----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Morrow" <morrowc.lists@gmail.com>
On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 1:21 PM, vijay gill <vgill@vijaygill.com> wrote:
Resurrecting this thread. Anyone? What software solution do people use for inventory management for things like riser/conduit drawdown, fiber inventory, physical topology store, CLR/DLR, x-connect, contracts, port inventory, etc. Any experiences in integrating workflow into those packages for work orders, modeling, drawdown levels, etc.
isn't it odd/lame that in many cases the answer to this is 'build your own' ?
In fact, I don't think it's all that odd. Ontology recapitulates phylology, as they say, and *all* carriers are sui generis these days, excepting possibly what's left of the RBOCs. So it's probably not all that surprising that there's no "template" to fit them into; the software has to be bolted on around the systems, rather than otherwise. Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth Baylink jra@baylink.com Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100 Ashworth & Associates http://baylink.pitas.com 2000 Land Rover DII St Petersburg FL USA #natog +1 727 647 1274