----- Original Message -----
From: "Blake Dunlap" <ikiris@gmail.com>
On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 22:34, Jay Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> wrote:
I won't run an edge-network that *isn't* NATted; my internal machines have no business having publicly routable addresses. No one has *ever* provided me with a serviceable explanation as to why that's an invalid view.
Quite simply, its called Tragedy of the Commons. Everyone else has to work harder to provide you services if you are using something which breaks end to end connectivity, which costs everyone else money. The protocol designers are making a stand against this for the good of the "commons".
You'll have to document "everyone has to work harder to provide me services"; this is not my first rodeo, and TTBOMK, it's *transparent* to the other end of any connection out of my edge network that it's NATted at my end. As for incoming connections, it's transparent to them as well -- and which ones are valid targets for such connections *is a policy decision of mine*, not subject to external opinion. Could you clarify, in some detail, precisely how you get to TotC, Blake? Cheers, -- jra