Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion

Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following: An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be? Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion. Thanks Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161

On Saturday, July 4, 2015, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
Yep, dual-stack does not solve problems for eyeball networks. This is why eyeball networks use ds-lite, 464xlat, and map. Each requires some sort of compromise. At the end of the day, we all need to reject 'direct ipv4', it is an invalid requirement that cannot be supported at scale over time.

But what is the "best compromise" strategy? Dual stack + CGN? Some kind of intelligent 6to4 NAT? Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161 On Jul 4, 2015, at 10:35 PM, Ca By <cb.list6@gmail.com<mailto:cb.list6@gmail.com>> wrote: On Saturday, July 4, 2015, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net<mailto:jmoore@atcnetworks.net>> wrote: Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following: An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be? Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion. Thanks Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161 Yep, dual-stack does not solve problems for eyeball networks. This is why eyeball networks use ds-lite, 464xlat, and map. Each requires some sort of compromise. At the end of the day, we all need to reject 'direct ipv4', it is an invalid requirement that cannot be supported at scale over time.

In article <F78EE6A5-D4E5-435B-A6BF-BB6A84223415@atcnetworks.net> you write:
But what is the "best compromise" strategy? Dual stack + CGN? Some kind of intelligent 6to4 NAT?
Depends on the application(s). One that seems to work OK is to dual stack everyone and put them behind a NAT unless they ask to have a private IP. Depending on who your customers are, charge more for a private IP, or if you want to look less obviously venal, say you're offering a discount to customers who move their applications that require end-to-end addressing to IPv6. It is my strong impression that people who think they're 100% IPv6 enabled still often need a little IPv4 (NAT OK) for bootstrapping and the like, so you need to dual stack no matter what you do. If you do charge extra for IPv4, that makes it easier to go buy used IPv4 space on the aftermarket. R's, John

Josh, The price of IPv4 addresses will go up now that supply is seriously constrained. The price increase will push information producers, who generally are the people needing public IPv4 space, over to IPv6, which is plentiful. This will create a class of services that is IPv6-only (e.g., Microsoft DirectAccess), which will encourage IPv4 information consumers to dual-stack. IPv4-only consumers will find themselves in an information ghetto, but one that they can easily get out of by just exerting a little effort. In the worst case scenario, an ISP customer stuck behind an IPv4 Internet connection can simply tunnel to IPv6 via one of the free tunnelbroker services such as HE.net<http://HE.net>’s tunnelbroker.net<http://tunnelbroker.net>. This is a problem that will solve itself in a natural, and capitalist, way. Market pressures will push everyone to IPv6, and nobody need be left behind. I predict some enterprising inventor will create (if they haven’t already) a cheap IPv6 appliance akin to Roku or Apple TV that anyone can just drop onto their network to become IPv6 enabled via a tunnelbroker. In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab” (http://windowsitpro.com/build-your-own-ipv6-lab-and-become-ipv6-guru-demand). If you don’t have an IPv6 lab yet, you should set one up ASAP. That’s the easiest way to get your head around all IPv6 issues. HE.net<http://HE.net> also has a very nice certification program that will take you through all the basic tasks of being IPv6 enabled both as an information producer and a consumer. -mel On Jul 4, 2015, at 8:41 PM, John Levine <johnl@iecc.com<mailto:johnl@iecc.com>> wrote: In article <F78EE6A5-D4E5-435B-A6BF-BB6A84223415@atcnetworks.net<mailto:F78EE6A5-D4E5-435B-A6BF-BB6A84223415@atcnetworks.net>> you write: But what is the "best compromise" strategy? Dual stack + CGN? Some kind of intelligent 6to4 NAT? Depends on the application(s). One that seems to work OK is to dual stack everyone and put them behind a NAT unless they ask to have a private IP. Depending on who your customers are, charge more for a private IP, or if you want to look less obviously venal, say you're offering a discount to customers who move their applications that require end-to-end addressing to IPv6. It is my strong impression that people who think they're 100% IPv6 enabled still often need a little IPv4 (NAT OK) for bootstrapping and the like, so you need to dual stack no matter what you do. If you do charge extra for IPv4, that makes it easier to go buy used IPv4 space on the aftermarket. R's, John

Josh, Incidentally, you don’t even need to spend $99 on a hardware device. Jeff Carrell of TeachMeIPv6.com<http://TeachMeIPv5.com> has a nice slide deck on building an IPv6 lab using VirtualBox: http://dfw.cisco-users.org/zips/201400305_DFWCUG_IPv6%20-%20Build%20Your%20Own%20Lab%20%28with%20only%20IPv4%20Internet%20access%29.pdf<http://dfw.cisco-users.org/zips/201400305_DFWCUG_IPv6%20-%20Build%20Your%20Own%20Lab%20(with%20only%20IPv4%20Internet%20access).pdf> I think building an IPv6 lab is easier, and more practical, using the Airport Express, but I want to illustrate that cost need not be a barrier. -mel On Jul 4, 2015, at 11:13 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org<mailto:mel@beckman.org>> wrote: Josh, The price of IPv4 addresses will go up now that supply is seriously constrained. The price increase will push information producers, who generally are the people needing public IPv4 space, over to IPv6, which is plentiful. This will create a class of services that is IPv6-only (e.g., Microsoft DirectAccess), which will encourage IPv4 information consumers to dual-stack. IPv4-only consumers will find themselves in an information ghetto, but one that they can easily get out of by just exerting a little effort. In the worst case scenario, an ISP customer stuck behind an IPv4 Internet connection can simply tunnel to IPv6 via one of the free tunnelbroker services such as HE.net<http://HE.net><http://HE.net>’s tunnelbroker.net<http://tunnelbroker.net><http://tunnelbroker.net>. This is a problem that will solve itself in a natural, and capitalist, way. Market pressures will push everyone to IPv6, and nobody need be left behind. I predict some enterprising inventor will create (if they haven’t already) a cheap IPv6 appliance akin to Roku or Apple TV that anyone can just drop onto their network to become IPv6 enabled via a tunnelbroker. In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab” (http://windowsitpro.com/build-your-own-ipv6-lab-and-become-ipv6-guru-demand). If you don’t have an IPv6 lab yet, you should set one up ASAP. That’s the easiest way to get your head around all IPv6 issues. HE.net<http://HE.net><http://HE.net> also has a very nice certification program that will take you through all the basic tasks of being IPv6 enabled both as an information producer and a consumer. -mel On Jul 4, 2015, at 8:41 PM, John Levine <johnl@iecc.com<mailto:johnl@iecc.com><mailto:johnl@iecc.com>> wrote: In article <F78EE6A5-D4E5-435B-A6BF-BB6A84223415@atcnetworks.net<mailto:F78EE6A5-D4E5-435B-A6BF-BB6A84223415@atcnetworks.net><mailto:F78EE6A5-D4E5-435B-A6BF-BB6A84223415@atcnetworks.net>> you write: But what is the "best compromise" strategy? Dual stack + CGN? Some kind of intelligent 6to4 NAT? Depends on the application(s). One that seems to work OK is to dual stack everyone and put them behind a NAT unless they ask to have a private IP. Depending on who your customers are, charge more for a private IP, or if you want to look less obviously venal, say you're offering a discount to customers who move their applications that require end-to-end addressing to IPv6. It is my strong impression that people who think they're 100% IPv6 enabled still often need a little IPv4 (NAT OK) for bootstrapping and the like, so you need to dual stack no matter what you do. If you do charge extra for IPv4, that makes it easier to go buy used IPv4 space on the aftermarket. R's, John

I don't have any skin in the game, but the following devices popped into my head while reading that paragraph: http://www.gogo6.com/gogoware/gogoserver http://www.gogo6.com/gogoware/gogocpe Jima On 2015-07-05 00:13, Mel Beckman wrote:
I predict some enterprising inventor will create (if they haven’t already) a cheap IPv6 appliance akin to Roku or Apple TV that anyone can just drop onto their network to become IPv6 enabled via a tunnelbroker.

On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:13:52 +0000, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> said: > In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport > Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab” An anectode about this, maybe out of date, maybe not. I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. -w

Creating this in a test lab is mandatory for a successful migration. Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. Seems that my initial thoughts of dual stack and v4 overloading using private addresses to ensure compatibility is the way to go. Any input on good, possibly application aware, CGN solutions? Maybe even some policy-based DHCP/NAT product? Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 5:35 AM, William Waites <wwaites@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:13:52 +0000, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> said:
In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab”
An anectode about this, maybe out of date, maybe not. I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.

Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161 On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

Josh, Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. -mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

You must know different WISPs than I know (and I know hundreds). Most WISPs use IPv4 publicly, no IPv6 and don't have any boxes capable of synced NAT tables. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: johnl@iecc.com, nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 9:43:40 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

I guess the WISPs I advise get better advice :) -mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:51 AM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
You must know different WISPs than I know (and I know hundreds). Most WISPs use IPv4 publicly, no IPv6 and don't have any boxes capable of synced NAT tables.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: johnl@iecc.com, nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 9:43:40 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
I guess the WISPs I advise get better advice :)
I think this is a key item for people to have in mind. We can all follow poor advice and add in new layers of NATs, possibly including certain applications within the NAT cone, or we can deliver DS, or DS-like service via several technologies. There are a lot of devices that can do NAT from roll your own Linux or pfSense style up to commercial solutions that vendors will sell you. (I recall cisco pitching the ASR1K for this years ago). You could even use something like LISP to do these redundancy things within your network. I would treat NAT the same way people treat CDNs which is find the large destinations and encourage people to use IPv6 for those. Looking at the “top sites” here: http://www.alexa.com/topsites Almost all of them are IPv6 enabled. You can even poke at sites with external tools like this: http://ipv6-test.com/validate.php Frank Bulk also monitors most of the major carrier sites for their IPv6 reliability and stability. He often gets me to contact our IT department to address the issues they have coping with the traffic volumes involved on the IPv6 side for the www.us.ntt.net and www.ntt.net sites. (and yes frank, I got your email and texts yesterday :) ) I would say there is no one right/wrong way to do this, but getting the core of your network IPv6 enabled first then pushing to your edges is a must-do item for the upcoming quarter or two. I was once advised on technical issues where I explained in perfect technical detail the problems and solution path, but the management started talking about the optics of the issue. Take advantage of the NBC, etc coverage to ensure these priorities are taken care of. This may feel like stooping low to some people, but it’s important to get any IPv6 items off your todo list. There is a great ipv6-ops list as well out there where detailed questions can be asked and answered amongst those that are doing similar things. While I dislike what T-Mobile USA has done from a technical side, their success shows that the IPv6 only edge *is* possible. This means we can take away the idea that we *must* have IPv4 for a device to be reachable/considered “online”. I anxiously await the results of the apple/IPv6/iOS9 changeover and the increased traffic that will occur as a result. I think 2016 will drive the traffic levels to many multiples where they are now and much closer to parity on the global backbones. - Jared

On Sunday, July 5, 2015, Jared Mauch <jared@puck.nether.net> wrote:
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org <javascript:;>> wrote:
I guess the WISPs I advise get better advice :)
I think this is a key item for people to have in mind. We can all follow poor advice and add in new layers of NATs, possibly including certain applications within the NAT cone, or we can deliver DS, or DS-like service via several technologies.
There are a lot of devices that can do NAT from roll your own Linux or pfSense style up to commercial solutions that vendors will sell you. (I recall cisco pitching the ASR1K for this years ago). You could even use something like LISP to do these redundancy things within your network.
I would treat NAT the same way people treat CDNs which is find the large destinations and encourage people to use IPv6 for those.
Looking at the “top sites” here: http://www.alexa.com/topsites
Almost all of them are IPv6 enabled. You can even poke at sites with external tools like this:
Frank Bulk also monitors most of the major carrier sites for their IPv6 reliability and stability. He often gets me to contact our IT department to address the issues they have coping with the traffic volumes involved on the IPv6 side for the www.us.ntt.net and www.ntt.net sites. (and yes frank, I got your email and texts yesterday :) )
I would say there is no one right/wrong way to do this, but getting the core of your network IPv6 enabled first then pushing to your edges is a must-do item for the upcoming quarter or two.
I was once advised on technical issues where I explained in perfect technical detail the problems and solution path, but the management started talking about the optics of the issue. Take advantage of the NBC, etc coverage to ensure these priorities are taken care of. This may feel like stooping low to some people, but it’s important to get any IPv6 items off your todo list. There is a great ipv6-ops list as well out there where detailed questions can be asked and answered amongst those that are doing similar things.
While I dislike what T-Mobile USA has done from a technical side, their success shows that the IPv6 only edge *is* possible. This means we can take away the idea that we *must* have IPv4 for a device to be reachable/considered “online”.
I anxiously await the results of the apple/IPv6/iOS9 changeover and the increased traffic that will occur as a result. I think 2016 will drive the traffic levels to many multiples where they are now and much closer to parity on the global backbones.
- Jared
I like the sentiment of what Apple has done. It is a move in the right direction. I don't think apple's move will materially change traffic levels. IPv6 traffic levels will move when when iPhones can be deployed as ipv6-only with parity to ipv4-only. Time will tell. But, it is also telling that android and windows phone are live in the hands of ipv6-only customers and there is no plan for that with Apple. CB

Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity. So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously. Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools. Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible. Owne
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
> > Josh Moore wrote: > > Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote: > I was helping my > friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community > network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than > the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do > IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is > not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

NAT at the POP seems much more feasible, then. Wherever your chokepoint is in network redundancy, do the NAT there. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Owen DeLong" <owen@delong.com> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: johnl@iecc.com, nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 12:29:21 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools. Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible. Owne
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
> > Josh Moore wrote: > > Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote: > I was helping my > friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community > network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than > the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do > IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is > not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated. Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
>> >> Josh Moore wrote: >> >> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. > > No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. > > William Waites wrote: >> I was helping my >> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. > > Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. > > So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 18:25:26 +0000, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> said: > So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway > needs to be centrally aggregated. If you must do NAT it should be as close to the edge as possible. Today that's usually at the CPE. Maybe tomorrow that's one hop upstream at the distribution router. That way the core remains clean and doesn't accumulate state or have to deal with asymmetries. -w

Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A. You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A. Owen
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: > > We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) > > I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. > > > > > Thanks, > > Joshua Moore > Network Engineer > ATC Broadband > 912.632.3161 > > On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: > >>> >>> Josh Moore wrote: >>> >>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >> >> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >> >> William Waites wrote: >>> I was helping my >>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >> >> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >> >> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure. Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: > > Josh, > > Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. > > -mel via cell > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >> >> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >> >> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >> >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Joshua Moore >> Network Engineer >> ATC Broadband >> 912.632.3161 >> >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >> >>>> >>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>> >>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>> >>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>> >>> William Waites wrote: >>>> I was helping my >>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>> >>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>> >>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT. You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure. Owen
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't.
-mel beckman
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: > > So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? > > > > > Thanks, > > Joshua Moore > Network Engineer > ATC Broadband > 912.632.3161 > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >> >> Josh, >> >> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >> >> -mel via cell >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>> >>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>> >>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Thanks, >>> >>> Joshua Moore >>> Network Engineer >>> ATC Broadband >>> 912.632.3161 >>> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>> >>>>> >>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>> >>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>> >>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>> I was helping my >>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>> >>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>> >>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

MAP solves that by splitting NAT into a part that can be done without state (route a port range to a customer) and the actual NAT which is then done on the CPE. It is also the only NAT solution that scales. Regards, Baldur On 5 July 2015 at 21:09, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: > > WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. > > -mel beckman > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >> >> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >> >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Joshua Moore >> Network Engineer >> ATC Broadband >> 912.632.3161 >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>> >>> Josh, >>> >>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>> >>> -mel via cell >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>> >>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>> >>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Joshua Moore >>>> Network Engineer >>>> ATC Broadband >>>> 912.632.3161 >>>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>> >>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>> >>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>> >>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>> >>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

On Sunday, July 5, 2015, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
MAP solves that by splitting NAT into a part that can be done without state (route a port range to a customer) and the actual NAT which is then done on the CPE.
But you need special cpe, not sure that is in the op biz case
It is also the only NAT solution that scales.
Yet, there is no real world scaled deployment of it.... I'd be careful about making broad statements at what scales for a given set of constraints. CB
On 5 July 2015 at 21:09, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net <javascript:;>> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net <javascript:;>> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net <javascript:;>> wrote: > > Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity. > > So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously. > > > > > Thanks, > > Joshua Moore > Network Engineer > ATC Broadband > 912.632.3161 > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org <javascript:;>> wrote: >> >> WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. >> >> -mel beckman >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net <javascript:;>> wrote: >>> >>> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Thanks, >>> >>> Joshua Moore >>> Network Engineer >>> ATC Broadband >>> 912.632.3161 >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org <javascript:;>> wrote: >>>> >>>> Josh, >>>> >>>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>>> >>>> -mel via cell >>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net <javascript:;>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>>> >>>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Thanks, >>>>> >>>>> Joshua Moore >>>>> Network Engineer >>>>> ATC Broadband >>>>> 912.632.3161 >>>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org <javascript:;>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>>> >>>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>> >>>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>>> >>>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>> >>>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

I was hoping to find a solution that maybe utilized some kind of session sync or something of that matter allowing for multiple entry and exit points (asymmetric routing). Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: > > WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. > > -mel beckman > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >> >> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >> >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Joshua Moore >> Network Engineer >> ATC Broadband >> 912.632.3161 >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>> >>> Josh, >>> >>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>> >>> -mel via cell >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>> >>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>> >>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Joshua Moore >>>> Network Engineer >>>> ATC Broadband >>>> 912.632.3161 >>>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>> >>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>> >>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>> >>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>> >>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

Many firewalls will do state sync across an HA link. This works fine as long as you use BGP to ensure internet routing of your IPv4 to all gateways. But then the HA link is the single point of failure. I think the best you can hope for is that the importance of IPv4 NAT will diminish over time. One day it will be just a memory, like SNA :) -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
I was hoping to find a solution that maybe utilized some kind of session sync or something of that matter allowing for multiple entry and exit points (asymmetric routing).
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: > > Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity. > > So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously. > > > > > Thanks, > > Joshua Moore > Network Engineer > ATC Broadband > 912.632.3161 > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >> >> WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. >> >> -mel beckman >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>> >>> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Thanks, >>> >>> Joshua Moore >>> Network Engineer >>> ATC Broadband >>> 912.632.3161 >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>> >>>> Josh, >>>> >>>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>>> >>>> -mel via cell >>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>>> >>>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Thanks, >>>>> >>>>> Joshua Moore >>>>> Network Engineer >>>>> ATC Broadband >>>>> 912.632.3161 >>>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>>> >>>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>> >>>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>>> >>>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>> >>>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

Theoretically it should be possible with this on MPLS enabled devices. The "HA link" could then ride on top of the MPLS core redundancy alongside public outside NAT traffic and inside private traffic. The good thing is that most of my customer access (DSL, cable, T1) is designed with established distribution points. Implementing sectional CGN at those points would be a good first step. We need to just get the policy side of things worked out on how we are going to automate the provisioning internally. Thanks for all the input. Thanks, Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Many firewalls will do state sync across an HA link. This works fine as long as you use BGP to ensure internet routing of your IPv4 to all gateways. But then the HA link is the single point of failure. I think the best you can hope for is that the importance of IPv4 NAT will diminish over time. One day it will be just a memory, like SNA :)
-mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
I was hoping to find a solution that maybe utilized some kind of session sync or something of that matter allowing for multiple entry and exit points (asymmetric routing).
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote: > > If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools. > > Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible. > > Owne > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >> >> Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity. >> >> So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously. >> >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Joshua Moore >> Network Engineer >> ATC Broadband >> 912.632.3161 >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>> >>> WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. >>> >>> -mel beckman >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>> >>>> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Joshua Moore >>>> Network Engineer >>>> ATC Broadband >>>> 912.632.3161 >>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Josh, >>>>> >>>>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>>>> >>>>> -mel via cell >>>>> >>>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>>>> >>>>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Thanks, >>>>>> >>>>>> Joshua Moore >>>>>> Network Engineer >>>>>> ATC Broadband >>>>>> 912.632.3161 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

For a small site using a Fortigate such as a 60d, you can use equal cost load balancing very well. We use this all the time to keep a customer's backup ISP active with VPN connection back to the data center. I wouldn't want to support VOIP in the config, but works really great for VPNs and general internet access for end users. Nick Ellermann ~Sent from my iPhone~ On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:59 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: Many firewalls will do state sync across an HA link. This works fine as long as you use BGP to ensure internet routing of your IPv4 to all gateways. But then the HA link is the single point of failure. I think the best you can hope for is that the importance of IPv4 NAT will diminish over time. One day it will be just a memory, like SNA :) -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 12:37 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
I was hoping to find a solution that maybe utilized some kind of session sync or something of that matter allowing for multiple entry and exit points (asymmetric routing).
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: > > Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity. > > So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously. > > > > > Thanks, > > Joshua Moore > Network Engineer > ATC Broadband > 912.632.3161 > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >> >> WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. >> >> -mel beckman >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>> >>> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Thanks, >>> >>> Joshua Moore >>> Network Engineer >>> ATC Broadband >>> 912.632.3161 >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>> >>>> Josh, >>>> >>>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>>> >>>> -mel via cell >>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>>> >>>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Thanks, >>>>> >>>>> Joshua Moore >>>>> Network Engineer >>>>> ATC Broadband >>>>> 912.632.3161 >>>>> >>>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>>> >>>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>> >>>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>>> >>>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>>> >>>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

I was hoping to find a solution that maybe utilized some kind of session sync or something of that matter [...]
And the session sync is then the weakest link. I have seen a cluster of Nexus switches crash in sync when saving the configuration (which was synced). True redundancy is only when the elements can operate independently of each other, and the syncing makes them dependent and vulnerable. Cheers, Sander

I always say that eliminating a single point of failure depends on how big the point is :) -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 12:10 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
A NAT box is a central point of failure for which the only cure is to not do NAT.
You can get clustered NAT boxes (Juniper, for example), but that just makes a bigger central point of failure.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:49 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
The point I am concerned about is a central point of failure.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Not necessarily. But what I am telling you is that whatever goes out NAT gateway A has to come back in through NAT gateway A.
You can build whatever topology you want on either side of that and nothing says B has to be any where near A.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 11:25 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
So basically what you are telling me is that the NAT gateway needs to be centrally aggregated.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
If you want to keep that, then you’ll need a public backbone network that joins all of your NATs and you’ll need to have your NATs use unique exterior address pools.
Load balancing a single session across multiple NATs isn’t really possible.
On Jul 5, 2015, at 08:11 , Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Performing the NAT on the border routers is not a problem. The problem comes into play where the connectivity is not symmetric. Multiple entry/exit points to the Internet and some are load balanced. We'd like to keep that architecture too as it allows for very good protection in an internet link failure scenario and provides BGP best path connectivity.
So traffic cones in ISP A might leave ISP B or traffic coming in ISP A may come in ISP B simultaneously.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: > > WISPs have been good at solving this, as they are often deploying greenfield networks. They use private IPv4 internally and NAT IPv4 at multiple exit points. IPv6 is seamlessly redundant, since customers all receive global /64s; BGP handles failover. If you home multiple upstream providers on a single NAT gateway hardware stack, redundancy is also seamless, since your NAT tables are synced across redundant stack members. If you have separate stacks, or even sites, IPv4 can fail over to an alternate NAT Border gateway but will lose session contexts, unless you go to the trouble of syncing the gateways. Most WISPs don't. > > -mel beckman > >> On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >> >> So the question is: where do you perform the NAT and how can it be redundant? >> >> >> >> >> Thanks, >> >> Joshua Moore >> Network Engineer >> ATC Broadband >> 912.632.3161 >> >>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>> >>> Josh, >>> >>> Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. >>> >>> -mel via cell >>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote: >>>> >>>> We are the ISP and I have a /32 :) >>>> >>>> I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks, >>>> >>>> Joshua Moore >>>> Network Engineer >>>> ATC Broadband >>>> 912.632.3161 >>>> >>>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: >>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> Josh Moore wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping. >>>>> >>>>> No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>> >>>>> William Waites wrote: >>>>>> I was helping my >>>>>> friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community >>>>>> network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than >>>>>> the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do >>>>>> IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is >>>>>> not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way. >>>>> >>>>> Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall. >>>>> >>>>> So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

I believe he (at least someone) was looking for recommendations to CGN type devices. Many can do NAT, but looking for something a bit more intelligent. Your standard residential user may not understand, but would also be unwilling to pay any difference. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: johnl@iecc.com, nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 9:12:37 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Josh, Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic. -mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

That's only an issue if you distribute a public IPv4 address to each customer. If you use private addressing in the core, ordinary NAT works if you're not a carrier-grade provider, and even then it can be practical in many cases. CGN is a solution for providers not willing to migrate to a private core. -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:35 AM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
I believe he (at least someone) was looking for recommendations to CGN type devices. Many can do NAT, but looking for something a bit more intelligent. Your standard residential user may not understand, but would also be unwilling to pay any difference.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: johnl@iecc.com, nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 9:12:37 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

Public or private you have the same issues of not putting too many Google requests through the same public v4 address, keeping things at multiple egress points in sync, etc. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Mike Hammett" <nanog@ics-il.net> Cc: "Nanog" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 9:47:14 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion That's only an issue if you distribute a public IPv4 address to each customer. If you use private addressing in the core, ordinary NAT works if you're not a carrier-grade provider, and even then it can be practical in many cases. CGN is a solution for providers not willing to migrate to a private core. -mel beckman
On Jul 5, 2015, at 7:35 AM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
I believe he (at least someone) was looking for recommendations to CGN type devices. Many can do NAT, but looking for something a bit more intelligent. Your standard residential user may not understand, but would also be unwilling to pay any difference.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: johnl@iecc.com, nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 9:12:37 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Your job is simple, then. Deliver dual-stack to your customers and if they want IPv6 they need only get an IPv6-enabled firewall. Unless you're also an IT consultant to your customers, your job is done. If you already supply the CPE firewall, then you need only turn on IPv6 for customers who request it. With the right kind of CPE, you can run MPLS or EoIP and deliver public IPv4 /32s to customers willing to pay for them. Otherwise it's private IPv4 and NAT as usual for IPv4 traffic.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 6:57 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
We are the ISP and I have a /32 :)
I'm simply looking at the best strategy for migrating my subscribers off v4 from the perspective of solving the address utilization crisis while still providing compatibility for those one-off sites and services that are still on v4.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:55 AM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
Josh Moore wrote:
Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
No, tunnels do give you one to one global IPv6 address mapping for every device. From a testing perspective, a tunnelbroker works just as if you had a second IPv6-only ISP. If you're fortunate enough to have a dual-stack ISP already, you can forgo tunneling altogether and just use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
William Waites wrote:
I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
Nobody is recommending the Apple router as a border firewall. It's terrible for that. But it's a ready-to-go tunnelbroker gateway. If your ISP can't deliver IPv6, tunneling is the clear path to building a lab. If you have a dual-stack ISP already, the clear path is to use an IPv6-capable border firewall.
So you are in a maze of non-twisty paths, all alike :)

OpenWrt has added support for many ipv6 and ipv4 methods as of their chaos calmer release, so you can experiment with any of thousands of home routers with: 6to4, 6in4, 6rd, dslite, hnetd, and dhcpv6 today. As for 4inX methods, well, the code exists in many cases, but there is still work to be done to make it easier to use, and bugs to find, and squash. http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/network On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 3:21 AM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Creating this in a test lab is mandatory for a successful migration. Tunnels behind a CPE and 4to6 NAT seem like bandaid fixes as they do not give the benefit of true end to end IPv6 connectivity in the sense of every device has a one to one global address mapping.
Seems that my initial thoughts of dual stack and v4 overloading using private addresses to ensure compatibility is the way to go. Any input on good, possibly application aware, CGN solutions? Maybe even some policy-based DHCP/NAT product?
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
On Jul 5, 2015, at 5:35 AM, William Waites <wwaites@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:13:52 +0000, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> said:
In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab”
An anectode about this, maybe out of date, maybe not. I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
-- Dave Täht worldwide bufferbloat report: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat And: What will it take to vastly improve wifi for everyone? https://plus.google.com/u/0/explore/makewififast

On Jul 5, 2015, at 5:32 AM, William Waites <wwaites@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:13:52 +0000, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> said:
In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab”
An anectode about this, maybe out of date, maybe not. I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
The airport devices/airport express class are not that good of devices as the embedded software doesn’t handle a lot of traffic or long uptime well. Most devices that are over 3 years old likely are not suitable for IPv6 testing aside from understanding what is broken. Keep in mind that software on a CPE device may be 6 months out of date by the time it comes out of a container stateside. Expecting people to use tunnels, etc doesn’t really scale properly. I do wish that I could get static IPv6 prefixes along with my static IPv4 at home, but having IPv6 at all took precedence. - Jared

Jared, Tunneling gets customers onto IPv6 with little trouble. I've deployed hundred of Apple Airports in this capacity and they have no problem with speeds of 200Mbps and more, and they rarely have downtime. The firmware is auto-updating and is kept very current by Apple. The one feature they don't support well is IPv6 DNS, since Airport has no DHCPv6 support. But an IPv4 name server works fine since the customers have an IPv4 link already. -mel
On Jul 5, 2015, at 5:24 AM, Jared Mauch <jared@puck.nether.net> wrote:
On Jul 5, 2015, at 5:32 AM, William Waites <wwaites@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:13:52 +0000, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> said:
In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab”
An anectode about this, maybe out of date, maybe not. I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.
The airport devices/airport express class are not that good of devices as the embedded software doesn’t handle a lot of traffic or long uptime well.
Most devices that are over 3 years old likely are not suitable for IPv6 testing aside from understanding what is broken. Keep in mind that software on a CPE device may be 6 months out of date by the time it comes out of a container stateside.
Expecting people to use tunnels, etc doesn’t really scale properly.
I do wish that I could get static IPv6 prefixes along with my static IPv4 at home, but having IPv6 at all took precedence.
- Jared

That's only an issue with airport devices and PPPoE. I can confirm it does native DHCPv6-PD otherwise. On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 5:32 AM, William Waites <wwaites@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
On Sun, 5 Jul 2015 06:13:52 +0000, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> said:
> In fact, I show just how to do this using a $99 Apple Airport > Express in my three-hour online course “Build your own IPv6 Lab”
An anectode about this, maybe out of date, maybe not. I was helping my friend who likes Apple things connect to the local community network. He wanted to use an Airport as his home gateway rather than the router that we normally use. Turns out these things can *only* do IPv6 with tunnels and cannot do IPv6 on PPPoE. Go figure. So there is not exactly a clear path to native IPv6 for your lab this way.

On Jul 4, 2015, at 23:51 , Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On 05 Jul 2015 03:41:26 -0000, "John Levine" said:
Depends on the application(s). One that seems to work OK is to dual stack everyone and put them behind a NAT unless they ask to have a private IP.
Put their IPv4 behind a NAT and a globally routed /56.
There, FTFY. :)
Or better yet globally routed /48. /56 is still a bad idea. Owen

On 07/05/2015 06:26 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 4, 2015, at 23:51 , Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
Put their IPv4 behind a NAT and a globally routed /56.
There, FTFY. :) Or better yet globally routed /48.
/56 is still a bad idea.
Owen I've read this many times and am aware it's the standard recommendation. Makes perfect sense for the customer side, as it would be hard for him to subnet properly otherwise.
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. You can say "get more blocks", or "get larger blocks". Sure, let's give each ISP a /24. That lets them have up to 16M customers (and that's still subnetting densely, which sucks rather a lot). Doesn't leave that many allocation blocks for the RIRs to hand out, though. People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. Sure, in the LAN side we'll never have to worry about address scarcity. But what's the point of having addresses to spare, if it just means you've got to start worrying about subnet scarcity? If the goal was never having to worry about counting anymore, I propose that 128 bits is far too little. Should've gone a full 256 and be done with it. Regards, Israel G. Lugo P.S.: I'm 100% for IPv6 and $dayjob has been fully dual stacked for 10 years now.

In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes:
On 07/05/2015 06:26 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 4, 2015, at 23:51 , Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
Put their IPv4 behind a NAT and a globally routed /56.
There, FTFY. :) Or better yet globally routed /48.
/56 is still a bad idea.
Owen I've read this many times and am aware it's the standard recommendation. Makes perfect sense for the customer side, as it would be hard for him to subnet properly otherwise.
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP.
/32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
You can say "get more blocks", or "get larger blocks". Sure, let's give each ISP a /24. That lets them have up to 16M customers (and that's still subnetting densely, which sucks rather a lot). Doesn't leave that many allocation blocks for the RIRs to hand out, though.
Which in part is why the minimum is a /32.
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later.
No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th.
Sure, in the LAN side we'll never have to worry about address scarcity. But what's the point of having addresses to spare, if it just means you've got to start worrying about subnet scarcity? If the goal was never having to worry about counting anymore, I propose that 128 bits is far too little. Should've gone a full 256 and be done with it.
Regards, Israel G. Lugo
P.S.: I'm 100% for IPv6 and $dayjob has been fully dual stacked for 10 years now. -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes:
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation". I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well. Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so: - I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43 This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy. Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4". Regards, Israel G. Lugo

Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation? ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Mark Andrews" <marka@isc.org> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 7:45:50 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes:
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation". I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well. Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so: - I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43 This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy. Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4". Regards, Israel G. Lugo

Yes. The v6 allocation standards are simple, but can alarming to old-schoolers who have not really thought through the math. A customer gets a /56, which gives them 256 /64 subnets for their own internal use. That accommodates all except the largest customers, and those have the option of getting a /32, which gives them 4.2 billion /64s. ISPs each get a /32 by default, which supports 16.7 million /56 customers. And, of course, the /32 ISP allocation accommodates 4.2 billion ISPs. I don't see the fear. These are just integers, after all. Nothing is really "going to waste". -mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Mark Andrews" <marka@isc.org> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 7:45:50 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote: In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes: Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation".
I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well.
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4".
Regards, Israel G. Lugo

/56 even seems a bit excessive for a residential user, but *shrugs* ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Mike Hammett" <nanog@ics-il.net> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:11:05 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Yes. The v6 allocation standards are simple, but can alarming to old-schoolers who have not really thought through the math. A customer gets a /56, which gives them 256 /64 subnets for their own internal use. That accommodates all except the largest customers, and those have the option of getting a /32, which gives them 4.2 billion /64s. ISPs each get a /32 by default, which supports 16.7 million /56 customers. And, of course, the /32 ISP allocation accommodates 4.2 billion ISPs. I don't see the fear. These are just integers, after all. Nothing is really "going to waste". -mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Mark Andrews" <marka@isc.org> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 7:45:50 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote: In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes: Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation".
I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well.
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4".
Regards, Israel G. Lugo

What's excessive is >32 bits for a subnet. No reason subnets should have been as big as they are. Bad for local forwarding decisions, waste of bits, etc. Nobody has a physical subnet technology that works for more than a few thousand hosts anyway. Matthew Kaufman (Sent from my iPhone)
On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
/56 even seems a bit excessive for a residential user, but *shrugs*
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Mike Hammett" <nanog@ics-il.net> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:11:05 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Yes. The v6 allocation standards are simple, but can alarming to old-schoolers who have not really thought through the math.
A customer gets a /56, which gives them 256 /64 subnets for their own internal use. That accommodates all except the largest customers, and those have the option of getting a /32, which gives them 4.2 billion /64s.
ISPs each get a /32 by default, which supports 16.7 million /56 customers. And, of course, the /32 ISP allocation accommodates 4.2 billion ISPs.
I don't see the fear. These are just integers, after all. Nothing is really "going to waste".
-mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Mark Andrews" <marka@isc.org> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 7:45:50 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote: In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes: Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation".
I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well.
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4".
Regards, Israel G. Lugo

Matthew, This is where we have to excise our IPv4 "fear of waste" reflex. A /64 subnet, for example, doesn't waste anything material -- these are just integers, after all. If the number of integers was scarce, as they are with IPv4, then yes, we must conserve. But IPv6 is well thought out and it's design carefully considered practical IP allocation requirements before deciding on 128 bit addresses. It's enough. Really. -mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:46 PM, Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at> wrote:
What's excessive is >32 bits for a subnet.
No reason subnets should have been as big as they are. Bad for local forwarding decisions, waste of bits, etc.
Nobody has a physical subnet technology that works for more than a few thousand hosts anyway.
Matthew Kaufman
(Sent from my iPhone)
On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
/56 even seems a bit excessive for a residential user, but *shrugs*
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Mike Hammett" <nanog@ics-il.net> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:11:05 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Yes. The v6 allocation standards are simple, but can alarming to old-schoolers who have not really thought through the math.
A customer gets a /56, which gives them 256 /64 subnets for their own internal use. That accommodates all except the largest customers, and those have the option of getting a /32, which gives them 4.2 billion /64s.
ISPs each get a /32 by default, which supports 16.7 million /56 customers. And, of course, the /32 ISP allocation accommodates 4.2 billion ISPs.
I don't see the fear. These are just integers, after all. Nothing is really "going to waste".
-mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 5:58 PM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Mark Andrews" <marka@isc.org> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 7:45:50 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote: In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes: Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation".
I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well.
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4".
Regards, Israel G. Lugo

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 7/8/2015 6:51 PM, Mel Beckman wrote:
This is where we have to excise our IPv4 "fear of waste" reflex.
Excise or exercise? I am partially serious. - - ferg - -- Paul Ferguson PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2 Key fingerprint: 19EC 2945 FEE8 D6C8 58A1 CE53 2896 AC75 54DC 85B2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iF4EAREIAAYFAlWd1VQACgkQKJasdVTchbLULwEAjnnJgH153ewFHb5ZONrUivCS LOjg+GByXK/dzeFIgDIBANc9hmFO+2Kd/vxK47ZVvgNuzy3cqTJYxrV6zYZ8IODi =OzVs -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

excise verb 1. To excise is defined as to cut out surgically. When a tumor is surgically cut out, this is an example of excise. Exercise wouldn't work. That would mean "repeatedly employ the fear". Exorcise (as in The Exorcist) might serve, except the IPv4 "fear of waste" is not a demon. It's a good thing. -mel beckman On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:59 PM, Paul Ferguson <fergdawgster@mykolab.com<mailto:fergdawgster@mykolab.com>> wrote: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 7/8/2015 6:51 PM, Mel Beckman wrote: This is where we have to excise our IPv4 "fear of waste" reflex. Excise or exercise? I am partially serious. - - ferg - -- Paul Ferguson PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2 Key fingerprint: 19EC 2945 FEE8 D6C8 58A1 CE53 2896 AC75 54DC 85B2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iF4EAREIAAYFAlWd1VQACgkQKJasdVTchbLULwEAjnnJgH153ewFHb5ZONrUivCS LOjg+GByXK/dzeFIgDIBANc9hmFO+2Kd/vxK47ZVvgNuzy3cqTJYxrV6zYZ8IODi =OzVs -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 20:19:52 -0500, Mike Hammett said:
/56 even seems a bit excessive for a residential user, but *shrugs*
It goes pretty quick when each WNDR3800 running CeroWRT will chew through 4 bits worth of subnets just by powering on, and even more if you start doing any VLAN stuff.... and then you put a second one at the far end of the house for better coverage and it asks for its own PD space from your main one.....

On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:13:24 -0400, <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 20:19:52 -0500, Mike Hammett said:
/56 even seems a bit excessive for a residential user, but *shrugs*
It goes pretty quick when each WNDR3800 running CeroWRT will chew through 4 bits worth of subnets just by powering on, and even more if you start doing any VLAN stuff.... and then you put a second one at the far end of the house for better coverage and it asks for its own PD space from your main one.....
If everyone wants their networks hobbled by shitty software routing, sure. There are plenty who stack their "wireless extension" LAN-WAN (creating double NAT) because they simply don't know jack about networking. There are over 100 million "home networks" in the country that are literally 100% out-of-the-box defaults. It comes out of the box, the color coded cables are connected to the color coded ports according to the Ikea pictorial diagram. And it better Just Work(tm), because they will never understand to configure any part of it -- doubly so for the *networking*. We are years (DECADES) from a multi-network default. Hell, it's been 20 years and IPv6 is still not more a foot off the ground. (plus, it's been rewritten a dozen times.)

On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 21:19:52 -0400, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
/56 even seems a bit excessive for a residential user, but *shrugs*
That's why some hand out a /60, but only if you ask for it. Otherwise, you get only a single /64. Of course, HE will give you a /48 at the click of the mouse.

