Hi, having trouble engaging with an Akamai contact in relation to the server stack we have here. Feel free to contact me. -- Jawaid Bazyar President ph 303.815.1814 fax 303.815.1001 Jawaid.Bazyar@foreThought.net <email:Jawaid.Bazyar@foreThought.net> <http://www.foreThought.net>

Akamai Customer Care - 877-425-2832 Akamai NOCC - 877-625-2624 - 877-6-akamai (same as above) - 617-444-3007 - nocc-shift@akamai.com - (if you do anything that would affect our cluster, give them at least 3 hours notice and give them IP of cluster - hardware issues and 24x7 contact: nocc-tix@akamai.com +1-877-6AKAMAI Akamai Network Support - traffic issues: netsupport-tix@akamai.com +1-888-421-1003 -Aaron

Replied offlist Jared Mauch
On Aug 8, 2018, at 3:33 PM, Jawaid Bazyar <jawaid.bazyar@FORETHOUGHT.net> wrote:
Hi, having trouble engaging with an Akamai contact in relation to the server stack we have here. Feel free to contact me.
Jawaid Bazyar
ph 303.815.1814
fax 303.815.1001
Jawaid.Bazyar@foreThought.net <email:Jawaid.Bazyar@foreThought.net> <http://www.foreThought.net>
participants (3)
Aaron Gould
Jared Mauch
Jawaid Bazyar