Muni network ownership and the Fourth

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob McEwen" <>
(C) The fact that the Internet is a series of PRIVATE networks... NOT owned/operated by the Feds... is a large reason why the 4th amendment provides such protections... it becomes somewhat of a "firewall" of protection against Federal gov't trampling of civil liberties... but if they own the network, then that opens up many doors for them.
Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me. Rob, anyone, does anyone know if any 4th amendment case law exists on muni- owned networks? Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 1/29/2013 7:59 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob McEwen" <>
(C) The fact that the Internet is a series of PRIVATE networks... NOT owned/operated by the Feds... is a large reason why the 4th amendment provides such protections... it becomes somewhat of a "firewall" of protection against Federal gov't trampling of civil liberties... but if they own the network, then that opens up many doors for them.
Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me.
Rob, anyone, does anyone know if any 4th amendment case law exists on muni- owned networks?
The challenge, here, is a classic 'natural monopoly' concern/argument. I don't know the right answer, here, but I think the frame for discussing it has a long history. d/ -- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking

On 1/29/2013 10:59 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Rob McEwen" <> (C) The fact that the Internet is a series of PRIVATE networks... NOT owned/operated by the Feds... is a large reason why the 4th amendment provides such protections... it becomes somewhat of a "firewall" of protection against Federal gov't trampling of civil liberties... but if they own the network, then that opens up many doors for them. Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me.
Rob, anyone, does anyone know if any 4th amendment case law exists on muni- owned networks?
Good question. Here is another thing to consider regarding SOME muni network... (at least where private citizens/businesses subscribe to that network) When any government entity desires log files from an ISP, and if that ISP is very protective of their customer's privacy and civil liberties, then the ISP typically ONLY complies with the request if there is a proper court order, granted by a judge, after "probable cause" of some kind of crime has been established, where they are not on a fishing expedition. But, in contrast, if the city government owns the network, it seems like a police detective contacting his fellow city employee in the IT department could easily circumvent the civil liberties protections. Moreover, there is an argument that the ISP being stingy with such data causes them to be "heros" to the public, and they gain DESIRED press and attention when they refuse to comply with such requests without a court order. In contrast, the city's IT staff and the police detective BOTH share the SAME boss's boss's boss. The IT guy won't get a pat on the back for making life difficult for the police department. He'll just silently lose his job eventually, or get passed up for a promotion. The motivation will be on him to PLEASE his fellow city employees, possibly at the expense of our civil liberties. PS - of course, no problems here if the quest to gain information involves a muni network that is only used by city employees. PPS - then again, maybe my "log file example" doesn't apply to the particular implementation that Jay described? Regardless, it DOES apply to various government implementations of broadband service. -- Rob McEwen +1 (478) 475-9032

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob McEwen" <>
When any government entity desires log files from an ISP, and if that ISP is very protective of their customer's privacy and civil liberties, then the ISP typically ONLY complies with the request if there is a proper court order, granted by a judge, after "probable cause" of some kind of crime has been established, where they are not on a fishing expedition. But, in contrast, if the city government owns the network, it seems like a police detective contacting his fellow city employee in the IT department could easily circumvent the civil liberties protections. Moreover, there is an argument that the ISP being stingy with such data causes them to be "heros" to the public, and they gain DESIRED press and attention when they refuse to comply with such requests without a court order. In contrast, the city's IT staff and the police detective BOTH share the SAME boss's boss's boss. The IT guy won't get a pat on the back for making life difficult for the police department. He'll just silently lose his job eventually, or get passed up for a promotion. The motivation will be on him to PLEASE his fellow city employees, possibly at the expense of our civil liberties.
PS - of course, no problems here if the quest to gain information involves a muni network that is only used by city employees.
PPS - then again, maybe my "log file example" doesn't apply to the particular implementation that Jay described? Regardless, it DOES apply to various government implementations of broadband service.
It would, if I were talking about a situation where the muni *was the ISP*, supplying layer 3+ services. I'm not. I'm purposefully only talking about layer 1 service (where the residents contract with an ISP client of the muni, and that client supplies an ONT and takes an optical handoff) or, my preferred approach, a layer 2 service (where the muni supplies the ONT and the ISP client of the muni takes an aggregated Ethernet handoff (probably 10G fiber, possibly trunked). (Actually, my approach if I was building it would be Layer 2 unless the resident wants a Layer 1 connection to {a properly provisioned ISP,some other location of theirs}. Best of both worlds.) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob McEwen" <> When any government entity desires log files from an ISP, and if that ISP is very protective of their customer's privacy and civil liberties, then the ISP typically ONLY complies with the request if there is a proper court order, granted by a judge, after "probable cause" of some kind of crime has been established, where they are not on a fishing expedition. But, in contrast, if the city government owns the network, it seems like a police detective contacting his fellow city employee in the IT department could easily circumvent the civil liberties protections. Moreover, there is an argument that the ISP being stingy with such data causes them to be "heros" to the public, and they gain DESIRED press and attention when they refuse to comply with such requests without a court order. In contrast, the city's IT staff and the police detective BOTH share the SAME boss's boss's boss. The IT guy won't get a pat on the back for making life difficult for the police department. He'll just silently lose his job eventually, or get passed up for a promotion. The motivation will be on him to PLEASE his fellow city employees, possibly at the expense of our civil liberties.
PS - of course, no problems here if the quest to gain information involves a muni network that is only used by city employees.
PPS - then again, maybe my "log file example" doesn't apply to the particular implementation that Jay described? Regardless, it DOES apply to various government implementations of broadband service. It would, if I were talking about a situation where the muni *was the ISP*, supplying layer 3+ services. I'm not. I'm purposefully only talking about layer 1 service (where the residents contract with an ISP client of the muni, and that client supplies an ONT and takes an optical handoff) or, my preferred approach, a layer 2 service (where the muni supplies the ONT and the ISP client of the muni takes an aggregated Ethernet handoff (probably 10G fiber, possibly trunked).
(Actually, my approach if I was building it would be Layer 2 unless the resident wants a Layer 1 connection to {a properly provisioned ISP,some other location of theirs}. Best of both worlds.) Right, and a public-private partnership model is more common than having
On 01/29/13 12:02, Jay Ashworth allegedly wrote: the city actually operate the network at any layer.

There's a really simple solution to this problem... Let the muni provide L1/L2 network, and make sure that your L3 usage is entirely run over encrypted channels between you and your (non-muni) L3 service provider. At that point, sure, the muni can see that you sent a lot of packets full of gibberish back and forth to your ISP. And? Owen On Jan 29, 2013, at 08:46 , Rob McEwen <> wrote:
On 1/29/2013 10:59 AM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Rob McEwen" <> (C) The fact that the Internet is a series of PRIVATE networks... NOT owned/operated by the Feds... is a large reason why the 4th amendment provides such protections... it becomes somewhat of a "firewall" of protection against Federal gov't trampling of civil liberties... but if they own the network, then that opens up many doors for them. Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me.
Rob, anyone, does anyone know if any 4th amendment case law exists on muni- owned networks?
Good question. Here is another thing to consider regarding SOME muni network... (at least where private citizens/businesses subscribe to that network)
When any government entity desires log files from an ISP, and if that ISP is very protective of their customer's privacy and civil liberties, then the ISP typically ONLY complies with the request if there is a proper court order, granted by a judge, after "probable cause" of some kind of crime has been established, where they are not on a fishing expedition. But, in contrast, if the city government owns the network, it seems like a police detective contacting his fellow city employee in the IT department could easily circumvent the civil liberties protections. Moreover, there is an argument that the ISP being stingy with such data causes them to be "heros" to the public, and they gain DESIRED press and attention when they refuse to comply with such requests without a court order. In contrast, the city's IT staff and the police detective BOTH share the SAME boss's boss's boss. The IT guy won't get a pat on the back for making life difficult for the police department. He'll just silently lose his job eventually, or get passed up for a promotion. The motivation will be on him to PLEASE his fellow city employees, possibly at the expense of our civil liberties.
PS - of course, no problems here if the quest to gain information involves a muni network that is only used by city employees.
PPS - then again, maybe my "log file example" doesn't apply to the particular implementation that Jay described? Regardless, it DOES apply to various government implementations of broadband service.
-- Rob McEwen +1 (478) 475-9032

In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:59:31AM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me.
Rob, anyone, does anyone know if any 4th amendment case law exists on muni- owned networks?
I don't, but I'd like to point out here that I've long believed both sides of the muni-network argument are right, and that we the people are losing the baby with the bath water. I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here: - Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms. Large munis will need more than one, no run from a particular MMR to a home should exceed 9km, allowing the providers to be within 1km of the MMR and still use 10km optics. - 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home. - Fiber leased per month, per pair, on a cost recovery basis (to include an estimate of O&M over time), same price to all players. I do NOT advocate that munis ever run anything on top of the fiber. No IP, no TV, no telephone, not even teleporters in the future. Service Providers of all types can drop a large count fiber from their POP to the muni-owned MMR, request individual customers be connected, and then provide them with any sort of service they like over that fiber pair, single play, double play, triple play, whatever. See, the Comcast's and AT&T of the world are right that governments shouldn't be ISP's, that should be left to the private sector. I want a choice of ISP's offering different services, not a single monopoly. In this case the technology can provide that, so it should be available. At the same time, it is very ineffecient to require each provider to build to every house. Not only is it a large capital cost and barrier to entry of new players, but no one wants roads and yards dug up over and over again. Reducing down to one player building the physical in the ground part saves money and saves disruption. Regarding your 4th amendment concerns, almost all the data the government wants is with the Service Provider in my model, same as today. They can't find out who you called last week without going to the CDR or having a tap on every like 24x7 which is not cost effective. Could a muni still optically tap a fiber in this case and suck off all the data? Sure, and I have no doubt some paranoid service provider will offer to encrypt everything at the transport level. Is it perfect? No. However I think if we could adopt this model capital costs would come down (munis can finance fiber on low rate, long term muni-bonds, unlike corporations, plus they only build one network, not N), and competition would come up (small service providers can reach customers only by building to the MMR space, not individual homes) which would be a huge win win for consumers. Maybe that's why the big players want to throw the baby out with the bath water. :P -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest? (I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

One thing that is bothersome about carriers is that sometimes if they have Tons of fiber to your building, they still will only offer Layer2/3 services. If there's fiber there, I'd like to be able to lease it in some fashion (even if expensive, but preferably not). If a muni is making something that is good for the public, I think they can and should offer Layer2 services, but also make the option to directly get the fibers at a reasonable price .. even for Individuals and small companies. I think services that are offered should also provide the ability to order the subcomponents including Layer1. That should encourage competition, usability, and fun. I'd totally get a 10G from my work to home or whatever. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Zach Giles

It's a matter of economies of scale. If everyone has to light their own fiber, you haven't saved that much. If the fiber is lit, at L2, and charged back on a cost-recovery basis, then there are tremendous economies of scale. The examples that come to mind are campus and corporate networks. Miles Fidelman Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Leo Bicknell" <> I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms. - 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home. Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller
----- Original Message ----- players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra
-- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra

On Tue, 29 Jan 2013, Miles Fidelman wrote:
It's a matter of economies of scale. If everyone has to light their own fiber, you haven't saved that much. If the fiber is lit, at L2, and charged back on a cost-recovery basis, then there are tremendous economies of scale. The examples that come to mind are campus and corporate networks.
The problem is rolling out new services. We have a big share of home connections here in Sweden based on L2/L3 muni. "None" of them have IPv6 and when you ask them, there is very little response. Of course there are a lot of different models here, everything from the guys who do L3 (you route a /21 or something to them) to L2 (they do all antispoofing stuff, you get plain L3 interface) to QinQ style handoff (increases ISP cost because QinQ capable router is more expensive). About device requirements mentioned earlier in the thread, just want to provide this link: <> These guys "certify" vendors to have all the proper antispoofing/anti-MiTM/etc functonality to deliver a proper ETTH service. The requirements document is publically available and a worthwhile read if anyone is new to the ETTH business with active ethernet. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54:26PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
No, and there's good reason why, I'm about to write a response to Owen that will also expand on why. There are a number of issues with the muni running the ONT: - Muni now has to have a different level of techs and truck rolls. - The Muni MMR now is much more complex, requiring power (including backup generators, etc) and likely 24x7 staff as a result. - The muni-ont will limit users to the technologies the ONT supports. If you want to spin up 96x10GE WDM your 1G ONT won't allow it. - The optic cost is not significantly different if the muni buys them and provides lit L2, or if the service/provider user provides them. The muni should sell L1 patches to anyone in the MMR. Note, this _includes_ two on-net buildings. So if your work and home are connected to the same muni-MMR you could order a patch from one to the other. It may now be max ~20km, so you'll need longer reach optics, but if you want to stand up 96x10GE WDM you're good to go. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

I would put it differently. I believe that the entity (muni, county, state, special district, or whatever) should be required to make dark fiber patches available. I believe they should be allowed to optionally provide L2 enabled services of various forms. I believe that they should be prohibited from engaging in L3+ services. I believe they should be required to offer more than a MMR type facility in order to enable cost-effective utilization by smaller providers. There are a number of ways this can be accomplished without necessarily requiring the muni to get into anything complicated. Owen On Jan 29, 2013, at 6:51 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54:26PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
No, and there's good reason why, I'm about to write a response to Owen that will also expand on why.
There are a number of issues with the muni running the ONT:
- Muni now has to have a different level of techs and truck rolls. - The Muni MMR now is much more complex, requiring power (including backup generators, etc) and likely 24x7 staff as a result. - The muni-ont will limit users to the technologies the ONT supports. If you want to spin up 96x10GE WDM your 1G ONT won't allow it. - The optic cost is not significantly different if the muni buys them and provides lit L2, or if the service/provider user provides them.
The muni should sell L1 patches to anyone in the MMR. Note, this _includes_ two on-net buildings. So if your work and home are connected to the same muni-MMR you could order a patch from one to the other. It may now be max ~20km, so you'll need longer reach optics, but if you want to stand up 96x10GE WDM you're good to go.
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:11:56PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
I believe they should be allowed to optionally provide L2 enabled services of various forms.
Could you expand on why you think this is necessary? I know you've given this some thought, and I'd like to understand. The way I see it, for $100 in equipment (2x$50 optics) anyone can light 1Gbps over the fiber. The only way the muni has significantly cheaper port costs than a provider with a switch and a port per customer is to do something like GPON which allows one port to service a number of customers, but obviously imposes a huge set of limitions (bandwiths, protocols you can run over it, etc). I also think the "ONT" adds unnecesary cost. They are used today primarily for a handoff test point, and to protect shared networks (like GPON) from a bad actor. With a dedicated fiber pair per customer I think they are unnecessary. I can see a future where the home gateway at the local big box has an SFP port (or even fixed 1000baseLX optics) and plugs directly into the fiber pair. No ONT cost, no ONT limitations, no need to power it (UPS battery replacement, etc). It's a value subtract, not a value add. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:11:56PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
I believe they should be allowed to optionally provide L2 enabled services of various forms.
Could you expand on why you think this is necessary? I know you've given this some thought, and I'd like to understand.
The way I see it, for $100 in equipment (2x$50 optics) anyone can light 1Gbps over the fiber. The only way the muni has significantly cheaper port costs than a provider with a switch and a port per customer is to do something like GPON which allows one port to service a number of customers, but obviously imposes a huge set of limitions (bandwiths, protocols you can run over it, etc).
But it's not $100 in equipment. It's $100 in optics + $350 in line cards + technician time to install… OTOH, if the muni operates L2 services and provides a pre-joined group of subscribers as a handoff to a single GPON optical port provided by the ISP or is allowed to provide pre-mused DWDM from a group of subscribers to a single-fiber hand-off to the ISP or whatever, then you increase the number and variety of competition and reduce certain barriers to that competition. I'm not saying it always makes sense in all situations. I'm saying that the muni should not necessarily be precluded from doing so where it does make sense.
I also think the "ONT" adds unnecesary cost. They are used today primarily for a handoff test point, and to protect shared networks (like GPON) from a bad actor. With a dedicated fiber pair per customer I think they are unnecessary. I can see a future where the home gateway at the local big box has an SFP port (or even fixed 1000baseLX optics) and plugs directly into the fiber pair.
You're going to need a handoff test point of some form for any residential service. If you think otherwise, then I would argue you simply don't have enough experience dealing with residential installations (from a provider perspective). Bad actor isolation is important on GPON, but it's not nearly as critical for point-to-point. However, you do still need the test point at the demarc. You want active equipment of some form at the CP that you own. You want everything past that active equipment to be the customer's problem.
No ONT cost, no ONT limitations, no need to power it (UPS battery replacement, etc). It's a value subtract, not a value add.
It really isn't. You'd be surprised how many uncompensated truck rolls are eliminated every day by being able to talk to the ONT from the help desk and tell the subscriber "Well, I can manage your ONT and it's pretty clear the problem is inside your house. Would you like to pay us $150/hour to come out and troubleshoot it for you?" Owen

In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:53:34PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
It really isn't. You'd be surprised how many uncompensated truck rolls are eliminated every day by being able to talk to the ONT from the help desk and tell the subscriber "Well, I can manage your ONT and it's pretty clear the problem is inside your house. Would you like to pay us $150/hour to come out and troubleshoot it for you?"
I would love statistics from actual providers today. I don't know of any residential telco services (pots, ISDN BRI, or DSL) that has an active handoff they can test to without a truck roll. I don't know of any cable services with an active handoff similar to an ONT, although they can interrogate most cable boxes and modems for signal quality measurements remotely to get some idea of what is going on. On the flip side, when CableCo's provide POTS they must include a modem with a battery, and thus incur the cost of shipping new batteries out and old batteries back every ~5 years; which they sometimes do by truck roll... So it seems to me both of those services find things work just fine without an ONT-like test point. ONTs seem unique to FTTH deployments, of which most today are GPON... -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On Jan 29, 2013, at 20:16 , Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:53:34PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
It really isn't. You'd be surprised how many uncompensated truck rolls are eliminated every day by being able to talk to the ONT from the help desk and tell the subscriber "Well, I can manage your ONT and it's pretty clear the problem is inside your house. Would you like to pay us $150/hour to come out and troubleshoot it for you?"
I would love statistics from actual providers today.
I don't know of any residential telco services (pots, ISDN BRI, or DSL) that has an active handoff they can test to without a truck roll.
Well, often they will (over the phone) tell the customer to take their phone (or DSL modem) out to the NIU and see if it works there with the rest of the house "unplugged". So that covers POTS and DSL. I suppose it would probably also work for BRI if they took the NT out to the same point.
I don't know of any cable services with an active handoff similar to an ONT, although they can interrogate most cable boxes and modems for signal quality measurements remotely to get some idea of what is going on. On the flip side, when CableCo's provide POTS they must include a modem with a battery, and thus incur the cost of shipping new batteries out and old batteries back every ~5 years; which they sometimes do by truck roll...
In the cable world, they can interrogate not only your various boxes if available, but they can also probe your neighbor's boxes. Because of the tree-structured nature, if your connection is unresponsive, but your neighbors all respond, they can be pretty much narrow it down to your drop and/or your IW. However, in most cases, $CABLECO takes greater responsibility for the co-ax IW than $TELCO, so this may be somewhat moot.
So it seems to me both of those services find things work just fine without an ONT-like test point. ONTs seem unique to FTTH deployments, of which most today are GPON...
Not so much... First, as pointed out above, there is the (less useful, but somewhat equivalent NIU) for the UTP world. Cable is a somewhat different business model. Also, historically, while not residential (in most cases), don't forget about the various active components on T1 and DS0 circuits which could be remotely looped by the Telco. Yes, ONTs are unique to FTTH, but, they do represent one of the factors that makes FTTH cheaper and more sustainable that copper plants. Owen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I don't know of any residential telco services (pots, ISDN BRI, or DSL) that has an active handoff they can test to without a truck roll.
FiOS and anyone else who's doing triple play from an ONT. :-)
I don't know of any cable services with an active handoff similar to an ONT, although they can interrogate most cable boxes and modems for signal quality measurements remotely to get some idea of what is going on. On the flip side, when CableCo's provide POTS they must include a modem with a battery, and thus incur the cost of shipping new batteries out and old batteries back every ~5 years; which they sometimes do by truck roll...
Yeah; I have 10,000ish passings in 2.8 sq mi; I *want* to visit each node once every 5 years. :-)
So it seems to me both of those services find things work just fine without an ONT-like test point. ONTs seem unique to FTTH deployments, of which most today are GPON...
Yes, but I hate GPON with a passion. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:53:34PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote: [...]
It really isn't. You'd be surprised how many uncompensated truck rolls are eliminated every day by being able to talk to the ONT from the help desk and tell the subscriber "Well, I can manage your ONT and it's pretty clear the problem is inside your house. Would you like to pay us $150/hour to come out and troubleshoot it for you?"
Showing some ignorance here, but... Does anyone make an ONT with a blinky light that you can toggle on/off remotely? It'd be great to say: Go look at the "it works" light. If the remote tech can control the light, the end user would have a better idea that the upstream provider really *was* in control -- rather than trying to placate the caller.

On Wed 30 Jan 2013 16:58:28 PST, John Osmon wrote:
Does anyone make an ONT with a blinky light that you can toggle on/off remotely? It'd be great to say: Go look at the "it works" light.
If the remote tech can control the light, the end user would have a better idea that the upstream provider really *was* in control -- rather than trying to placate the caller.
I don' know of any but that's a great idea. Sorta like a UID light on a server... -- /*=================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@NEEBU.Net> ]=================+ | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- | | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation / |/ [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS | +==================================================================*/

On 1/30/13 5:01 PM, Jake Khuon wrote:
On Wed 30 Jan 2013 16:58:28 PST, John Osmon wrote:
Does anyone make an ONT with a blinky light that you can toggle on/off remotely? It'd be great to say: Go look at the "it works" light.
If the remote tech can control the light, the end user would have a better idea that the upstream provider really *was* in control -- rather than trying to placate the caller.
I don' know of any but that's a great idea. Sorta like a UID light on a server... We're totally at the wrong end of the usability specrum if we even have to ask questions like this. you can tell of a cable modem is online or not at a glance.
-- /*=================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@NEEBU.Net> ]=================+ | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- | | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation / |/ [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS | +==================================================================*/

Some in the industry are pushing the idea of reaching deeper into the customer's network to provide more value, to generate more revenue and more stickiness. Don't stop at the ONT, use something like TR-069 to manage the customer's gateway device. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 7:50 PM, joel jaeggli <> wrote:
On 1/30/13 5:01 PM, Jake Khuon wrote:
On Wed 30 Jan 2013 16:58:28 PST, John Osmon wrote:
Does anyone make an ONT with a blinky light that you can toggle on/off remotely? It'd be great to say: Go look at the "it works" light.
If the remote tech can control the light, the end user would have a better idea that the upstream provider really *was* in control -- rather than trying to placate the caller.
I don' know of any but that's a great idea. Sorta like a UID light on a server...
We're totally at the wrong end of the usability specrum if we even have to ask questions like this. you can tell of a cable modem is online or not at a glance.
-- /*=================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@NEEBU.Net> ]=================+ | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | -------- | | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation / |/ [_ [_ |) |_| NETWORKS | +=============================**==============================** =======*/

Some in the industry are pushing the idea of reaching deeper into the customer's network to provide more value, to generate more revenue and
how sadly desperate. crawl up the stack. carriers who whine about content going over the top need to get their heads out of the somethingorother. if you choose to be a trucker and folk are using your truck to transport gold, damned hard to justify whining when you choose to be a trucker. randy

Why do you always assume we're talking about carriers, or the evil telcos, RBOC's, etc....? I'm talking about small to medium-sized service providers looking to expand services to compete against the Comcast's and AT&T's of the world that can practically give away Internet because they already own the infrastructure. We (by which I mean those small-to-medium SP's) can compete not on price but on additional value and flexibility. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Randy Bush <> wrote:
Some in the industry are pushing the idea of reaching deeper into the customer's network to provide more value, to generate more revenue and
how sadly desperate. crawl up the stack.
carriers who whine about content going over the top need to get their heads out of the somethingorother. if you choose to be a trucker and folk are using your truck to transport gold, damned hard to justify whining when you choose to be a trucker.

----- Original Message -----
From: "joel jaeggli" <>
We're totally at the wrong end of the usability specrum if we even have to ask questions like this. you can tell of a cable modem is online or not at a glance.
*You* can tell. That does not mean the *customer* can tell. That was the point, Joel. This little thing called... customer service. I know it's out of style these days, but... Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:11:56PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
I believe they should be allowed to optionally provide L2 enabled services of various forms.
Could you expand on why you think this is necessary? I know you've given this some thought, and I'd like to understand.
I'll give you my answer, which may not be the same as Owen's.
The way I see it, for $100 in equipment (2x$50 optics) anyone can light 1Gbps over the fiber. The only way the muni has significantly cheaper port costs than a provider with a switch and a port per customer is to do something like GPON which allows one port to service a number of customers, but obviously imposes a huge set of limitions (bandwiths, protocols you can run over it, etc).
You're assuming there, I think, that residential customers will have mini-GBIC ports on their routers, which has not been my experience. :-) Understand that I'm not concerned with minimizing the build cost to the muni; I'm interested in *maximizing the utility of the build*, both to the end-user customers, *and* to local businesses who might/will serve them. If all that potential small ISP has to bring me is a 10GE, *backhauled over one of my own pairs from whatever space they rent*, and *I'm* responsible for all the muxing, the part of the Public Good which tries to bring businesses to the city is well served by that.
I also think the "ONT" adds unnecesary cost. They are used today primarily for a handoff test point, and to protect shared networks (like GPON) from a bad actor. With a dedicated fiber pair per customer I think they are unnecessary. I can see a future where the home gateway at the local big box has an SFP port (or even fixed 1000baseLX optics) and plugs directly into the fiber pair.
This depends on exactly how the ONT is built, and I am not as familiar with the field as I will be by the time I have to care. But the ability to deliver multiple VLANs over a single pair, and possibly terminate all 3 pairs in one ONT (or in several, for redundancy), and the handoff is Ethernet -- and possibly DOCSIS3.0 RF, depending on what the boxes already come with (I'm not interested in custom hardware at my scale) -- is quite fetching to me for all those reasons.
No ONT cost, no ONT limitations, no need to power it (UPS battery replacement, etc). It's a value subtract, not a value add.
Based also on the point Owen makes about reducing truck rolls by having netadmin controlled hardware at the customer end, I'm not at all sure I agree; I think it depends a lot on what you're trading it off *against*. I am, I admit, not all that fond of distributed power, but you make the trades you must. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber. When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists. Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs. The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding. As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN). The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates. The result is "Maine Fiber Company": It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so. A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high. I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531 MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network

On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley. Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements: 1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services. Owen
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network

Owen, The short answer is that you don't today and it will be a long time (if ever) before its feasible. Europe is commonly held up as an example of an area where open access works and if you stick to DSL networks that's true. The problem is that the DSL networks (by and large) in Europe aren't expanding and are being overtaken by FTTx and to a lesser extent DOCSIS. The reasons why this is so can be debated, but it is definitely happening and given that trend there is very little incentive for the equipment manufacturers and protocol groups to build in open access as a core part of their design as it was in DSL, especially with PPPoX authentication. Now, once networks get to purely active Ethernet things get more simple technically, after all you easily do QinQ tagging, but there has been little movement even in regulation tolerant Europe to force operators to open up and its much less likely to happen here in the US. Whats more many of the FTTx builds aren't Ethernet today and doing open access on any flavor of PON is so painful operationally that it simply won't happen. On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley.
Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets
players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

That's why I'm not advocating for open access, I'm advocating for L1/L2 provider separation and a requirement that the L1 access itself be open. I have yet to get a firm answer, but as I understand PON, it doesn't actually matter so much whether you put the splitter/combiner in an MMR or near the CPE. Obviously, most of the "economy" of PON comes from putting the splitter near the subscriber, but so does the loss of open access at L1. OTOH, if you build out fiber from a city or neighborhood or whatever to an independent MMR, I don't believe there's any reason you couldn't cross-connect various users home-run fibers to splitter/combiners inside the MMR and then run that to a PON system (if you really wanted to for some reason). Owen On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:45 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
The short answer is that you don't today and it will be a long time (if ever) before its feasible. Europe is commonly held up as an example of an area where open access works and if you stick to DSL networks that's true. The problem is that the DSL networks (by and large) in Europe aren't expanding and are being overtaken by FTTx and to a lesser extent DOCSIS. The reasons why this is so can be debated, but it is definitely happening and given that trend there is very little incentive for the equipment manufacturers and protocol groups to build in open access as a core part of their design as it was in DSL, especially with PPPoX authentication.
Now, once networks get to purely active Ethernet things get more simple technically, after all you easily do QinQ tagging, but there has been little movement even in regulation tolerant Europe to force operators to open up and its much less likely to happen here in the US. Whats more many of the FTTx builds aren't Ethernet today and doing open access on any flavor of PON is so painful operationally that it simply won't happen.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley.
Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Owen, You can't share access from one splitter to multiple OLTs so the location of the splitter isn't important. AFAIK there is simply no concept for that idea in any of the PON specs and its certainly not something that Calix/Adtran/Zhone/Alcatel/$gear_maker are building right now. For that matter I can't think of a single piece of gear beyond DWDM/CWDM that actually operates are layer 1 to allow that kind of split and then its very limited in terms of the channels available and not suitable for the kind of deployment I think you're describing. On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
That's why I'm not advocating for open access, I'm advocating for L1/L2 provider separation and a requirement that the L1 access itself be open.
I have yet to get a firm answer, but as I understand PON, it doesn't actually matter so much whether you put the splitter/combiner in an MMR or near the CPE. Obviously, most of the "economy" of PON comes from putting the splitter near the subscriber, but so does the loss of open access at L1.
OTOH, if you build out fiber from a city or neighborhood or whatever to an independent MMR, I don't believe there's any reason you couldn't cross-connect various users home-run fibers to splitter/combiners inside the MMR and then run that to a PON system (if you really wanted to for some reason).
On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:45 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
The short answer is that you don't today and it will be a long time (if ever) before its feasible. Europe is commonly held up as an example of an area where open access works and if you stick to DSL networks that's true. The problem is that the DSL networks (by and large) in Europe aren't expanding and are being overtaken by FTTx and to a lesser extent DOCSIS. The reasons why this is so can be debated, but it is definitely happening and given that trend there is very little incentive for the equipment manufacturers and protocol groups to build in open access as a core part of their design as it was in DSL, especially with PPPoX authentication.
Now, once networks get to purely active Ethernet things get more simple technically, after all you easily do QinQ tagging, but there has been little movement even in regulation tolerant Europe to force operators to open up and its much less likely to happen here in the US. Whats more many of the FTTx builds aren't Ethernet today and doing open access on any flavor of PON is so painful operationally that it simply won't happen.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley.
Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets
players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Jan 31, 2013, at 13:27 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
You can't share access from one splitter to multiple OLTs so the location of the splitter isn't important. AFAIK there is simply no concept for that idea in any of the PON specs and its certainly not something that Calix/Adtran/Zhone/Alcatel/$gear_maker are building right now. For that matter I can't think of a single piece of gear beyond DWDM/CWDM that actually operates are layer 1 to allow that kind of split and then its very limited in terms of the channels available and not suitable for the kind of deployment I think you're describing.
Sure it is... If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc. If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood. If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant. Owen
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: That's why I'm not advocating for open access, I'm advocating for L1/L2 provider separation and a requirement that the L1 access itself be open.
I have yet to get a firm answer, but as I understand PON, it doesn't actually matter so much whether you put the splitter/combiner in an MMR or near the CPE. Obviously, most of the "economy" of PON comes from putting the splitter near the subscriber, but so does the loss of open access at L1.
OTOH, if you build out fiber from a city or neighborhood or whatever to an independent MMR, I don't believe there's any reason you couldn't cross-connect various users home-run fibers to splitter/combiners inside the MMR and then run that to a PON system (if you really wanted to for some reason).
On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:45 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
The short answer is that you don't today and it will be a long time (if ever) before its feasible. Europe is commonly held up as an example of an area where open access works and if you stick to DSL networks that's true. The problem is that the DSL networks (by and large) in Europe aren't expanding and are being overtaken by FTTx and to a lesser extent DOCSIS. The reasons why this is so can be debated, but it is definitely happening and given that trend there is very little incentive for the equipment manufacturers and protocol groups to build in open access as a core part of their design as it was in DSL, especially with PPPoX authentication.
Now, once networks get to purely active Ethernet things get more simple technically, after all you easily do QinQ tagging, but there has been little movement even in regulation tolerant Europe to force operators to open up and its much less likely to happen here in the US. Whats more many of the FTTx builds aren't Ethernet today and doing open access on any flavor of PON is so painful operationally that it simply won't happen.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley.
Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant
Owen; Interesting. Do you then lose the cost advantage because you need home run fiber back to the MMR? Do you have examples of plants built with this architecture (I know of one such plant, but I am hoping you will turn up more examples.) regards, Fletcher -- Fletcher Kittredge GWI 8 Pomerleau Street Biddeford, ME 04005-9457 207-602-1134

On Jan 31, 2013, at 13:57 , Fletcher Kittredge <> wrote:
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant
Interesting. Do you then lose the cost advantage because you need home run fiber back to the MMR? Do you have examples of plants built with this architecture (I know of one such plant, but I am hoping you will turn up more examples.)
I don't know of any. Yes, it would eliminate part of the theoretical cost savings of the PON architecture, but the point is that it would provide a technology agnostic last mile infrastructure that could easily be used by multiple competing providers and would not prevent a provider from using PON if they chose to do so for other reasons. Owen

Fletcher nailed it, if you want the architecture you're describing then you simply don't want PON. Its built around lower cost and a big part of that lower cost is minimizing the fiber costs by serving splitters (and thus many homes) from a single fiber that back hauls to the CO. The other reason PON won't work for what you want is the splitters are passive and completely static in their operation. Here's an image of one that may make this clearer: If you have to either run several (or more) fibers to a neighborhood or have managed neighborhood elements then you've simply destroyed the use case for PON. Luckily this use case matches pretty exactly for Ethernet, but you must do your wholesale play at layer 2 IMO to work economically. On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 13:57 , Fletcher Kittredge <> wrote:
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant
Interesting. Do you then lose the cost advantage because you need home run fiber back to the MMR? Do you have examples of plants built with this architecture (I know of one such plant, but I am hoping you will turn up more examples.)
I don't know of any. Yes, it would eliminate part of the theoretical cost savings of the PON architecture, but the point is that it would provide a technology agnostic last mile infrastructure that could easily be used by multiple competing providers and would not prevent a provider from using PON if they chose to do so for other reasons.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Jan 31, 2013, at 19:21 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
Fletcher nailed it, if you want the architecture you're describing then you simply don't want PON. Its built around lower cost and a big part of that lower cost is minimizing the fiber costs by serving splitters (and thus many homes) from a single fiber that back hauls to the CO. The other reason PON won't work for what you want is the splitters are passive and completely static in their operation. Here's an image of one that may make this clearer:
I know what a splitter is and how they work. I understand PON really quite a bit better than you imagine I do. Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT. All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to each house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can. It will work as I've described, but, yes, it's very suboptimal from a cost perspective if your only goal is to deploy PON for a single provider. If, OTOH, your goal is to have a fiber infrastructure in the neighborhoods that can support a multitude of possible services of which PON from a number of providers is just one such possible service, then, the PON operators can, in fact, install in the MMR and do the splitting at the MMR end of the subscriber fiber with home-runs from the MMR to each home. True, PON is probably not the best technology fit for this. Ethernet probably makes more sense in most cases. However, if you have providers that do PON everywhere else and they don't want to support "exception equipment" for your facility, then it allows them to install PON just like their other deployments, only the splitter is next to the OLT instead of out near a collection of ONTs.
If you have to either run several (or more) fibers to a neighborhood or have managed neighborhood elements then you've simply destroyed the use case for PON. Luckily this use case matches pretty exactly for Ethernet, but you must do your wholesale play at layer 2 IMO to work economically.
I disagree. If you have home-run fiber to a large bank of patch panels in an MMR that can serve a ~8km radius of subscribers and providers can colocate whatever L2+ equipment they want to in said MMR with said fibers available for lease on equal footing to all providers, then the providers can deploy whatever makes the most sense to them whether that's SONET, Ethernet, PON, or optical tin cans over your fiber-string. Yes, this is more expensive for the fiber deployment than running FTTH from the local BBox and having splitters in the BBox, but if it's being done intelligently, especially in areas of greenfield deployment, then it doesn't have to be a lot more expensive. I get roughly 201 Sq. Km. as the area of an 8km radius circle (For the metrically challenged, that's roughly 77 Sq. Mi. or an area a little larger than Washington DC (68.3 sq. mi according to wikipedia). If you're willing to require more expensive optics, you could go to a larger area served to accommodate lower population densities and for higher density areas, it might make economic sense to make the service radius smaller and have more centers. I don't know what the economically ideal subscriber volume per center would be. That would have to be calculated. Owen
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 6:28 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 13:57 , Fletcher Kittredge <> wrote:
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant
Interesting. Do you then lose the cost advantage because you need home run fiber back to the MMR? Do you have examples of plants built with this architecture (I know of one such plant, but I am hoping you will turn up more examples.)
I don't know of any. Yes, it would eliminate part of the theoretical cost savings of the PON architecture, but the point is that it would provide a technology agnostic last mile infrastructure that could easily be used by multiple competing providers and would not prevent a provider from using PON if they chose to do so for other reasons.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Owen, You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to each house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter. Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail: Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments. -- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation. The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical. On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to
house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

I should clarify: Distance x loss/km + splitter loss. = link loss. On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to
house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Actually, this is an issue… I should have seen it. You have 3 loss components… Power out = (Power in - loss to splitter - splitter loss) / nOut - loss-to-customer So, if the loss to the splitter is 3db and you have 20db (effective 320db on a 16x split) loss on each customer link, that's a radically worse proposition than 20db loss to the splitter and 3db loss to each customer (which is effectively 48db loss on a 16x split). It's still do-able, but you either need amplifier(s) or very short distances between the customer and the MMR. Given this consideration, I think the situation can still be addressed. Put the splitters in the B-Box and allow for the possibility that each subscriber can be XC to either a splitter or an upstream dedicated fiber. The provider side of each splitter would be connected to an upstream fiber to the MMR. So, each B-Box contains however many splitters are required and each splitter is connected upstream to a single provider, but you can still have multiple competitive providers in the MMR. This setup could support both PON and Ethernet as well as other future technologies. Owen On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I should clarify: Distance x loss/km + splitter loss. = link loss.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote: I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote: Owen,
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to each house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

It's still a 23dB loss for each customer from the CO to the ONT. I have an OLT that launches at +5dBm. At 1490nm, I should see about a .26dB loss per km. My 1x32 splitter is going to add about 16dB more loss. Assuming we ignore connector losses, and also assume that the customer is 10km away: CO-based splitter: +5dBm - 16dB - (10km x .26dB) = -13.6 Splitter at 9km: +5dBm - (9km x .26dB) - 16dB - (1km x .26dB) = -13.6 If someone can explain why this math would be wrong, I'd love to hear it and I'd be happy to run it past our vendor to see if they agree. On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
Actually, this is an issue… I should have seen it.
You have 3 loss components… Power out = (Power in - loss to splitter - splitter loss) / nOut - loss-to-customer
So, if the loss to the splitter is 3db and you have 20db (effective 320db on a 16x split) loss on each customer link, that's a radically worse proposition than 20db loss to the splitter and 3db loss to each customer (which is effectively 48db loss on a 16x split).
It's still do-able, but you either need amplifier(s) or very short distances between the customer and the MMR.
Given this consideration, I think the situation can still be addressed.
Put the splitters in the B-Box and allow for the possibility that each subscriber can be XC to either a splitter or an upstream dedicated fiber. The provider side of each splitter would be connected to an upstream fiber to the MMR.
So, each B-Box contains however many splitters are required and each splitter is connected upstream to a single provider, but you can still have multiple competitive providers in the MMR.
This setup could support both PON and Ethernet as well as other future technologies.
On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I should clarify: Distance x loss/km + splitter loss. = link loss.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jason Baugher <>wrote:
I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to
house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:43 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
It's still a 23dB loss for each customer from the CO to the ONT.
I have an OLT that launches at +5dBm. At 1490nm, I should see about a .26dB loss per km. My 1x32 splitter is going to add about 16dB more loss. Assuming we ignore connector losses, and also assume that the customer is 10km away:
Nope… The power going into each fiber out of the splitter is 1/16th that of what went into the splitter. Yes, your total in-line loss is still 10km, but you are forgetting about the fact that you lost 15/16th of the power effectively going to the fiber when you went through the splitter (in addition to the splitter loss itself). So: CO Based splitter: Each customer gets (IN - 16dB - (10km x .26db))/32 Splitter at 9km: Each customer gets (IN - (9km x .26dB) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db) If we use 5dBm as our input, this works out: CO: (5db - 16db - (10km x .26db) / 32 /32 is effectively -15 db (-3db = ½ power, 32 = 2^5) Substituting: (5db - 16db - 2.6db) -15db = -28.6db to each customer. Spitter at 9km: (5db - (9km x .26db) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db) Substituting: (5db - 2.34db -16db)-15db-.26db = -28.08db to each customer So there is a difference, but it seems rather negligible now that I've run the numbers. However, it's entirely possible that I got this wrong somewhere, so I invite those more expert than I to review the calculations and tell me what I got wrong. Owen
CO-based splitter: +5dBm - 16dB - (10km x .26dB) = -13.6
Splitter at 9km: +5dBm - (9km x .26dB) - 16dB - (1km x .26dB) = -13.6
If someone can explain why this math would be wrong, I'd love to hear it and I'd be happy to run it past our vendor to see if they agree.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: Actually, this is an issue… I should have seen it.
You have 3 loss components… Power out = (Power in - loss to splitter - splitter loss) / nOut - loss-to-customer
So, if the loss to the splitter is 3db and you have 20db (effective 320db on a 16x split) loss on each customer link, that's a radically worse proposition than 20db loss to the splitter and 3db loss to each customer (which is effectively 48db loss on a 16x split).
It's still do-able, but you either need amplifier(s) or very short distances between the customer and the MMR.
Given this consideration, I think the situation can still be addressed.
Put the splitters in the B-Box and allow for the possibility that each subscriber can be XC to either a splitter or an upstream dedicated fiber. The provider side of each splitter would be connected to an upstream fiber to the MMR.
So, each B-Box contains however many splitters are required and each splitter is connected upstream to a single provider, but you can still have multiple competitive providers in the MMR.
This setup could support both PON and Ethernet as well as other future technologies.
On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I should clarify: Distance x loss/km + splitter loss. = link loss.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote: I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote: Owen,
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to each house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

You propably calculated the second one (5 - 2.34 -16)-15 + 0.26 since you got -28.08 (5 - 16 - 2.6) - 15 = -28.6 (5 - 2.34 - 16) - 15 - 0.26 = -28.6 -Hena -----Alkuperäinen viesti----- Lähettäjä: Owen DeLong [] Lähetetty: 2. helmikuuta 2013 0:00 Vastaanottaja: Jason Baugher Kopio: NANOG Aihe: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:43 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
It's still a 23dB loss for each customer from the CO to the ONT.
I have an OLT that launches at +5dBm. At 1490nm, I should see about a .26dB loss per km. My 1x32 splitter is going to add about 16dB more loss. Assuming we ignore connector losses, and also assume that the customer is 10km away:
Nope. The power going into each fiber out of the splitter is 1/16th that of what went into the splitter. Yes, your total in-line loss is still 10km, but you are forgetting about the fact that you lost 15/16th of the power effectively going to the fiber when you went through the splitter (in addition to the splitter loss itself). So: CO Based splitter: Each customer gets (IN - 16dB - (10km x .26db))/32 Splitter at 9km: Each customer gets (IN - (9km x .26dB) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db) If we use 5dBm as our input, this works out: CO: (5db - 16db - (10km x .26db) / 32 /32 is effectively -15 db (-3db = ½ power, 32 = 2^5) Substituting: (5db - 16db - 2.6db) -15db = -28.6db to each customer. Spitter at 9km: (5db - (9km x .26db) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db) Substituting: (5db - 2.34db -16db)-15db-.26db = -28.08db to each customer So there is a difference, but it seems rather negligible now that I've run the numbers. However, it's entirely possible that I got this wrong somewhere, so I invite those more expert than I to review the calculations and tell me what I got wrong. Owen
CO-based splitter: +5dBm - 16dB - (10km x .26dB) = -13.6
Splitter at 9km: +5dBm - (9km x .26dB) - 16dB - (1km x .26dB) = -13.6
If someone can explain why this math would be wrong, I'd love to hear it and I'd be happy to run it past our vendor to see if they agree.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: Actually, this is an issue. I should have seen it.
You have 3 loss components. Power out = (Power in - loss to splitter - splitter loss) / nOut - loss-to-customer
So, if the loss to the splitter is 3db and you have 20db (effective 320db on a 16x split) loss on each customer link, that's a radically worse proposition than 20db loss to the splitter and 3db loss to each customer (which is effectively 48db loss on a 16x split).
It's still do-able, but you either need amplifier(s) or very short distances between the customer and the MMR.
Given this consideration, I think the situation can still be addressed.
Put the splitters in the B-Box and allow for the possibility that each subscriber can be XC to either a splitter or an upstream dedicated fiber. The provider side of each splitter would be connected to an upstream fiber to the MMR.
So, each B-Box contains however many splitters are required and each splitter is connected upstream to a single provider, but you can still have multiple competitive providers in the MMR.
This setup could support both PON and Ethernet as well as other future technologies.
On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I should clarify: Distance x loss/km + splitter loss. = link loss.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote: I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote: Owen,
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to each house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments. review/2008/3_PON.pdf
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

OK... Like Einstein, math is not my strong suit. Unfortunately, I don't have his prowess with physics, either. Owen On Feb 1, 2013, at 14:59 , Henri Hannula <> wrote:
You propably calculated the second one (5 - 2.34 -16)-15 + 0.26 since you got -28.08
(5 - 16 - 2.6) - 15 = -28.6 (5 - 2.34 - 16) - 15 - 0.26 = -28.6
-----Alkuperäinen viesti----- Lähettäjä: Owen DeLong [] Lähetetty: 2. helmikuuta 2013 0:00 Vastaanottaja: Jason Baugher Kopio: NANOG Aihe: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2?
On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:43 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
It's still a 23dB loss for each customer from the CO to the ONT.
I have an OLT that launches at +5dBm. At 1490nm, I should see about a .26dB loss per km. My 1x32 splitter is going to add about 16dB more loss. Assuming we ignore connector losses, and also assume that the customer is 10km away:
Nope. The power going into each fiber out of the splitter is 1/16th that of what went into the splitter.
Yes, your total in-line loss is still 10km, but you are forgetting about the fact that you lost 15/16th of the power effectively going to the fiber when you went through the splitter (in addition to the splitter loss itself).
So: CO Based splitter:
Each customer gets (IN - 16dB - (10km x .26db))/32
Splitter at 9km:
Each customer gets (IN - (9km x .26dB) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db)
If we use 5dBm as our input, this works out:
CO: (5db - 16db - (10km x .26db) / 32 /32 is effectively -15 db (-3db = ½ power, 32 = 2^5) Substituting: (5db - 16db - 2.6db) -15db = -28.6db to each customer.
Spitter at 9km: (5db - (9km x .26db) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db) Substituting: (5db - 2.34db -16db)-15db-.26db = -28.08db to each customer
So there is a difference, but it seems rather negligible now that I've run the numbers.
However, it's entirely possible that I got this wrong somewhere, so I invite those more expert than I to review the calculations and tell me what I got wrong.
CO-based splitter: +5dBm - 16dB - (10km x .26dB) = -13.6
Splitter at 9km: +5dBm - (9km x .26dB) - 16dB - (1km x .26dB) = -13.6
If someone can explain why this math would be wrong, I'd love to hear it and I'd be happy to run it past our vendor to see if they agree.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: Actually, this is an issue. I should have seen it.
You have 3 loss components. Power out = (Power in - loss to splitter - splitter loss) / nOut - loss-to-customer
So, if the loss to the splitter is 3db and you have 20db (effective 320db on a 16x split) loss on each customer link, that's a radically worse proposition than 20db loss to the splitter and 3db loss to each customer (which is effectively 48db loss on a 16x split).
It's still do-able, but you either need amplifier(s) or very short distances between the customer and the MMR.
Given this consideration, I think the situation can still be addressed.
Put the splitters in the B-Box and allow for the possibility that each subscriber can be XC to either a splitter or an upstream dedicated fiber. The provider side of each splitter would be connected to an upstream fiber to the MMR.
So, each B-Box contains however many splitters are required and each splitter is connected upstream to a single provider, but you can still have multiple competitive providers in the MMR.
This setup could support both PON and Ethernet as well as other future technologies.
On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I should clarify: Distance x loss/km + splitter loss. = link loss.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote: I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote: Owen,
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to each house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments. review/2008/3_PON.pdf
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
OK... Like Einstein, math is not my strong suit.
Unfortunately, I don't have his prowess with physics, either.
A bit here, a bit there... Hey, dB is a plural of Bits! -- -george william herbert

Ok, serious question - How is GPON's downstream AES encryption keying handled? -- -george william herbert

From Fri Feb 1 16:11:17 2013 Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? From: Owen DeLong <> Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 13:59:54 -0800 To: Jason Baugher <> Cc: NANOG <>
On Feb 1, 2013, at 1:43 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
It's still a 23dB loss for each customer from the CO to the ONT.
I have an OLT that launches at +5dBm. At 1490nm, I should see about a .26dB loss per km. My 1x32 splitter is going to add about 16dB more loss. Assuming we ignore connector losses, and also assume that the customer is 10km away:
Nope The power going into each fiber out of the splitter is 1/16th that of what went into the splitter.
Yes, your total in-line loss is still 10km, but you are forgetting about the fact that you lost 15/16th of the power effectively going to the fiber when you went through the splitter (in addition to the splitter loss itself).
So: CO Based splitter:
Each customer gets (IN - 16dB - (10km x .26db))/32
Wrong. The 'loss' of the splitter _includes_ the division into multiple outputs. 16dB insertion loss for a 16-way splitter is 12dB for the division and 4dB of 'internal' (less than theoretically perfect) losses.
Splitter at 9km:
Each customer gets (IN - (9km x .26dB) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db)
If we use 5dBm as our input, this works out:
CO: (5db - 16db - (10km x .26db) / 32 /32 is effectively -15 db (-3db = power, 32 = 2^5) Substituting: (5db - 16db - 2.6db) -15db = -28.6db to each customer.
Spitter at 9km: (5db - (9km x .26db) -16db)/32-(1km x .26db) Substituting: (5db - 2.34db -16db)-15db-.26db = -28.08db to each customer
So there is a difference, but it seems rather negligible now that I've run the numbers.
Strange, I get -28.6 for both your calculations -- 'bc' output: (5-16-2.6)-15 -28.6 (5-2.34-16)-15-.26 -28.60
However, it's entirely possible that I got this wrong somewhere, so I invite those more expert than I to review the calculations and tell me what I got wrong.
a) arithmetic error. <grin> b) 'double-counting' splitter losses. Real-world for a 32-way splitter is around 20db -- 15db for the division, and 5db for the 'internal' losses. giving: C.O.: 5-20-2.6 = -17.4 db @9km: 5-2.34-20-.26 = -17.4 db

Jason, Loss is loss, but that's not all that we have to deal with here inside of how PON works. I can tell you that not a single manufacturer I've worked with says anything differently. On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
I disagree. Loss is loss, regardless of where the splitter is placed in the equation. Distance x loss + splitter insertion loss = total loss for purposes of link budget calculation.
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
You're basing your math off of some incorrect assumptions about PON. I'm actually sympathetic to your goal, but it simply can't work the way you're describing it in a PON network. Also, please don't base logic for open access on meet me rooms, this works in colo spaces and carrier hotels but doesn't in broadband deployments because of economics. If you want to champion this worthy goal you've got to accept that economics is a huge reason why this hasn't happened in the US and is disappearing where it has happened globally.
Bottom line, you've got OLT -> FIBER(of length n) -> splitter -> fiber-drops to each house -> ONT.
So far you're correct.
All I'm proposing is making n really short and making "fiber-drops to
house" really long. I'm not proposing changing the fundamental architecture. Yes, I recognize this changes the economics and may well make PON less attractive than other alternatives. I don't care. That's not a primary concern. The question is "can PON be made to work in this environment?" It appears to me that it can.
Here is where you're problems start. The issue is that the signal *prior to being split* can go 20km if you're splitting it 32 ways (or less) or 10km if you're doing a 64 way split. AFTER the splitter you have a MAX radius of about 1 mile from the splitter.
Here is a good document that describes the problem in some detail:
Also, here is a proposed spec that would allow for longer runs post splitter with some background on why it can't work in today's GPON deployments.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-01 16:03, Jason Baugher wrote:
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
It also has to do with existing fibre infrastructure. If a Telco has already adopted a "fibre to a node" philosophy, then it has a;ready installed a limited number of strands between CO and many neighbouhoods. It makes sense to standardise on one technology. And if that technology, because it is used by many, ends up much cheaper due to economies of scale, it makes sense to adopt it. And remember that it isn't just the cable. You need to consider the OLT cards. An OLT card can often support a few GPON systems each passing 32 homes. With 1 strand per home, you take up one port per home served. (possibly per home passed depending on deployment philosophy). So you end up needing far more cards in an OLT to serve the same number of people. More $$$ needed. GPON isn't suited for trunks. But for last mile, is it really so bad ? 2.mumble gpbs of capacity for 32 homes yields 62mbps of sustained download for each home. (assuming you have 32 homes conected and using it at same time) If you have multicast and everyone is watching superbowl at same time, you're talking up very little bandwidth on that 2.mumble GPON link.

