I’m looking for some advice/input from people either public or private about woes building fiber to reach people outside the footprints of the existing incumbents. There is a group of people looking to organize private fiber to reach areas that are unserved. There’s been recent local people doing this like Lightspeed (Lansing) and the Vergennes Broadband folks. When it come to private right of way, public right of way use, swaps, pole attach and other things, any best practices people can share either in public or private? TL;DR background for those interested: Many wireless ISPs are finding it harder to locate equipment or utilize frequencies based on interference or congestion. Advanced encodings like 16-QAM that are seen in 802.11ac hardware also introduce latencies that are not ideal. The FCC is also making it harder for equipment to be qualified in this space, in some cases rightly so due to out of band emissions or just adjacent frequency noise. The revisions of rules in 5Ghz are helpful, but the cellular industry is also looking to exploit these frequencies to solve indoor coverage. There are two groups I’m trying to assist, a local cooperative which is trying to just own the fiber and let providers gain access and some WISPs that are looking to improve service due to increase customer demand. Getting service on the fiber is “easy” once it’s there, but gaining access or building it is the part I’m looking for insights in. - Jared