*PC Picks: The Best of NANOG 82 * [image: image.png] NANOG 82 may be over, but the incredible presentations live on in the digital universe! ➡️ 🤔 Don't know where to start watching? The NANOG Programming Committee (PC) has you covered! PC members have scoured the NANOG 82 archives to bring you only the best! Check out the top picks below from ours truly, or curate a list of your own and send it to us. We will publish your selections as a guest star of NANOG! *BEST OF NANOG 82 * <https://www.nanog.org/events/nanog-82/pc-picks/> 📢 *NANOG 83 - Call For Presentations *Share your insights at a future NANOG meeting, with a presentation that brings your research + ideas to life. The NANOG PC accepts proposals on a rolling basis, and would love to see yours! *PITCH US NOW <https://www.nanog.org/program/call-presentations/>* *SEE you at NANOG 83 * Can't wait to see you IN PERSON and VIRTUALLY at our first hybrid meeting, NANOG 83. Happening Nov 1 - 3 in Minneapolis, MN! Virtual host: Kentik. Stay tuned for further details!