On Feb 1, 2013, at 14:17 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-01 16:03, Jason Baugher wrote:
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
It also has to do with existing fibre infrastructure. If a Telco has already adopted a "fibre to a node" philosophy, then it has a;ready installed a limited number of strands between CO and many neighbouhoods.
Since the discussion here is about muni fiber capabilities and ideal greenfield plant designs, existing fiber is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
It makes sense to standardise on one technology. And if that technology, because it is used by many, ends up much cheaper due to economies of scale, it makes sense to adopt it.
Only if you're a single vendor looking to provide a single-vendor solution. That's really not what this conversation is about, IMHO. In fact, that's a pretty good summary of the situation we're trying to fix.
And remember that it isn't just the cable. You need to consider the OLT cards. An OLT card can often support a few GPON systems each passing 32 homes.
Not sure why this matters...
With 1 strand per home, you take up one port per home served. (possibly per home passed depending on deployment philosophy). So you end up needing far more cards in an OLT to serve the same number of people. More $$$ needed.
Uh, no... That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about still using splitters, but, putting the splitter next to the OLT instead of near the ONT end. That's all.
GPON isn't suited for trunks. But for last mile, is it really so bad ?
Yes... Because...
2.mumble gpbs of capacity for 32 homes yields 62mbps of sustained download for each home. (assuming you have 32 homes conected and using it at same time)
Great by todays standards, but likely to be obsoleted within 10 years. Given the nearly 100 year old nature of some copper plants, I'd like to see us start building fiber plants in a way that doesn't lock us into a particular technology choice constrained to the economic tradeoffs that are relevant today and may be completely different in as little as 5 years.
If you have multicast and everyone is watching superbowl at same time, you're talking up very little bandwidth on that 2.mumble GPON link.
Meh. Since everyone seems to want to be able to pause, rewind, etc., multicast doesn't tend to happen so much even in the IPTV world these days. Owen

On 13-02-01 22:52, Owen DeLong wrote:
Since the discussion here is about muni fiber capabilities and ideal greenfield plant designs, existing fiber is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Not so irrelevant. If the municipality wishes to attract as many competitive ISPs as possible, it wants to build a "standard" last mile that ISPs can easily interface to. One which is compatible with other FTTH systems. Currently, the standard is GPON (even though there are many variations to the theme). Sone may say that having L1 service with each ISP having their OLT with splitters at the CO is an advantage. It also means that each ISP has to have its own ONTs in homes and they can all choose different configs for OLTs and the light in the fibre. Greater flexibility to differentiate between ISPs. (one may choose RFoG for TV with DOCSIS for data while the other is an all data link with IPTV.) But for an end user, switching ISPs would mean switching the CPE equipment too since the ONT installed by ISP-1 may not be compatible with OLT used by ISP-2. Requiring an ISP to have its own OLT at the CO with its own splitter also raises startup costs and reduces the chances of having competitive ISP environment. Providing L2 service means that ISPs connect to a municipal OLT, so they do not have to purchase OLTs and bother with splitters. At that point, it si simpler and cheaper to deploy splitters in neighbouhoods. It also reduces number of splices. When you do 1:1, you may have a big cable with lots of strands leaving the CO, but you'll have a JWI in neighbouhood where you cross connect the strands from CO to the strand that uses the pre-fab cable to the backyards of homes served. So in all the calculations made on dB loss, the number of splices was not factored in. You're not going to get a continuous cable from the CO to the telephone pole behind a home. If you put the splitter at the CO you get the losses from the splitter, and then losses from a splice at the neighbouhood where trunk from CO connects to cables that runs through backyards. When you put the splitter in the neighbouhood, it performs both the splitting and the connection of the cable from CO to the backyards. So you eliminate one splice.

On Feb 1, 2013, at 21:22 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-01 22:52, Owen DeLong wrote:
Since the discussion here is about muni fiber capabilities and ideal greenfield plant designs, existing fiber is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Not so irrelevant. If the municipality wishes to attract as many competitive ISPs as possible, it wants to build a "standard" last mile that ISPs can easily interface to. One which is compatible with other FTTH systems.
Yes and no. As I said, I think it's more important to build a system that can accommodate as many different potential technologies as possible rather than to follow the conventional wisdom of the day developed by single-provider monopoly environments.
Currently, the standard is GPON (even though there are many variations to the theme).
Meh... Not in South Korea... The standard there is Gig-E to the home.
Sone may say that having L1 service with each ISP having their OLT with splitters at the CO is an advantage. It also means that each ISP has to have its own ONTs in homes and they can all choose different configs for OLTs and the light in the fibre. Greater flexibility to differentiate between ISPs. (one may choose RFoG for TV with DOCSIS for data while the other is an all data link with IPTV.)
But for an end user, switching ISPs would mean switching the CPE equipment too since the ONT installed by ISP-1 may not be compatible with OLT used by ISP-2.
So? I don't see that as a problem.
Requiring an ISP to have its own OLT at the CO with its own splitter also raises startup costs and reduces the chances of having competitive ISP environment.
Hence my suggestion that in environments where it may make sense to do so, the muni could offer an optional enhanced L2 service. In this case, the muni would supply OLTs, ONTs, and hand off the L3 work to the provider(s).
Providing L2 service means that ISPs connect to a municipal OLT, so they do not have to purchase OLTs and bother with splitters. At that point, it si simpler and cheaper to deploy splitters in neighbouhoods. It also reduces number of splices.
Which I advocate as an OPTIONAL additional service.
When you do 1:1, you may have a big cable with lots of strands leaving the CO, but you'll have a JWI in neighbouhood where you cross connect the strands from CO to the strand that uses the pre-fab cable to the backyards of homes served.
I'm not sure what your abbreviation "JWI" means.
So in all the calculations made on dB loss, the number of splices was not factored in. You're not going to get a continuous cable from the CO to the telephone pole behind a home. If you put the splitter at the CO you get the losses from the splitter, and then losses from a splice at the neighbouhood where trunk from CO connects to cables that runs through backyards.
Sure, but you get those same losses regardless of which side of the splitter they are on.
When you put the splitter in the neighbouhood, it performs both the splitting and the connection of the cable from CO to the backyards. So you eliminate one splice.
According to this is about 0.3db, so reduce the served radius by ~1km. I think I already allowed for that in proposing an 8km serving radius for 10km optics. Given that 48 Gig -> 2 10G switches are getting cheaper and cheaper (even in the managed variety) to the point where being able to deploy them would be about 1/10th the cost per port of an OLT, I'm not sure that GPON is necessarily the clear winner in a carrier neutral scenario. Put splitters in the neighborhood and don't build for home-runs, then you eliminate the ability to introduce new technologies. IMHO, that's a really bad bet at this point. Owen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Francois Mezei" <>
On 13-02-01 22:52, Owen DeLong wrote:
Since the discussion here is about muni fiber capabilities and ideal greenfield plant designs, existing fiber is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
Not so irrelevant. If the municipality wishes to attract as many competitive ISPs as possible, it wants to build a "standard" last mile that ISPs can easily interface to. One which is compatible with other FTTH systems.
Currently, the standard is GPON (even though there are many variations to the theme).
There is a certain amount of utility to the "we should provide something which incoming providers who are already revved up in a specific direction can work with easily" argument, yes. Assuming there really are no loss or dispersal problems with 'splitter at the MDF', this will serve; an incoming L3 provider would have to put the boxes in slightly different places than usual, but at least they'd be the same boxes.
Sone may say that having L1 service with each ISP having their OLT with splitters at the CO is an advantage. It also means that each ISP has to have its own ONTs in homes and they can all choose different configs for OLTs and the light in the fibre. Greater flexibility to differentiate between ISPs. (one may choose RFoG for TV with DOCSIS for data while the other is an all data link with IPTV.)
Correct; we say that.
But for an end user, switching ISPs would mean switching the CPE equipment too since the ONT installed by ISP-1 may not be compatible with OLT used by ISP-2.
Sure, but that's already true, and that's not a problem I'm trying to optimize out, frankly.
Requiring an ISP to have its own OLT at the CO with its own splitter also raises startup costs and reduces the chances of having competitive ISP environment.
See below.
Providing L2 service means that ISPs connect to a municipal OLT, so they do not have to purchase OLTs and bother with splitters. At that point, it si simpler and cheaper to deploy splitters in neighbouhoods. It also reduces number of splices.
Yes, and no, in that order. If you'd been following along all week, you would have seen that the OP (me :-) wants to do *both*; supply L1 service to providers or subscribers that want that, and L2 service for other providers who are willing to pay more per sub per month, but have less capital investment up front.
When you do 1:1, you may have a big cable with lots of strands leaving the CO, but you'll have a JWI in neighbouhood where you cross connect the strands from CO to the strand that uses the pre-fab cable to the backyards of homes served.
Sure. Just no splitter.
So in all the calculations made on dB loss, the number of splices was not factored in. You're not going to get a continuous cable from the CO to the telephone pole behind a home. If you put the splitter at the CO you get the losses from the splitter, and then losses from a splice at the neighbouhood where trunk from CO connects to cables that runs through backyards.
True. Why I'll be subbing the plant design to a company that does that every day of the year, instead of trying to do it myself.
When you put the splitter in the neighbouhood, it performs both the splitting and the connection of the cable from CO to the backyards. So you eliminate one splice.
Yes, but everyone on a splitter must be backhauled to the same L1 provider, and putting splitters *in the outside plant* precludes any other type of L1 service, *ever*. So that's a non-starter. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 13-02-02 10:36, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Yes, but everyone on a splitter must be backhauled to the same L1 provider, and putting splitters *in the outside plant* precludes any other type of L1 service, *ever*. So that's a non-starter.
If you have 4 ISPs, why not put 4 splitters in the neighbourhood ? Individual homes can be hooked to any one of the 4 splitters, and you then only need 4 strands between splitter and CO. I understand that having strands from CO to Homes is superior at the technical point of veiw and gives you more flexibility for different services (including commercial services to a home while the neighbour gets residential services). But if strands from CO to homes is so superior, how come telcos aren't doing it and are using GPON instead ?

Because telcos specifically want to /discourage/ competition. You're perilously close to trolling, here, sir... -jra Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-02 10:36, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Yes, but everyone on a splitter must be backhauled to the same L1 provider, and putting splitters *in the outside plant* precludes any other type of L1 service, *ever*. So that's a non-starter.
If you have 4 ISPs, why not put 4 splitters in the neighbourhood ? Individual homes can be hooked to any one of the 4 splitters, and you then only need 4 strands between splitter and CO.
I understand that having strands from CO to Homes is superior at the technical point of veiw and gives you more flexibility for different services (including commercial services to a home while the neighbour gets residential services).
But if strands from CO to homes is so superior, how come telcos aren't doing it and are using GPON instead ?
-- Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

On Feb 2, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-02 10:36, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Yes, but everyone on a splitter must be backhauled to the same L1 provider, and putting splitters *in the outside plant* precludes any other type of L1 service, *ever*. So that's a non-starter.
If you have 4 ISPs, why not put 4 splitters in the neighbourhood ? Individual homes can be hooked to any one of the 4 splitters, and you then only need 4 strands between splitter and CO.
I understand that having strands from CO to Homes is superior at the technical point of veiw and gives you more flexibility for different services (including commercial services to a home while the neighbour gets residential services).
But if strands from CO to homes is so superior, how come telcos aren't doing it and are using GPON instead ?
Because Telcos are optimizing for different parameters. They want the cheapest way to provide an adequate solution by today's standards and, where possible, to discourage competition. They want to offer a very small number of very standardized products. GPON with splitters in the neighborhood meet those goals. Hopefully, a city has a somewhat opposite set of goals. To provide a quality infrastructure for many years to come which encourages and supports the development of a vibrant and competitive market for a wide variety of services. Owen

On Feb 1, 2013, at 22:54, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
If you have multicast and everyone is watching superbowl at same time, you're talking up very little bandwidth on that 2.mumble GPON link.
Meh. Since everyone seems to want to be able to pause, rewind, etc., multicast doesn't tend to happen so much even in the IPTV world these days.
Most of the time this is handled with a sliding buffer on the DVR at the customer prem (TiVo time shifting style) unless you're talking VOD. On Feb 1, 2013, at 19:44, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
My limited understanding is that fiber really has two parameters, loss and modal disperson. For most of the applications folks on this mailing list deal with loss is the big issue, and modal disperson is something that can be ignored. However for for many of the more interesting applications involving splitters, super long distances, or passive amplifiers modal disperson is actually a much larger issue.
I would imagine if you put X light into a 32:1 splitter, each leg would leg 1/32nd of the light (acutally a bit less, no doubt), but I have an inking the disperson characteristics would be much, much worse.
Is this the cause of the shorter distance on the downstream GPON channel, or does it have to do more with the upstream GPON channel, which is an odd kettle of fish going through a splitter "backwards"? If it is the issue, have any vendors tried disperson compensation with any success?
I'd expect dispersion to be dispersion, in my limited optical education I've only heard that this is influenced by distance, not power level, so the signal would disperse the same amount whether its 7km of trunk + 100m of drop, or 100m of trunk + 7km of drop. 1310 and 1410 aren't particularly close so no need to worry about CMD causing cross channel interference. Quick googling shows this isn't an issue in 2.5G GPON plants which have an 16000ps-nm CMD tolerance, but 10G (XGPON or whatever the latest name is) will only have an 1100ps-nm tolerance which might add up fast depending on the fiber in the ground (Anyone have any good references on common fiber CMD/PMD at different wavelengths? Most of the references I found were focused around 1550) How the receiver in a GPON would respond to rapidly shifting dispersion/power levels due to upstream TDMA isn't something I'm familiar with. You could compensate for the power level with attenuators, but if you needed DC on every customer that's going to get expensive quick unless you can do it on the trunk side just to get the worst offenders back into your receivers window. ~Matt

Perhaps I missed a reference to receiver sensitivity in this thread. Since the receiver optical-electric components are binary in nature, received optical dB only has to be equal to or greater than the receiver's sensitivity. Low or high dB received light produces the same quality at the receiver. Thus, dB loss can be extensive due to factors such as attenuation, splices, dispersal, but as long as the received dB level is equal to the receiver sensitivity, it doesn't matter how much launched dB is lost. Is the point that splitters reduce the effective distance from the launch point in the PON architecture? David On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 7:52 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 1, 2013, at 14:17 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-01 16:03, Jason Baugher wrote:
The reason to push splitters towards the customer end is financial, not technical.
It also has to do with existing fibre infrastructure. If a Telco has already adopted a "fibre to a node" philosophy, then it has a;ready installed a limited number of strands between CO and many neighbouhoods.
Since the discussion here is about muni fiber capabilities and ideal greenfield plant designs, existing fiber is irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
It makes sense to standardise on one technology. And if that technology, because it is used by many, ends up much cheaper due to economies of scale, it makes sense to adopt it.
Only if you're a single vendor looking to provide a single-vendor solution. That's really not what this conversation is about, IMHO. In fact, that's a pretty good summary of the situation we're trying to fix.
And remember that it isn't just the cable. You need to consider the OLT cards. An OLT card can often support a few GPON systems each passing 32 homes.
Not sure why this matters...
With 1 strand per home, you take up one port per home served. (possibly per home passed depending on deployment philosophy). So you end up needing far more cards in an OLT to serve the same number of people. More $$$ needed.
Uh, no... That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about still using splitters, but, putting the splitter next to the OLT instead of near the ONT end. That's all.
GPON isn't suited for trunks. But for last mile, is it really so bad ?
Yes... Because...
2.mumble gpbs of capacity for 32 homes yields 62mbps of sustained download for each home. (assuming you have 32 homes conected and using it at same time)
Great by todays standards, but likely to be obsoleted within 10 years. Given the nearly 100 year old nature of some copper plants, I'd like to see us start building fiber plants in a way that doesn't lock us into a particular technology choice constrained to the economic tradeoffs that are relevant today and may be completely different in as little as 5 years.
If you have multicast and everyone is watching superbowl at same time, you're talking up very little bandwidth on that 2.mumble GPON link.
Meh. Since everyone seems to want to be able to pause, rewind, etc., multicast doesn't tend to happen so much even in the IPTV world these days.

Live TV still makes up the majority of video viewing. Multicasting video remains a valuable video distribution technique. Frank -----Original Message----- From: Owen DeLong [] Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 9:53 PM To: Jean-Francois Mezei Cc: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? On Feb 1, 2013, at 14:17 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote: <snip>
If you have multicast and everyone is watching superbowl at same time, you're talking up very little bandwidth on that 2.mumble GPON link.
Meh. Since everyone seems to want to be able to pause, rewind, etc., multicast doesn't tend to happen so much even in the IPTV world these days. Owen

On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?

On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services. Owen

Owen, A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM. What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve? On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Well, Scott, assuming you mean ethernet over fiber, then you've just said that it's economically infeasible to deploy the physical layer of precisely the architecture you advocate. I find these conflicting reports most conflicting. As for "what problems are you trying to solve", I just itemized that. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Ethernet works just fine in the L1 solution I've proposed, so I'm not sure why you say it isn't economically viable to do so. Owen
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Owen, Cross connecting at layer 1 is what I'm saying isn't feasible. If you want to simply hand them a fiber then sell dark fiber or DWDM ports but trying to create an architecture around PON or other splitters won't work because PON splitters aren't compatible with other protocols. On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Ethernet works just fine in the L1 solution I've proposed, so I'm not sure why you say it isn't economically viable to do so.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

It seems that you are (deliberately or otherwise) seriously misconstruing what I am saying. I'm saying that if you build an L1 dark fiber system as we have described, the purchasers can use it to deploy Ethernet, PON, or any other technology. I'm not saying it's how I would build out a PON only system. That was never the goal. The goal is to provide a municipal L1 service that can be used by ANY provider for ANY service, or as close to that as possible. To make the offering more attractive to low-budget providers, the system may also incorporate some L2 services. Owen On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Cross connecting at layer 1 is what I'm saying isn't feasible. If you want to simply hand them a fiber then sell dark fiber or DWDM ports but trying to create an architecture around PON or other splitters won't work because PON splitters aren't compatible with other protocols.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Ethernet works just fine in the L1 solution I've proposed, so I'm not sure why you say it isn't economically viable to do so.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Owen, I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that. ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard. The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install. On Feb 2, 2013 4:54 PM, "Owen DeLong" <> wrote:
It seems that you are (deliberately or otherwise) seriously misconstruing what I am saying.
I'm saying that if you build an L1 dark fiber system as we have described, the purchasers can use it to deploy Ethernet, PON, or any other technology.
I'm not saying it's how I would build out a PON only system. That was never the goal.
The goal is to provide a municipal L1 service that can be used by ANY provider for ANY service, or as close to that as possible.
To make the offering more attractive to low-budget providers, the system may also incorporate some L2 services.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Cross connecting at layer 1 is what I'm saying isn't feasible. If you want to simply hand them a fiber then sell dark fiber or DWDM ports but trying to create an architecture around PON or other splitters won't work because PON splitters aren't compatible with other protocols.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Ethernet works just fine in the L1 solution I've proposed, so I'm not sure why you say it isn't economically viable to do so.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Owen I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that.
That's my fundamental design assumption, and you're the first person to throw a flag on it. I'm hearing $700 per passing and $600 per sub; those seem sustainable numbers for a 30 year service life amortization. I'm not yet 100% clear if that's layer 1 only or layer 2 agg as well. [ And note that for me, it's practical; most everyone else is merely along for the ride. ]
ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
You're talking about what I'm calling L2 clients. If layer 2 falls over it's my fault, and believe me, I'll know about it.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that.
You just changed gears again, no? I'm not trying to share L1 *drops*. I'm trying to make it possible to share *the entire L1 deployment between providers*, a drop at a time.
The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
Depends on what you're trying to do. But yes, I do know the difference between CAPEX and OPEX. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Owen I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that.
That's my fundamental design assumption, and you're the first person to throw a flag on it. I'm hearing $700 per passing and $600 per sub; those seem sustainable numbers for a 30 year service life amortization.
I'm not yet 100% clear if that's layer 1 only or layer 2 agg as well.
OK, think about it like this. The most efficient topology to provide both coverage and resiliency is a ring with nodes (shelves) from which end users are connected. That ring (usually Gig or 10Gig Ethernet today) needs to be connected to a central location so you can interconnect to other providers (your ISP customers) and/or to connect to the Internet if the city is also going to provide direct L3 services. If you instead push down a L1 path then the most expensive pieces of gear in the access network (the FTTx shelves) have to be replicated by everyone who wants to offer services. This bad not just from the initial cost perspective but because people and companies that identify themselves as ISPs seldom know anything beyond Ethernet and IP and then only in a few manufacturers (mainly Cisco and Juniper). They are most certainly not comfortable working with Calix, Adtran, and the rest of the carrier (formerly telco) equipment manufacturers. To make matters more complicated in cases of problems you don't have a good demarcation of responsibility. What do you do as the L1 provider when one of your ISP partners tells you one of his customers can't connect or stay connected to that ISP's gear? Whose responsible in that case? What happens when your tech goes out with an OTDR ( meter and says the connection is fine but your ISP insists its your problem?
[ And note that for me, it's practical; most everyone else is merely along for the ride. ]
ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
You're talking about what I'm calling L2 clients. If layer 2 falls over it's my fault, and believe me, I'll know about it.
What I'm telling you is that you can't reliably have L1 clients in shared model. You can of course lease someone a dark fiber from point A to point B, but that's not a traditional way of partnering with ISPs and in any case will only be feasible for a small number of connections since you (probably) can't afford to home run each location in your network.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that.
You just changed gears again, no?
I'm not trying to share L1 *drops*. I'm trying to make it possible to share *the entire L1 deployment between providers*, a drop at a time.
That's what I'm trying to tell you can't do. Its more expensive in both the initial and long term costs.
The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
Depends on what you're trying to do. But yes, I do know the difference between CAPEX and OPEX.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Owen I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that.
That's my fundamental design assumption, and you're the first person to throw a flag on it. I'm hearing $700 per passing and $600 per sub; those seem sustainable numbers for a 30 year service life amortization.
I'm not yet 100% clear if that's layer 1 only or layer 2 agg as well.
OK, think about it like this. The most efficient topology to provide both coverage and resiliency is a ring with nodes (shelves) from which end users are connected. That ring (usually Gig or 10Gig Ethernet today) needs to be connected to a central location so you can interconnect to other providers (your ISP customers) and/or to connect to the Internet if the city is also going to provide direct L3 services. If you instead push down a L1 path then the most expensive pieces of gear in the access network (the FTTx shelves) have to be replicated by everyone who wants to offer services.
In short, you're saying I *must* have a ring with active equipment scattered around it, and I *cannot* home run each property. No one else is saying that, and you don't appear to justify it later in this email:
This bad not just from the initial cost perspective but because people and companies that identify themselves as ISPs seldom know anything beyond Ethernet and IP and then only in a few manufacturers (mainly Cisco and Juniper). They are most certainly not comfortable working with Calix, Adtran, and the rest of the carrier (formerly telco) equipment manufacturers.
Well, ok, but those people who are not comfortable handling access gear like the Calix will be L2 clients, anyway, taking a groomed 802.1q handoff from my Calix/whatever core, so they won't *have* to care. L1 access will be there a) cause it has to be anyway, to keep active equipment out of the outside plant, b) for people who really want PtP, and 3) for ISPs large enough to want to do it themselves, if any show up (they admittedly might not; we're only 6k households).
To make matters more complicated in cases of problems you don't have a good demarcation of responsibility. What do you do as the L1 provider when one of your ISP partners tells you one of his customers can't connect or stay connected to that ISP's gear? Whose responsible in that case?
Well that's an interesting question, but I don't see that it's not orthogonal to the issue you raised earlier.
What happens when your tech goes out with an OTDR ( meter and says the connection is fine but your ISP insists its your problem?
On an L1 connection, you mean? I'll do what people always do; I'll work the ticket; at that level, this stuff's relatively digital, no?
You're talking about what I'm calling L2 clients. If layer 2 falls over it's my fault, and believe me, I'll know about it.
What I'm telling you is that you can't reliably have L1 clients in shared model.
You're telling me that, but you're not giving me good reasons *why* you think so.
You can of course lease someone a dark fiber from point A to point B, but that's not a traditional way of partnering with ISPs and in any case will only be feasible for a small number of connections since you (probably) can't afford to home run each location in your network.
Well, I'll have to see on that, won't I? That's my next practicality checkpoint; fiber passing costs.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that.
You just changed gears again, no?
I'm not trying to share L1 *drops*. I'm trying to make it possible to share *the entire L1 deployment between providers*, a drop at a time.
That's what I'm trying to tell you can't do. Its more expensive in both the initial and long term costs.
I can see 'initial', maybe, but if I reduce the utility of the field network by putting active equipment in it, then I've already raised the OPEX, substantially, as well as reducing the intrinsic value of that network. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

OK, think about it like this. The most efficient topology to provide both coverage and resiliency is a ring with nodes (shelves) from which end
are connected. That ring (usually Gig or 10Gig Ethernet today) needs to be connected to a central location so you can interconnect to other
users providers
(your ISP customers) and/or to connect to the Internet if the city is also going to provide direct L3 services. If you instead push down a L1 path then the most expensive pieces of gear in the access network (the FTTx shelves) have to be replicated by everyone who wants to offer services.
In short, you're saying I *must* have a ring with active equipment scattered around it, and I *cannot* home run each property.
No one else is saying that, and you don't appear to justify it later in this email:
I'm not saying that you have to, but that's the most efficient and resilient (both of those are important right?) way of arranging the gear. The exact loop length from the shelves to the end users is up to you and in certain circumstances (generally really compact areas) you can simply home run everyone. Most muni networks don't look that way though because while town centers are generally compact where people (especially the better subdivisions) live is away from the center of town in the US. I can't give you a lot insight on your specific area since I don't know it, but those are the general rules.
This bad not just from the initial cost perspective but because people and companies that identify themselves as ISPs seldom know anything beyond Ethernet and IP and then only in a few manufacturers (mainly Cisco and Juniper). They are most certainly not comfortable working with Calix, Adtran, and the rest of the carrier (formerly telco) equipment manufacturers.
Well, ok, but those people who are not comfortable handling access gear like the Calix will be L2 clients, anyway, taking a groomed 802.1q handoff from my Calix/whatever core, so they won't *have* to care.
That works, so long as its an Ethernet hand off you're (usually there is some goofy gear out there) in good shape.
L1 access will be there a) cause it has to be anyway, to keep active equipment out of the outside plant, b) for people who really want PtP, and 3) for ISPs large enough to want to do it themselves, if any show up (they admittedly might not; we're only 6k households).
Keep in place, but I've worked with virtually all of the nationwide guys and most of the regional ones and they don't as a rule want anything to do with your fiber plant. Even in major metro areas selling dark fiber doesn't have a huge uptake because if you the network owner didn't light it you have no idea how good or bad the splices and runs are.
To make matters more complicated in cases of problems you don't have a good demarcation of responsibility. What do you do as
L1 provider when one of your ISP partners tells you one of his customers can't connect or stay connected to that ISP's gear? Whose responsible in that case?
Well that's an interesting question, but I don't see that it's not orthogonal to the issue you raised earlier.
What happens when your tech goes out with an OTDR ( meter and says the connection is fine but your ISP insists its your problem?
On an L1 connection, you mean? I'll do what people always do; I'll work the ticket; at that level, this stuff's relatively digital, no?
No, its not and I've seen several of networks fail because demarc issues. US Carrier (a statewide network here in GA) was recently sold for pennies on the dollar largely because of blurry demarcs. You can and will get sucked into scenarios you don't want to be in and will lose money on.
You're talking about what I'm calling L2 clients. If layer 2 falls over it's my fault, and believe me, I'll know about it.
What I'm telling you is that you can't reliably have L1 clients in shared model.
You're telling me that, but you're not giving me good reasons *why* you think so.
Because: 1) There won't be much interest in doing it from experienced operators so you're only going to get customers for it that are also new to the business. So your combined troubleshooting and install time will be bad for a long time until everyone in the chain kind of understand what they're doing. 2) Unless you can home run every single connection you're going to run into a lot of access related issues. You will be working for the city so they won't have a problem with you getting into their building at the water tower/sewage treatment plant/power sub station or other city owned property. Your L1 customer isn't going to have that access (not with the city manager/mayor/council's knowledge anyway) because of regulatory and liability reasons. If you do home run everything you still have an access challenge (where are you going to be able to give access to these customers economically?) but its probably more solvable since its one spot. You also increase your costs by home running each connection, but that may or may not be a deal breaker in your situation. 3) Your going to have to do a lot more work since at L1 all of the rough edges and sharp corners are there to be dealt (like someone grabbing the wrong cable from the patch panel) there is simply no inexpensive method of safeguarding L1 adds, changes, and modifies so either you do them or you let your L1 customer do them and run a risk. This is also something that the city management is going to have concerned over. 4) Physical layer troubleshooting is much harder than layer 2 and up. Having several organizations and potentially several different equipment vendors and L2 technologies will be very tough to deal with over time. 5) I've seen at least 5 muni networks try this and not succeed. If you include non-muni networks with similar characteristics (like EMCs) then I've seen it tried more than a dozen times with no success (or interest) beyond a few dark fiber set ups for point to point connections across town.
You can of course lease someone a dark fiber from point A to point B, but that's not a traditional way of partnering with ISPs and in any case will only be feasible for a small number of connections since you (probably) can't afford to home run each location in your network.
Well, I'll have to see on that, won't I? That's my next practicality checkpoint; fiber passing costs.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that.
You just changed gears again, no?
I'm not trying to share L1 *drops*. I'm trying to make it possible to share *the entire L1 deployment between providers*, a drop at a time.
That's what I'm trying to tell you can't do. Its more expensive in both the initial and long term costs.
I can see 'initial', maybe, but if I reduce the utility of the field network by putting active equipment in it, then I've already raised the OPEX, substantially, as well as reducing the intrinsic value of that network.
I think you're vastly overestimating the desire that customers have for a bare fiber. Having said that, your community may be different from what I've experienced.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 09:28:06PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
I'm not saying that you have to, but that's the most efficient and resilient (both of those are important right?) way of arranging the gear. The exact loop length from the shelves to the end users is up to you and in certain circumstances (generally really compact areas) you can simply home run everyone. Most muni networks don't look that way though because while town centers are generally compact where people (especially the better subdivisions) live is away from the center of town in the US. I can't give you a lot insight on your specific area since I don't know it, but those are the general rules.
If the goal is the minimize the capital outlay of a greenfield build, your model can be more efficient, depending on the geography covered. Basically you're assuming that the active electronics to make a ring are cheaper than building high count fiber back to a central point. There are geographies where that is both true, and not true. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're model is cheaper for a majority of builds. On the other hand, I am not nearly as interested in minimizing the up front capital cost. It's an issue, sure, but I care much more about the total lifecycle cost. I'd rather spend 20% more up front to end up with 20-80% lower costs over 50 years. My argument is not that high count fiber back to a central location is cheaper in absolute, up front dollars, but that it's at worst a minimal amount more and will have neglegable additonal cost over a 40-80 year service life. By contrast, the ring topology you suggest may be slightly less expensive up front, but will require the active parts that make up the ring to be swapped out every 7-20 years. I believe that will lead to greater lifecycle cost; and almost importantly impeed development of new services as the existing gear ends up incompatable with newer technologies. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

Technically, any of the architectures espoused by some of the commentators on this thread will work, and would at least be an order of magnitude better than what is available in the local loop today. One of the commentators, however, did underscore the biggest challenge by far to national broadband. (Even the watered down version consisting of a welter of autonomous municipal networks as is the subject of this thread). And that challenge is the stranglehold that incumbent telcos have on the local loop, and their caustic, anti-progress influence in City Halls, Sate Legislatures, and Washington DC. That is why the Australian NBN serves as a good example of how to wrest control of the local loop plant away from the telcos. In many areas of the US a parallel fiber network is already in place, built out by the Federal School Lunch e-rate program. Here, regrettably, the telcos have exerted their caustic influence by compelling legislators to allow only school and library traffic on the e-rate fiber. As far as a purely technical solution, in my own experience some years ago I worked in the entertainment business in the Burbank/Glendale, Ca. area. Both cites, led by the visionary Burbank Department of Water and Power, built out dark fiber networks. Of course, getting municipal fiber in Glendale required an intense struggle with the incumbent telco, which sent a representative to every city council meeting arguing that municipal fiber was bad for the city residents. David On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 09:28:06PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
I'm not saying that you have to, but that's the most efficient and resilient (both of those are important right?) way of arranging the gear. The exact loop length from the shelves to the end users is up to you and in certain circumstances (generally really compact areas) you can simply home run everyone. Most muni networks don't look that way though because while town centers are generally compact where people (especially the better subdivisions) live is away from the center of town in the US. I can't give you a lot insight on your specific area since I don't know it, but those are the general rules.
If the goal is the minimize the capital outlay of a greenfield build, your model can be more efficient, depending on the geography covered. Basically you're assuming that the active electronics to make a ring are cheaper than building high count fiber back to a central point. There are geographies where that is both true, and not true. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're model is cheaper for a majority of builds.
On the other hand, I am not nearly as interested in minimizing the up front capital cost. It's an issue, sure, but I care much more about the total lifecycle cost. I'd rather spend 20% more up front to end up with 20-80% lower costs over 50 years. My argument is not that high count fiber back to a central location is cheaper in absolute, up front dollars, but that it's at worst a minimal amount more and will have neglegable additonal cost over a 40-80 year service life.
By contrast, the ring topology you suggest may be slightly less expensive up front, but will require the active parts that make up the ring to be swapped out every 7-20 years. I believe that will lead to greater lifecycle cost; and almost importantly impeed development of new services as the existing gear ends up incompatable with newer technologies.
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

If the goal is the minimize the capital outlay of a greenfield build, your model can be more efficient, depending on the geography covered. Basically you're assuming that the active electronics to make a ring are cheaper than building high count fiber back to a central point. There are geographies where that is both true, and not true. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're model is cheaper for a majority of builds.
Agreed, there are definitely scenarios where home running everything makes sense.
On the other hand, I am not nearly as interested in minimizing the up front capital cost. It's an issue, sure, but I care much more about the total lifecycle cost. I'd rather spend 20% more up front to end up with 20-80% lower costs over 50 years. My argument is not that high count fiber back to a central location is cheaper in absolute, up front dollars, but that it's at worst a minimal amount more and will have neglegable additonal cost over a 40-80 year service life.
Here's the thing, over the time frame your describing you're probably going to have to look at more fiber runs just because of growth in areas that you didn't build for before. Even if you nail the total growth of homes and businesses in your area your chances of getting both the numbers right _and_ the locations are pretty slim. Also, you're going to have to replace gear no matter where it is core or nodes on a ring. Granted gear that lives in a CO can be less expensive but its not that much of a difference (~1% of gear costs). Having a ring topology is basically the best way we've come up with as of yet to hedge your bets, especially since you can extend your ring when you need.
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 10:17:24PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
Here's the thing, over the time frame your describing you're probably going to have to look at more fiber runs just because of growth in areas that you didn't build for before. Even if you nail the total growth of homes and businesses in your area your chances of getting both the numbers right _and_ the locations are pretty slim. Also, you're going to have to replace gear no matter where it is core or nodes on a ring. Granted gear that lives in a CO can be less expensive but its not that much of a difference (~1% of gear costs). Having a ring topology is basically the best way we've come up with as of yet to hedge your bets, especially since you can extend your ring when you need.
I'm not sure I understand your growth argument; both models will require additional build costs for growth to the network, and I think they roughly parallel the tradeoff's we've been discussing. As for the gear, I agree that the cost per port for the equipment providing service (Ethernet switch, GPON bits, WDM mux, whatever) is likely to be roughly similar in a CO and in the field. There's not a huge savings on the gear itself. But I would strongly disagree the overall costs, and services are similar. Compare a single CO of equipment to a network with 150 pedistals of active gear around a city. The CO can have one generator, and one battery bank. Most providers don't even put generator with each pedistal, and must maintain separate battery banks for each. A single CO could relatively cheaply have 24x7x356 hands to correct problems and swap equipment, where as the distributed network will add drive time to the equation and require higher staffing and greater costs (like the truck and fuel). Geography is a huge factor though. My concept of home running all fiber would be an extremely poor choice for extremely rural, low density networks. Your ring choice would be much, much better. On the flip side, in a high density world, say downtown NYC, my dark fiber to the end user network is far cheaper than building super-small rings and maintaining the support gear for the equipment (generators and batteries, if you can get space for them in most buildings). Still, I think direct dark fiber has lower lifecycle costs for 70-80% of the population living in cities and suburban areas. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 10:32 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 10:17:24PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
Here's the thing, over the time frame your describing you're probably going to have to look at more fiber runs just because of growth in areas that you didn't build for before. Even if you nail the total growth of homes and businesses in your area your chances of getting both the numbers right _and_ the locations are pretty slim. Also, you're going to have to replace gear no matter where it is core or nodes on a ring. Granted gear that lives in a CO can be less expensive but its not that much of a difference (~1% of gear costs). Having a ring topology is basically the best way we've come up with as of yet to hedge your bets, especially since you can extend your ring when you need.
I'm not sure I understand your growth argument; both models will require additional build costs for growth to the network, and I think they roughly parallel the tradeoff's we've been discussing.
Yes, but the reason why a ring with nodes is often the better architecture is because while both situations require more fiber to accomidate growth in areas that didn't previously have customers the distance from $new_area to existing ring is going to be shorter almost invariably than the distance from $new_area to CO. This matters not only from the stand point of it costs a certain amount per mile to bury or hang fiber but also because of right of ways and other hurdles that involve getting from point A to point B.
As for the gear, I agree that the cost per port for the equipment providing service (Ethernet switch, GPON bits, WDM mux, whatever) is likely to be roughly similar in a CO and in the field. There's not a huge savings on the gear itself.
But I would strongly disagree the overall costs, and services are similar. Compare a single CO of equipment to a network with 150 pedistals of active gear around a city. The CO can have one generator, and one battery bank. Most providers don't even put generator with each pedistal, and must maintain separate battery banks for each. A single CO could relatively cheaply have 24x7x356 hands to correct problems and swap equipment, where as the distributed network will add drive time to the equation and require higher staffing and greater costs (like the truck and fuel).
Absolutely, getting a separate power meter for each enclosure, dealing with batteries there, and just remote gear all increases operational costs and the more nodes you have the greater that cost will be.
Geography is a huge factor though. My concept of home running all fiber would be an extremely poor choice for extremely rural, low density networks. Your ring choice would be much, much better. On the flip side, in a high density world, say downtown NYC, my dark fiber to the end user network is far cheaper than building super-small rings and maintaining the support gear for the equipment (generators and batteries, if you can get space for them in most buildings).
Still, I think direct dark fiber has lower lifecycle costs for 70-80% of the population living in cities and suburban areas.
This is where the math gets hard and the specifics of each situation dictate what you need to do. IF you know precisely what your service area can be and that area is already densely populated then you're probably going to be able to cover all of that area with a single build. Downtown NYC is a scenario I'd completely agree with since you probably would also struggle trying to find places to install enclosures and you have a very tightly defined area that is densely populated today. I'd also say that this is not the normal muni network in the US today, since generally speaking muni networks spring up where the local area is poorly served by commercial operators.
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 10:53:04PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
tightly defined area that is densely populated today. I'd also say that this is not the normal muni network in the US today, since generally speaking muni networks spring up where the local area is poorly served by commercial operators.
Exactly, that's what I would like to fix. I personally haven't talked much about the poltical and regulatory polices that go along with the technical details I've discussed, but I want to build these muni-networks in the areas today dominated by the cablecos and telcos, and force them to use it rather than doing their own builds along with everyone else. As a citizen I get less people digging up streets and yards, and more competition since now more than just the incumbant telco and cableco can play ball. If Glasgow Kentucky (population ) can have fiber between any two buildings in town for $300 a month, why can't I? Somehow a small rural town of 14,000 can do it, but the big cities can't? I also suspect we could drop that cost a full order of magnitude with some economies of scale. People are doing this, and it does work, it's just being done in locations the big telcos and cablecos have written off... -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 09:04:43AM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote: [...]
People are doing this, and it does work, it's just being done in locations the big telcos and cablecos have written off...
To re-iterate this point, and get a note into the archives -- Muni networks *can* work. Idaho Falls, ID has been offering dark fiber strands to anyone since 2007 or so: When I last had network in the area, the cost was on the order of: - $1500/month/loop - $20/bldg on loop - one-time construction costs

Absolutely muni networks can work. I'm supporting ~14 right now with an aggregate number of connections of around 40k (most are small). Having said that from my view (I work with telco's, cable MSOs, muni, and other network providers) muni networks fail more often than private networks. This is usually because they lack experience and their process is subject to interference by interested parties. In one case recently a muni network had a full page ad taken out by a operator who didn't want the city to build. That ad in the local paper caused lots of controversy, despite being largely inaccurate, and the controversy caused the city council to change the rules for the city at the last minute. On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 12:44 PM, John Osmon <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 09:04:43AM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote: [...]
People are doing this, and it does work, it's just being done in locations the big telcos and cablecos have written off...
To re-iterate this point, and get a note into the archives -- Muni networks *can* work.
Idaho Falls, ID has been offering dark fiber strands to anyone since 2007 or so:
When I last had network in the area, the cost was on the order of: - $1500/month/loop - $20/bldg on loop - one-time construction costs
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott -- you've brought up *great* info for this thread. We all know that city/county/state/federal governments sometimes throw money away on boondoggles (as fiber could become). You've been able to pull from your direct experience to show how this is true. I threw in Idaho Falls because I'm betting it will help someone doing research in the future. Can you throw out some of the positive examples you've run across? On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 02:44:42PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
Absolutely muni networks can work. I'm supporting ~14 right now with an aggregate number of connections of around 40k (most are small). Having said that from my view (I work with telco's, cable MSOs, muni, and other network providers) muni networks fail more often than private networks. This is usually because they lack experience and their process is subject to interference by interested parties. In one case recently a muni network had a full page ad taken out by a operator who didn't want the city to build. That ad in the local paper caused lots of controversy, despite being largely inaccurate, and the controversy caused the city council to change the rules for the city at the last minute.
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 12:44 PM, John Osmon <[1]> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 09:04:43AM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote: [...] > People are doing this, and it does work, it's just being done in > locations the big telcos and cablecos have written off...
To re-iterate this point, and get a note into the archives -- Muni networks *can* work.
Idaho Falls, ID has been offering dark fiber strands to anyone since 2007 or so: [2]
When I last had network in the area, the cost was on the order of: - $1500/month/loop - $20/bldg on loop - one-time construction costs
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- [3] --------------------------------
Visible links 1. 2. 3.

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:38 PM, John Osmon <> wrote:
Scott -- you've brought up *great* info for this thread. We all know that city/county/state/federal governments sometimes throw money away on boondoggles (as fiber could become). You've been able to pull from your direct experience to show how this is true.
I threw in Idaho Falls because I'm betting it will help someone doing research in the future. Can you throw out some of the positive examples you've run across?
Jason, the best cases I've seen were all those scenarios where if the muni didn't build the access it simply wouldn't happen. I've seen lots of different kinds of technologies used ranging from wireless (not 802.11), to DOCSIS cable (this is actually the most common in the US), and fiber. I can't share my customer's names unfortunately, but the successful ones all shared several things in common: 1) They had specific goals and built the network to reach those goals. In all the "good" situations the networks at least pay for themselves and in some places make a small profit. 2) They have personnel dedicated to their broadband offering that are motivated to make it succeed and the city listens to the technical and operational recommendations of that staff. 3) They focus on a relatively small number of products, generally either just L3 services or L3 services and broadcast video (especially for DOCSIS systems). 4) They get their pricing "right". This last point is perhaps the most important but hardest to do well. -- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Thanks Scott. Even if you can't name names, having those points stored somewhere searchable is going to help someone build a useful case when deciding to deploy or not. On Sun, Feb 03, 2013 at 04:55:41PM -0500, Scott Helms wrote:
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:38 PM, John Osmon <[1]> wrote:
Scott -- you've brought up *great* info for this thread. We all know that city/county/state/federal governments sometimes throw money away on boondoggles (as fiber could become). You've been able to pull from your direct experience to show how this is true.
I threw in Idaho Falls because I'm betting it will help someone doing research in the future. Can you throw out some of the positive examples you've run across?
Jason^h^h^h^hohn, the best cases I've seen were all those scenarios where if the muni didn't build the access it simply wouldn't happen. I've seen lots of different kinds of technologies used ranging from wireless (not 802.11), to DOCSIS cable (this is actually the most common in the US), and fiber. I can't share my customer's names unfortunately, but the successful ones all shared several things in common: 1) They had specific goals and built the network to reach those goals. In all the "good" situations the networks at least pay for themselves and in some places make a small profit. 2) They have personnel dedicated to their broadband offering that are motivated to make it succeed and the city listens to the technical and operational recommendations of that staff. 3) They focus on a relatively small number of products, generally either just L3 services or L3 services and broadcast video (especially for DOCSIS systems). 4) They get their pricing "right". This last point is perhaps the most important but hardest to do well.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- [2] --------------------------------
Visible links 1. 2.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Here's the thing, over the time frame your describing you're probably going to have to look at more fiber runs just because of growth in areas that you didn't build for before. Even if you nail the total growth of homes and businesses in your area your chances of getting both the numbers right _and_ the locations are pretty slim. Also, you're going to have to replace gear no matter where it is core or nodes on a ring. Granted gear that lives in a CO can be less expensive but its not that much of a difference (~1% of gear costs). Having a ring topology is basically the best way we've come up with as of yet to hedge your bets, especially since you can extend your ring when you need.
In most cases that's true. My city, however, is built so close to 100% that I don't think it matters much. Over 2500 units per sqmi. The problem with gear in the ring isn't cost. It's OAM&P, and upgrades, and distributed emergency power, and, and, and... Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Keep in place, but I've worked with virtually all of the nationwide guys and most of the regional ones and they don't as a rule want anything to do with your fiber plant. Even in major metro areas selling dark fiber doesn't have a huge uptake because if you the network owner didn't light it you have no idea how good or bad the splices and runs are.
The willingness to cooperate and accept using someone else's fiber will definitely be a gating issue here, but I bet there will be providers that will be willing to do so.
To make matters more complicated in cases of problems you don't have a good demarcation of responsibility. What do you do as
L1 provider when one of your ISP partners tells you one of his customers can't connect or stay connected to that ISP's gear? Whose responsible in that case?
Well that's an interesting question, but I don't see that it's not orthogonal to the issue you raised earlier.
What happens when your tech goes out with an OTDR ( meter and says the connection is fine but your ISP insists its your problem?
On an L1 connection, you mean? I'll do what people always do; I'll work the ticket; at that level, this stuff's relatively digital, no?
No, its not and I've seen several of networks fail because demarc issues. US Carrier (a statewide network here in GA) was recently sold for pennies on the dollar largely because of blurry demarcs. You can and will get sucked into scenarios you don't want to be in and will lose money on.
But there isn't a lot of blur to the demarc in this case. Further, since we're talking about a muni doing this on a cost-recovery pricing basis, sucking the muni into such scenarios will only increase the prices charged. The muni won't lose money, the muni will just get more expensive. As a general rule, if the providers know that cooperative debugging == resolution and uncooperative finger-pointing == increased costs, you tend to get a lot more cooperative debugging.
You're talking about what I'm calling L2 clients. If layer 2 falls over it's my fault, and believe me, I'll know about it.
What I'm telling you is that you can't reliably have L1 clients in shared model.
You're telling me that, but you're not giving me good reasons *why* you think so.
Because: 1) There won't be much interest in doing it from experienced operators so you're only going to get customers for it that are also new to the business. So your combined troubleshooting and install time will be bad for a long time until everyone in the chain kind of understand what they're doing.
Unless you can recruit some experienced providers up front and work with them, allowing them to observe the build-out, etc. so that there is a higher degree of confidence in the quality of the runs and splices. Providing certified test results of the fiber runs can probably also help here.
2) Unless you can home run every single connection you're going to run into a lot of access related issues. You will be working for the city so they won't have a problem with you getting into their building at the water tower/sewage treatment plant/power sub station or other city owned property. Your L1 customer isn't going to have that access (not with the city manager/mayor/council's knowledge anyway) because of regulatory and liability reasons. If you do home run everything you still have an access challenge (where are you going to be able to give access to these customers economically?) but its probably more solvable since its one spot. You also increase your costs by home running each connection, but that may or may not be a deal breaker in your situation.
The point is to home run everything to a location where those issues are addressed. Addressing those issues is a critical part of the design.
3) Your going to have to do a lot more work since at L1 all of the rough edges and sharp corners are there to be dealt (like someone grabbing the wrong cable from the patch panel) there is simply no inexpensive method of safeguarding L1 adds, changes, and modifies so either you do them or you let your L1 customer do them and run a risk. This is also something that the city management is going to have concerned over.
IMHO, you do them. The risk the other way is too great. However, part of the lease is the cost of those personnel, so, since you're operating on a pure cost recovery basis, that's probably OK. It's unlikely to cost significantly more (in fact likely quite a bit less) than the provider(s) would be paying for their own tech(s).
4) Physical layer troubleshooting is much harder than layer 2 and up. Having several organizations and potentially several different equipment vendors and L2 technologies will be very tough to deal with over time.
I've usually found physical layer troubleshooting to be quite a bit easier. If you get good OTDR results end-to-end, you don't have a physical layer problem. If you don't get good OTDR results, then if you have good records, you should be able to get a pretty good idea where the problem is. Admittedly, I haven't done a lot of this in the outside world, but light is light. Other than not knowing where your fiber actually goes, what are the additional variables that make this so insurmountable?
5) I've seen at least 5 muni networks try this and not succeed. If you include non-muni networks with similar characteristics (like EMCs) then I've seen it tried more than a dozen times with no success (or interest) beyond a few dark fiber set ups for point to point connections across town.
I believe that Sweden operates largely on this model and that the Australia NBN project does as well. I would say that the Swedish model is a definite success. Owen

I answered (I think) your other points in the last email I wrote, but I
wanted to address these specifically.
I believe that Sweden operates largely on this model and that the Australia NBN project does as well.
I would say that the Swedish model is a definite success.
Australia's NBN is still the planning and arguing phase. Sweden is most certainly not a string of muni networks, the dominant form of access there is cable without open access. You might have meant another European country and there are several that traditionally have had good open access networks but they are NOT fiber nor are they muni run. Across much of Europe the telco's have been forced to open their DSL networks to other operators and in many countries they cannot be the layer 3 provider. This has lead to a robust set of open DSL networks using PPPoE. The problem is that the same rules have NOT been applied to fiber networks (in large part because of technical issues, some genuine and others less so). The fiber networks are largely run by the telcos themselves, but these are new deployments and so the numbers of fiber connections in Europe is quite low.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

