On Jan 15, 2008 2:02 PM, Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> wrote:
On Tue, 15 Jan 2008, Ben Butler wrote:
I want a filter that will automatically match the shorter prefixes that match any longer prefix, once I can match them I can drop them. I don't want to manually configure a static prefix list for lots and lots and lots of reasons. If the longer prefix disappears from the route table I want to stop filtering the shorter prefixes - automatically.
This was talked about / requested several months ago on cisco-nsp. IIRC, the thread ended along the lines of don't hold your breath. Implementation of this sort of feature is very icky (lots of details you may not be considering) and why should cisco spend time writing this code when they can sell you a bigger router instead?
Jon, didn't you start: http://www.wibble.co.uk/archives/nanog/2007/msg05265.html and Ben, is this sort of what you are looking for? Or would it accomplish the same thing for you? -Chris