NET C:EE D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.59.8 BIAL-NET-1 C:PL D:09/10/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.72.176 MT-NET-C1 C:CH D:09/10/93 1:701 2:1800
193.72.248 ITAG C:CH D:09/10/93 1:701 2:1800
193.8.168 SCHINDLER-NET-C1 C:CH D:09/10/93 1:701 2:1800
198.151.159 ARCON C:US D:09/10/93 1:2149 2:174
198.151.198 ALCANET-NOGAZ C:US D:09/10/93 1:114 2:1700
198.161.64 NOVATEL3 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.65 NOVATEL4 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.66 NOVATEL5 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.67 NOVATEL6 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.68 NOVATEL7 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.69 NOVATEL8 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.70 NOVATEL9 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.71 NOVATEL10 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.72 NOVATEL11 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.73 NOVATEL12 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.74 NOVATEL13 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.75 NOVATEL14 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.76 NOVATEL15 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.77 NOVATEL16 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.78 NOVATEL17 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.161.79 NOVATEL18 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.162.67 FORVANNET C:CA D:09/10/93 1:602 2:601 3:603
198.166.4 NSME-NS-NET C:CA D:09/10/93 1:603 2:601 3:602
198.174.7 MCAE1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555
198.175.147 ALCANET-CLNWH C:US D:09/10/93 1:114 2:1700
198.180.200 NET-FWRADIAN C:US D:09/10/93 1:2386
198.183.152 INGLEATN C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.205.32 ALCATLDN-C-205-32 C:US D:09/10/93 1:114 2:1700
198.211.51 THESIS-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.52 D2-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.53 ELSE-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.64 BMDSCS-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.65 OP-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.66 BISTRO-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.67 CRYSTALD-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.69 TCE-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.70 COLORBUS-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.211.71 ACONS-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:2551
198.233.10 CEESG-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:209 2:210
198.233.36 COMTRIX-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:209 2:210
198.233.42 RIVERSIDE-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:209 2:210
198.233.43 WELDLIB-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:209 2:210
198.233.9 AHSI-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:209 2:210
198.30.140 OAR140 C:US D:09/10/93 1:600
198.30.142 OAR142 C:US D:09/10/93 1:600
198.30.143 OAR143 C:US D:09/10/93 1:600
198.30.144 OAR144 C:US D:09/10/93 1:600
198.31.128 BARRNET31-129 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.130 BARRNET31-131 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.131 BARRNET31-132 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.136 BARRNET31-137 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.142 BARRNET31-143 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.146 BARRNET31-147 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.149 BARRNET31-150 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.158 BARRNET31-159 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.160 BARRNET31-161 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.165 BARRNET31-166 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.166 BARRNET31-167 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.167 BARRNET31-168 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.168 BARRNET31-169 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.172 BARRNET31-173 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.173 BARRNET31-174 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.177 BARRNET31-178 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.181 BARRNET31-182 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.182 BARRNET31-183 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.185 BARRNET31-186 C:US D:09/10/93 1:200 2:201
198.4.100 ESYSTEMS-005 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.101 ESYSTEMS-006 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.102 ESYSTEMS-007 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.103 ESYSTEMS-008 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.104 POWERHOUSE1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.105 POWERHOUSE2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.106 POWERHOUSE3 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.107 POWERHOUSE4 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.108 MAGNA1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.109 MAGNA2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.110 MAGNA3 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.111 MAGNA4 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.112 SPECTRADYNE-NET1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.113 SPECTRADYNE-NET2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.114 SPECTRADYNE-NET3 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.115 SPECTRADYNE-NET4 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.144 PRENHALL7 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.145 PRENHALL8 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.146 PRENHALL9 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.147 PRENHALL10 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.148 PRENHALL11 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.149 PRENHALL12 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.150 PRENHALL13 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.151 PRENHALL14 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.152 PRENHALL15 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.153 PRENHALL16 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.154 PRENHALL17 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.155 PRENHALL18 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.156 PRENHALL19 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.157 PRENHALL20 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.158 PRENHALL21 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.159 PRENHALL22 C:US D:09/10/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.62 DEPUY-NET1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.63 DEPUY-NET2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.80 UUNETCBLK4-C-4-80 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.81 HELLER-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.84 COGNISEIS-NET1 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.85 COGNISEIS-NET2 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.86 COGNISEIS-NET3 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.87 COGNISEIS-NET4 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.89 NAGNET C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.92 ASCEND-NET C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.93 NEHLW-001 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.94 COIL C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.96 ESYSTEMS-001 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.97 ESYSTEMS-002 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.98 ESYSTEMS-003 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.4.99 ESYSTEMS-004 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.49.92 AGOURON-2 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:1740
198.49.93 AGOURON-3 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:1740
198.51.36 MELPAR C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.51.69 ODT C:US D:09/10/93 1:280 2:114
198.62.191 SEDSTEL C:US D:09/10/93 1:1957
198.7.68 WA-DEPT-LIC-5 C:US D:09/10/93 1:685 2:73 3:101
198.7.69 WA-DEPT-LIC-6 C:US D:09/10/93 1:685 2:73 3:101
198.7.70 WA-DEPT-LIC-7 C:US D:09/10/93 1:685 2:73 3:101
