Re: PuTTY alt-keys (was Re: 16-User Network)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fairlight" <>
Unless someone dumbs down and jails their environment for them, which I'm staunchly against for anything except ftp or sftp use.
This is, um, the *filePro* mailing list. Quick: who on here has ever set up a Unix user to go directly into a filePro menu? :-)
My belief is that if you can't configure a simple terminal emulator, you're quite possibly a menace with an operating system a few hundred times as complex. All the chmod 0777 monkeys out there haven't done anything but reinforce my opinion over the years. There are some notable exceptions, but I'm wary of putting non-technical people in front of an actual shell prompt.
Yup. Why I never do it.
And I've never been a fan of pseudo-jailed environments. I've yet to> find one I can't find -some- way out of (including at a bank, who> overlooked the fact that WordPerfect had a shell escape buried in it!), and> admins place way too much trust in the stupidity of the users they fool into thinking their access is limited. Sorry, changing the prompt to look like a several-choice menu is -not- security. (Yes, I know a company that does this.)
Ha. :-) In practice, in 20 years, on well over 500 seats, I *never* had a problem. Never.
But I'd never let someone near my own box if they can't even configure a PuTTY connection to it. Oh, -hell- no. :)
Strawman. Wasn't suggesting that you should. See again the name of this list ;-) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA +1 727 647 1274
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Jay Ashworth