Once upon a time, Mike Hammett <nanog@ics-il.net> said:
"Bad connection" measures way more than throughput.
What about WFH or telehealth doesn't work on 25/3?
More than one person in a residence, home security systems (camera, doorbell, etc.) uploading continuously, and more. I know multiple people that had issues with slow Internet during the last year as two adults were working from home and 1-3 children were also schooling from home. Parents had to arrange work calls around their kids classroom time and around each other's work calls, because of limited bandwidth. The time of the Internet being a service largely for consumption of data is past. While school-from-home may be a passing thing as the pandemic wanes, it looks like work-from-home (at least part time) is not going to go away for a whole lot of people/companies. -- Chris Adams <cma@cmadams.net>