N92 Presentation Submission Deadline Approaching + More

*Reminder— Submit Your Presentation for N92!* *Deadline for Presentations is Approaching — Sun. 08, Sept.* *We aim to highlight presentations throughout NANOG 92, focusing on IPv6.* *Specific talk topics that are always sought after: * - Network Automation - practical uses, how to get started - Kubernetes - implementation and best practices - Future of Networking - forecast for changes in technology, design, applications - + More *LEARN MORE <https://nanog.org/program/call-presentations/>* *Early Bird Registration Ends 19, Aug.* *Join Us for our 92nd Community-Wide Meeting (21-23, Oct.) in Toronto* *Discounted early-bird pricing for our next meeting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ends on Mon., 19 Aug. * Keep up to date with the most cutting-edge topics in network engineering and network with global industry leaders at our most affordable rate! Learn more about registration fees and deadlines below. *LEARN MORE <https://nanog.org/events/nanog-92/register/>* *We Have a Mailing List for Pickleball! * We are currently looking at some courts near the NANOG 92 conference venue for early morning play on Mon-Wed before the sessions. We are also looking for opportunities to play during the days before and after the conference. Absolute beginners and non-attendees are welcome. Coach Louie will bring extra paddles and balls for anyone who needs them. *JOIN NOW <https://mailman.nanog.org/mailman/listinfo/pickleball>* *Join the NANOG Showcase in Toronto! * *Connect with Attendees, Share Product Info + Brand Your Org.* *Showcase your newest technologies + solutions + more! * - Increase your brand’s visibility + reach - Amplify your organization’s message - Connect with industry influencers + decision makers - Empower people + inspire change *Contact swinstead@nanog.org <swinstead@nanog.org> for more info.*
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Nanog News