198.78.48 SEFLIN-C-78-48 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.49 SEFLIN-C-78-49 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.50 SEFLIN-C-78-50 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.51 SEFLIN-C-78-51 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.52 SEFLIN-C-78-52 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.53 SEFLIN-C-78-53 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.54 SEFLIN-C-78-54 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.55 SEFLIN-C-78-55 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.56 SEFLIN-C-78-56 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.57 SEFLIN-C-78-57 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.58 SEFLIN-C-78-58 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.59 SEFLIN-C-78-59 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.60 SEFLIN-C-78-60 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.61 SEFLIN-C-78-61 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.62 SEFLIN-C-78-62 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.78.63 SEFLIN-C-78-63 C:US D:09/10/93 1:279 2:86
198.82.1 VT-EXT-001 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.10 VT-EXT-010 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.11 VT-EXT-011 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.12 VT-EXT-012 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.13 VT-EXT-013 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.14 VT-EXT-014 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.144 VT-BEN-144 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.148 VT-BEN-148 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.15 VT-EXT-015 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.192 VT-BEV-192 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.196 VT-BEV-196 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.200 VT-BEV-200 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.204 VT-BEV-204 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.208 VT-BEV-208 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.212 VT-BEV-212 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.216 VT-BEV-216 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.220 VT-BEV-220 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.224 VT-BEV-224 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.228 VT-BEV-228 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.240 VT-BEN-240 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.244 VT-BEN-244 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.82.248 VT-BEN-248 C:US D:09/10/93 1:1312
198.88.112 CICNET-C-88-112 C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266
198.88.113 CICNET-C-88-113 C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266
198.88.114 CICNET-C-88-114 C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266
198.88.95 CICNET-C-88-95 C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266
198.88.96 CICNET-C-88-96 C:US D:09/10/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266
198.96.24 SAULTC2 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.25 SAULTC3 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.26 SAULTC4 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.27 SAULTC5 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.32 YORKU-CNET1 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.33 YORKU-CNET2 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.34 YORKU-CNET3 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.35 YORKU-CNET4 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.36 YORKU-CNET5 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.37 YORKU-CNET6 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.38 YORKU-CNET7 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.96.39 YORKU-CNET8 C:CA D:09/10/93 1:601 2:603 3:602
198.97.107 ILEX C:US D:09/10/93 1:19 2:568
198.97.78 AFIP C:US D:09/10/93 1:19 2:568
200.9.121 IBICT-ANDF C:BR D:09/10/93 1:293 2:291
202.12.101 TOPNZ1 C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.14.102 KCBBS C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.14.106 WNMEDS C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.14.216 MANAKAU C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.14.252 CRAYCOM-C-14-252 C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.14.253 CRAYCOM-C-14-253 C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.14.96 LIVESTOCK C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.20.65 MIDLAND C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
202.20.79 WAIDC C:NZ D:09/10/93 1:372 2:297
ALCATEL NETWORK SERVICES, 1200 North Alma Road, Richardson, TX 75080, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network
198.151.198 ALCANET-NOGAZ (US)
198.175.147 ALCANET-CLNWH (US)
198.205.32 ALCATLDN-C-205-32 (US)
AMEC plc, Sandiway House, Hartford, Northwich, Cheshire, England, CW8 2YA,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.32.176 AMEC-C-32-176 (GB)
193.32.177 AMEC-C-32-177 (GB)
193.32.178 AMEC-C-32-178 (GB)
193.32.179 AMEC-C-32-179 (GB)
193.32.180 AMEC-C-32-180 (GB)
193.32.181 AMEC-C-32-181 (GB)
193.32.182 AMEC-C-32-182 (GB)
193.32.183 AMEC-C-32-183 (GB)
193.32.184 AMEC-C-32-184 (GB)
193.32.185 AMEC-C-32-185 (GB)
193.32.186 AMEC-C-32-186 (GB)
193.32.187 AMEC-C-32-187 (GB)
193.32.188 AMEC-C-32-188 (GB)
193.32.189 AMEC-C-32-189 (GB)
193.32.190 AMEC-C-32-190 (GB)
193.32.191 AMEC-C-32-191 (GB)
193.32.192 AMEC-C-32-192 (GB)
193.32.193 AMEC-C-32-193 (GB)
193.32.194 AMEC-C-32-194 (GB)
193.32.195 AMEC-C-32-195 (GB)
193.32.196 AMEC-C-32-196 (GB)
193.32.197 AMEC-C-32-197 (GB)
193.32.198 AMEC-C-32-198 (GB)
193.32.199 AMEC-C-32-199 (GB)
193.32.200 AMEC-C-32-200 (GB)
193.32.201 AMEC-C-32-201 (GB)
193.32.202 AMEC-C-32-202 (GB)
193.32.203 AMEC-C-32-203 (GB)
193.32.204 AMEC-C-32-204 (GB)
193.32.205 AMEC-C-32-205 (GB)
193.32.206 AMEC-C-32-206 (GB)
193.32.207 AMEC-C-32-207 (GB)
ARCON Corporation, 260 Bear Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02154-1080, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
198.151.159 ARCON (US)
Action for Blind People, Premier House, Preston, England, PR1 3BQ, UNITED
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.114 AFBP-0 (GB)
Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 3565 General Atomics Court, San Diego, CA,
92121, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
198.49.92 AGOURON-2 (US)
198.49.93 AGOURON-3 (US)
Armed Force Institute of Pathology, 6825 16th NW, Bldg. 54, Washington, DC
20306-6000, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
198.97.78 AFIP (US)
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 6825 16th
Street, Washington, DC 20306-6000, USA
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
192.239.86 AFIP2 (US)
Ascend Communications Inc., 1275 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
192.207.23 ASCEND (US)
198.4.92 ASCEND-NET (US)
Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston, Reading, England, RG7 4PR, UNITED
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
132.153 AWE-SWAN (GB)
Autumn Hill Software Inc, 1145 Ithaca Dr., Boulder, CO 80303, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.233.9 AHSI-NET (US)
BARRNet, Pine Hall 115, Stanford, CA 94305-4122, USA
1:200 BARRNet
2:201 BARRNet
192.216.76 BARRNET-216-76 (US)
192.216.77 BARRNET-216-77 (US)
198.31.128 BARRNET31-129 (US)
198.31.130 BARRNET31-131 (US)
198.31.131 BARRNET31-132 (US)
198.31.136 BARRNET31-137 (US)
198.31.142 BARRNET31-143 (US)
198.31.146 BARRNET31-147 (US)
198.31.149 BARRNET31-150 (US)
198.31.158 BARRNET31-159 (US)
198.31.160 BARRNET31-161 (US)
198.31.165 BARRNET31-166 (US)
198.31.166 BARRNET31-167 (US)
198.31.167 BARRNET31-168 (US)
198.31.168 BARRNET31-169 (US)
198.31.172 BARRNET31-173 (US)
198.31.173 BARRNET31-174 (US)
198.31.177 BARRNET31-178 (US)
198.31.181 BARRNET31-182 (US)
198.31.182 BARRNET31-183 (US)
198.31.185 BARRNET31-186 (US)
BistroMath, 133-2480 Middlefield Rd., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.66 BISTRO-NET (US)
Bucks County Community College, Swamp Road, Newtown, PA 18940, USA
1:97 JvNCnet Regional Network
192.112.54 BCCCNET (US)
Business Management Data, 4155 E. La Palma Ave., suite #500, Anaheim, CA 92807,
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.64 BMDSCS-NET (US)
C.O.I.L., 7304 Bridewater Blvd., Columbus, OH 43235, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.94 COIL (US)