Only if you are trying to prevent IPv6 from reaching its full potential. Owen
On Jul 8, 2015, at 17:57 , Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Mark Andrews" <marka@isc.org> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 7:45:50 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes:
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation".
I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of the 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well.
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4".
Regards, Israel G. Lugo

On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 19:57 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
No - it's just a common one. And a bad one. /48s for all opens up a whole different world of end-user reachability, routability and flexibility that a mere /56 does not. Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home. I'm also not sure what address length has to do with routability, other than networks filtering prefix lengths. If that's an issue, that customer is covered by the ISP's larger allocation, or they get their own PI space if they're BGPing. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl Auer" <kauer@biplane.com.au> To: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 8:36:41 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 19:57 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
Isn't /56 the standard end-user allocation?
No - it's just a common one. And a bad one. /48s for all opens up a whole different world of end-user reachability, routability and flexibility that a mere /56 does not. Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

9. Jul 2015 02:03 by nanog@ics-il.net:
I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
Some (newer?) wireless routers have an option to create a seperate network for a guests (own IPv4 /24, own SSID, firewall between the two IPv4 /24s, ...). In the IPv6 world they'd probably designate a /64 for each network

On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 21:03 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE. What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples. Multiple layers of routing might not be what is now in the home, but it doesn't take that much imagination to envision a future where there are hundreds, or even thousands of separate networks in the average home, some permanent, some ephemeral, and quite possibly all requiring end-to-end connectivity into the wider Internet. Taking into account just a few current technologies (virtual machines, car networks, personal networks, guest networks, entertainment systems) and fast-forwarding just a few years it's easy to imagine tens of subnets being needed - so it's not much of a leap to hundreds. And if we can already dimly see a future where hundreds might be needed, history tells us that there will probably be applications that need thousands. Unless of course we decide now that we don't WANT that. Then we should make it hard for it to happen by applying entirely arbitrary brakes like "/48 sounds too big to me, let's make it 1/256th of that." Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 7/8/2015 7:49 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 21:03 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
Thank you, Karl, for that.
Unless of course we decide now that we don't WANT that. Then we should make it hard for it to happen by applying entirely arbitrary brakes like "/48 sounds too big to me, let's make it 1/256th of that."
Pop history: "640k should been enough for anyone..." http://archive.wired.com/politics/law/news/1997/01/1484 - - ferg - -- Paul Ferguson PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2 Key fingerprint: 19EC 2945 FEE8 D6C8 58A1 CE53 2896 AC75 54DC 85B2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iF4EAREIAAYFAlWd46AACgkQKJasdVTchbJlmAD+Mhv0aFvbyIN+wONv2Zyr042/ tixT8If2oJxWJ9Y7+uwBANKmA2OS7xe+IzNcQLP6tgc6/iV55Alg/FZ/azeHq/ZS =MU5e -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 21:03 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
No, what they often have is multiple layers of nat. I was at a hotel once that had plugged in 12 APs, serially, wan, to lan, to wan, to lan, to wan ports... because the Internet is a series of tubes, right?
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples.
Multiple layers of routing might not be what is now in the home, but it doesn't take that much imagination to envision a future where there are hundreds, or even thousands of separate networks in the average home, some permanent, some ephemeral, and quite possibly all requiring end-to-end connectivity into the wider Internet. Taking into account just a few current technologies (virtual machines, car networks, personal networks, guest networks, entertainment systems) and fast-forwarding just a few years it's easy to imagine tens of subnets being needed - so it's not much of a leap to hundreds. And if we can already dimly see a future where hundreds might be needed, history tells us that there will probably be applications that need thousands.
Unless of course we decide now that we don't WANT that. Then we should make it hard for it to happen by applying entirely arbitrary brakes like "/48 sounds too big to me, let's make it 1/256th of that."
In my case I have completely abandoned much of the debris of ipv4 and ipv6 - using self assigned /128s and a mesh routing protocol everywhere, giving up on multicast as we knew it, and all I need is one /64 to route my (almost entirely wireless) world. Somehow I doubt this will become a common option for others, but it sure is easier than navigating the slew of standards, configuring centralized services, and casting and configuring limited and highly dynamic ipv6 subnets around.
Regards, K.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389
GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882
-- Dave Täht worldwide bufferbloat report: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat And: What will it take to vastly improve wifi for everyone? https://plus.google.com/u/0/explore/makewififast

Using one-byte buffers, one hopes. :) -mel via cell
On Jul 8, 2015, at 8:49 PM, Dave Taht <dave.taht@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 21:03 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote: I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
No, what they often have is multiple layers of nat. I was at a hotel once that had plugged in 12 APs, serially, wan, to lan, to wan, to lan, to wan ports... because the Internet is a series of tubes, right?
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples.
Multiple layers of routing might not be what is now in the home, but it doesn't take that much imagination to envision a future where there are hundreds, or even thousands of separate networks in the average home, some permanent, some ephemeral, and quite possibly all requiring end-to-end connectivity into the wider Internet. Taking into account just a few current technologies (virtual machines, car networks, personal networks, guest networks, entertainment systems) and fast-forwarding just a few years it's easy to imagine tens of subnets being needed - so it's not much of a leap to hundreds. And if we can already dimly see a future where hundreds might be needed, history tells us that there will probably be applications that need thousands.
Unless of course we decide now that we don't WANT that. Then we should make it hard for it to happen by applying entirely arbitrary brakes like "/48 sounds too big to me, let's make it 1/256th of that."
In my case I have completely abandoned much of the debris of ipv4 and ipv6 - using self assigned /128s and a mesh routing protocol everywhere, giving up on multicast as we knew it, and all I need is one /64 to route my (almost entirely wireless) world.
Somehow I doubt this will become a common option for others, but it sure is easier than navigating the slew of standards, configuring centralized services, and casting and configuring limited and highly dynamic ipv6 subnets around.
Regards, K.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389
GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882
-- Dave Täht worldwide bufferbloat report: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat And: What will it take to vastly improve wifi for everyone? https://plus.google.com/u/0/explore/makewififast

Don't confuse someone's poor design with design goals. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Taht" <dave.taht@gmail.com> To: "Karl Auer" <kauer@biplane.com.au> Cc: "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 10:48:26 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:49 PM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 21:03 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
No, what they often have is multiple layers of nat. I was at a hotel once that had plugged in 12 APs, serially, wan, to lan, to wan, to lan, to wan ports... because the Internet is a series of tubes, right?
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples.
Multiple layers of routing might not be what is now in the home, but it doesn't take that much imagination to envision a future where there are hundreds, or even thousands of separate networks in the average home, some permanent, some ephemeral, and quite possibly all requiring end-to-end connectivity into the wider Internet. Taking into account just a few current technologies (virtual machines, car networks, personal networks, guest networks, entertainment systems) and fast-forwarding just a few years it's easy to imagine tens of subnets being needed - so it's not much of a leap to hundreds. And if we can already dimly see a future where hundreds might be needed, history tells us that there will probably be applications that need thousands.
Unless of course we decide now that we don't WANT that. Then we should make it hard for it to happen by applying entirely arbitrary brakes like "/48 sounds too big to me, let's make it 1/256th of that."
In my case I have completely abandoned much of the debris of ipv4 and ipv6 - using self assigned /128s and a mesh routing protocol everywhere, giving up on multicast as we knew it, and all I need is one /64 to route my (almost entirely wireless) world. Somehow I doubt this will become a common option for others, but it sure is easier than navigating the slew of standards, configuring centralized services, and casting and configuring limited and highly dynamic ipv6 subnets around.
Regards, K.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389
GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882
-- Dave Täht worldwide bufferbloat report: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat And: What will it take to vastly improve wifi for everyone? https://plus.google.com/u/0/explore/makewififast

On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:49:17 -0400, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples.
Talking about IPv6, we aren't carving a limit in granite. 99.99999% of home networks currently have no need for multiple networks, and thus, don't ask for anything more; they get a single /64 prefix. If tomorrow they need more, set the hint to 60 and they get a /60. Need more, ask for 56... CURRENTLY, providers have their DHCP server(s) set to a limit of 56. But that's simply a number in a config file; it can be changed as easily as it was set the first time. (source pool size and other infrastructure aside.) It's just like the escalation of speeds: as the need for it rises, it becomes available. (in general, at least)

In message <op.x1hpayv0tfhldh@rbeam.xactional.com>, "Ricky Beam" writes:
On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:49:17 -0400, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples.
Talking about IPv6, we aren't carving a limit in granite. 99.99999% of home networks currently have no need for multiple networks, and thus, don't ask for anything more; they get a single /64 prefix. If tomorrow they need more, set the hint to 60 and they get a /60. Need more, ask for 56... CURRENTLY, providers have their DHCP server(s) set to a limit of 56. But that's simply a number in a config file; it can be changed as easily as it was set the first time. (source pool size and other infrastructure aside.) It's just like the escalation of speeds: as the need for it rises, it becomes available. (in general, at least)
I already have 3 /64's hanging off a WNDR3700 (one for each of the wireless networks and one for the wired). If I turn on the second ssid's for each radio that would be 5. As for a customer getting a ISP's to increase the /56 PD to a /52 or a /48 I just don't see that happening. It will either require custom configuration for the customer or going back to the RIR and asking for a bigger allocation based on moving from /56 to /52 or /48 for all customers. You then have to manage the transition. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

Hi, With RIPE you can get a /29 with no justification, so if you have any less it is because you did not bother logging in to ripe.net and hit the get more button. ARIN gives you the option to make a network scheme based on nibbles but RIPE does not, so do not go there. Why try to allocate by the bit at all? We all use internal routing protocols instead of static routing. The only concern is to avoid an excess amount of internal routes in your IGP. You do that by using an allocation size per site, so your local routers can do route aggregation before redistributing the routes. We have an allocation size of /42 per site. A site can have and usually have multiple /42 allocated. This size was chosen because we allocate a /26 of IPv4 per site (=6 bits per allocation or blocks of 64). We are a residual ISP and it is expected that each customer needs one /32 IPv4 and one /48 IPv6 prefix. Our allocation of /32 IPv4 and /48 IPv6 is approximately the same utilization. In fact we made an algorithm that can convert your IPv4 /32 to your IPv6 /48, so we avoid tracking two allocations per user. Our smallest access routers can handle about 30k routes. But long before we hit that, I expect we would add another layer of aggregation. The case of using a bit based allocation scheme is so you can avoid that database (or spreadsheet) keeping track of your allocations. But I found that you need that either way or you will go crazy. The ability to look at an allocation and say hmm digit 10 is between 8 and f, so that must be somewhere in [insert big city here]... well it does just not seem that useful. Check our reverse DNS if you want to know. Regards, Baldur

On Jul 8, 2015, at 21:55 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:49:17 -0400, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE.
What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples.
Talking about IPv6, we aren't carving a limit in granite. 99.99999% of home networks currently have no need for multiple networks, and thus, don't ask for anything more; they get a single /64 prefix. If tomorrow they need more, set the hint to 60 and they get a /60. Need more, ask for 56... CURRENTLY, providers have their DHCP server(s) set to a limit of 56. But that's simply a number in a config file; it can be changed as easily as it was set the first time. (source pool size and other infrastructure aside.) It's just like the escalation of speeds: as the need for it rises, it becomes available. (in general, at least)
But we are carving a limit in stone without realizing it. Changing the network to give out larger prefixes is easy. However, developers consistently develop to the lowest common denominator. Don’t believe me? Try to use any of a variety of mobile apps to control a non-NAT device in your home from your cell phone when you’re not in the same broadcast domain as the device you want to control. The developers have assumed that: 1. Every household is behind NAT 2. Every household is a single broadcast domain 3. There’s never any need to talk to a device that isn’t within the same broadcast domain as the handset. 4. Nobody would ever want to use their cell phone to control their $PRODUCT without putting it on the wifi network and the $PRODUCT wired network interface will always be bridged to the wifi on the same subnet, right? Given how baked in these bad assumptions have become, I shudder at the thought of how long after ISPs start issuing /48s it will take before we start to see useful products designed with that expectation in mind. Owen

Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
Talking about IPv6, we aren't carving a limit in granite. 99.99999% of home networks currently have no need for multiple networks, and thus, don't ask for anything more; they get a single /64 prefix.
Personal-area networks already exist. Phone/watch/laptop etc. Virtual machines are common, e.g. for running multiple different operating systems on your computer. And automotive networks need connectivity. There are often separate VLANs for VOIP and IP TV and smart meters. Separate wifi networks tuned for low-latency synchronized audio. So it's very common to have multiple networks in a home with multiple layers of routing. Tony. -- f.anthony.n.finch <dot@dotat.at> http://dotat.at/ Shannon, Rockall: South or southeast 5 or 6, increasing 6 or 7 later. Moderate, occasionally rough. Rain, fog patches. Moderate, occasionally very poor.

I think you're confusing very common for a tech guy and very common for the common man. I have a dozen or two v4 subnets in my house. Then again, I also run my ISP out of my house, so I have a ton of stuff going on. I can't even think of a handful of other people that would have more than one. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tony Finch" <dot@dotat.at> To: "Ricky Beam" <jfbeam@gmail.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 6:17:17 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
Talking about IPv6, we aren't carving a limit in granite. 99.99999% of home networks currently have no need for multiple networks, and thus, don't ask for anything more; they get a single /64 prefix.
Personal-area networks already exist. Phone/watch/laptop etc. Virtual machines are common, e.g. for running multiple different operating systems on your computer. And automotive networks need connectivity. There are often separate VLANs for VOIP and IP TV and smart meters. Separate wifi networks tuned for low-latency synchronized audio. So it's very common to have multiple networks in a home with multiple layers of routing. Tony. -- f.anthony.n.finch <dot@dotat.at> http://dotat.at/ Shannon, Rockall: South or southeast 5 or 6, increasing 6 or 7 later. Moderate, occasionally rough. Rain, fog patches. Moderate, occasionally very poor.

On 9 July 2015 at 09:11, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
I think you're confusing very common for a tech guy and very common for the common man. I have a dozen or two v4 subnets in my house. Then again, I also run my ISP out of my house, so I have a ton of stuff going on. I can't even think of a handful of other people that would have more than one.
My son (who is not a tech guy but is a gamer) has four subnets in his (rented) house already: private LAN, guest network, home control network, and a separate LAN for the tenant downstairs who is sharing their broadband connection. And he's just getting started. The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need. -- Harald

Probably because he got good advise from his father :) On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
On 9 July 2015 at 09:11, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
I think you're confusing very common for a tech guy and very common for the common man. I have a dozen or two v4 subnets in my house. Then again, I also run my ISP out of my house, so I have a ton of stuff going on. I can't even think of a handful of other people that would have more than one.
My son (who is not a tech guy but is a gamer) has four subnets in his (rented) house already: private LAN, guest network, home control network, and a separate LAN for the tenant downstairs who is sharing their broadband connection. And he's just getting started.
The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need.
-- Harald

What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household? With /56 you are giving each residential customer: 256 subnets x 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts per subnet. I would expect at least 95.0% of residential customers are using 1 subnet, and 99.9% are using less than 4. I can understand people complaining when some ISPs were deciding to only give out a /64, but even with new ideas, new protocols and new applications, do people really think residential customers will need more than 256 subnets? When such a magical new system is developed, and people start to want it, can't ISPs start new /48 delegations? Since DHCP-PD and their infrastructure will already be setup for /56, it may not be easy, but it shouldn't be that difficult. I know the saying "build it and they will come....", but seriously.... I'd rather ISPs stop discussing deploying IPv6, and start doing it... Verizon: "The upgrades will start in 2013 and the first phase will include Verizon FiOS customers who have a dynamic IP address.". I'm still waiting...(at least I have a 6in4 tunnel with he.net). ---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669 -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Marco Teixeira Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 11:09 AM To: Harald Koch Cc: NANOG list Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Probably because he got good advise from his father :) On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
On 9 July 2015 at 09:11, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
I think you're confusing very common for a tech guy and very common for the common man. I have a dozen or two v4 subnets in my house. Then again, I also run my ISP out of my house, so I have a ton of stuff going on. I can't even think of a handful of other people that would have more than one.
My son (who is not a tech guy but is a gamer) has four subnets in his (rented) house already: private LAN, guest network, home control network, and a separate LAN for the tenant downstairs who is sharing their broadband connection. And he's just getting started.
The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need.
-- Harald

On 9 July 2015 at 11:42, Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household?
One thing you're missing is that some of these new-fangled uses for IP networking will want to do their own subnetting. It's not "here's a subnet for the car", it's "here's a /56 for the car to break into smaller pieces as required". A /56 isn't 256 subnets, it's 8 levels of subnetting (or 2 levels, if you're human and want to subnet at nibble boundaries). A /48 is 16 (or 4) levels. I have four vehicles, so I'd want to carve out a /52 for "the car network" to make the routing and security easier to manage, and leave room for expansion (or for my guests...) One more consideration for you: we're currently allocating all IPv6 addresses out of 2000::/3. That's 1/8th of the space available. If we discover we've messed up with this sparse address allocation idea, we have 7/8ths of the remaining space left to do something different. -- Harald

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 9:01 AM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
On 9 July 2015 at 11:42, Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household?
It is wasting that /64 on each separate media, lan type, or security model.
One thing you're missing is that some of these new-fangled uses for IP networking will want to do their own subnetting. It's not "here's a subnet for the car", it's "here's a /56 for the car to break into smaller pieces as required".
A /56 isn't 256 subnets, it's 8 levels of subnetting (or 2 levels, if you're human and want to subnet at nibble boundaries). A /48 is 16 (or 4) levels. I have four vehicles, so I'd want to carve out a /52 for "the car network" to make the routing and security easier to manage, and leave room for expansion (or for my guests...)
One more consideration for you: we're currently allocating all IPv6 addresses out of 2000::/3. That's 1/8th of the space available. If we discover we've messed up with this sparse address allocation idea, we have 7/8ths of the remaining space left to do something different.
And the colonists of Alpha Centauri will curse our shortsightedness.
-- Harald
-- Dave Täht worldwide bufferbloat report: http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest/results/bufferbloat And: What will it take to vastly improve wifi for everyone? https://plus.google.com/u/0/explore/makewififast

When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously. Otherwise, it’s just plain laughable. Yes, I could theorize a use case for this, but then I could theorize that someday everyone will get to work using jetpacks. We have prefix delegation already via DHCP-PD, but some in the IPv6 world don’t even want to support DHCP, how does SLAAC do prefix delegation, or am I missing something else? I assume each car is going to be running as RA? Given quality of implementations of IPv6 in embedded devices so far, I found that pretty ludicrous. Seriously, the IPv6 world needs to get a clue. Creating new protocols and solutions at this point in the game is only making it more difficult for IPv6 deployment, not less. IPv6 needs to stabilize and get going.. instead it seems everyone is musing about theoretical world where users need 64k networks. I understand the idea of not wanting to not think things through, but IPv6 is how many years old, and we are still arguing about these things? Don’t let the prefect be the enemy of the good. ---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669 From: Harald Koch [mailto:chk@pobox.com] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 12:01 PM To: Matthew Huff Cc: Marco Teixeira; NANOG list Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On 9 July 2015 at 11:42, Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com<mailto:mhuff@ox.com>> wrote: What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household? One thing you're missing is that some of these new-fangled uses for IP networking will want to do their own subnetting. It's not "here's a subnet for the car", it's "here's a /56 for the car to break into smaller pieces as required". A /56 isn't 256 subnets, it's 8 levels of subnetting (or 2 levels, if you're human and want to subnet at nibble boundaries). A /48 is 16 (or 4) levels. I have four vehicles, so I'd want to carve out a /52 for "the car network" to make the routing and security easier to manage, and leave room for expansion (or for my guests...) One more consideration for you: we're currently allocating all IPv6 addresses out of 2000::/3. That's 1/8th of the space available. If we discover we've messed up with this sparse address allocation idea, we have 7/8ths of the remaining space left to do something different. -- Harald

Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously.
Cars need partitions between their automotive network, their entertainment network, and their passenger wifi. Tony. -- f.anthony.n.finch <dot@dotat.at> http://dotat.at/ Southeast Fitzroy: Northeasterly becoming cyclonic 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8 at first. Moderate or rough. Fair. Moderate or good.

It seems like there might be several incorrect assumptions here leading to over thinking the issue. 1. Over a long period of time, will the size or number of subnets be significantly different than today. Even today a bunch of our assumptions on why subnets are created the way they are might be obsolete or close to it. For example, broadcast domain size becomes less of an issue as broadcasts are used less (presumably by better targeted multicast and smarter protocols) and device performance increases. Maybe networks get smart enough to reorganize themselves and their subnets to optimize performance or maybe there will not be the need to do so. 2. Am I wrong or are we making some bad assumptions about "routability" of subnets? It seems like we might be too concerned about the minimum routable sized subnet when in reality that is just a policy decision open to change over time. Also, the routing I do inside my home does not need to be routable to the Internet at large. Summarization can occur in my home and at the service provider level. 3. If a couple of users required an inordinate amount of subnets, why not assign them an additional netblock? In the V4 world Fortune 500 global networks are not treated the same as your grandma's cell phone. It's nice to have the comfort of doing it with V6 but no real compelling reason not to have more than one type of customer assignment. Why not size things for the usual use case and add another allocation as needed? Seems really wasteful to do anything else. The NICs don't give a global carriers the same assignments they give a simple dual homed user why should you think all of your sub-assignments would be identical? 4. This is not the last time in history that you might get to reorganize your address space so don't try to plan for crazy edge cases. Given the widespread use of DHCP (or any other automatic addressing technology) in the V6 world it is archaic to think that an address change will be a big inconvenience. If my device receives an address and auto updates DNS records then I really do not care what that address is. Feel free to reorganize the network whenever you want. 5. The car example does not work because I am assuming you don't drive in your home. You probably roam all around the area and will be getting dynamic assignments from whomever the provider is. Do you statically address your iPhone when it is on the 3G/4G/LTE network? Steven Naslund Chicago IL
Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On 9 July 2015 at 11:42, Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com<mailto:mhuff@ox.com>> wrote: What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household?
One thing you're missing is that some of these new-fangled uses for IP networking will want to do their own subnetting. It's not "here's a subnet for the car", it's "here's a /56 for the car to break into smaller pieces as >>>required".
A /56 isn't 256 subnets, it's 8 levels of subnetting (or 2 levels, if you're human and want to subnet at nibble boundaries). A /48 is 16 (or 4) levels. I have four vehicles, so I'd want to carve out a /52 for "the car network" to >>make the routing and security easier to manage, and leave room for expansion (or for my guests...)
One more consideration for you: we're currently allocating all IPv6 addresses out of 2000::/3. That's 1/8th of the space available. If we discover we've messed up with this sparse address allocation idea, we have 7/8ths of the >>remaining space left to do something different.

On Jul 9, 2015, at 09:16 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously. Otherwise, it’s just plain laughable. Yes, I could theorize a use case for this, but then I could theorize that someday everyone will get to work using jetpacks.
When I see a reason not to give out /48s, I might start taking your argument seriously.
We have prefix delegation already via DHCP-PD, but some in the IPv6 world don’t even want to support DHCP, how does SLAAC do prefix delegation, or am I missing something else? I assume each car is going to be running as RA? Given quality of implementations of IPv6 in embedded devices so far, I found that pretty ludicrous.
Clearly the quality of IPv6 in embedded devices needs to improve. There’s clearly work being done on LWIP IPv6, but I don’t think it’s ready for prime time yet. (LWIP is one of the most popular embedded IP stacks. You’ll find it in a wide range of devices, including, but not limited to the ESP8266).
Seriously, the IPv6 world needs to get a clue. Creating new protocols and solutions at this point in the game is only making it more difficult for IPv6 deployment, not less. IPv6 needs to stabilize and get going.. instead it seems everyone is musing about theoretical world where users need 64k networks. I understand the idea of not wanting to not think things through, but IPv6 is how many years old, and we are still arguing about these things? Don’t let the prefect be the enemy of the good.
/48s for end sites are NOT new… They have been part of the IPv6 design criteria from about the same time 128-bit addresses were decided. It is these silly IPv4-think notions of /56 and /60 that are new changes to the protocol. The good news is that it’s very easy to deploy /48s and if it turns out we were wrong, virtually everyone currently advocating /48s will happily help you get more restrictive allocation policies when 2000::/3 runs out. (assuming any of us are still alive when that happens). Owen

Seems to me that the problem might be thinking that the allocation toward the customer is a static thing. I think it is limiting to think that was going forward. Our industry created DHCP so we didn't have to deal with statically configured users who did not want to deal with IP addressing. Seems to me that a natural progression is to hand a network block to the CPE (DHCP-PD) and let it deal with it. No reason a CPE device cannot be created that will request more addresses when it needs them and dynamically receive a larger assignment. When you think about it long term our network infrastructure is pretty archaic in that we have to do paperwork to get an block assignment from the regional numbering authority and then manually chop that up. I would expect that model to die over time and become more of a hierarchy whereby addresses are dynamically assigned top to bottom. Seems like the numbering authority could be a lot more effective if a network could tell them about its utilization and have additional addresses assignments happen automatically. The converse would be true as well, a network could reconfigure to free underutilized blocks on its own. If a customer CPE needs more addresses it will request them. If you add a pop to your network it should automatically get an allocation from an upstream device. The only reason why anyone cares what their address is results from the fact that our name to address mapping via DNS is so slow to update. The end user does not care what addresses they get as long as everyone can reach what they need to. Your customers would not care about renumbering pain if there wasn't any. Today they could care less if it is V4 or V6 as long as everyone can see each other. My dad gets V6 on his cell phone and he can't even spell IP. Another inefficient legacy is the assignment of address space on a service provider basis when geographic assignment would allow for better summarization. If that happened you could create a better model where less routers need to carry a "full table" view of the Internet. As long as I know how to get around my area and to regional routers that can reach out globally, that is all we need. Now you would not have the limitation that a wide variety of routers need to carry every route and the /64 routing limitation goes away. Today our routing is very much all or nothing. Either use defaults or get a whole table via are probably the two most common options (yeah, I know there are others but those are the main two). The ideas on the reasons for building VLANs is pretty out of date too. It drives me nuts when I see the usual books giving you the usual example that "accounting and their server are on one VLAN and engineering and their server are on another VLAN" and that this is for performance and security reasons. Some of the biggest vendors in the business use examples like this (yes, Cisco, I'm looking at you) and it just does not work that way in the real world. Who gets to what server is most often decided by the server (AD membership or group policy of some type). If the accounting and engineering department are both going to a cloud service VLAN separation is pretty moot. In a world where my refrigerator wants to talk to the power company and send a shopping list to my car, VLAN based security is not really a solution. In the "Internet of things" we keep hearing about, everything is talking to everything. Security is highly dependent in that world on a device defending itself and not relying on a VLAN boundary. From what I am seeing out there today, there are usually far too many VLANs and too much layer three going on in most large networks. In the future it would seem that systems would create their own little networks ad-hoc as needed for the best efficiency. I know this is not all out there today but planning address allocation 10 years down the road might be an exercise in futility. I would suggest plan for today and build it so you can easily change it when your prediction invariably prove wrong or short-sighted. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
On Jul 9, 2015, at 09:16 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously. Otherwise, it’s just plain laughable. Yes, I could theorize a use case for this, but then I could theorize that someday everyone will get to work >>using jetpacks.
When I see a reason not to give out /48s, I might start taking your argument seriously.
We have prefix delegation already via DHCP-PD, but some in the IPv6 world don’t even want to support DHCP, how does SLAAC do prefix delegation, or am I missing something else? I assume each car is going to be running as RA? Given quality of implementations of IPv6 in embedded devices so far, I found that pretty ludicrous.
Clearly the quality of IPv6 in embedded devices needs to improve. There’s clearly work being done on LWIP IPv6, but I don’t think it’s ready for prime time yet. (LWIP is one of the most popular embedded IP stacks. You’ll find it in a wide range of devices, including, but not limited to the ESP8266).
Seriously, the IPv6 world needs to get a clue. Creating new protocols and solutions at this point in the game is only making it more difficult for IPv6 deployment, not less. IPv6 needs to stabilize and get going.. instead it seems everyone is musing about theoretical world where users need 64k networks. I understand the idea of not wanting to not think things through, but IPv6 is how many years old, and we are still arguing about these things? Don’t let the prefect be the enemy of the good.
/48s for end sites are NOT new… They have been part of the IPv6 design criteria from about the same time 128-bit addresses were decided. It is these silly IPv4-think notions of /56 and /60 that are new changes to the protocol. The good news is that it’s very easy to deploy /48s and if it turns out we were wrong, virtually everyone currently advocating /48s will happily help you get more restrictive allocation policies when 2000::/3 runs out. (assuming any of us are still alive when that happens). Owen

Do people actually use VLANs for security? It's nice to implement them for organizational purposes and to prevent broadcast propagation. -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Naslund, Steve Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 12:24 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Seems to me that the problem might be thinking that the allocation toward the customer is a static thing. I think it is limiting to think that was going forward. Our industry created DHCP so we didn't have to deal with statically configured users who did not want to deal with IP addressing. Seems to me that a natural progression is to hand a network block to the CPE (DHCP-PD) and let it deal with it. No reason a CPE device cannot be created that will request more addresses when it needs them and dynamically receive a larger assignment. When you think about it long term our network infrastructure is pretty archaic in that we have to do paperwork to get an block assignment from the regional numbering authority and then manually chop that up. I would expect that model to die over time and become more of a hierarchy whereby addresses are dynamically assigned top to bottom. Seems like the numbering authority could be a lot more effective if a network could tell them about its utilization and have additional addresses assignments happen automatically. The converse would be true as well, a network could reconfigure to free underutilized blocks on its own. If a customer CPE needs more addresses it will request them. If you add a pop to your network it should automatically get an allocation from an upstream device. The only reason why anyone cares what their address is results from the fact that our name to address mapping via DNS is so slow to update. The end user does not care what addresses they get as long as everyone can reach what they need to. Your customers would not care about renumbering pain if there wasn't any. Today they could care less if it is V4 or V6 as long as everyone can see each other. My dad gets V6 on his cell phone and he can't even spell IP. Another inefficient legacy is the assignment of address space on a service provider basis when geographic assignment would allow for better summarization. If that happened you could create a better model where less routers need to carry a "full table" view of the Internet. As long as I know how to get around my area and to regional routers that can reach out globally, that is all we need. Now you would not have the limitation that a wide variety of routers need to carry every route and the /64 routing limitation goes away. Today our routing is very much all or nothing. Either use defaults or get a whole table via are probably the two most common options (yeah, I know there are others but those are the main two). The ideas on the reasons for building VLANs is pretty out of date too. It drives me nuts when I see the usual books giving you the usual example that "accounting and their server are on one VLAN and engineering and their server are on another VLAN" and that this is for performance and security reasons. Some of the biggest vendors in the business use examples like this (yes, Cisco, I'm looking at you) and it just does not work that way in the real world. Who gets to what server is most often decided by the server (AD membership or group policy of some type). If the accounting and engineering department are both going to a cloud service VLAN separation is pretty moot. In a world where my refrigerator wants to talk to the power company and send a shopping list to my car, VLAN based security is not really a solution. In the "Internet of things" we keep hearing about, everything is talking to everything. Security is highly dependent in that world on a device defending itself and not relying on a VLAN boundary. From what I am seeing out there today, there are usually far too many VLANs and too much layer three going on in most large networks. In the future it would seem that systems would create their own little networks ad-hoc as needed for the best efficiency. I know this is not all out there today but planning address allocation 10 years down the road might be an exercise in futility. I would suggest plan for today and build it so you can easily change it when your prediction invariably prove wrong or short-sighted. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
On Jul 9, 2015, at 09:16 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously. Otherwise, it’s just plain laughable. Yes, I could theorize a use case for this, but then I could theorize that someday everyone will get to work >>using jetpacks.
When I see a reason not to give out /48s, I might start taking your argument seriously.
We have prefix delegation already via DHCP-PD, but some in the IPv6 world don’t even want to support DHCP, how does SLAAC do prefix delegation, or am I missing something else? I assume each car is going to be running as RA? Given quality of implementations of IPv6 in embedded devices so far, I found that pretty ludicrous.
Clearly the quality of IPv6 in embedded devices needs to improve. There’s clearly work being done on LWIP IPv6, but I don’t think it’s ready for prime time yet. (LWIP is one of the most popular embedded IP stacks. You’ll find it in a wide range of devices, including, but not limited to the ESP8266).
Seriously, the IPv6 world needs to get a clue. Creating new protocols and solutions at this point in the game is only making it more difficult for IPv6 deployment, not less. IPv6 needs to stabilize and get going.. instead it seems everyone is musing about theoretical world where users need 64k networks. I understand the idea of not wanting to not think things through, but IPv6 is how many years old, and we are still arguing about these things? Don’t let the prefect be the enemy of the good.
/48s for end sites are NOT new… They have been part of the IPv6 design criteria from about the same time 128-bit addresses were decided. It is these silly IPv4-think notions of /56 and /60 that are new changes to the protocol. The good news is that it’s very easy to deploy /48s and if it turns out we were wrong, virtually everyone currently advocating /48s will happily help you get more restrictive allocation policies when 2000::/3 runs out. (assuming any of us are still alive when that happens). Owen Attention: Information contained in this message and or attachments is intended only for the recipient(s) named above and may contain confidential and or privileged material that is protected under State or Federal law. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken on it is prohibited. If you believe you have received this email in error, please contact the sender, delete this email and destroy all copies.

On Jul 9, 2015, at 3:38 PM, Tyler Applebaum <applebaumt@ochin.org> wrote:
Do people actually use VLANs for security? It's nice to implement them for organizational purposes and to prevent broadcast propagation.
I would generally say yes. For example, if you are a wireless access point you may have an internal SSID and a Guest SSID on the same radio and hence same physical ethernet cable. - Jared

I've seen VLAN/subnet security used frequently in the financial world, even to the point of having full firewalls between vlans/subnets. Mostly for regulator purposes (Chinese firewall and all that). It's also common to allow outbound requests or redirect to different proxies based on source addresses within a corporate network. In residential networks, it's mostly used for guest networks that can route out to the internet, but not to other local devices. ---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669 -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Tyler Applebaum Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 3:38 PM To: Naslund, Steve Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Do people actually use VLANs for security? It's nice to implement them for organizational purposes and to prevent broadcast propagation. -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Naslund, Steve Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 12:24 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Seems to me that the problem might be thinking that the allocation toward the customer is a static thing. I think it is limiting to think that was going forward. Our industry created DHCP so we didn't have to deal with statically configured users who did not want to deal with IP addressing. Seems to me that a natural progression is to hand a network block to the CPE (DHCP-PD) and let it deal with it. No reason a CPE device cannot be created that will request more addresses when it needs them and dynamically receive a larger assignment. When you think about it long term our network infrastructure is pretty archaic in that we have to do paperwork to get an block assignment from the regional numbering authority and then manually chop that up. I would expect that model to die over time and become more of a hierarchy whereby addresses are dynamically assigned top to bottom. Seems like the numbering authority could be a lot more effective if a network could tell them about its utilization and have additional addresses assignments happen automatically. The converse would be true as well, a network could reconfigure to free underutilized blocks on its own. If a customer CPE needs more addresses it will request them. If you add a pop to your network it should automatically get an allocation from an upstream device. The only reason why anyone cares what their address is results from the fact that our name to address mapping via DNS is so slow to update. The end user does not care what addresses they get as long as everyone can reach what they need to. Your customers would not care about renumbering pain if there wasn't any. Today they could care less if it is V4 or V6 as long as everyone can see each other. My dad gets V6 on his cell phone and he can't even spell IP. Another inefficient legacy is the assignment of address space on a service provider basis when geographic assignment would allow for better summarization. If that happened you could create a better model where less routers need to carry a "full table" view of the Internet. As long as I know how to get around my area and to regional routers that can reach out globally, that is all we need. Now you would not have the limitation that a wide variety of routers need to carry every route and the /64 routing limitation goes away. Today our routing is very much all or nothing. Either use defaults or get a whole table via are probably the two most common options (yeah, I know there are others but those are the main two). The ideas on the reasons for building VLANs is pretty out of date too. It drives me nuts when I see the usual books giving you the usual example that "accounting and their server are on one VLAN and engineering and their server are on another VLAN" and that this is for performance and security reasons. Some of the biggest vendors in the business use examples like this (yes, Cisco, I'm looking at you) and it just does not work that way in the real world. Who gets to what server is most often decided by the server (AD membership or group policy of some type). If the accounting and engineering department are both going to a cloud service VLAN separation is pretty moot. In a world where my refrigerator wants to talk to the power company and send a shopping list to my car, VLAN based security is not really a solution. In the "Internet of things" we keep hearing about, everything is talking to everything. Security is highly dependent in that world on a device defending itself and not relying on a VLAN boundary. From what I am seeing out there today, there are usually far too many VLANs and too much layer three going on in most large networks. In the future it would seem that systems would create their own little networks ad-hoc as needed for the best efficiency. I know this is not all out there today but planning address allocation 10 years down the road might be an exercise in futility. I would suggest plan for today and build it so you can easily change it when your prediction invariably prove wrong or short-sighted. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
On Jul 9, 2015, at 09:16 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously. Otherwise, it’s just plain laughable. Yes, I could theorize a use case for this, but then I could theorize that someday everyone will get to work >>using jetpacks.
When I see a reason not to give out /48s, I might start taking your argument seriously.
We have prefix delegation already via DHCP-PD, but some in the IPv6 world don’t even want to support DHCP, how does SLAAC do prefix delegation, or am I missing something else? I assume each car is going to be running as RA? Given quality of implementations of IPv6 in embedded devices so far, I found that pretty ludicrous.
Clearly the quality of IPv6 in embedded devices needs to improve. There’s clearly work being done on LWIP IPv6, but I don’t think it’s ready for prime time yet. (LWIP is one of the most popular embedded IP stacks. You’ll find it in a wide range of devices, including, but not limited to the ESP8266).
Seriously, the IPv6 world needs to get a clue. Creating new protocols and solutions at this point in the game is only making it more difficult for IPv6 deployment, not less. IPv6 needs to stabilize and get going.. instead it seems everyone is musing about theoretical world where users need 64k networks. I understand the idea of not wanting to not think things through, but IPv6 is how many years old, and we are still arguing about these things? Don’t let the prefect be the enemy of the good.
/48s for end sites are NOT new… They have been part of the IPv6 design criteria from about the same time 128-bit addresses were decided. It is these silly IPv4-think notions of /56 and /60 that are new changes to the protocol. The good news is that it’s very easy to deploy /48s and if it turns out we were wrong, virtually everyone currently advocating /48s will happily help you get more restrictive allocation policies when 2000::/3 runs out. (assuming any of us are still alive when that happens). Owen Attention: Information contained in this message and or attachments is intended only for the recipient(s) named above and may contain confidential and or privileged material that is protected under State or Federal law. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or action taken on it is prohibited. If you believe you have received this email in error, please contact the sender, delete this email and destroy all copies.

Yes, and that is a problem. Usually because it is not granular enough and there are a lot of ways to get onto another VLAN (physical access and packet trickery). It is a pretty weak form of security policy. Now, if we assume that VLAN based security is weak and that most homes do not generate enough broadcast traffic to be an issue, what exactly is the reason that a residential customer needs a lot of VLANs? Answer, they probably don't. A lot of residential users have a CPE device that does wireless, routing, and DHCP assignments all in one. No need to create a guest VLAN on that type of device. You simply assign an ACL that keeps the guest from reaching any internal IP. Why would your refrigerator (or car, toaster, TV, whatever) need to be on a separate subnet when the whole point is to create a network where all of your stuff communicates? Us engineers need to make sure we don't generalize that a lot of residential users do to their networks what we do to ours. We MIGHT have a reason for several subnets to simulate different stuff. I am still waiting for a valid example of a residential situation where VLANs are a useful addition. Oh, and don't even try the QoS argument. I will tell you that LLDP identification of the device and applying QoS policy based on the identification is much more effective and transparent to the end user. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Tyler Applebaum Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 3:38 PM To: Naslund, Steve Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Do people actually use VLANs for security? It's nice to implement them for organizational purposes and to prevent broadcast propagation.

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 16:00:35 -0400, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
Now, if we assume that VLAN based security is weak and that most homes do not generate enough broadcast traffic to be an issue, what exactly is the reason that a residential customer needs a lot of VLANs? Answer, they probably don't.
... I am still waiting for a valid example of a residential situation where VLANs are a useful addition.
Voice, Video, Data, and Guest VLANs. And even that is generally overkill, but does provide a measurable, if marginal, improvement. --Ricky

hum.. let me postulate. my lan, my kids, my guests, the drive-bys, … the LG stuff, the Apple stuff, the whitebox stuff, appliances … smart meters, switches, thermostats, toilets, water flow controls, … Microsoft can talk to the x-box, but i have no desire for them t see/know anything else on the entertainment lan at the house…. manning bmanning@karoshi.com PO Box 12317 Marina del Rey, CA 90295 310.322.8102 On 9July2015Thursday, at 13:00, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
Yes, and that is a problem. Usually because it is not granular enough and there are a lot of ways to get onto another VLAN (physical access and packet trickery). It is a pretty weak form of security policy.
Now, if we assume that VLAN based security is weak and that most homes do not generate enough broadcast traffic to be an issue, what exactly is the reason that a residential customer needs a lot of VLANs? Answer, they probably don't. A lot of residential users have a CPE device that does wireless, routing, and DHCP assignments all in one. No need to create a guest VLAN on that type of device. You simply assign an ACL that keeps the guest from reaching any internal IP. Why would your refrigerator (or car, toaster, TV, whatever) need to be on a separate subnet when the whole point is to create a network where all of your stuff communicates?
Us engineers need to make sure we don't generalize that a lot of residential users do to their networks what we do to ours. We MIGHT have a reason for several subnets to simulate different stuff. I am still waiting for a valid example of a residential situation where VLANs are a useful addition. Oh, and don't even try the QoS argument. I will tell you that LLDP identification of the device and applying QoS policy based on the identification is much more effective and transparent to the end user.
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Tyler Applebaum Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 3:38 PM To: Naslund, Steve Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Do people actually use VLANs for security? It's nice to implement them for organizational purposes and to prevent broadcast propagation.

I don't have a problem with that use case IF there is a real firewall between VLANs. I was mostly referring to residential networks however. As far as guest access, a lot of today's CPE does that with its internal firewall creating an ACL for anyone on the guest network. The VLAN barrier is not really needed there and there are lots of techniques for dodging a VLAN barrier anyway. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
I've seen VLAN/subnet security used frequently in the financial world, even to the point of having full firewalls between vlans/subnets. Mostly for regulator purposes (Chinese firewall and all that). It's also common to allow >outbound requests or redirect to different proxies based on source addresses within a corporate network.
In residential networks, it's mostly used for guest networks that can route out to the internet, but not to other local devices.
---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669

On 9/Jul/15 21:45, Matthew Huff wrote:
I've seen VLAN/subnet security used frequently in the financial world, even to the point of having full firewalls between vlans/subnets. Mostly for regulator purposes (Chinese firewall and all that). It's also common to allow outbound requests or redirect to different proxies based on source addresses within a corporate network.
In residential networks, it's mostly used for guest networks that can route out to the internet, but not to other local devices.
In the AN, you don't want residential neighbors viewing each others' Layer 2 domains. But using different VLAN's for that doesn't scale - so-called Split Horizons (Private VLAN's) are the answer. Mark.

