----- Original Message -----
From: "Owen DeLong" <owen@delong.com>
DST is a time-zone specific phenomenon.
Nobody said *anything* about DST; that's a complete red herring to discussions of leap seconds.
Leap seconds are changes to the actual core time. UTC moves with leap seconds.
The system clock needs to be UTC, not UTC ± some offset stuck somewhere that keeps some form of running tally of the current leap second offset since the epoch.
Nope. UTC *includes* leap seconds already. It's UT1 that does not. Are you suggesting that NTP timekeeping should be based on UT1? Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA http://photo.imageinc.us +1 727 647 1274