*NANOG 88 Early Bird Registration Deadline Sunday * *Discounted Rates Will End this Sunday 9 April* Join us for our 88th community-wide meeting, NANOG 88, taking place 12 - 14, June in Seattle, Wa. Register before Sunday, 9 April to receive our most discounted registration rate. *REGISTER NOW * <https://www.nanog.org/events/nanog-88/register/> *Start Your Seattle Coffee Tour Here* *Your Guide to the "Coffee Capital" of the U.S.* Coffee is like a fine wine, "the best cup" can only be determined by the person whose pallet it touches. Check out this curated list of legendary cafes in the coffee capital of the United States. Then plan your hunt for the best cup of coffee during your stay in the Emerald City for our upcoming meeting, NANOG 88. *READ NOW <https://nanog.org/stories/start-your-seattle-coffee-tour-here/>* *Don't Wait to Submit Your Presentation for N88!* *Presentation Submission Deadline is Monday, 24 April* The NANOG PC is looking to schedule over 1,600 minutes of content between General Session and Breakout Rooms for NANOG 88 - so don’t wait! Presentation abstracts and draft slides should be submitted before Monday, 24 April. *MORE INFO * <https://www.nanog.org/program/call-presentations/>