On Tue, Jun 18, 2002 at 03:25:00PM -0700, brett watson wrote:
--On Tuesday, June 18, 2002 3:17 PM -0700 Vadim Antonov <avg@exigengroup.com> wrote:
Demonstrably (proof by existence), those switches can be made reasonably reliable. So can be routers. It's the fabled computer tech culture of "be crappy, ship fast, pile features sky high, test after you ship" aka OFRV's Micro$oft envy, which is the root evil.
now *that* i agree with, and to be even more specific, it's not that any of us are against making profits... it's that many of these vendors, and service providers, have decided to make a profit at the expense of *everything* else (good service, happy customer, etc).
i truly wonder how low the economy, and specifically this industry, is going to have to go before this paradigm is shifted.
#include <not-emplyers-words.h> I have seen a shift in the past year away from feature, Feature, FEATURE! and on increasing the quality of software in some router vendors. they have people that honestly do care, but i've seen them be thwarted by people who seem to be less focused on providing anywhere near the number of 9's that their marketing people have promised. the question remains will this be another short-lived focus on quality over quantity or will they really learn from their mistakes and teach each other within the company before they leave for the next-big-thing how much this really matters to some of us. i am worried that they will regress after a period of time should their focus waver on the ultimate goal. hopefully this industry will not end up like the cellular one where people jump providers to the cheapest rate plan next time their contract expires or becomes close to coming up for renewal. - jared -- Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from jared@puck.nether.net clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.