On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 9:13 PM, Edward Arthurs <earthurs@legacyinmate.com> wrote:
There are several obstacles to overcome, IMHO 1. The companies at the mid size and smaller levels have to invest in newer equipment that handles IPV6.
if they have gear made in the last 7yrs it's likely already got the right bits for v6 support, right?
2. The network Admins at the above mentioned companies need to learn IPV6, most will want there company to pay the bill for this.
for a large majority of the use cases it's just "configure that other family on the interface" and done.
3. The vendors that make said equipment should lower the cost of said equipment to prompt said companies into purchasing said equipment.
the equipment in question does both v4 and v6 ... so why lower pricing? (also, see 'if made in the last 7 yrs, it's already done and you probably don't have to upgrade')
There is a huge difference between IPV4 and IPV6 and there will be a lot of
'huge difference' ... pls quantify this. (unless you just mean colons instead of periods and letters in the address along with numbers)