----- Original Message -----
From: "JC Dill" <jcdill.lists@gmail.com>
What customers *really* want, and what they gladly accept as long as it saves them a few pennies, are miles apart. (Which is why so many people blindly give their data to Facebook etc.) This is why I think the direction Comcast is going is ultimately going to win in the marketplace. Do I *want* to see Comcast win? No! But I think it's an inevitable trend. Customers are lazy. Customers are cheap. They will - en masse - support the lowest cost solution that *appears* to give them something of value, even when it's really not in their best interest.
Unless smart people like us *illustrate for them* why in the long run, it's not really in their best interest. That is our job, at layers 8 and 9, right? Cheers, -- jra