In short, much of what you say below has been discussed before and with the general conclusion “geography != topology and no, geographic allocation would not improve summarization”. I’m not saying that assignments need to be static, but I am saying that we need to put the default size somewhere that doesn’t inhibit future development and close off options at the application level. That’s why I’m arguing for a default /48. Owen
On Jul 9, 2015, at 12:24 , Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
Seems to me that the problem might be thinking that the allocation toward the customer is a static thing. I think it is limiting to think that was going forward. Our industry created DHCP so we didn't have to deal with statically configured users who did not want to deal with IP addressing. Seems to me that a natural progression is to hand a network block to the CPE (DHCP-PD) and let it deal with it. No reason a CPE device cannot be created that will request more addresses when it needs them and dynamically receive a larger assignment.
When you think about it long term our network infrastructure is pretty archaic in that we have to do paperwork to get an block assignment from the regional numbering authority and then manually chop that up. I would expect that model to die over time and become more of a hierarchy whereby addresses are dynamically assigned top to bottom. Seems like the numbering authority could be a lot more effective if a network could tell them about its utilization and have additional addresses assignments happen automatically. The converse would be true as well, a network could reconfigure to free underutilized blocks on its own. If a customer CPE needs more addresses it will request them. If you add a pop to your network it should automatically get an allocation from an upstream device.
The only reason why anyone cares what their address is results from the fact that our name to address mapping via DNS is so slow to update. The end user does not care what addresses they get as long as everyone can reach what they need to. Your customers would not care about renumbering pain if there wasn't any. Today they could care less if it is V4 or V6 as long as everyone can see each other. My dad gets V6 on his cell phone and he can't even spell IP.
Another inefficient legacy is the assignment of address space on a service provider basis when geographic assignment would allow for better summarization. If that happened you could create a better model where less routers need to carry a "full table" view of the Internet. As long as I know how to get around my area and to regional routers that can reach out globally, that is all we need. Now you would not have the limitation that a wide variety of routers need to carry every route and the /64 routing limitation goes away. Today our routing is very much all or nothing. Either use defaults or get a whole table via are probably the two most common options (yeah, I know there are others but those are the main two).
The ideas on the reasons for building VLANs is pretty out of date too. It drives me nuts when I see the usual books giving you the usual example that "accounting and their server are on one VLAN and engineering and their server are on another VLAN" and that this is for performance and security reasons. Some of the biggest vendors in the business use examples like this (yes, Cisco, I'm looking at you) and it just does not work that way in the real world. Who gets to what server is most often decided by the server (AD membership or group policy of some type). If the accounting and engineering department are both going to a cloud service VLAN separation is pretty moot. In a world where my refrigerator wants to talk to the power company and send a shopping list to my car, VLAN based security is not really a solution. In the "Internet of things" we keep hearing about, everything is talking to everything. Security is highly dependent in that world on a device defending itself and not relying on a VLAN boundary. From what I am seeing out there today, there are usually far too many VLANs and too much layer three going on in most large networks.
In the future it would seem that systems would create their own little networks ad-hoc as needed for the best efficiency. I know this is not all out there today but planning address allocation 10 years down the road might be an exercise in futility. I would suggest plan for today and build it so you can easily change it when your prediction invariably prove wrong or short-sighted.
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
On Jul 9, 2015, at 09:16 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
When I see a car that needs a /56 subnet then I’ll take your use case seriously. Otherwise, it’s just plain laughable. Yes, I could theorize a use case for this, but then I could theorize that someday everyone will get to work >>using jetpacks.
When I see a reason not to give out /48s, I might start taking your argument seriously.
We have prefix delegation already via DHCP-PD, but some in the IPv6 world don’t even want to support DHCP, how does SLAAC do prefix delegation, or am I missing something else? I assume each car is going to be running as RA? Given quality of implementations of IPv6 in embedded devices so far, I found that pretty ludicrous.
Clearly the quality of IPv6 in embedded devices needs to improve. There’s clearly work being done on LWIP IPv6, but I don’t think it’s ready for prime time yet. (LWIP is one of the most popular embedded IP stacks. You’ll find it in a wide range of devices, including, but not limited to the ESP8266).
Seriously, the IPv6 world needs to get a clue. Creating new protocols and solutions at this point in the game is only making it more difficult for IPv6 deployment, not less. IPv6 needs to stabilize and get going.. instead it seems everyone is musing about theoretical world where users need 64k networks. I understand the idea of not wanting to not think things through, but IPv6 is how many years old, and we are still arguing about these things? Don’t let the prefect be the enemy of the good.
/48s for end sites are NOT new… They have been part of the IPv6 design criteria from about the same time 128-bit addresses were decided. It is these silly IPv4-think notions of /56 and /60 that are new changes to the protocol.
The good news is that it’s very easy to deploy /48s and if it turns out we were wrong, virtually everyone currently advocating /48s will happily help you get more restrictive allocation policies when 2000::/3 runs out. (assuming any of us are still alive when that happens).

In short, I'm saying that you should set your default so it is easily changed on the fly and then it won't matter if you are wrong. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
In short, much of what you say below has been discussed before and with the general conclusion “geography != topology and no, geographic allocation would not improve summarization”.
I’m not saying that assignments need to be static, but I am saying that we need to put the default size somewhere that doesn’t inhibit future development and close off options at the application level.
That’s why I’m arguing for a default /48.

----- On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Naslund, Steve SNaslund@medline.com wrote:
In short, I'm saying that you should set your default so it is easily changed on the fly and then it won't matter if you are wrong.
Absolutely. Also, since it won't matter if we are wrong, let's use /48 as the default, since it is much easier to deal with and is much less likely to be a case of "oops, too small" than /56 or, particularly, /60 or longer. -Randy

And I’m saying you’re ignoring an important part of reality. Whatever ISPs default to deploying now will become the standard to which application developers develop. Changing the ISP later is easy. Changing the applications is hard. Let’s not bake unnecessary limitations into applications by assuming that tomorrow’s networks in homes will necessarily be as simple as today’s. Owen
On Jul 9, 2015, at 13:07 , Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
In short, I'm saying that you should set your default so it is easily changed on the fly and then it won't matter if you are wrong.
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
In short, much of what you say below has been discussed before and with the general conclusion “geography != topology and no, geographic allocation would not improve summarization”.
I’m not saying that assignments need to be static, but I am saying that we need to put the default size somewhere that doesn’t inhibit future development and close off options at the application level.
That’s why I’m arguing for a default /48.

Huh, since when does ANY application care about what size address allocation you have? A V6 address is a 128 bit address period. Any IPv6 aware application will handle addresses as a 128 bit variable. Does any application running on IPv4 care if you have a /28 or a /29? In fact the application should not even be aware of what the net mask is because that is an OS function to handle the IP stack. This argument makes no sense at all since every application will be able to handle any allocation size since it is not even aware what that is. Any IPv6 compatible OS will not care either because they would be able to handle any number of masked bits. No app developer has ever been tied into the size of a subnet since CIDR was invented. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
And I’m saying you’re ignoring an important part of reality.
Whatever ISPs default to deploying now will become the standard to which application developers develop.
Changing the ISP later is easy.
Changing the applications is hard.
Let’s not bake unnecessary limitations into applications by assuming that tomorrow’s networks in homes will necessarily be as simple as today’s.

----- On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:56 PM, Naslund, Steve SNaslund@medline.com wrote:
Huh, since when does ANY application care about what size address allocation you have? A V6 address is a 128 bit address period. Any IPv6 aware application will handle addresses as a 128 bit variable.
The DHCPv6-PD server application on your router(s) might care.
Does any application running on IPv4 care if you have a /28 or a /29? In fact the application should not even be aware of what the net mask is because that is an OS function to handle the IP stack. This argument makes no sense at all since every application will be able to handle any allocation size since it is not even aware what that is. Any IPv6 compatible OS will not care either because they would be able to handle any number of masked bits. No app developer has ever been tied into the size of a subnet since CIDR was invented.
For an application that doesn't do anything with IP addresses (allocating, etc.), it shouldn't matter, but that does not mean that there aren't applications for which it does. -Randy

Huh, since when does ANY application care about what size address allocation you have? A V6 address is a 128 bit address period. Any IPv6 aware application will handle addresses as a 128 bit variable.
The DHCPv6-PD server application on your router(s) might care.
Do you know of a DHCPv6-PD or router code that will accept a /56 and not a /48? If you do, I suggest you open a bug with that vendor and tell them that either is a legal prefix length.
Does any application running on IPv4 care if you have a /28 or a /29? In fact the application should not even be aware of what the net mask is because that is an OS function to handle the IP stack. This argument makes no sense at all since every application will be able to handle any allocation size since it is not even aware what that is. Any IPv6 compatible OS will not care either because they would be able to handle any number of masked bits. No app developer has ever been tied into the size of a subnet since CIDR was invented.
For an application that doesn't do anything with IP addresses (allocating, etc.), it shouldn't matter, but that does not mean that there aren't applications for which it does.
One should demand that application that care about allocation size, routing, etc would not be "IPv6 compatible" if they cannot handle all mask length legal under the protocol specification. The reason there is a v6 standard is to define what is allowable or not, that is what a protocol IS. We do not need to decide by committee to limit those options. Steven Naslund Chicago IL

Sigh… Home gateways are an application in this context. How the firmware gets written in those things will be affected. Further, applications do care about things like “Can I assume that every home is reachable in its entirety via a packet to ff02::<group>?” which is, for example, already baked into many products as the current mDNS default scope. SSDPv6 also seems to default to ff02:: scoping. Whether or not applications come into existence that can take advantage of diverse topology in the home will depend entirely on whether or not we make diverse topology possible going forward. /56 will enable some development in this area, but it will hinder several potential areas of exploration. /48 is a reasonable end-site boundary. It allows enough flexibility for dynamic topologies while still leaving enough prefix space to have lots of extra room for sparse allocations and everything else. So, instead of focusing on the narrowest possible definition of “application” by todays terms, try opening your mind just a little bit and recognize that anything that requires software and interacts with the network in any way is a better definition of application in this context. Owen
On Jul 9, 2015, at 13:56 , Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
Huh, since when does ANY application care about what size address allocation you have? A V6 address is a 128 bit address period. Any IPv6 aware application will handle addresses as a 128 bit variable.
Does any application running on IPv4 care if you have a /28 or a /29? In fact the application should not even be aware of what the net mask is because that is an OS function to handle the IP stack. This argument makes no sense at all since every application will be able to handle any allocation size since it is not even aware what that is. Any IPv6 compatible OS will not care either because they would be able to handle any number of masked bits. No app developer has ever been tied into the size of a subnet since CIDR was invented.
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
And I’m saying you’re ignoring an important part of reality.
Whatever ISPs default to deploying now will become the standard to which application developers develop.
Changing the ISP later is easy.
Changing the applications is hard.
Let’s not bake unnecessary limitations into applications by assuming that tomorrow’s networks in homes will necessarily be as simple as today’s.

So, why not demand that firmware accepts ANY mask length just like VLSM v4. I don't see what possible difference it will make if it is a /56 or /48 and I don't think you should make ANY assumption based on either of those being correct for any particular application. An assumption you make today is only applicable to your network not mine, it has no certainty of permanence at all. If one of my software engineers came to me and asked I would tell them they need to handle all possible mask lengths...period. Even if they are not in common use today, if its legal under the v6 spec then you should expect to support it. Not engineering for change is how we end up with software that won't handle a 2xxx year or a leap second. If a vendor decides to code something like the ff02:: scoping into their systems in a way that can't easily change then it is at their own risk. Would it be very difficult to change that depending on the DHCP-PD response you got? Why do you want to be the guy to make the bad assumption instead of them? That's what you are doing in the /56 vs /48 argument is it not? A little early in the IPv6 game to be making permanent rules on allocation sizes for future generations and hard coding them don't you think? All of statements you make regarding "enable some development" and "reasonable end-site boundary" are the network equivalents of the "no one will need more that 640k of RAM" and "32 bits will be more addresses than we ever need" As far as opening up my mind a bit how about opening your mind and demanding that IPv6 compatibility means accepting ALL possible allocation lengths. Steven Naslund Chicago IL
Home gateways are an application in this context. How the firmware gets written in those things will be affected.
Further, applications do care about things like “Can I assume that every home is reachable in its entirety via a packet to ff02::<group>?” which is, for example, already baked into many products as the current mDNS default scope.
SSDPv6 also seems to default to ff02:: scoping.
Whether or not applications come into existence that can take advantage of diverse topology in the home will depend entirely on whether or not we make diverse topology possible going forward.
/56 will enable some development in this area, but it will hinder several potential areas of exploration.
/48 is a reasonable end-site boundary. It allows enough flexibility for dynamic topologies while still leaving enough prefix space to have lots of extra room for sparse allocations and everything else.
So, instead of focusing on the narrowest possible definition of “application” by todays terms, try opening your mind just a little bit and recognize that anything that requires software and interacts with the network in any way is a >better definition of application in this context.

Because vendor pressure depends on a userbase that knows enough to demand fixes. Simple fact is that if most ISPs deploy degraded services, vendors will code to the lowest common denominator of that degraded service and we’ll all be forced to live within those limitations in the products we receive. This is already evident in the IPv4 world. Even though my TiVO is 100% reachable from the internet, I can’t use any of TiVO’s applications to access it directly, I have to work through their proxy servers that depend on periodic polling from my devices to work because they assume everyone is stuck behind NAT. Can you offer one valid reason not to give residential users /48s? Any benefit whatsoever? Owen
On Jul 9, 2015, at 14:51 , Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
So, why not demand that firmware accepts ANY mask length just like VLSM v4. I don't see what possible difference it will make if it is a /56 or /48 and I don't think you should make ANY assumption based on either of those being correct for any particular application. An assumption you make today is only applicable to your network not mine, it has no certainty of permanence at all. If one of my software engineers came to me and asked I would tell them they need to handle all possible mask lengths...period. Even if they are not in common use today, if its legal under the v6 spec then you should expect to support it. Not engineering for change is how we end up with software that won't handle a 2xxx year or a leap second.
If a vendor decides to code something like the ff02:: scoping into their systems in a way that can't easily change then it is at their own risk. Would it be very difficult to change that depending on the DHCP-PD response you got? Why do you want to be the guy to make the bad assumption instead of them? That's what you are doing in the /56 vs /48 argument is it not? A little early in the IPv6 game to be making permanent rules on allocation sizes for future generations and hard coding them don't you think?
All of statements you make regarding "enable some development" and "reasonable end-site boundary" are the network equivalents of the "no one will need more that 640k of RAM" and "32 bits will be more addresses than we ever need"
As far as opening up my mind a bit how about opening your mind and demanding that IPv6 compatibility means accepting ALL possible allocation lengths.
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
Home gateways are an application in this context. How the firmware gets written in those things will be affected.
Further, applications do care about things like “Can I assume that every home is reachable in its entirety via a packet to ff02::<group>?” which is, for example, already baked into many products as the current mDNS default scope.
SSDPv6 also seems to default to ff02:: scoping.
Whether or not applications come into existence that can take advantage of diverse topology in the home will depend entirely on whether or not we make diverse topology possible going forward.
/56 will enable some development in this area, but it will hinder several potential areas of exploration.
/48 is a reasonable end-site boundary. It allows enough flexibility for dynamic topologies while still leaving enough prefix space to have lots of extra room for sparse allocations and everything else.
So, instead of focusing on the narrowest possible definition of “application” by todays terms, try opening your mind just a little bit and recognize that anything that requires software and interacts with the network in any way is a >better definition of application in this context.

Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Because vendor pressure depends on a userbase that knows enough to demand fixes.
No vendor pressure is dependent on people buying their stuff. Don't send that CPE to your user if it does not meet your standards. If their stuff breaks because of shortsighted coding to bad for them. I am not going to be the guy to build in stupid limitations today to save a few minutes of coding for some lazy hardware vendor.
Simple fact is that if most ISPs deploy degraded services, vendors will code to the lowest common denominator of that degraded service and we’ll all be forced to live within those limitations in the products we receive.
Why would you think so? Did your IPv4 router not accept a /8 netmask even though there was very little chance you would get one? I know most of my programmers are trained to anticipate all of the possible options for an input. Sometimes this is hard to define but with IPv6 it is clearly in the specification. Would you consider an ISP that hands out /56s to be "degraded"? Most users wouldn't know the difference and if you offered the /48 on request (or even better automatically on depletion of the /56) what would be degraded?
This is already evident in the IPv4 world. Even though my TiVO is 100% reachable from the internet, I can’t use any of TiVO’s applications to access it directly, I have to work through their proxy servers that depend on periodic >polling from my devices to work because they assume everyone is stuck behind NAT.
That would be Tivo's fault wouldn't it. It would be trivially simple for them to know if they were behind a NAT so I am guessing they force you through their proxy for other purposes. Should we re-engineer the way IP works so that Tivo can write crap code? Should we limit all future v6 users today so that crap CPE works now?
Can you offer one valid reason not to give residential users /48s? Any benefit whatsoever?
I never said that there was a valid reason not to use /48s or /56s or whatever prefix you like. What I am saying is don't force that decision on anyone today. IPv6 does not force the use of any particular prefix length for an end user, why should you? Why do we all have to use the same length anyways?
Steven Naslund Chicago IL

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:23:29 -0400, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
That would be Tivo's fault wouldn't it.
Partially, even mostly... it's based on Bonjour. That's why the shit doesn't work "over the internet". (It's just http/https, so it will, in fact, work, but their apps aren't designed to work that way. Many 3rd party control apps have no problems.)

On Jul 9, 2015, at 15:55 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:23:29 -0400, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
That would be Tivo's fault wouldn't it.
Partially, even mostly... it's based on Bonjour. That's why the shit doesn't work "over the internet".
(It's just http/https, so it will, in fact, work, but their apps aren't designed to work that way. Many 3rd party control apps have no problems.)
Correct… It _IS_ TiVO’s fault. However, the reality I’m trying to point out is that application developers make assumptions based on the commonly deployed environment that they expect in the world. If we create a limited environment, then that is what they will code to. If we deliver /48s, then they will come up with innovative ways to make use of those deployments. If we deliver /56s, then innovation will be constrained to what can be delivered to /56s, even for sites that have /48s. Owen

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 19:08:56 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
the reality I’m trying to point out is that application developers make assumptions based on the commonly deployed environment that they expect in the world.
Partially. It's also a matter of the software guys not having any clue what-so-ever w.r.t. networking. In this case, APPLE designed Bonjour to not cross network boundaries. Idiotic, but it allows them to sell "servers" that do the cross-network routing.
If we create a limited environment, then that is what they will code to.
They will code to what they understand, what "works for them", and what their users report "works for me". We will always end up with "substandard" quality because they have little (or no) understanding of how networking does it's thing. (And then marketing, and legal will step in and pooh on it even more.)

On Jul 9, 2015, at 16:28 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 19:08:56 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
the reality I’m trying to point out is that application developers make assumptions based on the commonly deployed environment that they expect in the world.
Partially. It's also a matter of the software guys not having any clue what-so-ever w.r.t. networking. In this case, APPLE designed Bonjour to not cross network boundaries. Idiotic, but it allows them to sell "servers" that do the cross-network routing.
Actually it’s not a design problem in IPv6. A simple tweak to the software to send to ff05::<group> instead of ff02::<group> or better yet, allow the user to edit the scope in System Preferences is all that is really needed. However, in IPv4, mDNS/Bonjour (and mDNS is uPNP’s fault, not Apple’s to the best of my knowledge) use broadcast packets and that’s a design flaw. However, hard to argue with the choice since multicast, especially cross-router multicast is pretty much busted in any sort of home gateway in IPv4 anyway.
If we create a limited environment, then that is what they will code to.
They will code to what they understand, what "works for them", and what their users report "works for me". We will always end up with "substandard" quality because they have little (or no) understanding of how networking does it's thing.
(And then marketing, and legal will step in and pooh on it even more.)
OK… Clearly you are determined to let cynicism and avoidance drive your ideas here. I can’t help that. Hopefully enough others will try to make the internet more useful as we move forward and hand out larger end-site prefixes. Owen

On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:08 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 15:55 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:23:29 -0400, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
That would be Tivo's fault wouldn't it.
Partially, even mostly... it's based on Bonjour. That's why the shit doesn't work "over the internet".
(It's just http/https, so it will, in fact, work, but their apps aren't designed to work that way. Many 3rd party control apps have no problems.)
Correct… It _IS_ TiVO’s fault. However, the reality I’m trying to point out is that application developers make assumptions based on the commonly deployed environment that they expect in the world.
If we create a limited environment, then that is what they will code to.
If we deliver /48s, then they will come up with innovative ways to make use of those deployments. If we deliver /56s, then innovation will be constrained to what can be delivered to /56s, even for sites that have /48s.
I would love to see things go Owen's way.. /48s everywhere, everyone agrees it's a good idea, and we can just assume that it will work. We can move on, this is one less thing to stress about. On the other hand, I do wonder how this will work, even if most people are getting /48s. Perhaps in a few years we'll be past all this, and there will be a well accepted standard way. Maybe it will be RIPng. Maybe some thing that we haven't seen yet. Or maybe there will be 800 ways of doing it, because the protocol spec allows that, and so we should complicate our lives further by requiring everyone to support every possibility of combinations. This is the worst possible outcome because it means unnecessary complexity, more work for everyone involved, and less reliability. If you're writing an application, do you bother supporting /48, /56, RA, DHCP, etc, while also supporting an https polling mechanism for the times when none of that stuff works? We can pretend that it doesn't matter and that software should 'just work' with any network, but that's simply not possible for many applications. I think as an application developer, you're much better off aiming for the least common denominator, accepting the limitations of that, and just moving on. This means polling, reflectors, NAT, proxyarp, etc. Things that you can control, to make your app work. Supporting a bunch of different ways is a waste of everyone's time and just makes your application less reliable and harder to test. Unless your specific application benefits greatly from a more capable network, it's probably not worth even thinking about, as long as you know that you will still have to support the 'bad' ones. A music streaming application can use a hardcoded well known server name to access a centralized service. It can even communicate with other users by using that central server as a database or reflector. It would be 'nice' if it could ask the network for a prefix and use a different address for each peer it talks to, but what's the point in developing that, if you still have to support the other case? A wifi hotspot device would benefit from prefix delegation, but it could of course use NAT or proxying without the cooperation of the network. This is one application where it might be worth supporting all the different combinations, but it means that all those different methods need to be tested, and they can break in different ways, and there's no way to be sure it's right. Choice is good, you can run your own network any way you want, etc, but it's not good when people are making choices just for the sake of being different and incompatible. After all, the point of the internet is to communicate with everyone else, which means we all need to agree on how we will communicate. How can we expect everyone to embrace IPv6 if we can't even provide a straightforward procedure to get connected to it? -Laszlo

On Jul 9, 2015, at 18:19 , Laszlo Hanyecz <laszlo@heliacal.net> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:08 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 15:55 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:23:29 -0400, Naslund, Steve <SNaslund@medline.com> wrote:
That would be Tivo's fault wouldn't it.
Partially, even mostly... it's based on Bonjour. That's why the shit doesn't work "over the internet".
(It's just http/https, so it will, in fact, work, but their apps aren't designed to work that way. Many 3rd party control apps have no problems.)
Correct… It _IS_ TiVO’s fault. However, the reality I’m trying to point out is that application developers make assumptions based on the commonly deployed environment that they expect in the world.
If we create a limited environment, then that is what they will code to.
If we deliver /48s, then they will come up with innovative ways to make use of those deployments. If we deliver /56s, then innovation will be constrained to what can be delivered to /56s, even for sites that have /48s.
I would love to see things go Owen's way.. /48s everywhere, everyone agrees it's a good idea, and we can just assume that it will work. We can move on, this is one less thing to stress about.
On the other hand, I do wonder how this will work, even if most people are getting /48s. Perhaps in a few years we'll be past all this, and there will be a well accepted standard way. Maybe it will be RIPng. Maybe some thing that we haven't seen yet. Or maybe there will be 800 ways of doing it, because the protocol spec allows that, and so we should complicate our lives further by requiring everyone to support every possibility of combinations. This is the worst possible outcome because it means unnecessary complexity, more work for everyone involved, and less reliability.
If you're writing an application, do you bother supporting /48, /56, RA, DHCP, etc, while also supporting an https polling mechanism for the times when none of that stuff works? We can pretend that it doesn't matter and that software should 'just work' with any network, but that's simply not possible for many applications. I think as an application developer, you're much better off aiming for the least common denominator, accepting the limitations of that, and just moving on. This means polling, reflectors, NAT, proxyarp, etc. Things that you can control, to make your app work. Supporting a bunch of different ways is a waste of everyone's time and just makes your application less reliable and harder to test. Unless your specific application benefits greatly from a more capable network, it's probably not worth even thinking about, as long as you know that you will still have to support the 'bad' ones.
Which is why I’m arguing that we should try not to implement the bad ones in IPv6.
A music streaming application can use a hardcoded well known server name to access a centralized service. It can even communicate with other users by using that central server as a database or reflector. It would be 'nice' if it could ask the network for a prefix and use a different address for each peer it talks to, but what's the point in developing that, if you still have to support the other case?
Will you always have to support that case? Do you really want to say that the current state of IPv4 should drive all development decisions for all future products?
A wifi hotspot device would benefit from prefix delegation, but it could of course use NAT or proxying without the cooperation of the network. This is one application where it might be worth supporting all the different combinations, but it means that all those different methods need to be tested, and they can break in different ways, and there's no way to be sure it's right.
Choice is good, you can run your own network any way you want, etc, but it's not good when people are making choices just for the sake of being different and incompatible. After all, the point of the internet is to communicate with everyone else, which means we all need to agree on how we will communicate. How can we expect everyone to embrace IPv6 if we can't even provide a straightforward procedure to get connected to it?
This is all true. Seems to me DHCP-PD receiving a /48 from upstream is a pretty straightforward approach. Dynamic topologies inside the home still require some development work, but any router ought to be able to accept a /48 and assign /64s to the local-facing port(s) fairly easily. Owen

On 10/Jul/15 01:08, Owen DeLong wrote:
If we deliver /48s, then they will come up with innovative ways to make use of those deployments. If we deliver /56s, then innovation will be constrained to what can be delivered to /56s, even for sites that have /48s.
I'm finding it difficult to wrap my head around the difference coders will need to take between a /48 and /56 when developing software, but maybe I just haven't yet had enough beer this Friday :-\. Mark.

In message <9578293AE169674F9A048B2BC9A081B401C7097D2E@MUNPRDMBXA1.medline.com> , "Naslund, Steve" writes:
Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Because vendor pressure depends on a userbase that knows enough to demand fixes.
No vendor pressure is dependent on people buying their stuff. Don't send that CPE to your user if it does not meet your standards. If their stuff breaks because of shortsighted coding to bad for them. I am not going to be the guy to build in stupid limitations today to save a few minutes of coding for some lazy hardware vendor.
Simple fact is that if most ISPs deploy degraded services, vendors will
code to the lowest common denominator of that degraded service and well all be forced to live within those limitations in the products we receive.
Why would you think so? Did your IPv4 router not accept a /8 netmask even though there was very little chance you would get one? I know most of my programmers are trained to anticipate all of the possible options for an input. Sometimes this is hard to define but with IPv6 it is clearly in the specification.
Would you consider an ISP that hands out /56s to be "degraded"? Most users wouldn't know the difference and if you offered the /48 on request (or even better automatically on depletion of the /56) what would be degraded?
Because ISP's have a track record of not listening to user requests. Getting IPv6 delivered is a prime example. Some of us have been requesting it from our ISP's for well over a decade now and they are still yet to deliver. Some of us have requested that SUBMIT be enabled on their outgoing mail server for just as long, a simple 1 line fix in the mail server config. No, webmail is not a acceptable alternative. It's likely to take as long to get them to increase the allocation from a /56 to a /48 despite it being a 1 word fix in a config. Getting that one word change will not be as easy as ring up customer support and saying "Can you please increase the number of subnets returned to a prefix delegation request?" and getting "Yes" as the answer.
This is already evident in the IPv4 world. Even though my TiVO is 100% reachable from the internet, I cant use any of TiVOs applications to access it directly, I have to work through their proxy servers that depend on periodic >polling from my devices to work because they assume everyone is stuck behind NAT.
That would be Tivo's fault wouldn't it. It would be trivially simple for them to know if they were behind a NAT so I am guessing they force you through their proxy for other purposes. Should we re-engineer the way IP works so that Tivo can write crap code? Should we limit all future v6 users today so that crap CPE works now?
No. It is ISP's and CPE vendors faults for stalling on IPv6 for well over a decade. If we all had IPv6 in the home a decade ago Tivo could have designed for a reachable device rather than one that had to polled due to there being no IPv6 in the home and IPv4 addresses changing all the time due to there not being enouhg of them and ISP's having to juggle them. Tivo added IP support in 2006. Windows XP already had IPv6 support when Tivo shipped their 2nd gen box. A Tivo box is a in-home server. That requires stable addressability which IPv6 (RFC 2460) can deliver, using address blocks assigned from the ISP using PD (RFC 3633). With IPv6 it could register its address in the global DNS using a TSIG (RFC 2845) signed UPDATE (RFC 2136) requests just the way your Mac can do today. All of these RFC's existed when the 2nd Gen Tivo was designed. What didn't exist was ISP's delivering IPv6 to the home customer. What Tivo had to work with was 99.9% of the user base behind a NAT with no address stablility. How would you design your Tivo?
Can you offer one valid reason not to give residential users /48s? Any benefit whatsoever?
I never said that there was a valid reason not to use /48s or /56s or whatever prefix you like. What I am saying is don't force that decision on anyone today. IPv6 does not force the use of any particular prefix length for an end user, why should you? Why do we all have to use the same length anyways?
Steven Naslund Chicago IL
-- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

On 7/9/2015 3:07 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Can you offer one valid reason not to give residential users /48s? Any benefit whatsoever?
Sure. To avoid having to go back and deal with ARIN yet again for more IPv6 space. One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer. Matthew Kaufman

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 23:33:25 -0700, Matthew Kaufman said:
One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer.
How long does it take to blow through a /20 at /48 a customer?

On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:53 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 23:33:25 -0700, Matthew Kaufman said:
One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer.
How long does it take to blow through a /20 at /48 a customer?
A while. But the more likely case is that the guy before you asked for and got a /32, because that's the minimum (and already two steps up the fee scale, I might add) You want ISPs to start with /20s? I'll support that over on PPML if you propose it. But I'll also ask for /20 to have a fee category of "small". Matthew Kaufman (Sent from my iPhone)

On Jul 10, 2015, at 03:57 , Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:53 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 23:33:25 -0700, Matthew Kaufman said:
One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer.
How long does it take to blow through a /20 at /48 a customer?
A while. But the more likely case is that the guy before you asked for and got a /32, because that's the minimum (and already two steps up the fee scale, I might add)
You want ISPs to start with /20s? I'll support that over on PPML if you propose it. But I'll also ask for /20 to have a fee category of "small".
Matthew Kaufman
(Sent from my iPhone)
According to https://www.arin.net/fees/fee_schedule.html ISP / ALLOCATIONS INITIAL REGISTRATION OR ANNUAL FEES Service Category Initial Registration or Annual Fee (US Dollars) IPv4 Block Size IPv6 Block Size XX-Small $500 /22 or smaller /40 or smaller X-Small $1,000 Larger than /22, up to and including /20 Larger than /40, up to and including /36 Small $2,000 Larger than /20, up to and including /18 Larger than /36, up to and including /32 Medium $4,000 Larger than /18, up to and including /16 Larger than /32, up to and including /28 Large $8,000 Larger than /16, up to and including /14 Larger than /28, up to and including /24 X-Large $16,000 Larger than /14, up to and including /12 Larger than /24, up to and including /20 XX-Large $32,000 Larger than /12 Larger than /20 If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /22 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for a very long time. (maximum 1024 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure) If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /20 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for a pretty long time. (maximum 4096 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure) If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /18 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for quite a while. (maximum 16,384 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure). At IPv6 /18 or smaller, you’re in the same fee category as an IPv6 /32. As you go up, the situation only gets better… If your ISP uses an IPv4 /16, then you have a maximum of 65,536 customers with no allowance for infrastructure. For free, you can get an IPv6 /28. This allows you 16,777,215 /48 end sites with a /48 reserved for your infrastructure. If your ISP uses an IPv4 /14, then you have a maximum of 262,144 customers with no allowance for infrastructure. For free, you can get an IPv6 /24 to support up to 268,435,455 /48 end sites after reserving a /48 for infrastructure. Sure, Matthew is going to point out that my maximum IPv4 customer numbers assume you aren’t doing CGN. That’s true. Let’s assume you get a ratio of 64 customers per address using CGN (the real numbers are more like 8-16 customers per address before stuff starts to degrade badly). 64 * 1024 = 65536 subscribers on a /22, assuming you have no infrastructure, no servers, and no customers that refuse to accept densely packed CGN. At this point, you can still hand out a /48 to every customer for all practical purposes if you have a /32 of IPv6. Yes, the ultra-tiniest of ISPs will have to pay an extra $1,500 per year for their address space. Everybody else will actually probably be able to pay less per year for address space once they can abandon IPv4, even if they give a /48 to every single end-site. Owen

On Jul 10, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Jul 10, 2015, at 03:57 , Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:53 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 23:33:25 -0700, Matthew Kaufman said:
One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer.
How long does it take to blow through a /20 at /48 a customer?
A while. But the more likely case is that the guy before you asked for and got a /32, because that's the minimum (and already two steps up the fee scale, I might add)
You want ISPs to start with /20s? I'll support that over on PPML if you propose it. But I'll also ask for /20 to have a fee category of "small".
Matthew Kaufman
(Sent from my iPhone)
According to https://www.arin.net/fees/fee_schedule.html
ISP / ALLOCATIONS INITIAL REGISTRATION OR ANNUAL FEES Service Category Initial Registration or Annual Fee (US Dollars) IPv4 Block Size IPv6 Block Size XX-Small $500 /22 or smaller /40 or smaller X-Small $1,000 Larger than /22, up to and including /20 Larger than /40, up to and including /36 Small $2,000 Larger than /20, up to and including /18 Larger than /36, up to and including /32 Medium $4,000 Larger than /18, up to and including /16 Larger than /32, up to and including /28 Large $8,000 Larger than /16, up to and including /14 Larger than /28, up to and including /24 X-Large $16,000 Larger than /14, up to and including /12 Larger than /24, up to and including /20 XX-Large $32,000 Larger than /12 Larger than /20
If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /22 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for a very long time. (maximum 1024 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure) If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /20 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for a pretty long time. (maximum 4096 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure) If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /18 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for quite a while. (maximum 16,384 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure).
At IPv6 /18 or smaller, you’re in the same fee category as an IPv6 /32.
As you go up, the situation only gets better…
If your ISP uses an IPv4 /16, then you have a maximum of 65,536 customers with no allowance for infrastructure. For free, you can get an IPv6 /28. This allows you 16,777,215 /48 end sites with a /48 reserved for your infrastructure.
If your ISP uses an IPv4 /14, then you have a maximum of 262,144 customers with no allowance for infrastructure. For free, you can get an IPv6 /24 to support up to 268,435,455 /48 end sites after reserving a /48 for infrastructure.
Sure, Matthew is going to point out that my maximum IPv4 customer numbers assume you aren’t doing CGN. That’s true. Let’s assume you get a ratio of 64 customers per address using CGN (the real numbers are more like 8-16 customers per address before stuff starts to degrade badly).
64 * 1024 = 65536 subscribers on a /22, assuming you have no infrastructure, no servers, and no customers that refuse to accept densely packed CGN. At this point, you can still hand out a /48 to every customer for all practical purposes if you have a /32 of IPv6.
Yes, the ultra-tiniest of ISPs will have to pay an extra $1,500 per year for their address space. Everybody else will actually probably be able to pay less per year for address space once they can abandon IPv4, even if they give a /48 to every single end-site.
I use legacy IPv4 space and pay nothing. So IPv6 would be a big jump. Didn't even need to invoke NAT for my argument. But I'll repeat what I said before - want ISPs handing out lots of space? Make the minimum /20 or /24 instead of /32. I'll support that over on the other list if someone proposes it. Matthew Kaufman (Sent from my iPhone)

This is a side issue, but I'm surprised ARIN is still advertising incorrect information in the table. A small ISP client of mine had just received their first /23 earlier this year, and I convinced them they should deploy IPv6 along with IPv4 in their new PoP. It would cost nothing, I argued, as they could request a /40 and would be in the same xx-small fee category. Money is an issue with small companies, and I was glad to see them agree. However, ARIN refused the request. Here's the dialog: ISP Requests a /40 IPv6 allocation to go along with xx-small /23 IPv4 allocation already issued. ARIN: The minimum size ARIN may allocate to an ISP is a /36, as stated by policy. https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#six52 Would you like us to proceed reviewing your request for a /36? ISP: From the Annual Fees table I read this: XX-Small $500 ipv6 /40 or smaller. Are you saying that there is no way to get an IPv6 allocation in the xx-small category? ARIN: Yes. The /36 prefix is the smallest size ARIN is permitted to allocate to ISPs according to community-created policy. https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#six52 ISP: OK thanks for the info. We are going to revisit deployment plans for IPV6 in the near future so can you cancel this IPV6 request for now? Also, ARIN might want to update its fee schedule labeled "ISP / ALLOCATIONS INITIAL REGISTRATION OR ANNUAL FEES", which specifically mentions a /40 allocation to ISPs. That's the source of our confusion on the matter. ARIN: Thank you for your response. I am closing this ticket, per your request. I have seen your feedback about the fee page, and will request it be updated to clarify the smallest block that can be allocated to an ISP. But ARIN still is advertising the /40 option months later! As a result we as a community lost the opportunity to get a new ISP off on the right foot by going dual-stacked. This is not good for IPv6 adoption. Hopefully ARIN reads this and addresses the issue - either correct the table or honor xx-small requests for a /40. -mel beckman On Jul 10, 2015, at 9:53 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com<mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: On Jul 10, 2015, at 03:57 , Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at<mailto:matthew@matthew.at>> wrote: On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:53 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu<mailto:Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu> wrote: On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 23:33:25 -0700, Matthew Kaufman said: One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer. How long does it take to blow through a /20 at /48 a customer? A while. But the more likely case is that the guy before you asked for and got a /32, because that's the minimum (and already two steps up the fee scale, I might add) You want ISPs to start with /20s? I'll support that over on PPML if you propose it. But I'll also ask for /20 to have a fee category of "small". Matthew Kaufman (Sent from my iPhone) According to https://www.arin.net/fees/fee_schedule.html ISP / ALLOCATIONS INITIAL REGISTRATION OR ANNUAL FEES Service Category Initial Registration or Annual Fee (US Dollars) IPv4 Block Size IPv6 Block Size XX-Small $500 /22 or smaller /40 or smaller X-Small $1,000 Larger than /22, up to and including /20 Larger than /40, up to and including /36 Small $2,000 Larger than /20, up to and including /18 Larger than /36, up to and including /32 Medium $4,000 Larger than /18, up to and including /16 Larger than /32, up to and including /28 Large $8,000 Larger than /16, up to and including /14 Larger than /28, up to and including /24 X-Large $16,000 Larger than /14, up to and including /12 Larger than /24, up to and including /20 XX-Large $32,000 Larger than /12 Larger than /20 If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /22 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for a very long time. (maximum 1024 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure) If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /20 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for a pretty long time. (maximum 4096 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure) If your IPv4 ISP fits in a /18 or smaller, you can hand out /48s from a /32 for quite a while. (maximum 16,384 customer end-sites with no addresses reserved for your own infrastructure, /32 = 65535 customer end sites after reserving a /48 for your infrastructure). At IPv6 /18 or smaller, you're in the same fee category as an IPv6 /32. As you go up, the situation only gets better... If your ISP uses an IPv4 /16, then you have a maximum of 65,536 customers with no allowance for infrastructure. For free, you can get an IPv6 /28. This allows you 16,777,215 /48 end sites with a /48 reserved for your infrastructure. If your ISP uses an IPv4 /14, then you have a maximum of 262,144 customers with no allowance for infrastructure. For free, you can get an IPv6 /24 to support up to 268,435,455 /48 end sites after reserving a /48 for infrastructure. Sure, Matthew is going to point out that my maximum IPv4 customer numbers assume you aren't doing CGN. That's true. Let's assume you get a ratio of 64 customers per address using CGN (the real numbers are more like 8-16 customers per address before stuff starts to degrade badly). 64 * 1024 = 65536 subscribers on a /22, assuming you have no infrastructure, no servers, and no customers that refuse to accept densely packed CGN. At this point, you can still hand out a /48 to every customer for all practical purposes if you have a /32 of IPv6. Yes, the ultra-tiniest of ISPs will have to pay an extra $1,500 per year for their address space. Everybody else will actually probably be able to pay less per year for address space once they can abandon IPv4, even if they give a /48 to every single end-site. Owen

On Jul 10, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org<mailto:mel@beckman.org>> wrote: This is a side issue, but I'm surprised ARIN is still advertising incorrect information in the table. ... Are you saying that there is no way to get an IPv6 allocation in the xx-small category? ARIN: Yes. The /36 prefix is the smallest size ARIN is permitted to allocate to ISPs according to community-created policy. https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#six52 ... But ARIN still is advertising the /40 option months later! As a result we as a community lost the opportunity to get a new ISP off on the right foot by going dual-stacked. This is not good for IPv6 adoption. Hopefully ARIN reads this and addresses the issue - either correct the table or honor xx-small requests for a /40. Mel - The confusion is very understandable, but both the fee table and the policy are accurate. The fee table includes an XX-Small category which corresponds to those ISPs which have smaller than /20 IPv4 and smaller than a /36 IPv6 total holdings – the fact that such a category exists does not mean that any particular ISP is being billed in that category (or that a new ISP will necessarily end up in that category); it simply means that ISPs with those total resources are billed accordingly. The constraint that you experienced, i.e. that there is a minimum IPv6 ISP allocation size of /36 is actually not something that the staff can fix; i.e. it’s the result of the community-led policy development process, and if you feel it does need to change to a lower number, you should propose an appropriate change to policy on the ARIN public policy mailing list <arin-ppml@arin.net<mailto:arin-ppml@arin.net>>. We _are_ in the midst of considering changes to the fee table to lower and realign the IPv6 fees in general (which might be a better solution if the cost is issue) - see <https://www.arin.net/participate/meetings/reports/ARIN_35/PDF/wednesday/curran_fees.pdf> for the update provided in April at the ARIN 35 Members meeting, with specific options for community discussion at the ARIN Fall meeting taking place in Montreal this October (adjacent to the NANOG Fall meeting) Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

John, Thanks for the clarification. I'm happy to abide by the original community decision, but I think it's important that the table be clarified, especially given that the ARIN specialist I worked with agreed that it needs clarification. It's like going to a Starbucks as a homeless person with just pocket change, and ordering the cheapest coffee on the menu, and being told "Oh, that's for off-planet visitors only. It says so on our website under "Terms and Conditions." Can I interest you in this giga-latte at only four times the price?" A simple asterisk, followed by "Not available to residents of Earth", would prevent the confusion, and resulting social awkwardness. [😊] -mel ________________________________ From: John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 12:50 PM To: Mel Beckman Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On Jul 10, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org<mailto:mel@beckman.org>> wrote: This is a side issue, but I'm surprised ARIN is still advertising incorrect information in the table. ... Are you saying that there is no way to get an IPv6 allocation in the xx-small category? ARIN: Yes. The /36 prefix is the smallest size ARIN is permitted to allocate to ISPs according to community-created policy. https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#six52 ... But ARIN still is advertising the /40 option months later! As a result we as a community lost the opportunity to get a new ISP off on the right foot by going dual-stacked. This is not good for IPv6 adoption. Hopefully ARIN reads this and addresses the issue - either correct the table or honor xx-small requests for a /40. Mel - The confusion is very understandable, but both the fee table and the policy are accurate. The fee table includes an XX-Small category which corresponds to those ISPs which have smaller than /20 IPv4 and smaller than a /36 IPv6 total holdings – the fact that such a category exists does not mean that any particular ISP is being billed in that category (or that a new ISP will necessarily end up in that category); it simply means that ISPs with those total resources are billed accordingly. The constraint that you experienced, i.e. that there is a minimum IPv6 ISP allocation size of /36 is actually not something that the staff can fix; i.e. it’s the result of the community-led policy development process, and if you feel it does need to change to a lower number, you should propose an appropriate change to policy on the ARIN public policy mailing list <arin-ppml@arin.net<mailto:arin-ppml@arin.net>>. We _are_ in the midst of considering changes to the fee table to lower and realign the IPv6 fees in general (which might be a better solution if the cost is issue) - see <https://www.arin.net/participate/meetings/reports/ARIN_35/PDF/wednesday/curran_fees.pdf> for the update provided in April at the ARIN 35 Members meeting, with specific options for community discussion at the ARIN Fall meeting taking place in Montreal this October (adjacent to the NANOG Fall meeting) Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

On Jul 10, 2015, at 4:06 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org<mailto:mel@beckman.org>> wrote: John, Thanks for the clarification. I'm happy to abide by the original community decision, but I think it's important that the table be clarified, especially given that the ARIN specialist I worked with agreed that it needs clarification. It's like going to a Starbucks as a homeless person with just pocket change, and ordering the cheapest coffee on the menu, and being told "Oh, that's for off-planet visitors only. It says so on our website under "Terms and Conditions." Can I interest you in this giga-latte at only four times the price?" A simple asterisk, followed by "Not available to residents of Earth", would prevent the confusion, and resulting social awkwardness. <OutlookEmoji-😊.png> We made note of the IPv6 policy minimum of /36 in the linked FAQ that accompanies the Fee Table, but I’ll admit it could be clearer (particularly for those obtaining number resources for the first time.) We’ll do an update after the October meeting reflecting the final outcome with respect to the fee table, and will address at that time. Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

Thank you! -mel via cell On Jul 10, 2015, at 2:19 PM, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net<mailto:jcurran@arin.net>> wrote: On Jul 10, 2015, at 4:06 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org<mailto:mel@beckman.org>> wrote: John, Thanks for the clarification. I'm happy to abide by the original community decision, but I think it's important that the table be clarified, especially given that the ARIN specialist I worked with agreed that it needs clarification. It's like going to a Starbucks as a homeless person with just pocket change, and ordering the cheapest coffee on the menu, and being told "Oh, that's for off-planet visitors only. It says so on our website under "Terms and Conditions." Can I interest you in this giga-latte at only four times the price?" A simple asterisk, followed by "Not available to residents of Earth", would prevent the confusion, and resulting social awkwardness. <OutlookEmoji-?.png> We made note of the IPv6 policy minimum of /36 in the linked FAQ that accompanies the Fee Table, but I'll admit it could be clearer (particularly for those obtaining number resources for the first time.) We'll do an update after the October meeting reflecting the final outcome with respect to the fee table, and will address at that time. Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 16:06:03 -0400, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
It's like going to a Starbucks as a homeless person with just pocket change, and ordering the cheapest coffee on the menu, and being told "Oh, that's for off-planet visitors only. It says so on our website under "Terms and Conditions." Can I interest you in this giga-latte at only four times the price?"
You are confusing the "price list" with the "menu". Yes, a simple note at the bottom of that table would fix this: Current minimum IPv6 allocation is /36. That schedule doesn't say you can get a /40, only what you will pay if you *HAVE* a /40. (Did ARIN ever hand out /40's? If not, why is in the table?)

