Howdy gentle folks: It looks like AS4847 - "China Networks Inter-Exchange" Is taking some time to announce reachability for at least: which they ought not, given that this /24 is part of a /11 assigned to AS16591 (google fiber)... Looking at routeviews data, I see the following as-paths for this one /24: $ grep -A1 Refresh /tmp/x | grep 4847 1239 174 4134 4847 3549 3356 174 4134 4847 701 174 4134 4847 4901 6079 3257 4134 4847 20912 174 4134 4847 1221 4637 4134 4847 1351 11164 4134 4847 6079 1299 4134 4847 6079 3257 4134 4847 7018 4134 4847 6939 1299 4134 4847 3561 209 4134 4847 3303 4134 4847 3277 39710 9002 4134 4847 2497 4134 4847 4826 1299 4134 4847 54728 20130 23352 2914 4134 4847 19214 3257 4134 4847 101 101 11164 4134 4847 1403 6453 4134 4847 852 6453 4134 4847 1403 6453 4134 4847 286 4134 4847 3333 1273 4134 4847 57866 3491 4134 4847 3267 1299 4134 4847 49788 174 4134 4847 53767 3257 4134 4847 53364 3257 4134 4847 8283 57866 3491 4134 4847 7660 2516 4134 4847
From that I think the following AS should have filtered this prefix and are not: $ grep -A1 Refresh /tmp/x | grep 4847 | sed 's/ 4134 4847//' | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -n | uniq
174 - Cogent 209 - Qwest 286 - KPN 1273 - Vodafone 1299 - Telia 2497 - IIJ 2516 - KDDI 2914 - NTT 3257 - GTT 3303 - Swisscom 3491 - PCCW 4637 - Telstra 6453 - TATA 7018 - ATT 9002 - RETN 11164 - Internet2 It'd be great if the listed folk could filter AS4134 :) -Chris