CEES-Blackhawk, 301 Commercial, Golden, CO 80401, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.233.10 CEESG-NET (US)
CICNet, Inc., CICNet, Inc. 2901 Hubbard Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
198.88.95 CICNET-C-88-95 (US)
198.88.96 CICNET-C-88-96 (US)
198.88.112 CICNET-C-88-112 (US)
198.88.113 CICNET-C-88-113 (US)
198.88.114 CICNET-C-88-114 (US)
COMtrix Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 17700, Boulder, CO 80308-0700, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.233.36 COMTRIX-NET (US)
Canadian Research Network, 255 Huron Street, Room 350, McLennan Labs, Toronto,
Ontario, M5S 1C1, CANADA
1:601 CA*net in Toronto
2:603 CA*net in Quebec
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
4:701 Alternet
5:702 Alternet
Chiron Corp., 4560 Horton Street, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
165.40 CHIRON (US)
CogniSeis Development, 2401 Portsmouth, Houston, TX 77098, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.84 COGNISEIS-NET1 (US)
198.4.85 COGNISEIS-NET2 (US)
198.4.86 COGNISEIS-NET3 (US)
198.4.87 COGNISEIS-NET4 (US)
Colorbus, 18271 McDurmott West Street, Suite E, Irvine, CA 92714, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.70 COLORBUS-NET (US)
Commander In Chief Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT), Code 431-M7, Bldg 251 Box 43,
Pearl Harbor, HI 96869-7000, USA
1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
3:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
192.101.190 CPF-LAN (US)
Computer Research Group, Forschungsgesellschaft fuer Computertechnologie mbH,
Herzog-Rudolf-Str.6, D-80539 Muenchen,
Muenchen, D-80539, GERMANY
1:1324 ANS New York City - DNSS 35
193.141.88 CRGNET (DE)
Cray Communications (NZ) Ltd, P O Box 37-029, Parnell, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.14.252 CRAYCOM-C-14-252 (NZ)
202.14.253 CRAYCOM-C-14-253 (NZ)
Crystal Dynamics, 2460 Embarcadero Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.67 CRYSTALD-NET (US)
DePuy Inc., 700 Orthopedic Drive, Warsaw, IN 46581-0988, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.62 DEPUY-NET1 (US)
198.4.63 DEPUY-NET2 (US)
DePuy International Limited, St Anthony's Road, Leeds, England, LS11 8DT,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.112 DEPUY-LTD (GB)
Digital Domain, 300 Rose Ave., Venice, CA 90291, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.52 D2-NET (US)
Dynasoft Corporation, 6300 North River Road, Rosemont, IL 60018, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.80 UUNETCBLK4-C-4-80 (US)
E-Systems, Melpar Division, 7700 Arlington Blvd., Falls Church, VA 22046, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.100 ESYSTEMS-005 (US)
198.4.101 ESYSTEMS-006 (US)
198.4.102 ESYSTEMS-007 (US)
198.4.103 ESYSTEMS-008 (US)
198.4.96 ESYSTEMS-001 (US)
198.4.97 ESYSTEMS-002 (US)
198.4.98 ESYSTEMS-003 (US)
198.4.99 ESYSTEMS-004 (US)
198.51.36 MELPAR (US)
Eastern Counties Regional Library, Box 2500, Mulgrave, NS, B0E 2G0, CANADA
1:603 CA*net in Quebec
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
198.166.4 NSME-NS-NET (CA)
Elseware Engineering, 101 Stewart St., 7th floor, Seattle, WA 98101, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.53 ELSE-NET (US)
Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada, Information Management Branch, 580 Booth
Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E4, CANADA
1:601 CA*net in Toronto
2:603 CA*net in Quebec
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
192.139.194 EMRNET1 (CA)
192.139.195 EMRNET2 (CA)
Estonia pst 7, EE-0100, Tallinn, ESTONIA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.40.102 TAMI-NET (EE)
FUCAM, 151, chaussee de Binche, B-7000 Mons, BELGIUM
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.244 FUCAM (BE)
Faculte Polytechnique de Mons, 31, Boulevard Dolez, B-7000 Mons, BELGIUM
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.208 FPMS-C-190-208 (BE)
193.190.209 FPMS-C-190-209 (BE)
193.190.210 FPMS-C-190-210 (BE)
193.190.211 FPMS-C-190-211 (BE)
Fisons Pharmaceuticals, 12 Derby Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
192.152.44 FISONS-FPD (GB)
193.36.144 FISONSPLC2-C-36-144 (GB)
193.36.145 FISONSPLC2-C-36-145 (GB)
193.36.146 FISONSPLC2-C-36-146 (GB)
193.36.147 FISONSPLC2-C-36-147 (GB)
193.36.148 FISONSPLC2-C-36-148 (GB)
193.36.149 FISONSPLC2-C-36-149 (GB)
193.36.150 FISONSPLC2-C-36-150 (GB)
193.36.151 FISONSPLC2-C-36-151 (GB)
Florida Power & Light, 9250 W. Flaggler St., Miami, FL 33174, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
155.109 FPL1 (US)
161.154 FPL2 (US)
Forintek Canada Ltd., 2665 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1W5, CANADA
1:602 CA*net in Montreal
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:603 CA*net in Quebec
198.162.67 FORVANNET (CA)
Fretwell Downing Data Systems, Brincliffe House, 861 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
GeoMet Data Services, Inc., 2705 East Medina Road, Suite 111, Tucson, AZ 85706,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
192.101.77 LLP (US)
Heller Information Services, Inc., PO Box 6669, Silver Spring, MD 20916, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.81 HELLER-NET (US)
Hitachi Data Systems, 10277 Scrips Ranch Blvd., San Diego, CA, 92131, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
192.215.46 CERFNET-C-215-46 (US)
Hitachi Data Systems, 750 Central Express Way, Santa Clara, CA, 95050, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
192.215.48 CERFNET-C-215-48 (US)
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia, SAS, Quadra
5, Bloco H, Brasilia, DF, 70070-000, BRAZIL
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
200.9.121 IBICT-ANDF (BR)
ITAG Information Technology AG, Thunstrasse 160, CH-3074 Muri, SWITZERLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.72.248 ITAG (CH)
Ilex Systems, Inc., 170 Patterson Avenue, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
198.97.107 ILEX (US)
Ingleside High School, 701 Scarboro Rd MS 822, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
198.183.152 INGLEATN (US)
Institute of Computer Science, Bialystok Technical University, ul. Wiejska 45
a, 15-351 Bialystok, POLAND
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.8 BIAL-NET-1 (PL)
Integralis Limited, 10 Brewery Court, 43-45 High Street, Theale, England, RG7
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.128.143 INTEGRALIS (GB)
JSB Computer Systems Ltd, Cheshire House, Castle Street, Macclesfield, England,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.109 JSB-UK (GB)
K.U.Leuven, Campus Kortrijk (KULAK), KULAK, Kortrijk, BELGIUM
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.176 KULAK-NET-C-190-176 (BE)
193.190.177 KULAK-NET-C-190-177 (BE)
193.190.178 KULAK-NET-C-190-178 (BE)
193.190.179 KULAK-NET-C-190-179 (BE)
Kappa Crucis Computer Services, 19 Highland Ave Titirangi, Auckland, NEW
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.14.102 KCBBS (NZ)
Koninklijke Bibliotheek, P.O. Box 90407, NL - 2509 LK Den Haag, NETHERLANDS
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.176.235 ING-IP (NL)
Livestock Improvement Corp. Ltd., Private Bag 3016, Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.14.96 LIVESTOCK (NZ)
MANTIX Systems Limited, 4 Merchants Court, 78 Foundation Street, Ipswich,
Suffolk, England, IP4 BN, UNITED KINGDOM
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.95 MANTIX (GB)
MDIS (McDonnell Douglas Information Systems) Limited, Maylands Park North,
Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, England, HP2 7HU, UNITED KINGDOM
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
192.67.50 MCDDOUGLAS1 (GB)
Magna Software Corporation, 12450 Fair Lakes Circle, Suite 315, Fairfax, VA
22033, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.108 MAGNA1 (US)
198.4.109 MAGNA2 (US)
198.4.110 MAGNA3 (US)
198.4.111 MAGNA4 (US)
Magna Software Corporation, 275 Seventh Avenue, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10001,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
192.160.28 MAGNANET (US)
Mai Research Limited, Tower House, Southampton Street, London, England, WC2E
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.1 MAIRES-C-129-1 (GB)
193.129.2 MAIRES-C-129-2 (GB)
