Anyone in a situation like this, I'm willing to do secondaries for these sorts of domains, and plan to build a secondary-dns-server engine that people would be able to send templates to, etc.. IMHO, the internic should not allow any domains to have pri+sec nameserver in the same /24 - Jared On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 11:03:02AM -0800, Michael Dillon wrote:
It appears that a network problem of some sort has knocked Paraguay's top level domain off the air. Not surprising when you look at the output for:
whois py-dom
and see this:
If anyone on this list is prepared to make a serious offer of secondary DNS for this country, then please email the admin contact gbellas@UCA.EDU.PY and the technical contact hmereles@CNC.UNA.PY. Of course, neither address will work until they get back on the air...
-- Michael Dillon - E-mail: Check the website for my Internet World articles -
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from clue++; | My statements are only mine.