On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 07:19:14AM +0200, Hank Nussbacher wrote:
At 10:23 PM 30-01-05 -0500, Jon Lewis wrote:
Someone at fido.net having some bgp config issues?
Looks like someone probing for a buffer overflow on a world-wide basis.
Jan 30 18:34:51 EST: %BGP-6-ASPATH: Long AS path 6461 3356 6770 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 8282 received from ...
Router(config-router)#bgp maxas-limit ? <1-2000> Number of ASes in the AS-PATH attribute Router(config-router)#bgp maxas-limit 50 Easy to fix/reject. - jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.