In message <> , Scott Helms writes:
I answered (I think) your other points in the last email I wrote, but I
wanted to address these specifically.
I believe that Sweden operates largely on this model and that the Australia NBN project does as well.
I would say that the Swedish model is a definite success.
Australia's NBN is still the planning and arguing phase.
They may still be arguing, but there are fiber and fixed wireless customers receiving packets. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Mark, That's true but none (AFAIK) of those connections are being built by muni's and all of the hand offs are done to the ISPs at layer 2. On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Mark Andrews <> wrote:
In message <> , Scott Helms writes:
I answered (I think) your other points in the last email I wrote, but I
wanted to address these specifically.
I believe that Sweden operates largely on this model and that the Australia NBN project does as well.
I would say that the Swedish model is a definite success.
Australia's NBN is still the planning and arguing phase.
They may still be arguing, but there are fiber and fixed wireless customers receiving packets.
Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Owen, I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that. ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
?? Who said anything about sharing the network at L1? Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced. I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain. There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run). The only additional cost in this system over traditional PON is the larger number of fibers required in the F1 cable. Owen
On Feb 2, 2013 4:54 PM, "Owen DeLong" <> wrote: It seems that you are (deliberately or otherwise) seriously misconstruing what I am saying.
I'm saying that if you build an L1 dark fiber system as we have described, the purchasers can use it to deploy Ethernet, PON, or any other technology.
I'm not saying it's how I would build out a PON only system. That was never the goal.
The goal is to provide a municipal L1 service that can be used by ANY provider for ANY service, or as close to that as possible.
To make the offering more attractive to low-budget providers, the system may also incorporate some L2 services.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Cross connecting at layer 1 is what I'm saying isn't feasible. If you want to simply hand them a fiber then sell dark fiber or DWDM ports but trying to create an architecture around PON or other splitters won't work because PON splitters aren't compatible with other protocols.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Ethernet works just fine in the L1 solution I've proposed, so I'm not sure why you say it isn't economically viable to do so.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Owen, I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that. ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
Who said anything about sharing the network at L1?
You did.
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
The only additional cost in this system over traditional PON is the larger number of fibers required in the F1 cable.
PON networks aren't deployed this way and if you're going to backhaul all of the connections to a central point you wouldn't run PON. PON is worse in every performance related way to PON and the only reasons operators deploy it today is because its less expensive. Its less expensive because you don't have to backhaul all of the connections or have active components at the neighborhood level.
On Feb 2, 2013 4:54 PM, "Owen DeLong" <> wrote:
It seems that you are (deliberately or otherwise) seriously misconstruing what I am saying.
I'm saying that if you build an L1 dark fiber system as we have described, the purchasers can use it to deploy Ethernet, PON, or any other technology.
I'm not saying it's how I would build out a PON only system. That was never the goal.
The goal is to provide a municipal L1 service that can be used by ANY provider for ANY service, or as close to that as possible.
To make the offering more attractive to low-budget providers, the system may also incorporate some L2 services.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:31 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Cross connecting at layer 1 is what I'm saying isn't feasible. If you want to simply hand them a fiber then sell dark fiber or DWDM ports but trying to create an architecture around PON or other splitters won't work because PON splitters aren't compatible with other protocols.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 4:26 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:07 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative? What problem are you tying to solve?
Ethernet works just fine in the L1 solution I've proposed, so I'm not sure why you say it isn't economically viable to do so.
On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:19 AM, Eugen Leitl <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 01, 2013 at 04:43:56PM -0800, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The only place PON made any sense to me was extreme rural areas. If you could go 20km to a splitter and then hit 32 homes ~1km away (52km fiber pair length total), that was a win. If the homes are 2km from the CO, 32 pair (64km fiber pair length total) of home runs was cheaper than the savings on fiber, and then the cost of GPON splitters and equipment. I'm trying to figure out if my assessment is correct or not...
Is there any specific reason why muni networks don't use 1-10 GBit fiber mesh, using L3 switches in DSLAMs on every street corner?
Well, one reason is that, IMHO, the goal here is to provide a flexible L1 platform that will allow multiple competing providers a low barrier to entry to provide a multitude of competitive services.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Feb 3, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Owen, I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that. ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
Who said anything about sharing the network at L1?
You did.
No, I didn't. I said build out an L1 infrastructure such that individual connections can be leased from it. Not shared L1 connections. I have never advocated shared L1 connections.
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
I agree it's more expensive. The question is whether it's enough more expensive to make it infeasible. You still haven't come anywhere near addressing that question.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
I've talked to a few people doing exactly that. Yes, you need different test sets depending on which L2 gear is involved, but, in virtually ever case, there is a piece of test gear that can be used to test a loop independent of the configuration of the L2 gear in question. For providers getting L1 service, it wouldn't be too hard to make this testing / providing necessary test equipment part of their contract.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
If it's $700 per home passed to build out home-run fibers (which seems to be a reasonable approximation from earlier discussions), then there's no reason you can't sell $40/month service over that where the L1 component is a $10/month ($7 for capital recovery, $3 for operations and support) pricing component. By my estimates, to become truly impractical, you'd have to get somewhere north of $1500 per home passed.
The only additional cost in this system over traditional PON is the larger number of fibers required in the F1 cable.
PON networks aren't deployed this way and if you're going to backhaul all of the connections to a central point you wouldn't run PON. PON is worse in every performance related way to PON and the only reasons operators deploy it today is because its less expensive. Its less expensive because you don't have to backhaul all of the connections or have active components at the neighborhood level.
Then don't deploy PON. I don't care whether PON gets deployed or not. You keep coming back at this as if PON is somehow the goal. Personally, I'd rather see Gig-E in every home and be done with it. However, the point is that building the infrastructure in that manner doesn't cost much more than building out traditional PON infrastructure (if you're doing it from greenfield) and it can support either technology. Owen

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 3, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Owen, I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that. ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
Who said anything about sharing the network at L1?
You did.
No, I didn't. I said build out an L1 infrastructure such that individual connections can be leased from it. Not shared L1 connections. I have never advocated shared L1 connections.
Sharing the entire network at layer 1 is what I and I believe you were talking about. Not sharing individual fiber connections, but using the same fiber plant for multiple layer 2 technologies. This is what you're suggesting, correct?
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
I agree it's more expensive. The question is whether it's enough more expensive to make it infeasible. You still haven't come anywhere near addressing that question.
I've said repeatedly that this a network by network analysis. I've never said its infeasible, but that it is more expensive both initially and long term in MOST installs. That by itself is generally enough to invalidate the design since in almost all cases there's no benefit to home running all the connections. It doesn't make the connection faster nor do ISPs (as a group) care about a layer 1 versus layer 2 hand off.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
I've talked to a few people doing exactly that. Yes, you need different test sets depending on which L2 gear is involved, but, in virtually ever case, there is a piece of test gear that can be used to test a loop independent of the configuration of the L2 gear in question.
Yes, there is a meter for all the different kinds of technologies that you might want to support. For example a DOCSIS 3.0 DSAM from JDSU will run you around $8000.00 A PON meter with long range lasers (more than 10 miles) from JDSU or Trilithic will cost you nearly $10,000. Exactly how many of those kinds of meters do you want to have to buy? How many of your staff are you going to train on them (they do require training and knowledge to use)?
For providers getting L1 service, it wouldn't be too hard to make this testing / providing necessary test equipment part of their contract.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and
its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
If it's $700 per home passed to build out home-run fibers (which seems to be a reasonable approximation from earlier discussions), then there's no reason you can't sell $40/month service over that where the L1 component is a $10/month ($7 for capital recovery, $3 for operations and support) pricing component.
Nope, no reason at all if you don't care about covering your costs.
By my estimates, to become truly impractical, you'd have to get somewhere north of $1500 per home passed.
The only additional cost in this system over traditional PON is the larger number of fibers required in the F1 cable.
PON networks aren't deployed this way and if you're going to backhaul all of the connections to a central point you wouldn't run PON. PON is worse in every performance related way to PON and the only reasons operators deploy it today is because its less expensive. Its less expensive because you don't have to backhaul all of the connections or have active components at the neighborhood level.
Then don't deploy PON. I don't care whether PON gets deployed or not. You keep coming back at this as if PON is somehow the goal. Personally, I'd rather see Gig-E in every home and be done with it.
However, the point is that building the infrastructure in that manner doesn't cost much more than building out traditional PON infrastructure (if you're doing it from greenfield) and it can support either technology.
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Feb 3, 2013, at 2:57 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 3, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:06 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Owen, I think the confusion I have is that you seem to want to create solutions for problems that have already been solved. There is no cost effective method of sharing a network at layer 1 since DWDM is expensive and requires compatible gear on both sides and no one has enough fiber (nor is cheap enough in brand new builds) to simply home run every home and maintain that. ISPs that would want to use the shared network in general (>95% in my experience) don't want to maintain the access gear and since there is no clear way to delineate responsibilities when there is an issue its hard.
Who said anything about sharing the network at L1?
You did.
No, I didn't. I said build out an L1 infrastructure such that individual connections can be leased from it. Not shared L1 connections. I have never advocated shared L1 connections.
Sharing the entire network at layer 1 is what I and I believe you were talking about. Not sharing individual fiber connections, but using the same fiber plant for multiple layer 2 technologies. This is what you're suggesting, correct?
So long as you recognize that it's on a pair-by-pair basis end-to-end and not expecting any mixing/sharing/etc. by the L1 infrastructure provider, yes.
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
I agree it's more expensive. The question is whether it's enough more expensive to make it infeasible. You still haven't come anywhere near addressing that question.
I've said repeatedly that this a network by network analysis. I've never said its infeasible, but that it is more expensive both initially and long term in MOST installs. That by itself is generally enough to invalidate the design since in almost all cases there's no benefit to home running all the connections. It doesn't make the connection faster nor do ISPs (as a group) care about a layer 1 versus layer 2 hand off.
That's where we disagree. The benefit is that: 1. It doesn't lock the entire area into a single current technology. 2. It allows for individual subscribers (probably mostly businesses, but I have had a few occasions where this would have been useful as an individual) to get dark XC to other locations. 3. Subscribers who want individualized services from different vendors have a choice. 4. Providers have to compete on a leveled playing field and there is thus incentive to innovate even if the innovation moves away from PON.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
I've talked to a few people doing exactly that. Yes, you need different test sets depending on which L2 gear is involved, but, in virtually ever case, there is a piece of test gear that can be used to test a loop independent of the configuration of the L2 gear in question.
Yes, there is a meter for all the different kinds of technologies that you might want to support. For example a DOCSIS 3.0 DSAM from JDSU will run you around $8000.00 A PON meter with long range lasers (more than 10 miles) from JDSU or Trilithic will cost you nearly $10,000. Exactly how many of those kinds of meters do you want to have to buy? How many of your staff are you going to train on them (they do require training and knowledge to use)?
For my proposed methods of build-out, no need for the long range lasers. As I said, everything should be within 8km of the MMR. As I suggested, the simpler approach is to require the complaining L2 provider to cooperate in the diagnostic process and provide access to the applicable meters if necessary. The standard offered absent assistance from the L2 provider is OTDR success.
For providers getting L1 service, it wouldn't be too hard to make this testing / providing necessary test equipment part of their contract.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
If it's $700 per home passed to build out home-run fibers (which seems to be a reasonable approximation from earlier discussions), then there's no reason you can't sell $40/month service over that where the L1 component is a $10/month ($7 for capital recovery, $3 for operations and support) pricing component.
Nope, no reason at all if you don't care about covering your costs.
I just explained where the expected costs get covered, so you're going to have to explain that statement.
By my estimates, to become truly impractical, you'd have to get somewhere north of $1500 per home passed.
The only additional cost in this system over traditional PON is the larger number of fibers required in the F1 cable.
PON networks aren't deployed this way and if you're going to backhaul all of the connections to a central point you wouldn't run PON. PON is worse in every performance related way to PON and the only reasons operators deploy it today is because its less expensive. Its less expensive because you don't have to backhaul all of the connections or have active components at the neighborhood level.
Then don't deploy PON. I don't care whether PON gets deployed or not. You keep coming back at this as if PON is somehow the goal. Personally, I'd rather see Gig-E in every home and be done with it.
However, the point is that building the infrastructure in that manner doesn't cost much more than building out traditional PON infrastructure (if you're doing it from greenfield) and it can support either technology.
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced. Owen

Owen, I'm trimming this for my own sanity if I snip out something important please let me know.
So long as you recognize that it's on a pair-by-pair basis end-to-end and not expecting any mixing/sharing/etc. by the L1 infrastructure provider, yes.
OK good, now we're speaking on the same topic :)
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
I agree it's more expensive. The question is whether it's enough more expensive to make it infeasible. You still haven't come anywhere near addressing that question.
I've said repeatedly that this a network by network analysis. I've never said its infeasible, but that it is more expensive both initially and long term in MOST installs. That by itself is generally enough to invalidate the design since in almost all cases there's no benefit to home running all the connections. It doesn't make the connection faster nor do ISPs (as a group) care about a layer 1 versus layer 2 hand off.
That's where we disagree. The benefit is that:
1. It doesn't lock the entire area into a single current technology.
Neither does a ring architecture.
2. It allows for individual subscribers (probably mostly businesses, but I have had a few occasions where this would have been useful as an individual) to get dark XC to other locations.
Neither does a ring architecture, you do have fewer long runs, but in any build you're going to end up with spare pairs to use for this and in my experience the number of businesses who want this in given area are very small. I can't think of a network where this is more than 1% of the business connections.
3. Subscribers who want individualized services from different vendors have a choice.
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
4. Providers have to compete on a leveled playing field and there is thus incentive to innovate even if the innovation moves away from PON.
Again, this is a completely moot point. There is nothing in a ring or hub & spoke architecture that makes open access more difficult EXCEPT if you want to share lots of L1 connections.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
I've talked to a few people doing exactly that. Yes, you need different test sets depending on which L2 gear is involved, but, in virtually ever case, there is a piece of test gear that can be used to test a loop independent of the configuration of the L2 gear in question.
Yes, there is a meter for all the different kinds of technologies that you might want to support. For example a DOCSIS 3.0 DSAM from JDSU will run you around $8000.00 A PON meter with long range lasers (more than 10 miles) from JDSU or Trilithic will cost you nearly $10,000. Exactly how many of those kinds of meters do you want to have to buy? How many of your staff are you going to train on them (they do require training and knowledge to use)?
For my proposed methods of build-out, no need for the long range lasers. As I said, everything should be within 8km of the MMR.
As I suggested, the simpler approach is to require the complaining L2 provider to cooperate in the diagnostic process and provide access to the applicable meters if necessary. The standard offered absent assistance from the L2 provider is OTDR success.
Medium range lasers (anything that's running on single mode fiber) versus long range don't drive the cost. OTDR is not and cannot test for any phase modulated system and that includes every form of PON, Active Ethernet, and RFoG. You _might_ be able to use one to test RS-232 over fiber depending on the vendor. This is where you're really not getting it. As the owner of the physical medium you WILL be the blame of every problem until you prove differently. Every end user install that goes poorly, every time there is a connection drop, and every time some end user of $L1 partner calls them complaining the city will get the blame.
For providers getting L1 service, it wouldn't be too hard to make this testing / providing necessary test equipment part of their contract.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and
its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
If it's $700 per home passed to build out home-run fibers (which seems to be a reasonable approximation from earlier discussions), then there's no reason you can't sell $40/month service over that where the L1 component is a $10/month ($7 for capital recovery, $3 for operations and support) pricing component.
Nope, no reason at all if you don't care about covering your costs.
I just explained where the expected costs get covered, so you're going to have to explain that statement.
No, you listed some more than optimistic numbers and passed that off as evidence. If you seriously think that the fiber connection is only worth $10 per month then you're off by ~100%. However, the point is that building the infrastructure in that manner
doesn't cost much more than building out traditional PON infrastructure (if you're doing it from greenfield) and it can support either technology.
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced.
You think the fiber connectivity is only worth $10 too....
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-04 16:04, Scott Helms wrote:
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
This is where one has to be carefull. The wholesale scenario in Canada leaves indepdendant ISPs having to explain to their customers that they can't fix certain problems and that they must call the telco/cableco to get it fixed. (in the case of a certain cable company, they can't even call them, it has to be done by email with response of at least 48 hours). So splitting responsabilities can be an annoyance if it becomes very visible to the end users. Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user. In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services. What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ? In a layer2 service, it is a matter of reconfiguring the OLT to pass ethernet packets to a different VLAN to a different ISP. No physical changes required and it can be almost tranparent to the end user who just has to make a new DHCP request and be provisioned by ISP-2.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Francois Mezei" <>
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
This is where one has to be carefull. The wholesale scenario in Canada leaves indepdendant ISPs having to explain to their customers that they can't fix certain problems and that they must call the telco/cableco to get it fixed. (in the case of a certain cable company, they can't even call them, it has to be done by email with response of at least 48 hours).
Yes, and Scott is *horribly* pessimistic (in my opinion) about how difficult it will be to have ISP clients who a) understand this and b) don't tolerate it. I will have more to say on this below.
Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user. In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ?
What happens is that they tell us, the hometown fiber network operator that they're switching to ISP-2, who has already put in their own Take order to us, and we splash cut the pair, with no responsibility to ISP-1 whose contract warns them that *our residents* take priority, and if they screw up, they'll lose by it. Customer happy, and foot-dragging ISP -- who should -- takes the brunt. They do it too much, they pay.
In a layer2 service, it is a matter of reconfiguring the OLT to pass ethernet packets to a different VLAN to a different ISP. No physical changes required and it can be almost tranparent to the end user who just has to make a new DHCP request and be provisioned by ISP-2.
Yes, and that's why my *primary* goal will be to provide L2 service with city-owned ONTs. Making sure the plant is L1 *compliant* is my secondary goal, so I don't lock out PtP or L1 clients. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Exactly! On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-04 16:04, Scott Helms wrote:
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
This is where one has to be carefull. The wholesale scenario in Canada leaves indepdendant ISPs having to explain to their customers that they can't fix certain problems and that they must call the telco/cableco to get it fixed. (in the case of a certain cable company, they can't even call them, it has to be done by email with response of at least 48 hours).
So splitting responsabilities can be an annoyance if it becomes very visible to the end users.
Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user. In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ?
In a layer2 service, it is a matter of reconfiguring the OLT to pass ethernet packets to a different VLAN to a different ISP. No physical changes required and it can be almost tranparent to the end user who just has to make a new DHCP request and be provisioned by ISP-2.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
This is where one has to be carefull. The wholesale scenario in Canada leaves indepdendant ISPs having to explain to their customers that they can't fix certain problems and that they must call the telco/cableco to get it fixed. (in the case of a certain cable company, they can't even call them, it has to be done by email with response of at least 48 hours).
So splitting responsabilities can be an annoyance if it becomes very visible to the end users.
No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.
Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user.
No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.
In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
No. Just say optical MDF.
What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ?
You assume ISP-1 quickly stop servicing the end user, don't you?
In a layer2 service, it is a matter of reconfiguring the OLT to pass ethernet packets to a different VLAN to a different ISP. No physical
What happens when OLT operator isn't interested in a quick reconfiguration, ISP-1 quickly stop servicing the end user and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end user without service? Masataka Ohta

----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
So splitting responsabilities can be an annoyance if it becomes very visible to the end users.
No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.
Sure it is: competing ISPs in a traditional situation would be using each their own PHY.
Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user.
No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.
Sure it is: there it's *much worse*.
In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
No. Just say optical MDF.
Doesn't preclude the need to swap different models of ONTs.
What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ?
You assume ISP-1 quickly stop servicing the end user, don't you?
I assume everyone will behave, because they're all *the customers of me, the municipality*, and they have a vested interest in being good actors.
In a layer2 service, it is a matter of reconfiguring the OLT to pass ethernet packets to a different VLAN to a different ISP. No physical
What happens when OLT operator isn't interested in a quick reconfiguration, ISP-1 quickly stop servicing the end user and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end user without service?
Again, *the city* is the OLT operator, in a L2 scenario, and I will flip the customer over almost immediately. Yes, I know subs will try to game things occasionally; we'll likely be able to cope with that. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Jay Ashworth wrote:
In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
No. Just say optical MDF.
Doesn't preclude the need to swap different models of ONTs.
No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.
What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ?
You assume ISP-1 quickly stop servicing the end user, don't you?
I assume everyone will behave, because they're all *the customers of me, the municipality*, and they have a vested interest in being good actors.
So, if the city is the MDF operator, L1 configuration should change almost immediately.
Again, *the city* is the OLT operator, in a L2 scenario, and I will flip the customer over almost immediately.
See above. Masataka Ohta

On Feb 4, 2013, at 13:17 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-04 16:04, Scott Helms wrote:
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
This is where one has to be carefull. The wholesale scenario in Canada leaves indepdendant ISPs having to explain to their customers that they can't fix certain problems and that they must call the telco/cableco to get it fixed. (in the case of a certain cable company, they can't even call them, it has to be done by email with response of at least 48 hours).
So splitting responsabilities can be an annoyance if it becomes very visible to the end users.
Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user. In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
Only if you insist on re-using the same strand. More likely in the proposed scenario, the customer is only using 1 of the 3 pairs of fiber to their prem. In such a case, just light the second strand with ISP-2 and ISP-1 can do their de-install at their leisure (or not).
What happens when ISP-1 isn't interested in a quick disconnect and ISP-2 has to wait days/weeks with end use without service ?
Nope. See above.
In a layer2 service, it is a matter of reconfiguring the OLT to pass ethernet packets to a different VLAN to a different ISP. No physical changes required and it can be almost tranparent to the end user who just has to make a new DHCP request and be provisioned by ISP-2.
I agree this can be an advantage in some scenarios. That's one of the reasons I think allowing the muni to provide optional L2 aggregation services is worth while. Owen

On 04-Feb-13 15:17, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
On 13-02-04 16:04, Scott Helms wrote:
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well. This is where one has to be carefull. The wholesale scenario in Canada leaves indepdendant ISPs having to explain to their customers that they can't fix certain problems and that they must call the telco/cableco to get it fixed. (in the case of a certain cable company, they can't even call them, it has to be done by email with response of at least 48 hours).
This is not a show-stopper. In my state (TX), electric utilities have been strictly segregated into generation, distribution and retail. When I have a problem with my service, I call my retailer, who puts in a ticket with the distributor (i.e. grid operator). However, since the distributor has an equal relationship with _all_ retailers, rather than also having a retail arm itself (as in the telco model), there is no service problem. If anything, service is _better_ than when distribution and retailing were done by the same (monopoly) utility company because there are now formal SLAs and penalties.
Another aspect: customers espect to be able to switch seamlessly from one ISP to the next. But ISP-2 can't take over from ISP-1 until ISP-1 has relinquised control over the line to the end user. In a layer 1 scenario, it means ISP-1 has to physically go and deinstall their CPE and disconnect strand from their OLT, and then ISP-2 can do the reverse and reconnect evrything to provide services.
Wrong. As soon as retailer 2 puts in the connect order, everything gets switched over within one business day. The distributor stops billing retailer 1 because they're no longer in the picture. Now, if different CPE is required (not an issue for electricity), then the customer would notice that the CPE from retailer 1 suddenly stops working. They would then unplug it and follow the directions that came in the box with the CPE from retailer 2. No truck roll needed, unless they paid extra for that. (In a slightly different space with similar costs, prices and volumes, one carrier said rolling a truck for installation would blow their profit margin for the entire year.) S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

On Feb 4, 2013, at 13:04 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
I'm trimming this for my own sanity if I snip out something important please let me know.
So long as you recognize that it's on a pair-by-pair basis end-to-end and not expecting any mixing/sharing/etc. by the L1 infrastructure provider, yes.
OK good, now we're speaking on the same topic :)
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
I agree it's more expensive. The question is whether it's enough more expensive to make it infeasible. You still haven't come anywhere near addressing that question.
I've said repeatedly that this a network by network analysis. I've never said its infeasible, but that it is more expensive both initially and long term in MOST installs. That by itself is generally enough to invalidate the design since in almost all cases there's no benefit to home running all the connections. It doesn't make the connection faster nor do ISPs (as a group) care about a layer 1 versus layer 2 hand off.
That's where we disagree. The benefit is that:
1. It doesn't lock the entire area into a single current technology. Neither does a ring architecture.
Yes it does... It locks you into whatever is supported on the ring.
2. It allows for individual subscribers (probably mostly businesses, but I have had a few occasions where this would have been useful as an individual) to get dark XC to other locations. Neither does a ring architecture, you do have fewer long runs, but in any build you're going to end up with spare pairs to use for this and in my experience the number of businesses who want this in given area are very small. I can't think of a network where this is more than 1% of the business connections.
That's because today, it's expensive and the price is usually way way way above cost-recovery (or, it's cost recovery of the build cost / n where n is a very small number of fibers). Lower the price per instance and you very likely find new demands.
3. Subscribers who want individualized services from different vendors have a choice.
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
But the vendors do and it makes a huge difference to the barrier to entry price for competing vendors offering different services. (I'm talking about more than just IP at this point).
4. Providers have to compete on a leveled playing field and there is thus incentive to innovate even if the innovation moves away from PON.
Again, this is a completely moot point. There is nothing in a ring or hub & spoke architecture that makes open access more difficult EXCEPT if you want to share lots of L1 connections.
What I'm proposing is a hub and spoke architecture. It's just a much larger hub with much longer spokes.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
I've talked to a few people doing exactly that. Yes, you need different test sets depending on which L2 gear is involved, but, in virtually ever case, there is a piece of test gear that can be used to test a loop independent of the configuration of the L2 gear in question.
Yes, there is a meter for all the different kinds of technologies that you might want to support. For example a DOCSIS 3.0 DSAM from JDSU will run you around $8000.00 A PON meter with long range lasers (more than 10 miles) from JDSU or Trilithic will cost you nearly $10,000. Exactly how many of those kinds of meters do you want to have to buy? How many of your staff are you going to train on them (they do require training and knowledge to use)?
For my proposed methods of build-out, no need for the long range lasers. As I said, everything should be within 8km of the MMR.
As I suggested, the simpler approach is to require the complaining L2 provider to cooperate in the diagnostic process and provide access to the applicable meters if necessary. The standard offered absent assistance from the L2 provider is OTDR success.
Medium range lasers (anything that's running on single mode fiber) versus long range don't drive the cost. OTDR is not and cannot test for any phase modulated system and that includes every form of PON, Active Ethernet, and RFoG. You _might_ be able to use one to test RS-232 over fiber depending on the vendor. This is where you're really not getting it. As the owner of the physical medium you WILL be the blame of every problem until you prove differently. Every end user install that goes poorly, every time there is a connection drop, and every time some end user of $L1 partner calls them complaining the city will get the blame.
You're assuming the current business model of incumbent-provider owned fiber. In a case where you have service providers not allowed to own fiber and a fiber provider not allowed to provide services, the incentives all work towards cooperation and the conflicts of interest between them are eliminated. I understand what you're saying about field technicians and their motivations, but, again those are based largely on the current business models and compensation schemes. In the proposed arena, there's no reason management at the service provider and management at the fiber provider cannot work together to address these issues. Further, the technician that blames the fiber plant for everything rather than cooperating to resolve said issues together will inherently have his installations take longer than the ones that cooperate, so he is actually already automatically incentivized in the correct direction. Admittedly, without some education, that may not be intuitively obvious to him, but I find that education is usually possible when attempted.
For providers getting L1 service, it wouldn't be too hard to make this testing / providing necessary test equipment part of their contract.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
If it's $700 per home passed to build out home-run fibers (which seems to be a reasonable approximation from earlier discussions), then there's no reason you can't sell $40/month service over that where the L1 component is a $10/month ($7 for capital recovery, $3 for operations and support) pricing component.
Nope, no reason at all if you don't care about covering your costs.
I just explained where the expected costs get covered, so you're going to have to explain that statement.
No, you listed some more than optimistic numbers and passed that off as evidence. If you seriously think that the fiber connection is only worth $10 per month then you're off by ~100%.
Even if it's $20/month and you charge $50/month for L3 service and you're still in good shape. However, the real world numbers presented so far show costs closer to $10/month, so I'm not sure where your data is coming from.
However, the point is that building the infrastructure in that manner doesn't cost much more than building out traditional PON infrastructure (if you're doing it from greenfield) and it can support either technology.
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced.
You think the fiber connectivity is only worth $10 too....
$20/subscriber/month still strikes me as being within the realm of "not much more". So, based on your statement above... Owen

That's where we disagree. The benefit is that:
1. It doesn't lock the entire area into a single current technology.
Neither does a ring architecture.
Yes it does... It locks you into whatever is supported on the ring.
I don't know how I can explain this more plainly, I can (more accurately have) taken a fiber build that was created as a ring & spoke SONET system and with the same fiber plant overlaid that with GigE and ATM (further back in time) to backhaul for PON, DSL, VOIP, and direct Active Ethernet. There is nothing about a hub & spoke architecture is this harmful or even suboptimal for doing Gig-E directly to end users today. This wasn't always true because we've only had 40G and 100G Ethernet for carrier networks for a few years. In the past we were limited by how big of an etherchannel network we could use for the ring. I'd also point out that the ring architecture is optimal for redundancy since you have fewer fiber bundles to get cut in the field and any cut to your ring gets routed around the ring by ERPS ( in less than 50 milliseconds.
2. It allows for individual subscribers (probably mostly businesses, but
I have had a few occasions where this would have been useful as an individual) to get dark XC to other locations.
Neither does a ring architecture, you do have fewer long runs, but in any build you're going to end up with spare pairs to use for this and in my experience the number of businesses who want this in given area are very small. I can't think of a network where this is more than 1% of the business connections.
That's because today, it's expensive and the price is usually way way way above cost-recovery (or, it's cost recovery of the build cost / n where n is a very small number of fibers).
Lower the price per instance and you very likely find new demands.
The vast majority of business don't WANT that kind of connectivity. How many MPLS connections get purchased by SMBs? That's the same kind of connectivity at layer 3 and that's a market that is almost entirely used by large corportations.
3. Subscribers who want individualized services from different vendors have a choice.
Subscribers don't care if the hand off is at layer 1 or layer 2 so this is moot as well.
But the vendors do and it makes a huge difference to the barrier to entry price for competing vendors offering different services. (I'm talking about more than just IP at this point).
What vendors? ISPs don't.
4. Providers have to compete on a leveled playing field and there is thus incentive to innovate even if the innovation moves away from PON.
Again, this is a completely moot point. There is nothing in a ring or hub & spoke architecture that makes open access more difficult EXCEPT if you want to share lots of L1 connections.
What I'm proposing is a hub and spoke architecture. It's just a much larger hub with much longer spokes.
That's called home running, but as I've said that's ok in some scenarios, its just that in most cases there is no benefit.
I'm not sure why you think it would be hard to delineate the responsibilities… You've got a fiber path maintained by the municipality with active equipment maintained by the ISP at each end. If the light coming out of the equipment at one end doesn't come out of the fiber at the other end, you have a problem in the municipality's domain. If the light makes it through in tact, you have a problem in the ISP's domain.
There is equipment available that can test that fairly easily.
OK, this one made my wife get scared I laughed so hard. You clearly have never tried to do this or had to work with different operators in the same physical network. Please, go talk to someone whose worked in the field of a FTTx network and describe this scenario to them. Its clear you don't want to hear it from me via email so please go do some research.
I've talked to a few people doing exactly that. Yes, you need different test sets depending on which L2 gear is involved, but, in virtually ever case, there is a piece of test gear that can be used to test a loop independent of the configuration of the L2 gear in question.
Yes, there is a meter for all the different kinds of technologies that you might want to support. For example a DOCSIS 3.0 DSAM from JDSU will run you around $8000.00 A PON meter with long range lasers (more than 10 miles) from JDSU or Trilithic will cost you nearly $10,000. Exactly how many of those kinds of meters do you want to have to buy? How many of your staff are you going to train on them (they do require training and knowledge to use)?
For my proposed methods of build-out, no need for the long range lasers. As I said, everything should be within 8km of the MMR.
As I suggested, the simpler approach is to require the complaining L2 provider to cooperate in the diagnostic process and provide access to the applicable meters if necessary. The standard offered absent assistance from the L2 provider is OTDR success.
Medium range lasers (anything that's running on single mode fiber) versus long range don't drive the cost. OTDR is not and cannot test for any phase modulated system and that includes every form of PON, Active Ethernet, and RFoG. You _might_ be able to use one to test RS-232 over fiber depending on the vendor. This is where you're really not getting it. As the owner of the physical medium you WILL be the blame of every problem until you prove differently. Every end user install that goes poorly, every time there is a connection drop, and every time some end user of $L1 partner calls them complaining the city will get the blame.
You're assuming the current business model of incumbent-provider owned fiber. In a case where you have service providers not allowed to own fiber and a fiber provider not allowed to provide services, the incentives all work towards cooperation and the conflicts of interest between them are eliminated. I understand what you're saying about field technicians and their motivations, but, again those are based largely on the current business models and compensation schemes. In the proposed arena, there's no reason management at the service provider and management at the fiber provider cannot work together to address these issues. Further, the technician that blames the fiber plant for everything rather than cooperating to resolve said issues together will inherently have his installations take longer than the ones that cooperate, so he is actually already automatically incentivized in the correct direction. Admittedly, without some education, that may not be intuitively obvious to him, but I find that education is usually possible when attempted.
You need to understand that I've built the exact network your describing several times and in all those case this was for a muni network in a relatively small town (<25,000 residents). I also know who the installers are in that sized community (as a group, not personally) and even if you get the best ISP partners on the planet they're going to have normal installers doing much of the work.
For providers getting L1 service, it wouldn't be too hard to make this
testing / providing necessary test equipment part of their contract.
The long and short of it is lots of people have tried to L1 sharing and
its not economical and nothing I've seen here or elsewhere changes that. The thing you have to remember is that muni networks have to be cost effective and that's not just the capital costs. The operational cost in the long term is much greater than the cost of initial gear and fiber install.
We can agree to disagree. A muni network needs to be able to recover its costs. The costs of building out and maintaining home-run fiber are not necessarily that much greater than the costs of building out and maintaining fiber at the neighborhood. One option, for example, would be to have neighborhood B-Boxes where the fiber can either be fed into provider-specific splitters (same economy as existing PON deployments) or cross-connected to fiber on the F1 cable going back to the MMR (home-run).
We can agree all we want, that doesn't change history. Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city. I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
If it's $700 per home passed to build out home-run fibers (which seems to be a reasonable approximation from earlier discussions), then there's no reason you can't sell $40/month service over that where the L1 component is a $10/month ($7 for capital recovery, $3 for operations and support) pricing component.
Nope, no reason at all if you don't care about covering your costs.
I just explained where the expected costs get covered, so you're going to have to explain that statement.
No, you listed some more than optimistic numbers and passed that off as evidence. If you seriously think that the fiber connection is only worth $10 per month then you're off by ~100%.
Even if it's $20/month and you charge $50/month for L3 service and you're still in good shape. However, the real world numbers presented so far show costs closer to $10/month, so I'm not sure where your data is coming from.
This is about what it costs to provide physical layer connectivity with most wired technologies in rural and smaller suburban environments. (Interestingly it actually costs more for wireless networks, though that's specifically not "cellular" but rather fixed and nomadic BWA like WIMAX.)
However, the point is that building the infrastructure in that manner
doesn't cost much more than building out traditional PON infrastructure (if you're doing it from greenfield) and it can support either technology.
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced.
You think the fiber connectivity is only worth $10 too....
$20/subscriber/month still strikes me as being within the realm of "not much more". So, based on your statement above...
Build your economic model, that delta of $10 is a big deal when you look at thousands of connections.
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Yes it does... It locks you into whatever is supported on the ring.
I don't know how I can explain this more plainly, I can (more accurately have) taken a fiber build that was created as a ring & spoke SONET system and with the same fiber plant overlaid that with GigE and ATM (further back in time) to backhaul for PON, DSL, VOIP, and direct Active Ethernet.
"Overlaid"? Could you clarify that? Owen's assertion (and mine) is that a loop architecture *requires* active equipment, suited to the phy layer protocol, at each node. And while those loop fibers are running SONET, they can't be running anything else at the same time.
There is nothing about a hub & spoke architecture is this harmful or even suboptimal for doing Gig-E directly to end users today.
You propose to run a ring *for each subscriber*? Or put active gear in the field to mux the subscriber AE loops into a SONET ring? Or some other approach I don't know it possible?
This wasn't always true because we've only had 40G and 100G Ethernet for carrier networks for a few years. In the past we were limited by how big of an etherchannel network we could use for the ring. I'd also point out that the ring architecture is optimal for redundancy since you have fewer fiber bundles to get cut in the field and any cut to your ring gets routed around the ring by ERPS ( in less than 50 milliseconds.
I infer from that continuation of your thought that you mean the second: active optical muxes out in the plant. I'm sure I've made clear why that design limits me in ways I don't want to be limited when building a fiber plant for a 50 year lifetime, but let's address your responses below.
Lower the price per instance and you very likely find new demands.
The vast majority of business don't WANT that kind of connectivity.
The vast majority of businesses don't want it at the price they have to pay for it now -- or more to the point, the consultants who do their IT don't. You have no real way, I should think, to extrapolate whether that will continue as prices drop, especially if sharply.
How many MPLS connections get purchased by SMBs? That's the same kind of connectivity at layer 3 and that's a market that is almost entirely used by large corportations.
Sure; most small businesses don't need that. But there are some that do, and there are some that it doesn't matter *where they are at*. "Fiber on your wall with no upfront engineering charge" is a pretty strong call, in some markets, and I won't have to do most of the publicity myself; it'll make the news.
But the vendors do and it makes a huge difference to the barrier to entry price for competing vendors offering different services. (I'm talking about more than just IP at this point).
What vendors? ISPs don't.
And your assertion here is based on what? How many places have ISPs had a *choice* as to whether to take a L1 optical or L2 aggregated handoff?
What I'm proposing is a hub and spoke architecture. It's just a much larger hub with much longer spokes.
That's called home running, but as I've said that's ok in some scenarios, its just that in most cases there is no benefit.
Today. Neither you nor I know how that will change in 20, 30, or 50 years. But that's the horizon I'm planning not to block.
You're assuming the current business model of incumbent-provider owned fiber. In a case where you have service providers not allowed to own fiber and a fiber provider not allowed to provide services, the incentives all work towards cooperation and the conflicts of interest between them are eliminated. I understand what you're saying about field technicians and their motivations, but, again those are based largely on the current business models and compensation schemes. In the proposed arena, there's no reason management at the service provider and management at the fiber provider cannot work together to address these issues. Further, the technician that blames the fiber plant for everything rather than cooperating to resolve said issues together will inherently have his installations take longer than the ones that cooperate, so he is actually already automatically incentivized in the correct direction.
This is my goal.
Admittedly, without some education, that may not be intuitively obvious to him, but I find that education is usually possible when attempted.
You need to understand that I've built the exact network your describing several times and in all those case this was for a muni network in a relatively small town (<25,000 residents). I also know who the installers are in that sized community (as a group, not personally) and even if you get the best ISP partners on the planet they're going to have normal installers doing much of the work.
When you say "normal installers", do you mean "employees of the ISP", "employees of the muni", or "subcontractors of one of those two"? And why is that pertinent? Your assertion seems to be that it will be necessary to have "abnormal" installers in the field in order for them not to dump problem tickets off to the muni and fail to help meaningfully in fixing them. First, I think this unlikely since, in most cases, we'll have 3pr available at each address. If we think there's a problem with the pair, we can "cut to clear" *temporarily*, and if the second pair is ok, then the sub is back online while we test the first pair and clear the problem. (GTE's failure, for all that I give them shit about CtC is that they never *worked* the dead pairs; as long as you do, it's not a problem.) Second, since we'll be terminating all 3 pairs to a jackbox, the installation contractor will be able to perform and document whatever acceptance testing we instruct them to. Sure, that will cost some more money, but again, if your capital plant is tested good when installed, this reduces markedly the opex maintenance cost over time. Where that breakeven point will be depends on what they want to charge me to do the testing, just as it does with Cat6. [ Scott: ]
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
A luxury I do have, since my city is nearly 100.0% built; it's certainly 100% platted. [ Owen: ]
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced.
And Owen isn't the only one who thinks that, and I think I know Rob Seastrom well enough from the list to think he wouldn't concur unless he had some data from which to work. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Yes it does... It locks you into whatever is supported on the ring.
I don't know how I can explain this more plainly, I can (more accurately have) taken a fiber build that was created as a ring & spoke SONET system and with the same fiber plant overlaid that with GigE and ATM (further back in time) to backhaul for PON, DSL, VOIP, and direct Active Ethernet.
"Overlaid"? Could you clarify that?
Sure, ring, hub & spoke, home run, star these are all descriptions of the physical architecture and many layer 2 technologies will happily use them all including Ethernet. To use a specific example an existing SONET ring (OC-3 to be precise) had be in service with an ILEC for more than a decade. This physical topology was a common one with a physical ring of fiber (32 strands, yes this was built back in the day) connected to Add/Drop Multiplexers (Fujitsu IIRC) along the ring as needed to deliver 25,000 or shorter copper loops either directly from the same cabinet that ADM was in or from a subtended Digital Loop Carrier off of a spur (collapsed ring) of the ring. Now, SONET connections work off a pair of fibers, one for transmit and one for receive. To run Ethernet (initially 100mbps but now 10G) we simply lit 2 of the remaining 30 strands to overlay an Ethernet ring on top of the SONET ring. We then placed switches in the same remote cabinets we had the ADMs and DLCs and started trenching the fiber drops.
Owen's assertion (and mine) is that a loop architecture *requires* active equipment, suited to the phy layer protocol, at each node. And while those loop fibers are running SONET, they can't be running anything else at the same time.
You're confounding the physical layer topology with the layer 2 protocol. You can't run SONET and Ethernet on the same physical fiber at the same time (unless you use WDM but that's confusing the discussion) but you'd never build a ring of fiber with only two strands.
There is nothing about a hub & spoke architecture is this harmful or even suboptimal for doing Gig-E directly to end users today.
You propose to run a ring *for each subscriber*? Or put active gear in the field to mux the subscriber AE loops into a SONET ring?
Or some other approach I don't know it possible?
SONET is simply the legacy (and expensive) way that telco's used to build rings. I'd neither use it nor recommend it for much of anything today. Calix, Occam(also Calix now), Adtran, and all the other guys who play in this space will happily construct a Gig/10G/40G Ethernet ring in the same shelf you're going to be buying to put your GPON or AE line cards in.
This wasn't
true because we've only had 40G and 100G Ethernet for carrier networks for a few years. In the past we were limited by how big of an etherchannel network we could use for the ring. I'd also point out that the ring architecture is optimal for redundancy since you have fewer fiber bundles to get cut in the field and any cut to your ring gets routed around the ring by ERPS ( in less than 50 milliseconds.
I infer from that continuation of your thought that you mean the second: active optical muxes out in the plant.
I'm sure I've made clear why that design limits me in ways I don't want to be limited when building a fiber plant for a 50 year lifetime, but let's address your responses below.
The only limitation you have is a limited supply of total fibers (hint, this is a big reason why its cheaper to build and run).
Lower the price per instance and you very likely find new demands.
The vast majority of business don't WANT that kind of connectivity.
The vast majority of businesses don't want it at the price they have to pay for it now -- or more to the point, the consultants who do their IT don't.
You have no real way, I should think, to extrapolate whether that will continue as prices drop, especially if sharply.
The vast majority of businesses don't know and don't care about HOW their connectivity is delivered and wouldn't know the difference between Layer 1 and Layer 2 if it punched them in the face. Almost all businesses want INTERNET connectivity at the highest quality & speed at the lowest cost and that's it. There are a small percentage, mainly larger businesses, that do have special requirements, but those special requirements very seldom include a L1 anything.
How many MPLS connections get purchased by SMBs? That's the same kind of connectivity at layer 3 and that's a market that is almost entirely used by large corportations.
Sure; most small businesses don't need that.
Nor medium businesses, and that's where knowing your (potential) customer base matters more than anything I can tell you. If you're in an area with lots of technology jobs and/or financial companies your network will look differently than an average small town muni build. If your customer base is primarily residential with a few businesses (hospitals and schools also count here) then you'll be lucky to sell a handful of L1 connections and some of the people who will be interested will want it for very low bit rate (means low price too) uses like RS-232 over fiber for managing SCADA nodes or other telemetry pieces.
But there are some that do, and there are some that it doesn't matter *where they are at*. "Fiber on your wall with no upfront engineering charge" is a pretty strong call, in some markets, and I won't have to do most of the publicity myself; it'll make the news.
You'll get some publicity, especially if you do a little self promoting. The problem I see is that you seem to think that by building the L1 piece you're going to have ISPs that are eager to serve your customers. If your demographics are like most small towns in the US that just isn't very likely. Any ISP partner is going to have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure before they can serve the first end user and your "no upfront engineering" is simply not true unless you're going to configure and run MetroE and/or GPON shelves for them. In any sharing scenario (L1, L2, or L3) the ISP is going to have to connect to you with enough bandwidth to serve those end users as well. How many service providers have expressed interest? Have you talked pricing for the loops and colo space yet?
But the vendors do and it makes a huge difference to the barrier to entry price for competing vendors offering different services. (I'm talking about more than just IP at this point).
What vendors? ISPs don't.
And your assertion here is based on what? How many places have ISPs had a *choice* as to whether to take a L1 optical or L2 aggregated handoff?
I've done nothing but work with ISPs, often in the situation you're describing, for the past 15 years. I also know how ISPs, especially at the size you might attract operate.
What I'm proposing is a hub and spoke architecture. It's just a much larger hub with much longer spokes.
That's called home running, but as I've said that's ok in some scenarios, its just that in most cases there is no benefit.
Today. Neither you nor I know how that will change in 20, 30, or 50 years. But that's the horizon I'm planning not to block.
You're betting money against Ethernet's (not to mention any new technology) ability to keep up as a technology. You're statement is true, but its a lot like buying insurance against meteor strikes. Today on a normal ring topology most people are installing hundreds of pairs of physical fiber so even without adding Wave Division Multiplexing in you can easily build a ring with several terabits per second capacity. Even easier(and cheaper) is to build several 10G rings on top of each other with the exact same shelves you're going to be using to push out GPON or AE.
You're assuming the current business model of incumbent-provider owned fiber. In a case where you have service providers not allowed to own fiber and a fiber provider not allowed to provide services, the incentives all work towards cooperation and the conflicts of interest between them are eliminated. I understand what you're saying about field technicians and their motivations, but, again those are based largely on the current business models and compensation schemes. In the proposed arena, there's no reason management at the service provider and management at the fiber provider cannot work together to address these issues. Further, the technician that blames the fiber plant for everything rather than cooperating to resolve said issues together will inherently have his installations take longer than the ones that cooperate, so he is actually already automatically incentivized in the correct direction.
This is my goal.
Its an admirable goal, but you're never going to have CCIEs (probably not even CCNAs) doing installs. Installation is, has been, and will in all likelihood continue to be done by people with limited skill sets. You building your own fiber plant and making it easier for ISPs to connect isn't going to change that.
Admittedly, without some education, that may not be intuitively obvious to him, but I find that education is usually possible when attempted.
You need to understand that I've built the exact network your describing several times and in all those case this was for a muni network in a relatively small town (<25,000 residents). I also know who the installers are in that sized community (as a group, not personally) and even if you get the best ISP partners on the planet they're going to have normal installers doing much of the work.
When you say "normal installers", do you mean "employees of the ISP", "employees of the muni", or "subcontractors of one of those two"?
And why is that pertinent?
Whoever does the install at the home or office. Who they work for really doesn't matter since the skill set will be largely the same. Its pertinent because you can have the greatest plant on the planet but if your install isn't done correctly the end user (the guy paying you or your partner) won't be happy. The majority of your day to day problems will be driven by installs. The fiber was improperly terminated, the drop was in the wrong place, the ONT didn't work correctly, etc. Please, go join the LinkedIn FTTx group and read some of the things there: You probably can't follow that link until you join but its a good discussion of some of the problems.
Your assertion seems to be that it will be necessary to have "abnormal" installers in the field in order for them not to dump problem tickets off to the muni and fail to help meaningfully in fixing them.
First, I think this unlikely since, in most cases, we'll have 3pr available at each address. If we think there's a problem with the pair, we can "cut to clear" *temporarily*, and if the second pair is ok, then the sub is back online while we test the first pair and clear the problem.
(GTE's failure, for all that I give them shit about CtC is that they never *worked* the dead pairs; as long as you do, it's not a problem.)
That's great, and I'm glad to hear you've worked out that part of the drop but most of the problems occur from the drop into the house or office. The last 20 yards are the most problematic and most changed. This is where the installer matters most and why even good plant has bad installs.
Second, since we'll be terminating all 3 pairs to a jackbox, the installation contractor will be able to perform and document whatever acceptance testing we instruct them to. Sure, that will cost some more money, but again, if your capital plant is tested good when installed, this reduces markedly the opex maintenance cost over time. Where that breakeven point will be depends on what they want to charge me to do the testing, just as it does with Cat6.
[ Scott: ]
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
A luxury I do have, since my city is nearly 100.0% built; it's certainly 100% platted.
That's good, and again my argument isn't that you shouldn't home run all
your connections, but rather using the idea of L1 handoffs as a reason to do so is flawed and that hub and spoke does not limit your options.
[ Owen: ]
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced.
And Owen isn't the only one who thinks that, and I think I know Rob Seastrom well enough from the list to think he wouldn't concur unless he had some data from which to work.
Again, its not (I think I've said this enough) a problem in certain scenarios. The issue I take is that hub & spoke doesn't limit your future use and that L1 connectivity as a reason to do home runs is seldom worth the expense.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
"Overlaid"? Could you clarify that?
Sure, ring, hub & spoke, home run, star these are all descriptions of the physical architecture and many layer 2 technologies will happily use them all including Ethernet. To use a specific example an existing SONET ring (OC-3 to be precise) had be in service with an ILEC for more than a decade.
Yup; with you so far; I was an OC-12 tail circuit off of L3/telcove's Pinellas County ring at an earlier job. (And I had a fault on one side, because an...
This physical topology was a common one with a physical ring of fiber (32 strands, yes this was built back in the day) connected to Add/Drop Multiplexers (Fujitsu IIRC)
ADM at a site adjacent to me was in a business that had closed down, and L3 couldn't get it out of the loop, or hadn't, or what have you, so I was unprotected the entire 2.5 years I was there. Only went out once or twice, though. Mine was a Lucent DMXplore, delivering 6 DS1s and a 10BaseT.
along the ring as needed to deliver 25,000 or shorter copper loops either directly from the same cabinet that ADM was in or from a subtended Digital Loop Carrier off of a spur (collapsed ring) of the ring. Now, SONET connections work off a pair of fibers, one for transmit and one for receive. To run Ethernet (initially 100mbps but now 10G) we simply lit 2 of the remaining 30 strands to overlay an Ethernet ring on top of the SONET ring. We then placed switches in the same remote cabinets we had the ADMs and DLCs and started trenching the fiber drops.
Surely. You *put active equipment out in the physical plant*. I'm sure that there are some physical plant design criteria that permit that decision, but mine isn't one of them, for reasons I believe I've made fairly clear. You disagree with some of those as well, of course, but you understand *that* I have made them, and I would expect, therefore, also why this entire subthread isn't germane to the problem I'm trying to solve, right?
Owen's assertion (and mine) is that a loop architecture *requires* active equipment, suited to the phy layer protocol, at each node. And while those loop fibers are running SONET, they can't be running anything else at the same time.
You're confounding the physical layer topology with the layer 2 protocol. You can't run SONET and Ethernet on the same physical fiber at the same time (unless you use WDM but that's confusing the discussion) but you'd never build a ring of fiber with only two strands.
Certainly not. But a ring a) requires *some kind* of active equipment between the MDF and the ONT, and b) does not support PtP at all. So, *for my stated purposes*, it's not an acceptable alternative.
There is nothing about a hub & spoke architecture is this harmful or even suboptimal for doing Gig-E directly to end users today.
You propose to run a ring *for each subscriber*? Or put active gear in the field to mux the subscriber AE loops into a SONET ring?
Or some other approach I don't know is possible?
SONET is simply the legacy (and expensive) way that telco's used to build rings. I'd neither use it nor recommend it for much of anything today. Calix, Occam(also Calix now), Adtran, and all the other guys who play in this space will happily construct a Gig/10G/40G Ethernet ring in the same shelf you're going to be buying to put your GPON or AE line cards in.
I'm sure, but it's still a ring. If I ever want to upgrade it, I have to do a lot more than rack new gear in my "CO", and then move patch cords one at a time.
I infer from that continuation of your thought that you mean the second: active optical muxes out in the plant.
I'm sure I've made clear why that design limits me in ways I don't want to be limited when building a fiber plant for a 50 year lifetime, but let's address your responses below.
The only limitation you have is a limited supply of total fibers (hint, this is a big reason why its cheaper to build and run).
Nope, that is, in fact, not the only limitation; the others have been expressed or implied, but are left as an exercise for the student.
Lower the price per instance and you very likely find new demands.
The vast majority of business don't WANT that kind of connectivity.
The vast majority of businesses don't want it at the price they have to pay for it now -- or more to the point, the consultants who do their IT don't.
You have no real way, I should think, to extrapolate whether that will continue as prices drop, especially if sharply.
The vast majority of businesses don't know and don't care about HOW their connectivity is delivered and wouldn't know the difference between Layer 1 and Layer 2 if it punched them in the face.
No one in this conversation, Scott, has ever suggested that *subscribers* care how the ISP delivers the service, as long as it's fast -- though the percentage who *do* is likely still higher than you think it is. I care; don't you? :-)
Almost all businesses want INTERNET connectivity at the highest quality & speed at the lowest cost and that's it. There are a small percentage, mainly larger businesses, that do have special requirements, but those special requirements very seldom include a L1 anything.
Yes, but now we're into Whorf's Hypothesis: your vocabulary limits the things you're *able* to think about; it hasn't been practical to *supply* MAN L1 fiber at reasonable prices until about now.
Sure; most small businesses don't need MPLS.
Nor medium businesses, and that's where knowing your (potential) customer base matters more than anything I can tell you. If you're in an area with lots of technology jobs and/or financial companies your network will look differently than an average small town muni build. If your customer base is primarily residential with a few businesses (hospitals and schools also count here) then you'll be lucky to sell a handful of L1 connections and some of the people who will be interested will want it for very low bit rate (means low price too) uses like RS-232 over fiber for managing SCADA nodes or other telemetry pieces.
Sure, and I don't expect to sell a lot of it up front, unless my launch ISP wants to use their own L2 gear. *But this does not preclude my building to enable it*, which is a different thing from how much of it I expect to sell.
But there are some that do, and there are some that it doesn't matter *where they are at*. "Fiber on your wall with no upfront engineering charge" is a pretty strong call, in some markets, and I won't have to do most of the publicity myself; it'll make the news.
You'll get some publicity, especially if you do a little self promoting.
Yep, and PR is not foreign to me; it will actually be in the project budget, along with outside counsel.
The problem I see is that you seem to think that by building the L1 piece you're going to have ISPs that are eager to serve your customers. If your demographics are like most small towns in the US that just isn't very likely. Any ISP partner is going to have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure before they can serve the first end user and your "no upfront engineering" is simply not true unless you're going to configure and run MetroE and/or GPON shelves for them. In any sharing scenario (L1, L2, or L3) the ISP is going to have to connect to you with enough bandwidth to serve those end users as well. How many service providers have expressed interest? Have you talked pricing for the loops and colo space yet?
Oh, Jesus; Scott. I've been clear from in front that this is a 36 months to shovel project for me; no, I haven't talked to providers yet; I'm still angling for the *job*.
What vendors? ISPs don't.
And your assertion here is based on what? How many places have ISPs had a *choice* as to whether to take a L1 optical or L2 aggregated handoff?
I've done nothing but work with ISPs, often in the situation you're describing, for the past 15 years. I also know how ISPs, especially at the size you might attract operate.
And yet, you didn't answer the question: *how many places has the choice about which you express an opinion *actually been made* by an ISP serving subs on a fiber plant they don't own, if any*?
That's called home running, but as I've said that's ok in some scenarios, its just that in most cases there is no benefit.
Today. Neither you nor I know how that will change in 20, 30, or 50 years. But that's the horizon I'm planning not to block.
You're betting money against Ethernet's (not to mention any new technology) ability to keep up as a technology. You're statement is true, but its a lot like buying insurance against meteor strikes. Today on a normal ring topology most people are installing hundreds of pairs of physical fiber so even without adding Wave Division Multiplexing in you can easily build a ring with several terabits per second capacity. Even easier(and cheaper) is to build several 10G rings on top of each other with the exact same shelves you're going to be using to push out GPON or AE.
I never bet against Ethernet; I'm not stupid, and this is not my first rodeo. (Well, ok, the first one with bulls this big... :-)
Its an admirable goal, but you're never going to have CCIEs (probably not even CCNAs) doing installs. Installation is, has been, and will in all likelihood continue to be done by people with limited skill sets. You building your own fiber plant and making it easier for ISPs to connect isn't going to change that.
But that, Scott, is orthogonal to *whether they can work with my L1 guy(s) to find a problem*; a CC?? is not necessary for that, that I can see. And anybody big enough to want to come in and do L1 fiber *will already have guys who are fiber-trained*.
When you say "normal installers", do you mean "employees of the ISP", "employees of the muni", or "subcontractors of one of those two"? And why is that pertinent?
Whoever does the install at the home or office. Who they work for really doesn't matter since the skill set will be largely the same. Its pertinent because you can have the greatest plant on the planet but if your install isn't done correctly the end user (the guy paying you or your partner) won't be happy. The majority of your day to day problems will be driven by installs. The fiber was improperly terminated, the drop was in the wrong place, the ONT didn't work correctly, etc. Please, go join the LinkedIn FTTx group and read some of the things there:
You probably can't follow that link until you join but its a good discussion of some of the problems.
I've been avoiding LinkedIN like bubonic plague.
Your assertion seems to be that it will be necessary to have "abnormal" installers in the field in order for them not to dump problem tickets off to the muni and fail to help meaningfully in fixing them.
First, I think this unlikely since, in most cases, we'll have 3pr available at each address. If we think there's a problem with the pair, we can "cut to clear" *temporarily*, and if the second pair is ok, then the sub is back online while we test the first pair and clear the problem.
(GTE's failure, for all that I give them shit about CtC is that they never *worked* the dead pairs; as long as you do, it's not a problem.)
That's great, and I'm glad to hear you've worked out that part of the drop but most of the problems occur from the drop into the house or office.
That jack box will be on the building, either as an exterior ONT, or as an exterior or interior jackbox that an interior ONT plugs into; I'm still working out the tradeoffs on that.
The last 20 yards are the most problematic and most changed. This is where the installer matters most and why even good plant has bad installs.
Sure. But see way above about "install contractor testing to the jacks". Or, immediately below. :-}
Second, since we'll be terminating all 3 pairs to a jackbox, the installation contractor will be able to perform and document whatever acceptance testing we instruct them to. Sure, that will cost some more money, but again, if your capital plant is tested good when installed, this reduces markedly the opex maintenance cost over time. Where that breakeven point will be depends on what they want to charge me to do the testing, just as it does with Cat6.
No comment there?
[ Scott: ]
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
A luxury I do have, since my city is nearly 100.0% built; it's certainly 100% platted.
That's good, and again my argument isn't that you shouldn't home run all your connections, but rather using the idea of L1 handoffs as a reason to do so is flawed and that hub and spoke does not limit your options.
I am using H&S. Just with only one hub.
[ Owen: ]
More yes, much more, I'm not so convinced.
And Owen isn't the only one who thinks that, and I think I know Rob Seastrom well enough from the list to think he wouldn't concur unless he had some data from which to work.
Again, its not (I think I've said this enough) a problem in certain scenarios. The issue I take is that hub & spoke doesn't limit your future use and that L1 connectivity as a reason to do home runs is seldom worth the expense.
Perhaps. But we seem to have established that homerun vs, say, GPON with splitters in the plant, is merely delta; maybe 5-8% more CAPEX. And the other alternative you present, ring with active muxes in the field, I have already ruled out for the reasons above. Until I get to the point where I have real, current, quoted numbers on the plant install in various approaches, I suppose we ought to let this thread drop for now. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

