On Fri, Jun 12, 1998 at 11:45:16PM -0700, Michael Dillon wrote:
On Sat, 13 Jun 1998, Jon Lewis wrote:
BTW...I have a theory for a way to get all or most of the big smurf amp networks fixed real fast...but doing it would probably get me in big trouble.
Just find the amplifier nets and post their addresses here. Let someone else get in big trouble. The net result will be roughly the same. You do realize that 3l33t KrAkKeR d00dz monitor this list, don't you?
I actually hope that isn't what happens with my list that I posted a link to, I hope everyone just fixes their problems. but that's a bit too much wishful thinking, i realize. I in no way am condoning DoS attacks, they're very evil, (not counting the legality part). I hope that we can get ingress filters on people, and fix these both. One other thing, it would be interesting if someone started a smurf at a smurf amp. (I'm tired, but believe that can be done, but not going to think too much about it. The loop would be interesting, and require some fun intervention to fix). - Jared