I didn't see a posting from Sean, yet, but there apparantly was a multi telco fiber cut in the Chicago area. I have no additional details at this time. Anyone know anything? -j -- /--------------------------/ Jason Legate \------------------------\ | jlegate@sitesmith.com | SiteSmith, Inc. | | 24x7 Call Center | http://www.sitesmith.com | | 888.898.7667 | PGP Key ID - 0xA855AAC3 | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Fingerprint - 2D5F 87A0 26E6 A65B 6837 D100 FB54 A972 A855 AAC3 | \------------------------------------------------------------------/

I have heard rumors about a fiber cut that affected IXC today around chicago that affected some of their 800# and LD customers, but nothing about data services being affected, so I was assuming that it was more of a switch failure on their part.. - Jared On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 06:58:37PM -0700, Jason Legate wrote:
I didn't see a posting from Sean, yet, but there apparantly was a multi telco fiber cut in the Chicago area. I have no additional details at this time. Anyone know anything?
-- /--------------------------/ Jason Legate \------------------------\ | jlegate@sitesmith.com | SiteSmith, Inc. | | 24x7 Call Center | http://www.sitesmith.com | | 888.898.7667 | PGP Key ID - 0xA855AAC3 | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Fingerprint - 2D5F 87A0 26E6 A65B 6837 D100 FB54 A972 A855 AAC3 | \------------------------------------------------------------------/
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine. END OF LINE |

I have heard from one major datacenter that they experienced data service loss in and around chicago. They haven't issued a statement to customers yet, so I'm waiting to see what information they provide as well as what any other people here have to say. -j On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 11:04:20PM -0400, Jared Mauch wrote:
I have heard rumors about a fiber cut that affected IXC today around chicago that affected some of their 800# and LD customers, but nothing about data services being affected, so I was assuming that it was more of a switch failure on their part..
- Jared
-- /--------------------------/ Jason Legate \------------------------\ | jlegate@sitesmith.com | SiteSmith, Inc. | | 24x7 Call Center | http://www.sitesmith.com | | 888.898.7667 | PGP Key ID - 0xA855AAC3 | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------+ | Fingerprint - 2D5F 87A0 26E6 A65B 6837 D100 FB54 A972 A855 AAC3 | \------------------------------------------------------------------/

On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 06:58:37PM -0700, Jason Legate wrote:
I didn't see a posting from Sean, yet, but there apparantly was a multi telco fiber cut in the Chicago area. I have no additional details at this time. Anyone know anything?
Well, if Sean doesn't know about it, I don't believe it happened. Next thing you know, you'll be claiming Delaware or the Moon exists. :-)
participants (3)
Jared Mauch
Jason Legate
Shawn McMahon