Ricky, I am always in favor of redundant clarity over technically correct confusion :) -mel beckman
On Jul 10, 2015, at 5:08 PM, Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 16:06:03 -0400, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote: It's like going to a Starbucks as a homeless person with just pocket change, and ordering the cheapest coffee on the menu, and being told "Oh, that's for off-planet visitors only. It says so on our website under "Terms and Conditions." Can I interest you in this giga-latte at only four times the price?"
You are confusing the "price list" with the "menu". Yes, a simple note at the bottom of that table would fix this: Current minimum IPv6 allocation is /36. That schedule doesn't say you can get a /40, only what you will pay if you *HAVE* a /40.
(Did ARIN ever hand out /40's? If not, why is in the table?)

On Jul 10, 2015, at 12:50 , John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
On Jul 10, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org<mailto:mel@beckman.org>> wrote:
This is a side issue, but I'm surprised ARIN is still advertising incorrect information in the table. ... Are you saying that there is no way to get an IPv6 allocation in the xx-small category? ARIN: Yes. The /36 prefix is the smallest size ARIN is permitted to allocate to ISPs according to community-created policy. https://www.arin.net/policy/nrpm.html#six52 ... But ARIN still is advertising the /40 option months later! As a result we as a community lost the opportunity to get a new ISP off on the right foot by going dual-stacked. This is not good for IPv6 adoption. Hopefully ARIN reads this and addresses the issue - either correct the table or honor xx-small requests for a /40.
Mel -
The confusion is very understandable, but both the fee table and the policy are accurate. The fee table includes an XX-Small category which corresponds to those ISPs which have smaller than /20 IPv4 and smaller than a /36 IPv6 total holdings – the fact that such a category exists does not mean that any particular ISP is being billed in that category (or that a new ISP will necessarily end up in that category); it simply means that ISPs with those total resources are billed accordingly.
John, This is a bit disingenuous. I believe that there should, at least, be an indication on the table that the fee category is not available per policy when that is the case. It is not now nor has it ever been possible for an ISP to get a /40 or less of IPv6. If policy ever changes to make such a silly thing available, then the note could be removed from the table.
The constraint that you experienced, i.e. that there is a minimum IPv6 ISP allocation size of /36 is actually not something that the staff can fix; i.e. it’s the result of the community-led policy development process, and if you feel it does need to change to a lower number, you should propose an appropriate change to policy on the ARIN public policy mailing list <arin-ppml@arin.net<mailto:arin-ppml@arin.net>>.
What if, instead, we feel that the entire IPv6 fee structure should shift up one row. /36 should be considered XX-Small, /40 should be considered Small, etc. Whether to leave the numbers in place or move them with the prefix lengths is left as an exercise for the staff. I really don’t care which you do.
We _are_ in the midst of considering changes to the fee table to lower and realign the IPv6 fees in general (which might be a better solution if the cost is issue) - see <https://www.arin.net/participate/meetings/reports/ARIN_35/PDF/wednesday/curran_fees.pdf> for the update provided in April at the ARIN 35 Members meeting, with specific options for community discussion at the ARIN Fall meeting taking place in Montreal this October (adjacent to the NANOG Fall meeting)
Indeed… I wish this was moving at a somewhat less glacial pace. Owen

On Jul 9, 2015, at 23:33 , Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at> wrote:
On 7/9/2015 3:07 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Can you offer one valid reason not to give residential users /48s? Any benefit whatsoever?
Sure. To avoid having to go back and deal with ARIN yet again for more IPv6 space.
One of the hopeful outcomes of IPv6 adoption was that an ISP could get enough to last "forever" in a single transaction. But "forever" isn't very long at one /48 (or more) per customer.
Matthew Kaufman
I don’t understand how that shortens forever if you ask for the right size block the first time. I’ll be surprised if HE hands out enough /48s to empty their /24 any time short of something approximating forever. It’s been at least 3 years since I got that for them. They’re definitely handing out a /48 per end site with the exception of free end-sites that don’t bother to click the “give me a /48” checkbox. Getting IPv6 from ARIN is really easy. Getting more IPv6 from ARIN is really easy if you get anywhere near filling up your IPv6 block. MUCH MUCH easier than IPv4. As an example, I bet if they wanted to, Comcast could easily qualify for a /12 under current ARIN policy. The latest figures I could find show them at just over 22.4 million broadband subscribers. Let’s assume they have 40 million just to be conservative. If you packed those in, you could fit them in 3 /24s (actually, about 2.3 /24s technically). A /12 is 4096 /24s. Please tell me again how you can’t hand out /48s per end-site forever with a single ARIN allocation? Owen

There has been tomes on this topic. There will continue to be many more. That is because many of you continue in trying to defend the following concept. customer subnet bits == isp customers bits So now, the ISP is supposed to put some effort and gain more bits. Why not the customer? Its inherently suspicious. Because its inherently wrong - for the ISP, and possibly for the address space as well. Indulge me as I wax poetic. I venture to say that proponents want to see everyone else have the service of their own dreams. When broadband rolled to the masses with a single ipv4 address per subscriber, forget about routing, their hearts broke. The new common denominator was a far cry from what their experience was. The division of internet into different classes of netizens a bitter pill to swallow. You are only one budget cut away from joining the ho-poloi. Its quite scary. Hence the determination that no user should ever have to go without enough addresses ever again. A new common denominator, now is the time to get it accepted! It will be like the old days, a class C with every leased line! Forever! And the ISPs? They have enough to get started and they can get more if they put the effort in. So all the rational and logical debate is pointless. Gut feelings, philosophy and emotions are what is at stake and those tend not to respond well to things like logic and reason. Joe Owen DeLong wrote:
And I’m saying you’re ignoring an important part of reality.
Whatever ISPs default to deploying now will become the standard to which application developers develop.

On Jul 10, 2015, at 00:59 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
There has been tomes on this topic. There will continue to be many more.
That is because many of you continue in trying to defend the following concept.
customer subnet bits == isp customers bits
So now, the ISP is supposed to put some effort and gain more bits. Why not the customer?
Its inherently suspicious. Because its inherently wrong - for the ISP, and possibly for the address space as well.
Indulge me as I wax poetic.
I venture to say that proponents want to see everyone else have the service of their own dreams. When broadband rolled to the masses with a single ipv4 address per subscriber, forget about routing, their hearts broke. The new common denominator was a far cry from what their experience was. The division of internet into different classes of netizens a bitter pill to swallow. You are only one budget cut away from joining the ho-poloi. Its quite scary.
Hence the determination that no user should ever have to go without enough addresses ever again. A new common denominator, now is the time to get it accepted!
It will be like the old days, a class C with every leased line! Forever!
I will concur with most of this.
And the ISPs?
They have enough to get started and they can get more if they put the effort in.
Actually, as has been pointed out earlier by me and Valdis at least, they can get enough to last a good long time up front if they just do a little bit of napkin math before submitting their request. Here’s how it works: JimBob’s ISP and Bait shop serves their customers from 25 distinct wiring centers. They expect to deploy another 50 wiring centers over the next 5 years. Their largest wiring center supports 5,000,000 customers. Representing 5,000,000 requires 23 bits. Rounded up to a multiple of 4 becomes 24 bits. At 24 bits, 5,000,000 is < 75% of the available /48s. So 24 bits is a good number. Representing 75 wiring centers requires another 6 bits. Rounded up to a multiple of 4 becomes 8 bits. At 8 bits, 75 is < 75% of the 256 available numbers, so 8 is a good number. 24 + 8 is 32. 48 - 32 is 16. JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16. Other RIRs are a little different, but still usually not terribly hard to get a large allocation if it can be even remotely justified.
So all the rational and logical debate is pointless. Gut feelings, philosophy and emotions are what is at stake and those tend not to respond well to things like logic and reason.
Perhaps. Unfortunately, I think it is more the long-prefix crowd that is going on gut feelings. Unless you can show me how there’s harm to the ISPs from /48s per end site, or any other logic to support the need to retain the concept of second-class netizens, then I think logic is on the side of a more egalitarian internet. Owen

How so? There are 8192 /16s in the current /3. ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many… 25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP. 7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed. Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy. If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste. Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16. Owen
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time. It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect. On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many…
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

30 years ago, if you’d told anyone that EVERYONE would be using the internet 30 years ago, they would have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. If you asked anyone 30 years ago “will 4 billion internet addresses be enough if everyone ends up using the internet?”, they all would have told you “no way.”. I will again repeat… Let’s try liberal allocations until we use up the first /3. I bet we don’t finish that before we hit other scaling limits of IPv6. If I’m wrong and we burn through the first /3 while I am still alive, I will happily help you get more restrictive policy for the remaining 3/4 of the IPv6 address space while we continue to burn through the second /3 as the policy is developed. Owen
On Jul 14, 2015, at 06:23 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many…
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com <mailto:jmaimon@ttec.com>> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

Owen, By the same token, who 30 years ago would have said there was anything wrong with giving single companies very liberal /8 allocations? Companies that for the most part wasted that space, leading to a faster exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. History cuts both ways. I think it's reasonable to be at least somewhat judicious with our spanking new IPv6 pool. That's not IPv4-think. That's just reasonable caution. We can always be more generous later. -mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
30 years ago, if you’d told anyone that EVERYONE would be using the internet 30 years ago, they would have looked at you like you were stark raving mad.
If you asked anyone 30 years ago “will 4 billion internet addresses be enough if everyone ends up using the internet?”, they all would have told you “no way.”.
I will again repeat… Let’s try liberal allocations until we use up the first /3. I bet we don’t finish that before we hit other scaling limits of IPv6.
If I’m wrong and we burn through the first /3 while I am still alive, I will happily help you get more restrictive policy for the remaining 3/4 of the IPv6 address space while we continue to burn through the second /3 as the policy is developed.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 06:23 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many…
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com <mailto:jmaimon@ttec.com>> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

You don’t think holding nearly 7/8ths of the address space in reserve for a future addressing policy is adequate judiciuosness? The IPv4 /8s constituted 1/2 of the address space. The /16s another 1/4, and the /24s an additional 1/8th at the time. Overall, that was 7/8ths of the address space assigned to unicast and 9/16ths allocated if you included multicast. In IPv6, we have 1/8th set aside for unicast, 1/256th for multicast, 1/256th for ULA, 1/1024th for link-local, and a couple of infinitesimal fractions set aside for other things like localhost, IPV6_ADDR_ANY, etc. As I said, let’s be liberal as designed with the first /3. If I’m wrong and you can prove it in my remaining lifetime, I will happily help you develop more restrictive allocation policy for the remaining 3/4 while the second /3 is used to continue growing the IPv6 internet. Whatever unexpected thing causes us to finish off the first /3 likely won’t burn through the second /3 before we can respond with new policy. We still have almost 3/4 of the address space available for more restrictive allocations. Frankly, I bet about 1/8th of the IPv4 address space probably is in the hands of the top 64 organizations. Maybe more. In this case, 1/8th of the address space will more than cover the entire known need many many many times over, even with very liberal allocations. Owen
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:13 , Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
By the same token, who 30 years ago would have said there was anything wrong with giving single companies very liberal /8 allocations? Companies that for the most part wasted that space, leading to a faster exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. History cuts both ways.
I think it's reasonable to be at least somewhat judicious with our spanking new IPv6 pool. That's not IPv4-think. That's just reasonable caution.
We can always be more generous later.
-mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
30 years ago, if you’d told anyone that EVERYONE would be using the internet 30 years ago, they would have looked at you like you were stark raving mad.
If you asked anyone 30 years ago “will 4 billion internet addresses be enough if everyone ends up using the internet?”, they all would have told you “no way.”.
I will again repeat… Let’s try liberal allocations until we use up the first /3. I bet we don’t finish that before we hit other scaling limits of IPv6.
If I’m wrong and we burn through the first /3 while I am still alive, I will happily help you get more restrictive policy for the remaining 3/4 of the IPv6 address space while we continue to burn through the second /3 as the policy is developed.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 06:23 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many…
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com <mailto:jmaimon@ttec.com>> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

I have no problems with ISPs giving out /48s to residential subscribers. Neither do I mind if they give out /56s. That still gives every residential customer 256 /64 subnets. I don't see this as something that needs to become a standard. Those end-users who want more can ask for more fro their ISP whenever the need arises. If there is a market for selling those larger prefixes to end users, that's free enterprise, which I also support. I don't think it's wise to delegate by rule or convention that the entire first 1/8th of IPv6 space should be delegated in /48s. You see this as not a huge deal. To me, 12.5% is a huge deal. I appreciate your offer to give your services away for free to remedy any problems the /3 bolus creates. But as history has shown, neither of us is likely to be in circulation -- or even alive -- when a problem would occur. -mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:30 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
You don’t think holding nearly 7/8ths of the address space in reserve for a future addressing policy is adequate judiciuosness?
The IPv4 /8s constituted 1/2 of the address space. The /16s another 1/4, and the /24s an additional 1/8th at the time. Overall, that was 7/8ths of the address space assigned to unicast and 9/16ths allocated if you included multicast.
In IPv6, we have 1/8th set aside for unicast, 1/256th for multicast, 1/256th for ULA, 1/1024th for link-local, and a couple of infinitesimal fractions set aside for other things like localhost, IPV6_ADDR_ANY, etc.
As I said, let’s be liberal as designed with the first /3. If I’m wrong and you can prove it in my remaining lifetime, I will happily help you develop more restrictive allocation policy for the remaining 3/4 while the second /3 is used to continue growing the IPv6 internet.
Whatever unexpected thing causes us to finish off the first /3 likely won’t burn through the second /3 before we can respond with new policy. We still have almost 3/4 of the address space available for more restrictive allocations.
Frankly, I bet about 1/8th of the IPv4 address space probably is in the hands of the top 64 organizations. Maybe more.
In this case, 1/8th of the address space will more than cover the entire known need many many many times over, even with very liberal allocations.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:13 , Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
By the same token, who 30 years ago would have said there was anything wrong with giving single companies very liberal /8 allocations? Companies that for the most part wasted that space, leading to a faster exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. History cuts both ways.
I think it's reasonable to be at least somewhat judicious with our spanking new IPv6 pool. That's not IPv4-think. That's just reasonable caution.
We can always be more generous later.
-mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
30 years ago, if you’d told anyone that EVERYONE would be using the internet 30 years ago, they would have looked at you like you were stark raving mad.
If you asked anyone 30 years ago “will 4 billion internet addresses be enough if everyone ends up using the internet?”, they all would have told you “no way.”.
I will again repeat… Let’s try liberal allocations until we use up the first /3. I bet we don’t finish that before we hit other scaling limits of IPv6.
If I’m wrong and we burn through the first /3 while I am still alive, I will happily help you get more restrictive policy for the remaining 3/4 of the IPv6 address space while we continue to burn through the second /3 as the policy is developed.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 06:23 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many…
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com <mailto:jmaimon@ttec.com>> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

I expect to be actively involved at least 20 more years. If I'm not around, thats 160 years to runout. I'm betting the protocol can't live that long for other reasons. Owen
On Jul 14, 2015, at 12:35, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
I have no problems with ISPs giving out /48s to residential subscribers. Neither do I mind if they give out /56s. That still gives every residential customer 256 /64 subnets.
I don't see this as something that needs to become a standard. Those end-users who want more can ask for more fro their ISP whenever the need arises. If there is a market for selling those larger prefixes to end users, that's free enterprise, which I also support.
I don't think it's wise to delegate by rule or convention that the entire first 1/8th of IPv6 space should be delegated in /48s. You see this as not a huge deal. To me, 12.5% is a huge deal.
I appreciate your offer to give your services away for free to remedy any problems the /3 bolus creates. But as history has shown, neither of us is likely to be in circulation -- or even alive -- when a problem would occur.
-mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:30 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
You don’t think holding nearly 7/8ths of the address space in reserve for a future addressing policy is adequate judiciuosness?
The IPv4 /8s constituted 1/2 of the address space. The /16s another 1/4, and the /24s an additional 1/8th at the time. Overall, that was 7/8ths of the address space assigned to unicast and 9/16ths allocated if you included multicast.
In IPv6, we have 1/8th set aside for unicast, 1/256th for multicast, 1/256th for ULA, 1/1024th for link-local, and a couple of infinitesimal fractions set aside for other things like localhost, IPV6_ADDR_ANY, etc.
As I said, let’s be liberal as designed with the first /3. If I’m wrong and you can prove it in my remaining lifetime, I will happily help you develop more restrictive allocation policy for the remaining 3/4 while the second /3 is used to continue growing the IPv6 internet.
Whatever unexpected thing causes us to finish off the first /3 likely won’t burn through the second /3 before we can respond with new policy. We still have almost 3/4 of the address space available for more restrictive allocations.
Frankly, I bet about 1/8th of the IPv4 address space probably is in the hands of the top 64 organizations. Maybe more.
In this case, 1/8th of the address space will more than cover the entire known need many many many times over, even with very liberal allocations.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:13 , Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
By the same token, who 30 years ago would have said there was anything wrong with giving single companies very liberal /8 allocations? Companies that for the most part wasted that space, leading to a faster exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. History cuts both ways.
I think it's reasonable to be at least somewhat judicious with our spanking new IPv6 pool. That's not IPv4-think. That's just reasonable caution.
We can always be more generous later.
-mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
30 years ago, if you’d told anyone that EVERYONE would be using the internet 30 years ago, they would have looked at you like you were stark raving mad.
If you asked anyone 30 years ago “will 4 billion internet addresses be enough if everyone ends up using the internet?”, they all would have told you “no way.”.
I will again repeat… Let’s try liberal allocations until we use up the first /3. I bet we don’t finish that before we hit other scaling limits of IPv6.
If I’m wrong and we burn through the first /3 while I am still alive, I will happily help you get more restrictive policy for the remaining 3/4 of the IPv6 address space while we continue to burn through the second /3 as the policy is developed.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 06:23 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can’t really be all that many…
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I’m still alive when we do, I’ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That’ll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let’s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it’s partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com <mailto:jmaimon@ttec.com>> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote: > JimBob’s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

I think it's reasonable to be at least somewhat judicious with our spanking new IPv6 pool. That's not IPv4-think. That's just reasonable caution.
It's optimizing for the wrong thing. While the supply of IPv6 addresses exceeds any plausible demand, the supply of route slots in routers does not. The right way to allocate v6 space is the first time someone asks for some, give them as much as they'll ever need. If you give them less and they have to come back for more later, you've wasted a router slot. In theory one can renumber into a larger block and abandon or return the old block, but in a world where the value of used IPv6 space is $0, how likely is that?
We can always be more generous later.
Too late. R's, John

On 14 Jul 2015 18:44:25 -0000, "John Levine" said:
routers does not. The right way to allocate v6 space is the first time someone asks for some, give them as much as they'll ever need. If you give them less and they have to come back for more later, you've wasted a router slot.
Amen. Integers are cheap. FIB slots cost real money.

We're talking about end user assignments made by ISPs, not ISP assignments. An ISP's /32 is likely the only entry one needs in the FIB. -mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 12:41 PM, "Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu" <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu> wrote:
On 14 Jul 2015 18:44:25 -0000, "John Levine" said:
routers does not. The right way to allocate v6 space is the first time someone asks for some, give them as much as they'll ever need. If you give them less and they have to come back for more later, you've wasted a router slot.
Amen. Integers are cheap. FIB slots cost real money.

On Tue, 14 Jul 2015 19:45:42 -0000, Mel Beckman said:
We're talking about end user assignments made by ISPs, not ISP assignments.
Do the math for how big a chunk Comcast needs, assuming they give each residential customer a /60, or a /56, or a /48. If their first chunk was sized based on ubiquitous /56s and it turns out /48 would have been better, they may need another trip to the well.

Ok. Two RIB entries for Comcast. Your argument doesn't scale. -mel via cell On Jul 14, 2015, at 12:53 PM, "Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu<mailto:Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu>" <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu<mailto:Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu>> wrote: On Tue, 14 Jul 2015 19:45:42 -0000, Mel Beckman said: We're talking about end user assignments made by ISPs, not ISP assignments. Do the math for how big a chunk Comcast needs, assuming they give each residential customer a /60, or a /56, or a /48. If their first chunk was sized based on ubiquitous /56s and it turns out /48 would have been better, they may need another trip to the well.

What about dual-homed customers? Or are they all expected to have their own PI space? Chuck -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Mel Beckman Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:33 PM To: Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu Cc: John Levine; nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Ok. Two RIB entries for Comcast. Your argument doesn't scale. -mel via cell On Jul 14, 2015, at 12:53 PM, "Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu<mailto:Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu>" <Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu<mailto:Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu>> wrote: On Tue, 14 Jul 2015 19:45:42 -0000, Mel Beckman said: We're talking about end user assignments made by ISPs, not ISP assignments. Do the math for how big a chunk Comcast needs, assuming they give each residential customer a /60, or a /56, or a /48. If their first chunk was sized based on ubiquitous /56s and it turns out /48 would have been better, they may need another trip to the well.

Exactly. As a business entity and not a provider, we wouldn't have even contemplated deploying IPv6 without PI addresses. The myth of easy renumbering and/or having multiple prefixes/address per host for failover still shows up from time to time, but mostly gets ignored (at least in the corporate world). Remember SHIM? Any reasonable size organization that expects reliable internet connections is going to go BGP/PI. ---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669 -----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of John R. Levine Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:50 PM To: Chuck Church Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
What about dual-homed customers? Or are they all expected to have their own PI space?
This is IPv6. Why shouldn't they have their own PI space? R's, John

Or wait ILNP/ILA https://lwn.net/Articles/647515/
On 15 июля 2015 г., at 0:09, Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
As a business entity and not a provider, we wouldn't have even contemplated deploying IPv6 without PI addresses. The myth of easy renumbering and/or having multiple prefixes/address per host for failover still shows up from time to time, but mostly gets ignored (at least in the corporate world). Remember SHIM?
Any reasonable size organization that expects reliable internet connections is going to go BGP/PI.
---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of John R. Levine Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:50 PM To: Chuck Church Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
What about dual-homed customers? Or are they all expected to have their own PI space?
This is IPv6. Why shouldn't they have their own PI space?
R's, John

-----Original Message----- From: John R. Levine [mailto:johnl@iecc.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 4:50 PM To: Chuck Church <chuckchurch@gmail.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
This is IPv6. Why shouldn't they have their own PI space?
Same way it happens today. Business starts out small, uses IP space from their single ISP. Couple years later, they're bigger and want to dual-home for better uptime or other reasons. Unless there is something stopping them from advertising their ISP 'A' space out to ISP 'B' in IPv6 land, we're probably going to see the same things we see with IPv4 no? Chuck

Same way it happens today. Business starts out small, uses IP space from their single ISP. Couple years later, they're bigger and want to dual-home for better uptime or other reasons. Unless there is something stopping them from advertising their ISP 'A' space out to ISP 'B' in IPv6 land, we're probably going to see the same things we see with IPv4 no?
Sigh. We can hope that ISP B would push back a little and tell the customer that it's a lot easier to get v6 space, and once they do, they will have their own IP space forever and not be in thrall to ISP A. It would be nice if it were possible to implement BCP 38 in IPv6, since this is the reason it isn't in IPv4. R's, John

On 15 Jul 2015 15:25:05 -0000, "John Levine" said:
It would be nice if it were possible to implement BCP 38 in IPv6, since this is the reason it isn't in IPv4.
There isn't any technical reason that an organization can't fix its edge so it doesn't urinate bad IPv6 traffic all over the Internet.

It would be nice if it were possible to implement BCP 38 in IPv6, since this is the reason it isn't in IPv4.
There isn't any technical reason that an organization can't fix its edge so it doesn't urinate bad IPv6 traffic all over the Internet.
In IPv4 systems, the problem is (so I have been told by some largish ISPs) that a dual homed customer gets address ranges from ISPs A and B, and sends traffic with A addresses to the B interface. The ISPs have no practical way to tell legit dual homed traffic from malicious, particularly when there is a chain of resellers in between. If the ISP tells the customer to send the traffic over the right interface, the usual response is "if you don't want our business, I'm sure we can find another ISP that does." Like I said, it would be nice if ISPs could persuade their v6 customers to get their own PI space early on, because if they don't they'll have exactly the same problem. R's, John

On 7/15/15 9:10 AM, John R. Levine wrote:
It would be nice if it were possible to implement BCP 38 in IPv6, since this is the reason it isn't in IPv4.
There isn't any technical reason that an organization can't fix its edge so it doesn't urinate bad IPv6 traffic all over the Internet.
In IPv4 systems, the problem is (so I have been told by some largish ISPs) that a dual homed customer gets address ranges from ISPs A and B, and sends traffic with A addresses to the B interface. The ISPs have no practical way to tell legit dual homed traffic from malicious, particularly when there is a chain of resellers in between. If the ISP tells the customer to send the traffic over the right interface, the usual response is "if you don't want our business, I'm sure we can find another ISP that does."
Strict rpf has the super nice property that if you withdraw you prefix from a peer, that peer blackholes traffic. there are all sorts of fun cases like for example MLPE peering on exchange fabrics where you can't just tag the prefix no export and send it to your neighbor, which means it's all or nothing. The exigent reality is that the less control customers have over their own policy then the easier they are to filter. retail isp customers with prefixes delegated by their provider, easy so when ISPS practice good hygiene on their retail side, great.. some dude at an exchange point direct adjacency or no, quite a bit harder.
Like I said, it would be nice if ISPs could persuade their v6 customers to get their own PI space early on, because if they don't they'll have exactly the same problem.
R's, John

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 15/Jul/15 17:49, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
There isn't any technical reason that an organization can't fix its edge so it doesn't urinate bad IPv6 traffic all over the Internet.
Some hardware does not support uRPF, for example. ACL's would work, but there are administrative scaling issues. Still, better to have that than nothing at all. Mark. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJVp6IxAAoJEGcZuYTeKm+G8v4P+QE2PylGp9jDuThry8d4a1OD 8d6+8cKvgf0EG2Jg+Vm076JV6lwNFKRrf2i36AA0F3o2+cFFhFfbM5eUB+4HXGia UQtvEclba8CeTQHdxFAZDCOfXSxUT9bhTt4Uc9kplAY+BoF7yGyk6U2KxG45T+Fd 4kXlwXqSZmFqRsH4oRNPPvVKQsfj5VFz90iPW6Qh8gCawcH9sDU3d4esEemwGArz 3v79a+qlrNFgbv/C4soTyIveAE1BJ6lI1c0UQA0cGc+pbRvk/LByG5Ep+gD9Rsvc xjApdnmDSMw8qLMpn4zvtjYeKpaeaVuwsyr+iokYPOOi/uU3EB/rk7wobXCtdb2j tUqVtnbJocLhdmmPh90JDK0TNEaJLOY9H3dOfmOrIPCIg7jY9+4EW/+ivL1bARi/ 0iWpASGhJhLqaBhGay7pGgQA+2lf2DhHyLqRZd2hhQNZWrf5eEfY44ZzZSqezURD fV25Uf33HCEgV2M+Hqmmj83CFpSkt0gdjrBCp3FlcLesKJPr8+tSyerGdzCLSPlp q4kTV2rgXtLXmKm5ElsLlEgsrNEyDW1cZZj3ES35D7aDNzDH19uGd492nrIq2U6z 0Yk1ZUz3s6Ohxfmnhs8ompFGPoII2jEoZTIcVpdM71gLwwIMzSg4a3HoQ88mCCZT yxYaKw3YmjS8BhkbfaEJ =7ivn -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On 7/15/2015 8:25 AM, John Levine wrote:
It would be nice if it were possible to implement BCP 38 in IPv6, since this is the reason it isn't in IPv4.
Too bad the hazards of allowing people to use arbitrary source addresses weren't known when IPv6 was designed. Matthew Kaufman

In message <002f01d0be76$52b0c800$f8125800$@gmail.com>, "Chuck Church" writes:
What about dual-homed customers? Or are they all expected to have their own PI space?
For the home dual PA prefixes + ULA with CPE routers that support source and destination based routing automatically. This is the technology being experimentally deployed today. Go look at the bleading edge of OpenWrt. It will also work for small businesses. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

For one thing a /32 is nowhere near enough for anything bigger than a modest ISP today. Many will need /28, /24, or even larger. The biggest ones probably need /16 or even /12 in some cases. Owen On Jul 14, 2015, at 12:53, John R. Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
We're talking about end user assignments made by ISPs, not ISP assignments. An ISP's /32 is likely the only entry one needs in the FIB.
In that case, why should anyone care how the ISP assigns space to its customers?
R's, John

On 15 July 2015 at 01:34, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
For one thing a /32 is nowhere near enough for anything bigger than a modest ISP today. Many will need /28, /24, or even larger. The biggest ones probably need /16 or even /12 in some cases.
What is the definition of a modest and a large ISP? In the RIPE region even the smallest ISP can get a /29 with no documentation necessary. But likely that is all they will ever get because policy requires that you use that /29 at about 30% efficiency if you do /48 allocations to end users. You would need more than a million users to get a /24. I do not think the RIPE region has an ISP large enough to apply for a /16 or anything near it. Therefore we can conclude that if ARIN manages to use up all the /3 address space currently reserved for allocation, we will still be able to get address space in Europe for the next thousands years :-). It is thought that RIPE will not use up the /12 that IANA allocated to RIPE - ever. Personally I believe the ARIN policy is the sane one. But we need to abide by the rules in the region we live in. Regards, Baldur

On 7/15/15 3:43 AM, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
On 15 July 2015 at 01:34, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
For one thing a /32 is nowhere near enough for anything bigger than a modest ISP today. Many will need /28, /24, or even larger. The biggest ones probably need /16 or even /12 in some cases.
What is the definition of a modest and a large ISP?
In the RIPE region even the smallest ISP can get a /29 with no documentation necessary. But likely that is all they will ever get because policy requires that you use that /29 at about 30% efficiency if you do /48 allocations to end users.
You would need more than a million users to get a /24.
I do not think the RIPE region has an ISP large enough to apply for a /16 or anything near it.
there are 4 organizations that originate something on the order of a /19 1 AS7922 ORG+TRN Originate: 36318243454976 /18.95 Transit: 38476054528 /28.84 COMCAST-7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.,US 2 AS3320 ORG+TRN Originate: 35219269156864 /19.00 Transit: 569424150528 /24.95 DTAG Deutsche Telekom AG,DE 3 AS5511 ORG+TRN Originate: 35188667187200 /19.00 Transit: 17818772963328 /19.98 OPENTRANSIT Orange S.A.,FR 4 AS17676 ORG+TRN Originate: 18695992639488 /19.91 Transit: 12885032960 /30.42 GIGAINFRA Softbank BB Corp.,JP
Therefore we can conclude that if ARIN manages to use up all the /3 address space currently reserved for allocation, we will still be able to get address space in Europe for the next thousands years :-). It is thought that RIPE will not use up the /12 that IANA allocated to RIPE - ever.
Personally I believe the ARIN policy is the sane one. But we need to abide by the rules in the region we live in.

On Jul 15, 2015, at 03:43 , Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
On 15 July 2015 at 01:34, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
For one thing a /32 is nowhere near enough for anything bigger than a modest ISP today. Many will need /28, /24, or even larger. The biggest ones probably need /16 or even /12 in some cases.
What is the definition of a modest and a large ISP?
In the RIPE region even the smallest ISP can get a /29 with no documentation necessary. But likely that is all they will ever get because policy requires that you use that /29 at about 30% efficiency if you do /48 allocations to end users.
Which is fine… 30% of a /29 at /48 is 524,288 end-sites served. For a residential provider, I’d say that’s a medium-sized provider. A large provider would be one that serves several million end-sites. There are at least a handful of providers in the US for example, that have 10,000,000+ customers. A /29 wouldn’t be enough for them. RIPEs policy ignores the inefficiencies created by topology and that’s kind of unfortunate in my opinion, but so far it doesn’t appear too egregious, so I haven’t taken the time to propose better policy.
You would need more than a million users to get a /24.
Sure. Many ISPs have more than a million end-sites (note end-sites != users). In many cases customer and end-site are synonymous, but in many cases, a single customer may have many end-sites. For example, a business which has several buildings in a campus may treat each building as an end-site. A multi-tenant building would likely treat each tenant as a separate end-site. etc.
I do not think the RIPE region has an ISP large enough to apply for a /16 or anything near it.
Perhaps. There are at least 2 ISPs in the US that I know of with 20,000,000+ customers. Since the NA in NANOG stands for North America, I kind of figured that the situation in North America ought to be considered somewhat relevant.
Therefore we can conclude that if ARIN manages to use up all the /3 address space currently reserved for allocation, we will still be able to get address space in Europe for the next thousands years :-). It is thought that RIPE will not use up the /12 that IANA allocated to RIPE - ever.
I doubt even with our current policy, ARIN is unlikely to use up the /12 in my lifetime or even in the lifetime of the IPv6 protocol. Even if we do, I doubt we will use more than 2 or 3 /12s ever.
Personally I believe the ARIN policy is the sane one. But we need to abide by the rules in the region we live in.
I agree with you, but as the author of the current ARIN ISP IPv6 policy, I may be biased. ;-) Owen

Mel Beckman wrote:
By the same token, who 30 years ago would have said there was anything wrong with giving single companies very liberal /8 allocations?
Actually 30 years ago it was very difficult to get a /8 even for a US Gov organization. I have firsthand experience with being refused. As much as people on this list like to paint a fantasy about 'the liberal policies of the good-old- days' it was not as wild and loose as it is often made out to be. 40 years ago it was easier to get a /8 than it was 30 year ago, but there were still restrictions. At the end of the day, your impact on the routing system determined which bucket you were put in, because the global routing table was the scarce resource that needed management.
Companies that for the most part wasted that space, leading to a faster exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. History cuts both ways.
Call it waste if you want, but it is more likely that it was just allocation a decade ahead of need, and that need would likely not have developed if the global routing system collapsed due to too many /16's being allocated before routers could handle that.
I think it's reasonable to be at least somewhat judicious with our
new IPv6 pool. That's not IPv4-think. That's just reasonable caution.
"Reasonable caution" was only allocating 1/8th of the space up front, and recommending that end sites be limited to a /48 without justifying more (rfc 3177). "IPv4-think" is refusing to acknowledge the math, and insisting that just because the average consumer has been limited to a single subnet for the last 15 years, that it was all they will ever need. Rewind the clock 16 years and you found that the restriction was a single mac-address, because 'nobody needs anything more than a single computer'. CPE developers have to manage their costs, and they will build to the limits of what is available across the majority of providers. When that is artificially restricted by unnecessary "IPv4-think" conservation, you will build a deployed base that has limited capability. Just as it is still taking time to remove the deployed base of IPv4-only cpe, getting rid of limitations will be slow, difficult, and costly. Fast forward 30 years, and the network managers of the day will be asking why the clowns who insisted on such an artificially restricted allocation model could be so short sighted because they will not have been tainted by or understand "IPv4-think". IPv6 is not the last protocol known to mankind. IF it burns out in 400-500 years, something will have gone terribly wrong, because newer ideas about networking will have been squashed along the way. 64 bits for both hosts and routing was over 3 orders of magnitude more than sufficient to meet the design goals for the IPv4 replacement, but in the context of the dot-com bubble there was a vast outcry from the ops community that it would be insufficient for the needs of routing. So the entire 64 bits of the original proposal was given to routing, and the IETF spent another year arguing about how many bits more to add for hosts. Now, post bubble burst, we are left with 32,768x the already more than sufficient number of routing prefixes, but "IPv4-think" conservation believes we still need to be extremely conservative about allocations. Tony
We can always be more generous later.
-mel beckman
On Jul 14, 2015, at 10:04 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
30 years ago, if you'd told anyone that EVERYONE would be using the internet 30 years ago, they would have looked at you like you were stark raving mad.
If you asked anyone 30 years ago "will 4 billion internet addresses be enough if everyone ends up using the internet?", they all would have
you "no way.".
I will again repeat. Let's try liberal allocations until we use up the first /3. I bet we don't finish that before we hit other scaling limits
of IPv6.
If I'm wrong and we burn through the first /3 while I am still alive, I will happily help you get more restrictive policy for the remaining 3/4 of the IPv6 address space while we continue to burn through the
second /3 as the policy is developed.
On Jul 14, 2015, at 06:23 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years
ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad. That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in
insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner
told the than
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com
<mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote:
How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can't really be all that many.
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 = 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 = 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I'm still alive when we do, I'll help you promote more restrictive policy to be enacted while we burn through the second /3. That'll still leave us 75% of the address space to work with on that new
one might expect. policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let's talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it's partner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off to waste.
Yeah, I'm not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately justify
a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com
<mailto:jmaimon@ttec.com>> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob's ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.

