Matthew, On Sep 10, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Matthew Petach <mpetach@netflight.com> wrote:
This *was* a troll, right…?
I suspect it wasn't. There's some people who equate various types of services with others. I've been following this thread with some head-scratching going on. Some folks think "ethernet" can only be a metro solution with STP/RSTP/MSTP/VPLS in the "cloud" of another network. Others realize that saying ethernet as the encoding on the PHY is entirely different. (lan-phy, wan-phy, otu2, otu2e, etc). When it comes to talking "SONET" vs "Ethernet" it is good to be very explicit. There are a variety of ways to provide a redundant and protected service with ethernet vs sonet/sdh framing. Some of the carrier provided "ethernet" products result in weird pricing, or plain fear. I recall one ILEC that got an entire team on the phone with me for an ask about a 100m service purchase, because it was "huge" to them. Their price reflected it as well :) It was easier to stick with the city fiber network for backhaul as the pricing was sane. - Jared