You *put active equipment out in the physical plant*.
I'm sure that there are some physical plant design criteria that permit that decision, but mine isn't one of them, for reasons I believe I've made fairly clear.
You disagree with some of those as well, of course, but you understand *that* I have made them, and I would expect, therefore, also why this entire subthread isn't germane to the problem I'm trying to solve, right?
I've tried to make clear that yes, in some scenarios (and your situation may well fit here) that it makes sense so I think we can drop this portion.
Owen's assertion (and mine) is that a loop architecture *requires* active equipment, suited to the phy layer protocol, at each node. And while those loop fibers are running SONET, they can't be running anything else at the same time.
You're confounding the physical layer topology with the layer 2 protocol. You can't run SONET and Ethernet on the same physical fiber at the same time (unless you use WDM but that's confusing the discussion) but you'd never build a ring of fiber with only two strands.
Certainly not.
But a ring a) requires *some kind* of active equipment between the MDF and the ONT, and b) does not support PtP at all.
So, *for my stated purposes*, it's not an acceptable alternative.
Right, I'm questioning the value of and required number of point to point connections. You certainly can do dozens of point to point connections with a hub and spoke by simply having a patch panel where your cabinets (which you'll probably have anyhow).
There is nothing about a hub & spoke architecture is this harmful or even suboptimal for doing Gig-E directly to end users today.
You propose to run a ring *for each subscriber*? Or put active gear in the field to mux the subscriber AE loops into a SONET ring?
Or some other approach I don't know is possible?
SONET is simply the legacy (and expensive) way that telco's used to build rings. I'd neither use it nor recommend it for much of anything today. Calix, Occam(also Calix now), Adtran, and all the other guys who play in this space will happily construct a Gig/10G/40G Ethernet ring in the same shelf you're going to be buying to put your GPON or AE line cards in.
I'm sure, but it's still a ring.
If I ever want to upgrade it, I have to do a lot more than rack new gear in my "CO", and then move patch cords one at a time.
Not really, all that changes (and this does matter) is where you swap cards out.
I infer from that continuation of your thought that you mean the second: active optical muxes out in the plant.
I'm sure I've made clear why that design limits me in ways I don't want to be limited when building a fiber plant for a 50 year lifetime, but let's address your responses below.
The only limitation you have is a limited supply of total fibers (hint, this is a big reason why its cheaper to build and run).
Nope, that is, in fact, not the only limitation; the others have been expressed or implied, but are left as an exercise for the student.
Then I'd have continue to say none, since I've done all of the things you're saying are limitations. If your position was something like, "We did the economic study and it will cost us less to home run everything than to place remote cabinets with power." I'd have never questioned you at all. I know you've made a decision, but you _seem_ to have made it on faulty assumptions: 1) You will have demand for layer 1 connectivity sufficient to offset the higher costs of home running all the fiber both today and in 10 years. 2) Not home running creates limitations, mainly on assumption #1, that make it untenable. If #1 isn't true (and I strongly doubt it is) then #2 can't be either. That doesn't mean that home running is wrong for you, but if you did your math on those two assumptions then its certainly questionable.
Almost all businesses want INTERNET connectivity at the highest quality & speed at the lowest cost and that's it. There are a small percentage, mainly larger
that do have special requirements, but those special requirements very seldom include a L1 anything.
Yes, but now we're into Whorf's Hypothesis: your vocabulary limits the things you're *able* to think about; it hasn't been practical to *supply* MAN L1 fiber at reasonable prices until about now.
I'm basing my views on talking to ISPs around North America and beyond and helping them plan their networks. You're basing your view on? I could certainly be wrong and it wouldn't be the first time nor will it be the last. Having said that, if you don't have some solid market research or some interested ISPs telling you what they want exactly what are you basing your opinion on?
Sure, and I don't expect to sell a lot of it up front, unless my launch ISP wants to use their own L2 gear. *But this does not preclude my building to enable it*, which is a different thing from how much of it I expect to sell.
If costs were identical I'd agree, but they're not. Again, I'm not saying that your situation is wrong for home running cable. I'm simply saying you should be looking at the costs of remote cabinets versus the cost of home running and NOT a product that you don't expect to sell.
Yep, and PR is not foreign to me; it will actually be in the project budget, along with outside counsel.
Let me know when you guys are ready and we'll be glad to send some traffic your way.
Oh, Jesus; Scott. I've been clear from in front that this is a 36 months to shovel project for me; no, I haven't talked to providers yet; I'm still angling for the *job*.
But you're convinced you have the right architecture? This dichotomy seems odd to me.
And yet, you didn't answer the question: *how many places has the choice about which you express an opinion *actually been made* by an ISP serving subs on a fiber plant they don't own, if any*?
Very few in the US. In Europe its more common, but even where its available as the commentator from France asserted, its only the largest ISPs that take that route and its not always smooth. In most places where I've been involved open access was done on either cable or DSL networks. Doing it in DSL, which has something like 90% of the open access market, is straightforward via PPPoE at layer 2. In DOCSIS its also done at layer 2 because of how cable modems work (they look at each downstream signal).
But that, Scott, is orthogonal to *whether they can work with my L1 guy(s) to find a problem*; a CC?? is not necessary for that, that I can see.
And anybody big enough to want to come in and do L1 fiber *will already have guys who are fiber-trained*.
The problem here is the economics. Its not a case of can I make it work, you can. Its a problem of do I make money (or at least break even) when I make it work. I'll posit that your L1 connections will require more time from your technicians while you're taking in less revenue. Are you going to pre-qualify your L1 partners? How?
I've been avoiding LinkedIN like bubonic plague.
Its a good resource, since most people entering the field don't know what mailing lists are much less Usenet or IRC...../em grumbles about young whippersnappers
The last 20 yards are the most problematic and most changed. This is where the installer matters most and why even good plant has bad installs.
Sure. But see way above about "install contractor testing to the jacks".
Or, immediately below. :-}
Second, since we'll be terminating all 3 pairs to a jackbox, the installation contractor will be able to perform and document whatever acceptance testing we instruct them to. Sure, that will cost some more money, but again, if your capital plant is tested good when installed, this reduces markedly the opex maintenance cost over time. Where that breakeven point will be depends on what they want to charge me to do the testing, just as it does with Cat6.
No comment there?
So your L1 partners will have to have a PON tester as are selective.
[ Scott: ]
Sure it does, even in greenfield and whats more it costs more over the long term UNLESS you know where every home and business will be located 10 years from now.
A luxury I do have, since my city is nearly 100.0% built; it's certainly 100% platted.
A side note, what happens when you need more than 3 pair to each jack? How are you building to MDUs, assuming you have some in the area? What happens if a new apartment complex is built next year?
Perhaps. But we seem to have established that homerun vs, say, GPON with splitters in the plant, is merely delta; maybe 5-8% more CAPEX. And the other alternative you present, ring with active muxes in the field, I have already ruled out for the reasons above.
Until I get to the point where I have real, current, quoted numbers on the plant install in various approaches, I suppose we ought to let this thread drop for now.
Probably a good idea, I had actually assumed from the thread you were past that point.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Feb 5, 2013, at 9:37 AM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Yes it does... It locks you into whatever is supported on the ring.
I don't know how I can explain this more plainly, I can (more accurately have) taken a fiber build that was created as a ring & spoke SONET system and with the same fiber plant overlaid that with GigE and ATM (further back in time) to backhaul for PON, DSL, VOIP, and direct Active Ethernet.
"Overlaid"? Could you clarify that?
Sure, ring, hub & spoke, home run, star these are all descriptions of the physical architecture and many layer 2 technologies will happily use them all including Ethernet. To use a specific example an existing SONET ring (OC-3 to be precise) had be in service with an ILEC for more than a decade. This physical topology was a common one with a physical ring of fiber (32 strands, yes this was built back in the day) connected to Add/Drop Multiplexers (Fujitsu IIRC) along the ring as needed to deliver 25,000 or shorter copper loops either directly from the same cabinet that ADM was in or from a subtended Digital Loop Carrier off of a spur (collapsed ring) of the ring. Now, SONET connections work off a pair of fibers, one for transmit and one for receive. To run Ethernet (initially 100mbps but now 10G) we simply lit 2 of the remaining 30 strands to overlay an Ethernet ring on top of the SONET ring. We then placed switches in the same remote cabinets we had the ADMs and DLCs and started trenching the fiber drops.
However, for any given ring, you are locked into a single technology and you have to put active electronics out in the field. You can't, given a ring architecture, provide dark fiber leases. I realize it is your argument that one doesn't need to do so, there's no market for it, etc. However, I don't agree with you.
Owen's assertion (and mine) is that a loop architecture *requires* active equipment, suited to the phy layer protocol, at each node. And while those loop fibers are running SONET, they can't be running anything else at the same time.
You're confounding the physical layer topology with the layer 2 protocol. You can't run SONET and Ethernet on the same physical fiber at the same time (unless you use WDM but that's confusing the discussion) but you'd never build a ring of fiber with only two strands.
Sure, but, you're ring only works with things that do L2 aggregation in the field with active electronics in the field. This means that for any L2 technology a particular subscriber wants to use, you need to either already have that L2 technology deployed on a ring, or, you need to deploy another ring to support that technology.
Lower the price per instance and you very likely find new demands.
The vast majority of business don't WANT that kind of connectivity.
The vast majority of businesses don't want it at the price they have to pay for it now -- or more to the point, the consultants who do their IT don't.
You have no real way, I should think, to extrapolate whether that will continue as prices drop, especially if sharply.
The vast majority of businesses don't know and don't care about HOW their connectivity is delivered and wouldn't know the difference between Layer 1 and Layer 2 if it punched them in the face. Almost all businesses want INTERNET connectivity at the highest quality & speed at the lowest cost and that's it. There are a small percentage, mainly larger businesses, that do have special requirements, but those special requirements very seldom include a L1 anything.
VPNs are popular today (whether MPLS, IPSEC, or otherwise) because L1 connections are expensive and VPNS are (relatively) cheap. If dark fiber can be provided for $30/month per termination (we've already agreed that the cost is $20 or less), that changes the equation quite a bit. If, as a business, I can provide corporate connectivity and internet access to my employees for $30/month/employee without having to use a VPN, but just 802.1q trunking and providing them a router (or switch) that has different ports for Corporate and Personal LANs in their house, that changes the equation quite a bit. Admittedly, this only works for the employees that live within range, but it's an example of the kinds of services that nobody even imagines today because we can't get good L1 services cheap yet.
You're assuming the current business model of incumbent-provider owned fiber. In a case where you have service providers not allowed to own fiber and a fiber provider not allowed to provide services, the incentives all work towards cooperation and the conflicts of interest between them are eliminated. I understand what you're saying about field technicians and their motivations, but, again those are based largely on the current business models and compensation schemes. In the proposed arena, there's no reason management at the service provider and management at the fiber provider cannot work together to address these issues. Further, the technician that blames the fiber plant for everything rather than cooperating to resolve said issues together will inherently have his installations take longer than the ones that cooperate, so he is actually already automatically incentivized in the correct direction.
This is my goal.
Its an admirable goal, but you're never going to have CCIEs (probably not even CCNAs) doing installs. Installation is, has been, and will in all likelihood continue to be done by people with limited skill sets. You building your own fiber plant and making it easier for ISPs to connect isn't going to change that.
Sure, but elsewhere you've pointed out that the last 20 yards are where most of the problems occur… Guess what… The last 20 yards should be the service provider, not the L1 in this case. If you're worried that the tech will blame problems in the last 20 yards on the prem. loop, that's a matter of teaching them where to plug in the box for testing the L1 loop. MMR-------[B-Box]------[Customer Patch]------[IW Termination] 1. Plug into IW Termination If it works, great, you're done. If not: 2. Plug into Customer Patch. If it works, problem is isolated to the IW side of things, not the muni's responsibility. If it doesn't, contact the muni and schedule a joint visit to troubleshoot. Muni will provide an OTDR. Any modulation-specific diagnostic gear to be provided by the service provider. I'm willing to bet that I could teach this to the average installer in a matter of minutes. The important factors at play here are: 1. The muni needs to be responsive and cooperative with the installers in addressing such issues. 2. The installers need to be willing to work cooperatively with the muni's technicians. Throwing tickets over the wall in a fire and forget scenario cannot be allowed (on either side). 3. The muni should have a contractual provision which allows them to charge back the ISP if they make a joint site visit and the problem is shown to be on the IW side of the equation. In such a climate, the installers have an easy way to determine whether the problem is actually on the muni side of the equation or not and an incentive to get that call right. The muni needs to have a high standard of customer service and responsiveness to the service providers (their customers), but they also have a strong incentive to do so since that is what will attract providers to using their system. The service providers are incentivized to properly train their installers and require them to work well with the muni because that will provide a better customer experience for their customers and reduce their chargebacks from the muni. IOW, the important thing is to align the economic incentives with the desired outcomes.
Your assertion seems to be that it will be necessary to have "abnormal" installers in the field in order for them not to dump problem tickets off to the muni and fail to help meaningfully in fixing them.
First, I think this unlikely since, in most cases, we'll have 3pr available at each address. If we think there's a problem with the pair, we can "cut to clear" *temporarily*, and if the second pair is ok, then the sub is back online while we test the first pair and clear the problem.
(GTE's failure, for all that I give them shit about CtC is that they never *worked* the dead pairs; as long as you do, it's not a problem.)
That's great, and I'm glad to hear you've worked out that part of the drop but most of the problems occur from the drop into the house or office. The last 20 yards are the most problematic and most changed. This is where the installer matters most and why even good plant has bad installs.
Which is a really great argument for making that last 20 yards the responsibility of the higher level provider. Owen

However, for any given ring, you are locked into a single technology and you have to put active electronics out in the field.
Correct, but you can have many layer 2 rings riding your physical ring. In a normal install you're going to have over a hundred fibers in your physical ring, I'd personally build it with over two hundred, but that's just me. Here's the Graybar catalog with a good breakdown of the kinds of fiber you can choose from, though you have to have a rep to get pricing:
You can't, given a ring architecture, provide dark fiber leases.
That's incorrect, you simply don't have as many available but in a current "normal" build you could easily provide 100+ dark fiber leases that extend from your MDF (still don't like using this term here) all the way down to the home or business.
I realize it is your argument that one doesn't need to do so, there's no market for it, etc. However, I don't agree with you.
No, my argument is that the demand for dark fiber is very low and so building your network so you can provide every single connection as dark fiber is wasteful.
Sure, but, you're ring only works with things that do L2 aggregation in the field with active electronics in the field. This means that for any L2 technology a particular subscriber wants to use, you need to either already have that L2 technology deployed on a ring, or, you need to deploy another ring to support that technology.
First, exactly how many and what Layer 2 technologies BESIDES Ethernet do you think you have a market for?
VPNs are popular today (whether MPLS, IPSEC, or otherwise) because L1 connections are expensive and VPNS are (relatively) cheap.
If dark fiber can be provided for $30/month per termination (we've already agreed that the cost is $20 or less), that changes the equation quite a bit. If, as a business, I can provide corporate connectivity and internet access to my employees for $30/month/employee without having to use a VPN, but just 802.1q trunking and providing them a router (or switch) that has different ports for Corporate and Personal LANs in their house, that changes the equation quite a bit.
First, there are very few businesses in the size town we've been discussing that even have this scenario as a wish list item. Second, how many businesses that need/want remote connectivity for their workers at home AREN'T running Ethernet on their corporate LAN and at the employees' home? Another thing to remember is that many businesses run VPNs because of the encryption and controls it provides, not because they can't get or afford direct connectivity. You have a vanishingly small set of potential customers IMO.
Admittedly, this only works for the employees that live within range, but it's an example of the kinds of services that nobody even imagines today because we can't get good L1 services cheap yet.
This is the key point. IF someone was able to put together a nationwide or even regional offering to allow inexpensive Layer 1 connectivity things would be different. However, that's not going to happen AND we already have good cheap solutions to deal with that. Most commonly VPLS over GRE or VPN whose only real cost beyond the basic home Internet connection, is a ~$350 CPE that supports the protocol. So, if you're running a company with regional or nationwide offices and home workers would you be attracted to a more limited method of connection that is only available in certain areas as opposed to the solution that works everywhere? Which is easier for your IT staff to support?
Sure, but elsewhere you've pointed out that the last 20 yards are where most of the problems occur… Guess what… The last 20 yards should be the service provider, not the L1 in this case. If you're worried that the tech will blame problems in the last 20 yards on the prem. loop, that's a matter of teaching them where to plug in the box for testing the L1 loop.
MMR-------[B-Box]------[Customer Patch]------[IW Termination]
1. Plug into IW Termination If it works, great, you're done. If not:
2. Plug into Customer Patch. If it works, problem is isolated to the IW side of things, not the muni's responsibility.
If it doesn't, contact the muni and schedule a joint visit to troubleshoot. Muni will provide an OTDR. Any modulation-specific diagnostic gear to be provided by the service provider.
I'm willing to bet that I could teach this to the average installer in a matter of minutes.
I'm not gonna argue the troubleshooting point anymore, far be it for me to deny you the opportunity to hit your own thumb and learn the lesson that way. -- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
However, for any given ring, you are locked into a single technology and you have to put active electronics out in the field.
Correct, but you can have many layer 2 rings riding your physical ring. In a normal install you're going to have over a hundred fibers in your physical ring, I'd personally build it with over two hundred, but that's just me.
And I would personally not design something where the physical layout locks you into a specific *category* of technology (active equipment in the field), but that's just me. :-)
Here's the Graybar catalog with a good breakdown of the kinds of fiber you can choose from, though you have to have a rep to get pricing:
Nice reference, added to my list; thanks.
You can't, given a ring architecture, provide dark fiber leases.
That's incorrect, you simply don't have as many available but in a current "normal" build you could easily provide 100+ dark fiber leases that extend from your MDF (still don't like using this term here) all the way down to the home or business.
And, conversely, I could, actually, *build a ring atop home run*; it would just be a folded ring, where the active gear is at the end of each run.
I realize it is your argument that one doesn't need to do so, there's no market for it, etc. However, I don't agree with you.
No, my argument is that the demand for dark fiber is very low and so building your network so you can provide every single connection as dark fiber is wasteful.
Doing things which are not quite cost effective *yet* is pretty much the *hallmark* of government, is it not? Hybrid car tax breaks, Solar PV install tax breaks... these things are all subsidies to the consumer cost of a technology, so as to increase its uptake and push it onto the consumer-cost S-curve; this is a government practice with at least a century long history. It's pretty much what I'm trying to accomplish here. And thanks for teasing that thought out of my head, so I can make sure it's in my internal sales pitch. :-)
First, exactly how many and what Layer 2 technologies BESIDES Ethernet do you think you have a market for?
GPON/DOCSIS/RFoG? That's one people are deploying today. Over the 50 year proposed lifetime of the plant? WTF knows. That's exactly the point. To paraphrase Tom Peters, you don't look like a trailbreaker by *emulating what other trailbreakers have done*. I'm not *trying* to do the last thing. I'm trying to do the next thing. Or maybe the one after that.
First, there are very few businesses in the size town we've been discussing that even have this scenario as a wish list item.
Second, how many businesses that need/want remote connectivity for their workers at home AREN'T running Ethernet on their corporate LAN and at the employees' home?
Course they are.
Another thing to remember is that many businesses run VPNs because of the encryption and controls it provides, not because they can't get or afford direct connectivity. You have a vanishingly small set of potential customers IMO.
Perhaps. But the *current* potential customer base does not merit locking in a limited design in a 50-year plant build.
Admittedly, this only works for the employees that live within range, but it's an example of the kinds of services that nobody even imagines today because we can't get good L1 services cheap yet.
This is the key point. IF someone was able to put together a nationwide or even regional offering to allow inexpensive Layer 1 connectivity things would be different.
How, Scott, would you expect that sort of thing might happen? By people taking the first step? Yeah; thought so. My county doesn't have the same first-trencher advantage my city does... but it does have the advantage that *it is nearly 100% built out as well*; we are, I believe, the densest county *in the United States*; maybe Manhattan beats us. Maybe DC; maybe Suffolk County in Mass. So it's not at all impossible that we might be the first domino to fall; there are a lot of barrier island communities near me that would be similarly easy to fiber, since they're so one-dimensional. (Geographically; I'm sure their residents are quite nice. :-)
However, that's not going to happen AND we already have good cheap solutions to deal with that. Most commonly VPLS over GRE or VPN whose only real cost beyond the basic home Internet connection, is a ~$350 CPE that supports the protocol.
You're paying $350 for VPN routers? Could I be one of your vendors?
So, if you're running a company with regional or nationwide offices and home workers would you be attracted to a more limited method of connection that is only available in certain areas as opposed to the solution that works everywhere? Which is easier for your IT staff to support?
Accurate, but not germane. They're not my target market. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Jay Ashworth <> writes:
GPON/DOCSIS/RFoG? That's one people are deploying today.
Over the 50 year proposed lifetime of the plant? WTF knows. That's exactly the point.
To paraphrase Tom Peters, you don't look like a trailbreaker by *emulating what other trailbreakers have done*.
I'm not *trying* to do the last thing.
I'm trying to do the next thing. Or maybe the one after that.
The existing copper network was in many cases built like a star with some very long runs. This worked fine for telephony, but not so well with ADSL. The result is that providers move their active equipment closer to the subscriber. Is there a risk that up-and-coming technologies will depend on shorter fiber runs? Will the fiber be built in such a way that it joins up in places where it is possible to later add active equipment if that becomes desirable? /Benny

----- Original Message -----
From: "Benny Amorsen" <>
I'm not *trying* to do the last thing.
I'm trying to do the next thing. Or maybe the one after that.
The existing copper network was in many cases built like a star with some very long runs. This worked fine for telephony, but not so well with ADSL. The result is that providers move their active equipment closer to the subscriber.
Well, it worked poorly with ADSL *because* it actually worked poorly with voice, and they had to put load coils in to fix it.
Is there a risk that up-and-coming technologies will depend on shorter fiber runs? Will the fiber be built in such a way that it joins up in places where it is possible to later add active equipment if that becomes desirable?
I think that risk low enough to take it, especially since my entire city fits in about a 3mi radius. :-) No, I expect ranges to get *longer* per constant dollar spent, actually. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

I think that risk low enough to take it, especially since my entire city fits in about a 3mi radius. :-)
This is data I'd like to have had earlier, if your total diameter is 6 miles then the math will almost certainly work to home run everything, though I'd still run the numbers.
No, I expect ranges to get *longer* per constant dollar spent, actually.
Are you legally or otherwise restricted from extending beyond the city limits in your state?
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

That's incorrect, you simply don't have as many available but in a
"normal" build you could easily provide 100+ dark fiber leases that extend from your MDF (still don't like using this term here) all the way down to the home or business.
And, conversely, I could, actually, *build a ring atop home run*; it would just be a folded ring, where the active gear is at the end of each run.
Yep, that's likely what will happen over the long term anyhow. That's why I asked about a new apartment building in your territory. You decision would be either run additional fiber to support each apartment as an end point, simply provide backhaul to some other provider, or put your own actives somewhere nearby.
I realize it is your argument that one doesn't need to do so, there's no market for it, etc. However, I don't agree with you.
No, my argument is that the demand for dark fiber is very low and so building your network so you can provide every single connection as dark fiber is wasteful.
Doing things which are not quite cost effective *yet* is pretty much the *hallmark* of government, is it not? Hybrid car tax breaks, Solar PV install tax breaks... these things are all subsidies to the consumer cost of a technology, so as to increase its uptake and push it onto the consumer-cost S-curve; this is a government practice with at least a century long history.
It's pretty much what I'm trying to accomplish here. And thanks for teasing that thought out of my head, so I can make sure it's in my internal sales pitch. :-)
All of those items have some chance of mass deployment. Mass deployment of Layer 1 connectivity in the US is much *much *less likely.
First, exactly how many and what Layer 2 technologies BESIDES Ethernet do you think you have a market for?
GPON/DOCSIS/RFoG? That's one people are deploying today.
That question was in reference to commercial accounts not service providers.
Over the 50 year proposed lifetime of the plant? WTF knows. That's exactly the point.
To paraphrase Tom Peters, you don't look like a trailbreaker by *emulating what other trailbreakers have done*.
I'm not *trying* to do the last thing.
I'm trying to do the next thing. Or maybe the one after that.
First, there are very few businesses in the size town we've been discussing that even have this scenario as a wish list item.
Second, how many businesses that need/want remote connectivity for their workers at home AREN'T running Ethernet on their corporate LAN and at the employees'
Course they are.
Another thing to remember is that many businesses run VPNs because of the encryption and controls it provides, not because they can't get or afford direct connectivity. You have a vanishingly small set of potential customers IMO.
Perhaps. But the *current* potential customer base does not merit locking in a limited design in a 50-year plant build.
That's a business call, but like a lot of decisions you're making a ton of assumptions as well. You're assuming for example that the costs of running additional fibers won't go down significantly during that 50 year time span. You're assuming that the cost of DWDM gear won't go down sufficiently that running new fiber is simply not needed to support the new architecture. You're also assuming that Layer 1 will at some point have a reason for customer adoption when the entire world is working on Layer 3 methods of doing this.
Admittedly, this only works for the employees that live within range, but it's an example of the kinds of services that nobody even imagines today because we can't get good L1 services cheap yet.
This is the key point. IF someone was able to put together a nationwide or even regional offering to allow inexpensive Layer 1 connectivity things would be different.
How, Scott, would you expect that sort of thing might happen?
By people taking the first step?
Yeah; thought so.
There are more "first steps" that are never followed up than people actually starting a trend. There is a guy in my neighborhood that swears we can all drive around in cars powered by recycled frying oil and he built one to prove it works. I should point out that your idea is not new nor are you the first to try to build something like this.
My county doesn't have the same first-trencher advantage my city does... but it does have the advantage that *it is nearly 100% built out as well*; we are, I believe, the densest county *in the United States*; maybe Manhattan beats us. Maybe DC; maybe Suffolk County in Mass.
So it's not at all impossible that we might be the first domino to fall; there are a lot of barrier island communities near me that would be similarly easy to fiber, since they're so one-dimensional.
(Geographically; I'm sure their residents are quite nice. :-)
Today there are networks based on this premise in every state I've cared to check. Here in Georgia the independent phone companies formed a seperate organization called US Carrier (which was recently sold for much less than they put into it). The muni's formed a partnering (initially) network called MEAG that was later renamed to GA Public Web ( When the two were first constructed in the early 2000's they actually had a interconnects and could sell off each other's network, but that fell apart over time.
However, that's not going to happen AND we already have good cheap solutions to deal with that. Most commonly VPLS over GRE or VPN whose only real cost beyond the basic home Internet connection, is a ~$350 CPE that supports the protocol.
You're paying $350 for VPN routers?
Could I be one of your vendors?
VPLS and good remote management is well worth $350.
So, if you're running a company with regional or nationwide offices and home workers would you be
to a more limited method of connection that is only available in certain areas as opposed to the solution that works everywhere? Which is easier for your IT staff to support?
Accurate, but not germane. They're not my target market.
Owen brought up that example.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Yep, that's likely what will happen over the long term anyhow. That's why I asked about a new apartment building in your territory. You decision would be either run additional fiber to support each apartment as an end point, simply provide backhaul to some other provider, or put your own actives somewhere nearby.
In fact, there is *one* large multiunit in my city, and I don't believe that there is space for anymore; my CO location is *right across the street from that*. :-) If someone *does* want to put another in, they will have to pay for me to pull the new fiber to their lot; that's how we do it with other utilities.
Doing things which are not quite cost effective *yet* is pretty much the *hallmark* of government, is it not? Hybrid car tax breaks, Solar PV install tax breaks... these things are all subsidies to the consumer cost of a technology, so as to increase its uptake and push it onto the consumer-cost S-curve; this is a government practice with at least a century long history.
It's pretty much what I'm trying to accomplish here. And thanks for teasing that thought out of my head, so I can make sure it's in my internal sales pitch. :-)
All of those items have some chance of mass deployment. Mass deployment of Layer 1 connectivity in the US is much *much *less likely.
For the about 19th time: *that isn't my goal*. My goal is "not limiting future technology developments of deployment". Homerun fiber merely happens to have "L1 access to providers" as a side benefit.
First, exactly how many and what Layer 2 technologies BESIDES Ethernet do you think you have a market for?
GPON/DOCSIS/RFoG? That's one people are deploying today.
That question was in reference to commercial accounts not service providers.
I'm glad you want to limit the question, but I don't.
Perhaps. But the *current* potential customer base does not merit locking in a limited design in a 50-year plant build.
That's a business call, but like a lot of decisions you're making a ton of assumptions as well. You're assuming for example that the costs of running additional fibers won't go down significantly during that 50 year time span.
Sure I am. Do you really expect that we'll find an appreciably cheaper method than directional-bore-and-blow? More to the point, the "-blow" part of that, since I'll be over-provisioning the conduit.
You're assuming that the cost of DWDM gear won't go down sufficiently that running new fiber is simply not needed to support the new architecture.
Which seems the opposite argument.
You're also assuming that Layer 1 will at some point have a reason for customer adoption when the entire world is working on Layer 3 methods of doing this.
Perhaps. But Juan Moore-Thyme: The extra cost of the plant build is somewhere between delta and epsilon; it *barely* even merits the amount of time we've burned up talking about it. I *can* fake loop with a home-run build, the converse is -- so far as I can see -- not true; loop builds *require* powered active equipment in the field, and I have half a dozen reasons to *really not want that a lot*.
This is the key point. IF someone was able to put together a nationwide or even regional offering to allow inexpensive Layer 1 connectivity things would be different.
How, Scott, would you expect that sort of thing might happen?
By people taking the first step?
Yeah; thought so.
There are more "first steps" that are never followed up than people actually starting a trend. There is a guy in my neighborhood that swears we can all drive around in cars powered by recycled frying oil and he built one to prove it works. I should point out that your idea is not new nor are you the first to try to build something like this.
Good, then there should be lots of examples, successful *by their terms* or not, at which I can look.
My county doesn't have the same first-trencher advantage my city does... but it does have the advantage that *it is nearly 100% built out as well*; we are, I believe, the densest county *in the United States*; maybe Manhattan beats us. Maybe DC; maybe Suffolk County in Mass.
So it's not at all impossible that we might be the first domino to fall; there are a lot of barrier island communities near me that would be similarly easy to fiber, since they're so one-dimensional.
(Geographically; I'm sure their residents are quite nice. :-)
Today there are networks based on this premise in every state I've cared to check.
There are a lot of premises in this conversation; exactly which part did you mean?
Here in Georgia the independent phone companies formed a seperate organization called US Carrier (which was recently sold for much less than they put into it). The muni's formed a partnering (initially) network called MEAG that was later renamed to GA Public Web ( When the two were first constructed in the early 2000's they actually had a interconnects and could sell off each other's network, but that fell apart over time.
Another good reference; thanks.
However, that's not going to happen AND we already have good cheap solutions to deal with that. Most commonly VPLS over GRE or VPN whose only real cost beyond the basic home Internet connection, is a ~$350 CPE that supports the protocol.
You're paying $350 for VPN routers?
Could I be one of your vendors?
VPLS and good remote management is well worth $350.
I was quite happy with SnapGear before they got bought, out (still am, actually), and they were about half that.
your IT staff to support?
Accurate, but not germane. They're not my target market.
Owen brought up that example.
Sure, there are lots of target markets. But no specific target market (except perhaps L1 ISPs) is driving my decision. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 05-Feb-13 11:37, Scott Helms wrote:
On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Helms" <>
Yes it does... It locks you into whatever is supported on the ring. I don't know how I can explain this more plainly, I can (more accurately have) taken a fiber build that was created as a ring & spoke SONET system and with the same fiber plant overlaid that with GigE and ATM (further back in time) to backhaul for PON, DSL, VOIP, and direct Active Ethernet. "Overlaid"? Could you clarify that? Sure, ring, hub & spoke, home run, star these are all descriptions of the physical architecture and many layer 2 technologies will happily use them all including Ethernet. To use a specific example an existing SONET ring (OC-3 to be precise) had be in service with an ILEC for more than a decade. This physical topology was a common one with a physical ring of fiber (32 strands, yes this was built back in the day) connected to Add/Drop Multiplexers (Fujitsu IIRC) along the ring as needed to deliver 25,000 or shorter copper loops either directly from the same cabinet that ADM was in or from a subtended Digital Loop Carrier off of a spur (collapsed ring) of the ring. Now, SONET connections work off a pair of fibers, one for transmit and one for receive. To run Ethernet (initially 100mbps but now 10G) we simply lit 2 of the remaining 30 strands to overlay an Ethernet ring on top of the SONET ring. We then placed switches in the same remote cabinets we had the ADMs and DLCs and started trenching the fiber drops.
... but now you are dictating what technology is used, via the active aggregation equipment (i.e. ADMs) you installed at your nodes on the ring. Also, the fiber provider now has to maintain and upgrade that active aggregation equipment, as opposed to just patching fiber from one port to another. The point of this exercise is to design and implement a fiber plant that can support _any_ technology, including ones that haven't even been invented yet.
Owen's assertion (and mine) is that a loop architecture *requires* active equipment, suited to the phy layer protocol, at each node. And while those loop fibers are running SONET, they can't be running anything else at the same time. You're confounding the physical layer topology with the layer 2 protocol. You can't run SONET and Ethernet on the same physical fiber at the same time (unless you use WDM but that's confusing the discussion) but you'd never build a ring of fiber with only two strands.
If you're going to dictate SONET ADMs, with a fixed set of downstream connection types, why _not_ build your ring with one pair of fiber? Hint: the fiber itself is a tiny fraction of the total cost. You're optimizing the wrong variable as a result of assuming you can predict what technology will be used 50+ years in the future.
This wasn't always true because we've only had 40G and 100G Ethernet for carrier networks for a few years. In the past we were limited by how big of an etherchannel network we could use for the ring. I'd also point out that the ring architecture is optimal for redundancy since you have fewer fiber bundles to get cut in the field and any cut to your ring gets routed around the ring by ERPS ( in less than 50 milliseconds. I infer from that continuation of your thought that you mean the second: active optical muxes out in the plant.
I'm sure I've made clear why that design limits me in ways I don't want to be limited when building a fiber plant for a 50 year lifetime, but let's address your responses below. The only limitation you have is a limited supply of total fibers (hint, this is a big reason why its cheaper to build and run).
Exactly! Lay enough fiber that you don't _need_ aggregation at the local level, i.e. enough that you can patch _every_ customer connection directly to their destination of choice without any active aggregation equipment at all. Every pair of fiber can be running whatever technology the customer desires, whether that is SONET, Ethernet, or something else that hasn't even been invented yet.
The vast majority of businesses don't want [dark fiber] at the price they have to pay for it now -- or more to the point, the consultants who do their IT don't. You have no real way, I should think, to extrapolate whether that will continue as prices drop, especially if sharply. The vast majority of businesses don't know and don't care about HOW their connectivity is delivered and wouldn't know the difference between Layer 1 and Layer 2 if it punched them in the face. Almost all businesses want INTERNET connectivity at the highest quality & speed at the lowest cost and that's it. There are a small percentage, mainly larger businesses, that do have special requirements, but those special requirements very seldom include a L1 anything.
Most customers will buy from a service provider, who lights the fiber. The point of dark fiber is that the service provider gets to decide how to light the fiber to said customers, allowing competition based on innovation. If the fiber owner puts active aggregation equipment in the path, though, that means the technologies available are dictated by that equipment's capabilities--and you have introduced another point of failure into the system. Sure, almost nobody asks for dark fiber today because they know it costs several orders of magnitude more than a T1 or whatever. However, if the price for dark fiber were the same (or lower), latent demand would materialize. Why would I pay through the nose for a T1 when I can light the fiber myself with 10GE for $20/mo?
If your customer base is primarily residential with a few businesses (hospitals and schools also count here) then you'll be lucky to sell a handful of L1 connections and some of the people who will be interested will want it for very low bit rate (means low price too) uses like RS-232 over fiber for managing SCADA nodes or other telemetry pieces.
Why should the fiber owner care what they use it for? It's just dark fiber, patched from one place to another, so the rental price is the same whether they light it at 10Mb/s or 10x100Gb/s. What you're missing is that in this model, _every_ connection is L1 from the fiber owner's perspective. Let service providers worry about L2 and above.
The problem I see is that you seem to think that by building the L1 piece you're going to have ISPs that are eager to serve your customers. If your demographics are like most small towns in the US that just isn't very likely. Any ISP partner is going to have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure before they can serve the first end user and your "no upfront engineering" is simply not true unless you're going to configure and run MetroE and/or GPON shelves for them. In any sharing scenario (L1, L2, or L3) the ISP is going to have to connect to you with enough bandwidth to serve those end users as well. How many service providers have expressed interest? Have you talked pricing for the loops and colo space yet?
Why would the ISP "have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure"? All they need is a fiber-capable Ethernet switch in a colo to turn up their first customer. That's a lot simpler than trying to turn up their first customer via an ILEC's DSLAM, for instance. There's nothing wrong with the muni operating a L2 (or even L3) carrier of last resort, just to ensure that _some_ useful service is available to residents. However, it should (a) be priced high enough to attract competitors and (b) be a distinct entity, treated by the fiber arm as no different from any other L1 customer. None of the shenanigans like the ILECs play, where the wholesale rate to competitors is higher than the retail rate for the ILEC's own service.
Its an admirable goal, but you're never going to have CCIEs (probably not even CCNAs) doing installs. Installation is, has been, and will in all likelihood continue to be done by people with limited skill sets. You building your own fiber plant and making it easier for ISPs to connect isn't going to change that.
You're missing the simplicity of dark fiber. The carrier orders a L1 circuit from a customer to their facility. The L1 provider just patches one fiber pair to another fiber pair, which can be done by a trained monkey. Then the carrier connects their own equipment to the fiber at their own facility and at the customer site, everything lights up and the spice^Wdata flows. Again, that can be done by a trained monkey. You don't need a CCIE or even a CCNA to do this. Heck, it's even simpler than what's required today for DSL, cable or satellite installers. (Note that inside wiring is a completely separate issue, and carriers _will_ have to train techs on how to do that since few are familiar with fiber, but that is an optional service they can charge extra for. The L1 provider's responsibility ends at the NIU on an outside wall, same as an ILEC's, so it's not their problem in the first place.) S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Sprunk" <>
Sure, almost nobody asks for dark fiber today because they know it costs several orders of magnitude more than a T1 or whatever. However, if the price for dark fiber were the same (or lower), latent demand would materialize. Why would I pay through the nose for a T1 when I can light the fiber myself with 10GE for $20/mo?
This was part of my argument, yes. h And it even occurred to me over the weekend that this will reduce the engineering charges to get me onto the already-built backbone loops: They don't need to build to my *CO*, just to a splice at the edge of my city, and *I* can backhaul the uplinks in myself.
What you're missing is that in this model, _every_ connection is L1 from the fiber owner's perspective. Let service providers worry about L2 and above.
In fairness to Scott, he didn't *miss* it, he simply has his "feasible" slider set to a different place than I/we do.
Why would the ISP "have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure"? All they need is a fiber-capable Ethernet switch in a colo to turn up their first customer. That's a lot simpler than trying to turn up their first customer via an ILEC's DSLAM, for instance.
Well, that means *they have to build out in my city*; I can't aggregate L1 and backhaul it to them.
There's nothing wrong with the muni operating a L2 (or even L3) carrier of last resort, just to ensure that _some_ useful service is available to residents. However, it should (a) be priced high enough to attract competitors and (b) be a distinct entity, treated by the fiber arm as no different from any other L1 customer. None of the shenanigans like the ILECs play, where the wholesale rate to competitors is higher than the retail rate for the ILEC's own service.
That's true at L3, but at L2, my goal is to encourage *much smaller* ISPs (like the one I used to engineer in 1996, Centurion Technologies; we were profitable with about 400 dialup customers into a 40 and a 20 modem dialup bank backhauled by 512kb/s *and I would come to your house and make it work if I had to*. :-). By having the city run L2 over our L1, we can accomplish that; unlike L3, I don't believe it actually needs to be a separate company; I expect most ISP business to be at L2; L1 is mostly an accomodation to potential larger ISPs who want to do it all themselves. Or FiOS. :-)
You're missing the simplicity of dark fiber. The carrier orders a L1 circuit from a customer to their facility. The L1 provider just patches one fiber pair to another fiber pair, which can be done by a trained monkey. Then the carrier connects their own equipment to the fiber at their own facility and at the customer site, everything lights up and the spice^Wdata flows. Again, that can be done by a trained monkey. You don't need a CCIE or even a CCNA to do this. Heck, it's even simpler than what's required today for DSL, cable or satellite installers.
Scott asserts that it's not that easy In The Real World; it remains to be seen whether he's right.
(Note that inside wiring is a completely separate issue, and carriers _will_ have to train techs on how to do that since few are familiar with fiber, but that is an optional service they can charge extra for. The L1 provider's responsibility ends at the NIU on an outside wall, same as an ILEC's, so it's not their problem in the first place.)
The L2 might end there, too, if I decide on outside ONTs, rather than an optical jackblock inside. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 11-Feb-13 13:13, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Stephen Sprunk" <>
Sure, almost nobody asks for dark fiber today because they know it costs several orders of magnitude more than a T1 or whatever. However, if the price for dark fiber were the same (or lower), latent demand would materialize. Why would I pay through the nose for a T1 when I can light the fiber myself with 10GE for $20/mo? This was part of my argument, yes. h And it even occurred to me over the weekend that this will reduce the engineering charges to get me onto the already-built backbone loops:
They don't need to build to my *CO*, just to a splice at the edge of my city, and *I* can backhaul the uplinks in myself.
Good point. I missed that since I was applying the same general model to the (suburban) municipality where I live, which already has no shortage of fiber _to the CO_. In the rural case originally described, reducing the "middle mile" problem helps too.
What you're missing is that in this model, _every_ connection is L1 from the fiber owner's perspective. Let service providers worry about L2 and above. In fairness to Scott, he didn't *miss* it, he simply has his "feasible" slider set to a different place than I/we do.
I disagree; he is obsessing over how to reduce the amount of fiber, which is a tiny fraction of the total cost, and that leads him to invite all sorts of L2 problems into the picture that, for a purely L1 provider, simply would not apply.
Why would the ISP "have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure"? All they need is a fiber-capable Ethernet switch in a colo to turn up their first customer. That's a lot simpler than trying to turn up their first customer via an ILEC's DSLAM, for instance. Well, that means *they have to build out in my city*; I can't aggregate L1 and backhaul it to them.
As the saying goes, you "must be present to win." If there's _any_ fiber available to the CO, there shouldn't be much trouble getting an ISP to show up when they have ridiculously cheap access to your customer base.
There's nothing wrong with the muni operating a L2 (or even L3) carrier of last resort, just to ensure that _some_ useful service is available to residents. However, it should (a) be priced high enough to attract competitors and (b) be a distinct entity, treated by the fiber arm as no different from any other L1 customer. None of the shenanigans like the ILECs play, where the wholesale rate to competitors is higher than the retail rate for the ILEC's own service. That's true at L3, but at L2, my goal is to encourage *much smaller* ISPs (like the one I used to engineer in 1996, Centurion Technologies; we were profitable with about 400 dialup customers into a 40 and a 20 modem dialup bank backhauled by 512kb/s *and I would come to your house and make it work if I had to*. :-).
By having the city run L2 over our L1, we can accomplish that; unlike L3, I don't believe it actually needs to be a separate company; I expect most ISP business to be at L2; L1 is mostly an accomodation to potential larger ISPs who want to do it all themselves.
Or FiOS. :-)
We have a philosophical disagreement here. I fully support public ownership of public ownership of "natural" monopolies, and the fiber plant itself (L1) certainly qualifies. However, running L2 (or L3) over that fiber is _not_ a natural monopoly, so I do _not_ support public ownership. At most, I could stomach a "provider of last resort" to guarantee resident access to useful services, in the IMHO unlikely event that only one (or zero) private players showed up, or a compelling need to provide some residents (eg. the elderly or indigent, schools, other public agencies, etc.) with below-cost services.
(Note that inside wiring is a completely separate issue, and carriers _will_ have to train techs on how to do that since few are familiar with fiber, but that is an optional service they can charge extra for. The L1 provider's responsibility ends at the NIU on an outside wall, same as an ILEC's, so it's not their problem in the first place.) The L2 might end there, too, if I decide on outside ONTs, rather than an optical jackblock inside.
I think the ILECs got this part right: provide a passive NIU on the outside wall, which forms a natural demarc that the fiber owner can test to. If an L2 operator has active equipment, put it inside--and it would be part of the customer-purchased (or -leased) equipment when they turn up service. S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Sprunk" <>
By having the city run L2 over our L1, we can accomplish that; unlike L3, I don't believe it actually needs to be a separate company; I expect most ISP business to be at L2; L1 is mostly an accomodation to potential larger ISPs who want to do it all themselves.
Or FiOS. :-)
We have a philosophical disagreement here. I fully support public ownership of public ownership of "natural" monopolies, and the fiber plant itself (L1) certainly qualifies.
However, running L2 (or L3) over that fiber is _not_ a natural monopoly, so I do _not_ support public ownership. At most, I could stomach a "provider of last resort" to guarantee resident access to useful services, in the IMHO unlikely event that only one (or zero) private players showed up, or a compelling need to provide some residents (eg. the elderly or indigent, schools, other public agencies, etc.) with below-cost services.
I dunno; I tend to buy the arguments that there is a difference; as long as the L2 access is itself sold to comers at cost, including the internal accounting between the fiber and L2 sides of the house. I don't even plan to offer quantity discounts. :-)
(Note that inside wiring is a completely separate issue, and carriers _will_ have to train techs on how to do that since few are familiar with fiber, but that is an optional service they can charge extra for. The L1 provider's responsibility ends at the NIU on an outside wall, same as an ILEC's, so it's not their problem in the first place.)
The L2 might end there, too, if I decide on outside ONTs, rather than an optical jackblock inside.
I think the ILECs got this part right: provide a passive NIU on the outside wall, which forms a natural demarc that the fiber owner can test to. If an L2 operator has active equipment, put it inside--and it would be part of the customer-purchased (or -leased) equipment when they turn up service.
Yes, but that means the ISP has to drill holes in walls *and push fiber jumpers through them*; I'm not at all happy with that idea. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

I think the ILECs got this part right: provide a passive NIU on the outside wall, which forms a natural demarc that the fiber owner can test to. If an L2 operator has active equipment, put it inside--and it would be part of the customer-purchased (or -leased) equipment when they turn up service.
Yes, but that means the ISP has to drill holes in walls *and push fiber jumpers through them*; I'm not at all happy with that idea.
Why not? Someone will have to. Owen

