On Tue, Nov 27, 2007 at 09:38:40AM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote:
Some people have compared unwanted Internet traffic to water pollution, and proposed that ISPs should be required to be like water utilities and be responsible for keeping the Internet water crystal clear and pure.
Several new projects have started around the world to achieve those goals.
ITU anti-botnet initiative
I'm not sure how to reconcile two things: 1) e2e principle -- if someone starts doing some new proto 66 thing, how do you make sure it's accessible? 2) protection from unwanted garbage. I don't really want all these 404 byte udp/1434 packets anymore but the networks that originate them don't seem to care or notice they're still infected. one persons unsolicated traffic is anothers debgging/research project. I was at a thanksgiving party and made the following postulation: Within the next 2 major software releases (Microsoft OS) they're going to by default require signed binaries. This will be the only viable solution to the malware threat. Other operating systems may follow. (This was a WAG, based on gut feeling). This has some interesting implications and would require Microsoft to be a bit more small-app friendly, and there'd be a knob to twiddle if you're a developer and don't want to check signatures, but it's one of the few ways to resolve the issues IMHO, and cut down on the infections. So what if I own you via your browser, unless the malware i push to your host is signed, it's not gonna run. Game [closer to] over. - Jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.