On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 2:40 PM Forrest Christian (List Account) < lists@packetflux.com> wrote:
I think you're really out of touch with what is going on in the WISP space.
See the following product as an example:
https://www.cambiumnetworks.com/products/pmp-450/5-ghz-pmp-450m-fixed-wirele... 14x14 beam-steering Massive Multi-User MIMO. This is able to talk, in the same channel, at the same time, to up to 7 endpoints using both vertical and horizontal polarities at the same time. Total throughput per 40Mhz channel: 1.2Gb/s per AP.
Because of the TDMA synchronization, you can actually hang two of these on the same tower front to back using the same channel. So 2.4Gb/s per Frequency. And there are dozens of channels available at this point.
But isn't that just proving my point? If you can do 2,4 Gbps per frequency, why are the WISPs whining about a 100 Mbps requirement?! Regards, Baldur