Manakau Polytechnic, Newbury Street, Otara, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.14.216 MANAKAU (NZ)
Mark Anderson Consulting, 246 Palo Alto Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.71 ACONS-NET (US)
Max-Planck-Institute fuer Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, Muelheim an
der Ruhr 1, D-45470, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.108.70 MPI-MUELHEIM (DE)
Medtronic, Incorporated, 7000 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
Mettler-Toledo AG, Im Langacher, CH-8606 Greifensee, SWITZERLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.72.176 MT-NET-C1 (CH)
Minnesota Center for Arts Education, 6125 Olsen Memorial Highway, Golden
Valley, MN 55422, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
198.174.7 MCAE1 (US)
Novatel Communications Ltd., 1020 64 Ave. N.E., Calgary, ON, T2E 7V8, CANADA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.161.64 NOVATEL3 (CA)
198.161.65 NOVATEL4 (CA)
198.161.66 NOVATEL5 (CA)
198.161.67 NOVATEL6 (CA)
198.161.68 NOVATEL7 (CA)
198.161.69 NOVATEL8 (CA)
198.161.70 NOVATEL9 (CA)
198.161.71 NOVATEL10 (CA)
198.161.72 NOVATEL11 (CA)
198.161.73 NOVATEL12 (CA)
198.161.74 NOVATEL13 (CA)
198.161.75 NOVATEL14 (CA)
198.161.76 NOVATEL15 (CA)
198.161.77 NOVATEL16 (CA)
198.161.78 NOVATEL17 (CA)
198.161.79 NOVATEL18 (CA)
Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc., 1400 Opus Place, Suite 200, Downers Grove, IL
60515-5702, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.89 NAGNET (US)
OARnet, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA
1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH
198.30.140 OAR140 (US)
198.30.142 OAR142 (US)
198.30.143 OAR143 (US)
198.30.144 OAR144 (US)
Ocean Park Software, 2616 5th St. #106, Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.65 OP-NET (US)
On-Demand Technologies, Inc., 11004 Metric Blvd, Austin, TX 78758, USA
1:280 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
198.51.69 ODT (US)
Orange County - Telecommunications Department, Network Operations Center, 100
East Pine St., 6th Floor, Orlando, FL 32801, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
192.234.90 ORANGE (US)
Oregon Total Information System (OTIS), 1200 Hwy 99N, PO Box 2680, Eugene, OR
97402, USA
1:685 NorthWestNet Regional Network
2:73 NorthWestNet Regional Network
3:101 NorthWestNet Regional Network
192.220.124 LANENET73 (US)
Pima County Engineering and Geographic Information Services (EGIS), Pima County
EGIS 201 N. Stone Ave., Suite 910 Tucson, AZ 85701, USA
1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
3:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
4:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
159.233 PIMACO (US)
Postboks 2700, St.Hanshaugen, N-0130 Oslo, NORWAY
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.156.94 NFR-C-156-94 (NO)
193.156.95 NFR-C-156-95 (NO)
PowerHouse Systems, Inc., 123 Saginaw Drive, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.104 POWERHOUSE1 (US)
198.4.105 POWERHOUSE2 (US)
198.4.106 POWERHOUSE3 (US)
198.4.107 POWERHOUSE4 (US)
Product Sales International, 2899 Agoura Rd., Suite 269, Westlake Village, CA
91361, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.206.124 PSALES (US)
Quarterdeck Office Systems UK Limited, Widford Hall, Widford Hall Lane,
Chelmsford, England, CM2 8TD, UNITED KINGDOM
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.111 QDECK-UK (GB)
Radian Corporation, 8501 N. Mopac Blvd., Austin, TX 78759, USA
1:2386 INS-AS
129.160 SOLARIUM (US)
198.180.200 NET-FWRADIAN (US)
Ram Mobile Data Limited, Heathrow Boulevard, 280 Bath Road, West Drayton,
Middlesex, England, UB7 0DQ, UNITED KINGDOM
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.24 RAM-UK-C-129-24 (GB)
193.129.25 RAM-UK-C-129-25 (GB)
193.129.26 RAM-UK-C-129-26 (GB)
193.129.27 RAM-UK-C-129-27 (GB)
193.129.64 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-64 (GB)
193.129.65 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-65 (GB)
193.129.66 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-66 (GB)
193.129.67 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-67 (GB)
193.129.68 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-68 (GB)
193.129.69 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-69 (GB)
193.129.70 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-70 (GB)
193.129.71 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-71 (GB)
193.129.72 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-72 (GB)
193.129.73 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-73 (GB)
193.129.74 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-74 (GB)
193.129.75 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-75 (GB)
193.129.76 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-76 (GB)
193.129.77 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-77 (GB)
193.129.78 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-78 (GB)
193.129.79 RAM-UK-MOBI-C-129-79 (GB)
Riverside Technology Inc., 2821 Remington St., Ft. Collins, CO 80525, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.233.42 RIVERSIDE-NET (US)
SAIC (UK) Limited, 26 Craven Court, Stanhope Road, Camberley, England, PO7 8RF,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.113 SAIC-UK (GB)
SIG Schw. Industrie Gesellschaft, Netzwerke u. Kommunikation M409, Industriepl.
1, CH-8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall,
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
158.133 SIG1 (CH)
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology, 443 Northern Ave., Sault Ste.
Marie, ON, P6A 5L3, CANADA
1:601 CA*net in Toronto
2:603 CA*net in Quebec
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
198.96.24 SAULTC2 (CA)
198.96.25 SAULTC3 (CA)
198.96.26 SAULTC4 (CA)
198.96.27 SAULTC5 (CA)
Schindler Informatik AG, Zugerstrasse 13, CH-6030 Ebikon, SWITZERLAND
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.8.168 SCHINDLER-NET-C1 (CH)
Simon & Schuster, 270 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.4.144 PRENHALL7 (US)
198.4.145 PRENHALL8 (US)
198.4.146 PRENHALL9 (US)
198.4.147 PRENHALL10 (US)
198.4.148 PRENHALL11 (US)
198.4.149 PRENHALL12 (US)
198.4.150 PRENHALL13 (US)
198.4.151 PRENHALL14 (US)
198.4.152 PRENHALL15 (US)
198.4.153 PRENHALL16 (US)
198.4.154 PRENHALL17 (US)
198.4.155 PRENHALL18 (US)
198.4.156 PRENHALL19 (US)
198.4.157 PRENHALL20 (US)
198.4.158 PRENHALL21 (US)
198.4.159 PRENHALL22 (US)
Southeast Florida Library Information Network, 100 South Andrews Ave., Ft.
Lauderdale,, FL 33301, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
198.78.48 SEFLIN-C-78-48 (US)
198.78.49 SEFLIN-C-78-49 (US)
198.78.50 SEFLIN-C-78-50 (US)
198.78.51 SEFLIN-C-78-51 (US)
198.78.52 SEFLIN-C-78-52 (US)
198.78.53 SEFLIN-C-78-53 (US)
198.78.54 SEFLIN-C-78-54 (US)
198.78.55 SEFLIN-C-78-55 (US)
198.78.56 SEFLIN-C-78-56 (US)
198.78.57 SEFLIN-C-78-57 (US)
198.78.58 SEFLIN-C-78-58 (US)
198.78.59 SEFLIN-C-78-59 (US)
198.78.60 SEFLIN-C-78-60 (US)
198.78.61 SEFLIN-C-78-61 (US)
198.78.62 SEFLIN-C-78-62 (US)
198.78.63 SEFLIN-C-78-63 (US)
Spectradyne, Inc., 1501 North Plano Road, Richardson, TX 75083-0775, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
Spider Systems Limited, Spider Park, Stanwell Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH6
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
134.191 SPIDER-NETB (GB)
Sprint, 13221 Woodland Park Rd, Herndon, VA 22071, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.157.38 SPRINTLINK10 (US)
Stanford Telecommunications, Inc., 1761 Business Center Drive, Suite 400,
Reston, VA 22090-5333, USA
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.62.191 SEDSTEL (US)
State of Washington, PO Box 48091, Olympia, WA 98504-8091, USA
1:685 NorthWestNet Regional Network
2:73 NorthWestNet Regional Network
3:101 NorthWestNet Regional Network
198.7.68 WA-DEPT-LIC-5 (US)
198.7.69 WA-DEPT-LIC-6 (US)
198.7.70 WA-DEPT-LIC-7 (US)
Systems Guidance Limited, MTC, Cleppa Park, Newport, Gwent, Wales, NP1 9UG,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.22 SYSGUID-LTD (GB)
TFM Associates, Ltd., P.O. Box 5084, Bellingham, WA 98227-5084, USA
1:1982 Northwest Nexus
192.231.224 TFM1 (US)
192.231.225 TFM2 (US)
192.231.228 TFM5 (US)
Telemedia Group, 5419 Cauenga Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.77.144 TELEMEDIA (US)