On Jul 14, 2015, at 11:56 AM, Tony Hain <alh-ietf@tndh.net> wrote:
IPv6 is not the last protocol known to mankind. IF it burns out in 400-500 years, something will have gone terribly wrong, because newer ideas about networking will have been squashed along the way. 64 bits for both hosts and routing was over 3 orders of magnitude more than sufficient to meet the design goals for the IPv4 replacement, but in the context of the dot-com bubble there was a vast outcry from the ops community that it would be insufficient for the needs of routing. So the entire 64 bits of the original proposal was given to routing, and the IETF spent another year arguing about how many bits more to add for hosts. Now, post bubble burst, we are left with 32,768x the already more than sufficient number of routing prefixes, but "IPv4-think" conservation believes we still need to be extremely conservative about allocations.
If you look at how the IoT model is evolving, the entire host+service (i.e. IP address + port number) model is rapidly disintegrating. Services are the end-points now. They need to be individually addressable, since they really have no affinity to physical hardware in the sense we currently think of "hosts," with IP and MAC addresses. Host hardware is fungible; services are mobile. The IPv6 address space conservatives are missing the entire point that IPv6, as a global addressing scheme, will collapse in the next couple of decades. Host+port endpoint identifiers are already done. We just haven't noticed yet. --lyndon

On 7/14/15 6:23 AM, George Metz wrote:
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
I've been trying to stay out of this Nth repetition of the same nonsensical debate, since neither side has anything new to add. However George makes a valid point, which is "learn from the mistakes of the past." So let me ask George, who seems like a reasonable fellow ... do you think that creating an addressing plan that is more than adequate for even the wildest dreams of current users and future growth out of just 1/8 of the available space (meaning of course that we have 7/8 left to work with should we make a complete crap-show out of 2000::/3) constitutes being prudent, or not? And please note, this is not a snark, I am genuinely interested in the answer. I used to be one of the people responsible for the prudent use of the integers (as the former IANA GM) so this is something I've put a lot of thought into, and care deeply about. If there is something we've missed in concocting the current plan, I definitely want to know about it. Even taking into account some of the dubious decisions that were made 20 years ago, the numbers involved in IPv6 deployment are literally so overwhelming that the human brain has a hard time conceiving of them. Combine that with the conservation mindset that's been drilled into everyone regarding IPv4 resources, and a certain degree of over-enthusiasm for conserving IPv6 resources is understandable. But at the same time, because the volume of integers is so vast, it could be just as easy to slip into the early-days v4 mindset of "infinite," which is why I like to hear a good reality check now and again. :) Doug -- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

Reasonability, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, but I thank you for the compliment. :) The short answer is "yes, that constitutes being prudent". The longer answer is "it depends on what you consider the wildest dreams". There's a couple of factors playing in. First, look at every /64 that is assigned as an IPv4 /32 that someone is running NAT behind. This is flat out WRONG from a routing perspective, but from an allocation perspective, it's very much exactly what's happening because of SLAAC and the 48-bit MAC address basis for it. Since /64 is the minimum, that leaves us with less than half of the available bit mask in which to hand out that 1/8th the address space. Still oodles of addresses, but worth noting and is probably one reason why some of the "conservationists" react the way they do. Next, let's look at the wildest dreams aspect. The current "implementation" I'm thinking of in modern pop culture is Big Hero 6 (the movie, not the comics as I've never read them). Specifically, Hiro's "microbots". Each one needs an address to be able to communicate with the controller device. Even with the numbers of them, can probably be handled with a /64, but you'd also probably want them in separate "buckets" if you're doing separated tasks. Even so, a /48 could EASILY handle it. Now make them the size of a large-ish molecule. Or atom. Or protons. Nanotech or femtotech that's advanced enough gets into Clarke's Law - any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - but in order to do that they need to communicate. If you think that won't be possible in the next 30 years, you probably haven't been paying attention. However, that's - barring a fundamental breakthrough - probably a decade or two off. Meanwhile we've got connected soda cans to worry about. I wrote my email as a way of pointing out that maybe the concerns (on both sides)- aren't baseless, but at the same time maybe there's a way to split the difference. It's not too much of a stretch to see that, soon, 256 subnets may not actually be enough to deal with the connected world and "Internet of Things" that's currently being developed. But would 1024? How about 4096? Is there any need in the next 10-15 years for EVERYONE to be getting handed 65,536 /64 subnets? Split the difference, go with a /52 and suddenly you've got FOUR THOUSAND subnets for individual users so that their soda cans can tell the suspension on their car that it's been opened and please smooth out the ride. Frankly, both sides seem intent on overkill in their preferred direction, and it's not particularly hard to meet in the middle. On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Doug Barton <dougb@dougbarton.us> wrote:
On 7/14/15 6:23 AM, George Metz wrote:
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
I've been trying to stay out of this Nth repetition of the same nonsensical debate, since neither side has anything new to add. However George makes a valid point, which is "learn from the mistakes of the past."
So let me ask George, who seems like a reasonable fellow ... do you think that creating an addressing plan that is more than adequate for even the wildest dreams of current users and future growth out of just 1/8 of the available space (meaning of course that we have 7/8 left to work with should we make a complete crap-show out of 2000::/3) constitutes being prudent, or not?
And please note, this is not a snark, I am genuinely interested in the answer. I used to be one of the people responsible for the prudent use of the integers (as the former IANA GM) so this is something I've put a lot of thought into, and care deeply about. If there is something we've missed in concocting the current plan, I definitely want to know about it.
Even taking into account some of the dubious decisions that were made 20 years ago, the numbers involved in IPv6 deployment are literally so overwhelming that the human brain has a hard time conceiving of them. Combine that with the conservation mindset that's been drilled into everyone regarding IPv4 resources, and a certain degree of over-enthusiasm for conserving IPv6 resources is understandable. But at the same time, because the volume of integers is so vast, it could be just as easy to slip into the early-days v4 mindset of "infinite," which is why I like to hear a good reality check now and again. :)
-- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

On Jul 15, 2015, at 08:20 , George Metz <george.metz@gmail.com> wrote:
Reasonability, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, but I thank you for the compliment. :)
The short answer is "yes, that constitutes being prudent". The longer answer is "it depends on what you consider the wildest dreams".
There's a couple of factors playing in. First, look at every /64 that is assigned as an IPv4 /32 that someone is running NAT behind. This is flat out WRONG from a routing perspective, but from an allocation perspective, it's very much exactly what's happening because of SLAAC and the 48-bit MAC address basis for it. Since /64 is the minimum, that leaves us with less than half of the available bit mask in which to hand out that 1/8th the address space. Still oodles of addresses, but worth noting and is probably one reason why some of the "conservationists" react the way they do.
Then they are being silly. The thinking for IPv6 was a 64-bit address in toto until SLAAC was proposed and 64 bits were added to enable that. Even at 64 bits, you have more than 4 billion times as many network numbers as you had host numbers in all of IPv4.
Next, let's look at the wildest dreams aspect. The current "implementation" I'm thinking of in modern pop culture is Big Hero 6 (the movie, not the comics as I've never read them). Specifically, Hiro's "microbots". Each one needs an address to be able to communicate with the controller device. Even with the numbers of them, can probably be handled with a /64, but you'd also probably want them in separate "buckets" if you're doing separated tasks. Even so, a /48 could EASILY handle it.
Now make them the size of a large-ish molecule. Or atom. Or protons. Nanotech or femtotech that's advanced enough gets into Clarke's Law - any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - but in order to do that they need to communicate. If you think that won't be possible in the next 30 years, you probably haven't been paying attention.
Sure, but do you really think that IPv6 can handle that in all the other ways? I think we’ll need a new protocol to do that for reasons other than address space limitations well before we run out of IPv6 addresses.
However, that's - barring a fundamental breakthrough - probably a decade or two off. Meanwhile we've got connected soda cans to worry about.
I wrote my email as a way of pointing out that maybe the concerns (on both sides)- aren't baseless, but at the same time maybe there's a way to split the difference. It's not too much of a stretch to see that, soon, 256 subnets may not actually be enough to deal with the connected world and "Internet of Things" that's currently being developed. But would 1024? How about 4096? Is there any need in the next 10-15 years for EVERYONE to be getting handed 65,536 /64 subnets? Split the difference, go with a /52 and suddenly you've got FOUR THOUSAND subnets for individual users so that their soda cans can tell the suspension on their car that it's been opened and please smooth out the ride.
There are two ways to waste addresses. One is to allocate them to users who don’t actually use all of them. The other is to keep them on the shelf in the free pool until well past the useful life of the protocol. I don’t see splitting the difference at /52 as being any more useful than leaving it at /48. Certainly it is an incremental improvement over /56 and wildly better than /60, but it remains an unnecessarily inferior solution.
Frankly, both sides seem intent on overkill in their preferred direction, and it's not particularly hard to meet in the middle.
Perhaps, but it’s also not hard to do harmful things with the best of intent. Owen
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 8:38 PM, Doug Barton <dougb@dougbarton.us> wrote:
On 7/14/15 6:23 AM, George Metz wrote:
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
I've been trying to stay out of this Nth repetition of the same nonsensical debate, since neither side has anything new to add. However George makes a valid point, which is "learn from the mistakes of the past."
So let me ask George, who seems like a reasonable fellow ... do you think that creating an addressing plan that is more than adequate for even the wildest dreams of current users and future growth out of just 1/8 of the available space (meaning of course that we have 7/8 left to work with should we make a complete crap-show out of 2000::/3) constitutes being prudent, or not?
And please note, this is not a snark, I am genuinely interested in the answer. I used to be one of the people responsible for the prudent use of the integers (as the former IANA GM) so this is something I've put a lot of thought into, and care deeply about. If there is something we've missed in concocting the current plan, I definitely want to know about it.
Even taking into account some of the dubious decisions that were made 20 years ago, the numbers involved in IPv6 deployment are literally so overwhelming that the human brain has a hard time conceiving of them. Combine that with the conservation mindset that's been drilled into everyone regarding IPv4 resources, and a certain degree of over-enthusiasm for conserving IPv6 resources is understandable. But at the same time, because the volume of integers is so vast, it could be just as easy to slip into the early-days v4 mindset of "infinite," which is why I like to hear a good reality check now and again. :)
-- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

On July 15, 2015 at 09:20 owen@delong.com (Owen DeLong) wrote:
There are two ways to waste addresses. One is to allocate them to users who don,Ab��(Bt actually use all of them.
The other is to keep them on the shelf in the free pool until well past the useful life of the protocol.
I'd add a third which is segmentation and I think that's a real threat. That is, assigning large chunks to specific functions by policy usually in support of technical needs. For example IPv4's multicast block. Poof, 224/4 gone. Or similar. Suddenly it's not 2^N bits it's just N bits. My claim is that such segmentation tends to grow over time as people find good arguments to segment. -- -Barry Shein The World | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*

On Jul 15, 2015, at 13:55 , Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com> wrote:
On July 15, 2015 at 09:20 owen@delong.com (Owen DeLong) wrote:
There are two ways to waste addresses. One is to allocate them to users who don,Abt actually use all of them.
The other is to keep them on the shelf in the free pool until well past the useful life of the protocol.
I'd add a third which is segmentation and I think that's a real threat. That is, assigning large chunks to specific functions by policy usually in support of technical needs. For example IPv4's multicast block. Poof, 224/4 gone. Or similar.
Suddenly it's not 2^N bits it's just N bits.
My claim is that such segmentation tends to grow over time as people find good arguments to segment.
fd00::/8 is already wasted on ULA. fe80::/10 (effectively fe00::/8) is already allocated (somewhat wastefully, as a /64 probably would do the trick) to link local ff00::/8 is already allocated to multicast. That covers multicast and RFC-1918. Are there any other IPv4 segmentations that you can think of? I’m not being snarky… I’m genuinely interested. Given that we came up with 3 total segmentations in IPv4 over the course of 30 years of IPv4 protocol use, which consumed a total of /4(multicast)+/8+/12+/16(RFC-1918)+/16(link local) of IPv4 and 3 /8s of IPv6. Even if we toss 5 more /8s to segmentation over the next 30 years, I think we’re OK, though we would have burned through a /5 at that point in segmentation. I think effectively, we can consider that e000::/3 is essentially set aside for such purposes and we still have 5/8ths of the address space after burning through the current /3 of unicast and a second /3 of unicast while we contemplate a more restrictive policy. Owen
-- -Barry Shein
The World | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:34:13 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
That covers multicast and RFC-1918. Are there any other IPv4 segmentations that you can think of? ... Given that we came up with 3 total segmentations in IPv4 over the course
#1-3,#4 RFC-1918 is 3 "segments" and we recently added a 4th (for CGN). #5 Localhost (127/8) #6 Multicast (224/4) #7 "Class E" (240/4) #8 0/8 #9 255/8 (technically, part of class e, but it's called out specifically in various RFCs)

Yeah wow 127/8, that one always amazed me, 16M addrs because it was computationally cheap to test for ((0x7f & addr) == 0x7f). I wonder what are the most 127.* addrs ever used by one site? I know there are some schemes which blackhole to 127.0.0.n incrementing n so the number of hits on each blackhole can be counted separately (more or less) but 16M? I doubt even 254 were used in those schemes very often. WWWT? (What Were We Thinking?) Oh well water under the bridge. On July 15, 2015 at 17:53 jfbeam@gmail.com (Ricky Beam) wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:34:13 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
That covers multicast and RFC-1918. Are there any other IPv4 segmentations that you can think of? ... Given that we came up with 3 total segmentations in IPv4 over the course
#1-3,#4 RFC-1918 is 3 "segments" and we recently added a 4th (for CGN). #5 Localhost (127/8) #6 Multicast (224/4) #7 "Class E" (240/4) #8 0/8 #9 255/8 (technically, part of class e, but it's called out specifically in various RFCs)
-- -Barry Shein The World | bzs@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*

On 7/15/15 8:20 AM, George Metz wrote:
Reasonability, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, but I thank you for the compliment. :)
I call them like I see them. :)
The short answer is "yes, that constitutes being prudent".
Ok, good news so far. :)
The longer answer is "it depends on what you consider the wildest dreams".
There's a couple of factors playing in. First, look at every /64 that is assigned as an IPv4 /32 that someone is running NAT behind.
Ok, that's a relatively common analogy, even if it isn't quite technically correct.
This is flat out WRONG from a routing perspective, but from an allocation perspective, it's very much exactly what's happening because of SLAAC and the 48-bit MAC address basis for it. Since /64 is the minimum, that leaves us with less than half of the available bit mask in which to hand out that 1/8th the address space.
I have my own issues with RA/SLAAC, but let's leave those aside for a second. It's probably a more correct analogy (although still not completely accurate) to say that a /64 is equivalent to an IPv4 /24, or some other small network that would be utilized by an end user with the expectation that there are multiple devices running in it. I agree with you that you'd never want to route that /64, but you (generally) wouldn't want to route a /24, or more accurately something like a /28, either. Also, as Owen pointed out, the original concept for IPv6 networking was a 64 bit address space all along. The "extra" (or some would say, "wasted") 64 bits were tacked on later.
Still oodles of addresses, but worth noting and is probably one reason why some of the "conservationists" react the way they do.
It's easy to look at the mandatory /64 limit and say "See, the address space is cut in half to start with!" but it's not accurate. Depending on who's using it a single /64 could have thousands of devices, up to the limit of the broadcast domain on the network gear. At minimum even for a home user you're going to get "several" devices.
Next, let's look at the wildest dreams aspect. The current "implementation" I'm thinking of in modern pop culture is Big Hero 6 (the movie, not the comics as I've never read them). Specifically, Hiro's "microbots". Each one needs an address to be able to communicate with the controller device. Even with the numbers of them, can probably be handled with a /64, but you'd also probably want them in separate "buckets" if you're doing separated tasks. Even so, a /48 could EASILY handle it.
Right, 65k /64s in a /48.
Now make them the size of a large-ish molecule. Or atom. Or protons. Nanotech or femtotech that's advanced enough gets into Clarke's Law - any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - but in order to do that they need to communicate. If you think that won't be possible in the next 30 years, you probably haven't been paying attention.
I do see that as a possibility, however in this world that you're positing, how many of those molecules need to talk to the big-I Internet? Certainly they need to communicate internally, but do they need routable space? Also, stay tuned for some math homework. :)
I wrote my email as a way of pointing out that maybe the concerns (on both sides)- aren't baseless,
Please note that I try very hard not to dismiss anyone's concerns as baseless, whether I agree with them or not. As I mentioned in my previous message, I believe I have a pretty good understanding of how the "IPv6 conservationists" think. My concern however is that while their concerns have a basis, their premise is wrong.
but at the same time maybe there's a way to split the difference. It's not too much of a stretch to see that, soon, 256 subnets may not actually be enough to deal with the connected world and "Internet of Things" that's currently being developed. But would 1024? How about 4096? Is there any need in the next 10-15 years for EVERYONE to be getting handed 65,536 /64 subnets?
So, here's where the math gets to be both fun, and mind-boggling. :) There are 32 /8s in 2000::/3. Let's assume for sake of argument that we've "wasted" two whole /8s with various drama. There are 2 to the 40th power /48s in a /8, multiply by 30, and divide by 10 billion (to represent a fairly future-proof number of people on the planet). That's 3,298.5 /48s per person. So you asked an interesting question about whether or not we NEED to give everyone a /48. Based on the math, I think the more interesting question is, what reason is there NOT to give everyone a /48? You want to future proof it to 20 billion people? Ok, that's 1,600+ /48s per person. You want to future proof it more to 25% sparse allocation? Ok, that's 400+ /48s per person (at 20 billion people). At those levels even if you gave every person's every device a /48, we're still not going to run out, in the first 1/8 of the available space.
Split the difference, go with a /52
That's not splitting the difference. :) A /56 is half way between a /48 and a /64. That's 256 /64s, for those keeping score at home. So the advice I've been giving out for quite a while now, which has been both well received and implemented with success, is for ISPs who want to practice conservation to *reserve* a /48 for every home user, and to *allocate* the first /56 from it. To some extent I agree with Owen that the world would be a better place if everyone just gave out /48s. But I'm also pragmatic, and I'd rather see IPv6 deployed sooner rather than later. I think that 256 networks should be enough for even the most complex home networks (including multiple layers of routers, etc.) and it's incumbent on the software authors to slice up what they are handed, rather than making assumptions. Meanwhile, if the ISP "blows through" their end-user pool at /48 reservations, they can go to their RIR and get more space. And if cosmic rays befuddle the minds of every RIR on the planet and somehow that doesn't become possible, they can go back through their /48 reservations and start allocating the first /56 from the bottom /49 to new customers. Lather, rinse, repeat. Doug -- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Doug Barton <dougb@dougbarton.us> wrote:
On 7/15/15 8:20 AM, George Metz wrote:
Also, as Owen pointed out, the original concept for IPv6 networking was a 64 bit address space all along. The "extra" (or some would say, "wasted") 64 bits were tacked on later.
Still oodles of addresses, but worth
noting and is probably one reason why some of the "conservationists" react the way they do.
It's easy to look at the mandatory /64 limit and say "See, the address space is cut in half to start with!" but it's not accurate. Depending on who's using it a single /64 could have thousands of devices, up to the limit of the broadcast domain on the network gear. At minimum even for a home user you're going to get "several" devices.
Allow me to rephrase: "A single /32 could have thousands of devices, up to the limit of a 10/8 NATted behind it". This, plus the fact that it WAS originally 64-bit and was expanded to include RA/SLAAC, is why I chose that analogy.
Next, let's look at the wildest dreams aspect. The current
"implementation" I'm thinking of in modern pop culture is Big Hero 6 (the movie, not the comics as I've never read them). Specifically, Hiro's "microbots". Each one needs an address to be able to communicate with the controller device. Even with the numbers of them, can probably be handled with a /64, but you'd also probably want them in separate "buckets" if you're doing separated tasks. Even so, a /48 could EASILY handle it.
Right, 65k /64s in a /48.
Now make them the size of a large-ish molecule. Or atom. Or protons.
Nanotech or femtotech that's advanced enough gets into Clarke's Law - any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - but in order to do that they need to communicate. If you think that won't be possible in the next 30 years, you probably haven't been paying attention.
I do see that as a possibility, however in this world that you're positing, how many of those molecules need to talk to the big-I Internet? Certainly they need to communicate internally, but do they need routable space? Also, stay tuned for some math homework. :)
So, you're advising that all these trillions of nanites should, what, use NAT? Unroutable IP space of another kind? Why would we do that when we've already got virtually unlimited v6 address space? See what I mean? Personally I'd suspect something involving quantum states would be more likely for information passage, but who knows what the end result is?
I wrote my email as a way of pointing out that maybe the concerns (on
both sides)- aren't baseless,
Please note that I try very hard not to dismiss anyone's concerns as baseless, whether I agree with them or not. As I mentioned in my previous message, I believe I have a pretty good understanding of how the "IPv6 conservationists" think. My concern however is that while their concerns have a basis, their premise is wrong.
I wasn't intending yourself as the recipient keep in mind. However, IS their premise wrong? Is prudence looking at incomprehensible numbers and saying "we're so unlikely to run out that it just doesn't matter" or is prudence "Well, we have no idea what's coming, so let's be a little less wild-haired in the early periods"? The theory being it's a lot harder to take away that /48 30 years from now than it is to just assign the rest of it to go along with the /56 (or /52 or whatever) if it turns out they're needed. I personally like your idea of reserving the /48 and issuing the /56.
So you asked an interesting question about whether or not we NEED to give everyone a /48. Based on the math, I think the more interesting question is, what reason is there NOT to give everyone a /48? You want to future proof it to 20 billion people? Ok, that's 1,600+ /48s per person. You want to future proof it more to 25% sparse allocation? Ok, that's 400+ /48s per person (at 20 billion people).
At those levels even if you gave every person's every device a /48, we're still not going to run out, in the first 1/8 of the available space.
Split the difference, go with a /52
That's not splitting the difference. :) A /56 is half way between a /48 and a /64. That's 256 /64s, for those keeping score at home.
It's splitting the difference between a /56 and a /48. I can't imagine short of the Nanotech Revolution that anyone really needs eight thousand separate networks, and even then... Besides, I recall someone at some point being grumpy about oddly numbered masks, and a /51 is probably going to trip that. :) I think folks are missing the point in part of the conservationists, and all the math in the world isn't going to change that. While the... let's call them IPv6 Libertines... are arguing that there's no mathematically foreseeable way we're going to run out of addresses even at /48s for the proverbial soda cans, the conservationists are going, "Yes, you do math wonderfully. Meantime is it REALLY causing anguish for someone to only get 256 (or 1024, or 4096) networks as opposed to 65,536 of them? If not, why not go with the smaller one? It bulletproofs us against the unforeseen to an extent." As an aside, someone else has stated that for one reason or another IPv6 is unlikely to last more than a couple of decades, and so even if something crazy happened to deplete it, the replacement would be in place anyhow before it could. I would like to ask what about the last 20 years of IPv6 adoption in the face of v4 exhaustion inspires someone to believe that just because it's better that people will be willing to make the change over?

I wasn't intending yourself as the recipient keep in mind. However, IS their premise wrong? Is prudence looking at incomprehensible numbers and saying "we're so unlikely to run out that it just doesn't matter" or is prudence "Well, we have no idea what's coming, so let's be a little less wild-haired in the early periods"? The theory being it's a lot harder to take away that /48 30 years from now than it is to just assign the rest of it to go along with the /56 (or /52 or whatever) if it turns out they're needed. I personally like your idea of reserving the /48 and issuing the /56.
Yes… Their premise is wrong. We’re not talking about /48s for soda cans. We’re talking about /48s for end-sites… Households, individual business buildings, etc. The soda can is probably just one host on a /64 somewhere within that /48. Every six-pack in your house probably fits in the same /64.
So you asked an interesting question about whether or not we NEED to give everyone a /48. Based on the math, I think the more interesting question is, what reason is there NOT to give everyone a /48? You want to future proof it to 20 billion people? Ok, that's 1,600+ /48s per person. You want to future proof it more to 25% sparse allocation? Ok, that's 400+ /48s per person (at 20 billion people).
At those levels even if you gave every person's every device a /48, we're still not going to run out, in the first 1/8 of the available space.
Split the difference, go with a /52
That's not splitting the difference. :) A /56 is half way between a /48 and a /64. That's 256 /64s, for those keeping score at home.
It's splitting the difference between a /56 and a /48. I can't imagine short of the Nanotech Revolution that anyone really needs eight thousand separate networks, and even then... Besides, I recall someone at some point being grumpy about oddly numbered masks, and a /51 is probably going to trip that. :)
It’s not about the number of networks. It’s about the number of bits available to provide flexibility in automating topology to create pluggable network components that just work. We’ve only begun to explore the new capabilities of DHCPv6-PD within a site. Clamping down the size of a “site” to less than the original design-criteria considered when DHCPv6-PD was developed will, in fact, stifle innovation in this area most likely.
I think folks are missing the point in part of the conservationists, and all the math in the world isn't going to change that. While the... let's call them IPv6 Libertines... are arguing that there's no mathematically foreseeable way we're going to run out of addresses even at /48s for the proverbial soda cans, the conservationists are going, "Yes, you do math wonderfully. Meantime is it REALLY causing anguish for someone to only get 256 (or 1024, or 4096) networks as opposed to 65,536 of them? If not, why not go with the smaller one? It bulletproofs us against the unforeseen to an extent.”
The problem is that the conservationists are arguing against /48s for soda cans while the libertines are not arguing for that. /48 protects against the unforeseen pretty well. Even if it doesn’t, that’s why we also have the /3 safeguard. If we turn out to have gotten it wrong… If it turns out that we use up all of the first /3 before we run out of useful life in the protocol, then I’m all for coming up with different policy for the remaining /3s. Even if you want to argue that we have to keep handing out addresses while we develop that policy, I’ll say you can hand out the second /3 in the same way while we develop the more restrictive policy for the remaining 74.9999999999% of the total address space. Short of something incredibly surprising, we’re not going to exhaust that first /3 in less than 50 years even if we give many /48s to every end site on the planet. In case of something really surprising, it would be even more surprising if we found a way to make IPv6 scale to that on many levels other than address space: 1. IPv6 developers punted on the routing problem and insisted that aggregation was the desired alternative to solving the routing problem. In reality, I think this will most likely be the first scaling limit we see in IPv6, but I could be wrong. Aggregation is somewhere between inconvenient and infeasible as we have seen with IPv4 where we managed to get some small gains when aggregation was first introduced and we took the routing table from ~65,000 entries to ~45,000. Look where it is now. More than 500,000 entries and continuing to grow. More multihoming and more individual PI prefixes are going to become the norm, not less. 2. IP is a relatively high overhead protocol. Putting an IPv6 stack into a molecule-sized device is, in fact, unlikely because of the limits of storage for software in a molecule-sized device. Nanobots ala Big Hero-6, sure… Do you really think they needed more than a /48 to address every nanobot on the screen throughout the entire movie? I bet you could probably give a unique address to every nanobot in every frame of the movie and still not burn through a /48. So of the 400 /48s we can give each person on earth, let’s dedicate 100 of them to running their nanobots. We’ve still got 300 /48s available, of which 1 will run the rest of their household and we have 299 in reserve. Yes, their premise is wrong. They are optimizing for the wrong thing.
As an aside, someone else has stated that for one reason or another IPv6 is unlikely to last more than a couple of decades, and so even if something crazy happened to deplete it, the replacement would be in place anyhow before it could. I would like to ask what about the last 20 years of IPv6 adoption in the face of v4 exhaustion inspires someone to believe that just because it's better that people will be willing to make the change over?
I try to avoid “20 years”, but instead say “50 years”. The reality is that in any wildest projection of current policies and crazy scientific development, the first /3 lasts more than 100 years. If you don’t think IPv4 is past its useful lifetime, you aren’t paying attention. However, even assuming that IPv4 (RFC791, September, 1981) lasts another 10 years, that would be a total protocol life time of (2025-1981 =) 44 years. Yes, there will still be islands of IPv4 utilization floating around well past that time just as there are still islands of NCP today. Oh, wait… Just as there are islands of IPX today. However, nobody will route IPv4 natively on the global internet 10 years from now. It will have gone the way of latin. Scholars will remember it, but it will not have much in the way of day-to-day utilization except in specialized circumstances. I don’t think people will make the change just because it’s better. I think just as is the case now, somewhere within the next 50 years, people will move away from IPv6 because we hit some other limitation baked into the protocol and we had to move on. As long as we have enough addresses to make sure that address shortage is not the cause of protocol end-of-life, any additional conservatism is, in fact, just waste. If it has negative impact on development, then it is even worse than waste, it is actually harmful. Owen

On 7/15/15 12:43 PM, George Metz wrote:
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Doug Barton <dougb@dougbarton.us <mailto:dougb@dougbarton.us>> wrote:
On 7/15/15 8:20 AM, George Metz wrote:
Also, as Owen pointed out, the original concept for IPv6 networking was a 64 bit address space all along. The "extra" (or some would say, "wasted") 64 bits were tacked on later.
Still oodles of addresses, but worth noting and is probably one reason why some of the "conservationists" react the way they do.
It's easy to look at the mandatory /64 limit and say "See, the address space is cut in half to start with!" but it's not accurate. Depending on who's using it a single /64 could have thousands of devices, up to the limit of the broadcast domain on the network gear. At minimum even for a home user you're going to get "several" devices.
Allow me to rephrase: "A single /32 could have thousands of devices, up to the limit of a 10/8 NATted behind it". This, plus the fact that it WAS originally 64-bit and was expanded to include RA/SLAAC, is why I chose that analogy.
Sure, so in that context it's a valid analogy, but my point still stands. We're not talking about routable/PI space for customers, even at the /48 level. Now it is true that the CW seems to be leaning towards /48 being the largest routable prefix *for commercial networks*, but that's orthogonal to the issue of home users.
I do see that as a possibility, however in this world that you're positing, how many of those molecules need to talk to the big-I Internet? Certainly they need to communicate internally, but do they need routable space? Also, stay tuned for some math homework. :)
So, you're advising that all these trillions of nanites should, what, use NAT? Unroutable IP space of another kind? Why would we do that when we've already got virtually unlimited v6 address space?
See what I mean? Personally I'd suspect something involving quantum states would be more likely for information passage, but who knows what the end result is?
I very carefully tried to skirt the issue, since NAT is a hot-button topic for the most ardent of the IPv6 zealots. You were positing a world where we need addressing at a molecular level, my point is simply that in that world we may or may not be dealing with publicly routable space; but *more importantly*, even if we are, we're still covered.
I wrote my email as a way of pointing out that maybe the concerns (on both sides)- aren't baseless,
Please note that I try very hard not to dismiss anyone's concerns as baseless, whether I agree with them or not. As I mentioned in my previous message, I believe I have a pretty good understanding of how the "IPv6 conservationists" think. My concern however is that while their concerns have a basis, their premise is wrong.
I wasn't intending yourself as the recipient keep in mind. However, IS their premise wrong? Is prudence looking at incomprehensible numbers and saying "we're so unlikely to run out that it just doesn't matter"
Yeah, that's totally not what I'm saying, and I don't think even the most ardent IPv6 zealot is saying it either. What I'm saying is that there is a very solid, mathematical foundation on which to base the conclusion that ISPs handing out /48s to end users is a very reasonable thing to do.
or is prudence "Well, we have no idea what's coming, so let's be a little less wild-haired in the early periods"? The theory being it's a lot harder to take away that /48 30 years from now than it is to just assign the rest of it to go along with the /56 (or /52 or whatever) if it turns out they're needed. I personally like your idea of reserving the /48 and issuing the /56.
Thanks. :) I do recognize that even with all of the math in the world we don't know what the world will look like in 20 years, so *some degree* of pragmatism is valuable, especially as we're ramping up deployment. But your argument that it'll be hard to take away the /48 is almost certainly wrong. This isn't like handling out "Class A's" and "Class B's" in the early days of IPv4, when we're talking home users we're talking about PA space, which can be withdrawn at will. Even at the RIR level, assuming some unimaginable future where 400+ /48s per human on the planet isn't enough, they can simply revise their policies to require justification at some other level per user than /48, thereby proclaiming that an ISP's existing space is "adequate" by administrative fiat. In that sense I actually believe that we've learned the lessons from the early days of IPv4, and that we've adequately accounted for them in the current set of policies. ... and not to flog the expired equine, but we're still only talking about 1/8 of the available space. I'm not being snarky when I say that we really are dealing with numbers that are so large that it's hard for the human mind to comprehend them.
That's not splitting the difference. :) A /56 is half way between a /48 and a /64. That's 256 /64s, for those keeping score at home.
It's splitting the difference between a /56 and a /48. I can't imagine short of the Nanotech Revolution that anyone really needs eight thousand separate networks, and even then... Besides, I recall someone at some point being grumpy about oddly numbered masks, and a /51 is probably going to trip that. :)
The issue is more nibble boundaries than odd-numbered masks. But my point wasn't really to say "/56 is the right answer," since it's not, /48 is. :)
I think folks are missing the point in part of the conservationists, and all the math in the world isn't going to change that. While the... let's call them IPv6 Libertines... are arguing that there's no mathematically foreseeable way we're going to run out of addresses even at /48s for the proverbial soda cans, the conservationists are going, "Yes, you do math wonderfully. Meantime is it REALLY causing anguish for someone to only get 256 (or 1024, or 4096) networks as opposed to 65,536 of them? If not, why not go with the smaller one? It bulletproofs us against the unforeseen to an extent."
The short answer to your question is, "Yes." The longer answer is that we are only just starting down the road of what's going to be possible for home users with IPv6. There is already a desire to use multiple different subnets, and nested routers. My personal feeling is that 256 networks (a /56) is going to be enough for the foreseeable future, but the point Owen has made quite eloquently is that we don't want to hamstring these efforts from the outset with something ludicrously small. So it really isn't a matter of not understanding the conservationists, it's more a matter that the math really does work. But even given all that, I still advise to reserve the /48, and allocate the /56, then as the next couple of years go by it will become increasingly obvious what the right answer is, and no matter who was "right" we'll still have all the space we need. I'm glad that we seem to have reached agreement on that point at least. :) Doug -- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

George Metz wrote:
snip Split the difference, go with a /52
That's not splitting the difference. :) A /56 is half way between a /48 and a /64. That's 256 /64s, for those keeping score at home.
It's splitting the difference between a /56 and a /48. I can't imagine short of the Nanotech Revolution that anyone really needs eight thousand separate networks, and even then... Besides, I recall someone at some point being grumpy about oddly numbered masks, and a /51 is probably going to trip that. :)
I think folks are missing the point in part of the conservationists, and all the math in the world isn't going to change that. While the... let's call them IPv6 Libertines... are arguing that there's no mathematically foreseeable way we're going to run out of addresses even at /48s for the proverbial soda cans, the conservationists are going, "Yes, you do math wonderfully. Meantime is it REALLY causing anguish for someone to only get 256 (or 1024, or 4096) networks as opposed to 65,536 of them? If not, why not go with the smaller one? It bulletproofs us against the unforeseen to an extent."
You are looking at this from the perspective of a network manager, and not considering the implications of implementing plug-n-play for consumers. A network manager can construct a very efficient topology with a small number of bits, but automation has to make "gross waste" trade-offs to "just work" when a consumer plugs things together without understanding the technology constraints. Essentially the conservationist argument is demanding waste, because the unallocated prefixes will still be sitting on the shelf in 400 years. It would be better to allocate them now and allow innovation at the cpe level, rather than make it too costly for cpe vendors to work around all the random allocation sizes in addition to the random ways people plug the devices together.
As an aside, someone else has stated that for one reason or another IPv6 is unlikely to last more than a couple of decades, and so even if something crazy happened to deplete it, the replacement would be in place anyhow before it could. I would like to ask what about the last 20 years of IPv6 adoption in the face of v4 exhaustion inspires someone to believe that just because it's better that people will be willing to make the change over?
TDM voice providers had 100 years of history on their side, but voip won, because cheaper always wins.

In message <CANjVB-jbtc4V5yba0xtGA7N5geQcz86hvydj4J9J8UxhzMMEZw@mail.gmail.com> , George Metz writes:
That's all well and good Owen, and the math is compelling, but 30 years ago if you'd told anyone that we'd go through all four billion IPv4 addresses in anyone's lifetime, they'd have looked at you like you were stark raving mad.
I did that math ~30 years ago '88, when I got my first address blocks, and realised that IPv4 wasn't sustainable then.
That's what's really got most of the people who want (dare I say more sane?) more restrictive allocations to be the default concerned; 30 years ago the math for how long IPv4 would last would have been compelling as well, which is why we have the entire Class E block just unusable and large blocks of IP address space that people were handed for no particular reason than it sounded like a good idea at the time.
We don't use Class E because were using up IPv4 space too quickly to make it worthwhile to make it work cleanly for everyone. Note also the other 7/8ths the IPv6 space is reserved for unicast addresses. Class E was reserved for experimentation so in reality there is no comparison.
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
How many sites per person on the planet do you see in use in a 100 years, 1000 years. Out of this 1/8th there is around 350 per / person with /48's.
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
How so?
There are 8192 /16s in the current /3.
ISPs with that many pops at 5,000,000 end-sites per POP, even assuming 32 end-sites per person can=E2=80=99t really be all that many=E2=80=A6
25 POPS at 5,000,000 end-sites each is 125,000,000 end-sites per ISP.
7,000,000,000 * 32 =3D 224,000,000,000 / 125,000,000 =3D 1,792 total /16s consumed.
Really, if we burn through all 8,192 of them in less than 50 years and I= =E2=80=99m still alive when we do, I=E2=80=99ll help you promote more restrictive policy to be e= nacted while we burn through the second /3. That=E2=80=99ll still leave us 75% of the add= ress space to work with on that new policy.
If you want to look at places where IPv6 is really getting wasted, let=E2= =80=99s talk about an entire /9 reserved without an RFC to make it usable or it=E2=80=99s pa= rtner /9 with an RFC to make it mostly useless, but popular among those few remaining NAT fanboys. Together that constitutes 1/256th of the address space cast off = to waste.
Yeah, I=E2=80=99m not too worried about the ISPs that can legitimately ju= stify a /16.
On Jul 13, 2015, at 16:16 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
JimBob=E2=80=99s ISP can apply to ARIN for a /16
Like I said, very possibly not a good thing for the address space.
-- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <CANjVB-jbtc4V5yba0xtGA7N5geQcz86hvydj4J9J8UxhzMMEZw@mail.gmail.com>
We don't use Class E because were using up IPv4 space too quickly to make it worthwhile to make it work cleanly for everyone.
That is a self fulfilling prophecy. I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents. Seems like procrastination is only bad when its your baby. The jury is still out on class E, but the verdict is in for the community who created it. Joe

On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <CANjVB-jbtc4V5yba0xtGA7N5geQcz86hvydj4J9J8UxhzMMEZw@mail.gmail.com>
We don't use Class E because were using up IPv4 space too quickly to make it worthwhile to make it work cleanly for everyone.
That is a self fulfilling prophecy.
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
Seems like procrastination is only bad when its your baby.
The jury is still out on class E, but the verdict is in for the community who created it.
joel@ubuntu:~$ uname -a Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-44-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 04:01:04 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux joel@ubuntu:~$ sudo ifconfig eth0:0 SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address now go test that on every exisitng ipv4 device on the planet that's not getting an upgrade. it doesn't extend the life of ipv4 usefully and it wouldn't have if we started 10 years ago either. the goal in stringing along ipv4 is to not hose your current or potential customers rather than prevent still more obstacles to their success. joel

joel jaeggli wrote:
On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
The jury is still out on class E, but the verdict is in for the community who created it.
joel@ubuntu:~$ uname -a Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-44-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 04:01:04 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
joel@ubuntu:~$ sudo ifconfig eth0:0 SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address
So your point is that those who claimed it would not help managed to make it so? Would it have really hurt to remove experimental status and replace it with use at your own risk status? Even now?
now go test that on every exisitng ipv4 device on the planet that's not getting an upgrade.
Thanks to (continuing) shortsightedness that course of action is still foreclosed.
it doesn't extend the life of ipv4 usefully and it wouldn't have if we started 10 years ago either.
You dont know either of those. However, by continuing to insist on them, you make it so.
the goal in stringing along ipv4 is to not hose your current or potential customers rather than prevent still more obstacles to their success.
At this point, you are running the risk of conflating your goals with your technical objections to the goals of others. And this has always been the real underlying issue. Joe

In message <55A6EE2B.5040201@ttec.com>, Joe Maimon writes:
joel jaeggli wrote:
On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
The jury is still out on class E, but the verdict is in for the community who created it.
joel@ubuntu:~$ uname -a Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-44-generic #66~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 04:01:04 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
joel@ubuntu:~$ sudo ifconfig eth0:0 SIOCSIFADDR: Invalid argument SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address SIOCSIFNETMASK: Cannot assign requested address
So your point is that those who claimed it would not help managed to make it so?
No. The test was there before the requests which is why people were saying that it wouldn't work without upgrading lots of machines.
Would it have really hurt to remove experimental status and replace it with use at your own risk status? Even now?
No, but you couldn't assign the addresses to users for another decade or more without there being problems. We still haven't removed all the class based code out there and that is 20 years now. For quite a while one had to be careful to not use the first and last blocks when subnetting. The use of addresses ending in .0 (class C) or .0.0 (class B) is still problematic with supernets.
now go test that on every exisitng ipv4 device on the planet that's not getting an upgrade.
Thanks to (continuing) shortsightedness that course of action is still foreclosed.
it doesn't extend the life of ipv4 usefully and it wouldn't have if we started 10 years ago either.
You dont know either of those.
However, by continuing to insist on them, you make it so.
Do you think adding 2 more years would have done anything except let people procrastinate for 2 more years before starting to deploy IPv6? Vendors have had 15 years to develop products that support IPv6. That was more than enough time. We added IPv6 support to BIND back in the 1990's. DHCP has supported IPv6 just about as long. F was running on IPv6 years before the root servers officially supported IPv6. Just in time is nice if it works but it hasn't. We have people that are only contactable over IPv6 because they are now behind CGNs but everyone doesn't have IPv6 available to them. That is a failure of the industry to deploy IPv6 in time.
the goal in stringing along ipv4 is to not hose your current or potential customers rather than prevent still more obstacles to their success.
At this point, you are running the risk of conflating your goals with your technical objections to the goals of others. And this has always been the real underlying issue.
Joe -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

On 7/15/15 4:35 PM, Joe Maimon wrote: <snip>
At this point, you are running the risk of conflating your goals with your technical objections to the goals of others. And this has always been the real underlying issue.
My goal in an operational capacity is to continue to hold onto the quality and utility of IPv4 services until my customers don't need them anymore whether that comes 5 years from now, 10 or never. balkanzing them on the basis of what prefixes they can reach, and consigning new or growning entrants to address ranges that poorly serve the installed base doesn't serve that end. IPv4 as a mature deployed technology is quite successful at resisting innovation whether in the forwarding plane or at the transport. When I consider where I should be expending resources on IPv4 inovation or elsewhere, I look to minimize the NRE I have to expend sustaining IPv4.

