On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:49 PM, Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> wrote:
On Tue, 21 Apr 2009, Christopher Morrow wrote:
arin never (nor do any RIR) guarantee routability, nor do they even a method to affect routability of a network.
Sure they do. They can and have put pressure on networks to stop advertisements from being propagated. What they can actually do if their bluff is called, I have no idea, but I've seen their influence work.
Right: "Jon, hey this is hostmaster-at-arin-guy, your customer Jim is announcing a prefix that we think isn't his, anymore. Could you block that?" you: "Well, they do pay me, they are current, why do you think something bad is going on here?" <evidence passed around, whois records removed> you: "Ok, since you are arin, and I'm a good guy, I'll call the customer, get their side and give them some time to migrate off/repair their ARIN issues, end-of-week ok?" 1) assuming Jon is a 'good guy' (jon-lewis is, or has seemingly always been) 2) assuming this isn't a blatant VMX-networks-type hijack 3) assuming ARIN has a reason to pull whois content I've been on the receiving end of that sort of call, and I've pulled ASN's or ip-announcements back... but I've also seen customers get into tangles for non-payment when bills went to someone who didn't understand what ARIN was :( In the end, ARIN can't do anything if the 'customer' or 'ISP' in this case decides to not listen to ARIN.
2) Have the current "owner" pay the market rate for the IP space
... that's somewhat hard since the current policies don't support that, and there is no real legal stance for legacy-allocations... For allocated post-legacy-times ARIN can start court proceedings, but ... that's a lengthy process and expensive.
Having looked back at old copies of the domain-template.txt and internet-number-template.txt, I really don't see why one group was grandfathered in with an indefinite free ride and the other was not at all.
mysteries... I don't claim to understand that either... someone, I suppose, long ago thought that this interwebz thing wasn't going to take off? (or that 4b numbers really was enough...) -Chris