Thame Microsystems Limited, Thame Park Road, Thame, Oxfordshire, England, OX9
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.104 TMSL0 (GB)
193.129.105 TMSL1 (GB)
The New England Home for Little Wanderers, 20 Linden Street, Boston, MA 02134,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
198.4.93 NEHLW-001 (US)
The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, Private Bag, Lower Hutt, NEW ZEALAND
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.12.101 TOPNZ1 (NZ)
Thesis, Inc., 18333 Preston Rd., Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75252, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.51 THESIS-NET (US)
Thomson Consumer Electronics, 5601 W. Slauson Ave., #262, Culver City, CA
90230, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.69 TCE-NET (US)
United Nation University, Rua Praia Grande, Macau, HONG KONG
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
192.203.232 UNUIIST (HK)
Universite de Mons-Hainaut, Centre de Calcul et d'Informatique, 17, Place
Warocque, BELGIUM
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.192 UMH-C-190-192 (BE)
193.190.193 UMH-C-190-193 (BE)
193.190.194 UMH-C-190-194 (BE)
193.190.195 UMH-C-190-195 (BE)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computing and Communication
Services Office, 1304 West Springfield
Avenue, Urbana, IL, 61801-2987, USA
1:698 UIRNet
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
192.17.3 PRARIE-NET (US)
192.17.7 UI-ISDN-NET (US)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Communications Research
and Planning, 1700 Pratt Dr, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA
1:1312 VPI - ENSS 151
198.82.10 VT-EXT-010 (US)
198.82.11 VT-EXT-011 (US)
198.82.12 VT-EXT-012 (US)
198.82.13 VT-EXT-013 (US)
198.82.144 VT-BEN-144 (US)
198.82.148 VT-BEN-148 (US)
198.82.14 VT-EXT-014 (US)
198.82.15 VT-EXT-015 (US)
198.82.192 VT-BEV-192 (US)
198.82.196 VT-BEV-196 (US)
198.82.1 VT-EXT-001 (US)
198.82.200 VT-BEV-200 (US)
198.82.204 VT-BEV-204 (US)
198.82.208 VT-BEV-208 (US)
198.82.212 VT-BEV-212 (US)
198.82.216 VT-BEV-216 (US)
198.82.220 VT-BEV-220 (US)
198.82.224 VT-BEV-224 (US)
198.82.228 VT-BEV-228 (US)
198.82.240 VT-BEN-240 (US)
198.82.244 VT-BEN-244 (US)
198.82.248 VT-BEN-248 (US)
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.14.106 WNMEDS (NZ)
Waikato District Council, 1 Clyde St, Hamilton, NEW ZEALAND
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.20.79 WAIDC (NZ)
Weld County Public Library, 2227 23rd Ave, Greeley, CO 80631, USA
1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141
2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142
198.233.43 WELDLIB-NET (US)
World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, England,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
192.26.45 WCMC (GB)
193.129.116 WCMC-2 (GB)
Yamanouchi Research Institute, Littlemore Hospital, Oxford, England, OX4 4XN,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
193.129.23 YAM-RES (GB)
York University, Network Operations, Computing, Communications and
Instructional Services, 4700 Keele Street, North York, Ontario, M3J
1:601 CA*net in Toronto
2:603 CA*net in Quebec
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
198.96.32 YORKU-CNET1 (CA)
198.96.33 YORKU-CNET2 (CA)
198.96.34 YORKU-CNET3 (CA)
198.96.35 YORKU-CNET4 (CA)
198.96.36 YORKU-CNET5 (CA)
198.96.37 YORKU-CNET6 (CA)
198.96.38 YORKU-CNET7 (CA)
198.96.39 YORKU-CNET8 (CA)
Z-NET Global News Gateway, P.O. Box 5947, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
1:372 Nasa Science Network (FIX-West)
2:297 Nasa Science Network (FIX-East)
202.20.65 MIDLAND (NZ)
de Havilland Inc., 123 Garratt Blvd., M/S N02-02, Downsview, ON, M3K 1Y5,
1:1957 ANSCIX-AS
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EDT:
configuration reports --
networks sorted by AS --
nets.as_<AS number>
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files,, template.gate, and
NOTE: In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have
moved to a system which requires the use of (NACR)
version 7.0
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)
The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EDT:
Total = Class A+Class B+Class C
Configured Networks 15423 = 26 3906 11491
Added Networks 90 = 0 3 87
Deleted Networks 2 = 0 0 2
IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- ---- -----------
164.203 STDN4 C:US D:09/07/93 1:274 2:60
165.140 CHIRON C:US D:09/07/93 1:2551
165.183 DICOMNET-2 C:CL D:09/07/93 1:86 2:279
192.146.135 ABC-HU2 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
192.174.68 UNIVIE10 C:AT D:09/07/93 1:1133
192.239.227 PHOENIXMICRO-NET C:US D:09/07/93 1:279 2:86
192.253.39 DSI-NET39 C:US D:09/07/93 1:274 2:60
192.253.43 DSI-NET43 C:US D:09/07/93 1:274 2:60
192.69.64 OMA-NET C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.12.104 SE-SWIP-SLIP1 C:SE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.12.118 SE-SWIP-SLIP2 C:SE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.140.10 TR-NET-C-140-10 C:TR D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.11 TR-NET-C-140-11 C:TR D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.12 TR-NET-C-140-12 C:TR D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.13 TR-NET-C-140-13 C:TR D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.14 TR-NET-C-140-14 C:TR D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.140.15 TR-NET-C-140-15 C:TR D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.1 LUC-NET-C-190-1 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.10 LUC-NET-C-190-10 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.11 LUC-NET-C-190-11 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.12 LUC-NET-C-190-12 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.13 LUC-NET-C-190-13 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.14 LUC-NET-C-190-14 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.15 LUC-NET-C-190-15 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.2 LUC-NET-C-190-2 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.200 RESFSAGX C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.246 IIHE-C-190-246 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.190.247 IIHE-C-190-247 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.190.248 BELSPO C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.190.250 FUSLN-C-190-250 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.190.251 FUSLN-C-190-251 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.190.3 LUC-NET-C-190-3 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.4 LUC-NET-C-190-4 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.5 LUC-NET-C-190-5 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.6 LUC-NET-C-190-6 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.7 LUC-NET-C-190-7 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.8 LUC-NET-C-190-8 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.190.9 LUC-NET-C-190-9 C:BE D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.6.1 UNI-MISKOLC1 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.10 UNI-MISKOLC10 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.103 HU-GOVNET C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.11 UNI-MISKOLC11 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.12 UNI-MISKOLC12 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.129 UNI-DEB C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.13 UNI-MISKOLC13 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.14 UNI-MISKOLC14 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.15 UNI-MISKOLC15 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.17 HUNGARNET-C05 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.2 UNI-MISKOLC2 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.204 VETNET-01 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.205 VETNET-02 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.21 HUNGARNET-C06 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.3 UNI-MISKOLC3 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.33 VENET-02 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.34 VENET-03 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.35 VENET-04 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.36 VENET-C-6-36 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.37 VENET-C-6-37 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.38 VENET-C-6-38 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.39 VENET-C-6-39 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.4 UNI-MISKOLC4 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.40 VENET-C-6-40 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.41 VENET-C-6-41 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.5 UNI-MISKOLC5 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.6 UNI-MISKOLC6 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.7 UNI-MISKOLC7 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.8 UNI-MISKOLC8 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.6.9 UNI-MISKOLC9 C:HU D:09/07/93 1:1133
