You forgot my sysmon :) http://puck.nether.net/sysmon/ (Free, GPL) - Jared On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 02:59:01PM -0800, Derek Balling wrote:
Well, as promised, I am reporting the summary of the leads I was given for different products. If people want, I'd be happy to post our final synopsis (which product we went with and why) after we finally DECIDE which product we're going with (and why :) )
Here's the overall list of what we received.
Product Name URL -------------------------------------------------
TIB/Hawk www.tibco.com WegSpective www.atrieve.com Pong3 (free) www.megacity.org/pong3 --- Interesting that the person who suggested this, didn't realize I was the author of it ;-) Spectrum www.cabletron.com Unicenter www.cai.com Tivoli www.tivoli.com SystemEdge www.empiretech.com Patrol www.bmc.com Trakker www.concord.com Rover www.merit.edu Sysmon (free) www.fkware.com NetExpert www.osi.com Big Brother (free) maclawran.ca/bb-dnld HP/OpenView www.hp.com NOCOL/SNIPS (free) www.netplex-tech.com NetCool www.micromuse.com
-- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.