----- Original Message -----
From: "Mikael Abrahamsson" <swmike@swm.pp.se>
On Tue, 22 Jul 2014, Jay Ashworth wrote:
You can assume $8-1200 per passing, if you fiber the entire town at once (my example was 12000 passings, 3-pr, in 2.3 sqmi). Then you're going to have to operate the core, which will take power and at least 5 people to man it 24/7. And finally, figure on at least 4-6 multi-10GE uplinks, and those things don't exactly grow on trees -- there's no sense in providing 1G/1G if people can't actually use it.
We only want them to run the L1 network, not L2.
You and I do -- well, I think there's value in running L2 on the same terms, but that's orthogonal to this conversation. The OP from whom I branched, though, appeared to be talking pretty clearly about doing L3 for free as a city service; that's the jumping-off point from which I'm working here.
And where's that money come from? Yup: local taxes, mostly property.
Stockholm municipal fiber (L1 only) has been operating fiber network since 1994, they're doing ~20MUSD profit on ~100MUSD turnover per year.
Yup; no news to me there's a way to make money and pay off bonds. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://www.bcp38.info 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA BCP38: Ask For It By Name! +1 727 647 1274