193.84.252 DCIT C:CZ D:09/07/93 1:1133
198.174.8 CONNCOMP C:US D:09/07/93 1:267 2:1225 3:266 4:555
198.182.205 LSUS C:US D:09/07/93 1:279 2:86
198.201.156 TASDAC-29 C:US D:09/07/93 1:274 2:60
198.209.11 MORENET-C-209-11 C:US D:09/07/93 1:1800 2:1240
198.211.58 S3-NET C:US D:09/07/93 1:2551
198.211.59 NETCOM-C-211-59 C:US D:09/07/93 1:2551
198.211.61 NETCOM-C-211-61 C:US D:09/07/93 1:2551
198.211.62 NETCOM-C-211-62 C:US D:09/07/93 1:2551
198.31.42 BARRNET31-43 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.43 BARRNET31-44 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.64 BARRNET31-65 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.65 BARRNET31-66 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.66 BARRNET31-67 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.67 BARRNET31-68 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.68 BARRNET31-69 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.69 BARRNET31-70 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.70 BARRNET31-71 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.31.71 BARRNET31-72 C:US D:09/07/93 1:200 2:201
198.4.116 ORI1 C:US D:09/07/93 1:701 2:702
198.98.133 STDN4-NET6 C:US D:09/07/93 1:274 2:60
198.98.177 STDN4-NET50 C:US D:09/07/93 1:274 2:60
ARC Professional Services Group, 234 South Fraley Blvd, Dumfries, VA 22026, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.4.116 ORI1 (US)
Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Szent-Gyorgyi Albert ut 4., H-2101 Godollo,
192.146.135 ABC-HU2 (HU)
BARRNet, Pine Hall 115, Stanford, CA 94305-4122, USA
1:200 BARRNet
2:201 BARRNet
198.31.42 BARRNET31-43 (US)
198.31.43 BARRNET31-44 (US)
198.31.64 BARRNET31-65 (US)
198.31.65 BARRNET31-66 (US)
198.31.66 BARRNET31-67 (US)
198.31.67 BARRNET31-68 (US)
198.31.68 BARRNET31-69 (US)
198.31.69 BARRNET31-70 (US)
198.31.70 BARRNET31-71 (US)
198.31.71 BARRNET31-72 (US)
Belgian Science Policy Office, Rue De La Science 8, B-1040 Bruxelles, BELGIUM
193.190.248 BELSPO (BE)
Chiron Corporation, 4560 Horton Street, Emeryville, CA 94608, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
165.140 CHIRON (US)
Connect Computer, Inc., 9855 W 78 St, Ste 101, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, USA
1:267 CICNET at UIUC
2:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs
4:555 Minnesota Supercomputer Center Network (MSCNet)
198.174.8 CONNCOMP (US)
DICOM S.A., Miraflores 353, Piso 5, Santiago, CHILE
1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
165.183 DICOMNET-2 (CL)
DISA, Joint Interoperability, Fort Huachuca, AZ 85635-7020, USA
1:274 DSI - Defense Simulation Internet (FIX-East)
2:60 DSI - Defense Simulation Internet (FIX-West)
164.203 STDN4 (US)
198.98.133 STDN4-NET6 (US)
Demonstration Center of Information Technologies, Malostranske nam. 25, Prague
193.84.252 DCIT (CZ)
Facultes Universitaires Saint-Louis, 43 Bd du Jardin Botanique, B-1000
Brussels, BELGIUM
193.190.250 FUSLN-C-190-250 (BE)
193.190.251 FUSLN-C-190-251 (BE)
Facultt des Sciences agronomiques, av. de la Facultt, 8, GEMBLOUX, BELGIUM
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.200 RESFSAGX (BE)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Victor Hugo u. 18-22., H-1132 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY
193.6.17 HUNGARNET-C05 (HU)
193.6.21 HUNGARNET-C06 (HU)
Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Universitaire Campus, Diepenbeek, BELGIUM
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.190.10 LUC-NET-C-190-10 (BE)
193.190.11 LUC-NET-C-190-11 (BE)
193.190.12 LUC-NET-C-190-12 (BE)
193.190.13 LUC-NET-C-190-13 (BE)
193.190.14 LUC-NET-C-190-14 (BE)
193.190.15 LUC-NET-C-190-15 (BE)
193.190.1 LUC-NET-C-190-1 (BE)
193.190.2 LUC-NET-C-190-2 (BE)
193.190.3 LUC-NET-C-190-3 (BE)
193.190.4 LUC-NET-C-190-4 (BE)
193.190.5 LUC-NET-C-190-5 (BE)
193.190.6 LUC-NET-C-190-6 (BE)
193.190.7 LUC-NET-C-190-7 (BE)
193.190.8 LUC-NET-C-190-8 (BE)
193.190.9 LUC-NET-C-190-9 (BE)
Louisiana State University in Shreveport, Computer Center, One University
Place, Shreveport, LA 71115, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
198.182.205 LSUS (US)
Miniszterelnoki Hivatal, Informatikai Koordinacios iroda, Kossuth ter 4.,
H-1055 Budapest, HUNGARY
193.6.103 HU-GOVNET (HU)
Missouri Research and Education Network (MOREnet), University of
Missouri-Columbia, Campus Computing,
200 Heinkel Bldg, Columbia, MO 65211,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
198.209.11 MORENET-C-209-11 (US)
NCTAMS, STDN4 monitoring Center, Wahiawa, HI 85635-7020, USA
1:274 DSI - Defense Simulation Internet (FIX-East)
2:60 DSI - Defense Simulation Internet (FIX-West)
192.253.39 DSI-NET39 (US)
192.253.43 DSI-NET43 (US)
198.201.156 TASDAC-29 (US)
NETCOM Online Communication Services, 4000 Moorpark Ave., Suite 200, San Jose,
CA 95117, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.59 NETCOM-C-211-59 (US)
198.211.61 NETCOM-C-211-61 (US)
198.211.62 NETCOM-C-211-62 (US)
Observatory Meteorology Aeronomy, Ringlaan 3, 1180 Brussel, BELGIUM
192.69.64 OMA-NET (BE)
Phoenix Microsystems, Inc., 991 Discovery Drive, Huntsville, AL 35806, USA
1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech)
2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park)
S3 Inc., 2770 San Thomas Expwy, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
198.211.58 S3-NET (US)
SwipNet AB, Box 6048, Kista, 164 06, SWEDEN
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.12.104 SE-SWIP-SLIP1 (SE)
193.12.118 SE-SWIP-SLIP2 (SE)
TUBITAK-METU (Middle East Technical University), Inonu Bulvari, Ankara, 06531,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.140.10 TR-NET-C-140-10 (TR)
193.140.11 TR-NET-C-140-11 (TR)
193.140.12 TR-NET-C-140-12 (TR)
193.140.13 TR-NET-C-140-13 (TR)
193.140.14 TR-NET-C-140-14 (TR)
193.140.15 TR-NET-C-140-15 (TR)
USAF, HQ ACC/SCTD, Langley Air Force Base, VA 85635-7020, USA
1:274 DSI - Defense Simulation Internet (FIX-East)
2:60 DSI - Defense Simulation Internet (FIX-West)
198.98.177 STDN4-NET50 (US)
Universitas of Debrecen, Egyetem ter 1., H-4010 Debrecen, HUNGARY
193.6.129 UNI-DEB (HU)
Universities of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM
193.190.246 IIHE-C-190-246 (BE)
193.190.247 IIHE-C-190-247 (BE)
University of Miskolc, Miskolc Egyetemvaros, H-3511 MISKOLC, HUNGARY
193.6.10 UNI-MISKOLC10 (HU)
193.6.11 UNI-MISKOLC11 (HU)
193.6.12 UNI-MISKOLC12 (HU)
193.6.13 UNI-MISKOLC13 (HU)
193.6.14 UNI-MISKOLC14 (HU)
193.6.15 UNI-MISKOLC15 (HU)
193.6.1 UNI-MISKOLC1 (HU)
193.6.2 UNI-MISKOLC2 (HU)
193.6.3 UNI-MISKOLC3 (HU)
193.6.4 UNI-MISKOLC4 (HU)
193.6.5 UNI-MISKOLC5 (HU)
193.6.6 UNI-MISKOLC6 (HU)
193.6.7 UNI-MISKOLC7 (HU)
193.6.8 UNI-MISKOLC8 (HU)
193.6.9 UNI-MISKOLC9 (HU)
University of Veszprem, Egyetem u. 10., H-8200 VESZPREM, HUNGARY
193.6.33 VENET-02 (HU)
193.6.34 VENET-03 (HU)
193.6.35 VENET-04 (HU)
193.6.36 VENET-C-6-36 (HU)
193.6.37 VENET-C-6-37 (HU)
193.6.38 VENET-C-6-38 (HU)
193.6.39 VENET-C-6-39 (HU)
193.6.40 VENET-C-6-40 (HU)
193.6.41 VENET-C-6-41 (HU)
University of Veterinary Science, Allatorvostudomanyi Egyetem, Budapest,
193.6.204 VETNET-01 (HU)
193.6.205 VETNET-02 (HU)
Vienna University Computer Center, Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Wien, AUSTRIA
192.174.68 UNIVIE10 (AT)
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EDT:
configuration reports --
networks sorted by AS --
nets.as_<AS number>
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files,, template.gate, and
NOTE: In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have
moved to a system which requires the use of (NACR)
version 7.0.