On 11-Feb-13 15:24, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Stephen Sprunk" <>
By having the city run L2 over our L1, we can accomplish that; unlike L3, I don't believe it actually needs to be a separate company; I expect most ISP business to be at L2; L1 is mostly an accomodation to potential larger ISPs who want to do it all themselves. We have a philosophical disagreement here. I fully support public ownership of public ownership of "natural" monopolies, and the fiber plant itself (L1) certainly qualifies.
However, running L2 (or L3) over that fiber is _not_ a natural monopoly, so I do _not_ support public ownership. At most, I could stomach a "provider of last resort" to guarantee resident access to useful services, in the IMHO unlikely event that only one (or zero) private players showed up, or a compelling need to provide some residents (eg. the elderly or indigent, schools, other public agencies, etc.) with below-cost services. I dunno; I tend to buy the arguments that there is a difference; as long as the L2 access is itself sold to comers at cost, including the internal accounting between the fiber and L2 sides of the house.
I don't see much of a difference in that respect between L2 and L3 services. OTOH, I see a clear difference between L1 and L2/L3, as above.
I don't even plan to offer quantity discounts. :-)
Good. That's one of the ways that big carriers claim to be playing by the same rules as everyone else yet get away with substantially lower costs than smaller competitors. See also: the ARIN fee schedule.
The L2 might end there, too, if I decide on outside ONTs, rather than an optical jackblock inside. I think the ILECs got this part right: provide a passive NIU on the outside wall, which forms a natural demarc that the fiber owner can test to. If an L2 operator has active equipment, put it inside--and it would be part of the customer-purchased (or -leased) equipment when they turn up service. Yes, but that means the ISP has to drill holes in walls *and push fiber jumpers through them*; I'm not at all happy with that idea.
You mean their contract installers, who do the same thing today with POTS, DSL, cable and satellite lines. It'll probably be the same people, even. OTOH, an external NIU means the fiber company can install with zero cooperation from any given property owner since no entry is required. Customers are going to need internal wiring done anyway to get it from the demarc to wherever they want their "fiber modem" installed, so you can penetrate the exterior wall at the same time--when they're in a more cooperative mood because they're going to get an immediate tangible benefit. An exterior demarc has clear troubleshooting/maintenance benefits to the fiber owner. Let the L2/L3 provider deal with inside wiring problems. S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

I disagree; he is obsessing over how to reduce the amount of fiber, which is a tiny fraction of the total cost, and that leads him to invite all sorts of L2 problems into the picture that, for a purely L1 provider, simply would not apply.
Not at all, I've obsessing about all of the costs. IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low. L1, at scale, sharing is simply impractical for all of its philosophical benefits for more municipal network operators. That's not to say there aren't exceptions, but I can point to lots of successful muni operators who are the layer 3 provider. I can point to several that offer open access at layer 2 successfully but I don't know of any doing L1 sharing that would call it a success. Do you know of some that do?
We have a philosophical disagreement here. I fully support public ownership of public ownership of "natural" monopolies, and the fiber plant itself (L1) certainly qualifies.
However, running L2 (or L3) over that fiber is _not_ a natural monopoly, so I do _not_ support public ownership. At most, I could stomach a "provider of last resort" to guarantee resident access to useful services, in the IMHO unlikely event that only one (or zero) private players showed up, or a compelling need to provide some residents (eg. the elderly or indigent, schools, other public agencies, etc.) with below-cost services.
Too many places have either no or very poor services being provided from the market for me to take this stance. I have observed that muni networks are more likely to fail than investor or privately owned operators but I don't know what causes that. I suspect that some is because in many cases the city doesn't manage it effectively but in other cases the major factor may be that the area is simply hard to run a broadband business in and even break even, which may be why no normal operator set up shop there. I think the ILECs got this part right: provide a passive NIU on the
outside wall, which forms a natural demarc that the fiber owner can test to. If an L2 operator has active equipment, put it inside--and it would be part of the customer-purchased (or -leased) equipment when they turn up service.
What ILEC is offering L1 fiber access at all?
-- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 11-Feb-13 16:37, Scott Helms wrote:
I disagree; he is obsessing over how to reduce the amount of fiber, which is a tiny fraction of the total cost, and that leads him to invite all sorts of L2 problems into the picture that, for a purely L1 provider, simply would not apply.
Not at all, I've obsessing about all of the costs. IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low.
The fiber plant would presumably be paid for with 30-year bonds, same as any other municipal infrastructure (eg. water and sewer lines--the real "pipes"), for which interest rates are currently running around the rate of inflation. There is no need to pay them off quickly. Heck, some forward-thinking folks might even see the fiber as paying for itself through increased property values (and therefore tax revenues) and not demand that it pay back its bonds through access fees at all, just the (minimal) operating costs. L2 and above, though, is another story due to the (relatively) short depreciation cycle and higher operational costs--yet another reason they should be separated.
L1, at scale, sharing is simply impractical for all of its philosophical benefits for more municipal network operators. That's not to say there aren't exceptions, but I can point to lots of successful muni operators who are the layer 3 provider. I can point to several that offer open access at layer 2 successfully but I don't know of any doing L1 sharing that would call it a success. Do you know of some that do?
There have been several examples cited in this thread, but I don't know how many (if any) meet both your criteria, i.e. muni _and_ open at L1.
We have a philosophical disagreement here. I fully support public ownership of public ownership of "natural" monopolies, and the fiber plant itself (L1) certainly qualifies.
However, running L2 (or L3) over that fiber is _not_ a natural monopoly, so I do _not_ support public ownership. At most, I could stomach a "provider of last resort" to guarantee resident access to useful services, in the IMHO unlikely event that only one (or zero) private players showed up, or a compelling need to provide some residents (eg. the elderly or indigent, schools, other public agencies, etc.) with below-cost services.
Too many places have either no or very poor services being provided from the market for me to take this stance.
... hence my reluctant acceptance of having a publicly-owned "provider of last resort" for L2 and L3 services. I would hate to see all that fiber go unused just because no private players showed up to the party. OTOH, it is still fundamentally different from L1. (Note that I also endorse this same model in urban and suburban markets, where there is no shortage of folks wanting to offer service--but few players with access to enough capital to put the necessary fiber in place, none of whom are interested in open access.)
I think the ILECs got this part right: provide a passive NIU on the outside wall, which forms a natural demarc that the fiber owner can test to. If an L2 operator has active equipment, put it inside--and it would be part of the customer-purchased (or -leased) equipment when they turn up service.
What ILEC is offering L1 fiber access at all?
Think copper. S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

Stephen Sprunk wrote:
The fiber plant would presumably be paid for with 30-year bonds, same as any other municipal infrastructure (eg. water and sewer lines--the real "pipes"), for which interest rates are currently running around the rate of inflation. There is no need to pay them off quickly.
In addition, as PON is even less efficient initially when subscriber density is low and there are few subscribers to share a field splitter (unless extremely lengthy drop cables are used, which costs a lot), PON is slower to pay them off. Masataka Ohta

----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
In addition, as PON is even less efficient initially when subscriber density is low and there are few subscribers to share a field splitter (unless extremely lengthy drop cables are used, which costs a lot), PON is slower to pay them off.
In case you missed it, I was the OP, and you don't have to convince *me* not to use PON; I already didn't want to. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Masataka, Numbers? Examples? This is simply incorrect in many places. The only reasons to run PON are financial, since Ethernet out performs it, are you saying that all greenfield PON installs are cheaper done as Ethernet without exception? On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Stephen Sprunk wrote:
The fiber plant would presumably be paid for with 30-year bonds, same as any other municipal infrastructure (eg. water and sewer lines--the real "pipes"), for which interest rates are currently running around the rate of inflation. There is no need to pay them off quickly.
In addition, as PON is even less efficient initially when subscriber density is low and there are few subscribers to share a field splitter (unless extremely lengthy drop cables are used, which costs a lot), PON is slower to pay them off.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
Numbers? Examples?
Greenfield SS and PON deployment costs in Japan was already shown.
This is simply incorrect in many places. The only reasons to run PON are financial, since Ethernet out performs it,
No, the only reason to insist on PON is to make L1 unbundling not feasible.
are you saying that all greenfield PON installs are cheaper done as Ethernet without exception?
No, SS is cheaper than PON without exception. If the initial density of subscribers is high, SS is fine. If it is not, initially, most electric equipment, OE port, fibers, splitters and a large closures containing the splitters of PON can not be shared by two or more subscribers, which means PON incurs much more material and labor cost for each initial subscriber than SS. Masataka Ohta

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Numbers? Examples?
Greenfield SS and PON deployment costs in Japan was already shown.
Japan has one of the highest population densities of major economies in the world with an average density of 873 per square mile. The US on the other hand has 89 per square mile. Canada has an average density of 10 people per square mile. I would also say that Japan's consumer behavior and regulatory climate are all significantly different from the North American market so making blanket statements is pretty silly. If you want to make your case then why don't you, the only Japanese & English speaker on this list I know of, extract the math behind the NTT papers and present why its cheaper in Japan and we can then see if that applies equally in the US & Canada.
This is simply incorrect in many places. The only reasons to run PON are financial, since Ethernet out performs it,
No, the only reason to insist on PON is to make L1 unbundling not feasible.
I don't know what conspiracy theory you're ascribing to here, but this is incorrect.
are you saying that all greenfield PON installs are cheaper done as Ethernet without exception?
No, SS is cheaper than PON without exception.
Prove it.
If the initial density of subscribers is high, SS is fine.
If it is not, initially, most electric equipment, OE port, fibers, splitters and a large closures containing the splitters of PON can not be shared by two or more subscribers, which means PON incurs much more material and labor cost for each initial subscriber than SS.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott, I've been down this road with Masataka. over the last few days. I gave up. On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Scott Helms <> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Numbers? Examples?
Greenfield SS and PON deployment costs in Japan was already shown.
Japan has one of the highest population densities of major economies in the world with an average density of 873 per square mile. The US on the other hand has 89 per square mile. Canada has an average density of 10 people per square mile. I would also say that Japan's consumer behavior and regulatory climate are all significantly different from the North American market so making blanket statements is pretty silly.
If you want to make your case then why don't you, the only Japanese & English speaker on this list I know of, extract the math behind the NTT papers and present why its cheaper in Japan and we can then see if that applies equally in the US & Canada.
This is simply incorrect in many places. The only reasons to run PON are financial, since Ethernet out performs it,
No, the only reason to insist on PON is to make L1 unbundling not feasible.
I don't know what conspiracy theory you're ascribing to here, but this is incorrect.
are you saying that all greenfield PON installs are cheaper done as Ethernet without exception?
No, SS is cheaper than PON without exception.
Prove it.
If the initial density of subscribers is high, SS is fine.
If it is not, initially, most electric equipment, OE port, fibers, splitters and a large closures containing the splitters of PON can not be shared by two or more subscribers, which means PON incurs much more material and labor cost for each initial subscriber than SS.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Jason Baugher wrote:
Scott, I've been down this road with Masataka. over the last few days. I gave up.
You have lost instantly, because you insisted on 32:1, which makes expensive PON even more expensive. It's stupid to insist on 32:1 to have 6 trunk fibers and 31 drop fibers within a cable for 192 subscribers, because with 8:1, you only need 24 trunk fibers and 7 drop fibers. Your theory is not consistent with the reality. Masataka Ohta

At this point I think the topic has been exhausted. If you participate in a conversation, try to chime in with thoughtful and insightful points. We're on here to help each other, if you want to measure girth there is probably a better venue to do so. I don't think anyone lost anything, other than a vast amount of wasted time trying to decipher your claims and opinion. It's easy to tell people how full of it they are, but if you're looking for a venue to argue (we have all done it) you should move on to greener pastures. If all of this is difficult to understand, I will summarize: Acting like a prick on a discussion list makes all of your opinions and concerns completely ignored. No one wants to deal with an arrogant prick, especially one who says someone "lost" because your opinion seems to be more valid to yourself. On 2/12/13 3:03 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Jason Baugher wrote:
Scott, I've been down this road with Masataka. over the last few days. I gave up.
You have lost instantly, because you insisted on 32:1, which makes expensive PON even more expensive.
It's stupid to insist on 32:1 to have 6 trunk fibers and 31 drop fibers within a cable for 192 subscribers, because with 8:1, you only need 24 trunk fibers and 7 drop fibers.
Your theory is not consistent with the reality.
Masataka Ohta

Warren Bailey wrote:
No one wants to deal with an arrogant prick, especially one who says someone "lost" because your opinion seems to be more valid to yourself.
Figures in is not my opinion but neutral data from a governmental regulator of Japan like FCC of USA. According to the data, the reality is that PON is more expensive than SS, w.r.t. for both cabling and equipments. So far, no one could have provided any concrete data or consistent theory to deny it. If you can't accept the shown reality that PON is more expensive than SS and insist on stating it were my opinion without any evidences, its your arrogance. PERIOD. Masataka Ohta

----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
If you can't accept the shown reality that PON is more expensive than SS and insist on stating it were my opinion without any evidences, its your arrogance.
Nope. It's you, dude. Really. <plonk> Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Scott Helms wrote:
Numbers? Examples?
Greenfield SS and PON deployment costs in Japan was already shown.
Japan has one of the highest population densities of major economies in the
The examples are in rural area and I already stated population density in English.
No, the only reason to insist on PON is to make L1 unbundling not feasible.
I don't know what conspiracy theory you're ascribing to here, but this is incorrect.
PON being more expensive than SS, that is the only explanation.
No, SS is cheaper than PON without exception.
Prove it.
See above or below.
If the initial density of subscribers is high, SS is fine.
If it is not, initially, most electric equipment, OE port, fibers, splitters and a large closures containing the splitters of PON can not be shared by two or more subscribers, which means PON incurs much more material and labor cost for each initial subscriber than SS.
Masataka Ohta

Masataka, Using the UK as a model for US and Canadian deployments is a fallacy. The population density there is 673 per square mile, much closer to Japan's (873 per sq mile) than either the US (89 per sq mile) or Canada (10 per sq mile). The UK also has a legal monopoly for telephone infrastructure and very different regulatory system. Using the UK for anything in this discussion is simply wrong. You may be a brilliant conversationalist in Japanese, but you're not making a convincing argument in English and simply railing that your position is correct without regard to countering information isn't going to convince anyone. Keep on this track and you're just going to be ignored by most people on the list. On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 5:57 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Numbers? Examples?
Greenfield SS and PON deployment costs in Japan was already shown.
Japan has one of the highest population densities of major economies in the
The examples are in rural area and I already stated population density in English.
No, the only reason to insist on PON is to make L1 unbundling not feasible.
I don't know what conspiracy theory you're ascribing to here, but this is incorrect.
PON being more expensive than SS, that is the only explanation.
No, SS is cheaper than PON without exception.
Prove it.
See above or below.
If the initial density of subscribers is high, SS is fine.
If it is not, initially, most electric equipment, OE port, fibers, splitters and a large closures containing the splitters of PON can not be shared by two or more subscribers, which means PON incurs much more material and labor cost for each initial subscriber than SS.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
Using the UK as a model for US and Canadian deployments is a fallacy.
May or may not be. But, what???? "Using the UK as a model for US and Canadian deployments"!!!!!????? I'm afraid it's not me but you to have done so. So? Who are you arguing against?
You may be a brilliant conversationalist in Japanese, but you're not making a convincing argument in English and simply railing that your position is correct without regard to countering information isn't going to convince anyone.
If you feel so, it merely means that your ability to understand English is a lot worse than mine. Sorry, but, it is your problem.
Keep on this track and you're just going to be ignored by most people on the list.
I'm afraid it is also your problem to be suffered by you. Masataka Ohta

On 13 February 2013 12:34, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Using the UK as a model for US and Canadian deployments is a fallacy.
I don't believe anyone was looking at the UK model? But now that you mention it the UK has a rather interesting model for fibre deployment, a significant portion of the country has "fibre optic broadband" avaliable from multiple providers. BT Openreach (and others on their infrastructure) offer "Fibre Optic Broadband" over twisted pair, and VirginMedia offer "Fibre Optic Broadband" over coax. The UKs 'just pretend it's fibre' deployment method is cheaper than both PON and SS. Only requirement is that you have a regulator that doesn't care when companies flat out lie to customers. - Mike

Sadly, despite this being challenged with both the telecoms regulator (Ofcom) and advertising watchdog (ASA), for some reason both seem pretty happy with the utter farce that is advertising BT/OpenReach's VDSL based Fibre To The Cabinet and Virgin Media's Hybrid Fibre Coax networks as "fibre optic broadband". We have a very small amount of Fibre To The Home/Fibre To The Premise being deployed by BT/Openreach using some kind of PON technology, but I'm not sure which variant off-hand. We were supposed to be getting FTTP where I live last March, but for some reason BT silently scrapped that plan and now we are getting FTTC this March apparently... I'm not going to hold my breath though! Edward Dore Freethought Internet On 13 Feb 2013, at 15:07, Mike Jones wrote:
On 13 February 2013 12:34, Scott Helms <> wrote:
Using the UK as a model for US and Canadian deployments is a fallacy.
I don't believe anyone was looking at the UK model? But now that you mention it the UK has a rather interesting model for fibre deployment, a significant portion of the country has "fibre optic broadband" avaliable from multiple providers.
BT Openreach (and others on their infrastructure) offer "Fibre Optic Broadband" over twisted pair, and VirginMedia offer "Fibre Optic Broadband" over coax.
The UKs 'just pretend it's fibre' deployment method is cheaper than both PON and SS. Only requirement is that you have a regulator that doesn't care when companies flat out lie to customers.
- Mike

Edward Dore wrote:
Sadly, despite this being challenged with both the telecoms regulator (Ofcom) and advertising watchdog (ASA), for some reason both seem pretty happy with the utter farce that is advertising BT/OpenReach's VDSL based Fibre To The Cabinet and Virgin Media's Hybrid Fibre Coax networks as "fibre optic broadband".
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
We were supposed to be getting FTTP where I live last March, but for some reason BT silently scrapped that plan and now we are getting FTTC this March apparently...
Obviously because it makes L1 unbundling difficult. Masataka Ohta

In message <>, Masataka Ohta writes:
Edward Dore wrote:
Sadly, despite this being challenged with both the telecoms regulator (Ofcom) and advertising watchdog (ASA), for some reason both seem pretty happy with the utter farce that is advertising BT/OpenReach's VDSL based Fibre To The Cabinet and Virgin Media's Hybrid Fibre Coax networks as "fibre optic broadband".
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
And by that argument pots dialup is fiber optic because the packets went over a fiber optic link to get to the CO. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Game. Blouses.
From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
-------- Original message -------- From: Mark Andrews <> Date: 02/13/2013 5:25 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Masataka Ohta <> Cc: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? In message <>, Masataka Ohta writes:
Edward Dore wrote:
Sadly, despite this being challenged with both the telecoms regulator (Ofcom) and advertising watchdog (ASA), for some reason both seem pretty happy with the utter farce that is advertising BT/OpenReach's VDSL based Fibre To The Cabinet and Virgin Media's Hybrid Fibre Coax networks as "fibre optic broadband".
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
And by that argument pots dialup is fiber optic because the packets went over a fiber optic link to get to the CO. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Mark Andrews wrote:
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
And by that argument pots dialup is fiber optic because the packets went over a fiber optic link to get to the CO.
Well, not pots, but, NTT was, against ADSL, advertising their 128Kbps ISDN dial up as "high speed Internet". So, 128Kbps dial up might have been "broadband" at that time at least for NTT, until, in late 2001, Japanese government defined "high speed Internet access network" access network to be able to smoothly download music data etc. with examples of xDSL, CATV and Wifi. Masataka Ohta

GuysŠwe're done on this. Let it go, already. -c On 14-02-13 19:13 , "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Mark Andrews wrote:
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
And by that argument pots dialup is fiber optic because the packets went over a fiber optic link to get to the CO.
Well, not pots, but, NTT was, against ADSL, advertising their 128Kbps ISDN dial up as "high speed Internet".
So, 128Kbps dial up might have been "broadband" at that time at least for NTT, until, in late 2001, Japanese government defined "high speed Internet access network" access network to be able to smoothly download music data etc. with examples of xDSL, CATV and Wifi.
Masataka Ohta

On 14 Feb 2013, at 01:13, Masataka Ohta wrote:
Edward Dore wrote:
Sadly, despite this being challenged with both the telecoms regulator (Ofcom) and advertising watchdog (ASA), for some reason both seem pretty happy with the utter farce that is advertising BT/OpenReach's VDSL based Fibre To The Cabinet and Virgin Media's Hybrid Fibre Coax networks as "fibre optic broadband".
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
Then why would you not also consider bog standard ADSL to also be "fibre optic"?
We were supposed to be getting FTTP where I live last March, but for some reason BT silently scrapped that plan and now we are getting FTTC this March apparently...
Obviously because it makes L1 unbundling difficult.
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange. FTTC is fibre from the local exchange to the street cabinet where there is a VDSL DSLAM feeding the last part of the copper loop through to the property. This provides up to 80Mbps down and 20Mbps up. FTTP is GPON from the exchange right through to the property completely independent of the existing copper loop. Currently this provides up to 330Mbps down and 30Mbps up. There is also an "FTTP on-demenad" option where if you are in a FTTC area then you basically pay for BT/OpenReach to extend the fibre to your property and provide the FTTP service. This is expensive though as you foot all of the excess construction charges. Apparently the average cost is going to be around £1500. In either case, OpenReach are required to provide "open" access at the exchange to any companies wishing to make use of the local infrastructure and provide competing services to BT. Pricing for this is controlled by the regulator, Ofcom. Both FTTC and FTTP are provided as VLANs over gigabit Ethernet interconnections in the Exchange BT/OpenReach is doing a large FTTC deployment across the UK (two thirds of the properties by spring next year I believe), and are starting to roll out FTTP in some areas having been conducting trials since early 2010. I believe that the deployed BT/OpenReach FTT* footprint now covers approximately 13 million properties. The area where I live was one of those listed as getting FTTP last March, but then that was silently scrapped at the last minute for some reason never specified and now they are starting to roll out FTTC to us for this March (only recently announced). It does seem that they are actually doing it this time at least, as the new street cabinets have started appearing and pavements are being dug up, but it's obviously disappointing that we were switched from FTTP to FTTC along with a year's delay. The rest of the city was always supposed to be FTTC and that was rolled out successfully last March. Edward Dore Freethought Internet

With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Which is a classic example of why I say the L1 provider must not be allowed to participate in or act as a related party to the L2+ providers. Owen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen DeLong" <>
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Which is a classic example of why I say the L1 provider must not be allowed to participate in or act as a related party to the L2+ providers.
Submitted: you're saying, Owen, that L2+ providers should not be able to own the L1. I agree with that, and the case in point example is here: That's orthogonal to the question as we discussed it before, though, which is what I've adjusted the title to here: I don't see that there is a bar to competition if a *municipal* L1 provider offers L2 service, as long as they offer that service to all comers, at the same, published, cost-recovery rates, including themselves. Arguments can be made about "whose tickets take priority" and such, but those seem easy to hand: FCFS. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

I don't know, I see FCFS as a bad constraint in a lot of situations... Rather just see true separation between conduit and carrier and not have to worry about it. -Blake On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen DeLong" <>
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Which is a classic example of why I say the L1 provider must not be allowed to participate in or act as a related party to the L2+ providers.
Submitted: you're saying, Owen, that L2+ providers should not be able to own the L1. I agree with that, and the case in point example is here:
That's orthogonal to the question as we discussed it before, though, which is what I've adjusted the title to here: I don't see that there is a bar to competition if a *municipal* L1 provider offers L2 service, as long as they offer that service to all comers, at the same, published, cost-recovery rates, including themselves.
Arguments can be made about "whose tickets take priority" and such, but those seem easy to hand: FCFS.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Jay Ashworth wrote:
That's orthogonal to the question as we discussed it before, though, which is what I've adjusted the title to here: I don't see that there is a bar to competition if a *municipal* L1 provider offers L2 service, as long as they offer that service to all comers, at the same, published, cost-recovery rates, including themselves.
I agree with this, *but* they should also offer L1 services. Most commonly, they end up doing L2 and then L1 isn't available. The last people in Sweden to get IPv6 is most likely going to be the active municipality network customers, because they need to fix their stuff before the ISP can offer anything (this is because it's ethernet based on L2 and security functions need to exist in the L2 access equipment). If someone says PPPoE is better because of this, please mind that these networks commonly offer speeds up to 500 megabit/s or 1gigabit/s per user. :P -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

On Feb 15, 2013, at 18:55 , Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen DeLong" <>
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Which is a classic example of why I say the L1 provider must not be allowed to participate in or act as a related party to the L2+ providers.
Submitted: you're saying, Owen, that L2+ providers should not be able to own the L1. I agree with that, and the case in point example is here:
That's orthogonal to the question as we discussed it before, though, which is what I've adjusted the title to here: I don't see that there is a bar to competition if a *municipal* L1 provider offers L2 service, as long as they offer that service to all comers, at the same, published, cost-recovery rates, including themselves.
I don't see a difference between an L1 provider offering L2 service and an L2 provider owning L1 infrastructure. The problem is that the minute you give an organization an ability to compete with its customers for product (A) as customers for product (B), you create a conflict of interest. If company A offers L1+L2 and company B offers L2 and up, then company A has an incentive to provide better L1 service to those who are also getting their L2 from company A than they might provide to those company B's L2 customers using only the L1 product from company A.
Arguments can be made about "whose tickets take priority" and such, but those seem easy to hand: FCFS.
FCFS sounds like a great theory, but the devil is in the details. Since many tickets are always being processed in parallel and since there will be inevitable shuffling of ticket priorities due to standard externalities (there are always customers you have to take care of more than others, etc.). The more thought I give to this question, the more I think that the L1 provider should be strictly L1 only and not allowed to affiliate with anyone higher up the stack. Owen

I completely agree with you on this Owen, and we were almost in that situation in the UK but Ofcom backed down for some reason :( BT, as a state created monopoly, was facing being broken up with the local loop operations being hived off into a completely separate company to give all providers equal access. In the end, BT somehow managed to convince Ofcom to let them keep the local loop operations in-house, on the condition that it was in a strictly controlled child company where Ofcom sets a lot of the prices. It's a much better situation than we used to have, and it has done a good job of opening up the local loop to competitors, but I can't help but feel that if it had been split off into a completely separate company without BT Group as the parent. At the end of the day, the money still goes into the same group funds and there's still going to be a lot of internal influence from BT in decision making. One interesting recent development is that OpenReach are opening up their ducts and poles so that other providers can install their own fibre in/on them, but from my reading of the limitation on this it sounds like Active Ethernet (or similar) deployments would be impossible as BT/OpenReach have somehow managed to get Ofcom to agree to prevent any deployments that would threaten their leased line business barred:
3.2 The Customer warrants that it will use the Service solely for the deployment in the Access Network of the Customer’s network serving Multiple Premises for the provision to end users of Next Generation Access Services or the deployment in the Access Network of Sub Loop Unbundling backhaul and for no other purpose whatsoever, in particular not for:
3.2.1 leased lines for the provision of point to point services offered with the intent or effect of providing private circuit type services;
3.2.2 direct connection between two Customer Points of Handover or any other connection which may be regarded as core network; or
3.2.3 backhaul services, including fixed or mobile and wireless backhaul services, with the exception of Sub Loop Unbundling backhaul services for fixed traffic (inclusive of Sub Loop Unbundling daisy chain aggregation) to the Local Access Node or Customer Point of Handover.
as more fully described in the Duct and Pole Sharing Product Description,
If the Customer uses the Services for any other purposes than for the deployment in accordance with clause 3.2 above, this will be a material breach of this Agreement under clause 2.3 (a) (ii) and BT may also at its sole discretion refuse to accept any Orders for the Service on notice to the Customer until the breach has been rectified.
Of course, IANAL so may be getting that completely backwards :) Edward Dore Freethought Internet On 16 Feb 2013, at 01:10, Owen DeLong wrote:
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Which is a classic example of why I say the L1 provider must not be allowed to participate in or act as a related party to the L2+ providers.

Edward Dore wrote:
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
Then why would you not also consider bog standard ADSL to also be "fibre optic"?
Because I think "fiber optic broadband" implies access and ADSL is no fiber optic broadband access, unless you have FTTC with not VDSL but ADSL. But, feel free to have your own definition, which may or may not be legally challenged by people having common sense.
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Both of them sucks badly, indeed.
There is also an "FTTP on-demenad" option where if you are in a FTTC area then you basically pay for BT/OpenReach to extend the fibre to your property and provide the FTTP service. This is expensive though as you foot all of the excess construction charges. Apparently the average cost is going to be around GBP 1500.
I changed your pond sign in windows 1252 encoding (even though your improperly configured mailer says it ISO-8859-1) to GBP. I think 1500 GBP is too high as a cost to have fiber between a cabinet and your premise. Considering that cost of SS is almost identical to POTS, the reasonable cost should be GBP 500 or so. Is it a result of BT monopoly or can there be some competition possible to choose an entity to install the fiber from multiple independent entities?
In either case, OpenReach are required to provide "open" access at the exchange to any companies wishing to make use of the local infrastructure and provide competing services to BT.
The problem is on the density of the exchanges. The exchanges at every CO with L1 unbundling is, seemingly, most competitive against BT. Masataka Ohta

On 16 Feb 2013, at 11:30, Masataka Ohta wrote:
Edward Dore wrote:
Sadly, it is impossible to say FTTC not "fiber optic broadband", because it is "broadband" (at least with today's access speed) with "fiber optic".
Then why would you not also consider bog standard ADSL to also be "fibre optic"?
Because I think "fiber optic broadband" implies access and ADSL is no fiber optic broadband access, unless you have FTTC with not VDSL but ADSL.
But, feel free to have your own definition, which may or may not be legally challenged by people having common sense.
Both ADSL fed from the exchange and VDSL fed from the street cabinet have a portion provided over fibre... where is the magic separation point that moves it from not being "fibre optic broadband" to being "fibre optic broadband"?
With BT/OpenReach's FTTC and FTTP there's no difference in terms of layer 1 unbundling - it's impossible with either as they are both shared mediums aggregated before the exchange.
Both of them sucks badly, indeed.
There is also an "FTTP on-demenad" option where if you are in a FTTC area then you basically pay for BT/OpenReach to extend the fibre to your property and provide the FTTP service. This is expensive though as you foot all of the excess construction charges. Apparently the average cost is going to be around GBP 1500.
I changed your pond sign in windows 1252 encoding (even though your improperly configured mailer says it ISO-8859-1) to GBP.
I think 1500 GBP is too high as a cost to have fiber between a cabinet and your premise.
Considering that cost of SS is almost identical to POTS, the reasonable cost should be GBP 500 or so.
Is it a result of BT monopoly or can there be some competition possible to choose an entity to install the fiber from multiple independent entities?
The £1500 is what BT are quoting as an average based on distance. The cost works out as something like a fixed £500 setup + a per meter charge which varies depending on how they have to get from the cabinet to your property + any other civils/construction work required along the way. For example, grass verges are much cheaper than pavements which are in turn cheaper than roads. They also have set charges for things like drilling through a wall depending on whether it is internal or external and if it is concrete or not concrete. There's a list of the current OpenReach Excess COnstruction Charges at Unfortunately, only OpenReach can install these as part of the "FTTP on-demand" product. Any OpenReach service provider customer can order these, but it is OpenReach (part of the BT Group) that does the work.
In either case, OpenReach are required to provide "open" access at the exchange to any companies wishing to make use of the local infrastructure and provide competing services to BT.
The problem is on the density of the exchanges.
The exchanges at every CO with L1 unbundling is, seemingly, most competitive against BT.
OpenReach are required to sell space+power at the exchange for co-location of service provider equipment as well as selling all of the services that they sell internally in to the wholesale and retail divisions in the BT Group. It is then up to the service provider to aggregate customers and arrange their own backhaul, which obviously means that exchanges with a lower density of customers and/or which are more remote and therefore more expensive to arrange backhaul from are less attractive to unbundle. What generally ends up happening is that the service providers competing with BT unbundle the more attractive exchanges where it makes financial sense to do so and then use BT Wholesale services to cover the other exchanges with more expensive, slower products that include a lower monthly cap due to the high cost of backhaul on the BT Wholesale network. Edward Dore Freethought Internet

Scott Helms wrote:
IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low.
That is not a business model for infrastructure such as gas, electricity, CATV, water and fiber network, all of which need long term planning and investments. Anyway, as SS is less expensive than PON, there is no reason to insist on PON. Masataka Ohta

Nearly all of the industries you mentioned below receive some type of local or federal/government funding. If I was going to build some kind of access network, I would be banging on the .gov door asking for grants and low interest loans to help roll out broadband to remote areas. My former employer was given a TON of money (upwards of 80MM) to run Fiber across a body of water and into a microwave ring for distribution to some of the most remote customers in the world. I think that if this type of project gained any amount of traction, you would be given a check from a giant and told to enjoy your life on the beach. Just my .02 though. On 2/11/13 4:16 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low.
That is not a business model for infrastructure such as gas, electricity, CATV, water and fiber network, all of which need long term planning and investments.
Anyway, as SS is less expensive than PON, there is no reason to insist on PON.
Masataka Ohta

On 11-Feb-13 18:23, Warren Bailey wrote:
On 2/11/13 4:16 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low. That is not a business model for infrastructure such as gas, electricity, CATV, water and fiber network, all of which need long term planning and investments. Nearly all of the industries you mentioned below receive some type of local or federal/government funding. If I was going to build some kind of access network, I would be banging on the .gov door asking for grants and low interest loans to help roll out broadband to remote areas. I followed the link in a recent email here to the details on the Maine Fiber Co, and their web site indicates they got started with $7M in private funding--and a $25M grant from the feds for improving service to rural areas. That radically changes the economics, just as I'm sure it did for other utilities.
S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

Check out GCI's Terranet project.
From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
-------- Original message -------- From: Stephen Sprunk <> Date: 02/11/2013 4:37 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? On 11-Feb-13 18:23, Warren Bailey wrote:
On 2/11/13 4:16 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low. That is not a business model for infrastructure such as gas, electricity, CATV, water and fiber network, all of which need long term planning and investments. Nearly all of the industries you mentioned below receive some type of local or federal/government funding. If I was going to build some kind of access network, I would be banging on the .gov door asking for grants and low interest loans to help roll out broadband to remote areas. I followed the link in a recent email here to the details on the Maine Fiber Co, and their web site indicates they got started with $7M in private funding--and a $25M grant from the feds for improving service to rural areas. That radically changes the economics, just as I'm sure it did for other utilities.
S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

Though I should note that GCI was my former employer and a well respected MSO and fiber infrastructure owner/operator. They are the smartest major player I've come across, and an all around good bunch of people.
From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
-------- Original message -------- From: Warren Bailey <> Date: 02/11/2013 4:44 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Stephen Sprunk <>, Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? Check out GCI's Terranet project.
From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
-------- Original message -------- From: Stephen Sprunk <> Date: 02/11/2013 4:37 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? On 11-Feb-13 18:23, Warren Bailey wrote:
On 2/11/13 4:16 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low. That is not a business model for infrastructure such as gas, electricity, CATV, water and fiber network, all of which need long term planning and investments. Nearly all of the industries you mentioned below receive some type of local or federal/government funding. If I was going to build some kind of access network, I would be banging on the .gov door asking for grants and low interest loans to help roll out broadband to remote areas. I followed the link in a recent email here to the details on the Maine Fiber Co, and their web site indicates they got started with $7M in private funding--and a $25M grant from the feds for improving service to rural areas. That radically changes the economics, just as I'm sure it did for other utilities.
S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

I was in an Incognito user group meeting with one of the guys involved with that project two years ago and we talked about it. Its very cool and frankly extreme engineering :) He had some pictures of them dragging under sea cables themselves that blew my mind. On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Warren Bailey <> wrote:
Though I should note that GCI was my former employer and a well respected MSO and fiber infrastructure owner/operator. They are the smartest major player I've come across, and an all around good bunch of people.
From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
-------- Original message -------- From: Warren Bailey <> Date: 02/11/2013 4:44 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Stephen Sprunk <>, Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2?
Check out GCI's Terranet project.
From my Android phone on T-Mobile. The first nationwide 4G network.
-------- Original message -------- From: Stephen Sprunk <> Date: 02/11/2013 4:37 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2?
On 11-Feb-13 18:23, Warren Bailey wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
IMO if you can't pay for the initial build quickly and run it efficiently then your chances of long term success are very low. That is not a business model for infrastructure such as gas, electricity, CATV, water and fiber network, all of which need long term
On 2/11/13 4:16 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote: planning and investments. Nearly all of the industries you mentioned below receive some type of local or federal/government funding. If I was going to build some kind of access network, I would be banging on the .gov door asking for grants and low interest loans to help roll out broadband to remote areas. I followed the link in a recent email here to the details on the Maine Fiber Co, and their web site indicates they got started with $7M in private funding--and a $25M grant from the feds for improving service to rural areas. That radically changes the economics, just as I'm sure it did for other utilities.
-- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

... but now you are dictating what technology is used, via the active aggregation equipment (i.e. ADMs) you installed at your nodes on the ring. Also, the fiber provider now has to maintain and upgrade that active aggregation equipment, as opposed to just patching fiber from one port to another.
The point of this exercise is to design and implement a fiber plant that can support _any_ technology, including ones that haven't even been invented yet.
Active devices are a requirement, the only question is where they live in the CO or in the plant. Putting them in the plant is the lower cost choice in many/most deployments both in the short AND the long term. Active devices of some type will continue to be a requirement, again the only difference is where they are deployed. Swapping out one active device for another happens every day.
If you're going to dictate SONET ADMs, with a fixed set of downstream connection types, why _not_ build your ring with one pair of fiber? Hint: the fiber itself is a tiny fraction of the total cost.
I'm not dictating anything, especially NOT SONET.
You're optimizing the wrong variable as a result of assuming you can predict what technology will be used 50+ years in the future.
Designing for a fundamental change sounds like a really nice idea, except predicting the requirements for a fundamental change is impossible. Its entirely possible that in 50 years the fiber we're talking about burying isn't the current standard, fiber is no longer the access method of choice, that putting active electronics in the field becomes a requirement, or something else equally unpredictable happens.
This wasn't always true because we've only had 40G and 100G Ethernet for carrier networks for a few years. In the past we were limited by how big of an etherchannel network we could use for the ring. I'd also point out that the ring architecture is optimal for redundancy since you have fewer fiber bundles to get cut in the field and any cut to your ring gets routed around the ring by ERPS ( in less than 50 milliseconds. I infer from that continuation of your thought that you mean the second: active optical muxes out in the plant.
I'm sure I've made clear why that design limits me in ways I don't want to be limited when building a fiber plant for a 50 year lifetime, but let's address your responses below. The only limitation you have is a limited supply of total fibers (hint, this is a big reason why its cheaper to build and run).
Exactly! Lay enough fiber that you don't _need_ aggregation at the local level, i.e. enough that you can patch _every_ customer connection directly to their destination of choice without any active aggregation equipment at all. Every pair of fiber can be running whatever technology the customer desires, whether that is SONET, Ethernet, or something else that hasn't even been invented yet.
But that's wasteful in many/most deployments and is more expensive in the short AND the long run. Basically you're betting on a need that doesn't exist at the current rate of bandwidth growth for much more than 50 years and that's assuming that we don't get higher rates of Ethernet or that we can't run CWDM (which we already can).
Most customers will buy from a service provider, who lights the fiber. The point of dark fiber is that the service provider gets to decide how to light the fiber to said customers, allowing competition based on innovation. If the fiber owner puts active aggregation equipment in the path, though, that means the technologies available are dictated by that equipment's capabilities--and you have introduced another point of failure into the system.
The statement on reliability is false, that system WILL be there, its just a question of where it is and who owns. I'd argue that sharing at layer 1 reduces reliability because a given set of plant personnel have to deal with many more technologies. I'd also say it leads to MORE service provider lock in since not only does the business have to potentially change IP's but they may have to change (and pay for) the access device. Doing aggregation at layer 2 does limit the technology choices to businesses, but again what business is choosing something other than Ethernet today? What other technologies can you not encapsulate in a VLAN or VPLS?
Why should the fiber owner care what they use it for? It's just dark fiber, patched from one place to another, so the rental price is the same whether they light it at 10Mb/s or 10x100Gb/s.
What you're missing is that in this model, _every_ connection is L1 from the fiber owner's perspective. Let service providers worry about L2 and above.
Because the plant owner ends up supporting a ton of technologies they don't know. This isn't a unsolvable problem, its simply not an economical way to run a system for most muni operators.
Why would the ISP "have to build and maintain a lot of infrastructure"? All they need is a fiber-capable Ethernet switch in a colo to turn up their first customer. That's a lot simpler than trying to turn up their first customer via an ILEC's DSLAM, for instance.
There's nothing wrong with the muni operating a L2 (or even L3) carrier of last resort, just to ensure that _some_ useful service is available to residents. However, it should (a) be priced high enough to attract competitors and (b) be a distinct entity, treated by the fiber arm as no different from any other L1 customer. None of the shenanigans like the ILECs play, where the wholesale rate to competitors is higher than the retail rate for the ILEC's own service.
The reality is simply different than this. Most muni operators struggle to work support their own systems and if you, as the muni, tell ISP A that the problem is on their side what do you think the response will be? If everything is Ethernet that becomes better, but what happens when someone runs something more exotic? PON is pretty common, but the testers for it cost several thousand dollars. What about the next technology? Who buys the testers? Who pays for tech training at the muni operator?
Its an admirable goal, but you're never going to have CCIEs (probably not even CCNAs) doing installs. Installation is, has been, and will in all likelihood continue to be done by people with limited skill sets. You building your own fiber plant and making it easier for ISPs to connect isn't going to change that.
You're missing the simplicity of dark fiber. The carrier orders a L1 circuit from a customer to their facility. The L1 provider just patches one fiber pair to another fiber pair, which can be done by a trained monkey. Then the carrier connects their own equipment to the fiber at their own facility and at the customer site, everything lights up and the spice^Wdata flows. Again, that can be done by a trained monkey. You don't need a CCIE or even a CCNA to do this. Heck, it's even simpler than what's required today for DSL, cable or satellite installers.
I hate to say it but if you think its this easy I have a bridge I'd like to sell you...the reality is that fiber installs, especially using multiple technologies, are hard. In many ways they're harder than reusing the existing coax or twisted pair since most homes and businesses today don't have fiber pulled to their NID much less inside the home.
(Note that inside wiring is a completely separate issue, and carriers _will_ have to train techs on how to do that since few are familiar with fiber, but that is an optional service they can charge extra for. The L1 provider's responsibility ends at the NIU on an outside wall, same as an ILEC's, so it's not their problem in the first place.)
If it doesn't work do you really think the muni won't get pulled in?
-- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
Bot of you are wrong. There is no reason fiber is more expensive than copper, which means SS is cheap, as cheap as copper. As most of the cost is cable laying, which is little sensitive to the number of twisted pairs or fibers in the cable, PON, with splitters and lengthy drop cables (if you want a fiber shared by many subscribers, you need a lengthy drop cables from a splitter), can not be less expensive than SS. PON, which is expensive, is preferred by some carriers merely because it makes competition impossible. Masataka Ohta

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 6:58 AM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced.
This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
Bot of you are wrong.
There is no reason fiber is more expensive than copper, which means SS is cheap, as cheap as copper.
Copper isn't cheap, its just there already. What is SS?
As most of the cost is cable laying, which is little sensitive to the number of twisted pairs or fibers in the cable, PON, with splitters and lengthy drop cables (if you want a fiber shared by many subscribers, you need a lengthy drop cables from a splitter), can not be less expensive than SS.
No, most of the cost isn't in running the cabling. Today most of the cost is in lighting the fiber, though that varies on where you're running the cabling and what gear you're using to light it.
PON, which is expensive, is preferred by some carriers merely because it makes competition impossible.
PON is preferred by carriers because it works in their existing equipment and often with their existing fiber plant. Planning for a carrier network is very different (different requirements) than for a greenfield muni system.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
Bot of you are wrong.
There is no reason fiber is more expensive than copper, which means SS is cheap, as cheap as copper.
Copper isn't cheap, its just there already.
Unbundled copper costs about $10/M or so, which means SS fiber can't be more expensive.
What is SS?
Single star.
No, most of the cost isn't in running the cabling. Today most of the cost is in lighting the fiber, though that varies on where you're running the cabling and what gear you're using to light it.
On page 11 of google slide, it is stated that "Trenching consists of 70-80% of the total cost for infrastructure build".
PON is preferred by carriers because it works in their existing equipment
Their existing equipment was SS copper and MDF.
Planning for a carrier network is very different (different requirements) than for a greenfield muni system.
Surely, transition from copper to fiber is not trivial, but it helps a lot that fiber cables are thinner than copper cables. Masataka Ohta

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Bot of you are wrong.
There is no reason fiber is more expensive than copper, which means SS is cheap, as cheap as copper.
Copper isn't cheap, its just there already.
Unbundled copper costs about $10/M or so, which means SS fiber can't be more expensive.
Why is that?
What is SS?
Single star.
I'm not sure what you're trying to describe here, the cost of fiber from an ongoing standpoint isn't strongly correlated to the architecture. Upgrades to the fiber and adding service to new areas is a different animal.
No, most of the cost isn't in running the cabling. Today most of the cost is in lighting the fiber, though that varies on where you're running the cabling and what gear you're using to light it.
On page 11 of google slide,
it is stated that "Trenching consists of 70-80% of the total cost for infrastructure build".
Trenching != cabling and the total initial CAPEX is less than 25% of the total cost over 10 years.
PON is preferred by carriers because it works in their existing equipment
Their existing equipment was SS copper and MDF.
No, their existing equipment was Adtran, Calix, Occam, Alcatel, Zhone, AFC, and a host of others but not SS copper or MDF. By MDF I assume your'e talking about main distribution frame which has nothing to do with the discussion here.
Planning for a carrier network is very different (different requirements) than for a greenfield muni system.
Surely, transition from copper to fiber is not trivial, but it helps a lot that fiber cables are thinner than copper cables.
Really, so you think that the thickness of the cable has an impact on how much it should cost? So, tell you what I'll exchange some nice thick 10 gauge copper wire for 4 gauge platinum, since its much thinner that ought to be a good trade for you, right? ;)
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Really, so you think that the thickness of the cable has an impact on how much it should cost? So, tell you what I'll exchange some nice thick 10 gauge copper wire for
14 gauge platinum, since its much thinner that ought to be a good trade for you, right? ;)
Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
Unbundled copper costs about $10/M or so, which means SS fiber can't be more expensive.
I'm not sure what you're trying to describe here, the cost of fiber from an ongoing standpoint isn't strongly correlated to the architecture. Upgrades to the fiber and adding service to new areas is a different animal.
They are not soo different, as long as you try to recover initial cost not so quickly, which is why copper costs about $10/M or so.
it is stated that "Trenching consists of 70-80% of the total cost for infrastructure build".
Trenching != cabling and the total initial CAPEX is less than 25% of the total cost over 10 years.
My statement of "cable laying" includes trenching, sorry if it is not clear. And, you can see the slide contain "POP Active Equipment Cost", which you thought "most of the cost is in lighting the fiber", is already included.
No, their existing equipment was Adtran, Calix, Occam, Alcatel, Zhone, AFC, and a host of others but not SS copper or MDF. By MDF I assume your'e talking about main distribution frame which has nothing to do with the discussion here.
If you throw away optical MDF, there is no point to discuss L1 unbundling.
Surely, transition from copper to fiber is not trivial, but it helps a lot that fiber cables are thinner than copper cables.
Really, so you think that the thickness of the cable has an impact on how much it should cost? So, tell you what I'll exchange some nice thick 10 gauge copper wire for 4 gauge platinum, since its much thinner that ought to be a good trade for you, right? ;)
My point is that a conduit capable of storing additional 10 guage copper can, instead, store 10 guage fiber. Or, if you assume a conduit without any extra space, upgrading to PON is also impossible. Masataka Ohta

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 6:29 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Unbundled copper costs about $10/M or so, which means SS fiber can't be more expensive.
I'm not sure what you're trying to describe here, the cost of fiber from an ongoing standpoint isn't strongly correlated to the architecture. Upgrades to the fiber and adding service to new areas is a different animal.
They are not soo different, as long as you try to recover initial cost not so quickly, which is why copper costs about $10/M or so.
I know several dozen companies that do this kind of construction and they don't agree.
it is stated that "Trenching consists of 70-80% of the total cost for infrastructure build".
Trenching != cabling and the total initial CAPEX is less than 25% of the total cost over 10 years.
My statement of "cable laying" includes trenching, sorry if it is not clear.
And, you can see the slide contain "POP Active Equipment Cost", which you thought "most of the cost is in lighting the fiber", is already included.
Google is making their own access gear. Their economy is very very different from all of us here.
No, their existing equipment was Adtran, Calix, Occam, Alcatel, Zhone, AFC, and a host of others but not SS copper or MDF. By MDF I assume your'e talking about main distribution frame which has nothing to do with the discussion here.
If you throw away optical MDF, there is no point to discuss L1 unbundling.
OK, historically the main distribution frame was where all of the copper pairs came into a central office note that a phone company often had several central offices to cover their territory in the time before there were remotes (Digital Loop Carriers). Today even when you home run all of your fiber connections you bring it to a central patch panel(s) which really doesn't look like a main distribution frame. From a logical standpoint that central set of patch panels is similar to a MDF but I personally don't think about them the same way because a MDF is constructed very differently. (Google wire wraping telco tool)
Surely, transition from copper to fiber is not trivial, but it helps a lot that fiber cables are thinner than copper cables.
Really, so you think that the thickness of the cable has an impact on how much it should cost? So, tell you what I'll exchange some nice thick 10 gauge copper wire for 4 gauge platinum, since its much thinner that ought to be a good trade for you, right? ;)
My point is that a conduit capable of storing additional 10 guage copper can, instead, store 10 guage fiber.
Or, if you assume a conduit without any extra space, upgrading to PON is also impossible.
OK, twisted pair cabling isn't run in conduit. Its not pulled the way that fiber is. Twisted pair plant is in a wiring bundle with a certain number of pairs in that bundle. You cannot remove the twisted pair in whole or part and then run fiber through that cabling. You can of course use the same trench IF you have buried cable and there is room. If you have aerial plant (common in rural telco deployments, less common in muni networks) you can also string your fiber on the same poles that you either own or have attachment rights to but the thickness of the cable doesn't change your costs any.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-04 19:48, Scott Helms wrote:
same trench IF you have buried cable and there is room. If you have aerial plant (common in rural telco deployments, less common in muni networks) you can also string your fiber on the same poles that you either own or have attachment rights to but the thickness of the cable doesn't change your costs any.
In Québec, some poles are owned by the telco and some by the electric utility. They have a deal with each other to gain access to each other's poles. However, that deal still involves engineering studies to ensure the weight of wiring/equipment on poles is acceptable. And this is where stringning heavier 867 strand cable could possibly make a difference compared to stringing lighter 4 strands (or however how many are used for GPON systems between OLT and splitter). After the ice storm of 1998 here, they are a bit more careful about how much weight they put on poles.

Scott Helms wrote:
They are not soo different, as long as you try to recover initial cost not so quickly, which is why copper costs about $10/M or so.
I know several dozen companies that do this kind of construction and they don't agree.
That is, they are trying to recover initial cost quickly.
And, you can see the slide contain "POP Active Equipment Cost", which you thought "most of the cost is in lighting the fiber", is already included.
Google is making their own access gear. Their economy is very very different from all of us here.
If you think google access gear is much less expensive than others, let google be the dominant supplier of the access gear for all of us.
If you throw away optical MDF, there is no point to discuss L1 unbundling.
OK, historically the main distribution frame was where all of the copper pairs came into a central office
which means they have enough space to accommodate optical MDF.
note that a phone company often had several central offices to cover their territory in the time before there were remotes (Digital Loop Carriers).
Each CO has its own MDF, where competing ISPs must have their routers. No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.
Today even when you home run all of your fiber connections you bring it to a central patch panel(s) which really doesn't look like a main distribution frame.
If so, it is merely because they want to make L1 unbundling difficult.
Surely, transition from copper to fiber is not trivial, but it helps a lot that fiber cables are thinner than copper cables.
Really, so you think that the thickness of the cable has an impact on how much it should cost? So, tell you what I'll exchange some nice thick 10 gauge copper wire for 4 gauge platinum, since its much thinner that ought to be a good trade for you, right? ;)
My point is that a conduit capable of storing additional 10 guage copper can, instead, store 10 guage fiber.
Or, if you assume a conduit without any extra space, upgrading to PON is also impossible.
OK, twisted pair cabling isn't run in conduit.
Each fiber in an access cable, neither.
You cannot remove the twisted pair in whole or part and then run fiber through that cabling.
Are you saying you can remove a fiber from an access cable? No, you can't. Well....., it is not impossible if you use quite fatty cable in which each fiber is stored in its own conduit. But, it costs a lot. Worse, if a cable is cut, you must repair all the conduit to be air tight again, which means it is practically impossible.
You can of course use the same trench IF you have buried cable and there is room.
There is room for another cable mostly always, because, without the room, you can not replace copper cables without much service interruption. To replace a damaged copper cable without much service interruption, you have to lay a new cable before removing the damaged cable. Masataka Ohta

In the past the ISP simply needed a nice big ATM pipe to the ILEC for DSL service. The ILEC provided a PVC from the customer endpoint to the ISP. As understand it this is no longer the case, but only because of non-technical issues. We currently use XO, Covad, etc to connect to the customer We get a fiber connection to them and the provide use L2 connectivity to the custom endpoint using an Ethernet VLAN, Frame Relay PVC, etc complete with QoS. I assume XO, etc use UNE access to the local loop. There is no reason a Muni can't do something similar. -----Original Message----- From: Masataka Ohta [] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:17 PM To: Scott Helms Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2?
note that a phone company often had several central offices to cover their territory in the time before there were remotes (Digital Loop Carriers).
Each CO has its own MDF, where competing ISPs must have their routers. No different from competing ISPs using DSL or PON.

