That netblock space is in what is termed the swamp, or toxic waste dump. Nobody that i'm aware of filters that other than at /24 - jared On Thu, May 28, 1998 at 09:52:20PM +0200, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
Ripe delegates the 193/8, 194/8 and 195/8 blocks to european customers and some of these are /24 called "provider independant" nets and therefore arent connected to an ISP but rather directly to the customer and thus by definitition cannot be aggregated. The original idea was to have these so people wouldnt have to renumber when changing ISPs. I guess a lot of you consider this "a bad thing" (tm) but it's the way it is...
My question is how many in the US filter out these /24 announcements from these blocks? And if you filter, would you consider making an exception for /24 in 193,194,195/8?