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:35:07 -0400, Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
So your point is that those who claimed it would not help managed to make it so?
Would it have really hurt to remove experimental status and replace it with use at your own risk status? Even now?
No. The point is it's been wired into everything that has ever existed that it's an invalid address. Even if the "experimental" had been moved 15 years ago, there would still be devices today that CANNOT use one of those addresses, and further, is 100% incapable of talking to anything using one. Interestingly, Cisco, who proposed using the space, still has those restrictions embedded in everything they make. (Of course, their non-nexus switches still have token-ring and fddi translation vlans hardcoded.) Factor in the people who cannot do math and think multicast is "anything greater than", and you have a section of address space that is permanently unusable. (like and I'm not going to name names, but I've see proprietary code -- from more than one source -- that did that, because "bge [branch greater or equal] is a single instruction." If you think that's a "lame optimization", then you should be hunting down *everything* responsible for SLAAC.

On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
Globally we were burning through about a /8 every month or two in "the good old days." So in the best case scenario we'd get 32 more months of easy to get IPv4, but at an overwhelming cost to re-implement every network stack. This option was considered back in the early 2000's when I was still involved in the discussion, and rejected as impractical. -- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

Doug Barton wrote:
On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
Globally we were burning through about a /8 every month or two in "the good old days." So in the best case scenario we'd get 32 more months of easy to get IPv4, but at an overwhelming cost to re-implement every network stack.
This option was considered back in the early 2000's when I was still involved in the discussion, and rejected as impractical.
Removing experimental status does not equate with the burden of making it equivalent use to the rest of the address space. How about the ARIN burn rate post IANA runout? How long does 16 /8 last then? What would be wrong with removing experimental status and allowing one of the /8 to be used for low barrier to /16 assignment to any party demonstrating a willingness to coax usability of the space? Yes, any such effort has to run the gauntlet of IETF/IANA/RIR policy. CGN /10 managed. This could too, if all the naysayers would just step out of the way.

On Jul 15, 2015, at 7:45 PM, Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Doug Barton wrote:
On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
Globally we were burning through about a /8 every month or two in "the good old days." So in the best case scenario we'd get 32 more months of easy to get IPv4, but at an overwhelming cost to re-implement every network stack.
This option was considered back in the early 2000's when I was still involved in the discussion, and rejected as impractical.
Removing experimental status does not equate with the burden of making it equivalent use to the rest of the address space.
How about the ARIN burn rate post IANA runout? How long does 16 /8 last then?
What would be wrong with removing experimental status and allowing one of the /8 to be used for low barrier to /16 assignment to any party demonstrating a willingness to coax usability of the space?
Yes, any such effort has to run the gauntlet of IETF/IANA/RIR policy.
CGN /10 managed. This could too, if all the naysayers would just step out of the way.
This isn’t really a giant set of naysayers IMHO, but there is enough embedded logic in devices that it doesn’t make that much sense. Either you can survive with some type of NAT or you can’t. Many of my devices would not be missing capabilities if I had just IPv6 on them with some gateway to reach the IPv4 internet. I could likely make a short list of the sites that I really need access to that are IPv4 only. With Amazon/Walmart day, they would be well suited to have a fast IPv6 site :) It’s just a few operating systems that need to be changed: windows linux various *bsd flavors macos I don’t think it’s impossible, but so many things check for 224 > A > 1 it would be a large bit of work to fix those. This is excluding the routing equipment. What i’ve learned is that stuff like the netgear/linksys you have at your house spends around ~6 months in the supply chain before it reaches you. these all need to be updated as well as the “big iron” stuff like cisco/juniper/arista as well as their embedded OS underneath, so maybe QNX or something else ‘odd’. That effort would need to have everyone moving in the same direction now which seems unlikely. - Jared

Jared Mauch wrote:
This isn’t really a giant set of naysayers IMHO, but there is enough embedded logic in devices that it doesn’t make that much sense.
Enough to scuttle all previous drafts.
a little google comes up with this http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linux/kernel/866043 It defies reason to compare that kind of update to ipv6.
various *bsd flavors
That effort would need to have everyone moving in the same direction now which seems unlikely.
- Jared
All I ever wanted to see was that the (minimal) effort was made possible. No guarantee of its success should be required for that. Even now. Because by doing so, you guarantee failure. Joe

Joe Maimon wrote:
Jared Mauch wrote:
This isn’t really a giant set of naysayers IMHO, but there is enough
embedded logic in devices that it doesn’t make that much sense.
Enough to scuttle all previous drafts.
a little google comes up with this
It defies reason to compare that kind of update to ipv6.
various *bsd flavors
That effort would need to have everyone moving in the same direction now which seems unlikely.
- Jared
All I ever wanted to see was that the (minimal) effort was made possible. No guarantee of its success should be required for that. Even now.
Because by doing so, you guarantee failure.
Joe, It appears you are asking for the world to sanction your local efforts. There is nothing stopping you from deploying and using that space if you can. Asking for a change in the standards status though will only lead to confusion and anguish. If 15 years ago it had been, or would now be changed to unicast, people would expect to be able to use it as they use the rest of the space. Those with access to source for all their devices could accomplish that, but everyone else would have to beat on vendors and wait an indeterminate time to get usable code, and that still would not fix rom based devices. On the other hand people with source don't need any standards change, they can just turn it on. If you want the additional effort to manage a global distribution of the space so it is not just an extension of 1918, then you have to acknowledge that it would only last a few weeks at best. While ARIN managed to change policy and slow things down, when APnic flamed out they burned through 6 /8's in 8 weeks and were accelerating, while Ripe was burning through one every 3 months, and Lacnic was accelerating through their last one over 4 months. So ignoring pent up demand since they have all been out for awhile now, and assuming that they space was generically usable, you get 8 weeks tops. Recognizing that they are not generically usable though it will likely take quite a bit longer than that. This is not being a naysayer, it is simply presenting issues that have been raised and considered many times over the last 15 years. There is a lot of work to make that space usable, and as you pointed out above the smallest part of that is the code change. In the context of the amount of work required in relation to the few weeks of gain that would result, it has always been difficult to establish much interest. At the end of the day it is not that much more work to fix all the devices to run IPv6. At that point you have no limitations, while 240/4 still leads to the place where the IPv4 pool is exhausted. Tony

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 08:13:52PM -0400, Joe Maimon wrote:
Because by doing so, you guarantee failure.
I'll take personal responsibility for the class E space not working if that makes you feel better. I suspect it would be easier to get to work than 240-254 space. Think of the children with tablets/devices that can't be upgraded due to orphaned software by Android and Apple. The list goes on and on.. - Jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.

On Jul 15, 2015, at 16:45 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Doug Barton wrote:
On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
Globally we were burning through about a /8 every month or two in "the good old days." So in the best case scenario we'd get 32 more months of easy to get IPv4, but at an overwhelming cost to re-implement every network stack.
This option was considered back in the early 2000's when I was still involved in the discussion, and rejected as impractical.
Removing experimental status does not equate with the burden of making it equivalent use to the rest of the address space.
How about the ARIN burn rate post IANA runout? How long does 16 /8 last then?
Assuming you could somehow make 16 /8s available, do you really think that anyone would accept the idea of allocating all of them to a single RIR, let alone the one in North America? I tend to doubt it. So ARIN’s burn rate post-runout really isn’t all that relevant.
What would be wrong with removing experimental status and allowing one of the /8 to be used for low barrier to /16 assignment to any party demonstrating a willingness to coax usability of the space?
The wasted effort of people whose time is better spent deploying IPv6.
Yes, any such effort has to run the gauntlet of IETF/IANA/RIR policy.
Which I would rather have those folks focused on something useful than wasting their time on this.
CGN /10 managed. This could too, if all the naysayers would just step out of the way.
The /10 did not require modifying every system on the internet or even any systems on the internet. It just required setting aside a block. Even then, it was actually more effort than it should have required, but it was pretty minimal. OTOH, it provided an actual usable solution to a real world problem. What you are proposing just wastes a lot of people’s time with nothing to show for it. Owen

On 7/15/15 4:45 PM, Joe Maimon wrote:
Doug Barton wrote:
On 7/15/15 10:24 AM, Joe Maimon wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
Globally we were burning through about a /8 every month or two in "the good old days." So in the best case scenario we'd get 32 more months of easy to get IPv4, but at an overwhelming cost to re-implement every network stack.
This option was considered back in the early 2000's when I was still involved in the discussion, and rejected as impractical.
Removing experimental status does not equate with the burden of making it equivalent use to the rest of the address space.
How about the ARIN burn rate post IANA runout? How long does 16 /8 last then?
What would be wrong with removing experimental status and allowing one of the /8 to be used for low barrier to /16 assignment to any party demonstrating a willingness to coax usability of the space?
Yes, any such effort has to run the gauntlet of IETF/IANA/RIR policy.
CGN /10 managed. This could too, if all the naysayers would just step out of the way.
Joe, In this post, and in your many other posts today, you seem to be asserting that this would work if "$THEY" would just get out of the way, and let it work. You've also said explicitly that you believe that this is an example of top-down dictates. I know you may find this hard to believe, but neither of these ideas turn out to be accurate. A little history ... In 2004 I was the manager of the IANA. Tony Hain came to me and said that he'd been crunching some numbers and his preliminary research indicated that the burn rate on IPv4 was increasing fairly dramatically, and that runout was likely to happen a lot sooner than folks expected it would. Various people started doing their own research along similar lines and confirmed Tony's findings. So amongst many others, I started taking various steps to "get ready" for IPv4 runout. One of those steps was to talk to folks about the feasibility of utilizing Class E space. Now keep in mind that I have no dog in this hunt. I've never been part of an RIR, I've never worked for a network gear company, I'm a DNS guy. To me, bits are bits. I was told, universally, that there was no way to make Class E space work, in the public Internet or private networks (because the latter was being considered as an expansion of 1918). There are just too many barriers, not the least of which is the overwhelming number of person-years it would take to rewrite all the software that has assumptions about Class E space hard coded. Further, the vendors we spoke to said that they had no intention of putting one minute's worth of work into that project, because the ROI was basically zero. In order for address space to "work" the standard is universal acceptance ... and that was simply never going to happen. There are literally hundreds of millions of devices in active use right now that would never work with Class E space because they cannot be updated. Of course it's also true that various folks, particularly the IETF leadership, were/are very gung ho that IPv6 is the right answer, so any effort put into making Class E space work is wasted effort; which should be spent on deploying IPv6. On a *personal* level I agree with that sentiment, but (to the extent I'm capable of being objective) I didn't let that feeling color my effort to get an honest answer from the many folks I talked to about this. But all that said, nothing is stopping YOU from working on it. :) The IETF can't stop you, the vendors can't stop you, no one can stop you ... if you think you can make it work, by all means, prove us all wrong. :) Find some others that agree with you, work on the code, do the interoperability tests, and present your work. You never know what might happen. In the meantime, please stop saying that not using this space was dictated from the top down, or that any one party/cabal/etc. is holding you back, because neither of those are accurate. Good luck, Doug -- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

Doug Barton wrote:
In this post, and in your many other posts today, you seem to be asserting that this would work if "$THEY" would just get out of the way, and let it work. You've also said explicitly that you believe that this is an example of top-down dictates. I know you may find this hard to believe, but neither of these ideas turn out to be accurate. A little history ...
In 2004 I was the manager of the IANA. Tony Hain came to me and said that he'd been crunching some numbers and his preliminary research indicated that the burn rate on IPv4 was increasing fairly dramatically, and that runout was likely to happen a lot sooner than folks expected it would. Various people started doing their own research along similar lines and confirmed Tony's findings.
So amongst many others, I started taking various steps to "get ready" for IPv4 runout. One of those steps was to talk to folks about the feasibility of utilizing Class E space. Now keep in mind that I have no dog in this hunt. I've never been part of an RIR, I've never worked for a network gear company, I'm a DNS guy. To me, bits are bits.
I was told, universally, that there was no way to make Class E space work, in the public Internet or private networks (because the latter was being considered as an expansion of 1918). There are just too many barriers, not the least of which is the overwhelming number of person-years it would take to rewrite all the software that has assumptions about Class E space hard coded.
Further, the vendors we spoke to said that they had no intention of putting one minute's worth of work into that project, because the ROI was basically zero. In order for address space to "work" the standard is universal acceptance ... and that was simply never going to happen. There are literally hundreds of millions of devices in active use right now that would never work with Class E space because they cannot be updated.
Of course it's also true that various folks, particularly the IETF leadership, were/are very gung ho that IPv6 is the right answer, so any effort put into making Class E space work is wasted effort; which should be spent on deploying IPv6. On a *personal* level I agree with that sentiment, but (to the extent I'm capable of being objective) I didn't let that feeling color my effort to get an honest answer from the many folks I talked to about this.
But all that said, nothing is stopping YOU from working on it. :) The IETF can't stop you, the vendors can't stop you, no one can stop you ... if you think you can make it work, by all means, prove us all wrong. :) Find some others that agree with you, work on the code, do the interoperability tests, and present your work. You never know what might happen.
In the meantime, please stop saying that not using this space was dictated from the top down, or that any one party/cabal/etc. is holding you back, because neither of those are accurate.
Good luck,
Thanks for the this. To clarify, my criticism of top down is specifically in response to the rationale presented that it is a valid objective to prevent, hinder and refuse to enable efforts that "compete" with ipv6 world-takeover resources. I have no intention of using Class E. I have no intention of developing code that uses Classe E. I will note that the code involved that is publicly searchable appears to be simple and small, the task that is large is adoption spread. But perhaps we can all agree that standards should be accurate and should not be used to advance uninvolved agenda. And class E experimental status is inaccurate. And keeping that status serves nobody, except those who believe it helps marshal efforts away from IPv4. And that is top down. Burn rate is specious. Applying liberally constrained green-field burn-rate as a projection of ROI on brownfield space likely to be heavily constrained by market force if nothing else is wholly inapplicable and inaccurate. Joe

Hi, Dual stack is where we need to go 'now', but we need to think about the future where we run an IPv6 only stack and stop thinking how to leverage, extend, expand and create ugly IPv4 solutions. IPv4 is done; it served its purpose well, thank you. We need a date where IPv4 is no longer routed on the Internet. I am suggesting 4/4/2024. Whatever the timeline, we need to agree on the date and drive toward a common goal for a better Internet. My 2 Canadian cents :-) Jack
-----Original Message----- From: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] On Behalf Of Joe Maimon Sent: July-16-15 11:24 AM To: Doug Barton; nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Doug Barton wrote:
In this post, and in your many other posts today, you seem to be asserting that this would work if "$THEY" would just get out of the way, and let it work. You've also said explicitly that you believe that this is an example of top-down dictates. I know you may find this hard to believe, but neither of these ideas turn out to be accurate. A little history ...
In 2004 I was the manager of the IANA. Tony Hain came to me and said that he'd been crunching some numbers and his preliminary research indicated that the burn rate on IPv4 was increasing fairly dramatically, and that runout was likely to happen a lot sooner than folks expected it would. Various people started doing their own research along similar lines and confirmed Tony's findings.
So amongst many others, I started taking various steps to "get ready" for IPv4 runout. One of those steps was to talk to folks about the feasibility of utilizing Class E space. Now keep in mind that I have no dog in this hunt. I've never been part of an RIR, I've never worked for a network gear company, I'm a DNS guy. To me, bits are bits.
I was told, universally, that there was no way to make Class E space work, in the public Internet or private networks (because the latter was being considered as an expansion of 1918). There are just too many barriers, not the least of which is the overwhelming number of person-years it would take to rewrite all the software that has assumptions about Class E space hard coded.
Further, the vendors we spoke to said that they had no intention of putting one minute's worth of work into that project, because the ROI was basically zero. In order for address space to "work" the standard is universal acceptance ... and that was simply never going to happen. There are literally hundreds of millions of devices in active use right now that would never work with Class E space because they cannot be updated.
Of course it's also true that various folks, particularly the IETF leadership, were/are very gung ho that IPv6 is the right answer, so any effort put into making Class E space work is wasted effort; which should be spent on deploying IPv6. On a *personal* level I agree with that sentiment, but (to the extent I'm capable of being objective) I didn't let that feeling color my effort to get an honest answer from the many folks I talked to about this.
But all that said, nothing is stopping YOU from working on it. :) The IETF can't stop you, the vendors can't stop you, no one can stop you ... if you think you can make it work, by all means, prove us all wrong. :) Find some others that agree with you, work on the code, do the interoperability tests, and present your work. You never know what might happen.
In the meantime, please stop saying that not using this space was dictated from the top down, or that any one party/cabal/etc. is holding you back, because neither of those are accurate.
Good luck,
Thanks for the this.
To clarify, my criticism of top down is specifically in response to the rationale presented that it is a valid objective to prevent, hinder and refuse to enable efforts that "compete" with ipv6 world-takeover resources.
I have no intention of using Class E. I have no intention of developing code that uses Classe E. I will note that the code involved that is publicly searchable appears to be simple and small, the task that is large is adoption spread.
But perhaps we can all agree that standards should be accurate and should not be used to advance uninvolved agenda. And class E experimental status is inaccurate. And keeping that status serves nobody, except those who believe it helps marshal efforts away from IPv4. And that is top down.
Burn rate is specious. Applying liberally constrained green-field burn-rate as a projection of ROI on brownfield space likely to be heavily constrained by market force if nothing else is wholly inapplicable and inaccurate.

Jacques Latour wrote:
Dual stack is where we need to go 'now', but we need to think about the future where we run an IPv6 only stack and stop thinking how to leverage, extend, expand and create ugly IPv4 solutions. IPv4 is done; it served its purpose well, thank you. We need a date where IPv4 is no longer routed on the Internet. I am suggesting 4/4/2024. Whatever the timeline, we need to agree on the date and drive toward a common goal for a better Internet.
My 2 Canadian cents :-)
Just as nobody is preventing you from going ipv6 only right now, I advocate against hindering anybody going ipv4 only for as long as they want/can. You may not like the results, but that does not make a top down approach any better a choice. Joe

In message <55A812A1.6020007@ttec.com>, Joe Maimon writes:
Jacques Latour wrote:
Dual stack is where we need to go 'now', but we need to think about the fut ure where we run an IPv6 only stack and stop thinking how to leverage, extend , expand and create ugly IPv4 solutions. IPv4 is done; it served its purpose well, thank you. We need a date where IPv4 is no longer routed on the Interne t. I am suggesting 4/4/2024. Whatever the timeline, we need to agree on the d ate and drive toward a common goal for a better Internet.
My 2 Canadian cents :-)
Just as nobody is preventing you from going ipv6 only right now, I advocate against hindering anybody going ipv4 only for as long as they want/can.
There is nothing stopping you experimenting with class E addresses behind a NAT. Talk to your vendors to lift the restrictions and route the packets as unicast packets. Note this really doesn't help with the global shortage.
You may not like the results, but that does not make a top down approach any better a choice.
Turning Class E into global unicast is nearly as big a project as getting IPv6 deployed everywhere. There is lots of equipement that can't make the jump. Even starting 15 years ago we would still not be in a good faith position to hand the addresses out to be used by anyone to talk to anyone. Both end boxes have to support it and all the routers in between have to support it. It's not just about being able to assign the address locally. Its about everything involed in the path being able to route to/from the addresses. Keeping IPv4 going longer required more publically routeable IPv4 space and class E was never it.
Joe -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

Just as nobody is preventing you from going ipv6 only right now, I advocate against hindering anybody going ipv4 only for as long as they want/can.
Nobody's hindering you. You can get NAT boxes of all shapes and sizes. If you want to mess around with class E addresses on your own network, go ahead, nobody's hindering you there, either. But you're asking other people to spend their own time and money to change their equipment to handle class E. For reasons discussed at length, no. If you're offering to pay their costs, on the other hand, ... R's, John

John Levine wrote:
Just as nobody is preventing you from going ipv6 only right now, I advocate against hindering anybody going ipv4 only for as long as they want/can.
But you're asking other people to spend their own time and money to change their equipment to handle class E. For reasons discussed at length, no.
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
If you're offering to pay their costs, on the other hand, ...
R's, John

On 17 July 2015 at 00:29, Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
If I understand correctly you want someone (not you) to write a RFC that changes the word "experimental" to "something else". But you do not want IANA and the 5 RIRs to implement policies to hand out this space. Nor do you expect any vendor to change anything? May i then suggest that "something else" could be "junk" or "useless" ? Fact is that it is junk. It is probably not even routable in the default free zone. Nobody is going to want a class E address. Even if your own equipment was updated to allow it, you would not be able to communicate with most of the internet. Tell me, in what timeframe do you expect that would change, if someone did write that RFC and got it approved? What everyone here is trying to tell you is that the consensus is that timeframe would be very long indeed. There are people using routers with 10+ year old firmware and you just wouldn't be able to communicate with these guys. There would be no transition plan. No NAT64, no dualstack nor any other mechanism that would save the day. Your customers would be very unhappy with your service. If YouTube had their servers on a class E address, my smart TV would stop being able to play YouTube. Samsung stopped making updates to that TV long ago. NAT wont do anything to help my TV as NAT only maps my internal network (192.168.x.y) and not the external IP (the class E address of say YouTube). Lets say we declare that 10 years has to pass and then it is my problem if I am still hanging onto such an old TV. But honestly, in 10 years nobody is going to care. It is all IPv6 by then. And the few things that are not is all taken care of by various transition technologies. You got it all wrong when you believe it is a top down decision. It is the opposite. You are fighting _consensus_. Nobody wants to change the status of class E because it would not work and would only confuse. Regards, Baldur

Baldur Norddahl wrote:
On 17 July 2015 at 00:29, Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
If I understand correctly you want someone (not you) to write a RFC that changes the word "experimental" to "something else".
Yes. Even me.
But you do not want IANA and the 5 RIRs to implement policies to hand out this space.
I dont consider that a necessary part of status change.
Nor do you expect any vendor to change anything?
I dont expect them to change anything unless experimental/reserved for future potentially non-unicast protocol behavior is removed from IETF standards.
May i then suggest that "something else" could be "junk" or "useless" ?
Which would still render software that refused to allow use of the space non standards compliant, so I can accept that as a starting basis.
Fact is that it is junk. It is probably not even routable in the default free zone.
Anyone up for an experiment? Probably need to change the standards first.
Nobody is going to want a class E address. Even if your own equipment was updated to allow it, you would not be able to communicate with most of the internet. Tell me, in what timeframe do you expect that would change, if someone did write that RFC and got it approved?
A lot sooner if people would stop complaining that it takes too long. Otherwise, never.
You got it all wrong when you believe it is a top down decision. It is the opposite. You are fighting _consensus_. Nobody wants to change the status of class E because it would not work and would only confuse.
Plenty of people want(ed) to change the status. The objections of the naysayers amount(ed) to, we think it will take too long to be usable in equivalent fashion to current unicast, and we think if it ever is usable it wont be enough of a difference to have made it worth it and we want ipv6 instead so we dont want anyone to even try. Even if all those objections are valid, they still do not justify doing nothing. Joe

On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 18:29:48 -0400, Joe Maimon said:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
The problem is that if everybody gets out of the way and doesn't follow, your class E address is still *worthless*, because only "lead" and "follow" result in people updating their gear to support it. As I sit here: traceroute -A www.ttec.com traceroute to www.ttec.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 gateway ( [*] 1.572 ms 1.942 ms 3.574 ms 2 ( [AS7922] 12.148 ms 17.771 ms 18.312 ms 3 ( [AS7922] 16.262 ms 21.193 ms 22.037 ms 4 ae-18-0-ar02.charlvilleco.va.richmond.comcast.net ( [AS7922] 40.610 ms 27.332 ms 27.655 ms 5 he-1-1-0-0-10-cr02.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net ( [AS7922] 34.854 ms he-1-1-0-3-11-cr02.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net ( [AS7922] 36.627 ms he-1-1-0-1-11-cr02.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net ( [AS7922] 33.868 ms 6 he-0-10-0-1-pe07.ashburn.va.ibone.comcast.net ( [AS7922] 32.243 ms 16.216 ms 27.123 ms 7 50-248-119-82-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net ( [AS7922] 27.405 ms 33.886 ms 43.109 ms 8 100ge5-1.core1.nyc4.he.net ( [AS6939] 36.571 ms 37.881 ms 37.290 ms 9 ( [AS6939] 40.093 ms ( [AS6939] 38.234 ms ( [AS6939] 38.647 ms 10 noc08rt08-p1-16.noc08.chl.net ( [AS21719] 46.120 ms 46.462 ms 42.743 ms 11 * * * 12 webserver.ntcnct.net ( [AS21719] 33.937 ms 28.058 ms 30.344 ms You're on the hook for 3 boxes. Can you get the software vendors for all three to *not* be in "get out of the way"? (Remember how many years a lot of vendors spent playing "get out of the way" on IPv6 support, and how many are still doing it *now*...) Oh, and don't forget whatever webserver software and web authoring/management software... And the 9 boxes in between apparently belong to Comcast and HE, both of which have drunk the IPv6 koolaid. What's the business case for them to add Class E support to their networks? Yeah. There's a whole lot of motivation to get out of the way here, because most of the path thinks IPv6 is the right answer, and not much business case for any of the companies or vendors to either lead or follow on a class E repurposing...

On Jul 16, 2015, at 15:29 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
John Levine wrote:
Just as nobody is preventing you from going ipv6 only right now, I advocate against hindering anybody going ipv4 only for as long as they want/can.
But you're asking other people to spend their own time and money to change their equipment to handle class E. For reasons discussed at length, no.
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
Sometimes good leadership is knowing when to say “not just no, but hell no.” Owen

Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 16, 2015, at 15:29 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
Sometimes good leadership is knowing when to say “not just no, but hell no.”
This is not one of them. Your stated reason for hell no is that you want no distractions from ipv6 rollout. That is not leadership. That is dictatorship via tyranny of the minority, enabled by consensus, Joe

Dictatorship enabled by consensus == Democratic Republic, Welcome to America! On 7/17/15 12:17 PM, Joe Maimon wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 16, 2015, at 15:29 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
Sometimes good leadership is knowing when to say “not just no, but hell no.”
This is not one of them. Your stated reason for hell no is that you want no distractions from ipv6 rollout. That is not leadership. That is dictatorship via tyranny of the minority, enabled by consensus,

On Jul 17, 2015, at 09:17 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 16, 2015, at 15:29 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
All I am advocating is that if ever another draft standard comes along to enable people to try and make something of it, lead follow or get out of the way.
Sometimes good leadership is knowing when to say “not just no, but hell no.”
This is not one of them. Your stated reason for hell no is that you want no distractions from ipv6 rollout. That is not leadership. That is dictatorship via tyranny of the minority, enabled by consensus,
Tryanny of the minority enabled by consensus… That’s an amusing concept. If we were such a minority, how did we get consensus. Reality check, Joe… You’re pretty much the only one left still beating this drum. Owen

On 7/16/15, 11:24 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Joe Maimon" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
To clarify, my criticism of top down is specifically in response to the rationale presented that it is a valid objective to prevent, hinder and refuse to enable efforts that "compete" with ipv6 world-takeover resources.
I don¹t see anybody hindering any efforts; I don¹t see any efforts.
I have no intention of using Class E. I have no intention of developing code that uses Classe E. I will note that the code involved that is publicly searchable appears to be simple and small, the task that is large is adoption spread.
So this argument is moot?
But perhaps we can all agree that standards should be accurate and should not be used to advance uninvolved agenda. And class E experimental status is inaccurate. And keeping that status serves nobody, except those who believe it helps marshal efforts away from IPv4. And that is top down.
So, you would like to update RFC 1112, which defines and reserves Class E? That¹s easy enough. If somebody had a use in mind for the space, anybody can write such a draft assigning space, which is, I believe, how to direct IANA to do something with it. If you want to direct IANA to distribute Class E space among the RIRs, there¹s more process, because you would also have to develop a global policy (no problem, we get the NRO NC to write it and get consensus at all the RIRs), and then each RIR would need to develop a policy under which to allocate it. I¹d be surprised if all that could happen in less than three years. In any of these processes, nothing will move forward until there is consensus, and I don¹t think there¹s consensus. If you think your argument can be persuasive, let¹s write an internet-draft and get it into the process. Lee

Lee Howard wrote:
I don¹t see anybody hindering any efforts; I don¹t see any efforts.
There were efforts in the past. I am highlighting our malfeasance as a community in our past behavior. I have little hope of it changing in the future, but I can vent about it every couple years or so. You take the un-initiated and explain to them the actual utilization percentage of the bitspace and then you explain why they should trust us with bitspace management the second time around.
So, you would like to update RFC 1112, which defines and reserves Class E? That¹s easy enough. If somebody had a use in mind for the space, anybody can write such a draft assigning space, which is, I believe, how to direct IANA to do something with it.
nope http://packetlife.net/blog/2010/oct/14/ipv4-exhaustion-what-about-class-e-ad... All the same rationals, including how it might be bad for ipv6, its too late, its too hard, its too little were trotted out then, just as now. The only use I have in mind for the space is for it to cease being classified as experimental and therefore treated as invalid.
If you want to direct IANA to distribute Class E space among the RIRs, there¹s more process, because you would also have to develop a global policy (no problem, we get the NRO NC to write it and get consensus at all the RIRs), and then each RIR would need to develop a policy under which to allocate it. I¹d be surprised if all that could happen in less than three years.
I would not care about that, so long as the impediment, the experimental status was removed. Let the stakeholders have a real shot.
In any of these processes, nothing will move forward until there is consensus, and I don¹t think there¹s consensus. If you think your argument can be persuasive, let¹s write an internet-draft and get it into the process.

On 7/16/15, 4:32 PM, "Joe Maimon" <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Lee Howard wrote:
So, you would like to update RFC 1112, which defines and reserves Class E? That¹s easy enough. If somebody had a use in mind for the space, anybody can write such a draft assigning space, which is, I believe, how to direct IANA to do something with it.
“Nope?” You mean you don’t want to update RFC1112? Or it’s not possible for somebody to write a draft telling IANA to assign space for an experiment? Somebody has to write a draft in order for the IETF to consider it, and there has to be IETF consensus for it to get published as an RFC.
http://packetlife.net/blog/2010/oct/14/ipv4-exhaustion-what-about-class-e- addresses/
All the same rationals, including how it might be bad for ipv6, its too late, its too hard, its too little were trotted out then, just as now.
I don’t see the relevance. Nobody there proposed reclassifying the space. Nobody had a proposal for an experiment. Nobody wanted an assignment from it.
The only use I have in mind for the space is for it to cease being classified as experimental and therefore treated as invalid.
You want the word “RESERVED” for some entries on this page changed: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ipv4-address-space.xml What do you want it changed to?
If you want to direct IANA to distribute Class E space among the RIRs, there¹s more process, because you would also have to develop a global policy (no problem, we get the NRO NC to write it and get consensus at all the RIRs), and then each RIR would need to develop a policy under which to allocate it. I¹d be surprised if all that could happen in less than three years.
I would not care about that, so long as the impediment, the experimental status was removed. Let the stakeholders have a real shot.
There’s more to it than that. How would people who want to use it get assignments? Right now, there’s no policy for assigning that space. You’ve told other people that there shouldn’t be a top-down restriction on this space; but there’s no top: it’s all consensus. The consensus here is very clear. You are welcome to try to change it, and a couple of us are trying to should you the processes (IETF, IANA, RIR) to do that. If all you want to do is vent, we’ll just move on to another thread. Lee

Lee Howard wrote:
On 7/16/15, 4:32 PM, "Joe Maimon" <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Lee Howard wrote:
So, you would like to update RFC 1112, which defines and reserves Class E? That¹s easy enough. If somebody had a use in mind for the space, anybody can write such a draft assigning space, which is, I believe, how to direct IANA to do something with it.
Nope, there were previous attempts that failed and the task was not "easy enough", unnecessarily so.
You mean you don’t want to update RFC1112? Or it’s not possible for somebody to write a draft telling IANA to assign space for an experiment? Somebody has to write a draft in order for the IETF to consider it,
Which has happened. and there has to be IETF consensus for it to get published as
an RFC.
Which did not happen, due in no small part, I allege, to spurious and specious concerns about ipv6 adoption and to to irrelevant and misprojected concerns as to whether it was "worth it".
I don’t see the relevance. Nobody there proposed reclassifying the space. Nobody had a proposal for an experiment. Nobody wanted an assignment from it.
Quoted directly there is an I-D to utilize at least some portion of the space for what we later allocated public unicast /10 Carrier private.
The only use I have in mind for the space is for it to cease being classified as experimental and therefore treated as invalid.
You want the word “RESERVED” for some entries on this page changed: http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space/ipv4-address-space.xml What do you want it changed to?
Personally, a /6 of LSN/CGN private, /8 (per rir?) of public early adopter by the /16, and the rest reserved for if/when it ever becomes A) more useful and/or B) rehabilitated, /8 per rir. But I would get behind any effort for any status that would indicate proper behavior for any/and all new updated stacks is to allow its use without differentiation.
There’s more to it than that. How would people who want to use it get assignments? Right now, there’s no policy for assigning that space.
The first stop is to change the standard so that considering the address illegal to use in software could be considered improper behavior. If the community cant even get past that, and they have not in the past, no other scheme stands a chance. Tying objections to removing that barrier due to lack of a fully acceptable allocation policy is unnecessarily inflating the hurdle to that goal.
You’ve told other people that there shouldn’t be a top-down restriction on this space; but there’s no top: it’s all consensus. The consensus here is very clear. You are welcome to try to change it, and a couple of us are trying to should you the processes (IETF, IANA, RIR) to do that.
My categorization as inappropriate top down restrictions is specifically calling out those who believe policy is a tool to direct and marshal other peoples efforts, away from what they consider competing goals. I dont consider that a valid rational and I think its quite inappropriate.
If all you want to do is vent, we’ll just move on to another thread.
Venting is a form of consensus building. If there are any drafts anywhere that could use some of that, please point them out. Joe

I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
It would, if the software supported it. But it doesn't. Is there any reason to think the world would update its TCP stacks to handle those extra IPv4 addresses any sooner than it'd update its stacks to handle IPv6? Doesn't seem likely. R's, John

John Levine wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
It would, if the software supported it. But it doesn't.
Is there any reason to think the world would update its TCP stacks to handle those extra IPv4 addresses any sooner than it'd update its stacks to handle IPv6? Doesn't seem likely.
R's, John
Are you really equating an incremental silent update to remove something between one if statement or slightly more and an entire protocol stack that when active fundamentally changes the host networking behavior? This objection hinges on the assumption that if there is even ONE host on the network that will not accept that address, then the entire effort was a waste. Because there would then be no difference to the many many IPv4 (and IPv6) updates that were made with no guarantee of universal adoption. Its not really standards place to make that judgement call. Worse, it is not the standards role to ensure the outcome by making that judgement call. Joe

Are you really equating an incremental silent update to remove something between one if statement or slightly more and an entire protocol stack that when active fundamentally changes the host networking behavior?
Yeah. On the devices I have, there's no practical difference between a one line update and a complete reload. Either you update the software or you don't, and mostly you don't. PCs and servers are easy, embedded routers and printers and the like are not. R's, John

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 On 7/15/2015 6:00 PM, John R. Levine wrote:
Are you really equating an incremental silent update to remove something between one if statement or slightly more and an entire protocol stack that when active fundamentally changes the host networking behavior?
Yeah. On the devices I have, there's no practical difference between a one line update and a complete reload. Either you update the software or you don't, and mostly you don't. PCs and servers are easy, embedded routers and printers and the like are not.
And on your mobile devices, for the most part you are reliant upon your carrier to make software updates available to you in a timely and utilitarian manner. In other words, don't hold your breath. Carriers are the major barrier to both feature upgrades and security fixes/enhancements. It is tremendously frustrating. - - ferg - -- Paul Ferguson PGP Public Key ID: 0x54DC85B2 Key fingerprint: 19EC 2945 FEE8 D6C8 58A1 CE53 2896 AC75 54DC 85B2 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2 iF4EAREIAAYFAlWnA/oACgkQKJasdVTchbJAWAD8DhRq1QlPZlZhH8Apr66od+NU Tz8F1bLqu6+3dymwNJEBANjyOh0jwwHhIZk1hOy/jIj8lCuUkYQjuFZlzZFYfwh8 =NuSw -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 19:54:37 -0400, Joe Maimon said:
This objection hinges on the assumption that if there is even ONE host on the network that will not accept that address, then the entire effort was a waste.
"if there's even ONE host" isn't the assertion, so do us a favor and don't claim it is. The problem is that *successfully* using the class E space for anything depends on it having pretty damned ubiquitous support. Statistics problem for you: Assuming an average hop count of 14, what percentage of intermediate routers need to support it in order to provide a 90% chance that a connection will make it through? Answer: 99.3% have to upgrade. Statistics problem 2: Assuming a 90% upgrade and 14 hops, what's the chance that a given connection works? Answer: Only 22.8%. (Yea, 0.9**14 nosedives pretty quickly). Are you starting to see the problem here?
Because there would then be no difference to the many many IPv4 (and IPv6) updates that were made with no guarantee of universal adoption.
The difference is that pretty much all of those other IPv4 updates were designed in such a way that failure to implement them just means failure to use *that feature*, and you could still talk unless using that feature was deemed critical to the connection. Somebody doesn't do ECN? You still talk, just without being able to use ECN. Somebody doesn't do QoS tagging? You still talk, just without being able to use QoS. Somebody doesn't do SACK? You still talk, just without being able to use SACK. Somebody doesn't do Class E? You still talk, just without being able to use Class E. Do you remember on Sesame Street, the game "one of these things is not like the others?"

