On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 5:25 PM, Tom Sparks (Applied Operations) <tsparks@appliedops.net> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 05:17:42PM -0400, Christopher Morrow wrote:
So... apparently AS27595 is back on the air, with aspath's like: 6461 23342 27595 6539 23342 27595 8075 23342 27595
23342 == UnitedLayer, Tom isn't that you or is that another Tom I'm remembering?
Yep, same Tom, I was one of the founders of UnitedLayer. I haven't been there since 2006, so its not my doing.
yup, didn't particularly mean it was 'your doing' (even if you were there) but that perhaps (if you were still there) you might be able to influence the ops folks some... if you thought it worthy.
I also noticed AS paths like this: * 701 2914 32335 6461 23342 27595 i
I'm not sure whats going on there, but I'm thinking someone needs some help :)
yea I suspect that's a history route (or PIE re-opened the links between PIE/Atrivo). Or... Abovenet & PIE & NTT aren't filtering their customers in a way that keeps PIE form providing transit to NTT for Abovenet :( (NTT says loud and long they filter based on IRR data, PIE might not have updated their IRR info?) wierd though.