i am told that aads seems to be planning to renumber, seemingly as there is some service charge for the address space they do not wish to pay. please correct/confirm.
should this be true and a real issue,
i have received the attached email. as it is not marked confidential I have attached it here for review.
o will folk be happy renumbering at larger exchanges?
o does anyone see why the exchange address space needs to be globally routable?
no. in fact, i believe nsps should use bilaterally provided unique address space at public exchange points, to model private interconnections, though the public fabric is shred. ie - instead of using 198.32.136.x/24, a network should use a.b.c.d/30, where a.b.c.d/30 comes out of one, or the other, peer's address space. the maes and naps are no longer the center of the internet, and therefore mae/nap reachability is of little consequence. -alan