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)
The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing
database and will be installed on the backbone by 08:00 EDT:
Total = Class A+Class B+Class C
Configured Networks 15335 = 26 3903 11406
Added Networks 86 = 0 12 74
Deleted Networks 0 = 0 0 0
IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS
---------- -------- ------- ---- -----------
144.223 SPRINT-INNET C:US D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
145.238 OBSPM C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
152.127 VA-INTERNET-B-152-127 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.128 VA-INTERNET-B-152-128 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.129 VA-INTERNET-B-152-129 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.130 VA-INTERNET-B-152-130 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.131 VA-INTERNET-B-152-131 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.132 VA-INTERNET-B-152-132 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.133 VA-INTERNET-B-152-133 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
152.135 APPMTLNET C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
157.6 FUKUI-PU-NET C:JP D:09/03/93 1:1240 2:1800
164.65 HA C:US D:09/03/93 1:19 2:568
192.101.131 CORPUSNET C:US D:09/03/93 1:19 2:568
192.108.33 TU-CH-DSA C:DE D:09/03/93 1:293 2:291
192.109.27 MPIH-LAN C:DE D:09/03/93 1:293 2:291
192.111.251 SSDL-NET C:US D:09/03/93 1:114 2:1700
192.134.113 INRA-CNERTA C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.134.160 OBSHP C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.134.164 FR-PREVISIA C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
192.167.34 ISS-NET C:IT D:09/03/93 1:293 2:291
192.188.38 EHS-FRESNO C:US D:09/03/93 1:291
192.234.246 PRENTICE C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
192.251.132 PRENTICE2 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
192.251.133 PRENTICE3 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
192.251.134 PRENTICE4 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
192.251.135 PRENTICE5 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
192.251.136 PRENTICE6 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
192.33.137 NTG1 C:US D:09/03/93 1:2551
192.51.194 HOKUSEI1 C:JP D:09/03/93 1:1240 2:1800
192.51.195 HOKUSEI2 C:JP D:09/03/93 1:1240 2:1800
193.104.192 FR-BIR C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.156.96 UNIK-C-156-96 C:NO D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.156.97 UNIK-C-156-97 C:NO D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1133 3:1240
193.174.248 EUNET-X400 C:DE D:09/03/93 1:701 2:1800
193.48.221 FR-IPL2 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.48.249 FR-CSJF C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.50.151 FR-PARIS10VR C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240 3:1133 4:1674
193.51.172 FR-IUTV C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.51.89 ADM-DAUPHINE C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.51.90 BU-DAUPHINE C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.52.137 UPVMOPR1 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.52.138 UPVMOPE1 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.52.140 UPVMOPE2 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.52.141 UPVMOPBU C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.52.142 UPVMOPGA C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.121 FR-UNICAEN02 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.122 FR-UNICAEN03 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.123 FR-UNICAEN04 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.124 FR-UNICAEN05 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.125 FR-UNICAEN06 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.126 FR-UNICAEN07 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.127 FR-UNICAEN08 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.128 FR-UNICAEN09 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.129 FR-UNICAEN10 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.130 FR-UNICAEN11 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.131 FR-UNICAEN12 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.132 FR-UNICAEN13 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.133 FR-UNICAEN14 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.134 FR-UNICAEN15 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.135 FR-UNICAEN16 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.72 FR-CNRS-A1 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.55.86 FR-CNRS-A15 C:FR D:09/03/93 1:1800 2:1240
193.59.32 EFP-C-59-32 C:PL D:09/03/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.59.33 EFP-C-59-33 C:PL D:09/03/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.59.34 EFP-C-59-34 C:PL D:09/03/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.59.35 EFP-C-59-35 C:PL D:09/03/93 1:1800 3:1240
193.59.36 EFP-C-59-36 C:PL D:09/03/93 1:1800 3:1240
198.112.45 XNET2 C:US D:09/03/93 1:281 2:701
198.112.46 XNET3 C:US D:09/03/93 1:281 2:701
198.147.144 FUTURESOURCE C:US D:09/03/93 1:2149 2:174
198.147.64 LS-NNTS-64 C:US D:09/03/93 1:1740
198.166.5 ACOA-HFX-2 C:CA D:09/03/93 1:603 2:601 3:602
198.166.6 ACOA-HFX-3 C:CA D:09/03/93 1:603 2:601 3:602
198.166.7 ACOA-HFX-4 C:CA D:09/03/93 1:603 2:601 3:602
198.182.207 NAS-C-182-207 C:US D:09/03/93 1:1982
198.182.208 NAS-C-182-208 C:US D:09/03/93 1:1982
198.182.248 IBM-WATSLIP2 C:US D:09/03/93 1:1747
198.30.87 OAR87 C:US D:09/03/93 1:600
198.4.118 PAE-NET-L1 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.119 PAE-NET-R1 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.120 NCMSNET5 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
198.4.121 STERLING-FCNET1 C:US D:09/03/93 1:701 2:702
198.62.113 NYNDPI-NET1 C:US D:09/03/93 1:114 2:1700
198.62.114 NYNDPI-NET2 C:US D:09/03/93 1:114 2:1700
202.16.226 HG-NET1 C:JP D:09/03/93 1:1240 2:1800
202.16.227 HG-NET2 C:JP D:09/03/93 1:1240 2:1800
Applied Materials, Inc., 2727 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95064, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
152.135 APPMTLNET (US)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Halifax Office, Suite 600, Central Trust
Tower, 1801 Hollis St., Halifax, NS, CANADA
1:603 CA*net in Quebec
2:601 CA*net in Toronto
3:602 CA*net in Montreal
198.166.5 ACOA-HFX-2 (CA)
198.166.6 ACOA-HFX-3 (CA)
198.166.7 ACOA-HFX-4 (CA)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Naval Hospital, Management Information Systems
Department, Corpus Christi, TX 78419, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
192.101.131 CORPUSNET (US)
CNERTA, 26, Boulevard Petitjean, 21000 Dijon, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.134.113 INRA-CNERTA (FR)
Centre Informatique de Dauphine (CID), Universite de PARIS-DAUPHINE, Place du
Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.51.89 ADM-DAUPHINE (FR)
193.51.90 BU-DAUPHINE (FR)
Centre National de la Recherche Sientifique - Siege, 15 quai A. France 75700
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.55.72 FR-CNRS-A1 (FR)
193.55.86 FR-CNRS-A15 (FR)
Centre Scientifique Joseph Fourier, 38 rue Barthelemy de Laffemas, 26000
Valence, 21000 Dijon, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.48.249 FR-CSJF (FR)
Centre de Ressources Informatiques, Universite de Caen, Esplanade de la Paix,
F-14032 Caen CEDEX, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.55.121 FR-UNICAEN02 (FR)
193.55.122 FR-UNICAEN03 (FR)
193.55.123 FR-UNICAEN04 (FR)
193.55.124 FR-UNICAEN05 (FR)
193.55.125 FR-UNICAEN06 (FR)
193.55.126 FR-UNICAEN07 (FR)
193.55.127 FR-UNICAEN08 (FR)
193.55.128 FR-UNICAEN09 (FR)
193.55.129 FR-UNICAEN10 (FR)
193.55.130 FR-UNICAEN11 (FR)
193.55.131 FR-UNICAEN12 (FR)
193.55.132 FR-UNICAEN13 (FR)
193.55.133 FR-UNICAEN14 (FR)
193.55.134 FR-UNICAEN15 (FR)
