On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Lee Howard <lee@asgard.org> wrote:
P.S. At this point, the IPv6 transition has failed, unlike the Y2K transition, and
For certain values of "fail." The odds of a dual-stack transition as initially envisioned by the IETF are vanishingly small, but IPv6 will be a significant part of the coping strategies once RIRs allocate their last blocks of IPv4.
it'd be interesting to hear michael's reasoning behind 'transition has failed' (to me at least). I agree it doesn't seem like it's moved along as anyone would (aside from Todd) have hoped, but it is moving along. Currently the only real alternative to ipv6 at the end-user (in ~2yrs) will be giant-CGN-NAT-things or ... that's about it :( I don't think we'll have (nor would we have in 2005 even) gotten an ipv7/8/9/10 up and spec'd/coded/wrung-out before ~2 yrs from now either. So, given the cards we have, ipv6 isn't all bad. -chris