On Sat, Dec 27, 2003 at 05:29:14PM -0600, Laurence F. Sheldon, Jr. wrote:
Doug Luce wrote:
I'm scared to death of false positives.
That is in and of itself scary. What on earth is there about computers and networks (assumptions: Not connected to weapons, weapon delivery systems or vehicles, or high-energy sources) that would account for somebody being "scared to death"?
I find that if you set the threshold for SA high (eg: 15+) it works well. I recently started dumping the 300+ spam I get a day into /dev/null if it hits the bayes99-100% range. Helps a lot. I also do a lot of whitelisting by IP and by email address for those people that seem to like to trip my filters.
Gee whiz. We are talking about email, right?
Actually, email is more important than being able to browse the web/internet to be perfectly honest. This was a common theme at my previous ISP. We'd have all sorts of other problems, but the single thing that would generate the most calls was email being down. Our upstream could be down and us having no backup link available but if email worked the call volume would be lower as people could perform some tasks. People take how their e-mail is handled very seriously.
But If I am going to send something that I really do want to be sure gets delivered, I'll use Federal Express.
- jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.