Eric Wieling wrote:
In the past the ISP simply needed a nice big ATM pipe to the ILEC for DSL service. The ILEC provided a PVC from the customer endpoint to the ISP. As understand it this is no longer the case, but only because of non-technical issues.
The non-technical issue is *COST*!!!!! No one considered to use so expensive ATM as L2 for DSL unbundling, at least in Japan, which made DSL in Japan quite inexpensive.
We currently use XO, Covad, etc to connect to the customer We get a fiber connection to them and the provide use L2 connectivity to the custom endpoint using an Ethernet VLAN, Frame Relay PVC, etc complete with QoS. I assume XO, etc use UNE access to the local loop. There is no reason a Muni can't do something similar.
Muni can. However, there is no reason Muni can't offer L1 unbundling. Masataka Ohta

The ILECs basically got large portions of the 1996 telecom reform rules gutted via lawsuits. DSL unbundling was part of this. See The ILECs already need a DSLAM in each CO and already use ATM PVCs to provide L2 connectivity from the DSLAM to their IP network, I don't think it is that much more expensive to allow other ISPs an ATM PVC into their network. ATM may not be the best technology to do this, but the basic concept is not bad. Ethernet VLANs would be another option, as would Frame Relay, as would simply DAXing multiple 64k channels from the customer endpoint to the ISP if you want more L1 style connectivity. What *I* want as an ISP is to connect to customers, I don't care what the local loop is. It could be fiber, twisted pair, coax, or even licensed wireless and hand it off to me over a nice fat fiber link with a PVC or VLAN or whatever to the customer endpoint. What I don't want is to have to install equipment at each and every CO I want to provide service out of. This would be astoundingly expensive for us. -----Original Message----- From: Masataka Ohta [] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:42 PM To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? Eric Wieling wrote:
In the past the ISP simply needed a nice big ATM pipe to the ILEC for DSL service. The ILEC provided a PVC from the customer endpoint to the ISP. As understand it this is no longer the case, but only because of non-technical issues.
The non-technical issue is *COST*!!!!! No one considered to use so expensive ATM as L2 for DSL unbundling, at least in Japan, which made DSL in Japan quite inexpensive.
We currently use XO, Covad, etc to connect to the customer We get a fiber connection to them and the provide use L2 connectivity to the custom endpoint using an Ethernet VLAN, Frame Relay PVC, etc complete with QoS. I assume XO, etc use UNE access to the local loop. There is no reason a Muni can't do something similar.
Muni can. However, there is no reason Muni can't offer L1 unbundling. Masataka Ohta

Eric Wieling wrote:
I don't think it is that much more expensive to allow other ISPs an ATM PVC into their network.
Wrong, which is why ATM has disappeared.
ATM may not be the best technology to do this,
It is not.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
What *I* want as an ISP is to connect to customers,
You may. However, the customers care cost for you to do so, a lot. L1 unbundling allows the customers to choose an ISP with best (w.r.t. cost, performance, etc.) L2 and L3 technology, whereas L2 unbundling allows ILECs choose stupid L2 technologies such as ATM or PON, which is locally best for their short term revenue, which, in the long run, delays global deployment of broadband environment, because of high cost to the customers. Masataka Ohta

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Eric Wieling wrote:
I don't think it is that much more expensive to allow other ISPs an ATM PVC into their network.
Wrong, which is why ATM has disappeared.
ATM may not be the best technology to do this,
It is not.
Actually, at the level that Eric's discussing there isn't any real drawback to using ATM. There's no particular upside either, but it certainly works and depending on the gear you're getting your L2TP feed on it may be the best choice.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
What *I* want as an ISP is to connect to customers,
You may. However, the customers care cost for you to do so, a lot.
L1 unbundling allows the customers to choose an ISP with best (w.r.t. cost, performance, etc.) L2 and L3 technology, whereas L2 unbundling allows ILECs choose stupid L2 technologies such as ATM or PON, which is locally best for their short term revenue, which, in the long run, delays global deployment of broadband environment, because of high cost to the customers.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
Actually, at the level that Eric's discussing there isn't any real drawback to using ATM.
High cost is the real drawback.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
Because, for competing ISPs with considerable share, L1 unbundling costs less. They can just have routers, switches and DSL modems in collocation spaces of COs, without L2TP or PPPoE, which means they can eliminate cost for L2TP or PPPoE. Masataka Ohta

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
Actually, at the level that Eric's discussing there isn't any real drawback to using ATM.
High cost is the real drawback.
The cost difference in a single interface card to carry an OC-3/12 isn't significantly more than a Gig-E card. Now, as I said there is no advantage to doing ATM, but the real cost savings in a single interface are not significant.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
Because, for competing ISPs with considerable share, L1 unbundling costs less.
They can just have routers, switches and DSL modems in collocation spaces of COs, without L2TP or PPPoE, which means they can eliminate cost for L2TP or PPPoE.
You realize that most commonly the L2TP LAC and LNS are just routers right? You're not getting rid of boxes, you're just getting rid of the only open access technology that's had significant success in the US or Europe.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-06 16:53, Scott Helms wrote:
You realize that most commonly the L2TP LAC and LNS are just routers right? You're not getting rid of boxes, you're just getting rid of the only open access technology that's had significant success in the US or Europe.
Actually, there is a cost. In lower end Juniper routers, when you combine both L2TP and PPPoE, the total performance of the LNS router drops significantly because the interface cards can't do both at same time so the traffic must travel the backpane to the CPU/auxiliary processor for the second step. (at the LAC level, there is less overhead because PPPoE packets are just passed to the L2TP side, but at LNS, PPPoE packets have to be processed). Apparently, Juniper has worked to reduce this performance penalty in newer routers. But routers such as the ERX310 suffered from this quite a bit. (throughput of about 1.5mbps from what I have been told).

Jean, Correct, there are few things that cost nothing, but the point is here that PPPoE has been successful for open access to a far greater degree than any other technology I'm aware of (anyone else have ideas?) in North America and Europe. I'd also say that the ERX is an EOL box, but that doesn't invalidate your point, that's not a good platform for the LNS side. On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-02-06 16:53, Scott Helms wrote:
You realize that most commonly the L2TP LAC and LNS are just routers right? You're not getting rid of boxes, you're just getting rid of the only open access technology that's had significant success in the US or Europe.
Actually, there is a cost. In lower end Juniper routers, when you combine both L2TP and PPPoE, the total performance of the LNS router drops significantly because the interface cards can't do both at same time so the traffic must travel the backpane to the CPU/auxiliary processor for the second step.
(at the LAC level, there is less overhead because PPPoE packets are just passed to the L2TP side, but at LNS, PPPoE packets have to be processed).
Apparently, Juniper has worked to reduce this performance penalty in newer routers. But routers such as the ERX310 suffered from this quite a bit. (throughput of about 1.5mbps from what I have been told).
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-06 17:12, Scott Helms wrote:
Correct, there are few things that cost nothing, but the point is here that PPPoE has been successful for open access to a far greater degree than any other technology I'm aware of
By default, Telus in western Canada has deployed ethernet based DSL for wholesale, although PPPoE is available. Its own customers are ethernet based wth DHCP service. Some of the ISPs have chosen PPPoE since it makes it easier to do usage accounting at the router (since packets are already asscoated with the PPPoE session account). The difference is that Telus had purchased/developed software that made it easy to change the PVC to point a user to one ISP or the other, so changing ISPs is relatively painless. Bell Canada decided to abandon etyernet based DSL and go PPPoE because it didn't want to develop that software. Bell is deploying PPPoE for its FTTH (which is not *yet) available to wholesalers, something I am hoping to help change in the coming months) However, the australian NBN model is far superior because it enables far more flexibility such as multicasting etc. PPPoE is useless overhead if you have the right management tools to point a customer to his ISP. (and it also means that the wholesale infrastructure can be switch based intead of router based).

However, the australian NBN model is far superior because it enables far more flexibility such as multicasting etc. PPPoE is useless overhead if you have the right management tools to point a customer to his ISP. (and it also means that the wholesale infrastructure can be switch based intead of router based).
I'd agree. Its a better way of doing L2 unbundling than PPPoE. Its just PPPoE had the sharing concept baked into it so it was easy for most operators to use historically. -- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-06 18:11, Scott Helms wrote:
I'd agree. Its a better way of doing L2 unbundling than PPPoE. Its just PPPoE had the sharing concept baked into it so it was easy for most operators to use historically.
PPPoE has its roots in the dialup days. So Incumbents were more than happy to be able to use existing radius servers to autenticate DSL customers. And PPPoE dates from a time when ethernet "routing" didn't really exist. With current ethernet technologies such as VLANs and ethernet encapsulation, if someone is looking at building something from scratch (such as a minicipal network), there shouldn't be incentive to adopt older technologies that provide less flexibility. If you provide L2 ethernet service, it doesn't prevent an ISP from providing PPPoE over it.

Hi, If by FTTH you mean the ADSL2+/VDSL offering they packaged as Fibe (yes the named it that). It is available to resellers... /wave ----- Alain Hebert PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 Fax: 514-990-9443 On 02/06/13 18:02, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
Correct, there are few things that cost nothing, but the point is here that PPPoE has been successful for open access to a far greater degree than any other technology I'm aware of By default, Telus in western Canada has deployed ethernet based DSL for wholesale, although PPPoE is available. Its own customers are ethernet
On 13-02-06 17:12, Scott Helms wrote: based wth DHCP service.
Some of the ISPs have chosen PPPoE since it makes it easier to do usage accounting at the router (since packets are already asscoated with the PPPoE session account).
The difference is that Telus had purchased/developed software that made it easy to change the PVC to point a user to one ISP or the other, so changing ISPs is relatively painless. Bell Canada decided to abandon etyernet based DSL and go PPPoE because it didn't want to develop that software.
Bell is deploying PPPoE for its FTTH (which is not *yet) available to wholesalers, something I am hoping to help change in the coming months)
However, the australian NBN model is far superior because it enables far more flexibility such as multicasting etc. PPPoE is useless overhead if you have the right management tools to point a customer to his ISP. (and it also means that the wholesale infrastructure can be switch based intead of router based).

Scott Helms wrote:
The cost difference in a single interface card to carry an OC-3/12 isn't significantly more than a Gig-E card. Now, as I said there is no advantage to doing ATM, but the real cost savings in a single interface are not significant.
You miss ATM switches to connect the card to multiple modems.
Because, for competing ISPs with considerable share, L1 unbundling costs less.
They can just have routers, switches and DSL modems in collocation spaces of COs, without L2TP or PPPoE, which means they can eliminate cost for L2TP or PPPoE.
You realize that most commonly the L2TP LAC and LNS are just routers right?
Who, do you think, operate the network between LAC and LNS? The largest DSL operator in Japan directly connect their routers in COs with dark fibers to form there IP backbone. There is no LAC nor LNS.
You're not getting rid of boxes, you're just getting rid of the only open access technology that's had significant success in the US or Europe.
At least in France, fiber is regulated to be open access at L1 much better than poor alternative of L2 unbundlinga as Jerome Nicolle wrote:
Smaller ISPs usually go for L2 services, provided by the infrastructure operator or another ISP already present on site. But some tends to stick to L1 service and deply their own eqipments for many reasons.
Masataka Ohta

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Scott Helms wrote:
The cost difference in a single interface card to carry an OC-3/12 isn't significantly more than a Gig-E card. Now, as I said there is no advantage to doing ATM, but the real cost savings in a single interface are not significant.
You miss ATM switches to connect the card to multiple modems.
No, because that's not required with PPPoE. Remember, you can easily encapsulate PPPoE frames inside ATM but encapsulating PPPoA frames inside Ethernet is problematic (though I have to admit not remembering why its problematic). Most PPPoE L2TP setups have no ATM besides the default PVC between the modem and the DSLAM. My point was if you need to have an ATM circuit from the LEC to carry the L2TP traffic (usually because they haven't upgraded their LAC) its not that big of a deal.
Because, for competing ISPs with considerable share, L1 unbundling costs less.
They can just have routers, switches and DSL modems in collocation spaces of COs, without L2TP or PPPoE, which means they can eliminate cost for L2TP or PPPoE.
You realize that most commonly the L2TP LAC and LNS are just routers right?
Who, do you think, operate the network between LAC and LNS?
Most often the the LAC and the LNS are directly connected (from an IP standpoint) for purposes of PPPoE termination.
The largest DSL operator in Japan directly connect their routers in COs with dark fibers to form there IP backbone. There is no LAC nor LNS.
OK, that's great but that neither makes it right nor wrong. The largest DSL provider in the US (ATT) does it how I've described and that again doesn't make it right or wrong.
You're not getting rid of boxes, you're just getting rid of the only open access technology that's had significant success in the US or Europe.
At least in France, fiber is regulated to be open access at L1 much better than poor alternative of L2 unbundlinga as Jerome Nicolle wrote:
Smaller ISPs usually go for L2 services, provided by the infrastructure operator or another ISP already present on site. But some tends to stick to L1 service and deply their own eqipments for many reasons.
Again, that's neither right nor wrong. We do lots of things because of regulations. I don't believe (could be wrong) that most of the people in this conversation have the same problems or solutions as the tier 1 operators. Its simply a different world and despite your belief L2 unbundling is not a poor alternative.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott Helms wrote:
You miss ATM switches to connect the card to multiple modems.
Most PPPoE L2TP setups have no ATM besides the default PVC between the modem and the DSLAM.
You still miss ATM switches to connect the card to multiple DSLAMs.
You realize that most commonly the L2TP LAC and LNS are just routers right?
Who, do you think, operate the network between LAC and LNS?
Most often the the LAC and the LNS are directly connected (from an IP standpoint) for purposes of PPPoE termination.
Most often? No, it merely means there aren't real competitors. Assuming LACs are operated by a dominant carrier, there are 3 cases how LACs and LNSs are located. 1) Each CO has an LAC and an LNS of a CLEC, in which case the CLEC should have its own DSLAMs (with Ethernet interface, of course) connected to its customer twisted pairs and the LAC and the LNSs can be eliminated to eliminate unnecessary cost. Or, if there are other CLECs doing otherwise, the LAC may still be necessary. But, the CLEC does not have to pay the cost for it. CLECs operate their own network between COs. The most competitive case. 2) Each CO has an LAC and a CLEC has one or more LNSs somewhere, in which case, the LNSs must be attached to a network operated by the dominant carrier. CLECs may operate their own network between some COs. Moderately competitive case. 3) An LAC is centralized that network between COs and the LAC is operated by the dominant carrier, in which case LNSs of CLECs will likely be located near the LAC, which should be the case you silently assumed. The dominant carrier operate all the network between COs. The least competitive case.
The largest DSL operator in Japan directly connect their routers in COs with dark fibers to form there IP backbone. There is no LAC nor LNS.
OK, that's great but that neither makes it right nor wrong.
The question to be asked is not "right or wrong?" but "how much competitive?". Worse, the following statement of you is wrong: : You're not getting rid of boxes, you're just getting rid of : the only open access technology that's had significant success : in the US or Europe.
The largest DSL provider in the US (ATT) does it how I've described and that again doesn't make it right or wrong.
The largest DSL operator in Japan is not NTT or its family companies. Lack of competitor at L1 tends to make DSL more expensive, unless strong regulation is applied to the dominant carrier. So, it is better, right, to let inter CO networks operated by CLECs.
Smaller ISPs usually go for L2 services, provided by the infrastructure operator or another ISP already present on site. But some tends to stick to L1 service and deply their own eqipments for many reasons.
Again, that's neither right nor wrong. We do lots of things because of regulations. I don't believe (could be wrong) that most of the people in this conversation have the same problems or solutions as the tier 1 operators.
FYI, the largest DSL operator in Japan is not tier 1.
Its simply a different world and despite your belief L2 unbundling is not a poor alternative.
It's poor because it's less unbundled and needs extra equipments unnecessary for real competitors. Masataka Ohta

On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Scott Helms wrote:
The cost difference in a single interface card to carry an OC-3/12 isn't significantly more than a Gig-E card. Now, as I said there is no advantage to doing ATM, but the real cost savings in a single interface are not significant.
There has always been a substantial price difference for ATM/POS compared to ethernet. But when designing ETTH networks, the cost saving is in the use of very simple devices. L2/L3 switches all the way. No tunneling, no fancy encap/decap Q-in-Q etc. Enough intelligence to do the BCP38 stuff to prevent spoofing, MitM-attacks, nothing more, but still deliver needed services over unicast and multicast. So as soon as the design contains any of the words L2TP, PPPoE/A, ATM, POS, OC-whatever, xPON or anything like it, you're incurring unneccessary cost, especially for high bw services. The most inexpensive device to L3-terminate 10GE worth of traffic from a few thousand customers is in the few thousand dollar range, what's the cost if you want to do the same using L2TP or PPPoE ? What about ATM? I don't even know if ATM on OC192/STM64 is even widely available. My guess is anyhow that you're not looking at a device that costs at least 5-10x the cost. Designing a fiber plant very much like the traditional copper plant, ie aggregating thousands of households in a single pop, and letting "anyone" terminate that fiber, is a very future proof and scalable approach. The fiber can be lit up using any technology (active p-t-p ethernet, or PON, or whatever is desired), this doesn't have to be chosen at time of actually drawing the fiber. Yes, it's a high initial cost but I firmly believe that over tens of years of lifetime of the fiber, this cost is lower than other solutions. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 3:51 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson <> wrote:
On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Scott Helms wrote:
The cost difference in a single interface card to carry an OC-3/12 isn't
significantly more than a Gig-E card. Now, as I said there is no advantage to doing ATM, but the real cost savings in a single interface are not significant.
There has always been a substantial price difference for ATM/POS compared to ethernet.
Yes this is true, which is why I specifically limited the scope to a single ATM interface.
But when designing ETTH networks, the cost saving is in the use of very simple devices. L2/L3 switches all the way. No tunneling, no fancy encap/decap Q-in-Q etc. Enough intelligence to do the BCP38 stuff to prevent spoofing, MitM-attacks, nothing more, but still deliver needed services over unicast and multicast.
So as soon as the design contains any of the words L2TP, PPPoE/A, ATM, POS, OC-whatever, xPON or anything like it, you're incurring unneccessary cost, especially for high bw services.
That really depends on how the technology is used, what is already in place especially on the WAN side, and what OSS the operator already has in place. Now, in general for greenfield builds I'd agree except for PON, which is in many cases cheaper than an Ethernet build. Cost of the physical pieces of the network are only one part of the cost of owning and running a network and over the long run its actually one of the smaller pieces. Now, I wouldn't build a PPPoE based network today UNLESS there were significant reasons that it would be be cheaper for that operator. The same is true of ATM, but I'll give you a concrete example of why it sometimes makes sense. In areas (and this is usually a rural challenge) there are a limited number of operators you can buy WAN connectivity from as a local ISP yourself. I have customers in Montana and Wyoming especially that have this challenge where they can either choose to pay for an ATM capable OC12 (622 mbps minus overhead) for a given price per month or a Gig-E connection for nearly twice the amount of MRC. In that case it makes much more sense to pay a 5-6 thousand more for the ATM interface once than to pay ~$1,500 per month more. This also takes into consideration that their current bandwidth requirements are around 300 mbps.
The most inexpensive device to L3-terminate 10GE worth of traffic from a few thousand customers is in the few thousand dollar range, what's the cost if you want to do the same using L2TP or PPPoE ? What about ATM? I don't even know if ATM on OC192/STM64 is even widely available. My guess is anyhow that you're not looking at a device that costs at least 5-10x the cost.
There are not generally available OC192 SAR engines. At the 10 Gig scale its certainly true that you'll have challenges.
Designing a fiber plant very much like the traditional copper plant, ie aggregating thousands of households in a single pop, and letting "anyone" terminate that fiber, is a very future proof and scalable approach. The fiber can be lit up using any technology (active p-t-p ethernet, or PON, or whatever is desired), this doesn't have to be chosen at time of actually drawing the fiber. Yes, it's a high initial cost but I firmly believe that over tens of years of lifetime of the fiber, this cost is lower than other solutions.
That has not been demonstrated in the market. There are lots of people who say this, generally they're involved in building fiber plants, but in the US and Canada I've not seen a single report of an actual network where this was true. Do you have any documentation to this effect? I will also acknowledge that we don't have a large sample size in the US of plants built this way.
-- Mikael Abrahamsson email:
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Scott Helms wrote:
That has not been demonstrated in the market. There are lots of people who say this, generally they're involved in building fiber plants, but in the US and Canada I've not seen a single report of an actual network where this was true. Do you have any documentation to this effect? I will also acknowledge that we don't have a large sample size in the US of plants built this way.
I never said there was installed base for this in north america. I have no knowledge of this. But I guess from your question that you wan to limit the discussion to what is commercially available today, which is a totally different question compared to what is best in the long run. I know the service exists here in Stockholm, Sweden. Here we don't have Telcos who sue municipality networks for providing L1 and L2 services to anyone who wants to buy them. However, the pricing model can still be worked on. Here it costs approximately 10 USD per month to rent this fiber from the central plant to the customer, meaning ISPs who have a lot of customers in a single place still opt to just rent a single operator fiber and then terminate the building fiber plant at the curb or in the building, instead of at the central (CO) plant when they light up multi-tenant buildings. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

On Feb 7, 2013 12:24 PM, "Mikael Abrahamsson" <> wrote:
On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Scott Helms wrote:
That has not been demonstrated in the market. There are lots of people
who say this, generally they're involved in building fiber plants, but in the US and Canada I've not seen a single report of an actual network where this was true. Do you have any documentation to this effect? I will also acknowledge that we don't have a large sample size in the US of plants built this way.
I never said there was installed base for this in north america. I have
no knowledge of this. But I guess from your question that you wan to limit the discussion to what is commercially available today, which is a totally different question compared to what is best in the long run. Not at all, but the problem I have with projected numbers are that they frequently end up being inaccurate in the long term. If we model off of real networks then we have a much greater chance of getting the actual costs correct.
I know the service exists here in Stockholm, Sweden. Here we don't have
Telcos who sue municipality networks for providing L1 and L2 services to anyone who wants to buy them. The regulatory comment isn't particularly relevant since there in MOST places in the US muni's are free to do the same thing. IIRC, there are only 5 states that significantly restrict munis from building access networks, though there are another handful that restrict them from offering specific services. For example, in Texas a muni may not offer voice services.
However, the pricing model can still be worked on. Here it costs
approximately 10 USD per month to rent this fiber from the central plant to the customer, meaning ISPs who have a lot of customers in a single place still opt to just rent a single operator fiber and then terminate the building fiber plant at the curb or in the building, instead of at the central (CO) plant when they light up multi-tenant buildings. That $10 price tag is an easy number to toss around and in some builds it might be accurate, but the costs for the L1 infrastructure vary tremendously so using it as a guestimation is pretty dangerous. It may well be accurate in Stockholm, but its not in much/most of the US.
-- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

Scott Helms wrote:
Now, in general for greenfield builds I'd agree except for PON, which is in many cases cheaper than an Ethernet build.
As PON require considerably longer drop cable from a splitters to 4 or 8 subscribers, it can not be cheaper than Ethernet, unless subscriber density is very high.
I have customers in Montana and Wyoming especially that have this challenge where they can either choose to pay for an ATM capable OC12 (622 mbps minus overhead) for a given price per month or a Gig-E connection for nearly twice the amount of MRC.
Obviously, the solution is IP over SONET.
Do you have any documentation to this effect?
In you can see 51km cabling with PON costs 232000K JPY, whereas 221km cabling with SS costs 675000K JPY (in Japanese), For each subscriber, PON cost 311K JPY, whereas SS cost 304K JPY, even though SS case is about twice less subsrriber density (28.8 vs 16.2 subscribers/km2). Masataka Ohta

----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
Scott Helms wrote:
Now, in general for greenfield builds I'd agree except for PON, which is in many cases cheaper than an Ethernet build.
As PON require considerably longer drop cable from a splitters to 4 or 8 subscribers, it can not be cheaper than Ethernet, unless subscriber density is very high.
Oh, ghod; we're not gonna go here, again, are we? Yes, a PON physical build can be somewhat cheaper, because it multiplexes your trunk cabling from 1pr per circuit to as many as 16-32pr per circuit on the trunk, allowing you to spec smaller cables. It does, however, limit you to being able to run PON capable L1 protocols over it, which may have *system*-cost implications over the life of the plant. But yes, the initial install *may* be a bit cheaper (depending on the tradeoff cost of the splitters vs the larger count fiber and the reduced size of patching facilities, and the relative cost of the access multiplexers, and... Hey, wait! How did I end up on Scott's side? :-) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

In a greenfield build, cost difference for plant between PON and active will be negligible for field-based splitters, non-existent for CO-based splitters. If the company already has some fiber in the ground, then depending on where it is might drastically reduce build costs to use field-based splitters and PON. On the CO-side electronics, however... I think it's safe to say that you can do GPON under $100/port. AE is probably going to run close to $300/port. That's a pretty big cost difference, and if it were me I'd be looking pretty hard at a PON deployment for the majority of the customers along with a certain amount of fiber left over for those who need special services. On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
Scott Helms wrote:
Now, in general for greenfield builds I'd agree except for PON, which is in many cases cheaper than an Ethernet build.
As PON require considerably longer drop cable from a splitters to 4 or 8 subscribers, it can not be cheaper than Ethernet, unless subscriber density is very high.
Oh, ghod; we're not gonna go here, again, are we?
Yes, a PON physical build can be somewhat cheaper, because it multiplexes your trunk cabling from 1pr per circuit to as many as 16-32pr per circuit on the trunk, allowing you to spec smaller cables.
It does, however, limit you to being able to run PON capable L1 protocols over it, which may have *system*-cost implications over the life of the plant. But yes, the initial install *may* be a bit cheaper (depending on the tradeoff cost of the splitters vs the larger count fiber and the reduced size of patching facilities, and the relative cost of the access multiplexers, and...
Hey, wait! How did I end up on Scott's side? :-)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Thu, 7 Feb 2013, Jason Baugher wrote:
On the CO-side electronics, however... I think it's safe to say that you can do GPON under $100/port. AE is probably going to run close to $300/port. That's a pretty big cost difference, and if it were me I'd be looking pretty hard at a PON deployment for the majority of the customers along with a certain amount of fiber left over for those who need special services.
How do you come to the $300 per AE port? When I look at it, I get around USD100-150 per AE port including SFP. Also, I expect the customer end to be cheaper for AE than for PON, right? -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

Jason Baugher wrote:
In a greenfield build, cost difference for plant between PON and active will be negligible for field-based splitters, non-existent for CO-based splitters.
If you choose to have CO-based splitters, you need to have MDF for L1 unbundling, and 1:8 (or 1:4, 1:32 or whatever) optical splitter module for PON, combination of which requires more CO space and money than SS (single star) optical equipment (just MDF).
On the CO-side electronics, however... I think it's safe to say that you can do GPON under $100/port.
Never ignore space and cost of optical splitters required only for PON. Note that the splitters cost even if they are located in field. Masataka Ohta

Jay Ashworth wrote:
As PON require considerably longer drop cable from a splitters to 4 or 8 subscribers, it can not be cheaper than Ethernet, unless subscriber density is very high.
Oh, ghod; we're not gonna go here, again, are we?
That PON is more expensive than SS is the reality of an example contained in a document provided by regulatory body (soumu sho) of Japanese government. Assume you have 4000 subscribers and total trunk cable length is 51.1Km, which is the PON case with example and trunk cable length will be identical regardless of whether you use PON or SS. The problem of PON is that, to efficiently share a fiber and a splitter, they must be shared by many subscribers, which means drop cables are longer than those of SS. For example, if drop cables of PON are 10m longer in average than that of SS, it's total length is 40km, which is *SIGNIFICANT*. Just as the last miles matter, the last yards do matter.
Yes, a PON physical build can be somewhat cheaper, because it multiplexes your trunk cabling from 1pr per circuit to as many as 16-32pr per circuit on the trunk, allowing you to spec smaller cables.
That is a negligible part of the cost. Cable cost is not very sensitive to the number of fibers in a cable. Masataka Ohta

Masataka Ohta wrote:
Assume you have 4000 subscribers and total trunk cable length
Correction. Though I wrote 4000, it is a population and the number of subscribers are 1150.
For example, if drop cables of PON are 10m longer in average than that of SS, it's total length is 40km, which is *SIGNIFICANT*.
Total drop cable length is still 11.5km and is *SIGNIFICANT*. Note that when population density is lower, extra drop cable length will be longer that 10m is now a very humble estimation. As for equipment cost, for CO PON 92000 KJPY/1150 SS 182000 KJPY/3100 and for CP PON 33200 KJPY/1150 SS 84600 KJPY/3100 not so different but SS is a little more inexpensive. Masataka Ohta

On 13-02-08 03:36, Masataka Ohta wrote:
The problem of PON is that, to efficiently share a fiber and a splitter, they must be shared by many subscribers, which means drop cables are longer than those of SS.
Pardon my ignorance here, but could you explain why the cables would be physically different in the last mile ? It is my understanding that the last mile of a PON and a point to point would be indentical with individual strands for each home passed, and then a drop between the cable and each home that wishes to connect. Why would this be different in a PON vs Point to Point system ? Wher I see a difference is between the neighbourhood aggregation point and the CO where the PON system will have just 1 strand for 32 homes whereas point to point will have 1 strand per home passed. But the lengths should be the same, shouldn't they ?

Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
The problem of PON is that, to efficiently share a fiber and a splitter, they must be shared by many subscribers, which means drop cables are longer than those of SS.
Pardon my ignorance here, but could you explain why the cables would be physically different in the last mile ?
Drop cables are not for last miles, but for last yards. Let's assume 4:1 concentration with PON. Let's also assume that 1150 subscribers are evenly distributed over 51km trunk cable, which means distance between adjacent subscribers is 44.3m.
Why would this be different in a PON vs Point to Point system ?
If you use SS, you need a closure every 44.3m drop cable length from which will be 5 or 10m. -C-------C-------C-------C-------C-------C-------C- trunk cable | | | | | | | drop cable S S S S S S S S: Subscriber C: Closure OTOH, if you use PON and have 4 drop cables from an in-field splitter, two drop cables needs extra 22.2 m and other two needs extra 66.5 m. ------------C-------------------------------C----- trunk cable || || || || ^ +---------+| |+---------+ +---------+| |+--- | | | | | | | | | drop cable | +--+ +--+ | | +--+ +--+ | | | | | | | | v S S S S S S S S: Subscriber C: Closure In this case, total extra drop cable length for PON is 51km, identical to the trunk cable length. It all depends how (initial and subsequent) subscribers are distributed, but tendency is same. As for cost for closures, while SS needs four times more closures than PON, a closure for SS is simpler and cheaper than that for PON to purchase, install and maintain.
Wher I see a difference is between the neighbourhood aggregation point and the CO where the PON system will have just 1 strand for 32 homes whereas point to point will have 1 strand per home passed. But the lengths should be the same, shouldn't they ?
Never ignore topology at the last yards. Masataka Ohta

Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Let's assume 4:1 concentration with PON.
Why on earth would we assume that when industry standard is 16 or 32?
That is because additional 4:1 concentration is usually at CO, which does not contribute to reduce the number of fibers in a trunk cable.
16 is a safe number.
Do you mean a splitter in field should be shared by 16 subscribers? Then, with the otherwise same assumptions of my previous mail, total extra drop cable length for PON will be 204km, four times more than the trunk cable length. Thus, it is so obvious that SS is better than PON. OTOH, if concentration is 2:1 or less, it is, again, obvious that SS is better than PON, because of extra complexity of PON. So, 4:1 is the safe number to obfuscate lack of merit of PON. If you can read Japanese or FTTH is serious business of you worth hiring a translator of your own, you can find average number of subscribers sharing a splitter in field is 3.68, a little less than 4, from: Masataka Ohta

Masataka Ohta <> writes:
Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Let's assume 4:1 concentration with PON.
Why on earth would we assume that when industry standard is 16 or 32?
That is because additional 4:1 concentration is usually at CO, which does not contribute to reduce the number of fibers in a trunk cable.
16 is a safe number.
Do you mean a splitter in field should be shared by 16 subscribers?
Then, with the otherwise same assumptions of my previous mail, total extra drop cable length for PON will be 204km, four times more than the trunk cable length.
Thus, it is so obvious that SS is better than PON.
You're confusing fiber architecture with what gets laid on top of it. Where the splitters go is entirely irrelevant. Rule of thumb in the US is that 80% of the costs of a fiber build are in engineering, planning, RoW acquisition, lawyers, etc. Of the remaining 20%, more of it is labor than materials. Price per fiber strand in the bundle is noise in the larger equation. You have to pay for splitters in the PON architecture regardless of where you put them, of course, so just bake that into the port cost side of per-customer-served.
OTOH, if concentration is 2:1 or less, it is, again, obvious that SS is better than PON, because of extra complexity of PON.
Again, home run central splitter vs. distributed splitter architecture has nothing to do with PON being better or worse than a technology that forces single strand all the way to the endpoint.
So, 4:1 is the safe number to obfuscate lack of merit of PON.
If you can read Japanese or FTTH is serious business of you worth hiring a translator of your own, you can find average number of subscribers sharing a splitter in field is 3.68, a little less than 4, from:
Having actually been involved in building a business plan surrounding this, I don't need to read Japanese to be able to tell you that the outside plant engineering was clearly assigned to the madogiwazoku if they're only getting a 4:1 split on average. -r

Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Then, with the otherwise same assumptions of my previous mail, total extra drop cable length for PON will be 204km, four times more than the trunk cable length.
Thus, it is so obvious that SS is better than PON.
You're confusing fiber architecture with what gets laid on top of it. Where the splitters go is entirely irrelevant.
If you ignore so lengthy drop cables.
Rule of thumb in the US is that 80% of the costs of a fiber build are in engineering, planning, RoW acquisition, lawyers, etc.
That's obviously because of your madogiwazoku quality of engineering.
Of the remaining 20%, more of it is labor than materials. Price per fiber strand in the bundle is noise in the larger equation.
Drop cables increase the length of the bundle and labor for it.
Having actually been involved in building a business plan surrounding this,
As a person who have been involved in building a business plan surrounding this several times, it is obvious to me that you have no or little experience on FTTH.
I don't need to read Japanese to be able to tell you that the outside plant engineering was clearly assigned to the madogiwazoku if they're only getting a 4:1 split on average.
Of course, anyone who try to use PON for FTTH is madogiwazoku like you. Masataka Ohta

You are seriously saying I should hire a translator to tell me what your document says? That is hilarious. How about you point out a reference written in a language common to North America, since this IS NANOG. Anyone here doing or know someone doing 4-1 or 8-1 splits, in a typical American town? I believe most people were talking about areas <50000 population. Our main cost is labor. Fiber, fdh, splitters, etc... are marginal. On Feb 9, 2013 5:42 AM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Let's assume 4:1 concentration with PON.
Why on earth would we assume that when industry standard is 16 or 32?
That is because additional 4:1 concentration is usually at CO, which does not contribute to reduce the number of fibers in a trunk cable.
16 is a safe number.
Do you mean a splitter in field should be shared by 16 subscribers?
Then, with the otherwise same assumptions of my previous mail, total extra drop cable length for PON will be 204km, four times more than the trunk cable length.
Thus, it is so obvious that SS is better than PON.
OTOH, if concentration is 2:1 or less, it is, again, obvious that SS is better than PON, because of extra complexity of PON.
So, 4:1 is the safe number to obfuscate lack of merit of PON.
If you can read Japanese or FTTH is serious business of you worth hiring a translator of your own, you can find average number of subscribers sharing a splitter in field is 3.68, a little less than 4, from:
Masataka Ohta

Jason Baugher wrote:
You are seriously saying I should hire a translator to tell me what your document says?
You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the topic. BTW, it is not my document but an article in a famous online magazine.
How about you point out a reference written in a language common to North America, since this IS NANOG.
Feel free to do so.
Anyone here doing or know someone doing 4-1 or 8-1 splits, in a typical American town? I believe most people were talking about areas <50000 population.
The figure of 3.68-1 is by NTT.
Our main cost is labor. Fiber, fdh, splitters, etc... are marginal.
You never forget labor cost. Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable, means more labor. Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor. Masataka Ohta

Japan has fiber optic internet all figured out, however cable dressing 101 was a class everyone skipped. On 2/9/13 4:13 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Jason Baugher wrote:
You are seriously saying I should hire a translator to tell me what your document says?
You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the topic.
BTW, it is not my document but an article in a famous online magazine.
How about you point out a reference written in a language common to North America, since this IS NANOG.
Feel free to do so.
Anyone here doing or know someone doing 4-1 or 8-1 splits, in a typical American town? I believe most people were talking about areas <50000 population.
The figure of 3.68-1 is by NTT.
Our main cost is labor. Fiber, fdh, splitters, etc... are marginal.
You never forget labor cost.
Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable, means more labor.
Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor.
Masataka Ohta

On Feb 9, 2013 6:14 PM, "Masataka Ohta" <> wrote:
Jason Baugher wrote:
You are seriously saying I should hire a translator to tell me what your document says?
You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the topic.
If you say so. In your own mind you obviously know far more about this topic than anyone else. I'm shocked that you waste time trying to educate us.
BTW, it is not my document but an article in a famous online magazine.
There are many famous online magazines. Some have merit. That one may. Who knows?
How about you point out a reference written in a language common to North America, since this IS NANOG.
Feel free to do so.
You're the one making the assertion, it's not my job to help you make it.
Anyone here doing or know someone doing 4-1 or 8-1 splits, in a typical American town? I believe most people were talking about areas <50000 population.
The figure of 3.68-1 is by NTT.
Our main cost is labor. Fiber, fdh, splitters, etc... are marginal.
You never forget labor cost.
Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable, means more labor.
Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor.
Drops from a splitter vs drops from a splice case for your SS.... Not much difference from what I've seen.
Masataka Ohta

Jason Baugher wrote:
You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the topic.
I'm shocked that you waste time trying to educate us.
No, as I said, I'm not trying to educate someone who don't want to be educated.
You're the one making the assertion, it's not my job to help you make it.
So, you don't have to be educated.
Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable, means more labor.
Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor.
Drops from a splitter vs drops from a splice case for your SS.... Not much difference from what I've seen.
Except for length, size and cost, there is not much difference. They all are to have drop cables. Masataka Ohta

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Jason Baugher wrote:
You don't have to, as you are not seriously interested in the topic.
I'm shocked that you waste time trying to educate us.
No, as I said, I'm not trying to educate someone who don't want to be educated.
You're not trying to educate anyone at all. You're just stomping your foot and insisting that you're right rather than have a meaningful discussion.
You're the one making the assertion, it's not my job to help you make it.
So, you don't have to be educated.
Installing more lengthy drop cable, in addition to trunk cable,
means more labor.
Installing a bulky PON closure with splitter means more labor.
Drops from a splitter vs drops from a splice case for your SS.... Not much difference from what I've seen.
Except for length, size and cost, there is not much difference.
They all are to have drop cables.
I did some research on what NTT has done on fiber deployment. From what I've seen, they split things up into feeder, distribution and drop cable, with the splitter between feeder and distribution. Amazingly enough, that's what we do as well. Feeder to splitter, then on down the street breaking off at strategic splice cases where drops go to houses. The only difference between that and our active infrastructure is the presence of the splitter. We also do single-stage 32:1 splits. If we ran each drop cable from the splitter all the way to the house, we would have extremely long drop cables, and lots of them all bundled together going down the street. We don't do that, we use mainline distribution cable like I described above. The last thing I feel that I need to point out is that what works in one type of area doesn't necessarily work in another. Fiber deployment in a large urban area is a completely different animal than in a 40-50K population town in the midwest USA. Masataka Ohta

Jason Baugher wrote:
No, as I said, I'm not trying to educate someone who don't want to be educated.
You're not trying to educate anyone at all. You're just stomping your foot and insisting that you're right rather than have a meaningful discussion.
So far, I have shown several figures derived from FTTH deployment in the real world to show that PON is more expensive than SS. If you can't accept it, feel free to try to educate us. But, do so with quantitative reasons.
I did some research on what NTT has done on fiber deployment. From what I've seen, they split things up into feeder, distribution and drop cable, with the splitter between feeder and distribution.
So? That is ordinary PON that you didn't have to do any research.
We also do single-stage 32:1 splits.
NTT do not, well, with reasons.
If we ran each drop cable from the splitter all the way to the house, we would have extremely long drop cables, and lots of them all bundled together going down the street. We don't do that, we use mainline distribution cable like I described above.
Then, you need to have on the trunk cable, for 32 subscriebrs, a huge closure with a splitter and 32 (or less, if some are shared) small closures, which costs more than SS, because of extra material and labor for the huge closure. A political problem is that it becomes obvious that 32 (or less) closures required for SS is less expensive than 32 long drop cables with conventional PON. Worse, you have to have spare 31 fibers in the cable, which denies the theory that PON were better than SS because fibers were expensive. If a trunk cable covers 196 subscribers, which is typical, it is obviously a strange design to have only 6 trunk fibers, because fibers are so expensive, but to have other 31 drop fibers in the same cable. You can reduce the number of spare fibers if you give up 32:1 splitting at the first splitter and use the fibers in more complex way to use them in both directions. However, you need more spare fibers if the number of subscribers increase and some splitter overflows and no lengthy service interruption is allowed. That is, reusing some fibers in a trunk cable as intermediate drop is difficult to manage for future configuration changes. It becomes even worse for NTT, which claims that it is doing fair unbundling of its fibers, because NTT must prepare 124 spare fibers, if they allow three other competitors share its cable. So, there is no reason to simply have SS just with small closures, which can be trivially unbundled. Masataka Ohta

----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
Let's assume 4:1 concentration with PON.
Why on earth would we assume that when industry standard is 16 or 32?
That is because additional 4:1 concentration is usually at CO, which does not contribute to reduce the number of fibers in a trunk cable.
Not to my understanding.
16 is a safe number.
Do you mean a splitter in field should be shared by 16 subscribers?
He means that, yes.
Then, with the otherwise same assumptions of my previous mail, total extra drop cable length for PON will be 204km, four times more than the trunk cable length.
Thus, it is so obvious that SS is better than PON.
Nope. We're all looking at you funny because your math seems *exactly* backwards. Let me plot it for you. Assume 100m from the access mux (OLT) to the ONT: 2M from the OLT to the CO patch 73M from the CO patch to the neighborhood pedestal 25M from the pedestal to each house (assume a spherical neighborhood). So, if we put the splitter in the pedestal, splitting 16 houses, we get 2 + 73 + (25 * 16) = 475 meters of total glass, plus 1 16:1 splitter. If we put the splitter in the CO (which I believe is what you mean by "SS"; we call it "home-run" fiber), you get: 2 + ((73 + 25) * 16) = 1570 meters of total glass, optionally plus 1 16:1 splitter, if you're still doing PON, instead of AE. So, over three times as much fiber if you're not putting the splitter in the field, which is... the opposite of what you assert? Or am I dense? Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Jay Ashworth wrote:
So, over three times as much fiber if you're not putting the splitter in the field, which is... the opposite of what you assert?
That is a very minor material cost. What matters is labor, which is mostly proportional to not total length of fiber but total length of cable (including both trunk and drop). Note also that sharing a drop cable between multiple subscribers is virtually impossible.
Or am I dense?
Feel free to call yourself so. Masataka Ohta

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Masataka Ohta <> wrote:
Jay Ashworth wrote:
As PON require considerably longer drop cable from a splitters to 4 or 8 subscribers, it can not be cheaper than Ethernet, unless subscriber density is very high.
Oh, ghod; we're not gonna go here, again, are we?
That PON is more expensive than SS is the reality of an example contained in a document provided by regulatory body (soumu sho) of Japanese government. .
Sorry, but I can't read Japanese, and the pictures aren't enough to explain the thrust of the document. Also, you keep using the acronym "SS". Maybe I'm showing ignorance, but what are you referring to? A little Googling this morning only came up with SS-WDM PON, which is completely different than the PON vs Active debate we've been having.
Assume you have 4000 subscribers and total trunk cable length is 51.1Km, which is the PON case with example and trunk cable length will be identical regardless of whether you use PON or SS.
The problem of PON is that, to efficiently share a fiber and a splitter, they must be shared by many subscribers, which means drop cables are longer than those of SS.
For example, if drop cables of PON are 10m longer in average than that of SS, it's total length is 40km, which is *SIGNIFICANT*.
Just as the last miles matter, the last yards do matter.
Yes, a PON physical build can be somewhat cheaper, because it multiplexes your trunk cabling from 1pr per circuit to as many as 16-32pr per circuit on the trunk, allowing you to spec smaller cables.
That is a negligible part of the cost. Cable cost is not very sensitive to the number of fibers in a cable.
Masataka Ohta

Putting routers and DLAMs each CO is simply not affordable for any but the largest providers like XO. I expect Japan with its compact population centers may be different, but in the USA there are not enough people connected to any but the largest COs to make it affordable. I'm not stuck on using ATM (I used it only as an example), any L2 technology will work. One of our providers uses an Ethernet VLAN per customer endpoint and hands off bunches of VLANs to us over fiber. -----Original Message----- From: Masataka Ohta [] Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 4:48 PM To: Scott Helms Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? Scott Helms wrote:
Actually, at the level that Eric's discussing there isn't any real drawback to using ATM.
High cost is the real drawback.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
Because, for competing ISPs with considerable share, L1 unbundling costs less. They can just have routers, switches and DSL modems in collocation spaces of COs, without L2TP or PPPoE, which means they can eliminate cost for L2TP or PPPoE. Masataka Ohta

Can anyone out there in NANOGland confirm how ILECs currently backhaul their DSL customers from the DSLAM to the ILECs IP network? -----Original Message----- From: Masataka Ohta [] Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:51 AM To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? Eric Wieling wrote:
I don't think it is that much more expensive to allow other ISPs an ATM PVC into their network.
Wrong, which is why ATM has disappeared.
ATM may not be the best technology to do this,
It is not.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
What *I* want as an ISP is to connect to customers,
You may. However, the customers care cost for you to do so, a lot. L1 unbundling allows the customers to choose an ISP with best (w.r.t. cost, performance, etc.) L2 and L3 technology, whereas L2 unbundling allows ILECs choose stupid L2 technologies such as ATM or PON, which is locally best for their short term revenue, which, in the long run, delays global deployment of broadband environment, because of high cost to the customers. Masataka Ohta

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Eric Wieling <> wrote:
Can anyone out there in NANOGland confirm how ILECs currently backhaul their DSL customers from the DSLAM to the ILECs IP network?
In the independent space this has been Ethernet for a very long time. In the RBOC space its taken longer, but my understanding is that they have also switched most of their connections. The only exceptions to this I am aware of are those AT&T and Verizon territories that are still limited to g.lite (1.5 mbps) ADSL.
-----Original Message----- From: Masataka Ohta [] Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 2:51 AM To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2?
Eric Wieling wrote:
I don't think it is that much more expensive to allow other ISPs an ATM PVC into their network.
Wrong, which is why ATM has disappeared.
ATM may not be the best technology to do this,
It is not.
but the basic concept is not bad.
It is not enough, even if you use inexpensive Ethernet. See the subject.
What *I* want as an ISP is to connect to customers,
You may. However, the customers care cost for you to do so, a lot.
L1 unbundling allows the customers to choose an ISP with best (w.r.t. cost, performance, etc.) L2 and L3 technology, whereas L2 unbundling allows ILECs choose stupid L2 technologies such as ATM or PON, which is locally best for their short term revenue, which, in the long run, delays global deployment of broadband environment, because of high cost to the customers.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-02-06 10:16, Eric Wieling wrote:
Can anyone out there in NANOGland confirm how ILECs currently backhaul their DSL customers from the DSLAM to the ILECs IP network?
In Bell Canada Territory, wholesale traffic between DSLAM and BAS/BRAS travels normally. The BAS establishes the PPPoE session with end user. When the PAP/CHAp authentication requests arrive, the BAS sees that it has a realm that belongs to ISP-X and declares that all packets in that PPPoE session should be forwarded to ISP-x from now on. The BAS establises an L2TP tunnel to and IP address that belongs to ISP-X. This tunnel travels through Bell Canada's aggregation network to a router near the ISP's own facilities. There, the L2TP continues on a GigE link to the ISP's incumbent facing router. ISP gets PPPoE packets encapsulated in L2TP. It is responsible for responding to the authentication request, and if positive, providing IP address/dns/router/etc via IPCP. Note that incumbents have been telling the CRTC for years that gigE was the latest and greatest and couldn't do better. Some ISPs require a large number of gigE links to handle the load. The CRTC last year mandated incumbenst learn about the less old 10gigE technology and provide it to ISPs who need it. Bell Canada has yet to comply. But some cable incumbents have complied. In this scenario, there is an ISP of record for the DSL last mile. That ISP gets billed for the monthly fees for the DSL last mile. (roughly $20). However, the end user can establish a PPPoE session with another ISP if he has valid credentials with that other ISP. When a user formally switches ISP, Bell Canada only needs to change the ISP of record attached to the phone line so the old ISP is no longer billed for it and the new ISP is. The user can start using the new ISP as soon as his credentials with the new ISP are setup. Bell canada also offers a non PPPoE service (it calls HSA). However, it is priced to dissuade use. This trafic is in a PVC between the modem and the ISP and not switched by a BAS. I believe Bell uses VLANs to funnel traffic into the link leading to the ISP. (not sure if L2TP is involved).

