On Jan 23, 2020, at 2:21 PM, Kaiser, Erich <erich@gotfusion.net> wrote:
Except the CDN providing the content did not anticipate this type of influx (How come I am not sure probably more concerned about new business revenue and not thinking about the backend infrastructure) and has pushed over costly peers for most of us. BTW, we are still waiting for our PNIs with them. Very frustrating…
Can be for large orgs that are dysfunctional as well. This is somewhat typical of large companies and we usually try to not air all our internal drama in public. It’s entirely possible there’s numerous problems with blame to go around. It can also take longer than we’d like to get things done as well. I can assure you everyone is acting in good faith here, even if it doesn’t seem that way. Sometimes errors aren’t caught immediately and sometimes people go on leave, etc.. The rest of the dialogue should happen off-list though. - Jared