On Jul 15, 2015, at 10:24 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <CANjVB-jbtc4V5yba0xtGA7N5geQcz86hvydj4J9J8UxhzMMEZw@mail.gmail.com>
We don't use Class E because were using up IPv4 space too quickly to make it worthwhile to make it work cleanly for everyone.
That is a self fulfilling prophecy.
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
But it wouldn’t be right now. It would be after everyone put lots of effort into updating lots of systems so that they could support those 16 /8s. By the time you’ve done that, you might as well have focused that effort on making those same systems do IPv6.
Seems like procrastination is only bad when its your baby.
Not really… This isn’t a question of procrastination or not. It’s a question of given that roughly the same effort is required to do thing A or thing B and thing A (class E) leads nowhere in the long run while thing B provides a permanent solution, it makes much more sense to focus said effort on thing B than to postpone thing B in favor of thing A.
The jury is still out on class E, but the verdict is in for the community who created it.
Not really. I think if you really consider what would be required for deployment of class E, you’ll find that there truly is no there there. Owen

Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 15, 2015, at 10:24 , Joe Maimon <jmaimon@ttec.com> wrote:
I suspect a 16 /8 right about now would be very welcome for everybody other then the ipv6 adherents.
But it wouldn’t be right now. It would be after everyone put lots of effort into updating lots of systems so that they could support those 16 /8s.
I propose allowing and accepting that people get to decide on their own where to focus their efforts. I dont believe in top down management. I also dont believe that the available pool of other people efforts is a zero sum game.
By the time you’ve done that, you might as well have focused that effort on making those same systems do IPv6.
See above.
Seems like procrastination is only bad when its your baby.
Not really… This isn’t a question of procrastination or not. It’s a question of given that roughly the same effort is required to do thing A or thing B and thing A (class E) leads nowhere in the long run while thing B provides a permanent solution, it makes much more sense to focus said effort on thing B than to postpone thing B in favor of thing A.
See above. And really? "same effort?"
The jury is still out on class E, but the verdict is in for the community who created it.
Not really. I think if you really consider what would be required for deployment of class E, you’ll find that there truly is no there there.
I am not advocating class E adoption. I am advocating removal of barrier to adoption and I will go so far as to advocate a bootstrapped incentive for adoption, for those who get to choose on their own how to focus their own efforts. Its nice to point out that we are rehashing the exact debate you and I had a few years back. Self-fulfilling. Joe

On Tue, 2015-07-14 at 09:23 -0400, George Metz wrote:
It's always easier to be prudent from the get-go than it is to rein in the insanity at a later date. Just because we can't imagine a world where IPv6 depletion is possible doesn't mean it can't exist, and exist far sooner than one might expect.
The big difference between IPv4 initial policies and IPv6 initial policies is that with IPv4 there were no policies to speak of in the early days. Space was handed out more or less willy-nilly - so some US organisations ended up with multiple A-classes each, while later on all of Vietnam got one /26. With IPv6 there is a policy, it's been there from day one, it's well thought out, and if followed will see everyone (yes EVERYONE) getting vastly more address space than they are ever likely to need *even if our wildest expectations are exceeded*. Four billion isn't really that much. It never was. It was obvious decades ago that it would run out. IPv6 was designed with that in mind. That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant address space. Restrictions like /56 instead of /48 are unnecessary limitations - limitations that the protocol was designed to remove! Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

The big difference between IPv4 initial policies and IPv6 initial policies is that with IPv4 there were no policies to speak of in the early days. Space was handed out more or less willy-nilly - so some US organisations ended up with multiple A-classes each, while later on all of Vietnam got one /26.
this is not really true. viet nam was not in the early days at all, and the cause of the small allocation was techno-colonialiasm by telco. the pre netsol allocations by sri, isc, ... were needs based. but the allocators had only very gross knobs, A, B, and C. in the early early days, some big allocations were made to big entities, ibm, dec, at&t, ... some used them well. some have returned them. randy

On Tue, 2015-07-14 at 21:15 -0700, Randy Bush wrote:
The big difference between IPv4 initial policies and IPv6 initial policies is that with IPv4 there were no policies to speak of in the early days. Space was handed out more or less willy-nilly - so some US organisations ended up with multiple A-classes each, while later on all of Vietnam got one /26.
this is not really true. viet nam was not in the early days at all
Er - yes. That's why I said "later".
and the cause of the small allocation was techno-colonialiasm by telco.
Is a techno-colonialiasm the end result of some sort of musical/military fetish? On reflection I think I was wrong about the /26 anyway. It would have been much less. The first Internet-like connection into Vietnam, around 1992, was dialup links from the Australian National University and basically just carried email. It was probably just a few end-point addresses. By the time there was anything properly Internetty into Vietnam it was the late 90s. Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

Is a techno-colonialiasm the end result of some sort of musical/military fetish?
On reflection I think I was wrong about the /26 anyway.
quite. and your dates are fuzzy too. but not really relevant. randy

Hi, On Jul 14, 2015, at 8:53 PM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
Space was handed out more or less willy-nilly - so some US organisations ended up with multiple A-classes each, while later on all of Vietnam got one /26.
IIRC (I was running APNIC at the time), when the first organization from Vietnam approached APNIC for address space, we allocated a /22 to them and reserved the /16 from which that allocation was made for other ISPs in Vietnam (as was the policy back then).
That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant address space.
There is no amount of fixed address space that can't be consumed with stupid allocation policies. Regards, -drc

On Jul 15, 2015, at 11:32 , David Conrad <drc@virtualized.org> wrote:
On Jul 14, 2015, at 8:53 PM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
Space was handed out more or less willy-nilly - so some US organisations ended up with multiple A-classes each, while later on all of Vietnam got one /26.
IIRC (I was running APNIC at the time), when the first organization from Vietnam approached APNIC for address space, we allocated a /22 to them and reserved the /16 from which that allocation was made for other ISPs in Vietnam (as was the policy back then).
That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant address space.
There is no amount of fixed address space that can't be consumed with stupid allocation policies.
True. However, are you making the argument that any of the current or proposed allocation policies are, in fact, stupid in such a way that this is likely? If so, which ones? If not, then how is that relevant to the current discussion of what to do in terms of deployment given existing policies? Owen

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:20:08 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant address space.
There is no amount of fixed address space that can't be consumed with stupid allocation policies.
True. However, are you making the argument that any of the current or proposed allocation policies are, in fact, stupid in such a way that this is likely?
What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were they thinking".

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 16:23:36 -0400, "Ricky Beam" said:
What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were they thinking".
However, this statement doesn't provide any actual guidance, as it's potentially equally applicable to the "give each end customer a /48" crew and the "Give them all a /56" crew..... Actually, not true - in fact, it's demonstrable that a residential customer can run through a /56. Just get a largish house, put up one router using CeroWRT (or, I suspect a current/recent OpenWRT) that burns through 6-7 subnet allocations), and then put a second one at the other end of the house and it burns through 6-7. The second one has to dhcp-pd request at least 3 bits for itself, which leaves the first one only 5 bits, of which *it* will burn at least 3. If you create any VLANs at all, you just burned 4 and 4 bits, and there goes that /56. And that's burned all the subnets in a /56 *just hooking up 2 plug and play routers*. There's none left for doing anything experimental/different. (And I suspect Dave Taht can provide several CeroWRT config checkboxes that will each burn another 1-3 bits each if you click on them and hit "apply" :)

On 7/15/15 1:48 PM, Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 16:23:36 -0400, "Ricky Beam" said:
What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were they thinking".
However, this statement doesn't provide any actual guidance, as it's potentially equally applicable to the "give each end customer a /48" crew and the "Give them all a /56" crew.....
Actually, not true - in fact, it's demonstrable that a residential customer can run through a /56. Just get a largish house, put up one router using CeroWRT (or, I suspect a current/recent OpenWRT) that burns through 6-7 subnet allocations), and then put a second one at the other end of the house and it burns through 6-7. The second one has to dhcp-pd request at least 3 bits for itself, which leaves the first one only 5 bits, of which *it* will burn at least 3. If you create any VLANs at all, you just burned 4 and 4 bits, and there goes that /56.
And that's burned all the subnets in a /56 *just hooking up 2 plug and play routers*. There's none left for doing anything experimental/different.
(And I suspect Dave Taht can provide several CeroWRT config checkboxes that will each burn another 1-3 bits each if you click on them and hit "apply" :)
I tend to think that you're correct here, Validis; which is why I suggest reserving the /48 per customer whatever they decide to assign. I think the problem of expanding the assignment to a more reasonable size will happen on its own since at some point the support calls for "hey, I need more space!" will become a burden. Doug -- I am conducting an experiment in the efficacy of PGP/MIME signatures. This message should be signed. If it is not, or the signature does not validate, please let me know how you received this message (direct, or to a list) and the mail software you use. Thanks!

On Jul 15, 2015, at 13:23 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:20:08 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant address space.
There is no amount of fixed address space that can't be consumed with stupid allocation policies.
True. However, are you making the argument that any of the current or proposed allocation policies are, in fact, stupid in such a way that this is likely?
What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were they thinking".
But I can already say “what the F*** were they thinking about /60. I can kind of see it being valid on /56. I have a harder time arguing about /52s, but once you go that far is there any meaningful difference that makes it worth the trouble not going to /48? Besides, if /48s don’t become tomorrows what the f*** were they thinking, then it will be something else. I will point out that nobody has said “what the F*** were they thinking” when they made it possible to use 4GB of RAM instead of just 640k, but lots of people have said “what the F*** were they thinking when they limited it to 640k.” Owen

On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:23:52 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
I will point out that nobody has said “what the F*** were they thinking” when they made it possible to use 4GB of RAM instead of just 640k, but lots of people have said “what the F*** were they thinking when they limited it to 640k.”
Actually, they did. And "PAE" was invented. (or "re-invented", as various paging mechanisms had existed for many decades by then)

On Jul 15, 2015, at 14:43 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 17:23:52 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
I will point out that nobody has said “what the F*** were they thinking” when they made it possible to use 4GB of RAM instead of just 640k, but lots of people have said “what the F*** were they thinking when they limited it to 640k.”
Actually, they did. And "PAE" was invented. (or "re-invented", as various paging mechanisms had existed for many decades by then)
Huh? You’re missing the point or deliberately ignoring it, hard to tell which. Vast address availability has never lead to WTF moments. Restrictive addressing, OTOH, has created many WTF moments. I look at NAT and I think WTF were they thinking, but it was an unfortunate consequence of the 32-bit limitation of IPv4. It’s an effort at coping with the limitations, however misguided it may be. I look at providers handing out /60 and I think WTF are they thinking. There’s no legitimate reasoning behind it. Why repeat the same mistakes again by limiting IPv6 deployments to something less than /48? As to your arguments on segmentation, no, RFC1918 is 3 segments because, again, of limitations in IPv4. In IPv6, it’s still only one segment. Arguing that the 4th (which actually isn’t RFC-1918) is a segmentation isn’t entirely valid as it’s more of an allocation than a segmentation and in any case, all of them are more than covered in the single existing IPv6 segmentation of fc00::/0 or even fd00::/9. Class E isn’t so much a segmentation as an early error that never got corrected. By the time anyone recognized the need to fix class E, it was easier to move to IPv6 than to repair that part of IPv4, so we moved on. 255/8 is not really still applicable and does not apply to IPv6 in any way, so I don’t think you can count that one. Same with 0/8. These weren’t segmentations, they were limitations of the technology at the time those RFCs were written. You can argue that localhost is a segmentation, I suppose, but in IPv6, it has reserved ::1/128. Everything else in ::/3 is still available to the best of my knowledge. So, in terms of total impact on IPv6, we’ve got three segmentations other than Unicast that are carried forward from IPv4. No more, no less. (unless someone comes up with something not yet mentioned). Owen

On 07/15/2015 02:23 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
I will point out that nobody has said “what the F*** were they thinking” when they made it possible to use 4GB of RAM instead of just 640k, but lots of people have said “what the F*** were they thinking when they limited it to 640k.”
That 640k was the architectural limit imposed on Intel 16-bit 8086 system implementations, once you allocated fixed space for ROM. This was specific to the "IBM PC". This has to do with the 20-bit addressing used in the 8086. One could "grow" the address space externally, and some computer systems (not "IBM PC compatible") did so. Again, the 4-GB RAM limits is an architectural limit of the hardware; there is no "speed-of-light" limit in the amount of DRAM one can have in a system. Let's review the bidding on Internet Protocol, shall we? APRANET NCP (1970) -- 8-bit host Version 0 -- can't figure out the limit, if any; 4-bit "chunks" Version 1 -- 16-bit net/host address Version 2 -- variable! in octet increments Version 3 -- (not available) Version 4-78jun -- variable! in octet increments Version 4-78sep -- 32 bit net/host address, Class A (8-bit net) Version 5 -- (experimental circuit-switch protocol) Version 6 -- 128-bit

Ricky Beam wrote:
On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:20:08 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
That's the big difference - IPv6 has been designed to provide abundant address space.
There is no amount of fixed address space that can't be consumed with stupid allocation policies.
True. However, are you making the argument that any of the current or proposed allocation policies are, in fact, stupid in such a way that this is likely?
What seems like a great idea today becomes tomorrow's "what the f*** were they thinking".
There will be ample evidence of what any and all of were saying. Thinking, maybe not.

And I’m saying you’re ignoring an important part of reality.
Whatever ISPs default to deploying now will become the standard to which application developers develop.
Changing the ISP later is easy.
I'm not even convinced of that. Once "/56" (or *any* value) is baked into the processes, hard-coded in systems all over the shop, assumptions made left, right and centre throughout the business, changing it will be hard. Only the tech part of changing the ISP is easy. It's the same reason it's so difficult to get IPv6 moving in some ISPs. Making the kit dance the appropriate jig in (modulo a few Luddite vendors and legacy kit that Just Won't Die) is quite straight-forward. Getting IT to update a field to not force [0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1-3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}, or to add a new field, without a revenue stream attached is *hard*. (Yes, it's part of our job as technologists to explain why we should do it anyway. That doesn't stop it being hard.) Regards, Tim.

On Jul 9, 2015, at 08:42 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household?
It’s the need for a large enough bitfield to do more flexible things with auto-delegation in a dynamic self-organizing topology. 8 is 2x2x2 and there’s really no other way you can break it down. (2x4, 4x2, 2x2x2 is it.) 16 is 2x2x2x2 and allows many more possible topologies (4x4, 2x4x2, 2x2x4, 2x8, 8x2, etc.)
With /56 you are giving each residential customer:
256 subnets x 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts per subnet.
The host count is irrelevant to the discussion.
I would expect at least 95.0% of residential customers are using 1 subnet, and 99.9% are using less than 4. I can understand people complaining when some ISPs were deciding to only give out a /64, but even with new ideas, new protocols and new applications, do people really think residential customers will need more than 256 subnets? When such a magical new system is developed, and people start to want it, can't ISPs start new /48 delegations? Since DHCP-PD and their infrastructure will already be setup for /56, it may not be easy, but it shouldn't be that difficult.
I would expect that basing decisions about limits on tomorrows network on the inadequacy of today’s solutions is unlikely to yield good results. Further, I’m not so sure you are right in your belief. I suspect that there are many more networks in most households that you are not counting. Sure, those networks are currently usually disjoint, but do you really think it will always be that way in the future? Every phone is a router. Ever tablet is a router. Cars are becoming routers and in some cases, collections of routers. Set top boxes are becoming routers. Utility meters are becoming routers. Laptops and desktops are capable of being routers.
I know the saying "build it and they will come....", but seriously....
I'd rather ISPs stop discussing deploying IPv6, and start doing it…
I’m all for that, but do you have a valid reason not to give out /48s per end site? Just because /56 might be enough doesn’t cut it… I’m asking if you can point to any tangible benefit obtained from handing out /56s instead? Is there any problem solved, labor saved, or any other benefit whatsoever to giving out /56s instead of /48s? If not, then let’s hand out /48s until we discover one. Owen

Sure, they may be 100,000+ networks like that in non-technical households. Maybe. I doubt it, but still that would be like 0.01%. Many consumer systems have trouble with L3 hops (mDNS/Bonjour, etc...). First thing tech support will suggest it to put them on the same network. People have been taught this. My experience is that most people that even have a second network, it's their AP that sets up a Guest network, and even then, it doesn't route between the networks (that's sort of the whole idea). If an ISP wants to give out a /48, great for them. If they want to give out only a /56, I say that's fine. What's more important to me is that they implement IPv6. Arguing about prefix size and SLAAC vs DHCP rather than just go ahead and implement things, to me is just silly. When IP was first deployed, we didn't have DHCP (bootp was still in it's infancy), no mDNS, etc...Lots of things grew up after the fact. I agree that we can't foresee what will happen in the future, but that to me just proves my point. Worrying about the ability to create complex topologies in home networks that may or may not ever be needed or wanted just seems absurd to me. ---- Matthew Huff | 1 Manhattanville Rd Director of Operations | Purchase, NY 10577 OTA Management LLC | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-694-5669 -----Original Message----- From: Owen DeLong [mailto:owen@delong.com] Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 12:36 PM To: Matthew Huff Cc: Marco Teixeira; Harald Koch; NANOG list Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
On Jul 9, 2015, at 08:42 , Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com> wrote:
What am I missing? Is it just the splitting on the sextet boundary that is an issue, or do people think people really need 64k subnets per household?
It's the need for a large enough bitfield to do more flexible things with auto-delegation in a dynamic self-organizing topology. 8 is 2x2x2 and there's really no other way you can break it down. (2x4, 4x2, 2x2x2 is it.) 16 is 2x2x2x2 and allows many more possible topologies (4x4, 2x4x2, 2x2x4, 2x8, 8x2, etc.)
With /56 you are giving each residential customer:
256 subnets x 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts per subnet.
The host count is irrelevant to the discussion.
I would expect at least 95.0% of residential customers are using 1 subnet, and 99.9% are using less than 4. I can understand people complaining when some ISPs were deciding to only give out a /64, but even with new ideas, new protocols and new applications, do people really think residential customers will need more than 256 subnets? When such a magical new system is developed, and people start to want it, can't ISPs start new /48 delegations? Since DHCP-PD and their infrastructure will already be setup for /56, it may not be easy, but it shouldn't be that difficult.
I would expect that basing decisions about limits on tomorrows network on the inadequacy of today's solutions is unlikely to yield good results. Further, I'm not so sure you are right in your belief. I suspect that there are many more networks in most households that you are not counting. Sure, those networks are currently usually disjoint, but do you really think it will always be that way in the future? Every phone is a router. Ever tablet is a router. Cars are becoming routers and in some cases, collections of routers. Set top boxes are becoming routers. Utility meters are becoming routers. Laptops and desktops are capable of being routers.
I know the saying "build it and they will come....", but seriously....
I'd rather ISPs stop discussing deploying IPv6, and start doing it.
I'm all for that, but do you have a valid reason not to give out /48s per end site? Just because /56 might be enough doesn't cut it. I'm asking if you can point to any tangible benefit obtained from handing out /56s instead? Is there any problem solved, labor saved, or any other benefit whatsoever to giving out /56s instead of /48s? If not, then let's hand out /48s until we discover one. Owen

On 9/Jul/15 18:53, Matthew Huff wrote:
If an ISP wants to give out a /48, great for them. If they want to give out only a /56, I say that's fine. What's more important to me is that they implement IPv6. Arguing about prefix size and SLAAC vs DHCP rather than just go ahead and implement things, to me is just silly. When IP was first deployed, we didn't have DHCP (bootp was still in it's infancy), no mDNS, etc...Lots of things grew up after the fact. I agree that we can't foresee what will happen in the future, but that to me just proves my point. Worrying about the ability to create complex topologies in home networks that may or may not ever be needed or wanted just seems absurd to me.
I tend to agree. Let's just go out and do it and choose from what others are doing. Some are doing /48, others are doing /56. Some are doing /64, even though we all know that is not very good for obvious reasons, but... ... let's just get going. Mark.

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 11:08:53 -0400, Marco Teixeira <admin@marcoteixeira.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need.
Probably because he got good advise from his father :)
Indeed. Either someone else set it up, or he took the time to learn how to set it up himself. (kudos if the latter) THIS definitely makes him parsecs from the "common man" (there being 7billion people in the world, and all.) Will a dozen networks be common (ie. out-of-the-box default) tomorrow? (NO) Next year? (NO) A decade from now? (maybe, and IPv6 deployment *might* be up to 20% by then)

On Jul 9, 2015, at 14:50 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 11:08:53 -0400, Marco Teixeira <admin@marcoteixeira.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote:
The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need.
Probably because he got good advise from his father :)
Indeed. Either someone else set it up, or he took the time to learn how to set it up himself. (kudos if the latter)
THIS definitely makes him parsecs from the "common man" (there being 7billion people in the world, and all.)
Will a dozen networks be common (ie. out-of-the-box default) tomorrow? (NO) Next year? (NO) A decade from now? (maybe, and IPv6 deployment *might* be up to 20% by then)
Look again… IPv6 is already more than 20% of Google traffic in the US. Owen

On Jul 9, 2015, at 15:45 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:05:00 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Look again… IPv6 is already more than 20% of Google traffic in the US.
20% of *1* site's traffic does not equal 20% DEPLOYMENT. (read: 20% of internet DEVICES (CPE) connected by IPv6)
You are correct… In order for 20% of Google’s traffic to come from IPv6 connected devices, there would generally need to be more than 20% of all devices connected over IPv6. Owen

On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 15:45 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:05:00 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Look again… IPv6 is already more than 20% of Google traffic in the US.
20% of *1* site's traffic does not equal 20% DEPLOYMENT. (read: 20% of internet DEVICES (CPE) connected by IPv6)
You are correct… In order for 20% of Google’s traffic to come from IPv6 connected devices, there would generally need to be more than 20% of all devices connected over IPv6.
That doesn't follow at all. One guy who has v6 and really loves youtube can account for most of it. Matthew Kaufman (Sent from my iPhone)

In message <D51A9DBC-03A7-4CE9-88EC-17D7D75703D3@matthew.at>, Matthew Kaufman w rites:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 15:45 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 18:05:00 -0400, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Look again… IPv6 is already more than 20% of Google traffic in the US.
20% of *1* site's traffic does not equal 20% DEPLOYMENT. (read: 20% of internet DEVICES (CPE) connected by IPv6)
You are correct… In order for 20% of Google’s traffic to come from IPv6 connected devices, there would generally need to be more than 2 0% of all devices connected over IPv6.
That doesn't follow at all.
One guy who has v6 and really loves youtube can account for most of it.
Matthew Kaufman
(Sent from my iPhone)
Doesn't pass the laugh test. -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

On Jul 9, 2015, at 9:02 PM, Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at<mailto:matthew@matthew.at>> wrote: On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com<mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: ... You are correct… In order for 20% of Google’s traffic to come from IPv6 connected devices, there would generally need to be more than 20% of all devices connected over IPv6. That doesn't follow at all. One guy who has v6 and really loves youtube can account for most of it. Matthew - That would be the case if the measurements of “IPv6 users” were based on traffic or packet counts, but Google’s measurements are based on specific pairs of HTTP connection attempts (one IPv4, and one IPv6) and the ratio of those which are IPv6 capable. The measurement methodology is documented in the Google research paper - <http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36240.html> I’ll also observe that APNIC has been conducting its own research via a different approach but achieved a rather similar measurement results for of IPv6 enabled users in the US - <http://labs.apnic.net/dists/v6dcc.html>. You can find more details on the approach used here <http://www.circleid.com/posts/20120625_measuring_ipv6_country_by_country> Both techniques indicate more than 20% of the US Internet users are connecting via IPv6. FYI, /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

On Jul 9, 2015, at 9:31 PM, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net<mailto:jcurran@arin.net>> wrote: ... Both techniques indicate more than 20% of the US Internet users are connecting via IPv6. You might also want to review Paul Saab’s presentation regarding what Facebook actually sees for IPv6 traffic and performance (given in March 2015 at the World IPv6 Congress) - <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An7s25FSK0U> They are seeing 9% of their traffic via IPv6 and doubling each year. This is likely because US mobile providers strong support for IPv6, with more than 80% of mobile devices on a some mobile providers supporting IPv6… (They’ve also observing a significant performance improvement with IPv6 connected users over IPv4 connected, but they admit to still looking into the reason behind the performance lift) FYI, /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 21:48:06 -0400, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
Both techniques indicate more than 20% of the US Internet users are connecting via IPv6.
Interesting method that's full of holes (and they know it), but it's data nonetheless. Globally, it's still ~4.5%. Within my own pool of providers, I'm ZERO for 5. (I've not pinged TWC-BC lately, 'tho. And no one has gotten back to me that Earthlink has provided TWC with any prefixes, so us Earthlink cable internet customers are still dark.)
(They’ve also observing a significant performance improvement with IPv6 connected users over IPv4 connected...
IPv4 tends to be NAT'd and aggressively proxied. I also wouldn't rule out v6 taking a different path, but that wouldn't explain the magnitude of difference those slides would suggest. (not really readable via youtube)

You should elaborate on some of these 'holes' then. On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 12:53 AM, Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 21:48:06 -0400, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
Both techniques indicate more than 20% of the US Internet users are connecting via IPv6.
Interesting method that's full of holes (and they know it), but it's data nonetheless.
Globally, it's still ~4.5%. Within my own pool of providers, I'm ZERO for 5. (I've not pinged TWC-BC lately, 'tho. And no one has gotten back to me that Earthlink has provided TWC with any prefixes, so us Earthlink cable internet customers are still dark.)
(They’ve also observing a significant performance improvement with IPv6 connected users over IPv4 connected...
IPv4 tends to be NAT'd and aggressively proxied. I also wouldn't rule out v6 taking a different path, but that wouldn't explain the magnitude of difference those slides would suggest. (not really readable via youtube)

On Jul 10, 2015, at 2:01 AM, Nicholas Suan <nsuan@nonexiste.net<mailto:nsuan@nonexiste.net>> wrote: You should elaborate on some of these 'holes' then. Indeed. If there are “holes” in the methodology, then they are quite consistent holes, since Google, APNIC, and Akamai <http://www.stateoftheinternet.com/trends-visualizations-ipv6-adoption-ipv4-exhaustion-global-heat-map-network-country-growth-data.html#countries> are all reporting similar rates in US IPv6 end-user connection ratios (around 20% of connection attempts at present and growing rapidly) It’s possible that there’s some self-selection going on (i.e. that the subset of Internet users reflected in this percentage are disproportionate users of Google, Facebook, and Akamai-served content sites compared to the “other” Internet end-users), but given the widespread usage of the companies providing the information, there’s a fairly high burden of proof necessary if one is to assert that the metrics are somehow not representative of the US Internet end-user population as a whole. /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN

On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:14:16 -0400, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
If there are “holes” in the methodology, then they are quite consistent holes...
They are mere statistics. They say only what they say without any measured margin of error. For Google, their numbers are collected via javascript embedded in search results. Anything that prevents that JS from running to completion (noscript, error, nagivating away, ...) is a lost count. Anyone not using Google search won't be counted. (that's a non-zero number, btw. But likewise, is difficult to prove.) So, there's ways to be missed in their numbers. OTOH, those being counted could, potentially, be counted more than once depending on how much of the address they correlate. (privacy extensions rotate the address) I don't know how Facebook is collecting stats. But I suspect they have a wider sampling base due simply to the fact almost every web page on the internet has some content pulled from facebook -- eg. comment engine, authentication engine, or "post on facebook" pingback button. How many sites do you visit per day that pull nothing at all from facebook? The only people who can give solid numbers w.r.t. IPv6 usage are the ISPs themselves. And we cannot trust them because it's a marketing statistic, if they release anything at all. (been there, watched marketing/PR ignore my numbers and make up their own.)

On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 08:58:22PM -0400, Ricky Beam wrote:
On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 06:14:16 -0400, John Curran <jcurran@arin.net> wrote:
If there are “holes” in the methodology, then they are quite consistent holes...
They are mere statistics. They say only what they say without any measured margin of error.
For Google, their numbers are collected via javascript embedded in search results. Anything that prevents that JS from running to completion (noscript, error, nagivating away, ...) is a lost count. Anyone not using Google search won't be counted. (that's a non-zero number, btw. But likewise, is difficult to prove.) So, there's ways to be missed in their numbers. OTOH, those being counted could, potentially, be counted more than once depending on how much of the address they correlate. (privacy extensions rotate the address)
I don't know how Facebook is collecting stats. But I suspect they have a wider sampling base due simply to the fact almost every web page on the internet has some content pulled from facebook -- eg. comment engine, authentication engine, or "post on facebook" pingback button. How many sites do you visit per day that pull nothing at all from facebook?
The only people who can give solid numbers w.r.t. IPv6 usage are the ISPs themselves. And we cannot trust them because it's a marketing statistic, if they release anything at all. (been there, watched marketing/PR ignore my numbers and make up their own.)
Well, I'm a techie mostly. I'll say I currently see 107 ipv4 bits for every 1 ipv6 bit poking at netflow data. My ratios may not be yours, YMMV, sampling error, router bugs, etc. ie: not that great. That being said, we continue to see an uptick and it's nearly all tcp. Depending on whose data you use and how you solve ones regression you can come up with interesting results. If you primarily deal with one country and don't have it, consider looking at both the google and apnic data via this tool: https://www.vyncke.org/ipv6status/project.php I have also noticed my iOS9 public beta device passes the checks at Jasons test-ipv6.com site where it would often prefer ipv4. - Jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.

On 7/9/2015 6:31 PM, John Curran wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 9:02 PM, Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at <mailto:matthew@matthew.at>> wrote:
On Jul 9, 2015, at 4:07 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com <mailto:owen@delong.com>> wrote: ... You are correct… In order for 20% of Google’s traffic to come from IPv6 connected devices, there would generally need to be more than 20% of all devices connected over IPv6.
That doesn't follow at all.
One guy who has v6 and really loves youtube can account for most of it.
Matthew -
That would be the case if the measurements of “IPv6 users” were based on traffic or packet counts, but Google’s measurements are based on specific pairs of HTTP connection attempts (one IPv4, and one IPv6) and the ratio of those which are IPv6 capable. The measurement methodology is documented in the Google research paper - <http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36240.html>
Still can be accounted for with *fewer* than "20% of all devices connected over IPv6" (the opposite of Owen's claim). Possibly even far fewer, if many "devices" don't bother to visit Google via HTTP. I do find it interesting that Google (and other's) graphs show much higher IPv6 penetration on weekends - I assume that's because ISP-provided CPE + default OS configs get you better chances of IPv6 than you get using your IT department's machine image plus network infrastructure. Anecdotally: I have yet to work regularly at a facility that has IPv6 connectivity to the outside world from the WiFi networks that serve employee laptops. (Though for several years in the late 2000s I did get IPv6 addresses via RA and routing between floors (but not beyond)). Matthew Kaufman

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 23:42:57 -0700, Matthew Kaufman said:
infrastructure. Anecdotally: I have yet to work regularly at a facility that has IPv6 connectivity to the outside world from the WiFi networks that serve employee laptops.
Anecdotally, it's been about a decade since I worked someplace that wasn't true.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Harald Koch <chk@pobox.com> wrote: The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need.
Probably because he got good advise from his father :)
Agreed, we need to not add any limits or conventions to the v6 protocol. Why commit to a /48 or /56 if the protocol offers many more options? Just write software to deal with all the possibilities. While the "common man" has become much more sophisticated in network REQUIREMENTS. They have probably become less KNOWLEDGEABLE about what those requirement are because they are getting used to just plugging it in and it works. Used to be that most Internet users knew if that had public/private or dynamic/static addresses because they had to. Today the most likely answer would be "who knows, I plugged in my Apple TV and it just worked" Steven Naslund

Solutions looking for problems. I get a few subnets (though don't foresee it being likely). Someone here was mentioning dozens or hundreds of subnets for a residential customer. Um, no. If you feel the need to segment private wire and private wireless, okay. Then there's guest... um, and M2M? yeah, that's about it for a single residence. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Harald Koch" <chk@pobox.com> To: "Mike Hammett" <nanog@ics-il.net> Cc: "NANOG list" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 9:46:41 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On 9 July 2015 at 09:11, Mike Hammett < nanog@ics-il.net > wrote: I think you're confusing very common for a tech guy and very common for the common man. I have a dozen or two v4 subnets in my house. Then again, I also run my ISP out of my house, so I have a ton of stuff going on. I can't even think of a handful of other people that would have more than one. My son (who is not a tech guy but is a gamer) has four subnets in his (rented) house already: private LAN, guest network, home control network, and a separate LAN for the tenant downstairs who is sharing their broadband connection. And he's just getting started. The "common man" is becoming much more sophisticated in their networking requirements, and they need this stuff to just work. Please don't place artificially small limits just because you can't see a need. -- Harald

On Thu, 2015-07-09 at 19:06 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
Solutions looking for problems. I get a few subnets (though don't foresee it being likely). Someone here was mentioning dozens or hundreds of subnets for a residential customer. Um, no.
Actually I was mentioning thousands. What you personally don't foresee is pretty much irrelevant to what will actually happen - unless you are in a position to make things impossible. If we build a world where only 256 in-home subnets are possible, then future homes will have no more than 256 in-home subnets, no-one will be building systems that need more than 256 subnets, and no doubt you will be saying "see, I told you so". Like pretty much the entire current generation of net techs, your imagination is limited by your past. But there are kids in school right now who do not suffer from the same limitations - and they will build wonders. If we let them. Regards, K. PS: People keep dissing "home users" saying how they are incapable of understanding stuff and installing all these complex networks. Twenty years ago getting online at home took lots of know-how; getting more than one device online in the home took even more. Now you can just buy a $50 bit of kit, plug it in and your desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, televisions, digital radios and wireless sound systems just work. With main and guest networks, multiple wifi protocols, and in many cases basic IPv6 as well. There is no reason to think that the complexity of future networks will not be equally well packaged for the home. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 21:15:57 -0400, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
Actually I was mentioning thousands.
Dozens, millions, whatever. Pick something and get on with it already.
What you personally don't foresee is pretty much irrelevant to what will actually happen...
And planning for a future that doesn't happen because you're too caught up in *planning* that future is irrelevant, too.
Like pretty much the entire current generation of net techs, your imagination is limited by your past. But there are kids in school right now who do not suffer from the same limitations - and they will build wonders.
And in ~15 years when they have a jobs, they can change what we built. (assuming ever let the paint dry long enough to use it.)
PS: People keep dissing "home users" saying how they are incapable of understanding stuff and installing all these complex networks. Twenty years ago getting online at home took lots of know-how; getting more than one device online in the home took even more. Now you can just buy a $50 bit of kit, plug it in and your desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, televisions, digital radios and wireless sound systems just work. With main and guest networks, multiple wifi protocols, and in many cases basic IPv6 as well. There is no reason to think that the complexity of future networks will not be equally well packaged for the home.
20 years ago was 1995. It took "some" know how (how to run setup.exe on the floppy you ISP sent you.) Windows 95 made it much easier by having that software in the default OS. Building a network took a bit longer to (a) be wanted/needed and (b) be available and affordable in the home. (few people had more than one computer to network in the first place. Today, you have three of them on your person at any given moment.) Despite the proliferation of the internet and network tech, the average person today knows even less than two decades ago. Because everything "just works". IPv6 will never get there until it, too, "just works". We're still a long way off in the home -- both because providers aren't doing it, and because the CPE tech is lagging. Mobile by contrast, due to necessity and speed of tech turnover, is there already; you have to intentionally check to know you're using IPv6.

On Fri, 2015-07-10 at 02:08 -0400, Ricky Beam wrote:
And planning for a future that doesn't happen because you're too caught up in *planning* that future is irrelevant, too.
Advocating for fewer limits is not "planning". It's the opposite of it. It's about retaining more flexibility - as a matter of principle.
And in ~15 years when they have a jobs, they can change what we built. (assuming ever let the paint dry long enough to use it.)
We've had twenty years to implement IPv6 and golly haven't we done a great job? I suppose we could all hope that our kids will be less hopeless than we have been. Still... I'd prefer to leave them something that is easier to change and improve than the last thing we built.
IPv6 will never get there until it, too, "just works".
No - so why do so many people just keep on and on moaning about how IPv6 doesn't "just work", forgetting that once upon a time IPv4 didn't "just work" either? "Getting there" and "just working" are two things that have to be developed together. One doesn't follow the other, they both become true side by side, or neither happens at all. Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

On Jul 9, 2015, at 23:08 , Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 21:15:57 -0400, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
Actually I was mentioning thousands.
Dozens, millions, whatever. Pick something and get on with it already.
I don’t know anyone that’s going to get upset with you if you deploy /48s to end sites. Sure, there are lots of /56 advocates out there, but none of them are going to cause grief if you use /48 instead. ALL of the RIRs accept /48 as an end-site assignment without question. We picked /48 a long time ago. I’m not sure why longer prefixes keep coming up. I think it’s IPv4-think on the part of people who can’t get their heads out of the scarcity mentality.
What you personally don't foresee is pretty much irrelevant to what will actually happen...
And planning for a future that doesn't happen because you're too caught up in *planning* that future is irrelevant, too.
I’m fully dual-stacked and have a /48 in my house. Do you? I’ve been implementing IPv6 in various networks for years. I’ve probably dual-stacked more than 100 networks by now. How many have you done? I don’t think any of us advocating /48s are sitting here planning without implementing.
Like pretty much the entire current generation of net techs, your imagination is limited by your past. But there are kids in school right now who do not suffer from the same limitations - and they will build wonders.
And in ~15 years when they have a jobs, they can change what we built. (assuming ever let the paint dry long enough to use it.)
I tend to think of the internet more like powder-coating. It goes on dry and often comes out half-baked.
PS: People keep dissing "home users" saying how they are incapable of understanding stuff and installing all these complex networks. Twenty years ago getting online at home took lots of know-how; getting more than one device online in the home took even more. Now you can just buy a $50 bit of kit, plug it in and your desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, televisions, digital radios and wireless sound systems just work. With main and guest networks, multiple wifi protocols, and in many cases basic IPv6 as well. There is no reason to think that the complexity of future networks will not be equally well packaged for the home.
20 years ago was 1995. It took "some" know how (how to run setup.exe on the floppy you ISP sent you.) Windows 95 made it much easier by having that software in the default OS. Building a network took a bit longer to (a) be wanted/needed and (b) be available and affordable in the home. (few people had more than one computer to network in the first place. Today, you have three of them on your person at any given moment.)
Despite the proliferation of the internet and network tech, the average person today knows even less than two decades ago. Because everything "just works". IPv6 will never get there until it, too, "just works". We're still a long way off in the home -- both because providers aren't doing it, and because the CPE tech is lagging. Mobile by contrast, due to necessity and speed of tech turnover, is there already; you have to intentionally check to know you're using IPv6.
We can agree to disagree… I made good money back then helping home users get their home networks set up because it was too hard for them to do themselves as a side gig. IPv6 is “just working” for a millions of home users that wouldn’t know it if they (or someone else) didn’t deliberately check. That’s reality today. The number is growing fairly quickly as well. Owen

My parents are non-technical. Other than a little help connecting her airport to the cable modem, I had nothing to do with the design and implementation of their networks. They have at least 7 distinct subnets in their house that I know of. Some of them are routed together. Some of them are isolated. I suspect my parents don’t even realize what a subnet is or how a router connects them. It is unlikely, IMHO, that said topology will likely get flattened in the future. I expect, rather, that it will grow both vertical and horizontal. I think that’s about as common person as it gets. So I’m not talking about the 15-30 subnets in my house, depending on the day, nor the subnets outside of my house used to support the networking in my house (point to point circuits and the like). I’m well aware that the common person does not have an ASN for their home and the average home thinks BGP is probably an airport code. Owen
On Jul 9, 2015, at 06:11 , Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
I think you're confusing very common for a tech guy and very common for the common man. I have a dozen or two v4 subnets in my house. Then again, I also run my ISP out of my house, so I have a ton of stuff going on. I can't even think of a handful of other people that would have more than one.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Finch" <dot@dotat.at> To: "Ricky Beam" <jfbeam@gmail.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2015 6:17:17 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Ricky Beam <jfbeam@gmail.com> wrote:
Talking about IPv6, we aren't carving a limit in granite. 99.99999% of home networks currently have no need for multiple networks, and thus, don't ask for anything more; they get a single /64 prefix.
Personal-area networks already exist. Phone/watch/laptop etc.
Virtual machines are common, e.g. for running multiple different operating systems on your computer.
And automotive networks need connectivity.
There are often separate VLANs for VOIP and IP TV and smart meters.
Separate wifi networks tuned for low-latency synchronized audio.
So it's very common to have multiple networks in a home with multiple layers of routing.
Tony. -- f.anthony.n.finch <dot@dotat.at> http://dotat.at/ Shannon, Rockall: South or southeast 5 or 6, increasing 6 or 7 later. Moderate, occasionally rough. Rain, fog patches. Moderate, occasionally very poor.

Sounds like someone's getting caught up in the hype of a few buzzwords. I can't imagine where more than a couple bits of separately isolated networks in a home would be required. Most of those things you mentioned have no need to be isolated and are just being used to support a decision that was already made than evidence that lead to a decision. I'm not advocating anyone do anything other than what best practices dictate, just that whomever came up with best practices got a little caught up in the moment. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karl Auer" <kauer@biplane.com.au> To: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 9:49:17 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On Wed, 2015-07-08 at 21:03 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
I wasn't aware that residential users had (intentionally) multiple layers of routing within the home.
You, we, all of us have to stop using the present to limit the future. What IS should not be used to define what SHOULD BE. What people NOW HAVE in their homes should not be used to dictate to them what they CAN HAVE in their homes, which is what you do when you provide them only with non-globally-routable address space (IPv4 NAT), or too few subnets (IPv6 /56) to name just two examples. Multiple layers of routing might not be what is now in the home, but it doesn't take that much imagination to envision a future where there are hundreds, or even thousands of separate networks in the average home, some permanent, some ephemeral, and quite possibly all requiring end-to-end connectivity into the wider Internet. Taking into account just a few current technologies (virtual machines, car networks, personal networks, guest networks, entertainment systems) and fast-forwarding just a few years it's easy to imagine tens of subnets being needed - so it's not much of a leap to hundreds. And if we can already dimly see a future where hundreds might be needed, history tells us that there will probably be applications that need thousands. Unless of course we decide now that we don't WANT that. Then we should make it hard for it to happen by applying entirely arbitrary brakes like "/48 sounds too big to me, let's make it 1/256th of that." Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

On Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 08:02:40AM -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
Sounds like someone's getting caught up in the hype of a few buzzwords. I can't imagine where more than a couple bits of separately isolated networks in a home would be required. Most of those things you mentioned have no need to be isolated and are just being used to support a decision that was already made than evidence that lead to a decision.
I'm not advocating anyone do anything other than what best practices dictate, just that whomever came up with best practices got a little caught up in the moment.
You quickly run into religion here. I run my home as a big broadcast domain, but there's no reason I wouldn't perhaps segment things differently. There are a lot of people who just "extend their wifi" by plugging in a 2nd router with a long cable and don't realize they now have a new layer of nat, they just know the wifi by the $newRouter got better. Should I have a lan party VLAN/SSID? Perhaps, but for ease of use I let my AppleTV be on the same network as my iPhone so I can control them with the Remote app. Otherwise you quickly get into kinky broadcast relay or similar issues with multicast groups :) - Jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.

