On Aug 18, 2021, at 9:38 AM, John Kristoff <jtk@dataplane.org> wrote:
Maybe because there isn't a simple, universal approach to setting it. Probably like a lot of people, historically I'd set it to some % over the current stable count and then manually adjust when the limits were about to be breached, or often was the case when they were and I wasn't ready for it. Not ideal.
I've never felt the automation of this setting however was worth the effort. Of course I am not usually responsible for hundreds of routers and thousands of peering sessions.
We did a variant of this at NTT, with certain baseline settings. Sometimes networks would advertise more routes because they onboarded a large customer and it would cause manual updates to be necessary. Polling daily and snapshotting these values is important to understand what is changing. The reason I just posted a message about Akamai max-prefix is we have been giving some general guidance that is out of line/norm compared to what perhaps what we want. This won’t cause a service outage per-se but will cause suboptimal routing as we continue to make improvements and upgrades to our network. - Jared