193.55.135 FR-UNICAEN16 (FR)
DMSSC/TSD, Suite 502, 5109 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041, USA
1:19 Milnet (FIX-East)
2:568 Milnet (FIX-West)
164.65 HA (US)
Distributed Plateform for Evaluation and Integration, Information Systems
Architecture Project, INRIA Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.134.164 FR-PREVISIA (FR)
EUnet Deutschland GmbH, Emil-Figge-Str. 80, D-44227 Dortmund, GERMANY
1:701 Alternet
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
193.174.248 EUNET-X400 (DE)
Ecole Franco Polonaise de Poznan, en Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information,
et de la Communication, ul.P.Mansfelda
4, 60-854 Poznan, POLAND
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.59.32 EFP-C-59-32 (PL)
193.59.33 EFP-C-59-33 (PL)
193.59.34 EFP-C-59-34 (PL)
193.59.35 EFP-C-59-35 (PL)
193.59.36 EFP-C-59-36 (PL)
Edison High School, 540 E. California Ave., Fresno, CA 93706, USA
1:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.188.38 EHS-FRESNO (US)
Fukui Prefectural University, Executive Office for The Establishment of the
Fukui Prefectural University, Fukui
Prefectural Government, 2-9-10 Ohte,
Fukui City, Fukui, JAPAN
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
FutureSource, 955 Parkview Blvd, Lombard, IL 60148, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
198.147.144 FUTURESOURCE (US)
Hokkai-Gakuen University, 4-1-40, Asahimachi, Toyohira-ku, Sapporo 062, JAPAN
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
202.16.226 HG-NET1 (JP)
202.16.227 HG-NET2 (JP)
Hokusei Gakuen University, Computer Center, Oyachi Nishi 2-3-1, Atsubetsu-ku,
Sapporo 004, JAPAN
1:1240 ICM-Pacific
2:1800 ICM-Atlantic
192.51.194 HOKUSEI1 (JP)
192.51.195 HOKUSEI2 (JP)
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
1:1747 IBM Watson, Yorktown Heights, NY
198.182.248 IBM-WATSLIP2 (US)
INSERM - Service de l'Evaluation de la Recherche, Banque d'Informations sur les
Recherches, 101 rue de Tolbiac, F-75654 Paris CEDEX 13, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.104.192 FR-BIR (FR)
IPL - Institut Polytechnique de Lyon, BP 2055, 69227 Lyon CEDEX 02, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.48.221 FR-IPL2 (FR)
Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Valence, 51, Rue Barthelemy de
Laffemas, BP 29, 26901 Valence CEDEX 9, 21000 Dijon, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.51.172 FR-IUTV (FR)
Istituto Superiore di Sanita', Viale Regina Elena 299, Roma, I-00161, ITALY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.167.34 ISS-NET (IT)
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Hirnforschung, Abteilung EDV, Deutschordenstr. 46,
Frankfurt, D-60528, GERMANY
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.109.27 MPIH-LAN (DE)
NYNEX DPI Company, 12946 Dairy Ashford Rd., Ste 300, Sugar Land, TX 77478, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network
198.62.113 NYNDPI-NET1 (US)
198.62.114 NYNDPI-NET2 (US)
National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, 900 Victors Way, Suite 310, Ann
Arbor, MI 48108, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.4.120 NCMSNET5 (US)
Network Access Services, P.O. Box 5084, Bellingham, WA 98227-5084, USA
1:1982 Northwest Nexus
198.182.207 NAS-C-182-207 (US)
198.182.208 NAS-C-182-208 (US)
OARnet, 1224 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212, USA
1:600 OARNET, Cleveland, OH
198.30.87 OAR87 (US)
Observatoire de Haute Provence, 04870, Saint Michel l'Observatoire, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
192.134.160 OBSHP (FR)
Observatoire de Paris, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
145.238 OBSPM (FR)
PAE Associates, 9056 Arlington Blvd., Fairfax, VA 22031, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.4.118 PAE-NET-L1 (US)
198.4.119 PAE-NET-R1 (US)
Simon & Schuster, 270 Sylvan Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
192.234.246 PRENTICE (US)
192.251.132 PRENTICE2 (US)
192.251.133 PRENTICE3 (US)
192.251.134 PRENTICE4 (US)
192.251.135 PRENTICE5 (US)
192.251.136 PRENTICE6 (US)
Southwest Systems Development Laboratories, 2427 Manorwood Drive, Sugar Land,
TX 77478, USA
1:114 SESQUINET Regional Network
2:1700 SESQUINET Regional Network
192.111.251 SSDL-NET (US)
Sprint, 9300 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66212, USA
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
Sterling Software, 950 Tower Lane, Suite 870, Foster City, CA, USA
1:701 Alternet
2:702 Alternet
198.4.121 STERLING-FCNET1 (US)
Technical University of Chemnitz-Zwickau, TU Chemnitz-Zwickau, Rechenzentrum,
Strasse der Nationen 62, Chemnitz, D-09111,
1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East)
2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West)
192.108.33 TU-CH-DSA (DE)
The 3DO Company, Inc., 2470 Embarcadero Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
1:2551 NETCOM
192.33.137 NTG1 (US)
UNIK, Pb. 70, N-2007 Kjeller, NORWAY
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
3:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.156.96 UNIK-C-156-96 (NO)
193.156.97 UNIK-C-156-97 (NO)
USC/ISI, 4676 Admiralty Way Suite 1000, Marina del Rey,, CA 90292-6695, USA
1:1740 CERFnet
198.147.64 LS-NNTS-64 (US)
Universite Paul Valery, route de Mende BP 5043, F-34032 Montpellier CEDEX,
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
193.52.137 UPVMOPR1 (FR)
193.52.138 UPVMOPE1 (FR)
193.52.140 UPVMOPE2 (FR)
193.52.141 UPVMOPBU (FR)
193.52.142 UPVMOPGA (FR)
Universite de Paris X Nanterre - Centre de Calcul, 200 Avenue de la Republique,
92001 Nanterre CEDEX, FRANCE
1:1800 ICM-Atlantic
2:1240 ICM-Pacific
4:1674 CERN-EBONE Backup AS
193.50.151 FR-PARIS10VR (FR)
Washington ISC - Dept. of Veterans Affairs, 8403 Colesville Road - Suite 200,
Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA
1:2149 PSINET-2
2:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI
152.127 VA-INTERNET-B-152-127 (US)
152.128 VA-INTERNET-B-152-128 (US)
152.129 VA-INTERNET-B-152-129 (US)
152.130 VA-INTERNET-B-152-130 (US)
152.131 VA-INTERNET-B-152-131 (US)
152.132 VA-INTERNET-B-152-132 (US)
152.133 VA-INTERNET-B-152-133 (US)
X Consortium, PO Box 546, Cambridge, MA 02142-0004, USA
1:281 NEARnet Regional Network
2:701 Alternet
198.112.45 XNET2 (US)
198.112.46 XNET3 (US)
The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be
available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EDT:
configuration reports --
networks sorted by AS --
nets.as_<AS number>
NSS routing software configuration files --
nss<NSS number>.t3p
Please send all requests for configuration changes to nsfnet-admin(a)
using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line
from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the
machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files,, template.gate, and
NOTE: In order to more efficiently process your requests, we have
moved to a system which requires the use of (NACR)
version 7.0.
--Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET skw(a)
--Enke Chen Merit/NSFNET enke(a)
--Steven J. Richardson Merit/NSFNET sjr(a)
Well, the person who typed this into their database made a mistake.
Pam called them, they've corrected it and anyone who already made
a reservation for our group will get the proper rate.
Thanks Claudio for catching this.
Ken Latta, Merit Network, Inc.
NSFNET Project, Internet Engineering Group
1071 Beal, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2103
313.936.2115 voice, 313.747.3745 fax
klatta(a), USERLFQF(a)umichum.bitnet
> From: Claudio Topolcic <topolcic(a)CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
> To: Ken Latta <klatta(a)>
> CC: topolcic(a)CNRI.Reston.VA.US
> Ken,
> I just called and made a hotel reservation. But they told me
> that the rate was $75 per night, not the $59 you mentioned. I said I
> was with the Merit Regional Techs Meeting. Did I get something wrong?
> Claudio