On Thu, May 28, 2015 at 5:29 AM, Robert Kisteleki <robert@ripe.net> wrote:
Bcrypt or PBKDF2 with random salts per password is really what anyone storing passwords should be using today.
Indeed. A while ago I had a brainfart and presented it in a draft: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kistel-encrypted-password-storage-00
It seemed like a good idea at the time :-) It didn't gain much traction though.
I get the feeling that, along with things like 'email address verification' in javascript form things, passwd storage and management is something done via a few (or a bunch of crappy home-grown) code bases. Seems like 'find the common/most-used' ones and fix them would get some mileage? I don't imagine that 'dlink' (for example) is big on following rfc stuff for their web-interface programming? (well, at least for things like 'how should we store passwds?')