On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 9:40 PM, Eric Wieling <> wrote:
The ILECs basically got large portions of the 1996 telecom reform rules gutted via lawsuits. DSL unbundling was part of this. See The ILECs already need a DSLAM in each CO and already use ATM PVCs to provide L2 connectivity from the DSLAM to their IP network, I don't think it is that much more expensive to allow other ISPs an ATM PVC into their network. ATM may not be the best technology to do this, but the basic concept is not bad. Ethernet VLANs would be another option, as would Frame Relay, as would simply DAXing multiple 64k channels from the customer endpoint to the ISP if you want more L1 style connectivity.
Generally the way this was done by all of the RBOCs (except Qwest) was via a L2TP tunnel to hand off the PPPoE/oA tunnel prior to it being authenticated. The connections from BellSouth and some of the other operators was ATM but that was because they didn't want to have to do SAR on all those frames/cells on their existing gear.
What *I* want as an ISP is to connect to customers, I don't care what the local loop is. It could be fiber, twisted pair, coax, or even licensed wireless and hand it off to me over a nice fat fiber link with a PVC or VLAN or whatever to the customer endpoint. What I don't want is to have to install equipment at each and every CO I want to provide service out of. This would be astoundingly expensive for us.
This is what I see most commonly.
-----Original Message----- From: Masataka Ohta [] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 7:42 PM To: Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2?
Eric Wieling wrote:
In the past the ISP simply needed a nice big ATM pipe to the ILEC for DSL service. The ILEC provided a PVC from the customer endpoint to the ISP. As understand it this is no longer the case, but only because of non-technical issues.
The non-technical issue is *COST*!!!!!
No one considered to use so expensive ATM as L2 for DSL unbundling, at least in Japan, which made DSL in Japan quite inexpensive.
AFAIK all ADSL is ATM at layer 2, including Japan. Did they deploy a different DSL technology there?
We currently use XO, Covad, etc to connect to the customer We get a fiber connection to them and the provide use L2 connectivity to the custom endpoint using an Ethernet VLAN, Frame Relay PVC, etc complete with QoS. I assume XO, etc use UNE access to the local loop. There is no reason a Muni can't do something similar.
Muni can. However, there is no reason Muni can't offer L1 unbundling.
Masataka Ohta
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

----- Original Message -----
From: "Masataka Ohta" <>
My point is that a conduit capable of storing additional 10 guage copper can, instead, store 10 guage fiber.
Or, if you assume a conduit without any extra space, upgrading to PON is also impossible.
Sure. My install will be greenfield, down to new conduit, so I may have different contstraints than other planners. I will, in fact, be over-sizing the conduit as well, and I'll offer space leasing to potential providers who want to go that far as well. But, since conduit space will be a much more limited quantity, it will cost quite a bit more to do it that way, even before you blow the fiber, than to lease my L1 or L2 services to the subs. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 03-Feb-13 14:33, Scott Helms wrote:
On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
Is it more expensive to home-run every home than to put splitters in the neighborhood? Yes. Is it enough more expensive that the tradeoffs cannot be overcome? I remain unconvinced. This completely depends on the area and the goals of the network. In most cases for muni networks back hauling everything is more expensive.
Slightly more expensive in the short term, yes. In the long term, no, especially if you consider the opportunity costs of _not_ being able to deploy new technologies in the future--something only home run dark fiber can guarantee.
Handing out connections at layer 1 is both more expensive and less efficient. Its also extremely wasteful (which is why its more expensive) since your lowest unit you can sell is a fiber strand whether the end customer wants a 3 mbps connection or a gig its the same to the city.
So what? How any particular fiber happens to be lit is irrelevant to the muni--and it doesn't change their cost structure one iota. Dark fiber is dark fiber.
I'm not saying you shouldn't sell dark fiber, I'm saying that in 99% of the cities you can't build a business model around doing just that unless your city doesn't want to break even on the build and maintenance.
As a private operator, no, you probably can't build a business model around that. A muni has different economics, though. At the cost levels being thrown around here, it doesn't seem like there would be _any_ difficulty in breaking even, which is all a muni needs to do. S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

On 02-Feb-13 14:07, Scott Helms wrote:
A layer 1 architecture isn't going to be an economical option for the foreseeable future so opining on its value is a waste of time...its simple not feasible now or even 5 years from now because of costs. The optimal open access network (with current or near future technology) is well known. Its called Ethernet and the methods to do triple play and open access are well documented not to mention already in wide spread use. Trying to enforce a layer 1 approach would be more expensive than the attempts to make this work with Packet Over SONET or even ATM.
It would be more expensive in the short term, yes. But forcing the use of SONET, or ATM, or Ethernet, or any other random technology to save money in the short term will end up costing you more in the long term. You will end up locked into a merry-go-round of upgrades every time someone invents a "better" technology--or locked into an obsolete technology because (as is often the case with govt in the US) there is no funding to upgrade. You're focused on equipment, which has a 3-5 yr depreciation cycle, rather than the facilities, which have a 30-50 yr depreciation cycle. It's a totally different mindset.
What is about a normal Ethernet deployment that you see as a negative?
Active equipment in the ONS, limited topology, forced uniformity rather than innovation, etc.
What problem are you tying to solve?
The goal at hand is an OSP that will last 50+ years without any significant change. Considering the rapid evolution of technology over the last 10-20 years, the only safe bet is home run fiber. Let service providers decide what technology is best to light up said fiber in any given year. S -- Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

Fletcher: Many rural LECs are homerunning their fiber back to the CO, such that the optical splitters are only in the CO. It gives them one management point, the highest possible efficiency (you can maximize any every splitter and therefore PON) and a pathway to ActiveE. Frank -----Original Message----- From: Fletcher Kittredge [] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 3:58 PM To: Owen DeLong Cc: NANOG Subject: Re: Muni fiber: L1 or L2? On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant
Owen; Interesting. Do you then lose the cost advantage because you need home run fiber back to the MMR? Do you have examples of plants built with this architecture (I know of one such plant, but I am hoping you will turn up more examples.) regards, Fletcher -- Fletcher Kittredge GWI 8 Pomerleau Street Biddeford, ME 04005-9457 207-602-1134

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 5:49 PM, Frank Bulk ( <>wrote:
Many rural LECs are homerunning their fiber back to the CO, such that the optical splitters are only in the CO. It gives them one management point, the highest possible efficiency (you can maximize any every splitter and therefore PON) and a pathway to ActiveE.
Frank; That is the architecture I am familar with. I would like to get a sense of how wide-spread its adoption is. regards, Fletcher -- Fletcher Kittredge GWI 8 Pomerleau Street Biddeford, ME 04005-9457 207-602-1134

Owen, Respectfully, it doesn't work that way. You have to understand that the splitter is a specific part of the PON architecture and they don't have multiple outputs to connect to several OLTs like a patch panel or even a switch you can VLAN. One fiber goes to the splitter on the provider side and then from there it splits into 8/16/32/64 connections that go to customers. You can't exchange one of the customer side ports to make another provider interface. That's not to say you couldn't build a splitter to do just that, but to do that you have to get the vendors on board and currently they simply aren't nor are the people who build PON networks asking for that feature. You also have to deal with the mechanics of turning up the port, ie deciding which OLT to send that color to, which kind of kills the passive part of PON. On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 13:27 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
You can't share access from one splitter to multiple OLTs so the location of the splitter isn't important. AFAIK there is simply no concept for that idea in any of the PON specs and its certainly not something that Calix/Adtran/Zhone/Alcatel/$gear_maker are building right now. For that matter I can't think of a single piece of gear beyond DWDM/CWDM that actually operates are layer 1 to allow that kind of split and then its very limited in terms of the channels available and not suitable for the kind of deployment I think you're describing.
Sure it is...
If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
That's why I'm not advocating for open access, I'm advocating for L1/L2 provider separation and a requirement that the L1 access itself be open.
I have yet to get a firm answer, but as I understand PON, it doesn't actually matter so much whether you put the splitter/combiner in an MMR or near the CPE. Obviously, most of the "economy" of PON comes from putting the splitter near the subscriber, but so does the loss of open access at L1.
OTOH, if you build out fiber from a city or neighborhood or whatever to an independent MMR, I don't believe there's any reason you couldn't cross-connect various users home-run fibers to splitter/combiners inside the MMR and then run that to a PON system (if you really wanted to for some reason).
On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:45 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
The short answer is that you don't today and it will be a long time (if ever) before its feasible. Europe is commonly held up as an example of an area where open access works and if you stick to DSL networks that's true. The problem is that the DSL networks (by and large) in Europe aren't expanding and are being overtaken by FTTx and to a lesser extent DOCSIS. The reasons why this is so can be debated, but it is definitely happening and given that trend there is very little incentive for the equipment manufacturers and protocol groups to build in open access as a core part of their design as it was in DSL, especially with PPPoX authentication.
Now, once networks get to purely active Ethernet things get more simple technically, after all you easily do QinQ tagging, but there has been little movement even in regulation tolerant Europe to force operators to open up and its much less likely to happen here in the US. Whats more many of the FTTx builds aren't Ethernet today and doing open access on any flavor of PON is so painful operationally that it simply won't happen.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley.
Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Scott, Respectfully, you appear to be misinterpreting what I am saying. I'm saying you put the splitter next to the OLT and then run multiple fibers from there to the subscribers IN THE MMR. Each provider has their own splitters and OLTs, but all the splitters are in the MMR and the customers have home run fiber to the MMR. In other words: OLT->SPLITTER->XC to customer port in MMR->Last mile infrastructure->ONT->Customer. instead of the traditional OLT->Last mile infrastructure->Splitter->ONT->Customer. All I'm doing is moving the location of the split closer to the OLT and making the customer fiber run longer. I'm not proposing multiple providers sharing a splitter. I'm proposing longer customer runs to the splitter and putting all of the splitters from all of the providers in the same room. Owen On Jan 31, 2013, at 14:04 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
Respectfully, it doesn't work that way. You have to understand that the splitter is a specific part of the PON architecture and they don't have multiple outputs to connect to several OLTs like a patch panel or even a switch you can VLAN. One fiber goes to the splitter on the provider side and then from there it splits into 8/16/32/64 connections that go to customers. You can't exchange one of the customer side ports to make another provider interface. That's not to say you couldn't build a splitter to do just that, but to do that you have to get the vendors on board and currently they simply aren't nor are the people who build PON networks asking for that feature. You also have to deal with the mechanics of turning up the port, ie deciding which OLT to send that color to, which kind of kills the passive part of PON.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 13:27 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
You can't share access from one splitter to multiple OLTs so the location of the splitter isn't important. AFAIK there is simply no concept for that idea in any of the PON specs and its certainly not something that Calix/Adtran/Zhone/Alcatel/$gear_maker are building right now. For that matter I can't think of a single piece of gear beyond DWDM/CWDM that actually operates are layer 1 to allow that kind of split and then its very limited in terms of the channels available and not suitable for the kind of deployment I think you're describing.
Sure it is...
If you have an MMR where all of the customers come together, then you can cross-connect all of $PROVIDER_1's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_1 and cross connect all of $PROVIDER_2's customers to a splitter provided by $PROVIDER_2, etc.
If the splitter is out in the neighborhood, then $PROVIDER_1 and $PROVIDER_2 and... all need to build out to every neighborhood.
If you have the splitter next to the PON gear instead of next to the subscribers, then you remove the relevance of the inability to connect a splitter to multiple OLTs. The splitter becomes the provider interface to the open fiber plant.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote: That's why I'm not advocating for open access, I'm advocating for L1/L2 provider separation and a requirement that the L1 access itself be open.
I have yet to get a firm answer, but as I understand PON, it doesn't actually matter so much whether you put the splitter/combiner in an MMR or near the CPE. Obviously, most of the "economy" of PON comes from putting the splitter near the subscriber, but so does the loss of open access at L1.
OTOH, if you build out fiber from a city or neighborhood or whatever to an independent MMR, I don't believe there's any reason you couldn't cross-connect various users home-run fibers to splitter/combiners inside the MMR and then run that to a PON system (if you really wanted to for some reason).
On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:45 , Scott Helms <> wrote:
The short answer is that you don't today and it will be a long time (if ever) before its feasible. Europe is commonly held up as an example of an area where open access works and if you stick to DSL networks that's true. The problem is that the DSL networks (by and large) in Europe aren't expanding and are being overtaken by FTTx and to a lesser extent DOCSIS. The reasons why this is so can be debated, but it is definitely happening and given that trend there is very little incentive for the equipment manufacturers and protocol groups to build in open access as a core part of their design as it was in DSL, especially with PPPoX authentication.
Now, once networks get to purely active Ethernet things get more simple technically, after all you easily do QinQ tagging, but there has been little movement even in regulation tolerant Europe to force operators to open up and its much less likely to happen here in the US. Whats more many of the FTTx builds aren't Ethernet today and doing open access on any flavor of PON is so painful operationally that it simply won't happen.
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 07:07 , Ray Soucy <> wrote:
Late to the conversation, but I'll chime in that we established a model in Maine that is working pretty well, at least for middle-mile fiber.
When we started building out MaineREN (our RON) we decided that having the University own the fiber would tie it up in political red tape. So much so that it would ultimately not be made available to the private sector (because incumbents would accuse us of competing with them using public funds). We knew this because we had already spent a year in the legislature fighting off industry lobbyists.
Obviously there are considerable investments in such infrastructure that many private companies are unwilling or unable to make in rural areas (ROI takes too long), so we really wanted to make sure that future facilities would be built out in a way that would allow service providers to expand into the state cheaply, encourage competition, and ultimately provide better services at lower costs.
The goal was to establish geographically diverse, high stand-count, rings to reach the majority of the state, so we pitched it in a public-private partnership to go after Recovery Act funding.
That's also a worthy goal, but it doesn't address the issues that are the subject of this conversation. Middle-mile solutions like this are not all that uncommon, even in such backwards places (when it comes to networking infrastructure) as silicon valley.
Where we still have a serious lack of deployment and virtually no competition, even in most major metros, is the last mile.
As of a few months ago the build-out is complete, and the first networks to make use of the fiber are starting to come online (including MaineREN).
The way we did it was to have the state government create a new public utility designation of "Dark Fiber Provider". There are a few rules in place to keep things fair: Mainly they're forbidden to provide lit services and they're required to provide open access to anyone at published rates.
This is definitely a good first step if you can get it through the legislative process without having the $TELCOS and $CABLECOS lobby against it to the point of death or dismemberment.
The result is "Maine Fiber Company":
It's still early on, but I'm anxious to see how things look in 10 years or so.
Sounds great... Now, the $50,000,000 question... How do we replicate that model at the consumer level?
A lot of people who like the idea of what we've done aren't sure if it's a good model to apply for last mile fiber. Personally, I think replicating this model to deliver dark fiber to the home (much like electricity) is the only way we'll be able to shield providers from having to make major investments to deliver the level of service we really need. By keeping it as a dark-fiber only service, you create an environment where there is competition instead of one provider keeping speeds low and prices high.
That's certainly the ideal, yes.
I initially thought having L2 separation would be good in that service changes could be done remotely, etc. But after giving it some thought, I think it places way too much potential for L2 to be the bottleneck or source of problematic service and if it's provided by a public utility or municipality it could take very long to fix (if it get's fixed at all) due to politics and budget hawks. I really want to have choice between providers even at the L2 level.
There are cases where the lack of L2 services could pose a barrier to entry for competition. That's why I proposed the following requirements:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 12:54 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play. Does your position (likely more deeply thought out than mine) permit Layer 2 with Muni ONT and Ethernet handoff, as long as clients are *also* permitted to get a Layer 1 patch to a provider in the fashion you suggest?
(I concur with your 3-pair delivery, which makes this more practical on an M-A-C basis, even if it might require some users to have multiple ONTs...)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System
T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531
MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

On 13-01-31 17:04, Scott Helms wrote:
switch you can VLAN. One fiber goes to the splitter on the provider side and then from there it splits into 8/16/32/64 connections that go to customers. You can't exchange one of the customer side ports to make another provider interface.
Actually you can. Say you have 3 ISPs service a neighbouhood. 3 separate OLTs. Each with 1 line going to the "connect to customers room". So in that room, you have say 100 fibres serving 100 homes. You have the 3 lines that come from the 3 OLTs, and splitter 1, splitter 2, splitter 3 attached to each of those lines from OLTs. If I am home #57 and I want to be with ISP#2, then they will patch fibre strand #57 into splitter #2. You could theoretically have the splitters at the neighbouhood too. 3 splitters in the box, and when a customer subiscribes, its link is attached to whcihever splitter is associated with the ISP. HOWEVER: This means that each ISP need to have an OLT in the MMR premises, buy their own 32 way splitter etc. An ISP will be losing mega money at first because the initial investment will be grossly underused. If you have a single FTTH plant with single OLT that is shared, then new ISPs can easily add one or 2 customers in a neighbouhood using existing infrastructure ad contributing their fair share of the cost of the shared OLT. And this makes it much easier for a small ISP to serve a larger region (and hence raise chances of growing and gaining enough customers to be viable) Canada went through this "facilities based" debate in 2009-2010 and the CRTC's decision was quite clear. Their mandate was to go facilities based (where small ISPs would put their own equipment in CO and in neighbouhoods), but the process clearly showed it was not a viable solution to enable small ISPs to grow sufficiently to provide real competition to the incumbents. So the CRTC rules that incumbents had to continue to share not only the very last mile, but also aggregation networks to enable a viable competitive environment that spanned the incumbent's whoe territory instead of small pockets where there might be competition (small pockets being down to single multi dwelling units for instance).

1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
I think rule #3 is the kind of thing that sounds like a good idea, but ends up being abused in practice. My personal view is that you really want that separation in place. You don't want a situation where the dark fiber provider gives priority to their L2 outages and get's around to their competitors later. Businesses are in the business of profit. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want it to be a fair playing field you need to avoid this kind of conflict of interest. We've seen the same behavior with ILECs and small ISPs. They were required to open up their network to competing ISPs, but did everything they could to make it as difficult as possible. You really want to create a situation where that temptation isn't even there. We've also seen that when left up to the private sector even last-mile solutions suffer from the same cherry-picking of "profitable" locations to service: example would be an apartment complex having fiber delivered vs. a house next door not having fiber delivered. You can't really blame the private sector for it, but if you want the idea of FTTH to be a universal service, you really need to apply the public utility model to it. P.S.Fletcher Kittredge is the "private" side of the public-private partnership that made Maine Fiber Company possible and deserves at least 50% of the credit if not more (Google him). Great to see him on-list. P.P.S. I should also note that my boss, Jeff, would be the "public" side of that, and he isn't quite on board with my position on extending FTTH as a public utility. He still has faith in the private sector to take care of it. ;-) I mostly stand on the sidelines and provide commentary, I'm not suited for the level of political involvement it actually takes to make the magic happen. -- Ray Patrick Soucy Network Engineer University of Maine System T: 207-561-3526 F: 207-561-3531 MaineREN, Maine's Research and Education Network

On Jan 31, 2013, at 5:08 PM, Ray Soucy <> wrote:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
I think rule #3 is the kind of thing that sounds like a good idea, but ends up being abused in practice.
Certainly without rule 4, yes. However, with rules 4,5,6, I think that overcomes most of the issues that result from rule 3. If you don't have rule 3, there are a lot of areas where it simply won't be cost effective for ANYONE to come to the MMR and thus you don't get any benefit.
My personal view is that you really want that separation in place. You don't want a situation where the dark fiber provider gives priority to their L2 outages and get's around to their competitors later.
Ideally, I agree with you, but to cover all cases, you also have to make sure that you have some set of L2 providers before you can do that. Further, I'm suggesting that the natural place for this in most cases is to be operated by the muni not a business.
Businesses are in the business of profit. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want it to be a fair playing field you need to avoid this kind of conflict of interest.
We've seen the same behavior with ILECs and small ISPs. They were required to open up their network to competing ISPs, but did everything they could to make it as difficult as possible. You really want to create a situation where that temptation isn't even there.
Except this kind of chicanery has always involved L3+ services in the past.
We've also seen that when left up to the private sector even last-mile solutions suffer from the same cherry-picking of "profitable" locations to service: example would be an apartment complex having fiber delivered vs. a house next door not having fiber delivered. You can't really blame the private sector for it, but if you want the idea of FTTH to be a universal service, you really need to apply the public utility model to it.
Yep. Owen

Sorry for jumping into this discussion so late…. and I apologize if this has already been talked about (this has been a long thread) But the most successful municipal undertaking to support telecom I have ever seen is a municipally owned conduit system…. Any infrastructure L1, L2, or anything is too complex to be commercially viable if owned by one entity. Putting everybody on a level playing field removes the value from everybody, and therefore removes the commercial interest to DO anything, so nothing happens. Unless somebody is able to build a product that everybody can't just have without any obstacles, nobody is going to do anything, and we end up with nothing. A city owned conduit system is the best balance between fairness for the consumer, and supporting a competitive environment for service providers to offer something John Q public can't get on his own. On 2013-01-31, at 9:10 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 31, 2013, at 5:08 PM, Ray Soucy <> wrote:
1. Must sell dark fiber to any purchaser. 2. Must sell dark fiber to all purchasers on equal terms. (There must be a published price list and there cannot be deviations from that price list. If the price list is modified, existing customers receive the new pricing at the beginning of their next billing cycle.) 3. May provide value-added L2 services 4. If L2 services are provided, they are also subject to rule 2. 5. May not sell L3 or higher level services. 6. May not hold ownership or build any form of alliance or affiliation with a provider of L3 or higher level services.
I think rule #3 is the kind of thing that sounds like a good idea, but ends up being abused in practice.
Certainly without rule 4, yes. However, with rules 4,5,6, I think that overcomes most of the issues that result from rule 3.
If you don't have rule 3, there are a lot of areas where it simply won't be cost effective for ANYONE to come to the MMR and thus you don't get any benefit.
My personal view is that you really want that separation in place. You don't want a situation where the dark fiber provider gives priority to their L2 outages and get's around to their competitors later.
Ideally, I agree with you, but to cover all cases, you also have to make sure that you have some set of L2 providers before you can do that.
Further, I'm suggesting that the natural place for this in most cases is to be operated by the muni not a business.
Businesses are in the business of profit. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want it to be a fair playing field you need to avoid this kind of conflict of interest.
We've seen the same behavior with ILECs and small ISPs. They were required to open up their network to competing ISPs, but did everything they could to make it as difficult as possible. You really want to create a situation where that temptation isn't even there.
Except this kind of chicanery has always involved L3+ services in the past.
We've also seen that when left up to the private sector even last-mile solutions suffer from the same cherry-picking of "profitable" locations to service: example would be an apartment complex having fiber delivered vs. a house next door not having fiber delivered. You can't really blame the private sector for it, but if you want the idea of FTTH to be a universal service, you really need to apply the public utility model to it.

On 1/31/13 6:28 PM, Dan Armstrong wrote:
But the most successful municipal undertaking to support telecom I have ever seen is a municipally owned conduit system….
Could you be a bit more specific? What is the muni, and where can the business model data be found? Also, what was the muni's ROW compensation prior to doing the right-of-way buildout, and after? Eric

I don't have specific data to point you to. I am speaking from my experience, in large cities. Totally different story in rural or suburban areas. In general, if a municipality builds an L1 or L2 network it removes so many barriers of competition that many idiots get into the business. The consumer ends up suffering, because the market is overwhelmed with inferior products. The few that do things 'right' get lost in the sea of bottom feeders looking for a quick buck. Unlike a hamburger, or a t-shirt - telecom is a complex product that most consumers are unable to appreciate the details of. They aren't going to educate themselves on the nuances of quality, so the people offering a better product have no way of getting ahead in this near-perfect competitive situation. A city government benefits from economic prosperity, which comes from businesses within it's boundaries being prosperous. Access to great telecom services is one factor in that prosperity. That is the business model for a municipality to want good telecom. A municipality can lease out conduits, for a small fee - there is still a reasonable barrier to entry. People have to pull cable, splice it, manage it, light it, sell it, and do all the stuff a telco has to do before they receive revenue. This filters out (most) of the opportunists… but makes it easy enough for entrepreneurs with a great idea to get started without having to come up with billions of $ in capital to open-trench the streets in the entire city. In the case of a growing municipality, if they play their cards right they can pay for the entire conduit system from development fees collected from land or re-zoning deals, which furthers the virtuous circle of growth. On 2013-01-31, at 10:18 PM, Eric Brunner-Williams <> wrote:
On 1/31/13 6:28 PM, Dan Armstrong wrote:
But the most successful municipal undertaking to support telecom I have ever seen is a municipally owned conduit system….
Could you be a bit more specific? What is the muni, and where can the business model data be found?
Also, what was the muni's ROW compensation prior to doing the right-of-way buildout, and after?

Hi Jay, Le 29/01/2013 18:54, Jay Ashworth a écrit :
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play.
Please let me present the french regulatory rules about that. It has been an ongoing debate for a few years and is now almost stable. French regulation has divided the territory in thow zones : dense and non-dense areas, dense beeing city centers wuth multi-tenant buildings. In both case, it is mandatory to install at least two point to point fibers between a residence and a patch-panel. In dense areas, building owners or home owner associations are to choose a "building operator" to install the fiber strands in the private areas and the patch panel made available to other service providers. This building operator then informs service provider of the location of the patch panel and provide a public offer to ISPs to either buy a strand or rent one, and get some space for their own patch chords in the panel. In non-dense areas, zone operators have to build concentration points (kind of MMRs) for at least 300 residences (when chaining MMRs) or 1000 residences (for a single MMR per zone). Theses MMRs often take the form of street cabinets or shelters and have to be equiped with power and cooling units to enable any ISP yo install active equipments (either OLT or ethernet switch). Building and zone operators can be public (muni-owned) infrastructure operators or public-owned corporations. We've also seen NFP associations applying for such roles. It is mandatory for them to provide a L1 point to point service to ISPs. Infrastructure operators can also provide a L2 service but are still required to offer L1 service to any willing ISP. In such case, collocation space in street cabinets (or the ability to install their own side by side with passive cabinets) is required. This model has been choosed because it lets both network types be deployed : either point to multipoint (GePON) or point to point is possible on any of these fiber networks, thanks to the local-loop (between residences and MMRs) beeing point to point only. Smaller ISPs usually go for L2 services, provided by the infrastructure operator or another ISP already present on site. But some tends to stick to L1 service and deply their own eqipments for many reasons. What comes to mind is the usual incompetence of infrastructure operators regarding to multicast services or maintenance-windows beeing too loose for most SLAs. Some ISPs also stick to P2P topologies because it's simplier to manage and brings less features in the network equipment. They strongly believe that a robust network is a stupid network (and I tend to agree with them, seeing many interoperability and scalability issues in P2MP network equipments). Now, about individual rights, civil liberties and constitutional vantage point, infrastructure operators can't operate a network without an L1 offer, and most also propose an L2 offer. Still, ISPs are the only enitites capable of identifying a user because the infrastructure operator don't have a contract with the end-user in any case. Therefore court orders are sent to ISPs and infrastructure operators ain't concerned. I hope it clarifies what's beeing done on actual fiber networks and how can this issue be regulated (either by common sense or law). Best regards, -- Jérôme Nicolle +33 6 19 31 27 14

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jérôme Nicolle" <>
Le 29/01/2013 18:54, Jay Ashworth a écrit :
Hmmm. I tend to be a Layer-2-available guy, cause I think it lets smaller players play.
Please let me present the french regulatory rules about that. It has been an ongoing debate for a few years and is now almost stable.
[ ... ]
Infrastructure operators can also provide a L2 service but are still required to offer L1 service to any willing ISP. In such case, collocation space in street cabinets (or the ability to install their own side by side with passive cabinets) is required.
This model has been choosed because it lets both network types be deployed : either point to multipoint (GePON) or point to point is possible on any of these fiber networks, thanks to the local-loop (between residences and MMRs) beeing point to point only.
Smaller ISPs usually go for L2 services, provided by the infrastructure operator or another ISP already present on site. But some tends to stick to L1 service and deply their own eqipments for many reasons.
Hmmm. Sounds familiar, Jerome. :-) How is it working out in practice, since it's within about 10% of what I proposed to do? Are there any public numbers we can look at? Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Jerome Nicolle wrote:
In non-dense areas, zone operators have to build concentration points (kind of MMRs) for at least 300 residences (when chaining MMRs) or 1000 residences (for a single MMR per zone). Theses MMRs often take the form of street cabinets or shelters and have to be equiped with power and cooling units to enable any ISP yo install active equipments (either OLT or ethernet switch).
How is the wiring between the concentration points and residences? Masataka Ohta

See, the Comcast's and AT&T of the world are right that governments shouldn't be ISP's, that should be left to the private sector. I want a choice of ISP's offering different services, not a single monopoly. In this case the technology can provide that, so it should be available.
It has been my experience that the incumbents largely give small cities the finger until a muni steps in, and makes a profitable go of it. Then they are all about legislation to protect them from the unfairness of it all. The large incumbents are basically a duopoly as it is, and general are not offering anything innovative until they are forced to. Running an ISP is hard, and most munis have no experience in it. Then only reason to do it, is because the incumbents refuse to provide service. I don't think munis running networks is any sort of threat to free enterprise. I see them more analogous to rural electric cooperatives that provided electric service when incumbents refused to. Legislating that option away, just lets the duopolies serve the dense urban areas and ignore the less dense areas. Elle Plato

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elle Plato" <>
[ attribution lost ]
See, the Comcast's and AT&T of the world are right that governments shouldn't be ISP's, that should be left to the private sector. I want a choice of ISP's offering different services, not a single monopoly. In this case the technology can provide that, so it should be available.
It has been my experience that the incumbents largely give small cities the finger until a muni steps in, and makes a profitable go of it. Then they are all about legislation to protect them from the unfairness of it all. The large incumbents are basically a duopoly as it is, and general are not offering anything innovative until they are forced to.
Yup. In fact, late last year, it is my understanding that VZN FiOS said *in public, on the record* that they were done with new buildouts; if you didn't have it, tough luck -- canonizing the assertions we'd all been making for a decade that they would cherry pick, even though they claimed they would not. They're a public corporation; they have no real choice. This is why we grant utilities monopoly franchises, with teeth in them to recapture the Public Good we want from them; none of this has been news for 4 decades, but the fix was in. And in fact, yes, VZN left behind state laws in several states forbidding municipal ownership of communications facilities, which they, effectively, purchased. (The laws, not the facilities)
Running an ISP is hard, and most munis have no experience in it. Then only reason to do it, is because the incumbents refuse to provide service. I don't think munis running networks is any sort of threat to free enterprise. I see them more analogous to rural electric cooperatives that provided electric service when incumbents refused to. Legislating that option away, just lets the duopolies serve the dense urban areas and ignore the less dense areas.
FWIW, the posting to which you're replying assumed that we were talking about municipal service at layer 3+; we weren't, as we later corrected. What we're talking about is acknowledging the high cost of fiber plant buildout, and the natural monopoly it encompasses... and thus the municipal involvement it encourages, in an open access design. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Jan 29, 2013, at 09:05 , Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:59:31AM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me.
Rob, anyone, does anyone know if any 4th amendment case law exists on muni- owned networks?
I don't, but I'd like to point out here that I've long believed both sides of the muni-network argument are right, and that we the people are losing the baby with the bath water.
I am a big proponent of muni-owned dark fiber networks. I want to be 100% clear about what I advocate here:
- Muni-owned MMR space, fiber only, no active equipment allowed. A big cross connect room, where the muni-fiber ends and providers are all allowed to colocate their fiber term on non-discriminatory terms.
Large munis will need more than one, no run from a particular MMR to a home should exceed 9km, allowing the providers to be within 1km of the MMR and still use 10km optics.
- 4-6 strands per home, home run back to the muni-owned MMR space. No splitters, WDM, etc, home run glass. Terminating on an optical handoff inside the home.
- Fiber leased per month, per pair, on a cost recovery basis (to include an estimate of O&M over time), same price to all players.
This is exactly what I have been advocating for years and is similar to what is already available in Sweden and is being implemented in Australia. (Or at least the intent of what is supposed to be in process there).
I do NOT advocate that munis ever run anything on top of the fiber. No IP, no TV, no telephone, not even teleporters in the future. Service Providers of all types can drop a large count fiber from their POP to the muni-owned MMR, request individual customers be connected, and then provide them with any sort of service they like over that fiber pair, single play, double play, triple play, whatever.
IMHO, this is horribly more expensive and inefficient than it should be. The MMR should, IMHO be a colo facility where service providers can lease racks if they choose. The colo should also be operated on a cost recovery basis and should only be open to installation of equipment directly related to providing service to customers reached via the MMR.
See, the Comcast's and AT&T of the world are right that governments shouldn't be ISP's, that should be left to the private sector. I want a choice of ISP's offering different services, not a single monopoly. In this case the technology can provide that, so it should be available.
At the same time, it is very ineffecient to require each provider to build to every house. Not only is it a large capital cost and barrier to entry of new players, but no one wants roads and yards dug up over and over again. Reducing down to one player building the physical in the ground part saves money and saves disruption.
Amsterdam had an interesting solution to the repeated digging problem. As I understand it, if you want to trench something in there, you are required to provide notice and anyone else that wants to put something in the trench can join your build, but all comers share equally in the cost of digging and repairing.
Regarding your 4th amendment concerns, almost all the data the government wants is with the Service Provider in my model, same as today. They can't find out who you called last week without going to the CDR or having a tap on every like 24x7 which is not cost effective. Could a muni still optically tap a fiber in this case and suck off all the data? Sure, and I have no doubt some paranoid service provider will offer to encrypt everything at the transport level.
Is it perfect? No. However I think if we could adopt this model capital costs would come down (munis can finance fiber on low rate, long term muni-bonds, unlike corporations, plus they only build one network, not N), and competition would come up (small service providers can reach customers only by building to the MMR space, not individual homes) which would be a huge win win for consumers.
The biggest thing blocking this is the entrenched interests of the current monopoly providers and their very effective lobbying capabilities, IMHO.
Maybe that's why the big players want to throw the baby out with the bath water. :P
Exactly. Owen

In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 02:14:46PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
The MMR should, IMHO be a colo facility where service providers can lease racks if they choose. The colo should also be operated on a cost recovery basis and should only be open to installation of equipment directly related to providing service to customers reached via the MMR.
I'm not sure I agree with your point. The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc. I fully support the muni MMR being inside of a colocation facility run by some other company (Equinix/DLR/CoreSite, whatever) so folks can colo "on site". I think it is also important someone be able to set up a colo down the street and just drop in a 1000 strand fiber cable to the actual MMR. Why is this important? Well, look at one of the failure modes of the CO system. When DSL was in its hayday, CO's would become full, and no new DSL providers would be able to get colo space. Plus the CO's could use space/power/hands time/etc as profit centers. Muni-fiber should stay as far away from these problems as possible. I think it's also important to consider the spectrum of deployments here. A small town of 1000 homes may have MuniMMRREIT come in and build a 5,000 sq foot building with 1,000 of that leased to the muni for fiber patch panels, and the other 4,000 sold to ISP's by the rack to provide service. On the other side consider a space like New York City, where MuniFiberCo builds out 50,000 square feet for fiber racks somewhere, and ISP #1 drops in 10,000 strands from 111 8th Ave, and ISP #2 drops in 10,000 strands from 25 Broadway, and so on. In the middle may be a mid-sized town, where the build the MMR in a business park, and 3 ISP's erect their own colos, and a colo provider builds the fourth a houses a dozen smaller players. In the small town case, MuniMMRREIT may agree to a regulated price structure for colo space. In the New York City case, it would make no sense for one colo to try and house all the equipment now and forever, and there would actually (on a per strand basis) be very minimal cost to pull 10,000 strands down the street. I'll argue that running 10,000 strands (which is as few as 12 860 strand fiber cables) a block or two down the street is far less cost than trying to shoehorn more colo into an existing building where it is hard to add generators/chillers/etc. Basically, running fiber a block or two down the street opens up a host of cheaper realestate/colo opportunities, and it doesn't cost significanly more than running the fiber from one end of a colo to another relative to all the other costs. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On Jan 29, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 02:14:46PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
The MMR should, IMHO be a colo facility where service providers can lease racks if they choose. The colo should also be operated on a cost recovery basis and should only be open to installation of equipment directly related to providing service to customers reached via the MMR.
I'm not sure I agree with your point.
The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc.
I fully support the muni MMR being inside of a colocation facility run by some other company (Equinix/DLR/CoreSite, whatever) so folks can colo "on site". I think it is also important someone be able to set up a colo down the street and just drop in a 1000 strand fiber cable to the actual MMR.
There's a problem with this. You've now granted an effective monopoly to said colo facility and they can engage in uneven and/or egregious pricing schemes to block competition for local access services in much the way that the current utility owned HFC and twisted pair infrastructures do.
Why is this important? Well, look at one of the failure modes of the CO system. When DSL was in its hayday, CO's would become full, and no new DSL providers would be able to get colo space. Plus the CO's could use space/power/hands time/etc as profit centers. Muni-fiber should stay as far away from these problems as possible.
Full is full. In reality, no matter what mechanism you choose, this will be a potential issue, even with the MMR architecture. However, let's look at the real problems with COs… First, the COs were run by the incumbent monopoly carrier and said carrier was allowed to compete for services on the lines, not just manage the lines. Since the operator in this case isn't allowed to operate services on the lines and is neutral to all service providers, you don't have this issue. If the colo is operated on a cost-recovery basis, then it also isn't a "profit center" by definition.
I think it's also important to consider the spectrum of deployments here. A small town of 1000 homes may have MuniMMRREIT come in and build a 5,000 sq foot building with 1,000 of that leased to the muni for fiber patch panels, and the other 4,000 sold to ISP's by the rack to provide service. On the other side consider a space like New York City, where MuniFiberCo builds out 50,000 square feet for fiber racks somewhere, and ISP #1 drops in 10,000 strands from 111 8th Ave, and ISP #2 drops in 10,000 strands from 25 Broadway, and so on. In the middle may be a mid-sized town, where the build the MMR in a business park, and 3 ISP's erect their own colos, and a colo provider builds the fourth a houses a dozen smaller players.
Yes, let's consider these… Case 1 everything mostly works out OK, but the 4000 feet of colo space grants a form of monopoly to MuniMMRREIT which basically allows them to print money on the backs of local consumers. To make matters worse, nothing prevents them from crawling into bed with "favored" providers and producing policies, procedures, and costs which inhibit competition against those favored providers. Case 2, you move the CO Full problem from the CO to the adjacent cable vaults. Even with fiber, a 10,000 strand bundle is not small. It's also a lot more expensive to pull in 10,000 strands from a few blocks away than it is to drop a router in the building with the MMR and aggregate those cross-connects into a much smaller number of fibers leaving the MMR building. Case 3 actually seems closer to ideal to me, but you're depending on a lot of things happening exactly the right way in a situation where markets have proven to be significantly subject to manipulation by incumbents. More likely, $TELCO buys the business park and…
In the small town case, MuniMMRREIT may agree to a regulated price structure for colo space. In the New York City case, it would make no sense for one colo to try and house all the equipment now and forever, and there would actually (on a per strand basis) be very minimal cost to pull 10,000 strands down the street. I'll argue that running 10,000 strands (which is as few as 12 860 strand fiber cables) a block or two down the street is far less cost than trying to shoehorn more colo into an existing building where it is hard to add generators/chillers/etc.
In the NY case, it depends. If the colo is a 90+ story building, then it might well be practical. If you're talking about using existing buildings, then you might have to get creative. However, if you're starting with a vacant lot, then there are lot of possibilities.
Basically, running fiber a block or two down the street opens up a host of cheaper realestate/colo opportunities, and it doesn't cost significanly more than running the fiber from one end of a colo to another relative to all the other costs.
But what happens when you fill the cable vaults? If we're talking a block or two, then in high-density areas, this might make sense. However, most of the US is nowhere near such density and in those cases, it may make a lot more sense to put whatever would have to be a block or two away in a high-density area in to the same brand-new building for a lot less cost and much easier expansion. Owen

In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:46:06PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
Case 2, you move the CO Full problem from the CO to the adjacent cable vaults. Even with fiber, a 10,000 strand bundle is not small.
It's also a lot more expensive to pull in 10,000 strands from a few blocks away than it is to drop a router in the building with the MMR and aggregate those cross-connects into a much smaller number of fibers leaving the MMR building. [snip] But what happens when you fill the cable vaults?
It's really not an issue. 10,000 fibers will fit in a space not much larger than my arm. I have on my desk a 10+ year old cable sample of a Corning 864 strand cable (36 ribbons of 24 fibers a ribbon). It is barely larger around than my thumb. Each one terminated into an almost-full rack of SC patch panels. A web page on the cable: My company at the time build a duct bank by building 6x4" conduit, installing 3x1.25" innerduct in each conduct, and pulling one of those cables in each innerduct. That's a potential capacity of 15,525 fibers in a duct bank perhaps 14" wide by 8" tall. A "vault" as used for traditional telco or electrical (one big enough for a man to go down in) could hold millions of these fibers. They were never used, because they were way too big. There's also plenty of experience in this area, telcos have been putting much larger copper cables into CO's for a long time. Were there demand, they could easily put more ribbons in a single armored sheeth. The actual stack of fibers is about 1/2" wide and 3/8" thick for the 864 strands. You could extrapolate a single 10,000 strand cable that would be smaller than the power cables going to a typical commercial transformer. The cost of fiber is terminating it. Running 864 strands from one end of a colo to another inside, compared with running it a block down the street isn't significantly different; modulo any construction costs. Obviously if it costs $1M to dig up the street that's bad, but for instance if there is already an empty duct down the street and it's just pulling cable, the delta is darn near zero. That's why I think rather than having the muni run colo (which may fill), they should just allow providers to drop in their own fiber cables, and run a fiber patch only room. There could then be hundreds of private colo providers in a 1km radius of the fiber MMR, generating lots of competition for the space/power side of the equation. If one fills up, someone will build another, and it need not be on the same square of land.... -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:46:06PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
Case 2, you move the CO Full problem from the CO to the adjacent cable vaults. Even with fiber, a 10,000 strand bundle is not small.
It's also a lot more expensive to pull in 10,000 strands from a few blocks away than it is to drop a router in the building with the MMR and aggregate those cross-connects into a much smaller number of fibers leaving the MMR building. [snip] But what happens when you fill the cable vaults?
It's really not an issue. 10,000 fibers will fit in a space not much larger than my arm.
I have on my desk a 10+ year old cable sample of a Corning 864 strand cable (36 ribbons of 24 fibers a ribbon). It is barely larger around than my thumb. Each one terminated into an almost-full rack of SC patch panels.
A web page on the cable:
My company at the time build a duct bank by building 6x4" conduit, installing 3x1.25" innerduct in each conduct, and pulling one of those cables in each innerduct. That's a potential capacity of 15,525 fibers in a duct bank perhaps 14" wide by 8" tall.
A "vault" as used for traditional telco or electrical (one big enough for a man to go down in) could hold millions of these fibers. They were never used, because they were way too big. There's also plenty of experience in this area, telcos have been putting much larger copper cables into CO's for a long time.
Were there demand, they could easily put more ribbons in a single armored sheeth. The actual stack of fibers is about 1/2" wide and 3/8" thick for the 864 strands. You could extrapolate a single 10,000 strand cable that would be smaller than the power cables going to a typical commercial transformer.
The cost of fiber is terminating it. Running 864 strands from one end of a colo to another inside, compared with running it a block down the street isn't significantly different; modulo any construction costs. Obviously if it costs $1M to dig up the street that's bad, but for instance if there is already an empty duct down the street and it's just pulling cable, the delta is darn near zero.
That's why I think rather than having the muni run colo (which may fill), they should just allow providers to drop in their own fiber cables, and run a fiber patch only room. There could then be hundreds of private colo providers in a 1km radius of the fiber MMR, generating lots of competition for the space/power side of the equation. If one fills up, someone will build another, and it need not be on the same square of land....
It's more than just terminating it; the bulk fiber is not free. And it's not the customer end where you see congestion; unless you (expensively) splice out in the field at intermediate aggregation points, for a say 10,000 customer "wire center" you have 10,000 x the individual cable cross section area at the convergence point. Which you have to provision end-to-end unbroken as splicing is likely to screw with your overall cost model in an atrocious way. Unlike all the other media. Yes, you can buy some fiber that aggregates smaller bundles, but they don't split nicely 100 ways in a manner you can realistically fan out from one master bundle at the head end (unless there's a fiber type out there I am not aware of, I don't do this part of the stuff all the time). It's a pain in the ass to provision in a way that you can centralize a L1 dark fiber service, because of splices. If you're providing L2 then you don't splice, you just run to a pole or ground or vault box and terminate there, and have a few 10G or 40G or 100G uplink fibers from there to your interchange point "wire center". If you're providing L1 then that's an amazingly complex fiber pull / conduit / delivered fiber quality / space management problem at the wire center. -- -george william herbert

On Jan 29, 2013, at 20:36 , George Herbert <> wrote:
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:46:06PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
Case 2, you move the CO Full problem from the CO to the adjacent cable vaults. Even with fiber, a 10,000 strand bundle is not small.
It's also a lot more expensive to pull in 10,000 strands from a few blocks away than it is to drop a router in the building with the MMR and aggregate those cross-connects into a much smaller number of fibers leaving the MMR building. [snip] But what happens when you fill the cable vaults?
It's really not an issue. 10,000 fibers will fit in a space not much larger than my arm.
I have on my desk a 10+ year old cable sample of a Corning 864 strand cable (36 ribbons of 24 fibers a ribbon). It is barely larger around than my thumb. Each one terminated into an almost-full rack of SC patch panels.
It's more than just terminating it; the bulk fiber is not free. And it's not the customer end where you see congestion; unless you (expensively) splice out in the field at intermediate aggregation points, for a say 10,000 customer "wire center" you have 10,000 x the individual cable cross section area at the convergence point. Which you have to provision end-to-end unbroken as splicing is likely to screw with your overall cost model in an atrocious way. Unlike all the other media.
This can be addressed by the fiberoptic equivalent of Telco "B Boxes" out in the neighborhoods. You run a large fiber bundle to the "B Box" (or series of B Boxes) and run the individual fiber bundles from the B Box to each house in the immediate neighborhood. Same model as the current Telco F1/F2 cable bundles, etc.
It's a pain in the ass to provision in a way that you can centralize a L1 dark fiber service, because of splices. If you're providing L2 then you don't splice, you just run to a pole or ground or vault box and terminate there, and have a few 10G or 40G or 100G uplink fibers from there to your interchange point "wire center". If you're providing L1 then that's an amazingly complex fiber pull / conduit / delivered fiber quality / space management problem at the wire center.
I don't think this is necessarily true if you include the possibility of passive LC patching at the neighborhood level. Owen

There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem. The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen. On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:36 PM, George Herbert <>wrote:
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 8:10 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 07:46:06PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
Case 2, you move the CO Full problem from the CO to the adjacent cable vaults. Even with fiber, a 10,000 strand bundle is not small.
It's also a lot more expensive to pull in 10,000 strands from a few blocks away than it is to drop a router in the building with the MMR and aggregate those cross-connects into a much smaller number of fibers leaving the MMR building. [snip] But what happens when you fill the cable vaults?
It's really not an issue. 10,000 fibers will fit in a space not much larger than my arm.
I have on my desk a 10+ year old cable sample of a Corning 864 strand cable (36 ribbons of 24 fibers a ribbon). It is barely larger around than my thumb. Each one terminated into an almost-full rack of SC patch panels.
A web page on the cable:
My company at the time build a duct bank by building 6x4" conduit, installing 3x1.25" innerduct in each conduct, and pulling one of those cables in each innerduct. That's a potential capacity of 15,525 fibers in a duct bank perhaps 14" wide by 8" tall.
A "vault" as used for traditional telco or electrical (one big enough for a man to go down in) could hold millions of these fibers. They were never used, because they were way too big. There's also plenty of experience in this area, telcos have been putting much larger copper cables into CO's for a long time.
Were there demand, they could easily put more ribbons in a single armored sheeth. The actual stack of fibers is about 1/2" wide and 3/8" thick for the 864 strands. You could extrapolate a single 10,000 strand cable that would be smaller than the power cables going to a typical commercial transformer.
The cost of fiber is terminating it. Running 864 strands from one end of a colo to another inside, compared with running it a block down the street isn't significantly different; modulo any construction costs. Obviously if it costs $1M to dig up the street that's bad, but for instance if there is already an empty duct down the street and it's just pulling cable, the delta is darn near zero.
That's why I think rather than having the muni run colo (which may fill), they should just allow providers to drop in their own fiber cables, and run a fiber patch only room. There could then be hundreds of private colo providers in a 1km radius of the fiber MMR, generating lots of competition for the space/power side of the equation. If one fills up, someone will build another, and it need not be on the same square of land....
It's more than just terminating it; the bulk fiber is not free. And it's not the customer end where you see congestion; unless you (expensively) splice out in the field at intermediate aggregation points, for a say 10,000 customer "wire center" you have 10,000 x the individual cable cross section area at the convergence point. Which you have to provision end-to-end unbroken as splicing is likely to screw with your overall cost model in an atrocious way. Unlike all the other media.
Yes, you can buy some fiber that aggregates smaller bundles, but they don't split nicely 100 ways in a manner you can realistically fan out from one master bundle at the head end (unless there's a fiber type out there I am not aware of, I don't do this part of the stuff all the time).
It's a pain in the ass to provision in a way that you can centralize a L1 dark fiber service, because of splices. If you're providing L2 then you don't splice, you just run to a pole or ground or vault box and terminate there, and have a few 10G or 40G or 100G uplink fibers from there to your interchange point "wire center". If you're providing L1 then that's an amazingly complex fiber pull / conduit / delivered fiber quality / space management problem at the wire center.
-- -george william herbert

In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:33:35AM -0600, Jason Baugher wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
Corning makes a pre-terminated breakout bay for the 864 cable nicknamed the "mamu". It is in essence a 7' rack, which is about 90% SC patch panels and 10% splice trays. The cable comes in and is fusion spliced to tails already pre-terminated in the rack. I don't know if they now have an LC option, which should be more dense. They are perhaps 1' deep as well, being just patch panels in a 2-post rack, so they take up much less space than a cabinet. To run some rough numbers, I live in a town with a population of 44,000 people, grouped into 10,368 "households". It is the size that if the MMR were pretty much perfectly centered 10km optics should reach all corners of the town, but were it not centered more than one MMR would be needed. To put that in patch panel racks, 10,368 households * 6 fibers per house (3 pair) / 864 per rack = 72 racks of patch panels. Using a relatively generous for 2-post patch panels 20sq feet per rack it would be 1,440 sq feet of colo space to house all of the patch panels to homes. Now, providers coming in would need a similar amount of fiber, so basically double that amount. There would also need to be some room for growth. Were I sizing a physical colo for this town I would build a 5,000 square foot space designed to take ~250 fiber racks. That would handle today's needs (< 150 racks) and provide years of growth. Note also that the room is 100% patch panels and fiber, no electronics. There would be no need for chillers and generators and similar equipment. No need for raised floor, or a DC power plant. The sole difficult part would be fiber patch management, a rather elaborate overhead tray system would be required.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
There is almost nothing to bid out here in my model. Today when a new subdivision is built the builder contracts out all of the work to the telco/cable-co specifications. That would continue to be the case with fiber. The muni would contract out running the main trunk lines to each neighborhood, and the initial building of the MMR space. Once that is done the ongoing effort is a man or two that can do patching and testing in the MMR, and occasionally contracting out repair work when fiber is cut. The real win here is that there aren't 2-5 companies digging up streets and yards. Even if the government is corrupt to the tune of doubling every cost that's the same in real dollars as two providers building competitive infrastructure....add in a third and this option is still cheaper for the end consumer. However in my study of government, the more local the less corruption; on average. Local folks know what's going on in their town, and can walk over and talk to the mayor. City budgets tend to be balanced as a matter of law in most places. This would be an entirely local effort. Would it be trouble free? No. Would it be better than paying money to $BigTelcoCableCo who uses their money to argue for higher PUC rates, probably! -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

