(picking up where I ejected on the email...argh) On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 12:19 AM, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Tomas L. Byrnes <tomb@byrneit.net> wrote:
These issues are not separate and distinct, but rather related.
A graduated level of analysis of membership in any of the sets of:
1: Recently registered domain.
hi, I just registered 'newproduct.com' for my press release, I'm sending you emails from that domain since you signed up with my company for new news alerts abotu my great products!
2: Short TTL
I'm anticipating high traffic loads, I'm putting my pressrelease things on akamai/llnw, I want to shift that away quickly when traffic levels decrease. I made my ttl's short, for that, plus akamai sets my ttl's on their responses to 5mins.
3: Appearance in DShield, Shadowserver, Cyber-TA and other sensor lists.
sure, these are fine folks... they get things wring at times :(
4: Invalid/Non-responsive RP info in Whois
oh, whois isn't updated with NS info updates... so for 6-12 hours that data's not going to reflect 'valid' info while I send out my notifications.
Create a pretty good profile of someone you probably don't want to accept traffic from.
I agree that correlation across many forms of intell gathering is good, and probably the way out for folks on the good side of this battle. My point was that tossing FUD on top of the 'icann made a mistake, maybe' isn't helping the argument nor discussion.
There should be some work, and maybe there is work happening on this, done to bring ICANN policies up to speed with respect to dealing with: 1) domain owners who have invalid (chronically bad) info 2) registrars who seem to solely
solely registering bad/criminal/abusive domains... -chris