This question would likely be better answered on cisco-nsp. But the asr9k provides a better roadmap than the 7600/6500 platform. These are now quite old platforms in the overall lifecycle. The 9k also runs xr which is either an asset or liability depending on your network. Me? I always want a box that provides good diagnostics and protected memory over one that does not. Bugs happen, software is imperfect. I want a device that provides the best possible debuging information when it comes to support time. These items are not there in regular ios, and IMHO ios-xe does not really qualify (but is better, just like the ion/modular 6500 code). Jared Mauch On Sep 21, 2009, at 9:22 AM, Nick Colton <> wrote:
I work for a small CLEC, we have been doing FTTP for 5 years now but are getting ready to update our core network and introduce IPTV services. Cisco has been recommending the Cisco 7600 as our core router. My concern is that cisco told us that in the event of an RSP failover the 7600 could take up to 30 seconds to begin routing packets again, this seems wrong to me since my old Extreme Networks BD 6808 can do failovers and rebuild route tables in under 5 seconds but?? More recently I have been reading up on the ASR 9000 however and it appears that it would be better sized for our company than the 7600. A few questions I have for the group. 1. Has anyone used the ASR 9000 in place of a Cisco 7600?
2. Is the ASR 9000 Carrier ready? Meaning 5x9's of availability, few component failures, solid software...etc
3. Has anyone had issues where it took the 7600 30 seconds to start routing again after an RSP failover?