Ah, I said nothing about involving $BigTelcoCableCo. There are smaller companies that will do these projects, as long as they make business sense. Muni's can do things to make it more attractive, such as not charging for right-of-way, property tax incentives, etc... There's nothing wrong with the concept of a single entity building out the infrastructure for others to lease on a wholesale basis, I just don't think that entity should be a government. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space
In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:33:35AM -0600, Jason Baugher wrote: the
termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
Corning makes a pre-terminated breakout bay for the 864 cable nicknamed the "mamu". It is in essence a 7' rack, which is about 90% SC patch panels and 10% splice trays. The cable comes in and is fusion spliced to tails already pre-terminated in the rack. I don't know if they now have an LC option, which should be more dense. They are perhaps 1' deep as well, being just patch panels in a 2-post rack, so they take up much less space than a cabinet.
To run some rough numbers, I live in a town with a population of 44,000 people, grouped into 10,368 "households". It is the size that if the MMR were pretty much perfectly centered 10km optics should reach all corners of the town, but were it not centered more than one MMR would be needed.
To put that in patch panel racks, 10,368 households * 6 fibers per house (3 pair) / 864 per rack = 72 racks of patch panels. Using a relatively generous for 2-post patch panels 20sq feet per rack it would be 1,440 sq feet of colo space to house all of the patch panels to homes.
Now, providers coming in would need a similar amount of fiber, so basically double that amount. There would also need to be some room for growth. Were I sizing a physical colo for this town I would build a 5,000 square foot space designed to take ~250 fiber racks. That would handle today's needs (< 150 racks) and provide years of growth.
Note also that the room is 100% patch panels and fiber, no electronics. There would be no need for chillers and generators and similar equipment. No need for raised floor, or a DC power plant. The sole difficult part would be fiber patch management, a rather elaborate overhead tray system would be required.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
There is almost nothing to bid out here in my model. Today when a new subdivision is built the builder contracts out all of the work to the telco/cable-co specifications. That would continue to be the case with fiber. The muni would contract out running the main trunk lines to each neighborhood, and the initial building of the MMR space. Once that is done the ongoing effort is a man or two that can do patching and testing in the MMR, and occasionally contracting out repair work when fiber is cut.
The real win here is that there aren't 2-5 companies digging up streets and yards. Even if the government is corrupt to the tune of doubling every cost that's the same in real dollars as two providers building competitive infrastructure....add in a third and this option is still cheaper for the end consumer.
However in my study of government, the more local the less corruption; on average. Local folks know what's going on in their town, and can walk over and talk to the mayor. City budgets tend to be balanced as a matter of law in most places. This would be an entirely local effort.
Would it be trouble free? No. Would it be better than paying money to $BigTelcoCableCo who uses their money to argue for higher PUC rates, probably!
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
right-of-way, property tax incentives, etc... There's nothing wrong with the concept of a single entity building out the infrastructure for others to lease on a wholesale basis, I just don't think that entity should be a government.
I disagree: IMHO, the *owner* of the plant much be the local government, for lots of reasons I don't have written down right now. :-) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Jan 30, 2013, at 7:29 AM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:33:35AM -0600, Jason Baugher wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
Corning makes a pre-terminated breakout bay for the 864 cable nicknamed the "mamu". It is in essence a 7' rack, which is about 90% SC patch panels and 10% splice trays. The cable comes in and is fusion spliced to tails already pre-terminated in the rack. I don't know if they now have an LC option, which should be more dense. They are perhaps 1' deep as well, being just patch panels in a 2-post rack, so they take up much less space than a cabinet.
To run some rough numbers, I live in a town with a population of 44,000 people, grouped into 10,368 "households". It is the size that if the MMR were pretty much perfectly centered 10km optics should reach all corners of the town, but were it not centered more than one MMR would be needed.
To put that in patch panel racks, 10,368 households * 6 fibers per house (3 pair) / 864 per rack = 72 racks of patch panels. Using a relatively generous for 2-post patch panels 20sq feet per rack it would be 1,440 sq feet of colo space to house all of the patch panels to homes.
Now, providers coming in would need a similar amount of fiber, so basically double that amount. There would also need to be some room for growth. Were I sizing a physical colo for this town I would build a 5,000 square foot space designed to take ~250 fiber racks. That would handle today's needs (< 150 racks) and provide years of growth.
I think you underestimate the service provider side of this equation. Let's say you get 10 competing ISPs in that town. Each of them is probably going to want to bring in enough fiber to support ~60% of the town population because, as has been previously pointed out, pulling and terminating is expensive, fiber is cheap, so, you want to install once and have enough to last "forever". 10*60% = 600% = an additional 8,640 square feet. OTOH, if each provider brings in a router and has cross-connects pulled in on demand to the MMR, instead of 44 racks per provider, you're looking at a variable number of racks per provider reflecting their number of customers in patch panels + a router or 2 (probably ≤1 rack)
Note also that the room is 100% patch panels and fiber, no electronics. There would be no need for chillers and generators and similar equipment. No need for raised floor, or a DC power plant. The sole difficult part would be fiber patch management, a rather elaborate overhead tray system would be required.
Sure, but you're going to need a room (or several) with all of that stuff within 1km of each of the MMRs under your proposed scenario, so…
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
There is almost nothing to bid out here in my model. Today when a new subdivision is built the builder contracts out all of the work to the telco/cable-co specifications. That would continue to be the case with fiber. The muni would contract out running the main trunk lines to each neighborhood, and the initial building of the MMR space. Once that is done the ongoing effort is a man or two that can do patching and testing in the MMR, and occasionally contracting out repair work when fiber is cut.
Plus janitorial and mechanical maintenance of the MMR, etc. Owen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
To put that in patch panel racks, 10,368 households * 6 fibers per house (3 pair) / 864 per rack = 72 racks of patch panels. Using a relatively generous for 2-post patch panels 20sq feet per rack it would be 1,440 sq feet of colo space to house all of the patch panels to homes.
Oh, I hope to ghod we can get higher density that that.
Now, providers coming in would need a similar amount of fiber, so basically double that amount. There would also need to be some room for growth. Were I sizing a physical colo for this town I would build a 5,000 square foot space designed to take ~250 fiber racks. That would handle today's needs (< 150 racks) and provide years of growth.
5000ft a fair amount of space. Of course, I could always double the height and put roller ladders in; this is an MDF; the MAC rate should be relatively low.
Note also that the room is 100% patch panels and fiber, no electronics.
Well, your room is. :-)
There would be no need for chillers and generators and similar equipment. No need for raised floor, or a DC power plant. The sole difficult part would be fiber patch management, a rather elaborate overhead tray system would be required.
That's another advantage of layer 2: you can use short patches to an intra-rack termination switch, since you can handle all the MAC at VLAN level, with the exception of those clients who actually *want* Layer 1, to whom you can still provide it.
There is almost nothing to bid out here in my model. Today when a new subdivision is built the builder contracts out all of the work to the telco/cable-co specifications. That would continue to be the case with fiber. The muni would contract out running the main trunk lines to each neighborhood, and the initial building of the MMR space. Once that is done the ongoing effort is a man or two that can do patching and testing in the MMR, and occasionally contracting out repair work when fiber is cut.
And again, you're greenfield, and I'm not. :-)
The real win here is that there aren't 2-5 companies digging up streets and yards. Even if the government is corrupt to the tune of doubling every cost that's the same in real dollars as two providers building competitive infrastructure....add in a third and this option is still cheaper for the end consumer.
However in my study of government, the more local the less corruption; on average. Local folks know what's going on in their town, and can walk over and talk to the mayor. City budgets tend to be balanced as a matter of law in most places. This would be an entirely local effort.
Indeed. Ours is.
Would it be trouble free? No. Would it be better than paying money to $BigTelcoCableCo who uses their money to argue for higher PUC rates, probably!
And to pay lobbyists to make projects like this *illegal* under state law. No, I am not making that up. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:27:27PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
You're assuming there, I think, that residential customers will have mini-GBIC ports on their routers, which has not been my experience. :-)
They don't today because there is no demand for such a feature. My point is that if people deployed FTTH in this way, there would be demand for such products. Many of the chipsets inside these boxes already support SFP PHY, they just don't put an SFP connector on them to save a couple of bucks. If there was demand vendors would have a product out in months not years, probably within $10 of current prices (not counting optics).
Understand that I'm not concerned with minimizing the build cost to the muni; I'm interested in *maximizing the utility of the build*, both to the end-user customers, *and* to local businesses who might/will serve them.
Yes, which is why you want to remove anything electronic possible, and to large extent any prismatic devices. Single mode from the 1990's will carry 10GE today, if unfettered. Today's single mode will carry 100GE+ for a 50+ year lifespan, if properly installed. Electronics last 5-10, and then must be replaced, at a cost passed on to consumers. The GigE GPON isn't cutting it anymore? Fine, let's replace all the electronics and update the splitters to 10GE, at great cost! By having a direct fiber pair to the home ISP's could run 100Mbps to one customer, GigE to another customer, and 10x10GE WDM to a third customer, just for the cost of equipment. Own two business locations? You don't even contract with an ISP; you pay the Muni $10/month for fiber to each prem, and $2/month for a cross connect and light it up however you want. Plug in a GigE LAN switch on each end and off you go. It's the ultimte empowerment, fiber for everyone!
Based also on the point Owen makes about reducing truck rolls by having netadmin controlled hardware at the customer end, I'm not at all sure I agree; I think it depends a lot on what you're trading it off *against*.
That can be fixed in other ways. It would be easy to make a standard SNMP mib or something that the service provider could poll from the customer gateway, and service providers could require compatable equipment. There are ethernet OAM specs. When I get a Cisco router with an integrated CSU and the telco sends a loop-up my device does it. No reason the same can't be done with ethernet, other than no demand today. In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 09:24:51PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
To put that in patch panel racks, 10,368 households * 6 fibers per house (3 pair) / 864 per rack = 72 racks of patch panels. Using a relatively generous for 2-post patch panels 20sq feet per rack it would be 1,440 sq feet of colo space to house all of the patch panels to homes.
Oh, I hope to ghod we can get higher density that that.
I'm sure it's possible. I would be there is an LC solution by now, and this is also discounting direct fusion splicing which would be 20-40x smaller in footprint. That said, the fiber MMR I'm proposing is of similar size to the telco CO's serving the same size towns today; except of course the Telco CO is filled with expensive switches, generators, battery banks, etc. I don't want to understate the fiber management problem in the MMR, it's real. Some thought and intelligence would have to go into the design of how patches are made, making heavy use of fusion splice trays rather than connectors, high density panels, and so on. That said, Telcos did a fine job of this with copper for hundreds of years when every line ran back to a central frame. There are fiber providers doing similar things today, not quite on the same scale but in ways that could easily scale up. I would like to build an infrastrucutre that could last 50-100 years, like the telephone twisted pair of the last century. The only tech I can see that can do that is home run single mode fiber to the home. Anything with electronics has no chance of that lifespan. Anything with splitters and such will be problematic down the road. Simpler is better. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:27:27PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
You're assuming there, I think, that residential customers will have mini-GBIC ports on their routers, which has not been my experience. :-)
They don't today because there is no demand for such a feature. My point is that if people deployed FTTH in this way, there would be demand for such products. Many of the chipsets inside these boxes already support SFP PHY, they just don't put an SFP connector on them to save a couple of bucks. If there was demand vendors would have a product out in months not years, probably within $10 of current prices (not counting optics).
XBOX 360s? There are still lots of people without routers, don't forget.
Understand that I'm not concerned with minimizing the build cost to the muni; I'm interested in *maximizing the utility of the build*, both to the end-user customers, *and* to local businesses who might/will serve them.
Yes, which is why you want to remove anything electronic possible, and to large extent any prismatic devices. Single mode from the 1990's will carry 10GE today, if unfettered. Today's single mode will carry 100GE+ for a 50+ year lifespan, if properly installed. Electronics last 5-10, and then must be replaced, at a cost passed on to consumers. The GigE GPON isn't cutting it anymore? Fine, let's replace all the electronics and update the splitters to 10GE, at great cost!
Have you missed, Leo, all the places wherein I've likened GPON to the AntiChrist? :-) That said, anyone for whom GiGE handoff is *not* good enough is a Layer 1 customer anyway.
By having a direct fiber pair to the home ISP's could run 100Mbps to one customer, GigE to another customer, and 10x10GE WDM to a third customer, just for the cost of equipment. Own two business locations? You don't even contract with an ISP; you pay the Muni $10/month for fiber to each prem, and $2/month for a cross connect and light it up however you want.
We are in violent agreement, then. But *that's not the statistical majority of the customer base*. At least not at first.
Plug in a GigE LAN switch on each end and off you go. It's the ultimte empowerment, fiber for everyone!
If necessary, yes. The city itself will certainly be a Layer 1 customer.
Based also on the point Owen makes about reducing truck rolls by having netadmin controlled hardware at the customer end, I'm not at all sure I agree; I think it depends a lot on what you're trading it off *against*.
That can be fixed in other ways. It would be easy to make a standard SNMP mib or something that the service provider could poll from the customer gateway, and service providers could require compatable equipment. There are ethernet OAM specs.
"Customer gateway". Isn't that the box you're denigrating? :-) Or do you mean the "FSLAM"?
In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 09:24:51PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
To put that in patch panel racks, 10,368 households * 6 fibers per house (3 pair) / 864 per rack = 72 racks of patch panels. Using a relatively generous for 2-post patch panels 20sq feet per rack it would be 1,440 sq feet of colo space to house all of the patch panels to homes.
Oh, I hope to ghod we can get higher density that that.
I'm sure it's possible. I would be there is an LC solution by now, and this is also discounting direct fusion splicing which would be 20-40x smaller in footprint.
That said, the fiber MMR I'm proposing is of similar size to the telco CO's serving the same size towns today; except of course the Telco CO is filled with expensive switches, generators, battery banks, etc.
I don't want to understate the fiber management problem in the MMR, it's real. Some thought and intelligence would have to go into the design of how patches are made, making heavy use of fusion splice trays rather than connectors, high density panels, and so on. That said, Telcos did a fine job of this with copper for hundreds of years when every line ran back to a central frame. There are fiber providers doing similar things today, not quite on the same scale but in ways that could easily scale up.
I have at least 24 months to watch the industry go by, probably longer.
I would like to build an infrastrucutre that could last 50-100 years, like the telephone twisted pair of the last century. The only tech I can see that can do that is home run single mode fiber to the home. Anything with electronics has no chance of that lifespan. Anything with splitters and such will be problematic down the road. Simpler is better.
IMO, what has to last 50 years is *the plant*. You and I are both putting terminal equipment on each end, we just differ on what it does, and who pays for it. I will, however, shoot anyone who proposes GPON. :-) Cheers, -- jr 'please, no gun control threadjacks :-)' a -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:00:47PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
That can be fixed in other ways. It would be easy to make a standard SNMP mib or something that the service provider could poll from the customer gateway, and service providers could require compatable equipment. There are ethernet OAM specs.
"Customer gateway". Isn't that the box you're denigrating? :-)
Or do you mean the "FSLAM"?
No, there's an important distinction here, and we have a great example today. The Cable Modem. The Cable Modem is in many ways very similar to a FTTH ONT. It takes one media (cable, fiber), does some processing, provides some security and a test point to the provider, and then hands off ethernet to the customer. A majority of customers then plug in a Home Gateway (router, one of those linksys/netgear/belkin things), although some plug in a single device. What goes wrong? Well, the Home Gateway sees a 1000Mbps GigE to the cable modem, and tries to send at that rate. The cable modem is only allowed to transmit to the plant at maybe 10Mbps though, and so it must buffer and drop packets, at what appears to be L2. At which point virtually any ability the customer had to do QoS is gone! I believe some Verizon FIOS customers had similar issues with GigE to the ONT, and then 100Mbps upstream service. Havng the two separate devices significantly degrades the customer experience in many cases, particularly where there is a speed mismatch. I want to chuck the cable modem and/or ONT out the window never to be seen again, and let the customer plug their home gateway in directly. No middle box to buffer or drop packets, or otherwise mangle the data stream in bad ways. I have no issues with the Home Gateway responding to OAM testing from the provider. I have no issues with it learning part of its config (like a maximum transmit speed) from the provider. A Cable Modem or ONT is a glorified media converter which should not exist. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
The Cable Modem is in many ways very similar to a FTTH ONT. It takes one media (cable, fiber), does some processing, provides some security and a test point to the provider, and then hands off ethernet to the customer. A majority of customers then plug in a Home Gateway (router, one of those linksys/netgear/belkin things), although some plug in a single device.
It's actually not. A cablemodem is similar to a DSU, while an ONT is similar to a CSU. Layer 2 vs layer 1. I think.
What goes wrong? Well, the Home Gateway sees a 1000Mbps GigE to the cable modem, and tries to send at that rate. The cable modem is only allowed to transmit to the plant at maybe 10Mbps though, and so it must buffer and drop packets, at what appears to be L2. At which point virtually any ability the customer had to do QoS is gone! I believe some Verizon FIOS customers had similar issues with GigE to the ONT, and then 100Mbps upstream service.
Sure. So you hard-throttle the ETH PHY to whatever speed they're paying for; if it's 50Mbps, then you set it as 100BaseT, not Gig.
Havng the two separate devices significantly degrades the customer experience in many cases, particularly where there is a speed mismatch.
I'm all about not buffering, but this seems baby/bathwater, to me.
I want to chuck the cable modem and/or ONT out the window never to be seen again, and let the customer plug their home gateway in directly. No middle box to buffer or drop packets, or otherwise mangle the data stream in bad ways.
Nothing at their end that you have any hope of being able to manage when they call in with trouble...
I have no issues with the Home Gateway responding to OAM testing from the provider. I have no issues with it learning part of its config (like a maximum transmit speed) from the provider.
A Cable Modem or ONT is a glorified media converter which should not exist.
If by "Home Gateway", you mean CPE, then no; the field is *way* too big to be able to get reliable remote management to work properly, not to mention the combinatorial explosion of multiple ISPs on the back end. Whether you can get by without carrier gear at the customer site is pretty much directly proportional to the complexity of the service. If a T-1 needs it, fiber sure does. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 8:52 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 08:27:27PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
You're assuming there, I think, that residential customers will have mini-GBIC ports on their routers, which has not been my experience. :-)
They don't today because there is no demand for such a feature. My point is that if people deployed FTTH in this way, there would be demand for such products. Many of the chipsets inside these boxes already support SFP PHY, they just don't put an SFP connector on them to save a couple of bucks. If there was demand vendors would have a product out in months not years, probably within $10 of current prices (not counting optics).
Calix is producing an Active Ethernet ONT combined with residential gateway router. I believe it also supports TR-069 for remote management. One other thing I noticed, most seem to assume a pair of fibers per device. Assuming 1G connection, you can easily use bi-directional optics such as we use for Active Ethernet and use a single fiber.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
Calix is producing an Active Ethernet ONT combined with residential gateway router. I believe it also supports TR-069 for remote management.
I'll check it out. Thanks. I assume that's TR-TSY-069, a Telcordia standard?
One other thing I noticed, most seem to assume a pair of fibers per device. Assuming 1G connection, you can easily use bi-directional optics such as we use for Active Ethernet and use a single fiber.
Yeah, but the incremental cost of 3-pr drop fiber is likely only to be maybe 10-15% of the build, and reducing the flexibility is gonna need a big trade-off for me to buy it; remember, my goal is to allow any prem to go Layer 1 to wherem ever they want to; they may want both. (L1 to my other locations, in a ring, and L2 up to a provider from my hub) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

I can't vouch for these yet, since I haven't used one so far. It looks to be a Broadband Forum spec, I'm not using it yet either, but find it interesting. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:59 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
Calix is producing an Active Ethernet ONT combined with residential gateway router. I believe it also supports TR-069 for remote management.
I'll check it out. Thanks. I assume that's TR-TSY-069, a Telcordia standard?
One other thing I noticed, most seem to assume a pair of fibers per device. Assuming 1G connection, you can easily use bi-directional optics such as we use for Active Ethernet and use a single fiber.
Yeah, but the incremental cost of 3-pr drop fiber is likely only to be maybe 10-15% of the build, and reducing the flexibility is gonna need a big trade-off for me to buy it; remember, my goal is to allow any prem to go Layer 1 to wherem ever they want to; they may want both.
(L1 to my other locations, in a ring, and L2 up to a provider from my hub)
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
I can't vouch for these yet, since I haven't used one so far.
Yeah; see my other reply a few minutes ago.
It looks to be a Broadband Forum spec, I'm not using it yet either, but find it interesting.
I see that it is, and I'm frankly *amazed* that it's gotten industry uptake to the point people will quote it on ticklists. Probably, everyone *else* thinks it's a bellcore standard, like I did. :-) Can't wait for Telcordia to try to sue them over the prefix. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Working in a mixed TDM and IP world, it's such a stark difference between freely available RFCs and $900 per pop Telcordia docs. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
I can't vouch for these yet, since I haven't used one so far.
Yeah; see my other reply a few minutes ago.
It looks to be a Broadband Forum spec, I'm not using it yet either, but find it interesting.
I see that it is, and I'm frankly *amazed* that it's gotten industry uptake to the point people will quote it on ticklists. Probably, everyone *else* thinks it's a bellcore standard, like I did. :-)
Can't wait for Telcordia to try to sue them over the prefix.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Except for the fact that the people waiting for their gold shipment expect it to be treated as gold and not kaolin or chickens. At the end of the day the ISP is who gets called first and sometime they're the only person an end user can reach. Try this one day if you're ready for some frustration as a normal end user try and contact Google about emails not getting to your Gmail box. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
Working in a mixed TDM and IP world, it's such a stark difference between freely available RFCs and $900 per pop Telcordia docs.
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
I can't vouch for these yet, since I haven't used one so far.
Yeah; see my other reply a few minutes ago.
It looks to be a Broadband Forum spec, I'm not using it yet either, but find it interesting.
I see that it is, and I'm frankly *amazed* that it's gotten industry uptake to the point people will quote it on ticklists. Probably, everyone *else* thinks it's a bellcore standard, like I did. :-)
Can't wait for Telcordia to try to sue them over the prefix.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

TR-069 (part of which is CWMP) has been around a long long time and Telcodria is well aware of it. The real problem is getting it actually implemented well on CPE gear since the TM Forum didn't even have a certification process until this year. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:24 PM, Jay Ashworth <> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
I can't vouch for these yet, since I haven't used one so far.
Yeah; see my other reply a few minutes ago.
It looks to be a Broadband Forum spec, I'm not using it yet either, but find it interesting.
I see that it is, and I'm frankly *amazed* that it's gotten industry uptake to the point people will quote it on ticklists. Probably, everyone *else* thinks it's a bellcore standard, like I did. :-)
Can't wait for Telcordia to try to sue them over the prefix.
Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

When I get a Cisco router with an integrated CSU and the telco sends a loop-up my device does it. No reason the same can't be done with ethernet, other than no demand today.
But your router isn't where the Telco's responsibility ends. It ends back at the card with the blinky-lights on it, usually mounted next to the protector block at your MPOE. It's the DS0/T1 equivalent of the ONT. (They can also send test signals to it as well.)
I would like to build an infrastrucutre that could last 50-100 years, like the telephone twisted pair of the last century. The only tech I can see that can do that is home run single mode fiber to the home. Anything with electronics has no chance of that lifespan. Anything with splitters and such will be problematic down the road. Simpler is better.
An interesting claim given that the Telco twisted pair you are holding up as a shining example did involve electronics, splitters (known as bridge taps) etc. Owen

In a message written on Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 09:30:31PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
I would like to build an infrastrucutre that could last 50-100 years, like the telephone twisted pair of the last century. The only tech I can see that can do that is home run single mode fiber to the home. Anything with electronics has no chance of that lifespan. Anything with splitters and such will be problematic down the road. Simpler is better.
An interesting claim given that the Telco twisted pair you are holding up as a shining example did involve electronics, splitters (known as bridge taps) etc.
Actually, you're making my point for me. Telcos have spent billions removing the electronics, splitters, and bridge taps so they can have unadulterated copper for higher speed DSL. To make the new tech work all of the old tech had to be removed from the plant. Those things may have seemed cheaper/better at the time, but in the end I don't think their lifecycle cost was lower. Private industry is capital sensitive to a higher degree than government; if a telco could save $1 of capital cost with a bridge tap, use it for 30 years, and then spend $500 to remove the bridge tap that looked "better" in their captial model. I'm suggesting it's better to spend the $1 up front, and never pay the $500 down the road. The real win isn't the $500 savings, it's the _opportunity_. Customers in some parts of the US have waited _years_ for high speed DSL because of the time it takes to remove bridge taps and otherwise groom the copper plant. That's years they are behind other citizens who aren't on plants with that problem. Had that junk never been there in the first place they could have received upgrades much faster. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

On 1/30/13 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
When a municipality issued a bond, bank of america and morgan stanley (and bear stearns) conspired to rig the bidding. Something they paid not insignficant fines over, though hardly enough to compensate the tax payers or municipalities at that bought them at uncompetitive terms.

Oh, so all the fault belongs to the financial institutions, and there is no corruption within the government agencies themselves. Right. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:58 AM, joel jaeggli <> wrote:
On 1/30/13 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
When a municipality issued a bond, bank of america and morgan stanley (and bear stearns) conspired to rig the bidding. Something they paid not insignficant fines over, though hardly enough to compensate the tax payers or municipalities at that bought them at uncompetitive terms.

On 1/30/13 8:05 AM, Jason Baugher wrote:
Oh, so all the fault belongs to the financial institutions, and there is no corruption within the government agencies themselves. Right. More like it's turtles all the way down.
On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:58 AM, joel jaeggli <> wrote:
On 1/30/13 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
When a municipality issued a bond, bank of america and morgan stanley (and bear stearns) conspired to rig the bidding. Something they paid not insignficant fines over, though hardly enough to compensate the tax payers or municipalities at that bought them at uncompetitive terms.

On Jan 30, 2013, at 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
I now this is a popular refrain, but in reality, it's not all that accurate. I have no problem with allowing L1/L2 to be done by private enterprise, so long as said private enterprises are required to abide by the following rules: 1. They are not allowed to sell L3+ services. 2. They are not allowed to own any portion of any L3+ service provider. 3. They must sell their L1/L2 services to any L3+ service provider on equal terms. Owen

Although not technically private, this is where we see ourselves getting to if a good competitive environment fosters from the construction of the infrastructure. Again, we can't abandon our citizens to a one provider monopoly, but if a true competitive environment arose we would be quite content to sell last mile at a set price to anyone that wanted to provide services across that last mile and use those funds to maintain and upgrade said infrastructure as required going forward. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Owen DeLong" <> To: "Jason Baugher" <> Cc: "NANOG" <> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 3:49:38 PM Subject: Re: Muni network ownership and the Fourth On Jan 30, 2013, at 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
I now this is a popular refrain, but in reality, it's not all that accurate. I have no problem with allowing L1/L2 to be done by private enterprise, so long as said private enterprises are required to abide by the following rules: 1. They are not allowed to sell L3+ services. 2. They are not allowed to own any portion of any L3+ service provider. 3. They must sell their L1/L2 services to any L3+ service provider on equal terms. Owen

On 13-01-30 15:49, Owen DeLong wrote:
1. They are not allowed to sell L3+ services. 2. They are not allowed to own any portion of any L3+ service provider. 3. They must sell their L1/L2 services to any L3+ service provider on equal terms.
This is the problem we have in Canada. Despite the CRTC mandating that incumbents must wholesale their last mile, the incumbents are always in a conflict of interest because they also run their own retail service which competes against wholesale ISPs. And the incumbent's own retail service do not purchase last mile access at the regulated rates set by the CRTC. So functional separation is a clear requirement to ensure that the provider of the last mile as no vested interest in giving preferential treatment to one retailer over another. Another aspect which is important: when you wish to foster a competitive environment, you have market controlling incumbents and small startup ISPs. Small startup ISPs cannot afford to deploy fibre to whole neighbourhood when they will only have a couple of subscribers there. Having shared infrastructure is key to allowing small competitive ISPs to start and grow. While Australia resisted giving NBN the ability to aggregate traffic centrally (so that one ISP could get one connection to NBN and serve the nation), Canada moved in a different direction, increasing aggregation so that small ISPs can compete in a greater footprint so that even smaller towns can get competitive services. (Rogers cable is the last problem/sore point of this policy set in 2010 and confirmed/implemented in late 2011 - However, the aggregation is still within an incumbent's own fooot print. So you need links to Bell for most fo Québec and Ontario, links to Telus for Alberta-British Columbia, Rogers to reach cable custoemrs in Ontario, Vidéotron for Québec, Shaw for BC/ALTA etc). So while the Aussie NBN has many points of interconnect, they will connect to every home in that area, whereas in Canada, ISPs have cable and telco connections which are separate. In the Australian model, if you want to serve 5 customers in a small town, you need to setup a gigE link to the MMR in that small town. So it is much harder for smaller ISPs to cost justify expansion because break even point is far down the road once you have enough customers to justify the links to that town.

On Jan 30, 2013, at 1:36 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-01-30 15:49, Owen DeLong wrote:
1. They are not allowed to sell L3+ services. 2. They are not allowed to own any portion of any L3+ service provider. 3. They must sell their L1/L2 services to any L3+ service provider on equal terms.
This is the problem we have in Canada. Despite the CRTC mandating that incumbents must wholesale their last mile, the incumbents are always in a conflict of interest because they also run their own retail service which competes against wholesale ISPs. And the incumbent's own retail service do not purchase last mile access at the regulated rates set by the CRTC.
So functional separation is a clear requirement to ensure that the provider of the last mile as no vested interest in giving preferential treatment to one retailer over another.
Another aspect which is important: when you wish to foster a competitive environment, you have market controlling incumbents and small startup ISPs.
Small startup ISPs cannot afford to deploy fibre to whole neighbourhood when they will only have a couple of subscribers there. Having shared infrastructure is key to allowing small competitive ISPs to start and grow.
While Australia resisted giving NBN the ability to aggregate traffic centrally (so that one ISP could get one connection to NBN and serve the nation), Canada moved in a different direction, increasing aggregation so that small ISPs can compete in a greater footprint so that even smaller towns can get competitive services. (Rogers cable is the last problem/sore point of this policy set in 2010 and confirmed/implemented in late 2011 - However, the aggregation is still within an incumbent's own fooot print. So you need links to Bell for most fo Québec and Ontario, links to Telus for Alberta-British Columbia, Rogers to reach cable custoemrs in Ontario, Vidéotron for Québec, Shaw for BC/ALTA etc).
So while the Aussie NBN has many points of interconnect, they will connect to every home in that area, whereas in Canada, ISPs have cable and telco connections which are separate.
In the Australian model, if you want to serve 5 customers in a small town, you need to setup a gigE link to the MMR in that small town. So it is much harder for smaller ISPs to cost justify expansion because break even point is far down the road once you have enough customers to justify the links to that town.
Seems to me that this will lead to a business of aggregators selling aggregations of interconnects to the various small towns in AU to eventually bring that price down. Owen

Sorry Owen, but I live in Illinois. Government corruption is a way of life here. On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Owen DeLong <> wrote:
On Jan 30, 2013, at 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher <> wrote:
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
I now this is a popular refrain, but in reality, it's not all that accurate.
I have no problem with allowing L1/L2 to be done by private enterprise, so long as said private enterprises are required to abide by the following rules:
1. They are not allowed to sell L3+ services. 2. They are not allowed to own any portion of any L3+ service provider. 3. They must sell their L1/L2 services to any L3+ service provider on equal terms.

On 1/30/13 6:33 AM, Jason Baugher wrote:
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would ...
could we agree that contract management is a problem inherent and not abandon an engineering discussion, which includes economics, to some ideological rathole? -e

The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
I live in a part of the world where we have both muni and private power companies, and muni water departments and muni water companies, and I just have to laugh at this doctrinaire rant. The muni power companies around here provide service every bit as good as NYSEG, the private power company, at literally half the price. They do this by not wasting time and money on financial shenanigans and boondoggle projects, and by being managed by local people who understand the issues rather than by corporate bureaucrats in Spain who think it's clever to save money by not trimming tree limbs that predictably take out power lines as soon as it snows. My opinion about muni water is biased, since I used to be the municipal water commissioner, but I think we do an excellent job and charge rates that cover our costs, not someone else's dividend. R's, John PS: "We don't have that problem in Spain!" "You don't have snow in Spain." "We don't have that problem in Scotland!" "You don't have trees in Scotland."

The muni power companies around here provide service every bit as good as NYSEG, the private power company, at literally half the price. The muni providers have a bunch of cost advantages that help them keep
On 1/30/2013 5:03 PM, John Levine wrote: the price lower. municipal utilities: - sell bonds cheaper (holders get tax-advantaged rates in interest income, and are ultimately backed by the muni taxpayers) - don't pay property tax on real-estate or sales tax on equipment used. - can force sale of property to collect unpaid bills - leverage municipal employees for customer support (can pay my water bill at the city clerk's office)

The muni providers have a bunch of cost advantages that help them keep the price lower.
Yes, but: A) NYSEG customers are still paying off boondoggles due to incompetent current and former management that have nothing to do with their for-profit status B) So what? The customers get better service at lower price. FWIW, I can report that as municipal water and sewer commissioner, although technically we could foreclose, we never have. The threat of disconnection is quite adequate to get people to pay. Regards, John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.

On 2/1/13 6:26 AM, Dave Sparro wrote:
municipal utilities: - sell bonds cheaper (holders get tax-advantaged rates in interest income, and are ultimately backed by the muni taxpayers)
Tangential to the private vs public screed: The ability to issue (and sell) tax exempt (T-E) bonds for any purpose is a given for governments in the US -- unless the government is that of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribal government -- where an "essential government interest" test applies. The history of the "essential government interest" test is rather sordid, but it resulted in only two bonds issued by any tribal governments for any purpose in 2010, none in 2011, and none in the first half of 2012. In any event, the "cost advantage" Dave cited, is not restricted to network buildouts by public entities funded by T-E bonds. Eric

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Baugher" <>
There is much talk of how many fibers can fit in a duct, can be brought into a colo space, etc... I haven't seen much mention of how much space the termination in the colo would take, such as splice trays, bulkheads, etc... Someone earlier mentioned being able to have millions of fibers coming through a vault, which is true assuming they are just passing through the vault. When you need to break into one of those 864-fiber cables, the room for splice cases suddenly becomes a problem.
Yes, it does. POTS MDF's aren't small either. I need to find out if anyone makes a self-normalling optical patch panel; I sort of suspect the answer is no. But again, since I'm *the City*, I'm maximizing for *utility*, not minimum cost.
The other thing I find interesting about this entire thread is the assumption by most that a government entity would do a good job as a layer-1 or -2 provider and would be more efficient than a private company. Governments, including municipalities, are notorious for corruption, fraud, waste - you name it. Even when government bids out projects to the private sector these problems are seen.
The issue here is the physical natural monopoly of the trench work, just as there is only one set of water, sewer and (generally) power distribution, it makes sense for there to be one set of broadband distribution, with open access to all providers. As for fraud, the plural of anecdote is not data, no matter how fetching the anecdote is to listen to. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

That's why I think rather than having the muni run colo (which may fill), they should just allow providers to drop in their own fiber cables, and run a fiber patch only room. There could then be hundreds of private colo providers in a 1km radius of the fiber MMR, generating lots of competition for the space/power side of the equation. If one fills up, someone will build another, and it need not be on the same square of land....
The two options are not mutually exclusive. Nothing precludes bringing additional fiber in where that makes sense even if you have an on-site colo facility. Owen

On 13-01-29 22:03, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc.
This is not possible in a GPON system. The OLT has to be carrier neutral so that different carriers can connect to it. It is the last point of aggregation before reaching homes. Otherwise, you would need to run multiple strands to each splitter box and inside run as many splitters as there are ISPs so that one home an be connect to the splitter used by ISP-1 while the next home's strand is connected to another splitter associated with ISP-2. This gets complicated. Much simpler for the municipality to run L2 to a single point of aggregation where different ISPs can connect. In the case of Australia, the aggregation points combine a few towns in rural areas. (so multiple OLTs).
I fully support the muni MMR being inside of a colocation facility run by some other company (Equinix/DLR/CoreSite, whatever) so folks can colo "on site".
Just because it is a municipal system does not mean that it has to be municipal employees who run the OLT and do the maintenance of the fibre plant. It can very well be a private company comtracted by the city to provide carrier neutral services to any ISP who wants to connect.

On Jan 29, 2013, at 20:30 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-01-29 22:03, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc.
This is not possible in a GPON system. The OLT has to be carrier neutral so that different carriers can connect to it. It is the last point of aggregation before reaching homes.
Otherwise, you would need to run multiple strands to each splitter box and inside run as many splitters as there are ISPs so that one home an be connect to the splitter used by ISP-1 while the next home's strand is connected to another splitter associated with ISP-2. This gets complicated.
Why can't the splitters be in the MMR? (I'm genuinely asking... I confess to a certain level of GPON ignorance).
Much simpler for the municipality to run L2 to a single point of aggregation where different ISPs can connect. In the case of Australia, the aggregation points combine a few towns in rural areas. (so multiple OLTs).
Yes, but this approach locks us into GPON only which I do not advocate. GPON is just the current fad. It's not necessarily the best long term solution. Owen

Owen DeLong <> writes:
On Jan 29, 2013, at 20:30 , Jean-Francois Mezei <> wrote:
On 13-01-29 22:03, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc.
This is not possible in a GPON system. The OLT has to be carrier neutral so that different carriers can connect to it. It is the last point of aggregation before reaching homes.
Otherwise, you would need to run multiple strands to each splitter box and inside run as many splitters as there are ISPs so that one home an be connect to the splitter used by ISP-1 while the next home's strand is connected to another splitter associated with ISP-2. This gets complicated.
Why can't the splitters be in the MMR? (I'm genuinely asking... I confess to a certain level of GPON ignorance).
Sorry for being late to the party (real work and all that). There is no reason whatsoever that one can't have centralized splitters in one's PON plant. The additional costs to do so are pretty much just limited to higher fiber counts in the field, which adds, tops, a couple of percent to the price of the build. More than offset by futureproofing and not requiring forklift upgrades to add a new technology for a few customers. Obviously the splitters should be owned by the service provider and upstream of the mega-patch-bay for a muni open access system. Meanwhile, EPON seems to be the technology that's won out on a global basis. Might have something to do with the price - all the hooks to support legacy ATM stuff in GPON's GEM come at a cost. :-) -r PS: Back in the mid-90s, I used to fantasize about being able to say "legacy ATM".

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <>
Why can't the splitters be in the MMR? (I'm genuinely asking... I confess to a certain level of GPON ignorance).
Sorry for being late to the party (real work and all that).
There is no reason whatsoever that one can't have centralized splitters in one's PON plant. The additional costs to do so are pretty much just limited to higher fiber counts in the field, which adds, tops, a couple of percent to the price of the build.
Ok, see, this is what Leo, Owen and I all think, and maybe a couple others. But Scott just got done telling me it's *so* much more expensive to home-run than ring or GPON-in-pedestals that it's commercially infeasible.
More than offset by futureproofing and not requiring forklift upgrades to add a new technology for a few customers. Obviously the splitters should be owned by the service provider and upstream of the mega-patch-bay for a muni open access system.
Well, I would assume the splitters have to be compatible with the OLT/ONT chosen by a prospective L1 client, no? Or is GPON GPON, which is GPON?
Meanwhile, EPON seems to be the technology that's won out on a global basis. Might have something to do with the price - all the hooks to support legacy ATM stuff in GPON's GEM come at a cost. :-)
Hmmm. I invite you, Rob, if you have the time, to look at the Rollup and Followup posts I put out this afternoon, which are the look at this which is closest to current in time. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On Feb 2, 2013 7:56 PM, "Jay Ashworth" <> wrote:
Well, I would assume the splitters have to be compatible with the OLT/ONT chosen by a prospective L1 client, no? Or is GPON GPON, which is GPON?
Splitters are passive. They only split light. They care not what information the light is carrying.

In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 08:55:34PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <> There is no reason whatsoever that one can't have centralized splitters in one's PON plant. The additional costs to do so are pretty much just limited to higher fiber counts in the field, which adds, tops, a couple of percent to the price of the build.
Ok, see, this is what Leo, Owen and I all think, and maybe a couple others.
But Scott just got done telling me it's *so* much more expensive to home-run than ring or GPON-in-pedestals that it's commercially infeasible.
Note, both are right, depending on the starting point and goals. Historically teclos have installed (relatively) low count fiber cables, based on a fiber to the pedistal and copper to the prem strategy. If you have one of these existing deployments, the cost of home run fiber (basically starting the fiber build from scratch, since the count is so low) is more expensive, and much greater cost than deploying GPON or similar over the existing plant. However, that GPON equipment will have a lifespan of 7-20 years. In a greenfield scenario where there is no fiber in the ground the cost is in digging the trench. The fiber going into it is only ~5% of the cost, and going from a 64 count fiber to a 864 count fiber only moves that to 7-8%. The fiber has a life of 40-80 years, and thus adding high count is cheaper than doing low count with GPON. Existing builds are optimizing to avoid sending out the backhoe and directional boring machine. New builds, or extreme forward thinking builds are trying to send them out once and never again. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

The difference between building a ring and then dropping connections and home running all of the connections is much more than difference in fiber count. However, its certainly true that home running works in some greenfield deployments and I hope I have not confused anyone on that point. A detailed look at the area to be covered along with the goals of the network will definitely drive you in the correct deployment model. This should be one of the first things you do. On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Leo Bicknell <> wrote:
In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 08:55:34PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <> There is no reason whatsoever that one can't have centralized splitters in one's PON plant. The additional costs to do so are pretty much just limited to higher fiber counts in the field, which adds, tops, a couple of percent to the price of the build.
Ok, see, this is what Leo, Owen and I all think, and maybe a couple others.
But Scott just got done telling me it's *so* much more expensive to home-run than ring or GPON-in-pedestals that it's commercially infeasible.
Note, both are right, depending on the starting point and goals.
Historically teclos have installed (relatively) low count fiber cables, based on a fiber to the pedistal and copper to the prem strategy. If you have one of these existing deployments, the cost of home run fiber (basically starting the fiber build from scratch, since the count is so low) is more expensive, and much greater cost than deploying GPON or similar over the existing plant.
However, that GPON equipment will have a lifespan of 7-20 years.
In a greenfield scenario where there is no fiber in the ground the cost is in digging the trench. The fiber going into it is only ~5% of the cost, and going from a 64 count fiber to a 864 count fiber only moves that to 7-8%. The fiber has a life of 40-80 years, and thus adding high count is cheaper than doing low count with GPON.
Existing builds are optimizing to avoid sending out the backhoe and directional boring machine. New builds, or extreme forward thinking builds are trying to send them out once and never again.
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at
-- Scott Helms Vice President of Technology ZCorum (678) 507-5000 -------------------------------- --------------------------------

Leo Bicknell <> writes:
In a message written on Sat, Feb 02, 2013 at 08:55:34PM -0500, Jay Ashworth wrote:
From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <> There is no reason whatsoever that one can't have centralized splitters in one's PON plant. The additional costs to do so are pretty much just limited to higher fiber counts in the field, which adds, tops, a couple of percent to the price of the build.
Ok, see, this is what Leo, Owen and I all think, and maybe a couple others.
But Scott just got done telling me it's *so* much more expensive to home-run than ring or GPON-in-pedestals that it's commercially infeasible.
Note, both are right, depending on the starting point and goals.
Data point, which makes the rest of this discussion moot: Since telcos are historically myopic and don't build (much) extra fiber into their plant to support future technologies, the only use for existing fiber in the ground in passive optical applications is to connect the COs. There is not enough running out towards the customers to support retrofitting it for PON. Besides, there are regulatory issues with re-purposing existing voice-plant-supporting assets for PON in places such as VZ territory where the ILEC got a pass on legislated equal access applying to PON builds. Some more data that may inform your conceptualization - Split ratios of 128 and 64 only work in the lab. Proper engineering (overlap of dB and bits/sec/customer) will dictate split ratios of 16 or 32 (depending on modulation scheme, and no, going to 10gbit modulation doesn't help; you still have the link budget problem) last time I did the math. Still, the power budget improvements by not going with a single strand active ethernet solution (which were another suggested technology and has actually been deployed by some muni PON folks like Clarkesville, TN) are huge. Imagine a 24 port switch that draws 100 watts. OK, that's 4w per customer. 30k customers from a served location, that's 120kw ($13k power bill if you had 100% efficient UPSes and 0 cost cooling, neither of which is true) just for the edge, not counting any aggregation devices or northbound switch gear. Back at NN, we discounted this as a technology almost immediately based on energy efficiency alone. Anyway, in summary, for PON deployments the part that matters *is* a greenfield deployment and if the fiber plant is planned and scaled accordingly the cost differential is noise. -r
Historically teclos have installed (relatively) low count fiber cables, based on a fiber to the pedistal and copper to the prem strategy. If you have one of these existing deployments, the cost of home run fiber (basically starting the fiber build from scratch, since the count is so low) is more expensive, and much greater cost than deploying GPON or similar over the existing plant.
However, that GPON equipment will have a lifespan of 7-20 years.
In a greenfield scenario where there is no fiber in the ground the cost is in digging the trench. The fiber going into it is only ~5% of the cost, and going from a 64 count fiber to a 864 count fiber only moves that to 7-8%. The fiber has a life of 40-80 years, and thus adding high count is cheaper than doing low count with GPON.
Existing builds are optimizing to avoid sending out the backhoe and directional boring machine. New builds, or extreme forward thinking builds are trying to send them out once and never again.
-- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <>
Data point, which makes the rest of this discussion moot:
Since telcos are historically myopic and don't build (much) extra fiber into their plant to support future technologies, the only use for existing fiber in the ground in passive optical applications is to connect the COs. There is not enough running out towards the customers to support retrofitting it for PON.
It doesn't make it moot for me; I'm greenfield.
Some more data that may inform your conceptualization - Split ratios of 128 and 64 only work in the lab. Proper engineering (overlap of dB and bits/sec/customer) will dictate split ratios of 16 or 32 (depending on modulation scheme, and no, going to 10gbit modulation doesn't help; you still have the link budget problem) last time I did the math.
Yeah, I sorta figured this.
Still, the power budget improvements by not going with a single strand active ethernet solution (which were another suggested technology and has actually been deployed by some muni PON folks like Clarkesville, TN) are huge. Imagine a 24 port switch that draws 100 watts. OK, that's 4w per customer. 30k customers from a served location, that's 120kw ($13k power bill if you had 100% efficient UPSes and 0 cost cooling, neither of which is true) just for the edge, not counting any aggregation devices or northbound switch gear.
Hmm. the optics don't have auto power control?
Back at NN, we discounted this as a technology almost immediately based on energy efficiency alone.
Anyway, in summary, for PON deployments the part that matters *is* a greenfield deployment and if the fiber plant is planned and scaled accordingly the cost differential is noise.
I assume you mean "the cost diff between GPON plant and home-run plant"; that's the answer I was hoping for. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

Jay Ashworth <> writes:
Still, the power budget improvements by not going with a single strand active ethernet solution (which were another suggested technology and has actually been deployed by some muni PON folks like Clarkesville, TN) are huge. Imagine a 24 port switch that draws 100 watts. OK, that's 4w per customer. 30k customers from a served location, that's 120kw ($13k power bill if you had 100% efficient UPSes and 0 cost cooling, neither of which is true) just for the edge, not counting any aggregation devices or northbound switch gear.
Hmm. the optics don't have auto power control?
Auto power control would apply to launch levels for the light; assuming a launch level of -3 dBm and lasers that were only 1 percent efficient (combination of spec max launch power for LX optics and unrealistically crummy efficiency lasers) your total power budget for the laser is only 50 milliwatts out of that 4 watts - wrong place to look for power savings. The rest is taken up by stuff like the ethernet chip and supporting logic in the switch, inefficiencies in the power supply, etc. etc.
Back at NN, we discounted this as a technology almost immediately based on energy efficiency alone.
Anyway, in summary, for PON deployments the part that matters *is* a greenfield deployment and if the fiber plant is planned and scaled accordingly the cost differential is noise.
I assume you mean "the cost diff between GPON plant and home-run plant"; that's the answer I was hoping for.
Close; I meant "the cost difference between a home run fiber architecture with centralized splitters for *PON and distributed splitters in the field is minimal, and one gains it back in future-proofing and avoiding forklift upgrades down the road". The question of where one puts the splitters (if any) is coupled to the PON vs. active ethernet question only insofar as AE doesn't need splitters - but assuming: * $10k/month cost differential for power in the scenario above * unity cost for head end equipment (almost certainly wrong) * a 16 way split ratio (worst case; you might get 24 or 32) * $100 apiece splitters (24 or 32 would be marginally more) * today's stupid-low cost of capital break-even point on the decision to go with a PON type of technology is still less than two years. If you have a customer who needs the whole pipe to himself (or next generation optics for 10g or 100g to the couch), with centralized splitters the solution is easy. You re-patch him with an attenuator instead of a splitter (or hook him to the new kit), re-range, and go to town. Of course you lose the power advantages of a PON architecture but those customers are the exception not the rule. -r

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert E. Seastrom" <>
Hmm. the optics don't have auto power control?
Auto power control would apply to launch levels for the light; assuming a launch level of -3 dBm and lasers that were only 1 percent efficient (combination of spec max launch power for LX optics and unrealistically crummy efficiency lasers) your total power budget for the laser is only 50 milliwatts out of that 4 watts - wrong place to look for power savings. The rest is taken up by stuff like the ethernet chip and supporting logic in the switch, inefficiencies in the power supply, etc. etc.
Ah. Didn't realize that was the split.
Anyway, in summary, for PON deployments the part that matters *is* a greenfield deployment and if the fiber plant is planned and scaled accordingly the cost differential is noise.
I assume you mean "the cost diff between GPON plant and home-run plant"; that's the answer I was hoping for.
Close; I meant "the cost difference between a home run fiber architecture with centralized splitters for *PON and distributed splitters in the field is minimal, and one gains it back in future-proofing and avoiding forklift upgrades down the road".
I believe that's the same assertion, yes. :-)
The question of where one puts the splitters (if any) is coupled to the PON vs. active ethernet question only insofar as AE doesn't need splitters - but assuming:
* $10k/month cost differential for power in the scenario above * unity cost for head end equipment (almost certainly wrong) * a 16 way split ratio (worst case; you might get 24 or 32) * $100 apiece splitters (24 or 32 would be marginally more) * today's stupid-low cost of capital
break-even point on the decision to go with a PON type of technology is still less than two years.
Well, some of it is how many access chassis you need to sink the ports; Calix, for example, can do 480 ports per 10U at AE, but ... well, they say >10k ports, but since each card is 8-GPON (x 16 subs), that's 128 * 20, which is 2560, so I have to assume they're quoting 64x GPON, which people are telling me isn't actually practical. Just the capital cost, though, of 20 chassis vs 1 or 2 is really notable, at the prices those things go for.
If you have a customer who needs the whole pipe to himself (or next generation optics for 10g or 100g to the couch), with centralized splitters the solution is easy. You re-patch him with an attenuator instead of a splitter (or hook him to the new kit), re-range, and go to town. Of course you lose the power advantages of a PON architecture but those customers are the exception not the rule.
Sure. Unless, as we've been discussing, an ISP comes to town who has all their kit pre-designed and trained, and wants to do one or the other. (My underlying assumptions are in the "rollup" posts I put out on Friday, if you missed it.) Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Francois Mezei" <>
On 13-01-29 22:03, Leo Bicknell wrote:
The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc.
This is not possible in a GPON system. The OLT has to be carrier neutral so that different carriers can connect to it. It is the last point of aggregation before reaching homes.
Just another reason I wouldn't touch GPON with a 10 meter pole.
Otherwise, you would need to run multiple strands to each splitter box and inside run as many splitters as there are ISPs so that one home an be connect to the splitter used by ISP-1 while the next home's strand is connected to another splitter associated with ISP-2. This gets complicated.
Yeah, no, 3-pair home-run from each prem to the frame.
Just because it is a municipal system does not mean that it has to be municipal employees who run the OLT and do the maintenance of the fibre plant. It can very well be a private company comtracted by the city to provide carrier neutral services to any ISP who wants to connect.
Correct, and it likely would. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leo Bicknell" <>
In a message written on Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 02:14:46PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
The MMR should, IMHO be a colo facility where service providers can lease racks if they choose. The colo should also be operated on a cost recovery basis and should only be open to installation of equipment directly related to providing service to customers reached via the MMR.
I'm not sure I agree with your point.
The _muni_ should not run any equipment colo of any kind. The muni MMR should be fiber only, and not even require so much as a generator to work. It should not need to be staffed 24x7, have anything that requires PM, etc.
You are, of course, advocating strict layer 1. A point made to me last night, not, I think by Owen, but .... Bill? .... noted that if we do layer 2, and supply the terminations and hand off at Ethernet, then we enable an audience of much smaller boutique Layer 3 providers, a sentiment with which I heartily agree; I think the tradeoff for having to have active equipment at each end -- at least with the current generation equipment -- is probably not a bad one to make.
I fully support the muni MMR being inside of a colocation facility run by some other company (Equinix/DLR/CoreSite, whatever) so folks can colo "on site". I think it is also important someone be able to set up a colo down the street and just drop in a 1000 strand fiber cable to the actual MMR.
They're not building colos in 2.8 sqmi cities. :-) This approach would work nicely for downtown Tampa, frex. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 13-01-29 10:59, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Regular readers know that I'm really big on municipally owned fiber networks (at layer 1 or 2)... but I'm also a big constitutionalist (on the first, second, fourth, and fifth, particularly), and this is the first really good counter-argument I've seen, and it honestly hadn't occurred to me.
Is last mile infrastructure really considered "internet" ? If a GPON system operates as layer 2, it provides no internet connectivity, no IP routing and would/should not implement any IP use policies such as throttling etc. About the only traffic management it would do is provide separate garanteed bandwidth channel for VoIP. (or via QoS) If the last mile is sold only as wholesale (as is the case for Australian NBN), then it is up to each private service provider who buys access to reach homes to implement IP policies and connect to the internet, provide services such as DHCP etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean-Francois Mezei" <>
Is last mile infrastructure really considered "internet" ? If a GPON system operates as layer 2, it provides no internet connectivity, no IP routing and would/should not implement any IP use policies such as throttling etc. About the only traffic management it would do is provide separate garanteed bandwidth channel for VoIP. (or via QoS)
If the last mile is sold only as wholesale (as is the case for Australian NBN), then it is up to each private service provider who buys access to reach homes to implement IP policies and connect to the internet, provide services such as DHCP etc.
Though I wouldn't pick GPON over home-run, yes, that's roughly the point I and another poster were trying to make in earlier replies: If you're at layer 1, and arguably at layer 2, then move-add-change on physical patches / VLAN assignments is all you would need to log, since you don't actually touch "real traffic". One of the major arguments in favor of doing it that way. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274

On 13-01-29 15:17, Jay Ashworth wrote:
If you're at layer 1, and arguably at layer 2, then move-add-change on physical patches / VLAN assignments is all you would need to log, since you don't actually touch "real traffic".
It is in fact important for a government (municipal, state/privince or federal) to stay at a last mile layer 2 service with no retail offering. Wholesale only. Not only is the last mile competitively neutral because it is not involved in retail, but it them invites competition by allowing many service providers to provide retail services over the last mile network.

On 1/29/13 3:50 PM, Jean-Francois Mezei wrote:
It is in fact important for a government (municipal, state/privince or federal) to stay at a last mile layer 2 service with no retail offering. Wholesale only.
That reminds me, the City of Eugene is interviewing for a CTO. I think the City could and should populate its rights of way (Eugene's public utility delivers water and power to residential customers) with physical media.
Not only is the last mile competitively neutral because it is not involved in retail, but it them invites competition by allowing many service providers to provide retail services over the last mile network.
My guess is that if the offering to use municipal transport was made to any access provider except those franchise incumbents (Comcast for ip/cdn, Verizon, ip/ss7), they would sue, under some equity theory or another, so the "last mile competitively neutral" really means the City is paying to do a buildout the local duopoly franchies won't, and the equity to access providers will be limited to the City owned infrastructure, not the infrastructure the duopolies have built out in the past under City granted franchise. Well, got to read some pleadings and FCC filings related to Oregon law and municipal authority to impose rights-of-way ("ROW") compensation and management. Eric
participants (46)
Alain Hebert
Art Plato
Benny Amorsen
Blake Dunlap
Chris Hindy
Dan Armstrong
Dave Crocker
Dave Sparro
david peahi
Edward Dore
Elle Plato
Eric Brunner-Williams
Eric Wieling
Eugen Leitl
Fletcher Kittredge
Frank Bulk
Frank Bulk (
George Herbert
Henri Hannula
Jake Khuon
Jason Baugher
Jay Ashworth
Jean-Francois Mezei
joel jaeggli
John Levine
John Osmon
John R. Levine
Jérôme Nicolle
Leo Bicknell
Mark Andrews
Masataka Ohta
Matt Addison
Mikael Abrahamsson
Mike Jones
Miles Fidelman
Owen DeLong
Randy Bush
Ray Soucy
Rob McEwen
Robert Bonomi
Robert E. Seastrom
Scott Brim
Scott Helms
Stephen Sprunk
Warren Bailey
Zachary Giles