You quickly run into religion here.
I run my home as a big broadcast domain, but there's no reason I wouldn't perhaps segment things differently. There are a lot of people who just "extend their wifi" by plugging in a 2nd router with a long cable and don't >realize they now have a new layer of nat, they just know the wifi by the $newRouter got better.
More VLANs (or no VLANs) won't help with multiple layers of NAT but we are talking here about IPV6 allocations so NAT on the home CPE should not be an issue.
Should I have a lan party VLAN/SSID?
I would say that additional SSID ?= VLAN and would suggest that your LAN party try to use wired connections for better performance. If you don't want to reveal your wifi password by all means set up another SSID but it does not need to necessarily be in a different VLAN.
Perhaps, but for ease of use I let my AppleTV be on the same network as my iPhone so I can control them with the Remote app. Otherwise you quickly get into kinky broadcast relay or similar >issues with multicast groups :)
Isn't the whole idea of this "Internet of Things" is that everything communicates to everything. Assuming that is the goal, what does VLANing do for you? Steven Naslund Chicago IL

On 9/Jul/15 21:55, Jared Mauch wrote:
I run my home as a big broadcast domain, but there's no reason I wouldn't perhaps segment things differently. There are a lot of people who just "extend their wifi" by plugging in a 2nd router with a long cable and don't realize they now have a new layer of nat, they just know the wifi by the $newRouter got better.
Should I have a lan party VLAN/SSID? Perhaps, but for ease of use I let my AppleTV be on the same network as my iPhone so I can control them with the Remote app. Otherwise you quickly get into kinky broadcast relay or similar issues with multicast groups :)
Same here, single broadcast domain - all other AP's beside the one hooked up to the DSL network in my house run in bridge-mode, however, i.e., just as AP's. Mark.

On Thu, 2015-07-09 at 08:02 -0500, Mike Hammett wrote:
I can't imagine [...]
And that, right there, is the problem. Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@biplane.com.au) http://www.biplane.com.au/kauer http://twitter.com/kauer389 GPG fingerprint: 3C41 82BE A9E7 99A1 B931 5AE7 7638 0147 2C3C 2AC4 Old fingerprint: EC67 61E2 C2F6 EB55 884B E129 072B 0AF0 72AA 9882

Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning. Let’s say you’re a national ISP. Let’s say you want to support 4 levels of aggregation. Let’s say that at the lowest level (POP/City) you serve 50,000 end-sites in your largest POP/City. (16 bits) Let’s say you plan to max out at 32 POPs/Cities per region (your number from above) (5 bits) Let’s say you plan to divide the country into 8 regions (3 bits) Let’s say for some reason you want to break your aggregation along the lines of service class (infrastructure, residential, business) as your top level division (rarely a good idea, but I’ll go with it for now) and that you have 4 service classes (2 bits) Further, let’s say you decide to set aside half your address space for “future allocation schemes”. Each POP needs a /32. We can combine the Region/POP number into an 8-bit field — You need a /24 per Region. You need 3 additional bits for your higher level sub-divisions. Let’s round to a nibble boundary and give you a /20. With that /20, you can support up to 67 Million end sites in your first plan still leaving 3/4 of your address space fallow. (That’s at /48 per end-site, by the way). Now, let’s consider: 7 Billion People, each of which represents 32 different end-sites — 224 billion end-sites world wide. 224,000,000,000 / 67,000,000 = 3,344 (rounded up) total ISPs requiring /20s to serve every possible end-site on the planet. There are 1,048,576 /20s total, so after allocating all the ISPs in the world /20s, we still have 1,045,232 remaining. Let’s assume that every end-site goes with dual-address multi-homing (an IPv6 prefix from each provider). We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it. Even if we divide by 8 and just consider the current /3 being allocated as global unicast, you still have 130,236 free /20s left.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6. However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4”.
The problem is that you not only stopped counting beans, you stopped counting bean piles and you lost track of just how big the pile that you are making smaller piles from really is. I hope that this will show you a better way. Owen

Israel, A better question is why bit-map your allocation plan at all? That seems ill advised, since you must arbitrarily allocate huge swaths of ip space equally between category classes when it's rarely efficient to do so. For example, two bits for network infrastructure because infrastructure addresses are likely far fewer than any customer class. Similarly three bits for geographic region on the /38 boundary illogically assumes all geographic regions are the same size. There isn't a good routing reason for a bitwise address structure, since nobody routes that way. The only other rationale I can think of is human mnemonic value, but 128-bit addresses are not very amenable to such mnemonics (::DEAD:BEEF not withstanding :) -mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:32 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
Let’s say you’re a national ISP. Let’s say you want to support 4 levels of aggregation. Let’s say that at the lowest level (POP/City) you serve 50,000 end-sites in your largest POP/City. (16 bits) Let’s say you plan to max out at 32 POPs/Cities per region (your number from above) (5 bits) Let’s say you plan to divide the country into 8 regions (3 bits) Let’s say for some reason you want to break your aggregation along the lines of service class (infrastructure, residential, business) as your top level division (rarely a good idea, but I’ll go with it for now) and that you have 4 service classes (2 bits) Further, let’s say you decide to set aside half your address space for “future allocation schemes”.
Each POP needs a /32. We can combine the Region/POP number into an 8-bit field — You need a /24 per Region. You need 3 additional bits for your higher level sub-divisions. Let’s round to a nibble boundary and give you a /20.
With that /20, you can support up to 67 Million end sites in your first plan still leaving 3/4 of your address space fallow.
(That’s at /48 per end-site, by the way).
Now, let’s consider: 7 Billion People, each of which represents 32 different end-sites — 224 billion end-sites world wide. 224,000,000,000 / 67,000,000 = 3,344 (rounded up) total ISPs requiring /20s to serve every possible end-site on the planet.
There are 1,048,576 /20s total, so after allocating all the ISPs in the world /20s, we still have 1,045,232 remaining.
Let’s assume that every end-site goes with dual-address multi-homing (an IPv6 prefix from each provider).
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
Even if we divide by 8 and just consider the current /3 being allocated as global unicast, you still have 130,236 free /20s left.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4”.
The problem is that you not only stopped counting beans, you stopped counting bean piles and you lost track of just how big the pile that you are making smaller piles from really is.
I hope that this will show you a better way.

I'm sorry Mel, I only now saw your email. I'll quote from my reply to Owen, for the motivation behind my question:
Speaking of IPv6's full potential: we're considering 32 subscriptions per client. I've read people thinking of things like IPv6-aware soda cans. Refrigerators. Wearables. Cars and their internal components... You could have the on-board computer talking to the suspension via IPv6, and reporting back to the manufacturer or whatnot.
Personally, I'm not particularly fond of the whole "refrigerators ordering milk bottles" craze, but hey, it may very well become a thing. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet.
My point is: we're changing to a brand new protocol, and only now beginning to scratch its full potential. Yes, everything seems very big right now. Yes, 128 bits can be enough. Even 64 bits could be more than enough. But why limit ourselves? Someone decided (corretly) that 64 would be too limiting.
Please don't fall into the usual "you've got more addresses than atoms"... I've heard that, and am not disputing it. I'm not just talking about individual addresses (or /48's).
What I am proposing here, as food for thought, is: what if we had e.g. 192 bits, or 256? For one, we could have much sparser allocations. Heck, we could even go as far as having a bit for each day of the month. What would this be good for? I don't know. Perhaps someone may come up with a use for it.
Regards, Israel On 07/09/2015 02:46 AM, Mel Beckman wrote:
A better question is why bit-map your allocation plan at all? That seems ill advised, since you must arbitrarily allocate huge swaths of ip space equally between category classes when it's rarely efficient to do so. For example, two bits for network infrastructure because infrastructure addresses are likely far fewer than any customer class. Similarly three bits for geographic region on the /38 boundary illogically assumes all geographic regions are the same size.
There isn't a good routing reason for a bitwise address structure, since nobody routes that way. The only other rationale I can think of is human mnemonic value, but 128-bit addresses are not very amenable to such mnemonics (::DEAD:BEEF not withstanding :)
-mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:32 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy. Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
Let’s say you’re a national ISP. Let’s say you want to support 4 levels of aggregation. Let’s say that at the lowest level (POP/City) you serve 50,000 end-sites in your largest POP/City. (16 bits) Let’s say you plan to max out at 32 POPs/Cities per region (your number from above) (5 bits) Let’s say you plan to divide the country into 8 regions (3 bits) Let’s say for some reason you want to break your aggregation along the lines of service class (infrastructure, residential, business) as your top level division (rarely a good idea, but I’ll go with it for now) and that you have 4 service classes (2 bits) Further, let’s say you decide to set aside half your address space for “future allocation schemes”.
Each POP needs a /32. We can combine the Region/POP number into an 8-bit field — You need a /24 per Region. You need 3 additional bits for your higher level sub-divisions. Let’s round to a nibble boundary and give you a /20.
With that /20, you can support up to 67 Million end sites in your first plan still leaving 3/4 of your address space fallow.
(That’s at /48 per end-site, by the way).
Now, let’s consider: 7 Billion People, each of which represents 32 different end-sites — 224 billion end-sites world wide. 224,000,000,000 / 67,000,000 = 3,344 (rounded up) total ISPs requiring /20s to serve every possible end-site on the planet.
There are 1,048,576 /20s total, so after allocating all the ISPs in the world /20s, we still have 1,045,232 remaining.
Let’s assume that every end-site goes with dual-address multi-homing (an IPv6 prefix from each provider).
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
Even if we divide by 8 and just consider the current /3 being allocated as global unicast, you still have 130,236 free /20s left.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example. It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4”. The problem is that you not only stopped counting beans, you stopped counting bean piles and you lost track of just how big the pile that you are making smaller piles from really is.
I hope that this will show you a better way.

None of those applications benefit from address mapping. They can be done with IPv6 as it stands today. This is where the atoms argument you don't want us to make comes in :) -mel via cell
On Jul 8, 2015, at 7:27 PM, Israel G. Lugo <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> wrote:
I'm sorry Mel, I only now saw your email.
I'll quote from my reply to Owen, for the motivation behind my question:
Speaking of IPv6's full potential: we're considering 32 subscriptions per client. I've read people thinking of things like IPv6-aware soda cans. Refrigerators. Wearables. Cars and their internal components... You could have the on-board computer talking to the suspension via IPv6, and reporting back to the manufacturer or whatnot.
Personally, I'm not particularly fond of the whole "refrigerators ordering milk bottles" craze, but hey, it may very well become a thing. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet.
My point is: we're changing to a brand new protocol, and only now beginning to scratch its full potential. Yes, everything seems very big right now. Yes, 128 bits can be enough. Even 64 bits could be more than enough. But why limit ourselves? Someone decided (corretly) that 64 would be too limiting.
Please don't fall into the usual "you've got more addresses than atoms"... I've heard that, and am not disputing it. I'm not just talking about individual addresses (or /48's).
What I am proposing here, as food for thought, is: what if we had e.g. 192 bits, or 256? For one, we could have much sparser allocations. Heck, we could even go as far as having a bit for each day of the month. What would this be good for? I don't know. Perhaps someone may come up with a use for it.
Regards, Israel
On 07/09/2015 02:46 AM, Mel Beckman wrote: Israel,
A better question is why bit-map your allocation plan at all? That seems ill advised, since you must arbitrarily allocate huge swaths of ip space equally between category classes when it's rarely efficient to do so. For example, two bits for network infrastructure because infrastructure addresses are likely far fewer than any customer class. Similarly three bits for geographic region on the /38 boundary illogically assumes all geographic regions are the same size.
There isn't a good routing reason for a bitwise address structure, since nobody routes that way. The only other rationale I can think of is human mnemonic value, but 128-bit addresses are not very amenable to such mnemonics (::DEAD:BEEF not withstanding :)
-mel beckman
On Jul 8, 2015, at 6:32 PM, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy. Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
Let’s say you’re a national ISP. Let’s say you want to support 4 levels of aggregation. Let’s say that at the lowest level (POP/City) you serve 50,000 end-sites in your largest POP/City. (16 bits) Let’s say you plan to max out at 32 POPs/Cities per region (your number from above) (5 bits) Let’s say you plan to divide the country into 8 regions (3 bits) Let’s say for some reason you want to break your aggregation along the lines of service class (infrastructure, residential, business) as your top level division (rarely a good idea, but I’ll go with it for now) and that you have 4 service classes (2 bits) Further, let’s say you decide to set aside half your address space for “future allocation schemes”.
Each POP needs a /32. We can combine the Region/POP number into an 8-bit field — You need a /24 per Region. You need 3 additional bits for your higher level sub-divisions. Let’s round to a nibble boundary and give you a /20.
With that /20, you can support up to 67 Million end sites in your first plan still leaving 3/4 of your address space fallow.
(That’s at /48 per end-site, by the way).
Now, let’s consider: 7 Billion People, each of which represents 32 different end-sites — 224 billion end-sites world wide. 224,000,000,000 / 67,000,000 = 3,344 (rounded up) total ISPs requiring /20s to serve every possible end-site on the planet.
There are 1,048,576 /20s total, so after allocating all the ISPs in the world /20s, we still have 1,045,232 remaining.
Let’s assume that every end-site goes with dual-address multi-homing (an IPv6 prefix from each provider).
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
Even if we divide by 8 and just consider the current /3 being allocated as global unicast, you still have 130,236 free /20s left.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example. It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4”. The problem is that you not only stopped counting beans, you stopped counting bean piles and you lost track of just how big the pile that you are making smaller piles from really is.
I hope that this will show you a better way.

On 07/09/2015 02:31 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
[...get larger allocation...]
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
I am aware of the math, and how it can fit. I will concede that a /20 is sufficient. Note, however, the difference in orders of magnitude for typical allocations. I realize in ARIN side you've got e.g. Comcast with multiple /20s, but in RIPE that is not so common. My home ISP has 3x /32s. As I said, default ISP/LIR allocation here is from /32 to /29. Yes, shorter prefixes can be justified and obtained, but it's not the norm.
It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
You basically just said "get a larger allocation"... Which was my point all along. /32 is not enough, and even /24 could be made much roomier. Speaking of IPv6's full potential: we're considering 32 subscriptions per client. I've read people thinking of things like IPv6-aware soda cans. Refrigerators. Wearables. Cars and their internal components... You could have the on-board computer talking to the suspension via IPv6, and reporting back to the manufacturer or whatnot. Personally, I'm not particularly fond of the whole "refrigerators ordering milk bottles" craze, but hey, it may very well become a thing. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet. My point is: we're changing to a brand new protocol, and only now beginning to scratch its full potential. Yes, everything seems very big right now. Yes, 128 bits can be enough. Even 64 bits could be more than enough. But why limit ourselves? Someone decided (corretly) that 64 would be too limiting. Please don't fall into the usual "you've got more addresses than atoms"... I've heard that, and am not disputing it. I'm not just talking about individual addresses (or /48's). What I am proposing here, as food for thought, is: what if we had e.g. 192 bits, or 256? For one, we could have much sparser allocations. Heck, we could even go as far as having a bit for each day of the month. What would this be good for? I don't know. Perhaps someone may come up with a use for it.

Israel, You have to draw the limbs somewhere. Why not 512 bits? 1024? The IETF engineers that thought about this long and hard and discussed the topic we've just had, and a thousands of other topics, decided on 128. I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. :) -mel via cell
On Jul 8, 2015, at 7:23 PM, Israel G. Lugo <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> wrote:
On 07/09/2015 02:31 AM, Owen DeLong wrote: Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
[...get larger allocation...]
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
I am aware of the math, and how it can fit. I will concede that a /20 is sufficient.
Note, however, the difference in orders of magnitude for typical allocations. I realize in ARIN side you've got e.g. Comcast with multiple /20s, but in RIPE that is not so common. My home ISP has 3x /32s. As I said, default ISP/LIR allocation here is from /32 to /29. Yes, shorter prefixes can be justified and obtained, but it's not the norm.
It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
You basically just said "get a larger allocation"... Which was my point all along. /32 is not enough, and even /24 could be made much roomier.
Speaking of IPv6's full potential: we're considering 32 subscriptions per client. I've read people thinking of things like IPv6-aware soda cans. Refrigerators. Wearables. Cars and their internal components... You could have the on-board computer talking to the suspension via IPv6, and reporting back to the manufacturer or whatnot.
Personally, I'm not particularly fond of the whole "refrigerators ordering milk bottles" craze, but hey, it may very well become a thing. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet.
My point is: we're changing to a brand new protocol, and only now beginning to scratch its full potential. Yes, everything seems very big right now. Yes, 128 bits can be enough. Even 64 bits could be more than enough. But why limit ourselves? Someone decided (corretly) that 64 would be too limiting.
Please don't fall into the usual "you've got more addresses than atoms"... I've heard that, and am not disputing it. I'm not just talking about individual addresses (or /48's).
What I am proposing here, as food for thought, is: what if we had e.g. 192 bits, or 256? For one, we could have much sparser allocations. Heck, we could even go as far as having a bit for each day of the month. What would this be good for? I don't know. Perhaps someone may come up with a use for it.

Draw the lines -mel via cell
On Jul 8, 2015, at 7:33 PM, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
You have to draw the limbs somewhere. Why not 512 bits? 1024? The IETF engineers that thought about this long and hard and discussed the topic we've just had, and a thousands of other topics, decided on 128. I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. :)
-mel via cell
On Jul 8, 2015, at 7:23 PM, Israel G. Lugo <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> wrote:
On 07/09/2015 02:31 AM, Owen DeLong wrote: Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
[...get larger allocation...]
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
I am aware of the math, and how it can fit. I will concede that a /20 is sufficient.
Note, however, the difference in orders of magnitude for typical allocations. I realize in ARIN side you've got e.g. Comcast with multiple /20s, but in RIPE that is not so common. My home ISP has 3x /32s. As I said, default ISP/LIR allocation here is from /32 to /29. Yes, shorter prefixes can be justified and obtained, but it's not the norm.
It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
You basically just said "get a larger allocation"... Which was my point all along. /32 is not enough, and even /24 could be made much roomier.
Speaking of IPv6's full potential: we're considering 32 subscriptions per client. I've read people thinking of things like IPv6-aware soda cans. Refrigerators. Wearables. Cars and their internal components... You could have the on-board computer talking to the suspension via IPv6, and reporting back to the manufacturer or whatnot.
Personally, I'm not particularly fond of the whole "refrigerators ordering milk bottles" craze, but hey, it may very well become a thing. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet.
My point is: we're changing to a brand new protocol, and only now beginning to scratch its full potential. Yes, everything seems very big right now. Yes, 128 bits can be enough. Even 64 bits could be more than enough. But why limit ourselves? Someone decided (corretly) that 64 would be too limiting.
Please don't fall into the usual "you've got more addresses than atoms"... I've heard that, and am not disputing it. I'm not just talking about individual addresses (or /48's).
What I am proposing here, as food for thought, is: what if we had e.g. 192 bits, or 256? For one, we could have much sparser allocations. Heck, we could even go as far as having a bit for each day of the month. What would this be good for? I don't know. Perhaps someone may come up with a use for it.

On Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:32:35 -0400, Mel Beckman <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
You have to draw the limbs somewhere. Why not 512 bits? 1024? The IETF engineers that thought about this long and hard and discussed the topic we've just had, and a thousands of other topics, decided on 128. I'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. :)
Actually, it was *64*, but SLAAC's use of MAC would've left only 16 bits. Adding it on meant a 112bit network. Round up and we get 128!

On Jul 8, 2015, at 19:22 , Israel G. Lugo <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> wrote:
On 07/09/2015 02:31 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
Here’s the problem… You started at the wrong end and worked in the wrong direction in your planning.
[...get larger allocation...]
We are now left with only 1,041,888 /20s remaining. You still haven’t put a dent in it.
I am aware of the math, and how it can fit. I will concede that a /20 is sufficient.
Note, however, the difference in orders of magnitude for typical allocations. I realize in ARIN side you've got e.g. Comcast with multiple /20s, but in RIPE that is not so common. My home ISP has 3x /32s. As I said, default ISP/LIR allocation here is from /32 to /29. Yes, shorter prefixes can be justified and obtained, but it's not the norm.
Poor allocation practice and/or policy in RIPE is something that should be solved through education and policy change where needed. The fact that such is apparently commonplace in RIPE is probably an artifact of the RIPE region having deployed IPv6 a bit ahead of much of the world. In part, it’s probably cultural artifact. In any case, since there’s still a lot of networks that haven’t really deployed IPv6, let’s stop teaching bad ways to do things and focus on doing better going forward.
It’s not… It’s a great example of how not to plan your address space in IPv6.
However, if we repeat the same exercise in the correct direction, not only does each of your end-sites get a /48, you get the /20 you need in order to properly deploy your network. You get lots of space left over, and we still don’t make a dent in the IPv6 free pool. Everyone wins.
You basically just said "get a larger allocation"... Which was my point all along. /32 is not enough, and even /24 could be made much roomier.
Sure… And if you need larger allocations, they should be very easy to get. I haven’t yet built anything that needed more than a /24. However, I have now obtained 3 /24s from ARIN for 3 different networks and not had significant difficulty with any of the 3.
Speaking of IPv6's full potential: we're considering 32 subscriptions per client. I've read people thinking of things like IPv6-aware soda cans. Refrigerators. Wearables. Cars and their internal components... You could have the on-board computer talking to the suspension via IPv6, and reporting back to the manufacturer or whatnot.
Yes, but each of those wouldn’t require its own subscription/network. Most of those things would aggregate into one or more of your wireless networks. By subscriptions, I was literally talking about different ISP connections. 32 is massive overkill… Very few people today have more than 5. Each cellular device is essentially one since there’s no real local aggregation available. However, everything on the wired and wireless networks in your home would probably share a single attachment. Your car might be its own attachment or might use one or more of your cellular attachments. Your soda cans, refrigerators, wearables, etc. would most likely use one of your fixed or mobile attachments.
Personally, I'm not particularly fond of the whole "refrigerators ordering milk bottles" craze, but hey, it may very well become a thing. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet.
What I think will become more common than refrigerators ordering things is refrigerators providing inventory management capabilities (including load cells in the shelves that work with positional RFID sensors so that you not only know that you have 3 bottles of milk in the fridge, but can tell where in the fridge and how much in each bottle). Zap a QR-Code for a recipe with your cell phone, and the fridge checks in with the cabinets and sends back a list of what you need to buy vs. what you already have in inventory.
My point is: we're changing to a brand new protocol, and only now beginning to scratch its full potential. Yes, everything seems very big right now. Yes, 128 bits can be enough. Even 64 bits could be more than enough. But why limit ourselves? Someone decided (corretly) that 64 would be too limiting.
The additional consumptions you’re talking about all fit within the model I described. You’re either expanding the number of things in the house that are hosts or you’re expanding the number of hosts attached to one of the mobile attach points. I used 32 attach points per person on the planet with the full population of planet earth to be deliberately conservative in the potential number of ISP connections required.
Please don't fall into the usual "you've got more addresses than atoms"... I've heard that, and am not disputing it. I'm not just talking about individual addresses (or /48's).
I don’t think I did. Nor did I talk about individual /48s.
What I am proposing here, as food for thought, is: what if we had e.g. 192 bits, or 256? For one, we could have much sparser allocations. Heck, we could even go as far as having a bit for each day of the month. What would this be good for? I don't know. Perhaps someone may come up with a use for it.
Given that prefix length is baked into the protocol and very hard to change, I’m not eager to abandon what progress has been made deploying IPv6 to go chasing a larger bit field any time soon. If you think you’ve got something that will convince everyone to rewrite all their software again, go for it, but I’m skeptical as to the potential success of such an endeavor. However, if you do, I have just one request… Please add a 64-bit field to the packet header for “routing destination identifier” so we can do something more intelligent than LISP without encapsulation. Owen

In message <559DC43E.5020005@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes:
On 07/09/2015 12:59 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <559DB604.8060901@lugosys.com>, "Israel G. Lugo" writes:
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. /32 is not the standard allocation. It is the *minimum* allocation for a ISP. ISPs are expected to ask for *more* addresses to meet their actual requirements.
Thank you for pointing that out. When speaking of /32 I was referring specifically to RIPE policy, with which I am more familiar: "Initial allocation size" for a LIR is /32, extensive to a /29 with minimal bureaucracy. Perhaps I should have said "default allocation".
I understand ISPs should ask for more addresses; however, even e.g. a /24 (8x /32) seems to me like it could be "roomier".
People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. No. People look at /48's for sites. 35,184,372,088,832 /48 sites out of t he 1/8th of the total IPv6 space currently in use. That is 35 trillion sites and if we use that up we can look at using a different default size in the next 1/8th. Yes, if we look at end sites individually. My hypothesis is that these astronomic numbers are in fact misleading. There isn't, after all, one single ISP-Of-The-World, with The-One-Big-Router.
We must divide the addresses by ISPs/LIRs, and so on. Several bits in the prefix must be used for subaddressing. A larger ISP will probably want to further subdivide its addressing by region, and so on. With subdivisions comes "waste". Which is something we don't need to worry about at the LAN level, but it would be nice to have that level of comfort at the subaddressing level as well.
Let's say I'm a national ISP, using 2001:db8::/32. I divide it like so:
- I reserve 1 bit for future allocation schemes, leaving me a /33; - 2 bits for network type (infrastructure, residential, business, LTE): /35 - 3 bits for geographic region, state, whatever: /38 - 5 bits for PoP, or city: /43
This leaves me 5 bits for end sites: no joy.
Granted, this is just a silly example, and I don't have to divide my address space like this. In fact, I really can't, unless I want to have more than 32 customers per city. But I don't think it's a very far-fetched example.
A single /48 has enough space/subnets cover the entire infrastructure of 99.9999% of ISPs even using /64's for p2p links rather than taking one /64 and subdividing that for all of the p2p links. Treat the ISP as a business customer of itself when allocating address space for itself. A single /48 or one /48 per site.
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious here, but it seems to me that it would've been nice to have these kinds of possibilities, and more. It seems counterintuitive, especially given the "IPv6 way of thinking" which is normally encouraged: "stop counting beans, this isn't IPv4".
The thinking is that ISP's are experts and can deal with managing complex allocation policy. They can also deal with multiple more specific routes etc. They already cope with this in IPv4.
Regards, Israel G. Lugo -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org

On 07/09/2015 02:38 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
A single /48 has enough space/subnets cover the entire infrastructure of 99.9999% of ISPs even using /64's for p2p links rather than taking one /64 and subdividing that for all of the p2p links. Treat the ISP as a business customer of itself when allocating address space for itself. A single /48 or one /48 per site.
A single /48 is more than enough for infrastructure, yes. It was a 5-minute example. Bitmapping the allocations can't be done right now in IPv4 (technically it can, but there's not enough to go around). One of the good things about IPv6 is supposed to be not having to worry about address waste. You're never going to fill up even a single /64 with current technology (you'll run out of MAC addresses first). Taking the infrastructure example above: sure, a /48 is a waste. Who cares? So is a /64 for my home network. Again, who cares? There are enough addresses. As someone said here, they're just integers. My whole point is: why not allow some room for more flexible allocations? Compatibility was already broken by changing address length.
The thinking is that ISP's are experts and can deal with managing complex allocation policy. They can also deal with multiple more specific routes etc. They already cope with this in IPv4.
Uh... okay?

When do we run out of MAC addresses? ;-) ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Israel G. Lugo" <israel.lugo@lugosys.com> To: "Owen DeLong" <owen@delong.com>, "NANOG" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2015 6:45:08 PM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion On 07/05/2015 06:26 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
On Jul 4, 2015, at 23:51 , Valdis.Kletnieks@vt.edu wrote:
Put their IPv4 behind a NAT and a globally routed /56.
There, FTFY. :) Or better yet globally routed /48.
/56 is still a bad idea.
Owen I've read this many times and am aware it's the standard recommendation. Makes perfect sense for the customer side, as it would be hard for him to subnet properly otherwise.
Doesn't seem to make sense at all for the ISP side, though. Standard allocation /32. Giving out /48s. Even if we leave out proper subnet organization and allocate fully densely, that's at most 65,536 subnets. Not a very large ISP. You can say "get more blocks", or "get larger blocks". Sure, let's give each ISP a /24. That lets them have up to 16M customers (and that's still subnetting densely, which sucks rather a lot). Doesn't leave that many allocation blocks for the RIRs to hand out, though. People usually look at IPv6 and focus on the vast numbers of individual addresses. Naysayers usually get shot down with some quote mentioning the number of atoms in the universe or some such. Personally, I think that's a red herring; the real problem is subnets. At this rate I believe subnets will become the scarce resource sooner or later. Sure, in the LAN side we'll never have to worry about address scarcity. But what's the point of having addresses to spare, if it just means you've got to start worrying about subnet scarcity? If the goal was never having to worry about counting anymore, I propose that 128 bits is far too little. Should've gone a full 256 and be done with it. Regards, Israel G. Lugo P.S.: I'm 100% for IPv6 and $dayjob has been fully dual stacked for 10 years now.

Hi, Currently IPv4 is rather cheap. The first step is to conserve your resources by deploying schemes to effectively use your IPv4 allocation. You have to drop using a /30 for each customer and instead have your customer on a shared subnet. We group our customers up to 60 customers in a /26. I do not believe IPv4 will become expensive for some time. There are simply too many people that made sure they got more than their share of the pool and now they are all trying to sell the excess. Also many companies will realize the need to optimize their IPv4 usage and as soon they do, they will realize they actually posses excess IPv4 that can be sold. This is especially true for the ARIN zone, where you have the most IPv4 address space compared to population size. So the answer for now is that you can continue business as usual. Something that used to be free is now a cost, but it is not very expensive. Of course not deploying IPv6 is a bad idea. It is in your best interest to promote IPv6 so you have that, when IPv4 becomes too expensive. When that time comes, I am betting on one of the Address plus Port schemes. Most promising is MAP. You will have several users sharing an IPv4 address. It will be ok for surfing the web but it will suck for many other things. Therefore you want widespread use of IPv6 by the time you deploy this. If everyone are using IPv6 most of the time, the customers are likely to care less about the limitations of sharing an IPv4 address. Regards, Baldur

Dual-stack doesn't require public IPv4 addresses. Since IPv4 is in short supply, providers must still do what they can to conserve them. This means NAT, with appropriate management to not overload any one IP, or CGN if you want to keep public IPv4 (but no longer unique ones) on CPE. Not every customer needs direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT; those that do must pay for it. If those who have it aren't willing to pay, they must give up their public IPv4 address. That is the most efficient direct IPv4 provisioning concept we have today. Given the history of IPv6 adoption, it's clear that people won't move until they experience pain sticking with IPv4. "On demand" IPv4 isn't currently being done anywhere AFAIK, and since we're abandoning IPv4 it's not likely anyone has that on their priority list. It's not a good policy to go out of your way to make IPv4 users comfortable. IPv4 is going to go away, and the sooner customers get that and go to IPv6, the sooner the pain will stop :) -mel beckman
On Jul 4, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161

You don't work with end-users much, do you? The same types that follow Free Press and what not about how their ISP breaks it off in their backside (despite no concrete evidence - see the recent M-Labs, Free Press incident)... they won't take too kindly to being told to pay more for IPv4 to make whatever game work properly. It has to be seamless and it has to be free. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 10:52:36 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion Dual-stack doesn't require public IPv4 addresses. Since IPv4 is in short supply, providers must still do what they can to conserve them. This means NAT, with appropriate management to not overload any one IP, or CGN if you want to keep public IPv4 (but no longer unique ones) on CPE. Not every customer needs direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT; those that do must pay for it. If those who have it aren't willing to pay, they must give up their public IPv4 address. That is the most efficient direct IPv4 provisioning concept we have today. Given the history of IPv6 adoption, it's clear that people won't move until they experience pain sticking with IPv4. "On demand" IPv4 isn't currently being done anywhere AFAIK, and since we're abandoning IPv4 it's not likely anyone has that on their priority list. It's not a good policy to go out of your way to make IPv4 users comfortable. IPv4 is going to go away, and the sooner customers get that and go to IPv6, the sooner the pain will stop :) -mel beckman
On Jul 4, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161

Mike, They certainly won't like it. But the situation is the same everywhere. It's not like they're being gouged. -mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
You don't work with end-users much, do you? The same types that follow Free Press and what not about how their ISP breaks it off in their backside (despite no concrete evidence - see the recent M-Labs, Free Press incident)... they won't take too kindly to being told to pay more for IPv4 to make whatever game work properly. It has to be seamless and it has to be free.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 10:52:36 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Dual-stack doesn't require public IPv4 addresses. Since IPv4 is in short supply, providers must still do what they can to conserve them. This means NAT, with appropriate management to not overload any one IP, or CGN if you want to keep public IPv4 (but no longer unique ones) on CPE. Not every customer needs direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT; those that do must pay for it. If those who have it aren't willing to pay, they must give up their public IPv4 address.
That is the most efficient direct IPv4 provisioning concept we have today. Given the history of IPv6 adoption, it's clear that people won't move until they experience pain sticking with IPv4.
"On demand" IPv4 isn't currently being done anywhere AFAIK, and since we're abandoning IPv4 it's not likely anyone has that on their priority list. It's not a good policy to go out of your way to make IPv4 users comfortable. IPv4 is going to go away, and the sooner customers get that and go to IPv6, the sooner the pain will stop :)
-mel beckman
On Jul 4, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161

I dont think my customers would see it that way. They would say, "we'll just go with ATT or Comcast instead." Poof, there goes that MRR! -The other WISP Mike On Jul 5, 2015 9:54 AM, "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> wrote:
They certainly won't like it. But the situation is the same everywhere. It's not like they're being gouged.
-mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> wrote:
You don't work with end-users much, do you? The same types that follow Free Press and what not about how their ISP breaks it off in their backside (despite no concrete evidence - see the recent M-Labs, Free Press incident)... they won't take too kindly to being told to pay more for IPv4 to make whatever game work properly. It has to be seamless and it has to be free.
----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions http://www.ics-il.com
Midwest Internet Exchange http://www.midwest-ix.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mel Beckman" <mel@beckman.org> To: "Josh Moore" <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> Cc: nanog@nanog.org Sent: Sunday, July 5, 2015 10:52:36 AM Subject: Re: Dual stack IPv6 for IPv4 depletion
Dual-stack doesn't require public IPv4 addresses. Since IPv4 is in short supply, providers must still do what they can to conserve them. This means NAT, with appropriate management to not overload any one IP, or CGN if you want to keep public IPv4 (but no longer unique ones) on CPE. Not every customer needs direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT; those that do must pay for it. If those who have it aren't willing to pay, they must give up their public IPv4 address.
That is the most efficient direct IPv4 provisioning concept we have today. Given the history of IPv6 adoption, it's clear that people won't move until they experience pain sticking with IPv4.
"On demand" IPv4 isn't currently being done anywhere AFAIK, and since we're abandoning IPv4 it's not likely anyone has that on their priority list. It's not a good policy to go out of your way to make IPv4 users comfortable. IPv4 is going to go away, and the sooner customers get that and go to IPv6, the sooner the pain will stop :)
-mel beckman
On Jul 4, 2015, at 6:02 PM, Josh Moore <jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161

On 7/4/2015 5:09 AM, Josh Moore wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space.
Admirable goal.
Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE.
That's what "dual stack" means, yes.
If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis?
Well, you dual-stacked your subscribers about 5-8 years ago, and about 3-5 years ago we're basically done moving all content they might wish to access to IPv6 as well. So about a year ago, you've been able to offer an IPv6-only product that actually works just fine... and you charge extra for IPv4 (which most people don't want/need at this point)
Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility.
Well,... because you and every other ISP dual-stacked over 5 years ago, and the transition is just about done, I wouldn't call it "many" at this point.
Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT?
By now, there aren't any such applications in wide use. A few legacy things that couldn't be updated, sure, and for those you can still offer IPv4 addresses and access to the few people willing to pay extra for that.
It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed.
That's not needed, because with everyone on IPv6, there's more than enough IPv4 space available for you... and if you need to buy some, it is almost worthless, so the prices are near zero.
My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist?
Nobody bothered to build sharing strategies because it was clear that it wouldn't be needed as IPv6 deployment ramped up over the last decade.
If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Just continue the dual-stack approach for those who need it, as you've been doing for 5+ years. For the rest, IPv4 is historic.
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Fortunately, the recent ARIN announcement is of no real concern, because you and everyone else moved to a nearly 100% IPv6 Internet years ago. Matthew Kaufman

Matthew, You can be part of the solution or part of the sarcasm. -mel via cell
On Jul 5, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Matthew Kaufman <matthew@matthew.at> wrote:
On 7/4/2015 5:09 AM, Josh Moore wrote: Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space.
Admirable goal.
Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE.
That's what "dual stack" means, yes.
If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis?
Well, you dual-stacked your subscribers about 5-8 years ago, and about 3-5 years ago we're basically done moving all content they might wish to access to IPv6 as well. So about a year ago, you've been able to offer an IPv6-only product that actually works just fine... and you charge extra for IPv4 (which most people don't want/need at this point)
Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility.
Well,... because you and every other ISP dual-stacked over 5 years ago, and the transition is just about done, I wouldn't call it "many" at this point.
Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT?
By now, there aren't any such applications in wide use. A few legacy things that couldn't be updated, sure, and for those you can still offer IPv4 addresses and access to the few people willing to pay extra for that.
It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed.
That's not needed, because with everyone on IPv6, there's more than enough IPv4 space available for you... and if you need to buy some, it is almost worthless, so the prices are near zero.
My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist?
Nobody bothered to build sharing strategies because it was clear that it wouldn't be needed as IPv6 deployment ramped up over the last decade.
If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Just continue the dual-stack approach for those who need it, as you've been doing for 5+ years. For the rest, IPv4 is historic.
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Fortunately, the recent ARIN announcement is of no real concern, because you and everyone else moved to a nearly 100% IPv6 Internet years ago.
Matthew Kaufman

Some thoughts. . . ³Native dual-stack² is ³native IPv4 and native IPv6.² ³Dual-stack² might be native, or might by ³native IPv6 plus IPv4 address sharing.² Your IPv4 address sharing options are CGN, DS-Lite, and MAP. There are operational deployments of all three, in the order given. You need them close enough to your customers that traffic will return over the same path. You can¹t share state among a cluster of boxes, but that¹s not the end of the world; a device failure sometimes causes loss of state. MAP is the hot new thing all the cool kids are doing. Look to your router and load balancer vendors for devices that do these. CGN is the only one that doesn¹t require updates to the home gateway. The more IPv6 your customers use, the smaller your CGN/AFTR/MAP can be. Think about how you¹ll position it to customers. It¹s difficult to change a customer¹s service mid-contract. At some point, a customer is no longer profitable: if NAT costs and service calls add up, you may be better off buying addresses or losing the customer. You may need to buy some IPv4 addresses to give you time; contact a broker. You may be surprised how hard it is to root IPv4 out of the system. Don¹t buy anything you can¹t manage over IPv6, including servers and applications. Sorry, vendor, I can¹t buy your cluster, I don¹t have the IPv4 address space to provision it. Lee On 7/4/15, 8:09 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Josh Moore" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161

And let's all complain to the MPLS working group to get IPv6 support finished up! -mel beckman
On Jul 6, 2015, at 6:27 AM, Lee Howard <Lee@asgard.org> wrote:
Some thoughts. . .
³Native dual-stack² is ³native IPv4 and native IPv6.²
³Dual-stack² might be native, or might by ³native IPv6 plus IPv4 address sharing.²
Your IPv4 address sharing options are CGN, DS-Lite, and MAP. There are operational deployments of all three, in the order given. You need them close enough to your customers that traffic will return over the same path. You can¹t share state among a cluster of boxes, but that¹s not the end of the world; a device failure sometimes causes loss of state. MAP is the hot new thing all the cool kids are doing.
Look to your router and load balancer vendors for devices that do these. CGN is the only one that doesn¹t require updates to the home gateway. The more IPv6 your customers use, the smaller your CGN/AFTR/MAP can be.
Think about how you¹ll position it to customers. It¹s difficult to change a customer¹s service mid-contract. At some point, a customer is no longer profitable: if NAT costs and service calls add up, you may be better off buying addresses or losing the customer. You may need to buy some IPv4 addresses to give you time; contact a broker.
You may be surprised how hard it is to root IPv4 out of the system. Don¹t buy anything you can¹t manage over IPv6, including servers and applications. Sorry, vendor, I can¹t buy your cluster, I don¹t have the IPv4 address space to provision it.
On 7/4/15, 8:09 AM, "NANOG on behalf of Josh Moore" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of jmoore@atcnetworks.net> wrote:
Traditional dual stack deployments implement both IPv4 and IPv6 to the CPE. Consider the following:
An ISP is at 90% IPv4 utilization and would like to deploy dual stack with the purpose of allowing their subscriber base to continue to grow regardless of the depletion of the IPv4 space. Current dual stack best practices seem to recommend deploying BOTH IPv4 and IPv6 to every CPE. If this is the case, and BOTH are still required, then how does IPv6 help with the v4 address depletion crisis? Many sites and services would still need legacy IPv4 compatibility. Sure, CGN technology may be a solution but what about applications that need direct IPv4 connectivity without NAT? It seems that there should be a mechanism to enable on-demand and efficient IPv4 address consumption ONLY when needed. My question is this: What, if any, solutions like this exist? If no solution exists then what is the next best thing? What would the overall IPv6 migration strategy and goal be?
Sorry for the length of this email but these are legitimate concerns and while I understand the need for IPv6 and the importance of getting there; I don't understand exactly HOW that can be done considering the immediate issue: IPv4 depletion.
Joshua Moore Network Engineer ATC Broadband 912.632.3161
participants (52)
Baldur Norddahl
Barry Shein
Ca By
Chuck Church
Dave Taht
David Conrad
Doug Barton
George Metz
Harald Koch
Israel G. Lugo
Jacques Latour
Jared Mauch
Jared Mauch
Joe Maimon
joel jaeggli
John Curran
John Levine
John R. Levine
Josh Moore
Karl Auer
Laszlo Hanyecz
Lee Howard
Lyndon Nerenberg
Marco Teixeira
Mark Andrews
Mark Tinka
Matthew Huff
Matthew Kaufman
Mel Beckman
Mike Hammett
Mike Lyon
Naslund, Steve
Nicholas Suan
Nick Ellermann
Nikolay Shopik
Owen DeLong
Paul Ferguson
Randy Bush
Randy Carpenter
Ricky Beam
Sander Steffann
Shane Ronan
Stephen Satchell
Tim Franklin
Tony Finch
Tony Hain
Tyler Applebaum
William Waites