On Jan 13, 2022, at 12:28 PM, Chris Adams <cma@cmadams.net> wrote:
Once upon a time, Brandon Martin <lists.nanog@monmotha.net> said:
AT&T and Comcast don't seem to provide battery by default if you buy voice service from them.
The only major power outage I've experienced at my house (I've been here over 20 years) was the May 2011 tornado outbreak, when TVA lost hundreds of distribution towers, and my local utility lost all feeds. At the time, I had AT&T POTS, Comcast cable/Internet, and T-Mobile cell.
You are lucky. In my areas we have many power outages and in my ~20 years in my current house, we have had several outages that went past 3 days in various weather (spring, summer, fall, winter) Not only were we impacted by the NE blackout, but just in the short time I’ve had a generator it’s run around 0.5% of the time due to grid outage, with the prior year we had 7 different outages. I also don’t believe the reporting is accurate from this source I’m doing a quick SWAG of, I think it’s been longer. It’s so bad I monitor the grid voltage and have it in influxdb+grafana dashboard (I recommend iotawatt if you want a neat device) - Jared