Nanog has always been broadcast over mbone since I've been aware of it. The quality depends on your upstream multicast providers, and there usually tend to be some multicast routing issues each time a major event is on mbone, because folks are trying to graft themeslves in, and don't quite configure stuff right. Usually the video and audio are of decent quality, with periodic spottyness, if you can't live with that, you should probally go there. Anyways, it's a good chance to go somewhere warm during the cold months up here :) - Jared On a dark and stormy night, Marko B. said:
Are there any plans for multicasting the NANOG proceedings over the MBONE this time around? Or recording it and possibly encoding with realvideo for later release?
Marko Bukvic
-- ----------------- - Nether Network ------------------ CICNet/IAGNet/QUALnet/NetherNet - finger for pgp key