On Jul 27, 2010, at 1:42 PM, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 7/27/10 10:32 AM, Schiller, Heather A (HeatherSkanks) wrote:
We do not charge v4 customers anything to turn up an IPv6 tunnel. If you hear otherwise, please feel free to drop me a line. Native v6 is available in atleast 31 markets, on over 210 edge devices in 701. There is a good chance that native v6 is available for most, or close enough to rehome to a v6 capable device. If native isn't available you should be offered a tunnel for free.
Although re-homing can take up to a year, and in my case, they gave up trying and just canceled the service.
I must say going with a provider that has a truly native network plan vs 6PE model (as presented at NANOG) might avoid these problems. There are likely to be a lot of people in the next 12-18 months that start running around trying to upgrade and bolt IPv6 to their networks, utilizing methods like 6PE, etc.. and this problem is likely to get worse before it gets better. I'm honestly interested in what the US based DSL (incumbent) providers are doing for IPv6 (eg: att/bls/sbc/uverse, qwest, vz dsl). Most of the "ethernet" (including PON) equipment is more likely to do IPv6 correctly, but I'm not sure that the PPPo* DSL equipment is going to be quite as happy with it. This should be interesting. I also look forward to seeing what devices start to keel over by software vs hardware switched IPv6 paths as traffic increases. - Jared