N88 Sponsorships, Peering Forum, Final Call for Presentations + CaribNOG 25 Empowers Underserved Students + Inspires Community

*Become a Sponsor of NANOG 88!* *Invest in the Strength of the Community We've Built * *Sponsorship Benefits: * • Showcase your newest technologies + solutions • Increase your brand’s visibility + reach • Amplify your organization’s message • Connect with industry influencers + decision makers • Empower people + inspire change *MORE INFO* <https://nanog.org/events/sponsorship/sponsorship-opportunities/> *Creating Global Connectivity by Connecting Globally* *CaribNOG 25 Empowers Underserved Students + Inspires Community* Network Engineer II at Akamai Technologies, Aaron Atac, is a part of the millennial community at NANOG and serves on the Outreach and Programming Committee. This was his first time attending CaribNOG, and "events like these" originally motivated him to get involved. Atac has a shared mission in helping these communities inspired by his dad, who grew up in Turkey with limited access to education. *READ NOW <https://nanog.org/stories/creating-global-connectivity-by-connecting-globally/>* *Sign up for the NANOG 88 Peering Forum * *Meet + Greet Peers in this 90 Min Session * The Peering Coordination Forum applications will remain open until 20 applications have been received or until the deadline date of 05, June. The forum provides time for attendees to meet and network with others in the peering community present at NANOG. <https://nanog.org/events/nanog-88/> *MORE INFO* <https://nanog.org/events/nanog-88/> *Fundamentals of Designing and Deploying Computer Networks* *ISOC Presents Moderated Course with Instructor * This course will discuss the fundamentals of networking, Ethernet, and WIFI technologies. It will additionally teach the planning, design, and deployment of simple LANs and cover how to connect a LAN to the Internet. *MORE INFO <https://nanog.org/events/fundamentals-of-designing-and-deploying-computer-networks/>* *Deadline for N88 Presentations is Approaching!* *Presentation Submission Deadline is Monday, 24 April* The NANOG PC is looking to schedule over 1,600 minutes of content between General Session and Breakout Rooms for NANOG 88 - so don’t wait! *MORE INFO * <https://nanog.org/program/call-presentations/>
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