There's also nfsen to go on top of nfdump ... which can let you create views of the data showing per-as traffic stats. On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Paul S. <> wrote: does that precise job (and nothing else)
On 4/11/2015 午前 12:24, Peter Kranz wrote:
We've really enjoyed the open source Stager platform for netflow analysis, however the code has not seen updates in recent years. Looking for alternative open source netflow analysis platforms with a web interface. There are quite a few netflow tools around these days, and we are looking for something that performs the steps needed to showing us traffic volumes to particular AS#'s and their downstream customers for peering analysis decisions. I can get coarse answers from nfdump, but would like something more elegant for the NOC to use.
Peter Kranz <> Desk: 510-868-1614 x100 Mobile: 510-207-0000 <>