>From kevin.a.peterson@ait3.ameritech.com Wed Jan 20 14:09:53 1999 Received: from pobox.snv1.gctr.net (pobox.snv1.gctr.net []) by vauxhall.isi.net (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id OAA27106 for ; Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:09:16 -0800 (PST) From: kevin.a.peterson@ait3.ameritech.com Received: from mailcarrier.snv.gctr.net (mailcarrier.snv1.gctr.net []) by pobox.snv1.gctr.net (8.9.1/8.9.1) with ESMTP id WAA20381 for ; Wed, 20 Jan 1999 22:08:34 GMT Received: from portal2.ameritech.com (portal2.ameritech.com []) by mailcarrier.snv.gctr.net (8.9.0/8.9.0) with SMTP id WAA23935 for ; Wed, 20 Jan 1999 22:08:32 GMT Received: from email3.nwoc.mi.ameritech.com by portal2.ameritech.com with SMTP id RAA10765 (InterLock SMTP Gateway 3.0 for ); Wed, 20 Jan 1999 17:04:25 -0500 Received: from localhost (root@localhost) by email3.nwoc.mi.ameritech.com (AIX4.2/UCB 8.7/8.7) with SMTP id RAA95238; Wed, 20 Jan 1999 17:04:23 -0500 (EST) X-Openmail-Hops: 1 Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 17:04:11 -0500 Message-Id: Subject: AADS NAP - IP renumbering Mime-Version: 1.0 Sender: kevin.a.peterson@ait3.ameritech.com To: alan@globalcenter.net, bchall@eni.net, bengi@exodus.net, bergum@mr.net, bmanning@isi.edu, cnelson@uic.edu, darin@good.net, davediaz@netrail.net, demar@fnal.gov, e-nelson@universalaccessinc.com, fukuda@ntta.com, fwalters@lincon.net, gemohler@wcg.net, gibbs@servint.com, Jack.S.Gill@amexchange.ameritech.com, greg@gomnetcom.net, har@merit.edu, heil@napdirect.net, jamie@ais.net, jay-ford@uiowa.edu, jayb@att.com, jbernhardt@mediaone.com, jc@crl.com, jcoulter@on.bell.ca, jeff@cris.com, jjamison@mci.net, jonathan@cir.nus.edu.sg, justin@above.net, kline@uiuc.edu, les@agis.net, lwinkler@anl.gov, marcellus@cw.net, mtwomey@megsinet.net, nna@l3.net, noc@conxion.net, noc@corp.idt.net, noc@iconnet.net, noc@interaccess.com, noc@internex.net, noc@nap.net, noc@sprint.net, paul@cetlink.net, paul@iastate.edu, pee@frontier.net, peering@genuity.net, peering@pilot.net, r-rusnak@uchicago.edu, rhuey@csi.compuserve.com, rirving@indy.net, routing@es.net, routing@noc.netcom.net, rs-peer@rsng.net, ryan@inc.net, sbard@splitrock.net, schmidt@aads.net, sean@dra.com, sexton.1@nd.edu, steele@oar.net, tac@nts.umn.edu, thierry.esteve@francetelecom.fr, tim@alpha.net, tim@i1.net, tine@cais.net, tpw@nwu.edu, tstroup@fibernet.net, vishy@ciocc.arc.nasa.gov, waqar@us.ibm.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; name="AADS" Content-Disposition: inline; filename="AADS" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by vauxhall.isi.net id OAA27106 Status: RO Content-Length: 2968 Lines: 67 As most of you are aware, the Ameritech Advanced Data Services (AADS) NAP is going to renumber the IP addresses and the subnet of 198.32.130/24 is going away. The reason for this change is: - address administration and inverse DNS are under the control of a third party. - current subnetting is inefficient. - we anticipate that without renumbering the current address space that we have will run out in mid year 1999. Some of the benefits of renumbering are: - as the operator of the exchange point, AADS will be responsible for the inverse DNS as well as the administration of the addresses. - New customer address allocations will become a seamless part of the provisioning process, and customers will have a single point of contact for VPI/VCI and IP address assignments. - By renumbering we will be positioned for long term growth with little concern for renumbering again. - Growth capacity is important as the exchange point continues to serve multiple logical exchanges (STARTAP, MREN, ISP's, etc.) - Overlap among these groups requiring them to stay within the same network at the exchange. - Plan is to move the router servers to a totally new subnet. By the end of January, all customers will have the new IP addresses assigned and will be posted on the AADS NAP web site (http://nap.aads.net). The last octet of the customers' addresses will remain the same, to ease the conversion and maintain some continuity. At this point, we expect the conversion to take place the second week of February 1999. After discussion with everyone that can attend the Denver NANOG, a suitable date and time will be determined and a window will be scheduled. AADS will provided a large conference bridge during the cutover window to be used by our customers' network operations personnel for coordination and troubleshooting. AADS operations will be available throughout the entire window to assist with any needed troubleshooting. Details on the conversion of the route servers are being prepared by Merit and AADS. This information will be released by January 25th, 1999. The RSng staff will work closely with users of the route servers at AADS before, during and after the cutover to ensure everything continues to work properly. Per Bill Manning's e-mail message he is going to discontinue the current IP subnet on February 15th. We do not however, anticipate any problems with continued usage of the old address space before the cutover takes place, which as was mentioned will take place before the 15th. I hope this provides answers to some of your concerns. Please refer to our web site or contact me directly on 312-857-7534 for further details and I hope to see you all at the Denver NANOG BOF on Monday night. Sincerely, Kevin Peterson Ameritech Advanced Data Services (AADS) NAP Administrator